Beispiel #1
bool wxEncodingConverter::Convert(const wchar_t* input, wchar_t* output) const
    wxASSERT_MSG(m_UnicodeOutput, wxT("You cannot convert to 8-bit if output is const wchar_t*!"));
    wxASSERT_MSG(m_UnicodeInput, wxT("You cannot convert from 8-bit if input is const wchar_t*!"));

    const wchar_t *i;
    wchar_t *o;

    if (m_JustCopy)
        // wcscpy() is not guaranteed to exist
        for (i = input, o = output; *i != 0;)
            *(o++) = (*(i++));
        *o = 0;
        return true;

    wxCHECK_MSG(m_Table != NULL, false,
                wxT("You must call wxEncodingConverter::Init() before actually converting!"));

    bool replaced = false;

    for (i = input, o = output; *i != 0;)
        *(o++) = (wchar_t)(GetTableValue(m_Table, (wxUint8)*(i++), replaced));
    *o = 0;

    return !replaced;
Beispiel #2
bool wxEncodingConverter::Convert(const wchar_t* input, char* output) const
    wxASSERT_MSG(!m_UnicodeOutput, wxT("You cannot convert to unicode if output is const char*!"));
    wxASSERT_MSG(m_UnicodeInput, wxT("You cannot convert from 8-bit if input is const wchar_t*!"));

    const wchar_t *i;
    char *o;

    if (m_JustCopy)
        for (i = input, o = output; *i != 0;)
            *(o++) = (char)(*(i++));
        *o = 0;
        return true;

    wxCHECK_MSG(m_Table != NULL, false,
                wxT("You must call wxEncodingConverter::Init() before actually converting!"));

    bool replaced = false;

    for (i = input, o = output; *i != 0;)
        *(o++) = (char)(GetTableValue(m_Table, (wxUint16)*(i++), replaced));
    *o = 0;

    return !replaced;
const unsigned short DataManager::SetLabel(const QColor &color)
  // labelvalues usually goes 0-n, that's n+1 values = m_labelValues.size();
  auto newlabel = ObjectVector.size();

  // we need to find an unused scalar value in our table
  bool free = false;
  auto freevalue = m_firstFreeValue;

  while (!free)
    free = true;

    // can't use find() as the value we're searching is the 'second' field
    for (auto it: ObjectVector)
      if (it.second->scalar == freevalue)
        free = false;

  auto object = std::make_shared<ObjectInformation>();
  object->scalar   = freevalue;
  object->size     = 0;
  object->centroid = Vector3d{0, 0, 0};
  object->min      = Vector3ui{0, 0, 0};
  object->max      = Vector3ui{0, 0, 0};

  ObjectVector.insert(std::pair<unsigned short, std::shared_ptr<ObjectInformation>>(newlabel, object));

  m_actionsBuffer->storeObject(std::pair<unsigned short, std::shared_ptr<ObjectInformation>>(newlabel, object));

  auto temptable = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable>::New();
  CopyLookupTable(m_lookupTable, temptable);

  // this is a convoluted way of doing things, but SetNumberOfTableValues() seems to
  // corrupt the table (due to reallocation?) and all values must be copied again.
  m_lookupTable->SetNumberOfTableValues(newlabel + 1);
  double rgba[4];
  for (int index = 0; index != temptable->GetNumberOfTableValues(); index++)
    temptable->GetTableValue(index, rgba);
    m_lookupTable->SetTableValue(index, rgba);
  m_lookupTable->SetTableValue(newlabel, color.redF(), color.greenF(), color.blueF(), DIM_ALPHA);
  m_lookupTable->SetTableRange(0, newlabel);

  return newlabel;
void DataManager::GenerateLookupTable()
  // compute vtkLookupTable colors for labels, first color is black for background
  // rest are pre-calculated by Build() based on the number of labels
  double rgba[4]{ 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA };
  auto labels = m_labelMap->GetNumberOfLabelObjects();
  Q_ASSERT(0 != labels);

  m_lookupTable->SetNumberOfTableValues(labels + 1);
  m_lookupTable->SetTableRange(0, labels);
  m_lookupTable->SetTableValue(0, rgba);

  auto temporal_table = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLookupTable>::New();
  temporal_table->SetRange(0, labels-1);

  for (unsigned int index = 0; index < labels; ++index)
    temporal_table->GetTableValue(index, rgba);
    m_lookupTable->SetTableValue(index + 1, rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], DIM_ALPHA);
Beispiel #5
void PressureTable::WriteTable(string output)
  FILE   *inFp = 0;
  char   filename[kStrLong], buffer_m[kStrMed];
  size_t dum;

  if (mpi_rank == 0) cout << endl << "***** Write table to file *****" << endl << endl;

  // ***************
  // Open table file
  // ***************
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Opening file "<< TableFilename << endl;
  TableFilename.copy(&filename[0], kStrLong);
  dum = TableFilename.size();
  if (dum < kStrLong) { strcpy(&filename[dum], "\0"); }
  else { cerr << "### Chemistry table file name is too long! ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  if (!(inFp = fopen(filename, "wb"))) { cerr << "### Could not open chemistry table file " << filename << " ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  // ************************
  // Write table general info
  // ************************

  // Version
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write version " << version <<endl;
  dum = fwrite(&version, sizeof(double), 1, inFp);
  if (dum != 1) { cerr << "### Error writing file: version ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  // CombustionModel
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write model " << CombustionModel << endl;
  CombustionModel.copy(&buffer_m[0], kStrMed);
  dum = CombustionModel.size();
  if (dum < kStrMed) {strcpy(&buffer_m[dum], "\0");}
  else { cerr << "### Combustion model name is too long! ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  dum = fwrite(&buffer_m[0], sizeof(char), kStrMed, inFp);
  if (dum != kStrMed) { cerr << "### Error writing file: Combustion model ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

  // ChemTableType
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write ChemTableType " << ChemTableType << endl;
  ChemTableType.copy(&buffer_m[0], kStrMed);
  dum = ChemTableType.size();
  if (dum < kStrMed) { strcpy(&buffer_m[dum], "\0"); }
  else { cerr << "### Chem Table type is too long! ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  dum = fwrite(&buffer_m[0], sizeof(char), kStrMed, inFp);
  if (dum != kStrMed) {cerr << "### Error writing file: Chem Table type ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

  // **********************
  // Write table dimensions
  // **********************
  int nPress = GetDimension1();
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write nPress "<< nPress << endl;
  dum = fwrite(&nPress, sizeof(int), 1, inFp);
  if (dum != 1) { cerr << "### Error writing file: nPress ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  int nZm = GetDimension2();
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write nZm "<< nZm << endl;
  dum = fwrite(&nZm, sizeof(int), 1, inFp);
  if (dum != 1) { cerr << "### Error writing file: nZm ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  int nZv = GetDimension3();
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write nZv "<< nZv << endl;
  dum = fwrite(&nZv, sizeof(int), 1, inFp);
  if (dum != 1) { cerr << "### Error writing file: nZv ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  int nC = GetDimension4();
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write nC "<< nC << endl;
  dum = fwrite(&nC, sizeof(int), 1, inFp);
  if (dum != 1) { cerr << "### Error writing file: nC ###" << endl; throw(-1); }

  int nVar = GetNumberVariables();
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write nVar "<< nVar << endl;
  dum = fwrite(&nVar, sizeof(int), 1, inFp);
  if (dum != 1) { cerr << "### Error writing file: nVar ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

  // ***********************
  // Write table coordinates 
  // ***********************
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write Pressure vector "<< endl;
  double *Pressure = new double[nPress];
  dum = fwrite(Pressure, sizeof(double), nPress, inFp);
  if (dum != nPress) { cerr << "### Error writing file: Pressure ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write Zm vector "<< endl;
  double *Zm = new double[nZm];
  dum = fwrite(Zm, sizeof(double), nZm, inFp);
  if (dum != nZm) { cerr << "### Error writing file: Zm ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write Zv vector "<< endl;
  double *Zv = new double[nZv];
  dum = fwrite(Zv, sizeof(double), nZv, inFp);
  if (dum != nZv) { cerr << "### Error writing file: Zv ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write C vector "<< endl;
  double *CC = new double[nC]; 
  dum = fwrite(CC, sizeof(double), nC, inFp);
  if (dum != nC) { cerr << "### Error writing file: CC ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

  // ***********************
  // Write name of variables
  // ***********************
  for (int l = 0; l < nVar; l++)
    if (output == "debug") cout << "Write VarName "<< VarNames[l] << endl;
    VarNames[l].copy(&buffer_m[0], kStrMed);
    dum = VarNames[l].size();
    if (dum < kStrMed) {strcpy(&buffer_m[dum], "\0");}
    else { cerr << "### Variable name " << VarNames[l] << " is too long! ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

    dum = fwrite(&buffer_m, sizeof(char), kStrMed, inFp);
    if (dum != kStrMed) { cerr << "### Error writing file: Variable name " << VarNames[l] << " ###" << endl; throw(-1);}

  // ****************
  // Write table data 
  // ****************
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Write Table" << endl;
  for (int ipress=0; ipress <nPress; ipress++)
    for (int i = 0; i < nZm; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < nZv; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < nC; k++)
          for (int n = 0; n < nVar; n++)
            float value = GetTableValue(ipress,i,j,k,n);
            dum = fwrite(&value, sizeof(float), 1, inFp);
            if (dum != 1) { cerr << "### Error reading file: Table -> " << ipress << " " << i << " " << j << " " << k << " " << n << " ### " << endl; throw(-1);}
  // ****************
  // Close table file
  // ****************
  if (output == "debug") cout << "Close file" << endl;