// Purpose: 
void CTFMinigun::StopMuzzleEffect()
	C_BaseEntity *pEffectOwner = GetWeaponForEffect();
	if ( !pEffectOwner )

	// Stop the muzzle flash.
	if ( m_pMuzzleEffect )
		pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->StopEmission( m_pMuzzleEffect );
		m_pMuzzleEffect = NULL;
// Purpose: 
void CTFMinigun::StopBrassEffect()
	C_BaseEntity *pEffectOwner = GetWeaponForEffect();
	if ( !pEffectOwner )

	// Stop the brass ejection.
	if ( m_pEjectBrassEffect )
		pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->StopEmission( m_pEjectBrassEffect );
		m_pEjectBrassEffect = NULL;
// Purpose: 
void CTFFlameThrower::RestartParticleEffect( void )
	CTFPlayer *pOwner = ToTFPlayer( GetPlayerOwner() );
	if ( !pOwner )

	if ( m_pFlameEffect && m_hFlameEffectHost.Get() )
		m_hFlameEffectHost->ParticleProp()->StopEmission( m_pFlameEffect );

	m_iParticleWaterLevel = pOwner->GetWaterLevel();
	int iTeam = pOwner->GetTeamNumber();

	// Start the appropriate particle effect
	const char *pszParticleEffect;
	if ( pOwner->GetWaterLevel() == WL_Eyes )
		pszParticleEffect = "flamethrower_underwater";
		if ( m_bCritFire )
			pszParticleEffect = ConstructTeamParticle( "flamethrower_crit_%s", iTeam, true );
			pszParticleEffect = iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED ? "flamethrower" : ConstructTeamParticle( "flamethrower_%s", pOwner->GetTeamNumber(), true );

	// Start the effect on the viewmodel if our owner is the local player
	C_BaseEntity *pModel = GetWeaponForEffect();

	if ( pModel )
		m_pFlameEffect = pModel->ParticleProp()->Create( pszParticleEffect, PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, "muzzle" );
		m_hFlameEffectHost = pModel;

	pOwner->m_Shared.SetParticleToMercColor( m_pFlameEffect );
// Purpose: 
void CTFMinigun::StartMuzzleEffect()
	C_BaseEntity *pEffectOwner = GetWeaponForEffect();
	if ( !pEffectOwner )

	// Try and setup the attachment point if it doesn't already exist.
	// This caching will mess up if we go third person from first - we only do this in taunts and don't fire so we should
	// be okay for now.
	if ( m_iMuzzleAttachment == -1 )
		m_iMuzzleAttachment = pEffectOwner->LookupAttachment( "muzzle" );

	// Start the muzzle flash, if a system hasn't already been started.
	if ( m_iMuzzleAttachment != -1 && m_pMuzzleEffect == NULL )
		m_pMuzzleEffect = pEffectOwner->ParticleProp()->Create( "muzzle_minigun_constant", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, m_iMuzzleAttachment );
// Purpose: 
void CTFFlameThrower::StartFlame()
	if ( m_iWeaponState == FT_STATE_AIRBLASTING )
		C_BaseEntity *pModel = GetWeaponForEffect();

		if ( pModel )
			pModel->ParticleProp()->Create( "pyro_blast", PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, "muzzle" );

		//CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
		//EmitSound( filter, entindex(), "Weapon_FlameThrower.AirBurstAttack" );
		CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController();

		// normally, crossfade between start sound & firing loop in 3.5 sec
		float flCrossfadeTime = 3.5;

		if ( m_pFiringLoop && ( m_bCritFire != m_bFiringLoopCritical ) )
			// If we're firing and changing between critical & noncritical, just need to change the firing loop.
			// Set crossfade time to zero so we skip the start sound and go to the loop immediately.

			flCrossfadeTime = 0;
			StopFlame( true );


		if ( !m_pFiringStartSound && !m_pFiringLoop )
			CLocalPlayerFilter filter;

			// Play the fire start sound
			const char *shootsound = GetShootSound( SINGLE );
			if ( flCrossfadeTime > 0.0 )
				// play the firing start sound and fade it out
				m_pFiringStartSound = controller.SoundCreate( filter, entindex(), shootsound );
				controller.Play( m_pFiringStartSound, 1.0, 100 );
				controller.SoundChangeVolume( m_pFiringStartSound, 0.0, flCrossfadeTime );

			// Start the fire sound loop and fade it in
			if ( m_bCritFire )
				shootsound = GetShootSound( BURST );
				shootsound = GetShootSound( SPECIAL1 );
			m_pFiringLoop = controller.SoundCreate( filter, entindex(), shootsound );
			m_bFiringLoopCritical = m_bCritFire;

			// play the firing loop sound and fade it in
			if ( flCrossfadeTime > 0.0 )
				controller.Play( m_pFiringLoop, 0.0, 100 );
				controller.SoundChangeVolume( m_pFiringLoop, 1.0, flCrossfadeTime );
				controller.Play( m_pFiringLoop, 1.0, 100 );

		if( m_bHitTarget != m_bOldHitTarget )
			if ( m_bHitTarget )
				CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
				m_pHitTargetSound = controller.SoundCreate( filter, entindex(), "Weapon_FlameThrower.FireHit" );
				controller.Play( m_pHitTargetSound, 1.0f, 100.0f );
			else if ( m_pHitTargetSound )
				controller.SoundDestroy( m_pHitTargetSound );
				m_pHitTargetSound = NULL;

			m_bOldHitTarget = m_bHitTarget;