Beispiel #1
    // The core function that returns the answer of the problem (find the time to the ground)
    int GetTime() {
        // sort
        std::sort(segment_, segment_+size_, HeightCompare);

        // discretization:
        Construct(1, 0, pos_num_);

        // dp, segment_[0] as ground
        for (int i=1; i<size_; ++i) {
            int l = GetSeg(1, segment_[i].l);
            int r = GetSeg(1, segment_[i].r);

            if (d_<segment_[i].y-segment_[l].y && d_<segment_[i].y-segment_[r].y) continue;

            if ((!(d_<segment_[i].y-segment_[l].y)) && (!(d_<segment_[i].y-segment_[r].y))) {
                segment_[i].t1 = GetTimeToSeg(segment_[i].x1, segment_[i].y, l);
                segment_[i].t2 = GetTimeToSeg(segment_[i].x2, segment_[i].y, r);
                segment_[i].t1 = std::min(segment_[i].t1, segment_[i].t2+segment_[i].x2-segment_[i].x1);
                segment_[i].t2 = std::min(segment_[i].t2, segment_[i].t1+segment_[i].x2-segment_[i].x1);
            } else if (!(d_<segment_[i].y-segment_[l].y)) {
                segment_[i].t1 = GetTimeToSeg(segment_[i].x1, segment_[i].y, l);
                segment_[i].t2 = segment_[i].t1+segment_[i].x2-segment_[i].x1;
            } else if (!(d_<segment_[i].y-segment_[r].y)) {
                segment_[i].t2 = GetTimeToSeg(segment_[i].x2, segment_[i].y, r);
                segment_[i].t1 = segment_[i].t2+segment_[i].x2-segment_[i].x1;

            Update(1, segment_[i].l, segment_[i].r, i);

        return GetTimeToSeg(x_, y_, GetSeg(1, pos_));
Useless::BitVector& Useless::BitVector::SetSegment
    ( const Useless::BitVector& src, int where, int num )
        if (!num) num = src.Size();
        int start_seg = where / 32;
        int end_seg = (where+num) / 32;
        int pos = where;
        int a = ( ( (where+num)%32 ) >0 )? 1 : 0 ;
        int grow = end_seg + a - _bits.size();
        if ( grow > 0 ) _bits.resize( end_seg + a);
        int offs = 0;
        int n = end_seg - start_seg;
        for (int i=0; i!=n ; ++i )
            int bits = src.GetSeg(offs);
            SetSeg( pos+offs, bits );
        if ( pos != where + num )
            int bits1, bits2, mask, shift;
            shift = ( where + num ) - pos;
            bits1 = src.GetSeg(offs);
            bits2 = GetSeg(pos);
            mask = (shift)? (1<<shift) -1 : ~0;
            bits1 &= mask;
            bits2 &= ~mask;
            SetSeg(pos, bits1 | bits2, true);
        return (*this);
void FeatureExtractorThread::Extract()
    double startStep, endStep;
    startStep = GetSeg();

  featureDetector_.detect(image_, keyPoints_);

    endStep = GetSeg();
    WriteToLog(" tk FeatureDetection: ", startStep, endStep);
    startStep = GetSeg();

  descriptorExtractor_.compute(image_, keyPoints_, descriptors_);

    endStep = GetSeg();
    WriteToLog(" tk DescriptorExtraction: ", startStep, endStep);
Useless::BitVector Useless::BitVector::GetSegment
    ( unsigned int from, unsigned int to) const
        int seg = from / 32;
        unsigned int N = (!to)? Size() : to - from;
        if (seg >= _bits.size() ) return BitVector();
        BitVector out;
        int i = 0;
        int val;
        while( i + 31 < N )
            out.SetSeg( i, GetSeg( from + i ) );
        if ( i < N )
            int u = N - i;
            val = GetSeg( from + i );
            if ( u > 0 ) val &= ( (1 << u) - 1 );
            out.SetSeg( i, val );
        return out;
Beispiel #5
Position Line::YIntersection(double y) {
		return Position();
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i += degree)
		if(at(i).y == y)
			return Position(at(i));
	int seg = GetSeg(y);
	if(seg < 0)
		return Position();
	double high,low;
	if(at(seg).y < at(seg+degree).y) {
		high = 1.0;
		low = 0.0;
	else  {
		high = 0.0;
		low = 1.0;
	double close = DBL_MAX;
	Coord ret;
	do {
		double t = (high + low) / 2.0;
		Coord p = Bezier(&at(seg),degree,t);
		double d = absol(p.y - y);
		if(d < close) {
			ret = p;
			close = d;
		if(p.y > y)
			high = t;
			low = t;
	while(absol(high - low) > .01); /* should be adaptive */
	return Position(ret);
Beispiel #6
void sptam::sptam_node::onImages(
  const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& l_image_msg, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& left_info,
  const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& r_image_msg, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& right_info
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("dt: " << (l_image_msg->header.stamp - r_image_msg->header.stamp).toSec());

  // Save current Time
  ros::Time currentTime = l_image_msg->header.stamp;

  // If using odometry, try to get a new estimate for the current pose.
  // if not using odometry, camera_to_odom is left blank.
  tf::StampedTransform camera_to_odom;
  if ( use_odometry_ )
    if ( not getCameraInOdom(camera_to_odom, currentTime) )

    TFPose2CameraPose(odom_to_map_ * camera_to_odom, cameraPose_);
    cv::Point3d currentCameraPosition;
    cv::Vec4d currentCameraOrientation;
    motionModel_->PredictNextCameraPose(currentCameraPosition, currentCameraOrientation);
    cameraPose_ = CameraPose( currentCameraPosition, currentCameraOrientation );

  // If SPTAM has not been initialized yet, do it
  if ( sptam_ == nullptr )
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("init calib");
    loadCameraCalibration(left_info, right_info);

  // convert image to OpenCv cv::Mat format
  cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr bridgeLeft_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvShare(l_image_msg, "rgb8");
  cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr bridgeRight_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvShare(r_image_msg, "rgb8");

  // save images
  cv::Mat imageLeft = bridgeLeft_ptr->image;
  cv::Mat imageRight = bridgeRight_ptr->image;

      double start, end;
      start = GetSeg();
  #endif // SHOW_PROFILING

    double startStep, endStep;
    startStep = GetSeg();

  FeatureExtractorThread featureExtractorThreadLeft(imageLeft, *featureDetector_, *descriptorExtractor_);
  FeatureExtractorThread featureExtractorThreadRight(imageRight, *featureDetector_, *descriptorExtractor_);

  const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keyPointsLeft = featureExtractorThreadLeft.GetKeyPoints();
  const cv::Mat& descriptorsLeft = featureExtractorThreadLeft.GetDescriptors();

  const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keyPointsRight = featureExtractorThreadRight.GetKeyPoints();
  const cv::Mat& descriptorsRight = featureExtractorThreadRight.GetDescriptors();

  ImageFeatures imageFeaturesLeft = ImageFeatures(imageLeft, keyPointsLeft, descriptorsLeft, mapper_params_.matchingCellSize);
  ImageFeatures imageFeaturesRight = ImageFeatures(imageRight, keyPointsRight, descriptorsRight, mapper_params_.matchingCellSize);

    endStep = GetSeg();
    WriteToLog(" tk Extract: ", startStep, endStep);

  // if the map was not initialized, try to build it
  if( not map_.nMapPoints() )
    ROS_INFO("Trying to intialize map...");

    // Create keyFrame
    StereoFrame* frame = new StereoFrame(
      cameraPose_, cameraParametersLeft_,
      stereo_baseline_, cameraParametersRight_,
      imageFeaturesLeft, imageFeaturesRight, true

    frame->SetId( 0 ); // Set Keyframe ID

    // Initialize MapMaker
    // TODO: this bool must be a local variable to do not check not map_.nMapPoints() in the "if"
    /*bool isMapInitialized = */InitFromStereo( map_, *frame, imageLeft, *rowMatcher_);
  // if the map is already initialized, do tracking

    cameraPose_ = sptam_->track(cameraPose_, imageFeaturesLeft, imageFeaturesRight, imageLeft, imageRight);

      end = GetSeg();
      std::cout << GetSeg() << " tk trackingtotal: " << (end - start) << std::endl;

      std::stringstream message;
      message << std::fixed <<  GetSeg() << " tk trackingtotal: " << (end - start) << std::endl;
      Logger::Write( message.str() );

    // fix the error between map and odom to correct the current pose.
    if ( use_odometry_ )
      fixOdomFrame( cameraPose_, camera_to_odom, currentTime );
    // if odometry is disabled, odom_to_map_ actually contains the map->cam transform because I'm too lazy
      motionModel_->UpdateCameraPose(cameraPose_.GetPosition(), cameraPose_.GetOrientationQuaternion());

      tf::Transform cam_to_map;
      CameraPose2TFPose(cameraPose_, cam_to_map);

      tf::StampedTransform base_to_cam;
      transform_listener_.lookupTransform(camera_frame_, base_frame_, currentTime, base_to_cam);

      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( odom_to_map_mutex_ );
      odom_to_map_ = cam_to_map * base_to_cam;

  // Publish Map To be drawn by rviz visualizer

  // Publish the camera Pose
  publishPose( l_image_msg->header.seq, currentTime, cameraPose_ );
Beispiel #7
bool jmp( expr_list *opndx, int *flags )
  determine the displacement of jmp;
    int_32              addr;
    enum fixup_types    fixup_type;
    enum fixup_options  fixup_option;
    enum sym_state      state;
    struct asm_sym      *sym;
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
    dir_node            *seg;

    *flags = 0;
    Code->data[Opnd_Count] = opndx->value;
    sym = opndx->sym;
    if( sym == NULL ) {
        if( Code->info.token == T_CALL ) {
            Code->info.token = T_CALLF;
        } else if( Code->info.token == T_JMP ) {
            Code->info.token = T_JMPF;
        if( Code->data[Opnd_Count] > USHRT_MAX )
            Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I32;
            Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I16;
        return( RC_OK );

#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
    if( sym->mem_type == MT_ERROR ) {
        AsmError( LABEL_NOT_DEFINED );
        return( RC_ERROR );
    state = sym->state;
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
    seg = GetSeg( sym );
    if( seg == NULL || CurrSeg == NULL || CurrSeg->seg != seg ) {
        /* jumps to another segment are just like to another file */
        state = SYM_EXTERNAL;

    if( !Code->mem_type_fixed ) {
        Code->mem_type = MT_EMPTY;
    fixup_option = OPTJ_NONE;
    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF8;
    switch( state ) {
    case SYM_INTERNAL:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
    case SYM_PROC:
        if(  ( Code->mem_type == MT_EMPTY || Code->mem_type == MT_SHORT
                || Code->mem_type == MT_NEAR )
            && sym->mem_type != MT_WORD
            && sym->mem_type != MT_DWORD
            && sym->mem_type != MT_FWORD
            && !IS_JMPCALLF( Code->info.token ) ) {
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
            if( ( Code->info.token == T_CALL )
                && ( Code->mem_type == MT_EMPTY )
                && ( sym->mem_type == MT_FAR ) ) {
                *flags = SCRAP_INSTRUCTION;
                return( RC_OK );
            addr = sym->offset;
            addr = sym->addr;
            addr -= ( AsmCodeAddress + 2 );  // calculate the displacement
            addr += Code->data[Opnd_Count];
            switch( Code->info.token ) {
            case T_JCXZ:
            case T_LOOPW:
            case T_LOOPEW:
            case T_LOOPZW:
            case T_LOOPNEW:
            case T_LOOPNZW:
                if( Code->use32 ) {
                    // 1 extra byte for OPNSIZ
            case T_JECXZ:
            case T_LOOPD:
            case T_LOOPED:
            case T_LOOPZD:
            case T_LOOPNED:
            case T_LOOPNZD:
                if( !Code->use32 ) {
                    // 1 extra byte for OPNSIZ
            if( Code->info.token == T_CALL && Code->mem_type == MT_EMPTY ) {
                Code->mem_type = MT_NEAR;
            if( Code->mem_type != MT_NEAR && Code->info.token != T_CALL
                && ( addr >= SCHAR_MIN && addr <= SCHAR_MAX ) ) {
                Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;
            } else {
                /* near jmp */
                if( Code->use32 ) {
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I32;
                    addr -= 3; // 32 bit displacement
                } else {
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I16;
                    addr -= 1; // 16 bit displacement
                if( IS_JMP( Code->info.token ) ) {
                    switch( Code->info.token ) {
                    case T_JMP:
                    case T_JMPF:
                    case T_JCXZ:
                    case T_JECXZ:
                        // 1 extra byte for opcode ( 0F )

            /* store the displacement */
            Code->data[Opnd_Count] = addr;

            switch( Code->info.token ) {
            case T_JCXZ:
            case T_JECXZ:
            case T_LOOP:
            case T_LOOPE:
            case T_LOOPNE:
            case T_LOOPNZ:
            case T_LOOPZ:
            case T_LOOPD:
            case T_LOOPED:
            case T_LOOPNED:
            case T_LOOPNZD:
            case T_LOOPZD:
            case T_LOOPW:
            case T_LOOPEW:
            case T_LOOPNEW:
            case T_LOOPNZW:
            case T_LOOPZW:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
                if( !PhaseError && (Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] != OP_I8) ) {
                if( (Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] != OP_I8) ) {
                    AsmError( JUMP_OUT_OF_RANGE );
                    return( RC_ERROR );
                Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;

            if( (Code->info.cpu&P_CPU_MASK) < P_386 && IS_JMP( Code->info.token ) ) {
                /* look into jump extension */
                switch( Code->info.token ) {
                case T_JMP:
                case T_JMPF:
                    if( Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] != OP_I8 ) {
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
                        if( Code->mem_type == MT_EMPTY ) {
                            jumpExtend( 0 );
                            *flags = SCRAP_INSTRUCTION;
                            return( RC_OK );
                        } else if( !PhaseError ) {
                            AsmError( JUMP_OUT_OF_RANGE );
                            return( RC_ERROR );
                        AsmError( JUMP_OUT_OF_RANGE );
                        return( RC_ERROR );
        /* otherwise fall through & get handled like external symbols */
    case SYM_EXTERNAL:

        /* forward ref, or external symbol */
        if( Code->mem_type == MT_EMPTY && sym->mem_type != MT_EMPTY ) {
            switch( sym->mem_type ) {
            case MT_FAR:
                if( Code->info.token == T_CALL ) {
                    Code->info.token = T_CALLF;
                } else if( Code->info.token == T_JMP ) {
                    Code->info.token = T_JMPF;
                // fall through
            case MT_SHORT:
            case MT_NEAR:
                Code->mem_type = sym->mem_type;
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
            case MT_PROC:
                if( IS_PROC_FAR() ) {
                    Code->mem_type = MT_FAR;
                    if( Code->info.token == T_CALL ) {
                        Code->info.token = T_CALLF;
                    } else if( Code->info.token == T_JMP ) {
                        Code->info.token = T_JMPF;
                } else {
                    Code->mem_type = MT_NEAR;
            case MT_FWORD:
                if( ptr_operator( MT_FWORD, true ) )
                    return( RC_ERROR );
                Code->mem_type = sym->mem_type;
        if( Code->mem_type == MT_FAR ) {
            if( Code->info.token == T_CALL ) {
                Code->info.token = T_CALLF;
            } else if( Code->info.token == T_JMP ) {
                Code->info.token = T_JMPF;
        switch( Code->info.token ) {
        case T_CALLF:
        case T_JMPF:
            switch( Code->mem_type ) {
            case MT_SHORT:
            case MT_NEAR:
                if( Opnd_Count == OPND1 && Code->mem_type_fixed ) {
                    AsmError( CANNOT_USE_SHORT_OR_NEAR );
                    return( RC_ERROR );
                /* fall through */
            case MT_FAR:
            case MT_EMPTY:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
                SET_OPSIZ( Code, SymIs32( sym ));
                find_frame( sym );
                if( Opnd_Count == OPND2 ) {
                    if( IS_OPSIZ_32( Code ) ) {
                        fixup_type = FIX_OFF32;
                        Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I32;
                    } else {
                        fixup_type = FIX_OFF16;
                        Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I16;
                } else {
                    if( IS_OPSIZ_32( Code ) ) {
                        fixup_type = FIX_PTR32;
                        Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_J48;
                    } else {
                        fixup_type = FIX_PTR16;
                        Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_J32;
            case MT_BYTE:
            case MT_WORD:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
            case MT_SBYTE:
            case MT_SWORD:
                AsmError( INVALID_SIZE );
                return( RC_ERROR );
            case MT_DWORD:
            case MT_FWORD:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
            case MT_SDWORD:
                *flags = INDIRECT_JUMP;
                return( RC_OK );
            case MT_QWORD:
            case MT_TBYTE:
            case MT_OWORD:
                AsmError( INVALID_SIZE );
                return( RC_ERROR );
        case T_CALL:
            if( Code->mem_type == MT_SHORT ) {
                AsmError( CANNOT_USE_SHORT_WITH_CALL );
                return( RC_ERROR );
            } else if( Code->mem_type == MT_EMPTY ) {
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
                fixup_option = OPTJ_CALL;
                fixup_option = OPTJ_NONE;
                if( Code->use32 ) {
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF32;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I32;
                } else {
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF16;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I16;
            /* fall through */
        case T_JMP:
            switch( Code->mem_type ) {
            case MT_SHORT:
                fixup_option = OPTJ_EXPLICIT;
                fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF8;
                Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;
            case MT_FAR:
                AsmError( SYNTAX_ERROR );
            case MT_EMPTY:
                // forward reference
                // inline assembler jmp default distance is near
                // stand-alone assembler jmp default distance is short
                fixup_option = OPTJ_NONE;
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
                /* guess short if JMP, we will expand later if needed */
                fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF8;
                Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;
                if( Code->use32 ) {
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF32;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I32;
                } else {
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF16;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I16;
            case MT_NEAR:
                fixup_option = OPTJ_EXPLICIT;
                if( Code->use32 ) {
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF32;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I32;
                } else {
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF16;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I16;
            case MT_DWORD:
            case MT_WORD:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
            case MT_SDWORD:
            case MT_SWORD:
                *flags = INDIRECT_JUMP;
                return( RC_OK );
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
            case MT_SBYTE:
            case MT_BYTE:
            case MT_FWORD:
            case MT_QWORD:
            case MT_TBYTE:
            case MT_OWORD:
                AsmError( INVALID_SIZE );
                return( RC_ERROR );
//            check_assume( sym, PREFIX_EMPTY );
        case T_JCXZ:
        case T_JECXZ:
            // JCXZ and JECXZ always require SHORT label
        case T_LOOP:
        case T_LOOPE:
        case T_LOOPNE:
        case T_LOOPNZ:
        case T_LOOPZ:
        case T_LOOPD:
        case T_LOOPED:
        case T_LOOPNED:
        case T_LOOPNZD:
        case T_LOOPZD:
        case T_LOOPW:
        case T_LOOPEW:
        case T_LOOPNEW:
        case T_LOOPNZW:
        case T_LOOPZW:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
            if( ( Code->mem_type != MT_EMPTY ) &&
                ( Code->mem_type != MT_SHORT ) &&
                ( (Options.mode & MODE_IDEAL) == 0 ) ) {
            if( ( Code->mem_type != MT_EMPTY ) &&
                ( Code->mem_type != MT_SHORT ) ) {
                return( RC_ERROR );
            Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;
            fixup_option = OPTJ_EXPLICIT;
            fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF8;
            if( (Code->info.cpu&P_CPU_MASK) >= P_386 ) {
                switch( Code->mem_type ) {
                case MT_SHORT:
                    fixup_option = OPTJ_EXPLICIT;
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF8;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;
                case MT_EMPTY:
                    // forward reference
                    // inline assembler default distance is near
                    // stand-alone assembler default distance is short
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
                    fixup_option = OPTJ_JXX;
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF8;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;
                case MT_NEAR:
                    fixup_option = OPTJ_EXPLICIT;
                    if( Code->use32 ) {
                        fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF32;
                        Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I32;
                    } else {
                        fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF16;
                        Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I16;
                case MT_FAR:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
                    jumpExtend( 1 );
                    *flags = SCRAP_INSTRUCTION;
                    return( RC_OK );
                    return( RC_ERROR );
            } else {
                // the only mode in 8086, 80186, 80286 is
                // Jxx SHORT
                switch( Code->mem_type ) {
                case MT_EMPTY:
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
                    fixup_option = OPTJ_EXTEND;
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF8;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;
                case MT_SHORT:
                    fixup_option = OPTJ_EXPLICIT;
                    fixup_type = FIX_RELOFF8;
                    Code->info.opnd_type[Opnd_Count] = OP_I8;
                    AsmError( ONLY_SHORT_DISPLACEMENT_IS_ALLOWED );
                    return( RC_ERROR );
        AddFixup( sym, fixup_type, fixup_option );
    default: /* SYM_STACK */
        AsmError( NO_JUMP_TO_AUTO );
        return( RC_ERROR );
    return( RC_OK );

bool ptr_operator( memtype mem_type, bool fix_mem_type )
  determine what should be done with SHORT, NEAR, FAR, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, PTR
    /* new idea:
     * when we get a near/far/dword/etc, just set distance / mem_type
     * operator will be called again with PTR, then we set the opsiz, etc.

    if( Code->info.token == T_LEA )
        return( RC_OK );
    if( Code->info.token == T_SMSW )
        return( RC_OK );
    if( mem_type == MT_PTR ) {
        /* finish deciding what type to make the inst NOW
         * ie: decide size overrides etc.
        if( Code->use32 && MEM_TYPE( Code->mem_type, WORD ) ) {
            // if we are in use32 mode, we have to add OPSIZ prefix for
            // most of the 386 instructions ( except MOVSX and MOVZX )
            // when we find WORD PTR

            if( !IS_BRANCH( Code->info.token ) ) {
                if( Code->info.opnd_type[OPND1] == OP_MMX ) {
                /* JBS 2001/02/19
                no WORD operands for MMX instructions, only 64-bit or 128-bit
                so no WORD override needed
                } else {
                    switch( Code->info.token ) {
                    case T_MOVSX:
                    case T_MOVZX:
                        SET_OPSIZ_ON( Code );

        } else if( !Code->use32 && MEM_TYPE( Code->mem_type, DWORD ) ) {

            /* if we are not in use32 mode, we have to add OPSIZ
             * when we find DWORD PTR
             * unless we have a LXS ins.
             * which moves a DWORD ptr into SR:word reg
             * fixme  - can this be done by breaking up the LXS instructions in
             *          asmins.h, and then putting F_32 or F_16 to append
             *      opsize bytes when necessary ?
            if( !IS_BRANCH( Code->info.token ) ) {

                if( Code->info.opnd_type[OPND1] == OP_MMX ) {
                    /* JBS 2001/02/19
                       no WORD operands for MMX instructions, only 64-bit or 128-bit
                       so no DWORD override needed
                } else {
                    switch( Code->info.token ) {
                    case T_LDS:
                    case T_LES:
                    case T_LFS:
                    case T_LGS:
                    case T_LSS:
                        /* in these cases, opsize does NOT need to be changed  */
                        // OPSIZ prefix
                        SET_OPSIZ_ON( Code );
    } else {
        if( ( mem_type != MT_EMPTY ) && !Code->mem_type_fixed ) {
#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
            if( mem_type != MT_STRUCT ) {
                Code->mem_type = mem_type;
                if( fix_mem_type ) {
                    Code->mem_type_fixed = true;
                    if( mem_type == MT_FAR ) {
                        if( Code->info.token == T_CALL ) {
                            Code->info.token = T_CALLF;
                        } else if( Code->info.token == T_JMP ) {
                            Code->info.token = T_JMPF;

#if defined( _STANDALONE_ )
    return( RC_OK );
Beispiel #8
string& CAlnVec::GetColumnVector(string& buffer,
                                 TSeqPos aln_pos,
                                 TResidueCount * residue_count,
                                 bool gaps_in_count) const
    buffer.resize(GetNumRows(), GetEndChar());
    if (aln_pos > GetAlnStop()) {
        aln_pos = GetAlnStop(); // out-of-range adjustment
    TNumseg seg   = GetSeg(aln_pos);
    TSeqPos delta = aln_pos - GetAlnStart(seg);
    TSeqPos len   = GetLen(seg);

    TSignedSeqPos pos;

    for (TNumrow row = 0; row < m_NumRows; row++) {
        pos = GetStart(row, seg);
        if (pos >= 0) {
            // it's a sequence residue

            bool plus = IsPositiveStrand(row);
            if (plus) {
                pos += delta;
            } else {
                pos += len - 1 - delta;
            CSeqVector& seq_vec = x_GetSeqVector(row);
            if (GetWidth(row) == 3) {
                string na_buff, aa_buff;
                if (plus) {
                    seq_vec.GetSeqData(pos, pos + 3, na_buff);
                } else {
                    TSeqPos size = seq_vec.size();
                    seq_vec.GetSeqData(size - pos - 3, size - pos, na_buff);
                TranslateNAToAA(na_buff, aa_buff, GetGenCode(row));
                buffer[row] = aa_buff[0];
            } else {
                buffer[row] = seq_vec[plus ? pos : seq_vec.size() - pos - 1];

            if (residue_count) {

        } else {
            // it's a gap or endchar
            if (GetEndChar() != (buffer[row] = GetGapChar(row))) {
                // need to check the where the segment is
                // only if endchar != gap
                // this saves a check if there're the same
                TSegTypeFlags type = GetSegType(row, seg);
                if (type & fNoSeqOnLeft  ||  type & fNoSeqOnRight) {
                    buffer[row] = GetEndChar();

            if (gaps_in_count  &&  residue_count) {
    } // for row

    return buffer;