Beispiel #1
void Client::CheckIncreaseTradeskill(int16 bonusstat, int16 stat_modifier, float skillup_modifier, uint16 success_modifier, SkillUseTypes tradeskill)
	uint16 current_raw_skill = GetRawSkill(tradeskill);

		return;	//not allowed to go higher.

	float chance_stage2 = 0;

	//A successfull combine doubles the stage1 chance for an skillup
	//Some tradeskill are harder than others. See above for more.
	float chance_stage1 = (bonusstat - stat_modifier) / (skillup_modifier * success_modifier);

	//In stage2 the only thing that matters is your current unmodified skill.
	//If you want to customize here you probbably need to implement your own
	//formula instead of tweaking the below one.
	if (chance_stage1 > zone->random.Real(0, 99)) {
		if (current_raw_skill < 15) {
			//Always succeed
			chance_stage2 = 100;
		} else if (current_raw_skill < 175) {
			//From skill 16 to 174 your chance of success falls linearly from 92% to 13%.
			chance_stage2 = (200 - current_raw_skill) / 2;
		} else {
			//At skill 175, your chance of success falls linearly from 12.5% to 2.5% at skill 300.
			chance_stage2 = 12.5 - (.08 * (current_raw_skill - 175));

	chance_stage2 = mod_tradeskill_skillup(chance_stage2);

	if (chance_stage2 > zone->random.Real(0, 99)) {
		//Only if stage1 and stage2 succeeded you get a skillup.
		SetSkill(tradeskill, current_raw_skill + 1);

		if(title_manager.IsNewTradeSkillTitleAvailable(tradeskill, current_raw_skill + 1))

	Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...skillup_modifier: %f , success_modifier: %d , stat modifier: %d", skillup_modifier , success_modifier , stat_modifier);
	Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...Stage1 chance was: %f percent", chance_stage1);
	Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...Stage2 chance was: %f percent. 0 percent means stage1 failed", chance_stage2);
Beispiel #2
bool Client::CanIncreaseTradeskill(SkillUseTypes tradeskill) {
	uint32 rawskill = GetRawSkill(tradeskill);
	uint16 maxskill = MaxSkill(tradeskill);

	if (rawskill >= maxskill) //Max skill sanity check
		return false;

	uint8 Baking	= (GetRawSkill(SkillBaking) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Smithing	= (GetRawSkill(SkillBlacksmithing) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Brewing	= (GetRawSkill(SkillBrewing) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Fletching	= (GetRawSkill(SkillFletching) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Jewelry	= (GetRawSkill(SkillJewelryMaking) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Pottery	= (GetRawSkill(SkillPottery) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Tailoring	= (GetRawSkill(SkillTailoring) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 SkillTotal = Baking + Smithing + Brewing + Fletching + Jewelry + Pottery + Tailoring; //Tradeskills above 200
	//New Tanaan AA: Each level allows an additional tradeskill above 200 (first one is free)
	uint8 aaLevel = spellbonuses.TradeSkillMastery + itembonuses.TradeSkillMastery + aabonuses.TradeSkillMastery; 
	switch (tradeskill) {
		case SkillBaking:
		case SkillBlacksmithing:
		case SkillBrewing:
		case SkillFletching:
		case SkillJewelryMaking:
		case SkillPottery:
		case SkillTailoring:
			if (aaLevel == 6)
				break; //Maxed AA
			if (SkillTotal == 0)
				break; //First tradeskill freebie
			if ((SkillTotal == (aaLevel + 1)) && (rawskill > 200))
				break; //One of the tradeskills already allowed to go over 200
			if ((SkillTotal >= (aaLevel + 1)) && (rawskill >= 200))
				return false; //One or more tradeskills already at or beyond limit
			break; //Other skills unchecked and ability to increase assumed true
	return true;
Beispiel #3
bool Client::CanIncreaseTradeskill(SkillType tradeskill) {
	uint32 rawskill = GetRawSkill(tradeskill);
	uint16 maxskill = MaxSkill(tradeskill);

	if (rawskill >= maxskill) //Max skill sanity check
		return false;

	uint8 Baking    = (GetRawSkill(BAKING) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Smithing  = (GetRawSkill(BLACKSMITHING) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Brewing   = (GetRawSkill(BREWING) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Fletching = (GetRawSkill(FLETCHING) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Jewelry   = (GetRawSkill(JEWELRY_MAKING) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Pottery   = (GetRawSkill(POTTERY) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 Tailoring = (GetRawSkill(TAILORING) > 200) ? 1 : 0;
	uint8 SkillTotal = Baking + Smithing + Brewing + Fletching + Jewelry + Pottery + Tailoring; //Tradeskills above 200
	uint32 aaLevel  = GetAA(aaNewTanaanCraftingMastery); //New Tanaan AA: Each level allows an additional tradeskill above 200 (first one is free)
	switch (tradeskill) {
		case BAKING:
		case BREWING:
		case POTTERY:
			if (aaLevel == 6)
				break; //Maxed AA
			if (SkillTotal == 0)
				break; //First tradeskill freebie
			if ((SkillTotal == (aaLevel + 1)) && (rawskill > 200))
				break; //One of the tradeskills already allowed to go over 200
			if ((SkillTotal >= (aaLevel + 1)) && (rawskill >= 200))
				return false; //One or more tradeskills already at or beyond limit
			break; //Other skills unchecked and ability to increase assumed true
	return true;
Beispiel #4
//returns true on success
bool Client::TradeskillExecute(DBTradeskillRecipe_Struct *spec) {
 	if(spec == NULL)
	uint16 user_skill = GetSkill(spec->tradeskill);
	float chance = 0.0;
	float skillup_modifier = 0.0;
	int16 thirdstat = 0;
	int16 stat_modifier = 15;
	uint16 success_modifier = 0;

	// Rework based on the info on
	// 09/10/2006 v0.1 (eq4me)
	// 09/11/2006 v0.2 (eq4me)
	// Todo:
	//     Implementing AAs
	//     Success modifiers based on recipes
	//     Skillup modifiers based on the rarity of the ingredients

	// Some tradeskills are more eqal then others. ;-)
	// If you want to customize the stage1 success rate do it here.
    // Remember: skillup_modifier is (float). Lower is better
	switch(spec->tradeskill) {
	case ALCHEMY:
	case POTTERY:
		skillup_modifier = 4;
	case BAKING:
	case BREWING:
		skillup_modifier = 3;
		skillup_modifier = 1;
		skillup_modifier = 2;

	// Some tradeskills take the higher of one additional stat beside INT and WIS
	// to determine the skillup rate. Additionally these tradeskills do not have an
	// -15 modifier on their statbonus.
	if (spec->tradeskill ==  FLETCHING || spec->tradeskill == MAKE_POISON) {
		thirdstat = GetDEX();
		stat_modifier = 0;
	} else if (spec->tradeskill == BLACKSMITHING) {
		thirdstat = GetSTR();
		stat_modifier = 0;
	int16 higher_from_int_wis = (GetINT() > GetWIS()) ? GetINT() : GetWIS();
	int16 bonusstat = (higher_from_int_wis > thirdstat) ? higher_from_int_wis : thirdstat;
	vector< pair<uint32,uint8> >::iterator itr;

    //calculate the base success chance
	// For trivials over 68 the chance is (skill - 0.75*trivial) +51.5
    // For trivial up to 68 the chance is (skill - trivial) + 66
	if (spec->trivial >= 68) {
		chance = (user_skill - (0.75*spec->trivial)) + 51.5;
	} else {
		chance = (user_skill - spec->trivial) + 66;
	int16 over_trivial = (int16)GetRawSkill(spec->tradeskill) - (int16)spec->trivial;

	//handle caps
	if(spec->nofail) {
		chance = 100;	//cannot fail.
		_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "...This combine cannot fail.");
	} else if(over_trivial >= 0) {
		// At reaching trivial the chance goes to 95% going up an additional
		// percent for every 40 skillpoints above the trivial.
		// The success rate is not modified through stats.
		// Mastery AAs are unaccounted for so far.
		// chance_AA = chance + ((100 - chance) * mastery_modifier)
		// But the 95% limit with an additional 1% for every 40 skill points
		// above critical still stands.
		// Mastery modifier is: 10%/25%/50% for rank one/two/three
		chance = 95.0f + (float(user_skill - spec->trivial) / 40.0f);
		Message_StringID(MT_Emote, TRADESKILL_TRIVIAL);
	} else if(chance < 5) {
		// Minimum chance is always 5
		chance = 5;
	} else if(chance > 95) {
		//cap is 95, shouldent reach this before trivial, but just in case.
		chance = 95;
	_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "...Current skill: %d , Trivial: %d , Success chance: %f percent", user_skill , spec->trivial , chance);
	_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "...Bonusstat: %d , INT: %d , WIS: %d , DEX: %d , STR: %d", bonusstat , GetINT() , GetWIS() , GetDEX() , GetSTR());
	float res = MakeRandomFloat(0, 99);
	int AAChance = 0;

	//AA modifiers
	//can we do this with nested switches?
	if(spec->tradeskill == ALCHEMY){
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if(spec->tradeskill == JEWELRY_MAKING){
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;
      const Item_Struct* item = NULL;

	if (spec->tradeskill == BLACKSMITHING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaBlacksmithingMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == BAKING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaBakingMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == BREWING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaBrewingMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == FLETCHING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaFletchingMastery2)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == POTTERY) {
		switch(GetAA(aaPotteryMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == TAILORING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaTailoringMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;
	if (spec->tradeskill == RESEARCH) {
		switch(GetAA(aaArcaneTongues)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (((spec->tradeskill==75) || GetGM() || (chance > res)) || MakeRandomInt(0, 99) < AAChance){
		success_modifier = 1;
		if(over_trivial < 0)
			CheckIncreaseTradeskill(bonusstat, stat_modifier, skillup_modifier, success_modifier, spec->tradeskill);

		_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "Tradeskill success");

		itr = spec->onsuccess.begin();
		while(itr != spec->onsuccess.end() && !spec->quest) {
			//should we check this crap?
			SummonItem(itr->first, itr->second);
                  item = database.GetItem(itr->first);
			if (this->GetGroup())
				entity_list.MessageGroup(this,true,MT_Skills,"%s has successfully fashioned %s!",GetName(),item->Name);
			if(RuleB(TaskSystem, EnableTaskSystem))
				UpdateTasksForItem(ActivityTradeSkill, itr->first, itr->second);
	} else {
		success_modifier = 2; // Halves the chance
		if(over_trivial < 0)
			CheckIncreaseTradeskill(bonusstat, stat_modifier, skillup_modifier, success_modifier, spec->tradeskill);

		_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "Tradeskill failed");
            if (this->GetGroup())
			entity_list.MessageGroup(this,true,MT_Skills,"%s was unsuccessful in %s tradeskill attempt.",GetName(),this->GetGender() == 0 ? "his" : this->GetGender() == 1 ? "her" : "its");
		itr = spec->onfail.begin();
		while(itr != spec->onfail.end()) {
			//should we check these arguments?
			SummonItem(itr->first, itr->second);

        // Rolls on each item, is possible to return everything
        int SalvageChance = aabonuses.SalvageChance + itembonuses.SalvageChance + spellbonuses.SalvageChance;
        // Skip check if not a normal TS or if a quest recipe these should be nofail, but check amyways
        if(SalvageChance && spec->tradeskill != 75 && !spec->quest) {
            itr = spec->salvage.begin();
            uint8 sc = 0;
            while(itr != spec->salvage.end()) {
                for(sc = 0; sc < itr->second; sc++)
                    if(MakeRandomInt(0,99) < SalvageChance)
                        SummonItem(itr->first, 1);

Beispiel #5
void Client::GoFish()

	//TODO: generate a message if we're already fishing
	/*if (!fishing_timer.Check()) {	//this isn't the right check, may need to add something to the Client class like 'bool is_fishing'
		Message_StringID(0, ALREADY_FISHING);	//You are already fishing!


	//we're doing this a second time (1st in Client::Handle_OP_Fishing) to make sure that, between when we started fishing & now, we're still able to fish (in case we move, change equip, etc)
	if (!CanFish())	//if we can't fish here, we don't need to bother with the rest

	//multiple entries yeilds higher probability of dropping...
	uint32 common_fish_ids[MAX_COMMON_FISH_IDS] = {
		1038, // Tattered Cloth Sandals
		1038, // Tattered Cloth Sandals
		1038, // Tattered Cloth Sandals
		13019, // Fresh Fish
		13076, // Fish Scales
		13076, // Fish Scales
		7007, // Rusty Dagger
		7007, // Rusty Dagger
		7007 // Rusty Dagger


	//success formula is not researched at all

	int fishing_skill = GetSkill(SkillFishing);	//will take into account skill bonuses on pole & bait

	//make sure we still have a fishing pole on:
	int32 bslot = m_inv.HasItemByUse(ItemTypeFishingBait, 1, invWhereWorn|invWherePersonal);
	const ItemInst* Bait = nullptr;
	if (bslot != INVALID_INDEX)
		Bait = m_inv.GetItem(bslot);

	//if the bait isnt equipped, need to add its skill bonus
	if(bslot >= EmuConstants::GENERAL_BEGIN && Bait->GetItem()->SkillModType == SkillFishing) {
		fishing_skill += Bait->GetItem()->SkillModValue;

	if (fishing_skill > 100)
		fishing_skill = 100+((fishing_skill-100)/2);

	if (zone->random.Int(0,175) < fishing_skill) {
		uint32 food_id = 0;

		//25% chance to fish an item.
		if (zone->random.Int(0, 399) <= fishing_skill ) {
			uint32 npc_id = 0;
			uint8 npc_chance = 0;
			food_id = database.GetZoneFishing(m_pp.zone_id, fishing_skill, npc_id, npc_chance);

			//check for add NPC
			if(npc_chance > 0 && npc_id) {
				if(npc_chance < zone->random.Int(0, 99)) {
					const NPCType* tmp = database.GetNPCType(npc_id);
					if(tmp != nullptr) {
						NPC* npc = new NPC(tmp, nullptr, GetX()+3, GetY(), GetZ(), GetHeading(), FlyMode3);

						npc->AddToHateList(this, 1, 0, false);	//no help yelling


						Message(MT_Emote, "You fish up a little more than you bargained for...");

		//consume bait, should we always consume bait on success?
		DeleteItemInInventory(bslot, 1, true);	//do we need client update?

		if(food_id == 0) {
			int index = zone->random.Int(0, MAX_COMMON_FISH_IDS-1);
			food_id = common_fish_ids[index];

		const Item_Struct* food_item = database.GetItem(food_id);

		Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_SUCCESS);
		ItemInst* inst = database.CreateItem(food_item, 1);
		if(inst != nullptr) {
				Message_StringID(0, DUP_LORE);
				SendItemPacket(MainCursor, inst, ItemPacketSummonItem);
				if(RuleB(TaskSystem, EnableTaskSystem))
					UpdateTasksForItem(ActivityFish, food_id);

				inst = m_inv.GetItem(MainCursor);

			if(inst) {
				std::vector<EQEmu::Any> args;
				parse->EventPlayer(EVENT_FISH_SUCCESS, this, "", inst->GetID(), &args);
		//chance to use bait when you dont catch anything...
		if (zone->random.Int(0, 4) == 1) {
			DeleteItemInInventory(bslot, 1, true);	//do we need client update?
			Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_LOST_BAIT);	//You lost your bait!
		} else {
			if (zone->random.Int(0, 15) == 1)	//give about a 1 in 15 chance to spill your beer. we could make this a rule, but it doesn't really seem worth it
				//TODO: check for & consume an alcoholic beverage from inventory when this triggers, and set it as a rule that's disabled by default
				Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_SPILL_BEER);	//You spill your beer while bringing in your line.
				Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_FAILED);	//You didn't catch anything.

		parse->EventPlayer(EVENT_FISH_FAILURE, this, "", 0);

	//chance to break fishing pole...
	//this is potentially exploitable in that they can fish
	//and then swap out items in primary slot... too lazy to fix right now
	if (zone->random.Int(0, 49) == 1) {
		Message_StringID(MT_Skills, FISHING_POLE_BROKE);	//Your fishing pole broke!
		DeleteItemInInventory(MainPrimary, 0, true);

	if(CheckIncreaseSkill(SkillFishing, nullptr, 5))
		if(title_manager.IsNewTradeSkillTitleAvailable(SkillFishing, GetRawSkill(SkillFishing)))
Beispiel #6
//returns true on success
bool Client::TradeskillExecute(DBTradeskillRecipe_Struct *spec) {
	if(spec == nullptr)

	uint16 user_skill = GetSkill(spec->tradeskill);
	float chance = 0.0;
	float skillup_modifier = 0.0;
	int16 thirdstat = 0;
	int16 stat_modifier = 15;
	uint16 success_modifier = 0;

	// Rework based on the info on
	// 09/10/2006 v0.1 (eq4me)
	// 09/11/2006 v0.2 (eq4me)
	// Todo:
	// Implementing AAs
	// Success modifiers based on recipes
	// Skillup modifiers based on the rarity of the ingredients

	// Some tradeskills are more eqal then others. ;-)
	// If you want to customize the stage1 success rate do it here.
	// Remember: skillup_modifier is (float). Lower is better
        switch(spec->tradeskill) {
        case SkillFletching:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpFletching);
        case SkillAlchemy:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpAlchemy);
        case SkillJewelryMaking:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpJewelcrafting);
        case SkillPottery:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpPottery);
        case SkillBaking:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpBaking);
        case SkillBrewing:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpBrewing);
        case SkillBlacksmithing:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpBlacksmithing);
        case SkillResearch:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpResearch);
        case SkillMakePoison:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpMakePoison);
        case SkillTinkering:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpTinkering);
                skillup_modifier = 2;

	// Some tradeskills take the higher of one additional stat beside INT and WIS
	// to determine the skillup rate. Additionally these tradeskills do not have an
	// -15 modifier on their statbonus.
	if (spec->tradeskill == SkillFletching || spec->tradeskill == SkillMakePoison) {
		thirdstat = GetDEX();
		stat_modifier = 0;
	} else if (spec->tradeskill == SkillBlacksmithing) {
		thirdstat = GetSTR();
		stat_modifier = 0;

	int16 higher_from_int_wis = (GetINT() > GetWIS()) ? GetINT() : GetWIS();
	int16 bonusstat = (higher_from_int_wis > thirdstat) ? higher_from_int_wis : thirdstat;

	std::vector< std::pair<uint32,uint8> >::iterator itr;

	//calculate the base success chance
	// For trivials over 68 the chance is (skill - 0.75*trivial) +51.5
	// For trivial up to 68 the chance is (skill - trivial) + 66
	if (spec->trivial >= 68) {
		chance = (user_skill - (0.75*spec->trivial)) + 51.5;
	} else {
		chance = (user_skill - spec->trivial) + 66;

	int16 over_trivial = (int16)GetRawSkill(spec->tradeskill) - (int16)spec->trivial;

	//handle caps
	if(spec->nofail) {
		chance = 100;	//cannot fail.
		Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...This combine cannot fail.");
	} else if(over_trivial >= 0) {
		// At reaching trivial the chance goes to 95% going up an additional
		// percent for every 40 skillpoints above the trivial.
		// The success rate is not modified through stats.
		// Mastery AAs are unaccounted for so far.
		// chance_AA = chance + ((100 - chance) * mastery_modifier)
		// But the 95% limit with an additional 1% for every 40 skill points
		// above critical still stands.
		// Mastery modifier is: 10%/25%/50% for rank one/two/three
		chance = 95.0f + (float(user_skill - spec->trivial) / 40.0f);
		Message_StringID(MT_Emote, TRADESKILL_TRIVIAL);
	} else if(chance < 5) {
		// Minimum chance is always 5
		chance = 5;
	} else if(chance > 95) {
		//cap is 95, shouldent reach this before trivial, but just in case.
		chance = 95;

	Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...Current skill: %d , Trivial: %d , Success chance: %f percent", user_skill , spec->trivial , chance);
	Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...Bonusstat: %d , INT: %d , WIS: %d , DEX: %d , STR: %d", bonusstat , GetINT() , GetWIS() , GetDEX() , GetSTR());

	float res = zone->random.Real(0, 99);
	int aa_chance = 0;

	aa_chance = spellbonuses.ReduceTradeskillFail[spec->tradeskill] + itembonuses.ReduceTradeskillFail[spec->tradeskill] + aabonuses.ReduceTradeskillFail[spec->tradeskill];

	const Item_Struct* item = nullptr;
	chance = mod_tradeskill_chance(chance, spec);

	if (((spec->tradeskill==75) || GetGM() || (chance > res)) || zone->random.Roll(aa_chance)) {
		success_modifier = 1;

		if(over_trivial < 0)
			CheckIncreaseTradeskill(bonusstat, stat_modifier, skillup_modifier, success_modifier, spec->tradeskill);

		Message_StringID(4, TRADESKILL_SUCCEED, spec->name.c_str());

		Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "Tradeskill success");

		itr = spec->onsuccess.begin();
		while(itr != spec->onsuccess.end() && !spec->quest) {
			//should we check this crap?
			SummonItem(itr->first, itr->second);
			item = database.GetItem(itr->first);
			if (this->GetGroup()) {
				entity_list.MessageGroup(this, true, MT_Skills, "%s has successfully fashioned %s!", GetName(), item->Name);

			/* QS: Player_Log_Trade_Skill_Events */
			if (RuleB(QueryServ, PlayerLogTradeSkillEvents)){
				std::string event_desc = StringFormat("Success :: fashioned recipe_id:%i tskillid:%i trivial:%i chance:%4.2f  in zoneid:%i instid:%i", spec->recipe_id, spec->tradeskill, spec->trivial, chance, this->GetZoneID(), this->GetInstanceID());
				QServ->PlayerLogEvent(Player_Log_Trade_Skill_Events, this->CharacterID(), event_desc);

			if(RuleB(TaskSystem, EnableTaskSystem))
				UpdateTasksForItem(ActivityTradeSkill, itr->first, itr->second);
	/* Tradeskill Fail */
	else {
		success_modifier = 2; // Halves the chance

		if(over_trivial < 0)
			CheckIncreaseTradeskill(bonusstat, stat_modifier, skillup_modifier, success_modifier, spec->tradeskill);


		Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "Tradeskill failed");
			if (this->GetGroup())
			entity_list.MessageGroup(this,true,MT_Skills,"%s was unsuccessful in %s tradeskill attempt.",GetName(),this->GetGender() == 0 ? "his" : this->GetGender() == 1 ? "her" : "its");


		/* QS: Player_Log_Trade_Skill_Events */
		if (RuleB(QueryServ, PlayerLogTradeSkillEvents)){
			std::string event_desc = StringFormat("Failed :: recipe_id:%i tskillid:%i trivial:%i chance:%4.2f  in zoneid:%i instid:%i", spec->recipe_id, spec->tradeskill, spec->trivial, chance, this->GetZoneID(), this->GetInstanceID());
			QServ->PlayerLogEvent(Player_Log_Trade_Skill_Events, this->CharacterID(), event_desc);

		itr = spec->onfail.begin();
		while(itr != spec->onfail.end()) {
			//should we check these arguments?
			SummonItem(itr->first, itr->second);

		/* Salvage Item rolls */

		// Rolls on each item, is possible to return everything
		int SalvageChance = aabonuses.SalvageChance + itembonuses.SalvageChance + spellbonuses.SalvageChance;
		// Skip check if not a normal TS or if a quest recipe these should be nofail, but check amyways
		if(SalvageChance && spec->tradeskill != 75 && !spec->quest) {
			itr = spec->salvage.begin();
			uint8 sc = 0;
			while(itr != spec->salvage.end()) {
				for(sc = 0; sc < itr->second; sc++)
						SummonItem(itr->first, 1);
