Beispiel #1
	static bool IsVista()
		static bool s_bInited = false;
		static bool s_bVista = false;
		if ( !s_bInited )
			s_bInited = true;
			OSVERSIONINFO ver = {0};
			if ( GetRealOsVersion(&ver) && ver.dwMajorVersion >= 6 )
				s_bVista = true;
		return s_bVista;
Beispiel #2
	static bool IsWin8()
		static bool s_bInited = false;
		static bool s_bWin8 = false;
		if ( !s_bInited )
			s_bInited = true;
			OSVERSIONINFO ver = {0};
			if ( GetRealOsVersion(&ver) && (ver.dwMajorVersion >6 || (ver.dwMajorVersion == 6 && ver.dwMinorVersion >= 2)) )
				s_bWin8 = true;

		return s_bWin8;
Beispiel #3
bool CAboutDialog::Create(wxWindow* parent)
	if (!Load(parent, _T("ID_ABOUT"))) {
		return false;

        wxBitmap bmp = CThemeProvider::Get()->CreateBitmap("ART_FILEZILLA", wxString(), CThemeProvider::GetIconSize(iconSizeLarge));
        xrc_call(*this, "ID_FILEZILLA_LOGO", &wxStaticBitmap::SetBitmap, bmp);

	xrc_call(*this, "ID_URL", &wxHyperlinkCtrl::SetLabel, _T(""));
	xrc_call(*this, "ID_COPYRIGHT", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, _T("Copyright (C) 2004-2016  Tim Kosse"));

	wxString version = CBuildInfo::GetVersion();
	if (CBuildInfo::GetBuildType() == _T("nightly"))
		version += _T("-nightly");
	if (!SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_VERSION"), version))
		return false;

	wxString const host = CBuildInfo::GetHostname();
	if (host.empty()) {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_HOST", &wxStaticText::Hide);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_HOST_DESC", &wxStaticText::Hide);
	else {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_HOST", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, host);

	wxString const build = CBuildInfo::GetBuildSystem();
	if (build.empty()) {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_BUILD", &wxStaticText::Hide);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_BUILD_DESC", &wxStaticText::Hide);
	else {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_BUILD", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, build);

	if (!SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_BUILDDATE"), CBuildInfo::GetBuildDateString()))
		return false;

	if (!SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_COMPILEDWITH"), CBuildInfo::GetCompiler(), 200))
		return false;

	wxString compilerFlags = CBuildInfo::GetCompilerFlags();
	if (compilerFlags.empty()) {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_CFLAGS", &wxStaticText::Hide);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_CFLAGS_DESC", &wxStaticText::Hide);
	else {
		WrapText(this, compilerFlags, 250);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_CFLAGS", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, compilerFlags);

	xrc_call(*this, "ID_VER_WX", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, GetDependencyVersion(lib_dependency::wxwidgets));
	xrc_call(*this, "ID_VER_GNUTLS", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, GetDependencyVersion(lib_dependency::gnutls));
	xrc_call(*this, "ID_VER_SQLITE", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, GetDependencyVersion(lib_dependency::sqlite));

	wxString const os = wxGetOsDescription();
	if (os.empty()) {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_NAME", &wxStaticText::Hide);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_NAME_DESC", &wxStaticText::Hide);
	else {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_NAME", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, os);

	int major, minor;
	if (GetRealOsVersion(major, minor)) {
		wxString osVersion = wxString::Format(_T("%d.%d"), major, minor);
		int fakeMajor, fakeMinor;
		if (wxGetOsVersion(&fakeMajor, &fakeMinor) != wxOS_UNKNOWN && (fakeMajor != major || fakeMinor != minor)) {
			osVersion += _T(" ");
			osVersion += wxString::Format(_("(app-compat is set to %d.%d)"), fakeMajor, fakeMinor);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_VER", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, osVersion);
	else {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_VER", &wxStaticText::Hide);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_VER_DESC", &wxStaticText::Hide);

#ifdef __WXMSW__
	if (::wxIsPlatform64Bit())
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_PLATFORM", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, _("64-bit system"));
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_PLATFORM", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, _("32-bit system"));
	xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_PLATFORM", &wxStaticText::Hide);
	xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_PLATFORM_DESC", &wxStaticText::Hide);

	wxString cpuCaps = CBuildInfo::GetCPUCaps(' ');
	if (!cpuCaps.empty()) {
		WrapText(this, cpuCaps, 250);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_CPU", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, cpuCaps);
	else {
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_CPU_DESC", &wxStaticText::Hide);
		xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_CPU", &wxStaticText::Hide);

	xrc_call(*this, "ID_SYSTEM_SETTINGS_DIR", &wxStaticText::SetLabel, COptions::Get()->GetOption(OPTION_DEFAULT_SETTINGSDIR));


	return true;
Beispiel #4
void CAboutDialog::OnCopy(wxCommandEvent&)
	wxString text = _T("FileZilla Client\n");
	text += _T("----------------\n\n");

	text += _T("Version:          ") + CBuildInfo::GetVersion();
	if (CBuildInfo::GetBuildType() == _T("nightly"))
		text += _T("-nightly");
	text += '\n';

	text += _T("\nBuild information:\n");

	wxString host = CBuildInfo::GetHostname();
	if (!host.empty())
		text += _T("  Compiled for:   ") + host + _T("\n");

	wxString build = CBuildInfo::GetBuildSystem();
	if (!build.empty())
		text += _T("  Compiled on:    ") + build + _T("\n");

	text += _T("  Build date:     ") + CBuildInfo::GetBuildDateString() + _T("\n");

	text += _T("  Compiled with:  ") + CBuildInfo::GetCompiler() + _T("\n");

	wxString compilerFlags = CBuildInfo::GetCompilerFlags();
	if (!compilerFlags.empty())
		text += _T("  Compiler flags: ") + compilerFlags + _T("\n");

	text += _T("\nLinked against:\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(lib_dependency::count); ++i) {
		text += wxString::Format(_T("  % -15s %s\n"),
			GetDependencyName(lib_dependency(i)) + _T(":"),

	text += _T("\nOperating system:\n");
	wxString os = wxGetOsDescription();
	if (!os.empty())
		text += _T("  Name:           ") + os + _T("\n");

	int major, minor;
	if (GetRealOsVersion(major, minor)) {
		wxString version = wxString::Format(_T("%d.%d"), major, minor);
		int fakeMajor, fakeMinor;
		if (wxGetOsVersion(&fakeMajor, &fakeMinor) != wxOS_UNKNOWN && (fakeMajor != major || fakeMinor != minor))
			version += _T(" ");
			version += wxString::Format(_("(app-compat is set to %d.%d)"), fakeMajor, fakeMinor);
		text += wxString::Format(_T("  Version:        %s\n"), version);

#ifdef __WXMSW__
	if (::wxIsPlatform64Bit())
		text += _T("  Platform:       64-bit system\n");
		text += _T("  Platform:       32-bit system\n");

	wxString cpuCaps = CBuildInfo::GetCPUCaps(' ');
	if (!cpuCaps.empty()) {
		text += _T("  CPU features:   ") + cpuCaps + _T("\n");

	text += _T("  Settings dir:   ") + COptions::Get()->GetOption(OPTION_DEFAULT_SETTINGSDIR) + _T("\n");

#ifdef __WXMSW__
	text.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("\r\n"));

	if (!wxTheClipboard->Open()) {
		wxMessageBoxEx(_("Could not open clipboard"), _("Could not copy data"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION);

	wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(text));