* Get Geotransform information for COSMO-SKYMED files
* In case of success it stores the transformation
* in adfGeoTransform. In case of failure it doesn't
* modify adfGeoTransform
* @param iProductType type of CSK subproduct, see HDF5CSKProduct
void HDF5ImageDataset::CaptureCSKGeoTransform(int iProductType)
    const char *pszSubdatasetName = GetSubdatasetName();

    bHasGeoTransform = false;
    //If the product level is not L1C or L1D then
    //it doesn't have a valid projection
    if(iProductType == PROD_CSK_L1C || iProductType == PROD_CSK_L1D)
        //If there is a subdataset
        if(pszSubdatasetName != NULL)
            CPLString osULPath = pszSubdatasetName ;
            osULPath += "/Top Left East-North";

            CPLString osLineSpacingPath = pszSubdatasetName;
            osLineSpacingPath += "/Line Spacing";

            CPLString osColumnSpacingPath = pszSubdatasetName;
            osColumnSpacingPath += "/Column Spacing";

            double *pdOutUL = NULL;
            double *pdLineSpacing = NULL;
            double *pdColumnSpacing = NULL;

            //If it could find the attributes on the metadata
            if(HDF5ReadDoubleAttr(osULPath.c_str(), &pdOutUL) == CE_Failure ||
               HDF5ReadDoubleAttr(osLineSpacingPath.c_str(), &pdLineSpacing) == CE_Failure ||
               HDF5ReadDoubleAttr(osColumnSpacingPath.c_str(), &pdColumnSpacing) == CE_Failure)
                bHasGeoTransform = false;
//            	geotransform[1] : width of pixel
//            	geotransform[4] : rotational coefficient, zero for north up images.
//            	geotransform[2] : rotational coefficient, zero for north up images.
//            	geotransform[5] : height of pixel (but negative)

                adfGeoTransform[0] = pdOutUL[0];
                adfGeoTransform[1] = pdLineSpacing[0];
                adfGeoTransform[2] = 0;
                adfGeoTransform[3] = pdOutUL[1];
                adfGeoTransform[4] = 0;
                adfGeoTransform[5] = -pdColumnSpacing[0];


                bHasGeoTransform = TRUE;
Beispiel #2
 * Retrieves and stores the GCPs from a COSMO-SKYMED dataset
 * It only retrieves the GCPs for L0, L1A and L1B products
 * for L1C and L1D products, geotransform is provided.
 * The GCPs provided will be the Image's corners.
 * @param iProductType type of CSK product @see HDF5CSKProductEnum
void HDF5ImageDataset::CaptureCSKGCPs(int iProductType)
    //Only retrieve GCPs for L0,L1A and L1B products
    if(iProductType == PROD_CSK_L0||iProductType == PROD_CSK_L1A||
       iProductType == PROD_CSK_L1B)
        int i;
        double *pdCornerCoordinates;

        pasGCPList = (GDAL_GCP *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(GDAL_GCP),4);
        CPLString osCornerName[4];
        double pdCornerPixel[4];
        double pdCornerLine[4];

        const char *pszSubdatasetName = GetSubdatasetName();

        //Load the subdataset name first
        for(i=0;i <4;i++)
            osCornerName[i] = pszSubdatasetName;

        //Load the attribute name, and raster coordinates for
        //all the corners
        osCornerName[0] += "/Top Left Geodetic Coordinates";
        pdCornerPixel[0] = 0;
        pdCornerLine[0] = 0;

        osCornerName[1] += "/Top Right Geodetic Coordinates";
        pdCornerPixel[1] = GetRasterXSize();
        pdCornerLine[1] = 0;

        osCornerName[2] += "/Bottom Left Geodetic Coordinates";
        pdCornerPixel[2] = 0;
        pdCornerLine[2] = GetRasterYSize();

        osCornerName[3] += "/Bottom Right Geodetic Coordinates";
        pdCornerPixel[3] = GetRasterXSize();
        pdCornerLine[3] = GetRasterYSize();

        //For all the image's corners
            GDALInitGCPs( 1, pasGCPList + i );

            CPLFree( pasGCPList[i].pszId );
            pasGCPList[i].pszId = NULL;

            //Retrieve the attributes
                                  &pdCornerCoordinates) == CE_Failure)
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                             "Error retrieving CSK GCPs\n" );
                // Free on failure, e.g. in case of QLK subdataset.
                for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
                    if( pasGCPList[i].pszId )
                        CPLFree( pasGCPList[i].pszId );
                    if( pasGCPList[i].pszInfo )
                        CPLFree( pasGCPList[i].pszInfo );
                CPLFree( pasGCPList );
                pasGCPList = NULL;
                nGCPCount = 0;

            //Fill the GCPs name
            pasGCPList[i].pszId = CPLStrdup( osCornerName[i].c_str() );

            //Fill the coordinates
            pasGCPList[i].dfGCPX = pdCornerCoordinates[1];
            pasGCPList[i].dfGCPY = pdCornerCoordinates[0];
            pasGCPList[i].dfGCPZ = pdCornerCoordinates[2];
            pasGCPList[i].dfGCPPixel = pdCornerPixel[i];
            pasGCPList[i].dfGCPLine = pdCornerLine[i];

            //Free the returned coordinates