Beispiel #1
UniValue createmultisig(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    CWallet * const pwallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);
    CWallet * const pwallet = NULL;

    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 2)
        std::string msg = "createmultisig nrequired [\"key\",...]\n"
            "\nCreates a multi-signature address with n signature of m keys required.\n"
            "It returns a json object with the address and redeemScript.\n"

            "1. nrequired      (numeric, required) The number of required signatures out of the n keys or addresses.\n"
            "2. \"keys\"       (string, required) A json array of keys which are bitcoin addresses or hex-encoded public keys\n"
            "     [\n"
            "       \"key\"    (string) bitcoin address or hex-encoded public key\n"
            "       ,...\n"
            "     ]\n"

            "  \"address\":\"multisigaddress\",  (string) The value of the new multisig address.\n"
            "  \"redeemScript\":\"script\"       (string) The string value of the hex-encoded redemption script.\n"

            "\nCreate a multisig address from 2 addresses\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("createmultisig", "2 \"[\\\"16sSauSf5pF2UkUwvKGq4qjNRzBZYqgEL5\\\",\\\"171sgjn4YtPu27adkKGrdDwzRTxnRkBfKV\\\"]\"") +
            "\nAs a json rpc call\n"
            + HelpExampleRpc("createmultisig", "2, \"[\\\"16sSauSf5pF2UkUwvKGq4qjNRzBZYqgEL5\\\",\\\"171sgjn4YtPu27adkKGrdDwzRTxnRkBfKV\\\"]\"")
        throw std::runtime_error(msg);

    // Construct using pay-to-script-hash:
    CScript inner = _createmultisig_redeemScript(pwallet, request.params);
    CScriptID innerID(inner);
    CBitcoinAddress address(innerID);

    UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
    result.push_back(Pair("address", address.ToString()));
    result.push_back(Pair("redeemScript", HexStr(inner.begin(), inner.end())));

    return result;
Beispiel #2
 * @note Do not add or change anything in the information returned by this
 * method. `getinfo` exists for backwards-compatibility only. It combines
 * information from wildly different sources in the program, which is a mess,
 * and is thus planned to be deprecated eventually.
 * Based on the source of the information, new information should be added to:
 * - `getblockchaininfo`,
 * - `getnetworkinfo` or
 * - `getwalletinfo`
 * Or alternatively, create a specific query method for the information.
UniValue getinfo(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "\nDEPRECATED. Returns an object containing various state info.\n"
            "  \"deprecation-warning\": \"...\" (string) warning that the getinfo command is deprecated and will be removed in 0.16\n"
            "  \"version\": xxxxx,           (numeric) the server version\n"
            "  \"protocolversion\": xxxxx,   (numeric) the protocol version\n"
            "  \"walletversion\": xxxxx,     (numeric) the wallet version\n"
            "  \"balance\": xxxxxxx,         (numeric) the total bitcoin balance of the wallet\n"
            "  \"blocks\": xxxxxx,           (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server\n"
            "  \"timeoffset\": xxxxx,        (numeric) the time offset\n"
            "  \"connections\": xxxxx,       (numeric) the number of connections\n"
            "  \"proxy\": \"host:port\",       (string, optional) the proxy used by the server\n"
            "  \"difficulty\": xxxxxx,       (numeric) the current difficulty\n"
            "  \"testnet\": true|false,      (boolean) if the server is using testnet or not\n"
            "  \"keypoololdest\": xxxxxx,    (numeric) the timestamp (seconds since Unix epoch) of the oldest pre-generated key in the key pool\n"
            "  \"keypoolsize\": xxxx,        (numeric) how many new keys are pre-generated\n"
            "  \"unlocked_until\": ttt,      (numeric) the timestamp in seconds since epoch (midnight Jan 1 1970 GMT) that the wallet is unlocked for transfers, or 0 if the wallet is locked\n"
            "  \"paytxfee\": x.xxxx,         (numeric) the transaction fee set in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
            "  \"relayfee\": x.xxxx,         (numeric) minimum relay fee for transactions in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "/kB\n"
            "  \"errors\": \"...\"             (string) any error messages\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("getinfo", "")
            + HelpExampleRpc("getinfo", "")

    CWallet * const pwallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);

    LOCK2(cs_main, pwallet ? &pwallet->cs_wallet : NULL);

    proxyType proxy;
    GetProxy(NET_IPV4, proxy);

    UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
    obj.push_back(Pair("deprecation-warning", "WARNING: getinfo is deprecated and will be fully removed in 0.16."
        " Projects should transition to using getblockchaininfo, getnetworkinfo, and getwalletinfo before upgrading to 0.16"));
    obj.push_back(Pair("version", CLIENT_VERSION));
    obj.push_back(Pair("protocolversion", PROTOCOL_VERSION));
    if (pwallet) {
        obj.push_back(Pair("walletversion", pwallet->GetVersion()));
        obj.push_back(Pair("balance",       ValueFromAmount(pwallet->GetBalance())));
    obj.push_back(Pair("blocks",        (int)chainActive.Height()));
    obj.push_back(Pair("timeoffset",    GetTimeOffset()));
        obj.push_back(Pair("connections",   (int)g_connman->GetNodeCount(CConnman::CONNECTIONS_ALL)));
    obj.push_back(Pair("proxy",         (proxy.IsValid() ? proxy.proxy.ToStringIPPort() : std::string())));
    obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty",    (double)GetDifficulty()));
    obj.push_back(Pair("testnet",       Params().NetworkIDString() == CBaseChainParams::TESTNET));
    if (pwallet) {
        obj.push_back(Pair("keypoololdest", pwallet->GetOldestKeyPoolTime()));
        obj.push_back(Pair("keypoolsize",   (int)pwallet->GetKeyPoolSize()));
    if (pwallet && pwallet->IsCrypted()) {
        obj.push_back(Pair("unlocked_until", pwallet->nRelockTime));
    obj.push_back(Pair("paytxfee",      ValueFromAmount(payTxFee.GetFeePerK())));
    obj.push_back(Pair("relayfee",      ValueFromAmount(::minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK())));
    obj.push_back(Pair("errors",        GetWarnings("statusbar")));
    return obj;
Beispiel #3
UniValue validateaddress(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "validateaddress \"address\"\n"
            "\nReturn information about the given bitcoin address.\n"
            "1. \"address\"     (string, required) The bitcoin address to validate\n"
            "  \"isvalid\" : true|false,       (boolean) If the address is valid or not. If not, this is the only property returned.\n"
            "  \"address\" : \"address\", (string) The bitcoin address validated\n"
            "  \"scriptPubKey\" : \"hex\",       (string) The hex encoded scriptPubKey generated by the address\n"
            "  \"ismine\" : true|false,        (boolean) If the address is yours or not\n"
            "  \"iswatchonly\" : true|false,   (boolean) If the address is watchonly\n"
            "  \"isscript\" : true|false,      (boolean) If the key is a script\n"
            "  \"script\" : \"type\"             (string, optional) The output script type. Possible types: nonstandard, pubkey, pubkeyhash, scripthash, multisig, nulldata, witness_v0_keyhash, witness_v0_scripthash\n"
            "  \"hex\" : \"hex\",                (string, optional) The redeemscript for the p2sh address\n"
            "  \"addresses\"                   (string, optional) Array of addresses associated with the known redeemscript\n"
            "    [\n"
            "      \"address\"\n"
            "      ,...\n"
            "    ]\n"
            "  \"sigsrequired\" : xxxxx        (numeric, optional) Number of signatures required to spend multisig output\n"
            "  \"pubkey\" : \"publickeyhex\",    (string) The hex value of the raw public key\n"
            "  \"iscompressed\" : true|false,  (boolean) If the address is compressed\n"
            "  \"account\" : \"account\"         (string) DEPRECATED. The account associated with the address, \"\" is the default account\n"
            "  \"timestamp\" : timestamp,        (number, optional) The creation time of the key if available in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
            "  \"hdkeypath\" : \"keypath\"       (string, optional) The HD keypath if the key is HD and available\n"
            "  \"hdmasterkeyid\" : \"<hash160>\" (string, optional) The Hash160 of the HD master pubkey\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("validateaddress", "\"1PSSGeFHDnKNxiEyFrD1wcEaHr9hrQDDWc\"")
            + HelpExampleRpc("validateaddress", "\"1PSSGeFHDnKNxiEyFrD1wcEaHr9hrQDDWc\"")

    CWallet * const pwallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);

    LOCK2(cs_main, pwallet ? &pwallet->cs_wallet : NULL);

    CBitcoinAddress address(request.params[0].get_str());
    bool isValid = address.IsValid();

    UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);
    ret.push_back(Pair("isvalid", isValid));
    if (isValid)
        CTxDestination dest = address.Get();
        std::string currentAddress = address.ToString();
        ret.push_back(Pair("address", currentAddress));

        CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(dest);
        ret.push_back(Pair("scriptPubKey", HexStr(scriptPubKey.begin(), scriptPubKey.end())));

        isminetype mine = pwallet ? IsMine(*pwallet, dest) : ISMINE_NO;
        ret.push_back(Pair("ismine", bool(mine & ISMINE_SPENDABLE)));
        ret.push_back(Pair("iswatchonly", bool(mine & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY)));
        UniValue detail = boost::apply_visitor(DescribeAddressVisitor(pwallet), dest);
        if (pwallet && pwallet->mapAddressBook.count(dest)) {
            ret.push_back(Pair("account", pwallet->mapAddressBook[dest].name));
        CKeyID keyID;
        if (pwallet) {
            const auto& meta = pwallet->mapKeyMetadata;
            auto it = address.GetKeyID(keyID) ? meta.find(keyID) : meta.end();
            if (it == meta.end()) {
                it = meta.find(CScriptID(scriptPubKey));
            if (it != meta.end()) {
                ret.push_back(Pair("timestamp", it->second.nCreateTime));
                if (!it->second.hdKeypath.empty()) {
                    ret.push_back(Pair("hdkeypath", it->second.hdKeypath));
                    ret.push_back(Pair("hdmasterkeyid", it->second.hdMasterKeyID.GetHex()));
    return ret;
Beispiel #4
UniValue signrawtransaction(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    CWallet * const pwallet = GetWalletForJSONRPCRequest(request);

    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 4)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "signrawtransaction \"hexstring\" ( [{\"txid\":\"id\",\"vout\":n,\"scriptPubKey\":\"hex\",\"redeemScript\":\"hex\"},...] [\"privatekey1\",...] sighashtype )\n"
            "\nSign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).\n"
            "The second optional argument (may be null) is an array of previous transaction outputs that\n"
            "this transaction depends on but may not yet be in the block chain.\n"
            "The third optional argument (may be null) is an array of base58-encoded private\n"
            "keys that, if given, will be the only keys used to sign the transaction.\n"
            + HelpRequiringPassphrase(pwallet) + "\n"

            "1. \"hexstring\"     (string, required) The transaction hex string\n"
            "2. \"prevtxs\"       (string, optional) An json array of previous dependent transaction outputs\n"
            "     [               (json array of json objects, or 'null' if none provided)\n"
            "       {\n"
            "         \"txid\":\"id\",             (string, required) The transaction id\n"
            "         \"vout\":n,                  (numeric, required) The output number\n"
            "         \"scriptPubKey\": \"hex\",   (string, required) script key\n"
            "         \"redeemScript\": \"hex\",   (string, required for P2SH or P2WSH) redeem script\n"
            "         \"amount\": value            (numeric, required) The amount spent\n"
            "       }\n"
            "       ,...\n"
            "    ]\n"
            "3. \"privkeys\"     (string, optional) A json array of base58-encoded private keys for signing\n"
            "    [                  (json array of strings, or 'null' if none provided)\n"
            "      \"privatekey\"   (string) private key in base58-encoding\n"
            "      ,...\n"
            "    ]\n"
            "4. \"sighashtype\"     (string, optional, default=ALL) The signature hash type. Must be one of\n"
            "       \"ALL\"\n"
            "       \"NONE\"\n"
            "       \"SINGLE\"\n"
            "       \"ALL|ANYONECANPAY\"\n"
            "       \"NONE|ANYONECANPAY\"\n"
            "       \"SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY\"\n"

            "  \"hex\" : \"value\",           (string) The hex-encoded raw transaction with signature(s)\n"
            "  \"complete\" : true|false,   (boolean) If the transaction has a complete set of signatures\n"
            "  \"errors\" : [                 (json array of objects) Script verification errors (if there are any)\n"
            "    {\n"
            "      \"txid\" : \"hash\",           (string) The hash of the referenced, previous transaction\n"
            "      \"vout\" : n,                (numeric) The index of the output to spent and used as input\n"
            "      \"scriptSig\" : \"hex\",       (string) The hex-encoded signature script\n"
            "      \"sequence\" : n,            (numeric) Script sequence number\n"
            "      \"error\" : \"text\"           (string) Verification or signing error related to the input\n"
            "    }\n"
            "    ,...\n"
            "  ]\n"

            + HelpExampleCli("signrawtransaction", "\"myhex\"")
            + HelpExampleRpc("signrawtransaction", "\"myhex\"")

    LOCK2(cs_main, pwallet ? &pwallet->cs_wallet : nullptr);
    RPCTypeCheck(request.params, {UniValue::VSTR, UniValue::VARR, UniValue::VARR, UniValue::VSTR}, true);

    CMutableTransaction mtx;
    if (!DecodeHexTx(mtx, request.params[0].get_str(), true))
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed");

    // Fetch previous transactions (inputs):
    CCoinsView viewDummy;
    CCoinsViewCache view(&viewDummy);
        CCoinsViewCache &viewChain = *pcoinsTip;
        CCoinsViewMemPool viewMempool(&viewChain, mempool);
        view.SetBackend(viewMempool); // temporarily switch cache backend to db+mempool view

        for (const CTxIn& txin : {
            view.AccessCoin(txin.prevout); // Load entries from viewChain into view; can fail.

        view.SetBackend(viewDummy); // switch back to avoid locking mempool for too long

    bool fGivenKeys = false;
    CBasicKeyStore tempKeystore;
    if (!request.params[2].isNull()) {
        fGivenKeys = true;
        UniValue keys = request.params[2].get_array();
        for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < keys.size(); idx++) {
            UniValue k = keys[idx];
            CBitcoinSecret vchSecret;
            bool fGood = vchSecret.SetString(k.get_str());
            if (!fGood)
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid private key");
            CKey key = vchSecret.GetKey();
            if (!key.IsValid())
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Private key outside allowed range");
    else if (pwallet) {

    // Add previous txouts given in the RPC call:
    if (!request.params[1].isNull()) {
        UniValue prevTxs = request.params[1].get_array();
        for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < prevTxs.size(); idx++) {
            const UniValue& p = prevTxs[idx];
            if (!p.isObject())
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "expected object with {\"txid'\",\"vout\",\"scriptPubKey\"}");

            UniValue prevOut = p.get_obj();

                    {"txid", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
                    {"vout", UniValueType(UniValue::VNUM)},
                    {"scriptPubKey", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},

            uint256 txid = ParseHashO(prevOut, "txid");

            int nOut = find_value(prevOut, "vout").get_int();
            if (nOut < 0)
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "vout must be positive");

            COutPoint out(txid, nOut);
            std::vector<unsigned char> pkData(ParseHexO(prevOut, "scriptPubKey"));
            CScript scriptPubKey(pkData.begin(), pkData.end());

                const Coin& coin = view.AccessCoin(out);
                if (!coin.IsSpent() && coin.out.scriptPubKey != scriptPubKey) {
                    std::string err("Previous output scriptPubKey mismatch:\n");
                    err = err + ScriptToAsmStr(coin.out.scriptPubKey) + "\nvs:\n"+
                    throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, err);
                Coin newcoin;
                newcoin.out.scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey;
                newcoin.out.nValue = 0;
                if (prevOut.exists("amount")) {
                    newcoin.out.nValue = AmountFromValue(find_value(prevOut, "amount"));
                newcoin.nHeight = 1;
                view.AddCoin(out, std::move(newcoin), true);

            // if redeemScript given and not using the local wallet (private keys
            // given), add redeemScript to the tempKeystore so it can be signed:
            if (fGivenKeys && (scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash() || scriptPubKey.IsPayToWitnessScriptHash())) {
                        {"txid", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
                        {"vout", UniValueType(UniValue::VNUM)},
                        {"scriptPubKey", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
                        {"redeemScript", UniValueType(UniValue::VSTR)},
                UniValue v = find_value(prevOut, "redeemScript");
                if (!v.isNull()) {
                    std::vector<unsigned char> rsData(ParseHexV(v, "redeemScript"));
                    CScript redeemScript(rsData.begin(), rsData.end());

    const CKeyStore& keystore = ((fGivenKeys || !pwallet) ? tempKeystore : *pwallet);
    const CKeyStore& keystore = tempKeystore;

    int nHashType = SIGHASH_ALL;
    if (!request.params[3].isNull()) {
        static std::map<std::string, int> mapSigHashValues = {
            {std::string("ALL"), int(SIGHASH_ALL)},
            {std::string("NONE"), int(SIGHASH_NONE)},
            {std::string("SINGLE"), int(SIGHASH_SINGLE)},
        std::string strHashType = request.params[3].get_str();
        if (mapSigHashValues.count(strHashType))
            nHashType = mapSigHashValues[strHashType];
            throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid sighash param");

    bool fHashSingle = ((nHashType & ~SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) == SIGHASH_SINGLE);

    // Script verification errors
    UniValue vErrors(UniValue::VARR);

    // Use CTransaction for the constant parts of the
    // transaction to avoid rehashing.
    const CTransaction txConst(mtx);
    // Sign what we can:
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) {
        CTxIn& txin =[i];
        const Coin& coin = view.AccessCoin(txin.prevout);
        if (coin.IsSpent()) {
            TxInErrorToJSON(txin, vErrors, "Input not found or already spent");
        const CScript& prevPubKey = coin.out.scriptPubKey;
        const CAmount& amount = coin.out.nValue;

        SignatureData sigdata;
        // Only sign SIGHASH_SINGLE if there's a corresponding output:
        if (!fHashSingle || (i < mtx.vout.size()))
            ProduceSignature(MutableTransactionSignatureCreator(&keystore, &mtx, i, amount, nHashType), prevPubKey, sigdata);
        sigdata = CombineSignatures(prevPubKey, TransactionSignatureChecker(&txConst, i, amount), sigdata, DataFromTransaction(mtx, i));

        UpdateTransaction(mtx, i, sigdata);

        ScriptError serror = SCRIPT_ERR_OK;
        if (!VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, prevPubKey, &txin.scriptWitness, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, TransactionSignatureChecker(&txConst, i, amount), &serror)) {
            TxInErrorToJSON(txin, vErrors, ScriptErrorString(serror));
    bool fComplete = vErrors.empty();

    UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
    result.push_back(Pair("hex", EncodeHexTx(mtx)));
    result.push_back(Pair("complete", fComplete));
    if (!vErrors.empty()) {
        result.push_back(Pair("errors", vErrors));

    return result;