void cbEditorPanel::UpdateModified() { if ( GetModified() ) SetTitle( _T("*") + GetShortName() ); else SetTitle( GetShortName() ); }
void wxsItemEditor::UpdateModified() { if ( m_Data && m_Data->GetModified() ) { SetTitle(_T("*") + GetShortName()); } else { SetTitle(GetShortName()); } }
/** Update the Window title with a '*' char if the file is modified */ void XPMEditorBase::UpdateModified(void) { if (GetModified()) { SetTitle(_T("*") + GetShortName()); } else { SetTitle(GetShortName()); } }
void PHPEntityVariable::PrintStdout(int indent) const { wxString indentString(' ', indent); wxPrintf("%s%s: %s", indentString, IsMember() ? "Member" : "Variable", GetShortName()); if(!GetTypeHint().IsEmpty()) { wxPrintf(", TypeHint: %s", GetTypeHint()); } if(!GetExpressionHint().IsEmpty()) { wxPrintf(", ExpressionHint: %s", GetExpressionHint()); } if(IsReference()) { wxPrintf(", Reference"); } if(!GetDefaultValue().IsEmpty()) { wxPrintf(", Default: %s", GetDefaultValue()); } wxPrintf(", Ln. %d", GetLine()); wxPrintf("\n"); PHPEntityBase::List_t::const_iterator iter = m_children.begin(); for(; iter != m_children.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->PrintStdout(indent + 4); } }
void PHPEntityVariable::Store(wxSQLite3Database& db) { // we keep only the function arguments in the databse and globals if(IsFunctionArg() || IsMember()) { try { wxSQLite3Statement statement = db.PrepareStatement("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO VARIABLES_TABLE VALUES (NULL, " ":SCOPE_ID, :FUNCTION_ID, :NAME, :FULLNAME, :SCOPE, :TYPEHINT, " ":FLAGS, :DOC_COMMENT, :LINE_NUMBER, :FILE_NAME)"); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":SCOPE_ID"), IsMember() ? Parent()->GetDbId() : wxLongLong(-1)); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FUNCTION_ID"), IsFunctionArg() ? Parent()->GetDbId() : wxLongLong(-1)); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":NAME"), GetShortName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FULLNAME"), GetFullName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":SCOPE"), GetScope()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":TYPEHINT"), GetTypeHint()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FLAGS"), (int)GetFlags()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":DOC_COMMENT"), GetDocComment()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":LINE_NUMBER"), GetLine()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FILE_NAME"), GetFilename().GetFullPath()); statement.ExecuteUpdate(); SetDbId(db.GetLastRowId()); } catch(wxSQLite3Exception& exc) { wxUnusedVar(exc); } } }
static int get_username() { IEnumWbemClassObject *enumerator = 0; IWbemClassObject * object = 0; bool res = false; _username = bstr_t(); enumerator = request(bstr_t("select UserName from Win32_ComputerSystem")); VARIANT vUsername; VariantInit(&vUsername); ULONG uReturn; for(;;) { HRESULT result = enumerator->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &object, &uReturn); if(uReturn == 0) { break; } result = object->Get(L"UserName", 0, &vUsername, 0, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { _username = GetShortName(vUsername.bstrVal); res = true; } object->Release(); } if (enumerator) enumerator->Release(); //std::cout << "get_username(): " << _username << std::endl; return res; }
void CodeliteVim::CreatePluginMenu(wxMenu* pluginsMenu) { wxMenu* menu = new wxMenu(); menu->Append(new wxMenuItem(menu, XRCID("vim_settings"), _("Settings..."))); pluginsMenu->Append(wxID_ANY, GetShortName(), menu); wxTheApp->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &CodeliteVim::onVimSetting, this, XRCID("vim_settings")); }
void PHPEntityClass::Store(wxSQLite3Database& db) { try { wxSQLite3Statement statement = db.PrepareStatement("REPLACE INTO SCOPE_TABLE (ID, SCOPE_TYPE, SCOPE_ID, NAME, FULLNAME, EXTENDS, " "IMPLEMENTS, USING_TRAITS, FLAGS, DOC_COMMENT, " "LINE_NUMBER, FILE_NAME) VALUES (NULL, 1, :SCOPE_ID, :NAME, :FULLNAME, :EXTENDS, " ":IMPLEMENTS, :USING_TRAITS, :FLAGS, :DOC_COMMENT, :LINE_NUMBER, :FILE_NAME)"); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":SCOPE_ID"), Parent()->GetDbId()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":NAME"), GetShortName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FULLNAME"), GetFullName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":EXTENDS"), GetExtends()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":IMPLEMENTS"), GetImplementsAsString()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":USING_TRAITS"), GetTraitsAsString()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FLAGS"), (int) GetFlags()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":DOC_COMMENT"), GetDocComment()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":LINE_NUMBER"), GetLine()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FILE_NAME"), GetFilename().GetFullPath()); statement.ExecuteUpdate(); SetDbId(db.GetLastRowId()); } catch(wxSQLite3Exception& exc) { wxUnusedVar(exc); } }
SkirmishAIKey CSkirmishAILibraryInfo::GetKey() const { const std::string& sn = GetShortName(); const std::string& v = GetVersion(); SkirmishAIKey key = SkirmishAIKey(sn, v); return key; }
void WordCompletionPlugin::CreatePluginMenu(wxMenu* pluginsMenu) { wxMenu* menu = new wxMenu; menu->Append(XRCID("text_word_complete"), _("Show Word Completion")); menu->AppendSeparator(); menu->Append(XRCID("text_word_complete_settings"), _("Settings")); pluginsMenu->Append(wxID_ANY, GetShortName(), menu); }
const std::string& GameFile::GetName(bool long_name) const { const std::string& name = long_name ? GetLongName() : GetShortName(); if (!name.empty()) return name; // No usable name, return filename (better than nothing) return m_file_name; }
wxString PHPEntityVariable::GetNameNoDollar() const { wxString name = GetShortName(); if(name.StartsWith("$")) { name.Remove(0, 1); } name.Trim().Trim(false); return name; }
const char *plResponderCmdAnim::GetInstanceName(IParamBlock2 *pb) { static char name[256]; const char *shortName = GetShortName(pb->GetInt(kRespAnimType)); plMaxNode *node = (plMaxNode*)pb->GetReferenceTarget(kRespAnimComp); sprintf(name, "%s (%s)", shortName, node ? node->GetName() : "none"); return name; }
void IRShaderParam::WriteDecl(std::ostream& out, unsigned int indent) const { out << std::setw(indent) << ""; if (IsOutput()) out << "output "; out << IRDetailToString(GetDetail()) << " " << *GetType() << " " << GetShortName(); IRStmt* init = GetInitStmt(); assert(init != NULL && "Initializer should never be NULL"); if (!init->IsEmpty()) { out << " = "; init->WriteInit(out, this, indent+4); } }
void LogManager::LogWithFullPath(LogTypes::LOG_LEVELS level, LogTypes::LOG_TYPE type, const char* file, int line, const char* format, va_list args) { if (!IsEnabled(type, level) || !static_cast<bool>(m_listener_ids)) return; char temp[MAX_MSGLEN]; CharArrayFromFormatV(temp, MAX_MSGLEN, format, args); std::string msg = StringFromFormat("%s %s:%u %c[%s]: %s\n", Common::Timer::GetTimeFormatted().c_str(), file, line, LogTypes::LOG_LEVEL_TO_CHAR[(int)level], GetShortName(type), temp); for (auto listener_id : m_listener_ids) if (m_listeners[listener_id]) m_listeners[listener_id]->Log(level, msg.c_str()); }
void PHPEntityNamespace::Store(PHPLookupTable* lookup) { try { // A namespace, unlike other PHP entities, can be defined in various files // and in multiple locations. This means, that by definition, there can be multiple entries // for the same namespace, however, since our relations in the database is ID based, // we try to locate the namespace in the DB before we attempt to insert it wxSQLite3Database& db = lookup->Database(); { wxSQLite3Statement statement = db.PrepareStatement("SELECT * FROM SCOPE_TABLE WHERE FULLNAME=:FULLNAME LIMIT 1"); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FULLNAME"), GetFullName()); wxSQLite3ResultSet res = statement.ExecuteQuery(); if(res.NextRow()) { // we have a match, update this item database ID to match // what we have found in the database PHPEntityNamespace ns; ns.FromResultSet(res); SetDbId(ns.GetDbId()); return; } } // Get the 'parent' namespace part wxString parentPath = GetFullName().BeforeLast('\\'); DoEnsureNamespacePathExists(db, parentPath); { wxSQLite3Statement statement = db.PrepareStatement( "INSERT INTO SCOPE_TABLE (ID, SCOPE_TYPE, SCOPE_ID, NAME, FULLNAME, LINE_NUMBER, FILE_NAME) " "VALUES (NULL, 0, -1, :NAME, :FULLNAME, :LINE_NUMBER, :FILE_NAME)"); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":NAME"), GetShortName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FULLNAME"), GetFullName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":LINE_NUMBER"), GetLine()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FILE_NAME"), GetFilename().GetFullPath()); statement.ExecuteUpdate(); SetDbId(db.GetLastRowId()); } } catch(wxSQLite3Exception& exc) { wxUnusedVar(exc); } }
void PHPEntityFunctionAlias::Store(wxSQLite3Database& db) { try { wxSQLite3Statement statement = db.PrepareStatement( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO FUNCTION_ALIAS_TABLE VALUES(NULL, :SCOPE_ID, :NAME, :REALNAME, :FULLNAME, :SCOPE, " ":LINE_NUMBER, :FILE_NAME)"); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":SCOPE_ID"), Parent()->GetDbId()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":NAME"), GetShortName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":REALNAME"), GetRealname()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FULLNAME"), GetFullName()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":SCOPE"), GetScope()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":LINE_NUMBER"), GetLine()); statement.Bind(statement.GetParamIndex(":FILE_NAME"), GetFilename().GetFullPath()); statement.ExecuteUpdate(); SetDbId(db.GetLastRowId()); } catch(wxSQLite3Exception& exc) { CL_WARNING("PHPEntityFunctionAlias::Store: %s", exc.GetMessage()); } }
void ExternalToolsPlugin::DoRecreateToolbar() { wxWindow *parent(NULL); if (m_tb) { // we have a toolbar, remove it from the docking manager m_mgr->GetDockingManager()->DetachPane(m_tb); parent = m_tb->GetParent(); m_tb->Destroy(); } else { parent = m_mgr->GetTheApp()->GetTopWindow(); } m_tb = CreateToolBar(parent); if (m_tb) { m_mgr->GetDockingManager()->AddPane(m_tb, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name(GetShortName()).LeftDockable( true ).RightDockable( true ).Caption(GetShortName()).ToolbarPane().Top() ); // Apply changes m_mgr->GetDockingManager()->Update(); } }
wxString PHPEntityVariable::ToFuncArgString() const { if(!IsFunctionArg()) { return ""; } wxString str; if(!GetTypeHint().IsEmpty()) { str << GetTypeHint() << " "; } if(IsReference()) { str << "&"; } str << GetShortName(); if(!GetDefaultValue().IsEmpty()) { str << " = " << GetDefaultValue(); } return str; }
int CGXDLMSAssociationShortName::GetValue(int index, unsigned char* parameters, int length, CGXDLMSVariant& value) { if (index == 1) { GXHelpers::AddRange(value.byteArr, m_LN, 6); value.vt = DLMS_DATA_TYPE_OCTET_STRING; return ERROR_CODES_OK; } if (index == 2) { vector<unsigned char> Packets; int ret = GetObjects(Packets); value = Packets; return ret; } if (index == 3) { bool lnExists = m_ObjectList.FindBySN(GetShortName()) != NULL; //Add count int cnt = m_ObjectList.size(); if (!lnExists) { ++cnt; } vector<unsigned char> data; data.push_back(DLMS_DATA_TYPE_ARRAY); CGXOBISTemplate::SetObjectCount(cnt, data); for(vector<CGXDLMSObject*>::iterator it = m_ObjectList.begin(); it != m_ObjectList.end(); ++it) { GetAccessRights(*it, data); } if (!lnExists) { GetAccessRights(this, data); } value = data; } return ERROR_CODES_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
wxString PHPEntityFunctionAlias::GetDisplayName() const { return GetShortName(); }
FString FPackageName::GetShortName(const TCHAR* LongName) { return GetShortName(FString(LongName)); }
FString FPackageName::GetShortName(const FName& LongName) { return GetShortName(LongName.ToString()); }
FString FPackageName::GetShortName(UPackage* Package) { check(Package != NULL); return GetShortName(Package->GetName()); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pDC - // rect - // iFontHeight - // dwFlags - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaterial::Draw(CDC *pDC, RECT& rect, int iFontHeight, int iIconHeight, DrawTexData_t &DrawTexData)//, BrowserData_t *pBrowserData) { g_pMaterialImageCache->EnCache(this); if (!this->HasData()) { return; } if (m_nWidth <= 0) { NoData: // draw "no data" CFont *pOldFont = (CFont*) pDC->SelectStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT); COLORREF cr = pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); COLORREF cr2 = pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(0, 0, 0)); // draw black rect first pDC->FillRect(&rect, CBrush::FromHandle(HBRUSH(GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)))); // then text pDC->TextOut(rect.left+2, rect.top+2, "No Image", 8); pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont); pDC->SetTextColor(cr); pDC->SetBkColor(cr2); return; } // no data - if (!m_pData) { // try to load - if (!Load()) { // can't load - goto NoData; } } // Draw the material image RECT srcRect, dstRect; srcRect.left = 0; srcRect.top = 0; srcRect.right = m_nWidth; srcRect.bottom = m_nHeight; dstRect = rect; if (DrawTexData.nFlags & drawCaption) { dstRect.bottom -= iFontHeight + 4; } if (DrawTexData.nFlags & drawIcons) { dstRect.bottom -= iIconHeight; } if (!(DrawTexData.nFlags & drawResizeAlways)) { if (m_nWidth < dstRect.right - dstRect.left ) { dstRect.right = dstRect.left + m_nWidth; } if (m_nHeight < dstRect.bottom - dstRect.top ) { dstRect.bottom = dstRect.top + m_nHeight; } } DrawBitmap( pDC, srcRect, dstRect ); // Draw the icons if (DrawTexData.nFlags & drawIcons) { dstRect = rect; if (DrawTexData.nFlags & drawCaption) { dstRect.bottom -= iFontHeight + 5; } dstRect.top = dstRect.bottom - iIconHeight; DrawBrowserIcons(pDC, dstRect, (DrawTexData.nFlags & drawErrors) != 0 ); } // ** caption ** if (DrawTexData.nFlags & drawCaption) { // draw background for name CBrush brCaption(RGB(0, 0, 255)); CRect rcCaption(rect); rcCaption.top = rcCaption.bottom - (iFontHeight + 5); pDC->FillRect(rcCaption, &brCaption); // draw name char szShortName[MAX_PATH]; int iLen = GetShortName(szShortName); pDC->TextOut(rect.left, rect.bottom - (iFontHeight + 4), szShortName, iLen); // draw usage count if (DrawTexData.nFlags & drawUsageCount) { CString str; str.Format("%d", DrawTexData.nUsageCount); CSize size = pDC->GetTextExtent(str); pDC->TextOut(rect.right - size.cx, rect.bottom - (iFontHeight + 4), str); } } }
void PixelInfoListCtrl::DoUpdateList() { Reset(); LayerCollection* lc_mri = MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetLayerCollection( "MRI" ); LayerCollection* lc_surf = MainWindow::GetMainWindowPointer()->GetLayerCollection( "Surface" ); if ( !lc_mri || !lc_surf ) { // collection does not exist. program must be in exiting process. return; } if ( lc_mri->IsEmpty() && lc_surf->IsEmpty() ) { SetItemCount( 0 ); return; } else AddItem( _("RAS"), _(""), 1, false ); if ( !lc_mri->IsEmpty() ) { LayerMRI* mri = ( LayerMRI* )lc_mri->GetLayer( 0 ); double ras[3]; mri->RemapPositionToRealRAS( m_dRASPosition, ras ); m_listValue[0].Printf( _("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f"), ras[0], ras[1], ras[2] ); int nIndex[3]; std::vector<Layer*> layers = lc_mri->GetLayers(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++ ) { if ( layers[i]->GetProperties()->GetShowInfo() ) { ((LayerMRI*)layers[i])->RASToOriginalIndex( ras, nIndex ); // double dvalue = ( (LayerMRI*)layers[i] )->GetVoxelValueByOriginalIndex( nIndex[0], nIndex[1], nIndex[2] ); double dvalue = ( (LayerMRI*)layers[i] )->GetVoxelValue( m_dRASPosition ); wxString coordStrg; if ( m_bShowVoxelCoordinates ) coordStrg.Printf( _("[%d, %d, %d] "), nIndex[0], nIndex[1], nIndex[2] ); wxString labelStrg; if (layers[i]->IsTypeOf("PLabel")) { labelStrg = wxString::FromAscii( ( (LayerPLabel*)layers[i] )->GetLabelName( m_dRASPosition ).c_str() ); } else { labelStrg = wxString::FromAscii( ( (LayerMRI*)layers[i] )->GetLabelName( dvalue ).c_str() ); if ( m_bShowShortName ) labelStrg = GetShortName( labelStrg ); } AddItem( wxString::FromAscii( layers[i]->GetName() ), AppendSpaceString( ( wxString() << dvalue ) ) + coordStrg + _(" ") + labelStrg, (long)layers[i], false ); } } } if ( !lc_surf->IsEmpty() ) { if ( lc_mri->IsEmpty() ) { double ras[3] = { m_dRASPosition[0], m_dRASPosition[1], m_dRASPosition[2] }; // mri->RemapPositionToRealRAS( m_dRASPosition, ras ); m_listValue[0].Printf( _("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f"), ras[0], ras[1], ras[2] ); } std::vector<Layer*> layers = lc_surf->GetLayers(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++ ) { if ( layers[i]->GetProperties()->GetShowInfo() ) { LayerSurface* surf = ( LayerSurface* )layers[i]; AddSurfaceItem( surf, m_dRASPosition, false ); } } } SetItemCount( m_listName.Count() ); }
std::string SkirmishAIKey::ToString() const { return GetShortName() + " " + GetVersion(); }
wxString PHPEntityClass::GetDisplayName() const { return GetShortName(); }