void wxTreebook::AssignImageList(wxImageList *imageList) { wxBookCtrlBase::AssignImageList(imageList); GetTreeCtrl()->SetImageList(imageList); }
void wxTreebook::DoInternalRemovePageRange(size_t pagePos, size_t subCount) { // Attention: this function is only for a situation when we delete a node // with all its children so pagePos is the node's index and subCount is the // node children count wxASSERT_MSG( pagePos + subCount < m_treeIds.GetCount(), wxT("Ivalid page index") ); wxTreeItemId pageId = m_treeIds[pagePos]; m_treeIds.RemoveAt(pagePos, subCount + 1); if ( m_selection != wxNOT_FOUND ) { if ( (size_t)m_selection > pagePos + subCount) { // selection is far after the deleted page, so just update the index and move on m_selection -= 1 + subCount; if ( m_actualSelection != wxNOT_FOUND) { m_actualSelection -= subCount + 1; } } else if ( (size_t)m_selection >= pagePos ) { wxTreeCtrl *tree = GetTreeCtrl(); // as selected page is going to be deleted, try to select the next // sibling if exists, if not then the parent wxTreeItemId nodeId = tree->GetNextSibling(pageId); m_selection = wxNOT_FOUND; m_actualSelection = wxNOT_FOUND; if ( nodeId.IsOk() ) { // selecting next siblings tree->SelectItem(nodeId); } else // no next sibling, select the parent { wxTreeItemId parentId = tree->GetItemParent(pageId); if ( parentId.IsOk() && parentId != tree->GetRootItem() ) { tree->SelectItem(parentId); } else // parent is root { // we can't select it as it's hidden DoUpdateSelection(false, wxNOT_FOUND); } } } else if ( m_actualSelection != wxNOT_FOUND && (size_t)m_actualSelection >= pagePos ) { // nothing to do -- selection is before the deleted node, but // actually shown page (the first (sub)child with page != NULL) is // already deleted m_actualSelection = m_selection; // send event as documented DoSetSelection(m_selection, SetSelection_SendEvent); } //else: nothing to do -- selection is before the deleted node } else { DoUpdateSelection(false, wxNOT_FOUND); } }
int wxTreebook::DoSetSelection(size_t pagePos, int flags) { wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(pagePos), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("invalid page index in wxListbook::DoSetSelection()") ); wxASSERT_MSG( GetPageCount() == DoInternalGetPageCount(), wxT("wxTreebook logic error: m_treeIds and m_pages not in sync!")); wxBookCtrlEvent event(wxEVT_TREEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, m_windowId); const int oldSel = m_selection; wxTreeCtrl *tree = GetTreeCtrl(); bool allowed = false; if (flags & SetSelection_SendEvent) { event.SetEventObject(this); event.SetSelection(pagePos); event.SetOldSelection(m_selection); // don't send the event if the old and new pages are the same; do send it // otherwise and be prepared for it to be vetoed allowed = (int)pagePos == m_selection || !GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) || event.IsAllowed(); } if ( !(flags & SetSelection_SendEvent) || allowed ) { // hide the previously shown page wxTreebookPage * const oldPage = DoGetCurrentPage(); if ( oldPage ) oldPage->Hide(); // then show the new one m_selection = pagePos; wxTreebookPage *page = wxBookCtrlBase::GetPage(m_selection); if ( !page ) { // find the next page suitable to be shown: the first (grand)child // of this one with a non-NULL associated page wxTreeItemId childId = m_treeIds[pagePos]; int actualPagePos = pagePos; while ( !page && childId.IsOk() ) { wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; childId = tree->GetFirstChild( childId, cookie ); if ( childId.IsOk() ) { page = wxBookCtrlBase::GetPage(++actualPagePos); } } m_actualSelection = page ? actualPagePos : m_selection; } if ( page ) page->Show(); tree->SelectItem(DoInternalGetPage(pagePos)); if (flags & SetSelection_SendEvent) { // notify about the (now completed) page change event.SetEventType(wxEVT_TREEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED); (void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } } else if ( (flags & SetSelection_SendEvent) && !allowed) // page change vetoed { // tree selection might have already had changed if ( oldSel != wxNOT_FOUND ) tree->SelectItem(DoInternalGetPage(oldSel)); } return oldSel; }
void CvIpmLeft::OnSelchanging(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { CTreeCtrl& tree = GetTreeCtrl(); CdIpmDoc* pDoc = (CdIpmDoc *)GetDocument(); ASSERT(pDoc); *pResult = 0; // default to allow selchange try { // Manage "update all after load on first action" if (!pDoc) return; if (pDoc->GetPTreeGD()->CurrentlyLoading()) return; if (pDoc->GetLockDisplayRightPane()) return; if (pDoc->ManageMonSpecialState() || m_bProhibitActionOnTreeCtrl) { *pResult = 1; return; } NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; HTREEITEM hItem = pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem; CTreeItem *pItem; pItem = (CTreeItem *)tree.GetItemData(hItem); if (pItem) { if (!pItem->CompleteStruct()) { //"Structure Not Completed" AfxMessageBox(IDS_E_STRUCTURE, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); *pResult = 1; // prevent selchange return; } // Manage old item replicator dbevents HTREEITEM hOldItem = pNMTreeView->itemOld.hItem; if (hOldItem) { CTreeItem *pOldItem; pOldItem = (CTreeItem *)tree.GetItemData(hOldItem); ASSERT (pOldItem); if (pOldItem) { // Cannot rely on "if (!pOldItem->ItemDisplaysNoPage())" // because replication can have been installed/uninstalled since then // ---> must terminate or not according to m_ReplMonHandle value if (pOldItem->HasReplicMonitor()) { pDoc->TerminateReplicator(); } } } // Notify current page on the right that we are about to leave it CfIpmFrame* pFrame = (CfIpmFrame*)GetParentFrame(); ASSERT (pFrame); if (pFrame) { if (pFrame->IsAllViewCreated()) { CuDlgIpmTabCtrl* pTabDlg = (CuDlgIpmTabCtrl*)pFrame->GetTabDialog(); if (pTabDlg) pTabDlg->NotifyPageSelChanging(); } } } } catch (...) { AfxMessageBox (IDS_E_CONSTRUCT_PROPERTY); } }
void CvIpmLeft::OnSelchanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { IPMUPDATEPARAMS ups; NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; CdIpmDoc* pDoc = (CdIpmDoc *)GetDocument(); try { ASSERT(pDoc); if (!pDoc) return; if (pDoc->GetLockDisplayRightPane()) return; CfIpmFrame* pFrame = (CfIpmFrame*)GetParentFrame(); ASSERT (pFrame); if (!pFrame) return; if (!pFrame->IsAllViewCreated()) return; CuDlgIpmTabCtrl* pTabDlg = (CuDlgIpmTabCtrl*)pFrame->GetTabDialog(); if (!pTabDlg) return; CWaitCursor doWaitCursor ; // // Notify the container of sel change: CIpmCtrl* pIpmCtrl = (CIpmCtrl*)pFrame->GetParent(); if (pIpmCtrl) pIpmCtrl->ContainerNotifySelChange(); memset (&ups, 0, sizeof (ups)); CTreeCtrl& treeCtrl = GetTreeCtrl(); CTreeItem* pItem = (CTreeItem*)treeCtrl.GetItemData (pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem); if (pItem->IsNoItem() || pItem->IsErrorItem()) { pTabDlg->DisplayPage (NULL); *pResult = 0; return; } if (pItem->ItemDisplaysNoPage()) { CString caption = pItem->ItemNoPageCaption(); pTabDlg->DisplayPage (NULL, caption); *pResult = 0; return; } if (pItem->HasReplicMonitor()) { pDoc->InitializeReplicator(pItem->GetDBName()); } int nImage = -1, nSelectedImage = -1; CImageList* pImageList = treeCtrl.GetImageList (TVSIL_NORMAL); HICON hIcon = NULL; int nImageCount = pImageList? pImageList->GetImageCount(): 0; if (pImageList && treeCtrl.GetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem, nImage, nSelectedImage)) { if (nImage < nImageCount) hIcon = pImageList->ExtractIcon(nImage); } CuPageInformation* pPageInfo = pItem->GetPageInformation(); CString strItem = pItem->GetRightPaneTitle(); pItem->UpdateDataWhenSelChange(); // Has an effect only if the class has specialied the method. ups.nType = pItem->GetType(); ups.pStruct = pItem->GetPTreeItemData()? pItem->GetPTreeItemData()->GetDataPtr(): NULL; ups.pSFilter= pDoc->GetPTreeGD()->GetPSFilter(); pPageInfo->SetUpdateParam (&ups); pPageInfo->SetTitle ((LPCTSTR)strItem, pItem, pDoc); pPageInfo->SetImage (hIcon); pTabDlg->DisplayPage (pPageInfo); } catch(CMemoryException* e) { theApp.OutOfMemoryMessage(); e->Delete(); } catch(CResourceException* e) { AfxMessageBox (IDS_E_LOAD_DLG); e->Delete(); } catch(...) { AfxMessageBox (IDS_E_CONSTRUCT_PROPERTY); } *pResult = 0; }
LONG CvIpmLeft::OnFindReplace(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TRACE0("CvIpmLeft::OnFindReplace\n"); CString strFind; LPFINDREPLACE lpfr = (LPFINDREPLACE) lParam; if (!lpfr) return 0; if (lpfr->Flags & FR_DIALOGTERM) { m_strLastFindWhat = m_pDlgFind->GetFindString(); m_pDlgFind = NULL; } else if (lpfr->Flags & FR_FINDNEXT) { // // Find Next: CString strMsg; m_strLastFindWhat = m_pDlgFind->GetFindString(); CdIpmDoc* pDoc = (CdIpmDoc *)GetDocument(); ASSERT (pDoc); if (!pDoc) return -1L; CTreeCtrl& treeCtrl = GetTreeCtrl(); HTREEITEM hItem = treeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); if (!hItem) return -1L; HTREEITEM hItemCurSel; HTREEITEM hItemNewSel; HTREEITEM hItemNextToCurSel; BOOL bFound; LPTSTR pCur, pPrec; static TCHAR tchszWordSeparator[] = _T(" .*[]()\t"); m_bMatchCase = m_pDlgFind->MatchCase(); m_bWholeWord = m_pDlgFind->MatchWholeWord(); strFind = m_strLastFindWhat; if (!m_bMatchCase) strFind.MakeUpper(); // // Loop starting from the current selection hItemCurSel = treeCtrl.GetSelectedItem(); hItemNewSel = treeCtrl.GetNextVisibleItem(hItemCurSel); hItemNextToCurSel = hItemNewSel; while (hItemNewSel) { CTreeItem* pItem = (CTreeItem *)treeCtrl.GetItemData(hItemNewSel); ASSERT(pItem); if (!pItem) return -1L; CString strItem = pItem->GetDisplayName(); if (!strItem.IsEmpty()) { if (!m_bMatchCase) strItem.MakeUpper(); // // search if (m_bWholeWord) { bFound = FALSE; pPrec = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strItem; while (1) { // search substring pCur = _tcsstr(pPrec, strFind); if (pCur == 0) { bFound = FALSE; break; // Not found. Cannot be found anymore. Bueno } // check previous character is a separator or first in the string if (pCur > (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strItem) { if (_tcschr(tchszWordSeparator, *(pCur-1)) == 0) { pPrec = pCur + 1; continue; // try next occurence in the string } } // check ending character is a separator or terminates the string if (*(pCur + strFind.GetLength()) != _T('\0')) { if (_tcschr(tchszWordSeparator, *(pCur + strFind.GetLength())) == 0) { pPrec = _tcsinc(pCur); continue; // try next occurence in the string } } // all tests fit bFound = TRUE; break; } } else bFound = ((_tcsstr(strItem, strFind)==NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE); // use search result if (bFound) { // special management if no other than current if (hItemNewSel == hItemCurSel) break; // select item, ensure visibility, and return treeCtrl.SelectItem(hItemNewSel); treeCtrl.EnsureVisible(hItemNewSel); return -1L; } } // Next item, and exit condition for the while() loop // Wraparoud managed here! hItemNewSel = treeCtrl.GetNextVisibleItem(hItemNewSel); if (hItemNewSel==0) hItemNewSel = treeCtrl.GetRootItem(); if (hItemNewSel == hItemNextToCurSel) break; // wrapped around the whole tree : not found } // // Not found : display message box - truncate text if too long if (hItemNewSel == hItemCurSel) AfxFormatString1(strMsg, IDS_FIND_NO_OCCURENCE, (LPCTSTR)strFind); else AfxFormatString1(strMsg, IDS_FIND_NOTFOUND, (LPCTSTR)strFind); AfxMessageBox (strMsg); m_pDlgFind->SetFocus(); } return 0; }
int look::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CTreeView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here m_TreeCtrl = &GetTreeCtrl(); m_TreeCtrl->ModifyStyle (0, WS_VISIBLE | TVS_HASBUTTONS|TVS_HASLINES|TVS_LINESATROOT); m_Font.CreatePointFont (95, _T("宋体")); m_TreeCtrl->SetFont (&m_Font); m_ImageList.Create(16, 16, true, 2, 1); HICON hIcon; hIcon= AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon (IDI_ICON2); m_ImageList.Add (hIcon); hIcon= AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon (IDI_ICON3); m_ImageList.Add (hIcon); m_TreeCtrl->SetImageList( &m_ImageList, TVSIL_NORMAL ); //m_ini. char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; if(_getcwd(buffer,_MAX_PATH)!=NULL){ m_ini.file_path =strcat(buffer,"\\config.ini"); } //my=(CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainfrm()->; #define SUDDY // my=my_connection; // char * #ifdef PEARL my=con.connect ("", "root","3123", "caixia", 0, "csi04", 0 ); #endif //my=con.connect ("", "root","3123", "wangyu", 0, "csi04", 0 ); #ifdef SUDDY my=con.connect (m_ini.getvalue ("mysql","host"), m_ini.getvalue ("mysql","user"),m_ini.getvalue ("mysql","password"), m_ini.getvalue ("mysql","database"), 0, "csi04", 0 ); #endif if (my==NULL) { MessageBox("连接失败!请和管理员[email protected] 联系,\nPlease Contact to Adimistrator [email protected]"); AfxGetMainWnd()->PostMessage (WM_CLOSE); return FALSE; } CString sql; sql="select distinct type from help order by type"; //MessageBox(sql); if(con.mysql_exec(my,sql)!=0) { char *s=(char *)malloc(1024); sprintf(s,"发生错误:%s",con.error(my)); //s=con.error(my); MessageBox(s); free(s); return 0; } rs_dad=con.store_result (my); while((row=mysql_fetch_row(rs_dad))!=NULL) { dad=m_TreeCtrl->InsertItem (row[0],1,0); sql="select title from help where type=\'"+(CString)row[0]+"\'"; //MessageBox(sql); if(con.mysql_exec(my,sql)!=0) { //MessageBox("服务器可能已经关闭,请重试,如果问题仍然存在,请联系[email protected]"); return 0; } rs_son=con.store_result (my); while((row_son=mysql_fetch_row(rs_son))!=NULL) { m_TreeCtrl->InsertItem (row_son[0],1,0,dad); } con.free_result (rs_son); } con.free_result (rs_dad); return 0; }
void CLeftView::DeleteFirstChild(HTREEITEM hItem) { HTREEITEM hChildItem; if ((hChildItem = GetTreeCtrl().GetChildItem(hItem)) != NULL) GetTreeCtrl().DeleteItem(hChildItem); }