Beispiel #1
static void log_proc( const struct asym *sym )
    struct dsym *f;
    struct dsym *l;
    const char *p;
    struct dsym *dir = (struct dsym *)sym;
    int i = sym->name_size;
    char Ofssize = GetSymOfssize( sym );
    const char *pdots;

    pdots = (( i >= DOTSMAX ) ? "" : dots + i + 1 );
    if ( Ofssize )
        p = "%s %s        P %-6s %08" I32_SPEC "X %-8s ";
        p = "%s %s        P %-6s %04" I32_SPEC "X     %-8s ";
    LstPrintf( p,
              get_proc_type( sym ),
              get_sym_seg_name( sym ));

    /* externals (PROTO) don't have a size. Masm always prints 0000 or 00000000 */
    LstPrintf( "%0*" I32_SPEC "X ", Ofssize > USE16 ? 8 : 4, sym->state == SYM_INTERNAL ? sym->total_size : 0 );

#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    if ( sym->fwdref )
        LstPrintf( "(F) " );
    if( sym->ispublic ) {
        LstPrintf( "%-9s", strings[LS_PUBLIC] );
    } else if ( sym->state == SYM_INTERNAL ) {
        LstPrintf( "%-9s", strings[LS_PRIVATE] );
    } else {
        LstPrintf( sym->weak ? "*%-8s " : "%-9s ", strings[LS_EXTERNAL] );
        if ( sym->dll )
            LstPrintf( "(%.8s) ", sym->dll->name );

    LstPrintf( "%s", GetLanguage( sym ) );
    /* for PROTOs, list optional altname */
    if ( sym->state == SYM_EXTERNAL && sym->altname ) {
        struct asym *sym2 = sym->altname;
        LstPrintf( "  ");
        LstPrintf( p,
                  get_proc_type( sym2 ),
                  get_sym_seg_name( sym2 ));
    /* for PROCs, list parameters and locals */
    if ( sym->state == SYM_INTERNAL ) {

        /* print the procedure's parameters */
        if ( sym->langtype == LANG_C ||
            sym->langtype == LANG_SYSCALL ||
            sym->langtype == LANG_STDCALL ||
            sym->langtype == LANG_FASTCALL ) {
            int cnt;
            /* position f2 to last param */
            for ( cnt = 0, f = dir->e.procinfo->paralist; f; f = f->nextparam )
            for ( ; cnt; cnt-- ) {
                int curr;
                for ( curr = 1,f = dir->e.procinfo->paralist; curr < cnt;f = f->nextparam, curr++ );
                i = f->sym.name_size;
                pdots = (( i >= DOTSMAX-2 ) ? "" : dots + i + 1 + 2 );
                /* FASTCALL: parameter may be a text macro (=register name) */
                if ( f->sym.state == SYM_TMACRO )
                    LstPrintf( "  %s %s        %-17s %s", f->, pdots, GetMemtypeString( &f->sym, NULL ), f->sym.string_ptr );
                    LstPrintf( szFmtProcStk, f->, pdots,
                            f->sym.is_vararg ? strings[LS_VARARG] : GetMemtypeString( &f->sym, NULL ),
                              GetResWName( dir->e.procinfo->basereg, NULL ),
                              GetResWName( basereg[Ofssize], NULL ),
                            '+', f->sym.offset );
        } else {
            for ( f = dir->e.procinfo->paralist; f; f = f->nextparam ) {
                i = f->sym.name_size;
                pdots = (( i >= DOTSMAX-2 ) ? "" : dots + i + 1 + 2 );
                LstPrintf( szFmtProcStk, f->, pdots, GetMemtypeString( &f->sym, NULL ),
                          GetResWName( dir->e.procinfo->basereg, NULL ),
                          GetResWName( basereg[Ofssize], NULL ),
                          '+', f->sym.offset );

        /* print the procedure's locals */
        for ( l = dir->e.procinfo->locallist; l; l = l->nextlocal ) {
            char buffer[32];
            i = l->sym.name_size;
            pdots = (( i >= DOTSMAX-2 ) ? "" : dots + i + 1 + 2);
            if ( l->sym.isarray )
                sprintf( buffer, "%s[%" I32_SPEC "u]", GetMemtypeString(&l->sym, NULL), l->sym.total_length );
                strcpy( buffer, GetMemtypeString( &l->sym, NULL ) );
            LstPrintf( szFmtProcStk, l->, pdots, buffer,
                      GetResWName( dir->e.procinfo->basereg, NULL ),
                      l->sym.offset >= 0 ? '+' : '-', l->sym.offset >= 0 ? l->sym.offset : - l->sym.offset );
                      GetResWName( basereg[Ofssize], NULL ),
                      '-', - l->sym.offset );

        for ( l = dir->e.procinfo->labellist; l ; l = l->e.nextll ) {
            struct dsym *l2;
            for ( l2 = l; l2; l2 = (struct dsym *)l2->sym.nextitem ) {
                /* filter params and locals! */
                if ( l2->sym.state == SYM_STACK || l2->sym.state == SYM_TMACRO )
                i = l2->sym.name_size;
                pdots = (( i >= DOTSMAX-2 ) ? "" : dots + i + 1 + 2);
                if ( Ofssize )
                    p = "  %s %s        L %-6s %08" I32_SPEC "X %s";
                    p = "  %s %s        L %-6s %04" I32_SPEC "X     %s";
                LstPrintf( p,
                          get_proc_type( &l2->sym ),
                          get_sym_seg_name( &l2->sym ));
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
                if ( l2->sym.fwdref )
                    LstPrintf( " (F)" );
Beispiel #2
ret_code LoopDirective( int i, struct asm_tok tokenarray[] )
    int directive = tokenarray[i].tokval;
    int arg_loc;
    int len;
    //int skipcomma;
    char *parmstring;
    char *ptr;
    struct dsym *macro;
    bool is_exitm;
    struct expr opnd;
    struct macro_info macinfo;
    struct dsym tmpmacro;
#ifdef DEBUG_OUT
    uint_32 count = 0;
    /* v2.08: use myalloca() to get space to store the argument */
    //char line[MAX_LINE_LEN];
    char buffer[4];

    DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective(%s) enter\n", GetResWName( directive, NULL ) ));

    i++; /* skip directive */
    if ( ModuleInfo.list == TRUE ) LstWriteSrcLine();

    switch ( directive ) {
    case T_WHILE:
        arg_loc = i;
    /* no break */
    case T_REPT:
    case T_REPEAT:
        /* the expression is "critical", that is, no forward
         * referenced symbols may be used here!
        if ( EvalOperand( &i, tokenarray, Token_Count, &opnd, EXPF_NOUNDEF ) == ERROR ) {
            opnd.value = 0;
            i = Token_Count;
        } else if ( opnd.kind != EXPR_CONST ) { /* syntax <REPEAT|WHILE 'A'> is valid! */
            DebugMsg(( "LoopDirective(%s): invalid argument type %u\n", GetResWName( directive, NULL ), opnd.kind ));
            EmitError( CONSTANT_EXPECTED );
            opnd.value = 0;
        } else if( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL ) {
            EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].tokpos );
            /* v2.09: don't exit, the macro lines must be read first. */
            //return( ERROR );
            opnd.value = 0;
    default: /* FOR, FORC, IRP, IRPC */
        /* get the formal parameter and the argument list */
        /* the format parameter will become a macro parameter, so it can
         * be a simple T_ID, but also an instruction or something else.
         * v2.02: And it can begin with a '.'!
        if( tokenarray[i].token == T_FINAL ) {
            return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i-1].tokpos ) );
        /* v2.02: allow parameter name to begin with a '.' */
        //c = *tokenarray[i].string_ptr;
        //if( ( is_valid_id_char(c) == FALSE ) || ( isdigit(c) == TRUE ) ) {
        if( is_valid_id_first_char( *tokenarray[i].string_ptr ) == FALSE ) {
            DebugMsg(( "LoopDirective(FOR/FORC): token %s is not a valid parameter name\n", tokenarray[i].string_ptr ));
            return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );
        arg_loc = i;

        if( directive == T_FORC || directive == T_IRPC ) {
            if( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
                return( EmitErr( EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );
            /* FORC/IRPC accepts anything as "argument list", even nothing! */
            if( tokenarray[i].token == T_STRING && tokenarray[i].string_delim == '<' ) {
                len = tokenarray[i+1].tokpos - (tokenarray[i].tokpos+1);
                parmstring = myalloca( len );
                //GetLiteralValue( parmstring, tokenarray[i].string_ptr );
                memcpy( parmstring, tokenarray[i].tokpos+1, len );
                while( *(parmstring+len-1) != '>' ) len--;
                *(parmstring+len-1) = NULLC;
                /* v2.02: if there's additional stuff behind the <> literal,
                 * it's an error!
                if ( tokenarray[i+1].token != T_FINAL )
                    EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i+1].tokpos );
            } else {
                char *ptr2;
                ptr = tokenarray[i].tokpos;
                ptr2 = ptr;
                /* this is what Masm does: use the string until a space
                 * is detected. Anything beyond the space is ignored.
                while ( *ptr2 && ( isspace( *ptr2 ) == FALSE ) )
                len = ptr2 - ptr;
                parmstring = myalloca( len + 1 );
                memcpy( parmstring, ptr, len );
                *(parmstring+len) = NULLC;
        } else {
            /* for FOR/IRP, skip everything between the name and the comma!
             * these items will be stored as (first) macro parameter.
             * for example, valid syntax is:
             * FOR xxx,<a, ...>
             * FOR xxx:REQ,<a, ...>
            while ( tokenarray[i].token != T_FINAL && tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA )
            if( tokenarray[i].token != T_COMMA ) {
                return( EmitErr( EXPECTING_COMMA, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );
            /* FOR/IRP accepts a literal enclosed in <> only */
            if( tokenarray[i].token != T_STRING || tokenarray[i].string_delim != '<' ) {
                return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i].tokpos ) );
            /* v2.03: also ensure that the literal is the last item */
            if( tokenarray[i+1].token != T_FINAL ) {
                return( EmitErr( SYNTAX_ERROR_EX, tokenarray[i+1].tokpos ) );
            /* v2.08: use myalloca() instead of a fixed-length buffer.
             * the loop directives are often nested, they call RunMacro()
             * and hence should be careful with stack usage because of JWASMR!
            //parmstring = myalloca( tokenarray[i].stringlen + 1 );
            /* v2.0: use GetLiteralValue() instead of memcpy!!! */
            //memcpy( line, tokenarray[i].string_ptr, tokenarray[i].stringlen + 1 );
            //GetLiteralValue( parmstring, tokenarray[i].string_ptr );
            parmstring = tokenarray[i].string_ptr;
            DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective(FOR): param string >%s<\n", parmstring));
        /* to run StoreMacro(), tokenarray must be setup correctly. */
        /* clear contents beginning with the comma! */
        tokenarray[i].token = T_FINAL;
        Token_Count = i;
        i = arg_loc;

    /* now make a temporary macro */
    macro = &tmpmacro;
    memset( &tmpmacro, 0, sizeof(tmpmacro) ); = "";
    tmpmacro.e.macroinfo = &macinfo;
    memset( &macinfo, 0, sizeof(macinfo) );
    macinfo.srcfile = get_curr_srcfile();

#if 0 //DEBUG_OUT
    if ( directive ==  T_WHILE ) = "<WHILE>";
    else if ( directive == T_REPEAT || directive == T_REPT ) = "<REPT>";
    else if ( directive == T_FORC || directive == T_IRPC ) = "<FORC>";
    else = "<FOR>";

    DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective(%s): calling StoreMacro\n", GetResWName( directive, NULL )));
    if( StoreMacro( macro, i, tokenarray, TRUE ) == ERROR ) {
        ReleaseMacroData( macro );
        return( ERROR );
    /* EXITM <> is allowed inside a macro loop.
     * This doesn't make the loop a macro function, reset the bit!
    macro->sym.isfunc = FALSE;

    /* now run the just created macro in a loop */

    /* don't run the macro if there are no lines (macroinfo->data == NULL)!
     * this isn't exactly what Masm does; an empty 'WHILE 1'
     * will loop "forever" in Masm,
    if ( ) /* added in v2.01 */
        switch ( directive ) {
        case T_REPEAT:
        case T_REPT:
            /* negative repeat counts are accepted and are treated like 0 */
            for ( ; macro->sym.value < opnd.value; macro->sym.value++ ) {
                /* v2.10: Token_Count becomes volatile if MF_NOSAVE is set */
                tokenarray[0].token = T_FINAL;
                Token_Count = 0;
                //RunMacro( macro, Token_Count, tokenarray, NULL, MF_NOSAVE, &is_exitm );
                RunMacro( macro, 0, tokenarray, NULL, MF_NOSAVE, &is_exitm );
                if ( is_exitm )
                DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective REPT: iteration=%" I32_SPEC "u\n", ++count ));
        case T_WHILE:
            while ( opnd.kind == EXPR_CONST && opnd.value != 0 ) {
                DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective WHILE: cnt=%u\n", count++ ));
                RunMacro( macro, Token_Count, tokenarray, NULL, 0, &is_exitm );
                if ( is_exitm )
                i = arg_loc;
                if ( EvalOperand( &i, tokenarray, Token_Count, &opnd, 0 ) == ERROR )
        case T_FORC:
        case T_IRPC:
            for( ptr = parmstring; *ptr; ptr++, macro->sym.value++ ) {
                tokenarray[0].token = T_STRING;
                tokenarray[0].string_delim = NULLC;
                tokenarray[0].string_ptr = buffer;
                tokenarray[0].tokpos = buffer;
                tokenarray[1].token = T_FINAL;
                buffer[2] = NULLC;
                Token_Count = 1;
                if ( *ptr == '!' ) {
                    buffer[0] = *ptr++;
                    buffer[1] = *ptr;
                    if ( *ptr == NULLC ) /* ensure the macro won't go beyond the 00 */
                    tokenarray[0].stringlen = 2;
                    tokenarray[1].tokpos = buffer+2;
                } else if ( isspace( *ptr ) ) {
                    buffer[0] = '!';
                    buffer[1] = *ptr;
                    tokenarray[0].stringlen = 2;
                    tokenarray[1].tokpos = buffer+2;
                } else {
                    buffer[0] = *ptr;
                    tokenarray[0].stringlen = 1;
                    tokenarray[1].tokpos = buffer+1;
                    buffer[1] = NULLC;
                RunMacro( macro, 0, tokenarray, NULL, MF_NOSAVE, &is_exitm );
                if ( is_exitm )
                DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective FORC: call RunMacro(), cnt=%" I32_SPEC "u, param=>%s<\n", count++, buffer ));
        default: /* T_FOR, T_IRP */
            i = Token_Count + 1;
            Token_Count = Tokenize( parmstring, i, tokenarray, TOK_RESCAN | TOK_NOCURLBRACES );
            DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective FOR: full param=>%s<\n", tokenarray[i].tokpos ));

            /* v2.09: if a trailing comma is followed by white space(s), add a blank token */
            if ( i != Token_Count && tokenarray[Token_Count-1].token == T_COMMA &&
                    *(tokenarray[Token_Count-1].tokpos+1) ) {
                tokenarray[Token_Count].token = T_STRING;
                tokenarray[Token_Count].string_delim = NULLC;
                tokenarray[Token_Count].stringlen = strlen( tokenarray[Token_Count].tokpos );
                tokenarray[Token_Count+1].tokpos = tokenarray[Token_Count].tokpos + tokenarray[Token_Count].stringlen;
                tokenarray[Token_Count].token = T_FINAL;

            /* a FOR/IRP parameter can be a macro function call */
            /* that's why the macro calls must be run synchronously */
            /* v2.05: reset an optional VARARG attribute for the macro
             * parameter.
             * take care of a trailing comma, this is to make another
             * RunMacro() call with a "blank" argument.
            macro->sym.mac_vararg = FALSE;
            /* v2.09: flag MF_IGNARGS introduced. This allows RunMacro() to
             * parse the full argument and trigger macro expansion if necessary.
             * No need anymore to count commas here. */
            for( ; i < Token_Count; i++, macro->sym.value++ ) {
                DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective FOR: cnt=%" I32_SPEC "u, calling RunMacro( param=>%s< )\n", count++, tokenarray[i].tokpos ));
                i = RunMacro( macro, i, tokenarray, NULL, MF_IGNARGS, &is_exitm );
                if ( i < 0 || is_exitm )
    ReleaseMacroData( macro );
    DebugMsg1(("LoopDirective(%s) exit\n", GetResWName( directive, NULL ) ));
    return( NOT_ERROR );