int ts_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned i, ntasks, n, skip; TaskInfo_t *ti, *info; bool enabled[NVCONS]; bool check_cons = false; // por defecto habilitar todas las consolas bool cursor; (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_CURSOR,2,false,&cursor); memset(enabled, 0, sizeof enabled); for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) // habilitar las consolas especificadas { unsigned cons = atoi(argv[i]); if ( cons < NVCONS ) enabled[cons] = check_cons = true; } (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_CLEAR,0); cprintk(WHITE, BLUE, "%s", title); (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_GOTOXY,2,0,24); cprintk(WHITE, BLUE, "%s", foot); skip = 0; do { info = GetTasks(&ntasks); for ( n = 0, i = 1, ti = info ; i < 24 && ntasks-- ; ti++ ) { if ( (check_cons && !enabled[ti->consnum]) || n++ < skip ) continue; (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_GOTOXY,2,0,i++); char namebuf[20]; sprintf(namebuf, ti->protected ? "[%.16s]" : "%.18s", name(ti->task)); cprintk(WHITE, BLACK, "%8x %-18s %u %10u %-9s %-18.18s", ti->task, namebuf, ti->consnum, ti->priority, statename(ti->state), name(ti->waiting)); if ( ti->is_timeout ) cprintk(WHITE, BLACK, " %10u", ti->timeout); else (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_CLREOL,0); } while ( i < 24 ) { (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_GOTOXY,2,0,i++); (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_CLREOL,0); } Free(info); } while ( getuser(&skip) ); (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_CLEAR,0); (getDriver(CONS_DRIVER)->ioctl_driver)(CONS_CURSOR,2,cursor,NULL); return 0; }
int ts_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned i, ntasks, n, skip; TaskInfo_t *ti, *info; bool enabled[NVCONS]; bool check_cons = false; // por defecto habilitar todas las consolas bool cursor = mt_cons_cursor(false); memset(enabled, 0, sizeof enabled); for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) // habilitar las consolas especificadas { unsigned cons = atoi(argv[i]); if ( cons < NVCONS ) enabled[cons] = check_cons = true; } mt_cons_clear(); cprintk(WHITE, BLUE, "%s", title); // permite escribir con letra y fondo particular mt_cons_gotoxy(0, 24); // me ubica en un lugar en pantalla (X e Y) para deespues escribir. cprintk(WHITE, BLUE, "%s", foot); skip = 0; do { info = GetTasks(&ntasks); for ( n = 0, i = 1, ti = info ; i < 24 && ntasks-- ; ti++ ) { if ( (check_cons && !enabled[ti->consnum]) || n++ < skip ) continue; mt_cons_gotoxy(0, i++); char namebuf[20]; sprintf(namebuf, ti->protected ? "[%.16s]" : "%.18s", name(ti->task)); cprintk(WHITE, BLACK, "%8x %-18s %u %10u %-9s %-18.18s", ti->task, namebuf, ti->consnum, ti->priority, statename(ti->state), name(ti->waiting)); if ( ti->is_timeout ) cprintk(WHITE, BLACK, " %10u", ti->timeout); else mt_cons_clreol(); } while ( i < 24 ) { mt_cons_gotoxy(0, i++); mt_cons_clreol(); } Free(info); } while ( getuser(&skip) ); mt_cons_clear(); mt_cons_cursor(cursor); return 0; }
BObjectList<Task>* TaskFS::GetTasks(TaskList forList) { Task *tmpTask = NULL; BObjectList<Task> *taskTaskList = new BObjectList<Task>(); int32 i; //grab a up to date List of Items GetTasks(); for (i = 0; i<tasks->CountItems();i++) { tmpTask=tasks->ItemAt(i); if (*(tmpTask->GetTaskList()) == forList) taskTaskList->AddItem(tmpTask); } return taskTaskList; }
TError TCgroup::KillAll(int signal) const { std::vector<pid_t> tasks; TError error; L_ACT() << "KillAll " << signal << " " << *this << std::endl; error = GetTasks(tasks); if (!error) { for (const auto &pid : tasks) { if (kill(pid, signal) && errno != ESRCH) { error = TError(EError::Unknown, errno, StringFormat("kill(%d, %d)", pid, signal)); L_ERR() << "Cannot kill process " << pid << " : " << error << std::endl; } } } return error; }
Task* TaskFS::GetTask(BString forID) { Task *tmpTask = NULL; int32 i = 0; bool found = false; //grab a up to date List of Items GetTasks(); while (i<tasks->CountItems() && found!=true) { tmpTask=tasks->ItemAt(i); found = tmpTask->ID() == forID; i++; } if (found == true) return tmpTask; else return NULL; }
Server::State* Server::Connector::RequestState() { State* state; try { LOG_DEBUG("call RequestState ..."); Initialize(); if (user == NULL) { if({ this->user = AuthenticateByLoginAndPassword(); }else{ this->user = AuthenticateByKerberos(); } if (user == NULL) { throw "User is NULL"; } } state = GetTasks(); } catch (const exception& e) { LOG_ERROR("exception: %s", e.what()); state = new Server::State(CONNECTION_STATE_ERROR); } catch (const char* e) { LOG_ERROR("exception: %s", e); state = new Server::State(CONNECTION_STATE_ERROR); } catch (const string e) { LOG_ERROR("exception: %s", e.c_str()); state = new Server::State(CONNECTION_STATE_ERROR); } catch (const wstring e) { LOG_ERROR_W(L"exception: " + e); state = new Server::State(CONNECTION_STATE_ERROR); } catch(...) { LOG_ERROR("General exception catched"); state = new Server::State(CONNECTION_STATE_ERROR); } if (state->GetConnectionState() == CONNECTION_STATE_ERROR) { Reset(); } return state; }
void TeamWorkApi::ParseTasks( int iFollowupPage ){ QScopedPointer<QDomDocument> pdomTaskLists( FutureParseResponse( "task-lists", strCurrentRequest ) ); if( !pdomTaskLists ) return; QDomElement domTaskList = pdomTaskLists->firstChildElement( "todo-lists" ).firstChildElement( "todo-list" ); int i = 0; while( !domTaskList.isNull() ){ int idTaskList = domTaskList.namedItem( "id" ).firstChild().nodeValue().toInt(); QDomElement domTask = domTaskList.namedItem( "todo-items" ).firstChildElement( "todo-item" ); while( !domTask.isNull() ){ TwpmTask *pTask = new TwpmTask(); pTask->strAuthor = domTask.namedItem( "responsible-party-names" ).firstChild().nodeValue(); pTask->strContent = domTask.namedItem( "content" ).firstChild().nodeValue(); pTask->idTaskList = idTaskList; pTask->id = domTask.namedItem( "id" ).firstChild().nodeValue().toInt(); hashTempTasks.insert( pTask->id, pTask ); domTask = domTask.nextSiblingElement( "todo-item" ); } domTaskList = domTaskList.nextSiblingElement( "todo-list" ); i++; if( 0 == i % 10 ) QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } if( bMultiPage ) GetTasks( idCurrent, iFollowupPage ); else emit ReturnTasks( this->idCurrent, hashTempTasks ); }
}; auto superDestroyedHandler = [this](CCircuitUnit* unit, CEnemyUnit* attacker) { IUnitTask* task = unit->GetTask(); task->OnUnitDestroyed(unit, attacker); // can change task unit->GetTask()->RemoveAssignee(unit); // Remove unit from IdleTask }; /* * Defend buildings handler */ auto structDamagedHandler = [this](CCircuitUnit* unit, CEnemyUnit* attacker) { const AIFloat3& pos = unit->GetPos(this->circuit->GetLastFrame()); CTerrainManager* terrainManager = this->circuit->GetTerrainManager(); CDefendTask* defendTask = nullptr; float minSqDist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); const std::set<IFighterTask*>& tasks = GetTasks(IFighterTask::FightType::DEFEND); for (IFighterTask* task : tasks) { CDefendTask* dt = static_cast<CDefendTask*>(task); if (dt->GetTarget() != nullptr) { continue; } const float sqDist = pos.SqDistance2D(dt->GetPosition()); if ((minSqDist < sqDist) && (terrainManager->CanMoveToPos(dt->GetLeader()->GetArea(), pos))) { minSqDist = sqDist; defendTask = dt; } } if (defendTask != nullptr) { defendTask->SetPosition(pos); defendTask->SetWantedTarget(attacker); }
bool TCgroup::IsEmpty() const { std::vector<pid_t> tasks; GetTasks(tasks); return tasks.empty(); }