Beispiel #1
    unsigned pixel_map::width() const
        if(m_pmap == nil) return 0;
		PixMapHandle	pm = GetGWorldPixMap (m_pmap);
		Rect			bounds;
		GetPixBounds (pm, &bounds);
		return bounds.right - bounds.left;
Beispiel #2
static pascal OSErr DrawCompleteProc (Movie theMovie, long refCon) {

  long int h;
  long int w;
  int y, x;
  GWorldPtr offWorld = (GWorldPtr) refCon;
  Rect bounds;
  Ptr baseAddr;
  long rowBytes;
  uint8_t* imbuf;
  mwSize dims[3];

  GetPixBounds(GetGWorldPixMap(offWorld), &bounds);
  baseAddr = GetPixBaseAddr(GetGWorldPixMap(offWorld));
  rowBytes = GetPixRowBytes(GetGWorldPixMap(offWorld));

  h = rint(bounds.bottom -;
  w = rint(bounds.right - bounds.left);

  dims[0] = h;
  dims[1] = w; 
  dims[2] = 3;

  framedata = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dims, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxREAL);
  imbuf = (uint8_t*) mxGetData(framedata);

  // Retrieve the pixel data, unpack the RGB values and copy 
  for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    long *p;
    p = (long *) (baseAddr + rowBytes * (long) y);
    for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      UInt32 color = *(long *)((long) p + 4 * (long) x);;
      long B = (color & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
      long G = (color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
      long R = (color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;

      imbuf[y + x * h + 0 * (h * w)] = R;
      imbuf[y + x * h + 1 * (h * w)] = G;
      imbuf[y + x * h + 2 * (h * w)] = B;

  return noErr;
// ######################################################################
OSErr QuickTimeGrabber::Impl::grabData(SGChannel c, Ptr p,
                                       long len, TimeValue time)
  if (itsGotFrame)
      LDEBUG("already got a frame on this iteration");
      return noErr;

  // we only care about the video
  if (c !=
      return noErr;

  // reset frame and time counters after a stop/start
  if (time < itsPrevTime)
      LDEBUG("resetting frame/time counters (current=%ld, last=%ld)",
             (long) time, (long) itsPrevTime);
      itsPrevTime = 0;
      itsFrameCount = 0;

  if (itsTimeScale == 0)
      LDEBUG("setting up time scale & timebase");

      Fixed framesPerSecond;
      long  milliSecPerFrameIgnore, bytesPerSecondIgnore;

      // first time here so get the time scale & timebase
      if (noErr != SGGetChannelTimeScale(c, &itsTimeScale))
          itsErrorMsg = "SGGetChannelTimeScale() failed";
          return OSErr(-1);

      if (noErr != SGGetTimeBase(, &itsTimeBase))
          itsErrorMsg = "SGGetTimeBase() failed";
          return OSErr(-1);

      if (noErr != VDGetDataRate(SGGetVideoDigitizerComponent(c),
          itsErrorMsg = "VDGetDataRate() failed";
          return OSErr(-1);

  if (itsDrawSeq == 0)
      LDEBUG("setting up decompression sequence");

      // set up decompression sequence
      ImageDescriptionHandle imageDesc =

      // retrieve a channel's current sample description, the channel
      // returns a sample description that is appropriate to the type
      // of data being captured
      if (noErr != SGGetChannelSampleDescription(c, (Handle)imageDesc))
          itsErrorMsg = "SGGetChannelSampleDescription() failed";
          return OSErr(-1);

      // make a scaling matrix for the sequence
      Rect sourceRect = { 0, 0 };
      sourceRect.right = (**imageDesc).width;
      sourceRect.bottom = (**imageDesc).height;

      Rect scaleRect;
      GetPixBounds(GetGWorldPixMap(itsGWorld), &scaleRect);

      // if DV do high quality 720x480 both fields
      CodecFlags cFlags =
        (kDVCNTSCCodecType == (**imageDesc).cType)
        ? codecHighQuality
        : codecNormalQuality;

      MatrixRecord scaleMatrix;
      RectMatrix(&scaleMatrix, &sourceRect, &scaleRect);

      LINFO("sourceRect = %dx%d, scaleRect = %dx%d",
            sourceRect.right - sourceRect.left,
            sourceRect.bottom -,
            scaleRect.right - scaleRect.left,
            scaleRect.bottom -;

      // begin the process of decompressing a sequence of frames this
      // is a set-up call and is only called once for the sequence -
      // the ICM will interrogate different codecs and construct a
      // suitable decompression chain, as this is a time consuming
      // process we don't want to do this once per frame (eg. by using
      // DecompressImage) for more information see Ice Floe #8
      // the destination is specified as the GWorld
      CGrafPtr dest = itsGWorld;
      if (noErr != DecompressSequenceBeginS
          (&itsDrawSeq,     // pointer to field to receive unique ID for sequence
           imageDesc,       // handle to image description structure
           p,               // points to the compressed image data
           len,             // size of the data buffer
           dest,            // port for the DESTINATION image
           NULL,            // graphics device handle, if port is set, set to NULL
           NULL,            // decompress the entire source image - no source extraction
           &scaleMatrix,    // transformation matrix
           srcCopy,         // transfer mode specifier
           (RgnHandle)NULL, // clipping region in dest. coordinate system to use as a mask
           0,               // flags
           cFlags,          // accuracy in decompression
           bestSpeedCodec)) // compressor identifier or special identifiers ie. bestSpeedCodec
          itsErrorMsg = "DSeqBegin failed";
          return OSErr(-1);


    } // itsDrawSeq == 0

  // get the TimeBase time and figure out the delta between that time
  // and this frame time
  const TimeValue timeBaseTime = GetTimeBaseTime(itsTimeBase,
                                                 itsTimeScale, NULL);
  const TimeValue timeBaseDelta = timeBaseTime - time;
  const TimeValue frameTimeDelta = time - itsPrevTime;

  if (timeBaseDelta < 0)
      itsErrorMsg = "bogus timeBaseDelta";
      return OSErr(-1);

  // if we have more than one queued frame and our capture rate drops
  // below 10 frames, skip the frame to try and catch up
  if ((itsQueuedFrameCount > 1)
      &&  ((itsTimeScale / frameTimeDelta) < 10)
      && (itsSkipFrameCount < 15))
      LDEBUG("dropping frame");

      CodecFlags ignore;

      // decompress a frame into the window - can queue a frame for async decompression when passed in a completion proc
      if (noErr != DecompressSequenceFrameS
          (itsDrawSeq, // sequence ID returned by DecompressSequenceBegin
           p,          // pointer to compressed image data
           len,        // size of the buffer
           0,          // in flags
           &ignore,    // out flags
           NULL))      // async completion proc
          itsErrorMsg =  "DSeqFrameS failed";
          return OSErr(-1);

      // get the information we need from the GWorld
      Rect pbound;
      GetPixBounds(GetGWorldPixMap(itsGWorld), &pbound);

      char* const baseAddr =

      const long rowBytes =

      itsCurrentImage.resize(Dims(pbound.right - pbound.left,
                                     pbound.bottom -;

      Image<PixRGB<byte> >::iterator itr = itsCurrentImage.beginw();

      for (int y =; y < pbound.bottom; ++y)
          char* p = baseAddr + rowBytes * (;

          for (int x = pbound.left; x < pbound.right; ++x)
              const UInt32 color = *((UInt32*)(p) + x - pbound.left);
              const UInt32 R = (color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
              const UInt32 G = (color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
              const UInt32 B = (color & 0x000000FF) >> 0;

              *itr++ = PixRGB<byte>(R,G,B);

      itsSkipFrameCount = 0;
      itsPrevTime = time;
      itsGotFrame = true;

  // status information
  const float fps = (float)itsTimeScale / (float)frameTimeDelta;
  const float averagefps = ((float)itsFrameCount * (float)itsTimeScale) / (float)time;
  const UInt8 minutes = (time / itsTimeScale) / 60;
  const UInt8 seconds = (time / itsTimeScale) % 60;
  const UInt8 frames = (time % itsTimeScale) / frameTimeDelta;
  LDEBUG("#%06ld t:%ld nq:%u, %02d:%02d.%02d, fps:%5.1f av:%5.1f",
         itsFrameCount, time, itsQueuedFrameCount,
         minutes, seconds, frames, fps, averagefps);

  return noErr;