Beispiel #1
void TimeoutMonitor::start ()
    QString settingsFilePath = QDir::homePath () + "/.sfviewer.config";
    if( ! QFileInfo( settingsFilePath).isReadable())
        throw QString("Cannot read config file %1").arg(settingsFilePath);

    // get database information from the INI file
    QSettings qset( settingsFilePath, QSettings::IniFormat);
    bool ok;
    pureWebTimeout_ = qset.value ( "timeout", DefaultPureWebTimeout).toInt ( & ok);
    if( ! ok) pureWebTimeout_ = DefaultPureWebTimeout;

    // the last timeout reset is set to current time
    lastTimeoutReset_.start ();

    dbg(1) << "Application timeout will be " << pureWebTimeout_ << " seconds.\n";

    // connect this class to pure web
    GetStateManager().ViewManager().RegisterView( "FakeView", this);
    CSI::PureWeb::Server::ViewImageFormat viewImageFormat;
    viewImageFormat.PixelFormat = CSI::PureWeb::PixelFormat::Rgb24;
    viewImageFormat.ScanLineOrder = CSI::PureWeb::ScanLineOrder::TopDown;
    viewImageFormat.Alignment = 4;
    GetStateManager().ViewManager().SetViewImageFormat( "FakeView", viewImageFormat);

    startTimer ( 1000);
Beispiel #2
HistogramDialog::HistogramDialog(QWidget * parent, FitsViewerServer & fvs) :
    m_fvs( fvs)
    m_frameInfoNumber = -1;

//    m_ui->setupUi(this);

    // connect signals
    connect ( & m_recalcTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(recalcTimerCB()));

    bgColor_ = QColor("black");
    markerColor_ = QColor("white");
    rectColor_ = QColor( 255, 255, 255, 64);
    zMin_ = 0; zMax_ = 0;
    gMin_ = 0; gMax_ = 0;
    min_ = 0; max_ = 0;
    m_imageWidth = m_imageHeight = 100;
    m_smoothGraph = true;
    m_logScale = true;
    m_cursorX = 0;
    m_marginLeft = 5;
    m_marginRight = 5;
    m_marginTop = 12;
    m_marginBottom = 20;
    m_visibleOnClient = false;

    // setup a recalculation timer

    m_buffer = QImage( QSize(100,100), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);

    // PureWeb
    // the default preset is 99.5%
    pwset( "/Histogram/Index", 3);

                CSI::Bind(this, &HistogramDialog::pwCommandHandler));
    CSI::PureWeb::Server::ViewImageFormat viewImageFormat;
    viewImageFormat.PixelFormat = CSI::PureWeb::PixelFormat::Bgrx32;
    viewImageFormat.ScanLineOrder = CSI::PureWeb::ScanLineOrder::TopDown;
    viewImageFormat.Alignment = 4;
    GetStateManager().ViewManager().RegisterView("HistogramView", this);
    GetStateManager().ViewManager().SetViewImageFormat("HistogramView", viewImageFormat);

    // create and bind global variables
    // ================================

    m_ignoreVarCallbacks = true;
    QString m_pwPrefix = "/Histogram/";
    binder( m_vars.cursor, m_pwPrefix, "cursor");
    binder( m_vars.lowerClip, m_pwPrefix, "LowerClip");
    binder( m_vars.upperClip, m_pwPrefix, "UpperClip");
    m_ignoreVarCallbacks = false;

Beispiel #3
const QString &RawVariable::get(bool sync)
    if( sync) {
        std::string stdstr = GetStateManager().XmlStateManager()
                .GetValue( m_fullPath.toStdString()).ConvertOr<std::string>("");
        m_cachedValue = stdstr.c_str();
    return m_cachedValue;
void State_Console::Update(const sf::Time& l_time)
    // Update console loc
Beispiel #5
void	HGEGame::InitEngine()

	// Инициализация компонентов движка
	Engine::GetSingleton()->SetInputSystem(new HGEInputSystem(mHGE));
	Engine::GetSingleton()->SetResourceManager(new HGEResourceManager(mHGE));
	Engine::GetSingleton()->SetSoundSystem(new HGESoundSystem(mHGE));
	Engine::GetSingleton()->mHGE = mHGE;

	// Инициализация менеджера состояний
	GetStateManager()->SetRenderer(new HGERenderer(mHGE));
void State_Console::OnDestroy()
    EventManager* evMgr = GetStateManager().GetContext().GetEventManager();
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Tilde");
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Text_Entered");
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Return");
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Up");
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Down");
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Left");
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Right");
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_PageUp");
    evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_PageDown");
    //evMgr->RemoveCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Shift");
Beispiel #7
RawVariable::CallbackID RawVariable::addCallback(CallbackType fn)
    // register us with pureweb now that we have a callback
    if( ! m_internalCbRegistered) {
        m_internalCbRegistered = true;
                    CSI::Bind(this, &RawVariable::internalCb));
    auto thisId = m_currId;
    m_currId ++;

    m_cbmap[thisId] = fn;

    return thisId;
Beispiel #8
    dbg(1) << "Destroying GlobalVar " << m_fullPath;
    if( m_insideInternalCb) {
        dbg(-1) << ConsoleColors::warning()
                << "Destroying global variable " << m_fullPath
                << " while in it's callback!!!!"
                << ConsoleColors::resetln();
    // deregister with pureweb
    if( m_internalCbRegistered) {
                    CSI::Bind(this, &RawVariable::internalCb));
        m_internalCbRegistered = false;
void QUProfileController::updateTimerCB()
    if( ! m_vars.visibleOnClient-> get()) return;

    // update m_buffer with the painting

    if( m_dirtyFlags.graph) {
        if( ! m_viewName.isEmpty()) {
            // TODO: deferred vs immediate - investigate which is better...
            GetStateManager().ViewManager().RenderViewDeferred( m_viewName.toStdString());
            //            GetStateManager().ViewManager().RenderViewImmediate( m_viewName.toStdString());

    // reset all dirty flags
    m_dirtyFlags = DirtyFlags();
void State_Console::OnCreate()
    m_console.Add("get_player", [this](std::vector<std::string> l) -> std::string{
        if(l[0] == "make"){
            Character* player = (Character*)GetStateManager().GetContext().GetEntityManager()->Find("Player");
                if(l[1] == "jump"){
                    return "character jumped!";
                } else if(l[1] == "attack"){
                    return "character attacked!";
                return "player not found";
        return "get_player: invalid parameters";
    }, 2, 2, "make 'jump' 'attack'");

    EventManager* evMgr = GetStateManager().GetContext().GetEventManager();
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Tilde", &State_Console::Close, this);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Text_Entered", &Console::HandleTextInput, &m_console);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Return", &Console::ValidateInput, &m_console);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Backspace", &Console::Backspace, &m_console);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Up", &Console::CycleInputUp, &m_console);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Down", &Console::CycleInputDown, &m_console);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Left", &Console::MoveCursorLeft, &m_console);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Right", &Console::MoveCursorRight, &m_console);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_PageUp", &Console::ScrollOutputUp, &m_console);
    evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_PageDown", &Console::ScrollOutputDown, &m_console);
    //evMgr->AddCallback(StateType::Console, "Key_Shift", &State_Console::OpenFull, this);
Beispiel #11
HistogramDialog::recalculateHistogramRaw ()
    if(! m_visibleOnClient) return;

    ScopedDebug sd( "Recalculating histogram (slow)", 1);

    // drawable area width/height
    int daWidth = m_imageWidth - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight;
    int daHeight = m_imageHeight - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom;

    m_histInfo.min = zMin_;
    m_histInfo.max = zMax_;
    m_histInfo.nNans = 0;
    m_histInfo.maxBin = 0;
    int nBins;
    if( m_smoothGraph)
        nBins = std::max( daWidth , 10);
        nBins = std::max( daWidth / 10, 10);

    m_histInfo.bins.resize ( nBins);
    for( int i = 0 ; i < nBins ; i ++ )
        m_histInfo.bins[i] = 0;

    quint64 trueCount = 0; // number of pixels in the clip range
    quint64 totalPixels = 0; // number of pixels that are not nans
    if( m_cir) {

        FitsParser & p = m_cir-> parser (); // alias

        FitsParser::HeaderInfo header = p.getHeaderInfo ();
//        totalPixels = header.naxis1 * header.naxis2;
        for( int y = 0 ; y < header.naxis2 ; y ++ ) {
            for( int x = 0 ; x < header.naxis1 ; x ++ ) {
                double v = p.src ( x, y, m_frameInfoNumber);
                if( isnan (v)) {
                    m_histInfo.nNans ++;
//                    totalPixels --;
                } else {
                    // TODO: centering in bins...?
                    int i = floor (nBins * (v - m_histInfo.min)/(m_histInfo.max - m_histInfo.min));
                    if( i >= 0 && i < nBins) {
                        m_histInfo.bins[i] ++;
                    if( v >= min() && v <= max()){
                        trueCount ++;
        totalPixels = header.naxis1 * header.naxis2 - m_histInfo.nNans;

        // compute the highest count (so that we can scale this when drawing)
        for( int i = 0 ; i < m_histInfo.bins.size () ; i ++ ) {
            m_histInfo.maxBin = std::max( m_histInfo.maxBin, m_histInfo.bins[i]);

    // render the histogram
    QColor barColor( "#0071FD");
//    QColor backgroundColor( "#F3F3DA");
    QColor backgroundColor( "#ffffff");
    QColor highlightColor( "#FF0000");
    m_buffer = QImage( QSize(m_imageWidth, m_imageHeight), m_buffer.format());
    int ih = m_imageHeight;
    QPainter painter( & m_buffer);
    painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
    painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true);
    painter.fillRect ( m_buffer.rect (), backgroundColor);

    // over which bin is the cursor?
    int cursorBin = m_cursorX - m_marginLeft;
    if( ! m_smoothGraph)
        cursorBin = floor( (m_cursorX - m_marginLeft) / double(daWidth) * nBins);
    cursorBin = clamp( cursorBin, 0, nBins - 1);

    double maxY = m_histInfo.maxBin;
    if( m_logScale) maxY = log( maxY + 1);
    double dx = double(daWidth) / nBins;
    for( int i = 0 ; i < m_histInfo.bins.size () ; i ++ ) {
        double y = m_histInfo.bins[i];
        if(y == 0) continue;
        if( m_logScale) y = log(y + 1);
        y = (daHeight-2) * y / double( maxY) + 2;
        //        painter.fillRect( QRectF( dx * i, ih, dx, -y ), barColor);
        QPoint p1( round( dx  * i) + m_marginLeft, ih - m_marginBottom);
        QPoint p2( round( dx  * (i+1)) - 1 + m_marginLeft, ih - m_marginBottom - y);

        if( i == cursorBin)
            painter.fillRect( QRect( p1, p2 ), highlightColor);
            painter.fillRect( QRect( p1, p2 ), barColor);

    // draw faint rectangles around bars (only if in bar mode)
    if( ! m_smoothGraph) {
        for( int i = 0 ; i < m_histInfo.bins.size () ; i ++ ) {
            double y = m_histInfo.bins[i];
            if( m_logScale) y = log(y + 1);
            y = daHeight * y / double( maxY);
            //        painter.fillRect( QRectF( dx * i, ih, dx, -y ), barColor);
            QPoint p1( round( dx  * i) + m_marginLeft, ih - m_marginBottom);
            QPoint p2( round( dx  * (i+1)) - 1 + m_marginLeft, ih - m_marginBottom - y);
            painter.setPen( QPen( QColor("black"), 0.1));
            painter.drawRect( QRect( p1, p2 ));

    // draw labels for horizontal
        double yy = m_imageHeight - m_marginBottom + 1;
        Plot2dLabelers::BasicLabeler::SharedPtr horizLabeler = std::make_shared< Plot2dLabelers::BasicLabeler >();

        QFont m_fontHorizontalLabels( "Arial", 8);
        QFontMetrics m_fmHorizontalLabels( m_fontHorizontalLabels);
        int labelFontHeight = m_fmHorizontalLabels.height();
        auto measureTxt = [&m_fmHorizontalLabels]( const QString & str) -> double {
            return m_fmHorizontalLabels.width( str);

        horizLabeler-> setZoom( zMin_, zMax_);
        horizLabeler-> setPixels( daWidth);
        horizLabeler-> setDual( false);
        auto labels = horizLabeler-> compute( measureTxt);

        painter.setFont( m_fontHorizontalLabels);
        painter.setPen( "black");
        QVector<QPointF> ticks;
        ticks.append( QPointF( m_marginLeft - 5, yy));
        ticks.append( QPointF( m_imageWidth - m_marginRight + 5, yy));
        for( auto & label : labels) {
            double xx = label.centerPix + m_marginLeft;
            painter.drawText( QRectF( xx, yy + labelFontHeight / 2.0 + 5, 1, 1),
                              Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextDontClip,
            ticks.append( QPointF( xx, m_imageHeight - m_marginBottom + 1));
            ticks.append( QPointF( xx, m_imageHeight - m_marginBottom + 5));
        // tick marks
        painter.setPen( QPen( QBrush("blue"), 1));
        painter.drawLines( ticks);

    // draw the markers
    double x1 = (min() - zMin_) / (zMax_ - zMin_) * daWidth + m_marginLeft;
    double x2 = (max() - zMin_) / (zMax_ - zMin_) * daWidth + m_marginLeft;
    painter.fillRect( QRectF( x1, 5, x2-x1, 5 ), QColor("#008800"));

    // draw the current cursor position
    double binCenter = (cursorBin + 0.5) / nBins * (zMax_ - zMin_) + zMin_;
    double cursorBinVal = m_histInfo.bins[ cursorBin];


    // tell clients where the markers are
    pwset( "/Histogram/marker1", x1 / m_imageWidth);
    pwset( "/Histogram/marker2", x2 / m_imageWidth);

    // tell clients other stats
//    pwset("/Histogram/LowerClip", m_fvs.formatValue( min_));
//    pwset("/Histogram/UpperClip", m_fvs.formatValue( max_));
    m_vars.lowerClip-> set( min_);
    m_vars.upperClip-> set( max_);
    pwset("/Histogram/GlobalMin", m_fvs.formatValue( frameInfo_.min));
    pwset("/Histogram/GlobalMax", m_fvs.formatValue( frameInfo_.max));
    pwset( "/Histogram/nNaNs", m_histInfo.nNans);
    pwset( "/Histogram/binValue", m_fvs.formatValue( binCenter));
    pwset( "/Histogram/nValuesInBin", cursorBinVal);
    pwset( "/Histogram/trueCount", QString::number( 100 * double(trueCount) / totalPixels, 'g', 6) + "%");
 * @brief constructor for QUProfileController
 * @param parent
 * @param wcsHelper - coordinate/value formatter
 * @param id
 * @param title
 * @param willDoFitting
QUProfileController::QUProfileController(QObject * parent,
                                         const QString & id,
                                         const QString & title)
    : QObject(parent)
    m_myId = id;
    m_pwPrefix = QString( "/quprofile-%1/").arg( m_myId);
    m_viewName = QString( "quprofile-%1").arg( m_myId);
    m_initialized = false;

    // create a render buffer
    m_buffer = QImage( 2, 2, QImage::QImage::Format_RGB888);

    // setup fonts
    m_labelFont = QFont( "Helvetica", 8);
    m_captionFont = QFont( "Helvetica", 10, QFont::Normal);
    m_labelFontMetrics.reset( new QFontMetricsF( m_labelFont));
    m_captionFontMetrics.reset( new QFontMetricsF( m_captionFont));

    // register a view with pureweb
    CSI::PureWeb::Server::ViewImageFormat viewImageFormat;
    viewImageFormat.PixelFormat = CSI::PureWeb::PixelFormat::Rgb24;
    viewImageFormat.ScanLineOrder = CSI::PureWeb::ScanLineOrder::TopDown;
    viewImageFormat.Alignment = 4;
                m_viewName.toStdString(), this);
                m_viewName.toStdString(), viewImageFormat);
    GetStateManager ().ViewManager ().SetViewInteracting(
                m_viewName.toStdString(), false);

    // register PureWeb callback for all commands
                ("quprofile-" + m_myId).toStdString(),
                CSI::Bind(this, & QUProfileController::commandDispatcher ));

    // cursor requests are arriving as state changes
                CSI::Bind(this, &QUProfileController::mouseHoverRequestCB));

    // set some defaults
    m_total = 0;
    m_cursorIndex = -1;
    m_autoZoom = true;

    // setup the colormap function (cached)
        ColormapFunction cmap = ColormapFunction::sunbow();
        cmap.setRgbScales( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
        HistogramColormapFunctor hfun( 0, 1, cmap);
        m_cmap.reset( new CachedRgbFunction( hfun, 0, 1, 256, Rgb(0,0,0)));

    m_updateTimer = new QTimer( this);
    m_updateTimer->setSingleShot( true);

    // set up the graph labelers
    m_vertLabeler = std::make_shared< Plot2dLabelers::BasicLabeler >();
//    m_vertLabeler-> setDual( false);
    m_horizLabeler = std::make_shared< Plot2dLabelers::BasicLabeler >();
//    m_horizLabeler-> setDual( false);

    // connect our update timer to callback
    connect( m_updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateTimerCB()));

    // create global variables reflecting the state of the object
    m_ignoreVarCallbacks = true;
    binder( this, m_vars.dotSize, "dotSize", 2.5);
    binder( this, m_vars.transparency, "transparency", 0.5);
    binder( this, m_vars.showCursor, "showCursor", true);
    binder( this, m_vars.showMean, "showMean", true);
    binder( this, m_vars.showGrid, "showGrid", true);
    binder( this, m_vars.showSunbow, "showSunbow", true);
    binder( this, m_vars.showConnectingLines, "showConnect", false);
    binder( this, m_vars.visibleOnClient, "visibleOnClient", false);

    // outgoing variables (no need to assign callbacks to these)
    m_vars.qVal.reset( new GlobalState::StringVar( m_pwPrefix + "q"));
    m_vars.uVal.reset( new GlobalState::StringVar( m_pwPrefix + "u"));
    m_vars.qMean.reset( new GlobalState::StringVar( m_pwPrefix + "qmean"));
    m_vars.uMean.reset( new GlobalState::StringVar( m_pwPrefix + "umean"));
    m_vars.frame.reset( new GlobalState::StringVar( m_pwPrefix + "frame"));
    m_vars.title.reset( new GlobalState::StringVar( m_pwPrefix + "title"));
    m_vars.title-> set( title);

    // unsuspend callback
    m_ignoreVarCallbacks = false;

    void App::PushInitialState()

        GetStateManager()->Push(CSCore::StateSPtr(new SplashState()));
void State_Console::Draw()
Beispiel #15
void RawVariable::set(const QString &val)
            .SetValueAs( m_fullPath.toStdString(), val.toStdString());