void Label::Draw()
     //If this assert is hit, it means there isn't a Shader set
     assert(m_Shader != nullptr);
     //Is the render target null
     if(m_RenderTarget != nullptr)
         //Draw the render target
         //Draw the text with out the render target
     //Draw a debug label rect
     Rect rect(GetWorldPosition().x, GetWorldPosition().y, GetWidth(), GetHeight());
     //Draw the GameObject, which draws all the children
Beispiel #2
const bool VCNRenderNode::UpdateWorldTransform()
	if ( VCNNode::UpdateWorldTransform() )
		// Update mesh bounding sphere
		const VCNResID meshID = GetMeshID();
		if ( meshID != kInvalidResID )
			VCNMesh* mesh = VCNResourceCore::GetInstance()->GetResource<VCNMesh>(meshID);
			const VCNSphere boundingSphere = mesh->GetBoundingSphere();

			// Transform the sphere relative to the render node
			const Vector3 ascSacle = GetWorldScale();
			const VCNFloat radius = boundingSphere.GetRadius() * std::max(ascSacle.x, std::max(ascSacle.y, ascSacle.z));

			mBoundingSphere.Set( radius, boundingSphere.GetCenter() * mWorld );
			mBoundingBox.vcMin = (mesh->GetBoundingBox().vcMin.MulComponents(ascSacle)) + GetWorldTranslation();
			mBoundingBox.vcMax = (mesh->GetBoundingBox().vcMax.MulComponents(ascSacle)) + GetWorldTranslation();

		return true;

	return false;
    void Label::ResetModelMatrix()
        //Translate the anchor, then translate the position
        mat4 anchor = translate(mat4(1.0f), vec3(-GetWidth() * GetWorldScale().x * GetAnchorPoint().x, -GetHeight() * GetWorldScale().y * GetAnchorPoint().y, 0.0f));
        mat4 viewTranslate = translate(anchor, vec3(GetWorldPosition().x, GetWorldPosition().y, 0.0f));

        //Calculate the rotation based on the anchor point
        mat4 halfTranslate1 = translate(viewTranslate, vec3(GetWidth() * GetWorldScale().x * GetAnchorPoint().x, GetHeight() * GetWorldScale().y * GetAnchorPoint().y, 0.0f));
        mat4 viewRotation = rotate(halfTranslate1, GetWorldAngle(), vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
        mat4 halfTranslate2 = translate(viewRotation, vec3(-GetWidth() * GetWorldScale().x * GetAnchorPoint().x, -GetHeight() * GetWorldScale().y * GetAnchorPoint().y, 0.0f));
        //Lastly the scale
        m_ModelMatrix = scale(halfTranslate2, vec3(GetWorldScale().x, GetWorldScale().y, 0.0f));
        //Reset the model matrix
    void Polygon::ResetModelMatrix()
        //Local variables used below
        float left = 0.0f;
        float right = 0.0f;
        float bottom = 0.0f;
        float top = 0.0f;
        //Cycle through and set the left, right, bottom and top vars
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Vertices.size(); i++)
            left = fminf(left, m_Vertices.at(i).x);
            right = fmaxf(right, m_Vertices.at(i).x);
            bottom = fminf(bottom, m_Vertices.at(i).y);
            top = fmaxf(top, m_Vertices.at(i).y);
        //Set the width and height
        float width = right - left;
        float height = top - bottom;

        //Translate the anchor, then translate the position
        mat4 anchor = translate(mat4(1.0f), vec3(-width * GetWorldScale().x * GetAnchorPoint().x, -height * GetWorldScale().y * GetAnchorPoint().y, 0.0f));
        mat4 viewTranslate = translate(anchor, vec3(GetWorldPosition().x, GetWorldPosition().y, 0.0f));

        //Calculate the rotation based on the anchor point
        mat4 halfTranslate1 = translate(viewTranslate, vec3(width * GetWorldScale().x * GetAnchorPoint().x, height * GetWorldScale().y * GetAnchorPoint().y, 0.0f));
        vec4 transformedVector = halfTranslate1 * vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0);
        m_AnchorLocation = vec2(transformedVector.x, transformedVector.y);
        mat4 viewRotation = rotate(halfTranslate1, GetWorldAngle(), vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
        mat4 halfTranslate2 = translate(viewRotation, vec3(-width * GetWorldScale().x * GetAnchorPoint().x, -height * GetWorldScale().y * GetAnchorPoint().y, 0.0f));
        //Lastly the scale
        m_ModelMatrix = scale(halfTranslate2, vec3(GetWorldScale().x, GetWorldScale().y, 0.0f));
        //Reset the model matrix
Beispiel #5
void LightNode::Update( uint milisecon )
    if( isChange() || isFatherChange() || m_isLightChange )
        if ( isChange() || isFatherChange() )
            LocatableObject::Update( milisecon );
            vector3f ws = GetWorldScale();
            m_MaxScale = Math::GetMin( ws.m_x, Math::GetMin( ws.m_y, ws.m_z ) );
            if ( m_eLightType != LT_POINT )
                m_WorldDirection = LightDirectionRaw * GetWorldRotation();
                m_WorldUp = LightUpRaw * GetWorldRotation();
            _SetChangeFlag( false );
        m_isLightChange = false;
Beispiel #6
void PhysicsServer::ProcessCollision( void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2 )
    //  skip connected bodies
    dBodyID bodyID1 = dGeomGetBody( o1 );
    dBodyID bodyID2 = dGeomGetBody( o2 );
    if (bodyID1 && bodyID2 && dAreConnected( bodyID1, bodyID2 )) return;
    if (!bodyID1 && !bodyID2) return;

    //  do collision
    int nContacts = dCollide( o1, o2, c_MaxContacts, &m_Contacts[0].geom, sizeof( dContact ) );
    if (nContacts == 0) return;

    float scale = GetWorldScale();

    nContacts = tmin( nContacts, c_MaxContacts - m_NContacts );
    for (int i = 0; i < nContacts; i++) 
        PhysMaterial* pSurf1 = GetGeomSurface( o1 );
        PhysMaterial* pSurf2 = GetGeomSurface( o2 );
        dContact& contact = m_Contacts[i];
        dSurfaceParameters& surface = contact.surface;
        //  TODO: proper flags setup
        m_Contacts[i].surface.mode = 
            //dContactApprox1 | 
            //dContactFDir1   | 
            dContactSoftERP | 
            dContactSoftCFM |
            //dContactSlip1   | 
            //dContactSlip2   | 

        if (!pSurf1 && !pSurf2)
            surface.mu          = 8.0f;
            surface.mu2         = 8.0f;
            surface.bounce      = 1.0f; 
            surface.bounce_vel  = 0.0f;
            surface.soft_erp    = 0.1f; 
            surface.soft_cfm    = 1e-3f;
            surface.motion1     = 0.0f; 
            surface.motion2     = 0.0f; 
            surface.slip1       = 0.1f;
            surface.slip2       = 0.1f;
        else if (pSurf2 == pSurf1)
            surface.mu          = pSurf1->m_Mu; 
            surface.mu2         = pSurf1->m_Mu2;
            surface.bounce      = pSurf1->m_Bounce;
            surface.bounce_vel  = pSurf1->m_BounceVel;
            surface.soft_erp    = pSurf1->m_SoftERP; 
            surface.soft_cfm    = pSurf1->m_SoftCFM;
            surface.motion1     = pSurf1->m_Motion1;
            surface.motion2     = pSurf1->m_Motion2; 
            surface.slip1       = pSurf1->m_Slip1;
            surface.slip2       = pSurf1->m_Slip2;
            if (!pSurf1) pSurf1 = pSurf2;
            if (!pSurf2) pSurf2 = pSurf1;

            surface.mu          = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Mu * pSurf2->m_Mu );
            surface.mu2         = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Mu2 * pSurf2->m_Mu2 );
            surface.bounce      = 0.5f*( pSurf1->m_Bounce + pSurf2->m_Bounce );
            surface.bounce_vel  = tmin( pSurf1->m_BounceVel, pSurf2->m_BounceVel );
            surface.soft_erp    = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_SoftERP * pSurf2->m_SoftERP ); 
            surface.soft_cfm    = 0.5f*( pSurf1->m_SoftCFM + pSurf2->m_SoftCFM );
            surface.motion1     = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Motion1 * pSurf2->m_Motion1 );
            surface.motion2     = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Motion2 * pSurf2->m_Motion2 ); 
            surface.slip1       = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Slip1 * pSurf2->m_Slip1 );
            surface.slip2       = sqrtf( pSurf1->m_Slip2 * pSurf2->m_Slip2 );

        PhysObject* pObj1 = (PhysObject*)dGeomGetData( o1 );
        PhysObject* pObj2 = (PhysObject*)dGeomGetData( o2 );
        int obj1 = pObj1 ? pObj1->GetID() : -1;
        int obj2 = pObj2 ? pObj2->GetID() : -1;

        dContactGeom& geom = contact.geom;

        if (IsDrawBounds())
            Vec3 pos = Vec3( geom.pos[0], geom.pos[1], geom.pos[2] ); 
            pos /= scale;
            Vec3 norm = Vec3( geom.normal[0], geom.normal[1], geom.normal[2] ); 
            const float c_HandleSize = 0.3f;
            g_pDrawServer->SetWorldTM( Mat4::identity );
            g_pDrawServer->DrawBox( AABox( pos, c_HandleSize*0.5f ), 0x5500FF00, 0x22FFFF00 );
            g_pDrawServer->DrawLine( pos, pos + norm*c_HandleSize, 0x5500FF00, 0x5500FF00 );
        dJointID jID = dJointCreateContact( m_WorldID, m_ContactGroupID, &contact );
        dJointAttach( jID, bodyID1, bodyID2 ); 
} // PhysicsServer::ProcessCollision
Beispiel #7
	void Emitter::Update(uint millisecond)
		LocatableObject::Update( millisecond );
		m_isInview = false;
		if( !m_isForceStop )
			if( isEmit() || m_uLifedTime <= m_EmitterLife + m_LifeSpan.m_y )//如果粒子还活着
				aabbox3df worldbox = m_BindBox; //初始的绑定和不能变
				worldbox.SetCenter( GetWorldPosition() );
				if ( Engine::Instance().GetCamera()->GetFrustum().Intersect( worldbox ) )//判断是否可视
					m_isInview = true;
				m_uLifedTime += millisecond;
				if( m_isInview )
					m_ActiveTime += millisecond;
					if( m_isEmit )
						m_isEmit = m_uLifedTime < m_EmitterLife || m_EmitterLife < 0;//计算是否继续发射
						vector2d view = Engine::Instance().GetDevice()->GetResolutionSize();
						float particlesize = ( view.m_x + view.m_y ) * 0.5;
						float worldscale = Math::GetMax( GetWorldScale().m_x, Math::GetMax( GetWorldScale().m_y, GetWorldScale().m_z ) );
						m_uTimeSpan += millisecond;
						int randomNum = Math::Random(m_CountSec.m_x, m_CountSec.m_y);
						float fnum = randomNum * TO_SEC( m_uTimeSpan );
						int relaseNum =  fnum;
						if( 0 != relaseNum)
							m_uTimeSpan = ( fnum - relaseNum ) / randomNum * m_uTimeSpan; //计算一下小数位置的粒子个数是对应多长时间差内的粒子个数,这个是降低误差用的
							relaseNum = Math::GetMin( relaseNum , m_Index.Max() );
							int beginIndex = m_Index;
							for (int i = 0 ; i < relaseNum ; i++)
								Quaternionf rotation;
								rotation.YawPitchRoll(Math::fRandom(-m_Angle.m_y,m_Angle.m_y), Math::fRandom(-m_Angle.m_x,m_Angle.m_x) , Math::fRandom(-m_Angle.m_z,m_Angle.m_z));
								//Matrix33f rotation;
								//rotation.YawPitchRoll(fRandom(-m_Angle.m_y,m_Angle.m_y), fRandom(-m_Angle.m_x,m_Angle.m_x) , fRandom(-m_Angle.m_z,m_Angle.m_z));
								vector3f Velocity = m_Direction * rotation * GetWorldRotation();
								Velocity *= ( Math::fRandom( m_Speed.m_x , m_Speed.m_y ) );
								Color Beginclr, Endclr, clrInc;
								if( m_isBeginChangeColor )
									Beginclr = Color(Math::fRandom(m_BeginColorA.m_r, m_BeginColorB.m_r),Math::fRandom(m_BeginColorA.m_g, m_BeginColorB.m_g),Math::fRandom(m_BeginColorA.m_b, m_BeginColorB.m_b),Math::fRandom(m_BeginColorA.m_a, m_BeginColorB.m_a));
									Beginclr = m_BeginColorA;
								if( m_isEndChangeColor )
									Endclr = Color(Math::fRandom(m_EndColorA.m_r, m_EndColorB.m_r),Math::fRandom(m_EndColorA.m_g, m_EndColorB.m_g),Math::fRandom(m_EndColorA.m_b, m_EndColorB.m_b),Math::fRandom(m_EndColorA.m_a, m_EndColorB.m_a));
									Endclr = m_EndColorA;
								if( m_PositionNoise == vector3f::Zero() )
										Velocity * worldscale, 
										Math::Random(m_LifeSpan.m_x, m_LifeSpan.m_y), 
										Math::fRandom(m_BeginSize.m_x, m_BeginSize.m_y) * particlesize * worldscale,
										Math::fRandom(m_EndSize.m_x, m_EndSize.m_y) * particlesize * worldscale,
										Math::fRandom(m_ColorPow.m_x, m_ColorPow.m_y),
										Math::fRandom(m_AlphaPow.m_x, m_AlphaPow.m_y),
										Math::fRandom(m_SizePow.m_x, m_SizePow.m_y)

										GetWorldPosition() + vector3f( Math::fRandom( -m_PositionNoise.m_x, m_PositionNoise.m_x ), Math::fRandom( -m_PositionNoise.m_y, m_PositionNoise.m_y ), Math::fRandom( -m_PositionNoise.m_z, m_PositionNoise.m_z ) ) * worldscale,
										Velocity * worldscale, 
										Math::Random(m_LifeSpan.m_x, m_LifeSpan.m_y), 
										Math::fRandom(m_BeginSize.m_x, m_BeginSize.m_y) * particlesize * worldscale,
										Math::fRandom(m_EndSize.m_x, m_EndSize.m_y) * particlesize * worldscale,
										Math::fRandom(m_ColorPow.m_x, m_ColorPow.m_y),
										Math::fRandom(m_AlphaPow.m_x, m_AlphaPow.m_y),
										Math::fRandom(m_SizePow.m_x, m_SizePow.m_y)
							if( beginIndex + relaseNum > m_ArraySize  ) //头尾事件,从新flush
								int toend = m_ArraySize - beginIndex;
								m_pVertexBuffer->FlushVertexBuffer( beginIndex, toend, &m_pParticle[beginIndex] );
								m_pVertexBuffer->FlushVertexBuffer( 0, relaseNum - toend, &m_pParticle[0] );
								m_pVertexBuffer->FlushVertexBuffer( beginIndex, relaseNum, &m_pParticle[beginIndex] );