MetaGrabberScript::MetaGrabberScript(const QString &path) : m_type(kGrabberInvalid), m_version(0.0), m_valid(false) { if (path.isEmpty()) return; m_fullcommand = path; if (path[0] != '/') m_fullcommand.prepend(QString("%1metadata").arg(GetShareDir())); MythSystemLegacy grabber(path, QStringList() << "-v", kMSRunShell | kMSStdOut); grabber.Run(); if (grabber.Wait() != GENERIC_EXIT_OK) // script failed return; QByteArray result = grabber.ReadAll(); if (result.isEmpty()) // no output return; QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(result, true); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if (root.isNull()) // no valid XML return; ParseGrabberVersion(root); if (m_name.isEmpty()) // XML not processed correctly return; m_valid = true; }
bool HardwareProfile::DeleteProfile(void) { if (m_uuid.isEmpty()) return false; LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("Deleting the following hardware profile: %1") .arg(m_uuid)); QString cmd = GetShareDir() + "hardwareprofile/"; QStringList args; MythSystemLegacy system(cmd, args, kMSRunShell | kMSStdOut); system.Run(); if (system.Wait() == GENERIC_EXIT_OK) { gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfileUUID", ""); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfilePublicUUID", ""); Disable(); return true; } else return false; return false; }
ScreenListMap loadScreens() { ScreenListMap screens; QStringList searchpath = GetMythUI()->GetThemeSearchPath(); // Check the theme first if it has its own weather-screens.xml QStringList::iterator it; for (it = searchpath.begin(); it != searchpath.end(); ++it) { QString filename = (*it) + "weather-screens.xml"; if (doLoadScreens(filename, screens)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("Loading from: %1").arg(filename)); break; } } // Also load from the default file in case the theme file doesn't // exist or the theme file doesn't define all the screens QString filename = GetShareDir() + "mythweather/weather-screens.xml"; if (!doLoadScreens(filename, screens)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, QString("Unable to parse weather-screens.xml")); } return screens; }
// Load the font. Copied, generally, from OSD::LoadFont. bool MHIContext::LoadFont(QString name) { QString fullnameA = GetConfDir() + "/" + name; QByteArray fnameA = fullnameA.toAscii(); FT_Error errorA = FT_New_Face(ft_library, fnameA.constData(), 0, &m_face); if (!errorA) return true; QString fullnameB = GetFontsDir() + name; QByteArray fnameB = fullnameB.toAscii(); FT_Error errorB = FT_New_Face(ft_library, fnameB.constData(), 0, &m_face); if (!errorB) return true; QString fullnameC = GetShareDir() + "themes/" + name; QByteArray fnameC = fullnameC.toAscii(); FT_Error errorC = FT_New_Face(ft_library, fnameC.constData(), 0, &m_face); if (!errorC) return true; QString fullnameD = name; QByteArray fnameD = fullnameD.toAscii(); FT_Error errorD = FT_New_Face(ft_library, fnameD.constData(), 0, &m_face); if (!errorD) return true; LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, QString("[mhi] Unable to find font: %1").arg(name)); return false; }
void SearchEditor::fillGrabberButtonList() { for (GrabberScript::scriptList::iterator i = m_grabberList.begin(); i != m_grabberList.end(); ++i) { MythUIButtonListItem *item = new MythUIButtonListItem(m_grabbers, (*i)->GetTitle()); if (item) { item->SetText((*i)->GetTitle(), "title"); item->SetData(qVariantFromValue(*i)); QString img = (*i)->GetImage(); QString thumb; if (!img.startsWith("/") && !img.isEmpty()) thumb = QString("%1mythnetvision/icons/%2").arg(GetShareDir()) .arg((*i)->GetImage()); else thumb = img; item->SetImage(thumb); item->setCheckable(true); item->setChecked(MythUIButtonListItem::NotChecked); QFileInfo fi((*i)->GetCommandline()); if (findSearchGrabberInDB(fi.fileName(), VIDEO)) item->setChecked(MythUIButtonListItem::FullChecked); } else delete item; } }
GrabberScript* findSearchGrabberByCommand(const QString& commandline, ArticleType type) { MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); query.prepare("SELECT name,thumbnail,author,description,commandline," "version,search,tree FROM internetcontent " "WHERE commandline = :COMMAND AND " "type = :TYPE AND host = :HOST AND " "search = 1;"); QFileInfo fi(commandline); query.bindValue(":COMMAND", fi.fileName()); query.bindValue(":HOST", gCoreContext->GetHostName()); query.bindValue(":TYPE", type); if (!query.exec() || !query.isActive()) { MythDB::DBError("Search find in db", query); } QString title = query.value(0).toString(); QString image = query.value(1).toString(); QString author = query.value(2).toString(); QString desc = query.value(3).toString(); QString command = QString("%1/internetcontent/%2").arg(GetShareDir()) .arg(query.value(4).toString()); double ver = query.value(5).toDouble(); bool search = query.value(6).toBool(); bool tree = query.value(7).toBool(); GrabberScript *tmp = new GrabberScript(title, image, type, author, search, tree, desc, command, ver); return tmp; }
GrabberScript::scriptList findAllDBSearchGrabbers(ArticleType type) { MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); query.prepare("SELECT name,thumbnail,author,description,commandline," "version,search,tree FROM internetcontent " "WHERE host = :HOST AND type = :TYPE " "AND search = 1 ORDER BY name;"); query.bindValue(":HOST", gCoreContext->GetHostName()); query.bindValue(":TYPE", type); if (!query.exec() || !query.isActive()) { MythDB::DBError("Search find in db", query); } GrabberScript::scriptList tmp; while ( { QString title = query.value(0).toString(); QString image = query.value(1).toString(); QString author = query.value(2).toString(); QString desc = query.value(3).toString(); QString commandline = QString("%1/internetcontent/%2").arg(GetShareDir()) .arg(query.value(4).toString()); double ver = query.value(5).toDouble(); bool search = query.value(6).toBool(); bool tree = query.value(7).toBool(); GrabberScript *script = new GrabberScript(title, image, type, author, search, tree, desc, commandline, ver); tmp.append(script); } return tmp; }
HttpServer::HttpServer() : QTcpServer(), ThreadPool("HTTP") { setMaxPendingConnections(20); InitializeThreads(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build Platform String // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USING_MINGW g_sPlatform = QString( "Windows %1.%1" ) .arg(LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))) .arg(HIBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))); #else struct utsname uname_info; uname( &uname_info ); g_sPlatform = QString( "%1 %2" ).arg( uname_info.sysname ) .arg( uname_info.release ); #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Share Path // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- m_sSharePath = GetShareDir(); VERBOSE(VB_UPNP, QString( "HttpServer() - SharePath = %1") .arg(m_sSharePath)); // -=>TODO: Load Config XML // -=>TODO: Load & initialize - HttpServerExtensions }
bool HardwareProfile::SubmitProfile(void) { if (m_uuid.isEmpty()) return false; if (!m_hardwareProfile.isEmpty()) LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("Submitting the following hardware profile: %1") .arg(m_hardwareProfile)); QString cmd = GetShareDir() + "hardwareprofile/"; QStringList args; args << "--submitOnly"; args << "-a"; MythSystemLegacy system(cmd, args, kMSRunShell | kMSStdOut); system.Run(); if (system.Wait() == GENERIC_EXIT_OK) { GenerateUUIDs(); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfileUUID", GetPrivateUUID()); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfilePublicUUID", GetPublicUUID()); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfileLastUpdated", MythDate::current_iso_string()); return true; } else return false; return false; }
bool HardwareProfile::SubmitProfile(void) { if (m_uuid.isEmpty()) return false; if (!m_hardwareProfile.isEmpty()) VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, QString("Submitting the following hardware profile:\n%1") .arg(m_hardwareProfile)); QString cmd = GetShareDir() + "hardwareprofile/"; QStringList args; args << "--submitOnly"; args << "-a"; MythSystem system(cmd, args, kMSRunShell | kMSStdOut | kMSBuffered); system.Run(); if (system.Wait() == GENERIC_EXIT_OK) { GenerateUUIDs(); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfileUUID", GetPrivateUUID()); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfilePublicUUID", GetPublicUUID()); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfileLastUpdated", QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate)); return true; } else return false; return false; }
bool HardwareProfile::DeleteProfile(void) { if (m_uuid.isEmpty()) return false; VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, QString("Deleting the following hardware profile: %1") .arg(m_uuid)); QString cmd = GetShareDir() + "hardwareprofile/"; QStringList args; MythSystem system(cmd, args, kMSRunShell | kMSStdOut | kMSBuffered); system.Run(); if (system.Wait() == GENERIC_EXIT_OK) { gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfileUUID", ""); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfilePublicUUID", ""); gCoreContext->SaveSetting("HardwareProfileLastUpdated", QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate)); return true; } else return false; return false; }
MetadataLookupList MetadataDownload::handleVideoUndetermined( MetadataLookup* lookup) { MetadataLookupList list; QString def_cmd = QDir::cleanPath(QString("%1/%2") .arg(GetShareDir()) .arg("metadata/Television/")); QString cmd = gCoreContext->GetSetting("TelevisionGrabber", def_cmd); // Can't trust the inetref with so little information. QStringList args; args.append(QString("-l")); // Language Flag args.append(gCoreContext->GetLanguage()); // UI Language args.append(QString("-N")); QString title = lookup->GetTitle(); args.append(ShellEscape(title)); QString subtitle = lookup->GetSubtitle(); args.append(ShellEscape(subtitle)); // Try to do a title/subtitle lookup list = runGrabber(cmd, args, lookup, false); // If there were no results for that, fall back to a movie lookup. if (!list.size()) list = handleMovie(lookup); if (list.count() == 1)>SetStep(GETDATA); return list; }
HttpServer::HttpServer(const QString &sApplicationPrefix) : ServerPool(), m_sSharePath(GetShareDir()), m_pHtmlServer(new HtmlServerExtension(m_sSharePath, sApplicationPrefix)), m_threadPool("HttpServerPool"), m_running(true) { setMaxPendingConnections(20); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build Platform String // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- { QMutexLocker locker(&s_platformLock); #ifdef _WIN32 s_platform = QString("Windows %1.%2") .arg(LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))) .arg(HIBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))); #else struct utsname uname_info; uname( &uname_info ); s_platform = QString("%1 %2") .arg(uname_info.sysname).arg(uname_info.release); #endif } LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_INFO, QString("HttpServer() - SharePath = %1") .arg(m_sSharePath)); // -=>TODO: Load Config XML // -=>TODO: Load & initialize - HttpServerExtensions }
GrabberList MetaGrabberScript::GetList(GrabberType type, bool refresh) { InitializeStaticMaps(); GrabberList tmpGrabberList, retGrabberList; { QMutexLocker listLock(&grabberLock); QDateTime now = MythDate::current(); // refresh grabber scripts every 60 seconds // this might have to be revised, or made more intelligent if // the delay during refreshes is too great if (refresh || !grabberAge.isValid() || (grabberAge.secsTo(now) > kGrabberRefresh)) { grabberList.clear(); LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, LOC + "Clearing grabber cache"); // loop through different types of grabber scripts and the // directories they are stored in QMap<GrabberType, GrabberOpts>::const_iterator it; for (it = grabberTypes.begin(); it != grabberTypes.end(); ++it) { QString path = (it->path).arg(GetShareDir()); QStringList scripts = QDir(path).entryList(QDir::Files); if (scripts.count() == 0) // no scripts found continue; // loop through discovered scripts QStringList::const_iterator it2 = scripts.begin(); for (; it2 != scripts.end(); ++it2) { QString cmd = QString("%1%2").arg(path).arg(*it2); MetaGrabberScript script(cmd); if (script.IsValid()) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_DEBUG, LOC + "Adding " + script.m_command); grabberList.append(script); } } } grabberAge = now; } tmpGrabberList = grabberList; } GrabberList::const_iterator it = tmpGrabberList.begin(); for (; it != tmpGrabberList.end(); ++it) { if ((type == kGrabberAll) || (it->GetType() == type)) retGrabberList.append(*it); } return retGrabberList; }
/** \brief Locates the appropriate menu file from which to parse the menu * * \param menuname file name of the menu you want to find * \return the directory in which the menu file is found */ QString MythThemedMenu::findMenuFile(const QString &menuname) { QString testdir = GetConfDir() + '/' + menuname; QFile file(testdir); if (file.exists()) return testdir; else LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_DEBUG, "No menu file " + testdir); testdir = GetMythUI()->GetMenuThemeDir() + '/' + menuname; file.setFileName(testdir); if (file.exists()) return testdir; else LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_DEBUG, "No menu file " + testdir); testdir = GetMythUI()->GetThemeDir() + '/' + menuname; file.setFileName(testdir); if (file.exists()) return testdir; else LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_DEBUG, "No menu file " + testdir); testdir = GetShareDir() + menuname; file.setFileName(testdir); if (file.exists()) return testdir; else LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_DEBUG, "No menu file " + testdir); testdir = "../mythfrontend/" + menuname; file.setFileName(testdir); if (file.exists()) return testdir; else LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_DEBUG, "No menu file " + testdir); testdir = GetShareDir() + "themes/defaultmenu/" + menuname; file.setFileName(testdir); if (file.exists()) return testdir; else LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_DEBUG, "No menu file " + testdir); return QString(); }
QString MetaGrabberScript::GetRelPath(void) const { QString share = GetShareDir(); if (m_fullcommand.startsWith(share)) return m_fullcommand.right(m_fullcommand.size() - share.size()); return QString(); }
static HostLineEdit *MythArchiveShareDir() { HostLineEdit *gc = new HostLineEdit("MythArchiveShareDir"); gc->setLabel(QObject::tr("MythArchive Share Directory")); gc->setValue(GetShareDir() + "mytharchive/"); gc->setHelpText(QObject::tr("Location where MythArchive stores its scripts, " "intro movies and theme files")); return gc; };
QString MetadataDownload::GetTelevisionGrabber() { QString def_cmd = "metadata/Television/"; QString db_cmd = gCoreContext->GetSetting("TelevisionGrabber", def_cmd); return QDir::cleanPath(QString("%1/%2") .arg(GetShareDir()) .arg(db_cmd)); }
QString MetadataDownload::GetGameGrabber() { QString def_cmd = "metadata/Game/"; QString db_cmd = gCoreContext->GetSetting("mythgame.MetadataGrabber", def_cmd); return QDir::cleanPath(QString("%1/%2") .arg(GetShareDir()) .arg(db_cmd)); }
QString MetadataDownload::GetMovieGrabber() { QString def_cmd = "metadata/Movie/"; QString db_cmd = gCoreContext->GetSetting("MovieGrabber", def_cmd); return QDir::cleanPath(QString("%1/%2") .arg(GetShareDir()) .arg(db_cmd)); }
QString HardwareProfile::GetHardwareProfile() const { QString cmd = GetShareDir() + "hardwareprofile/"; QStringList args; args << "-p"; MythSystemLegacy system(cmd, args, kMSRunShell | kMSStdOut); system.Run(); system.Wait(); return system.ReadAll(); }
MetadataLookupList MetadataDownload::handleMovie(MetadataLookup* lookup) { MetadataLookupList list; QString mxml; QString nfo; if (!lookup->GetFilename().isEmpty()) { mxml = getMXMLPath(lookup->GetFilename()); nfo = getNFOPath(lookup->GetFilename()); } if (mxml.isEmpty() && nfo.isEmpty()) { QString def_cmd = QDir::cleanPath(QString("%1/%2") .arg(GetShareDir()) .arg("metadata/Movie/")); QString cmd = gCoreContext->GetSetting("MovieGrabber", def_cmd); QStringList args; args.append(QString("-l")); // Language Flag args.append(gCoreContext->GetLanguage()); // UI Language // If the inetref is populated, even in kLookupSearch mode, // become a kLookupData grab and use that. if (lookup->GetStep() == kLookupSearch && (!lookup->GetInetref().isEmpty() && lookup->GetInetref() != "00000000")) lookup->SetStep(kLookupData); if (lookup->GetStep() == kLookupSearch) { args.append(QString("-M")); QString title = lookup->GetTitle(); args.append(title); } else if (lookup->GetStep() == kLookupData) { args.append(QString("-D")); args.append(lookup->GetInetref()); } list = runGrabber(cmd, args, lookup); } else if (!mxml.isEmpty()) list = readMXML(mxml, lookup); else if (!nfo.isEmpty()) list = readNFO(nfo, lookup); return list; }
static HostFileBrowserSetting *MythArchiveShareDir() { HostFileBrowserSetting *gc = new HostFileBrowserSetting("MythArchiveShareDir"); gc->setLabel(ArchiveSettings::tr("MythArchive Share Directory")); gc->setValue(GetShareDir() + "mytharchive/"); gc->setHelpText(ArchiveSettings::tr("Location where MythArchive stores its " "scripts, intro movies and theme " "files")); gc->SetTypeFilter(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::Hidden); return gc; };
MetadataLookupList MetadataDownload::handleTelevision(MetadataLookup* lookup) { MetadataLookupList list; QString def_cmd = QDir::cleanPath(QString("%1/%2") .arg(GetShareDir()) .arg("metadata/Television/")); QString cmd = gCoreContext->GetSetting("TelevisionGrabber", def_cmd); QStringList args; args.append(QString("-l")); // Language Flag args.append(gCoreContext->GetLanguage()); // UI Language // If the inetref is populated, even in kLookupSearch mode, // become a kLookupData grab and use that. if (lookup->GetStep() == kLookupSearch && (!lookup->GetInetref().isEmpty() && lookup->GetInetref() != "00000000")) lookup->SetStep(kLookupData); if (lookup->GetStep() == kLookupSearch) { args.append(QString("-M")); if (lookup->GetInetref().isEmpty() || lookup->GetInetref() == "00000000") { QString title = lookup->GetTitle(); args.append(title); } else { QString inetref = lookup->GetInetref(); args.append(inetref); } } else if (lookup->GetStep() == kLookupData) { args.append(QString("-D")); args.append(lookup->GetInetref()); args.append(QString::number(lookup->GetSeason())); args.append(QString::number(lookup->GetEpisode())); } list = runGrabber(cmd, args, lookup); return list; }
void HardwareProfile::GenerateUUIDs(void) { QString fileprefix = GetConfDir() + "/HardwareProfile"; QDir dir(fileprefix); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(fileprefix); // Generate the Private Hardware UUID (or recover them from the DB or file) QString fileUUID = GetPrivateUUIDFromFile(); if (fileUUID.isEmpty() && m_uuid.isEmpty()) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, "No UUID in DB or File, generating new UUID..."); QString cmd = GetShareDir() + "hardwareprofile/"; QStringList args; args << "-p"; MythSystemLegacy system(cmd, args, kMSRunShell | kMSStdOut); system.Run(); system.Wait(); m_hardwareProfile = system.ReadAll(); m_uuid = GetPrivateUUIDFromFile(); } else if (fileUUID.isEmpty()) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("Writing Database UUID to local file: %1") .arg(m_uuid)); WritePrivateUUIDToFile(m_uuid); } else if (m_uuid.isEmpty()) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("Profile UUID found in local file: %1") .arg(fileUUID)); m_uuid = fileUUID; } // Get the Public UUID from file m_publicuuid = GetPublicUUIDFromFile(); }
bool MetadataDownload::TelevisionGrabberWorks() { bool ret = false; QString def_cmd = QDir::cleanPath(QString("%1/%2") .arg(GetShareDir()) .arg("metadata/Television/")); QString cmd = gCoreContext->GetSetting("TelevisionGrabber", def_cmd); ret = runGrabberTest(cmd); if (!ret) LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("Television grabber not functional. Aborting this run.")); return ret; }
MediaServer::MediaServer(void) : m_pUPnpCDS(NULL), m_pUPnpCMGR(NULL), m_sSharePath(GetShareDir()) { VERBOSE(VB_UPNP, "MediaServer:ctor:Begin"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Configuration class (Database for Servers) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SetConfiguration( new DBConfiguration() ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create mini HTTP Server // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VERBOSE(VB_UPNP, "MediaServer:ctor:End"); }
MetadataLookupList MetadataDownload::handleRecordingGeneric( MetadataLookup* lookup) { // We only enter this mode if we are pretty darn sure this is a TV show, // but we're for some reason looking up a generic, or the title didn't // exactly match in one of the earlier lookups. This is a total // hail mary to try to get at least *series* level info and art/inetref. MetadataLookupList list; QString def_cmd = QDir::cleanPath(QString("%1/%2") .arg(GetShareDir()) .arg("metadata/Television/")); QString cmd = gCoreContext->GetSetting("TelevisionGrabber", def_cmd); QStringList args; args.append(QString("-l")); // Language Flag args.append(gCoreContext->GetLanguage()); // UI Language args.append("-M"); QString title = lookup->GetTitle(); args.append(title); lookup->SetSubtype(kProbableGenericTelevision); int origseason = lookup->GetSeason(); int origepisode = lookup->GetEpisode(); if (origseason == 0 && origepisode == 0) { lookup->SetSeason(1); lookup->SetEpisode(1); } list = runGrabber(cmd, args, lookup, true); if (list.count() == 1)>SetStep(kLookupData); lookup->SetSeason(origseason); lookup->SetEpisode(origepisode); return list; }
HttpServer::HttpServer() : QTcpServer(), ThreadPool("HTTP") { setMaxPendingConnections(20); InitializeThreads(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build Platform String // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef USING_MINGW g_sPlatform = QString( "Windows %1.%2" ) .arg(LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))) .arg(HIBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))); #else struct utsname uname_info; uname( &uname_info ); g_sPlatform = QString( "%1 %2" ).arg( uname_info.sysname ) .arg( uname_info.release ); #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Share Path // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- m_sSharePath = GetShareDir(); VERBOSE(VB_UPNP, QString( "HttpServer() - SharePath = %1") .arg(m_sSharePath)); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // The HtmlServer Extension is our fall back if a request isn't processed // by any other extension. (This is needed here since it listens for // '/' as it's base url ). // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- m_pHtmlServer = new HtmlServerExtension( m_sSharePath ); // -=>TODO: Load Config XML // -=>TODO: Load & initialize - HttpServerExtensions }
MediaServer::MediaServer(void) : #ifdef USING_LIBDNS_SD m_bonjour(NULL), #endif m_pUPnpCDS(NULL), m_pUPnpCMGR(NULL), m_sSharePath(GetShareDir()) { LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_INFO, "MediaServer:ctor:Begin"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize Configuration class (Database for Servers) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SetConfiguration( new DBConfiguration() ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create mini HTTP Server // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LOG(VB_UPNP, LOG_INFO, "MediaServer:ctor:End"); }