unsigned long long TWFunc::Get_Folder_Size(const string& Path, bool Display_Error) {
	DIR* d;
	struct dirent* de;
	struct stat st;
	unsigned long long dusize = 0;
	unsigned long long dutemp = 0;

	d = opendir(Path.c_str());
	if (d == NULL)
		LOGERR("error opening '%s'\n", Path.c_str());
		LOGERR("error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 0;

	while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL)
		if (de->d_type == DT_DIR && strcmp(de->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(de->d_name, "..") != 0 && strcmp(de->d_name, "lost+found") != 0)
			dutemp = Get_Folder_Size((Path + "/" + de->d_name), Display_Error);
			dusize += dutemp;
			dutemp = 0;
		else if (de->d_type == DT_REG)
			stat((Path + "/" + de->d_name).c_str(), &st);
			dusize += (unsigned long long)(st.st_size);
	return dusize;
// print backup stats summary at end of a backup
void show_backup_stats(const char* backup_path) {
    long long total_msec = timenow_msec() - nandroid_start_msec;
    long long minutes = total_msec / 60000LL;
    long long seconds = (total_msec % 60000LL) / 1000LL;

    unsigned long long final_size = Get_Folder_Size(backup_path);
    long double compression;
    if (Backup_Size == 0 || final_size == 0 || nandroid_get_default_backup_format() != NANDROID_BACKUP_FORMAT_TGZ)
        compression = 0;
    else compression = 1 - ((long double)(final_size) / (long double)(Backup_Size));

    ui_print("\nBackup complete!\n");
    ui_print("Backup time: %02lld:%02lld mn\n", minutes, seconds);
    ui_print("Backup size: %.2LfMb\n", (long double) final_size / 1048576);
    // print compression % only if it is a tar / tar.gz backup
    // keep also for tar to show it is 0% compression
    if (default_backup_handler != dedupe_compress_wrapper)
        ui_print("Compression: %.2Lf%%\n", compression * 100);
int check_backup_size(const char* backup_path) {
    // these are the size stats for backup_path we previously refreshed by calling Get_Size_Via_statfs()
    int total_mb = (int)(Total_Size / 1048576LLU);
    int used_mb = (int)(Used_Size / 1048576LLU);
    int free_mb = (int)(Free_Size / 1048576LLU);
    int free_percent = free_mb * 100 / total_mb;
    Before_Used_Size = Used_Size; // save Used_Size to refresh data written stats later
    Backup_Size = 0;

    // supported nandroid partitions
    char* Base_Partitions_List[BASE_PARTITIONS_NUM] = {

    char* Partitions_List[items_num];
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < BASE_PARTITIONS_NUM; ++i) {
        Partitions_List[i] = Base_Partitions_List[i];

    int extra_partitions_num = get_extra_partitions_state();
    for (i = 0; i < extra_partitions_num; ++i) {
        Partitions_List[BASE_PARTITIONS_NUM + i] = extra_partition[i].mount_point;

    Partitions_List[BASE_PARTITIONS_NUM + extra_partitions_num] = NULL;

    int preload_status = 0;
    if ((is_custom_backup && backup_preload) || (!is_custom_backup && nandroid_add_preload.value))
        preload_status = 1;

    int Base_Partitions_Backup_Status[] = {

    LOGI("Checking needed space for backup '%s'\n", backup_path);
    // calculate needed space for backup
    // assume recovery and wimax always use a raw backup mode (Is_Image() = 0)
    char skipped_parts[1024] = "";
    int ret = 0;
    Volume* vol;

    for (i = 0; Partitions_List[i] != NULL; ++i) {
        if (i >= BASE_PARTITIONS_NUM) {
            if (!extra_partition[i - BASE_PARTITIONS_NUM].backup_state)
        } else if (!Base_Partitions_Backup_Status[i]) {

        // size of /data will be calculated later for /data/media devices to subtract sdcard size from it
        if (strcmp(Partitions_List[i], "/data") == 0 && is_data_media())

        // redundant but keep for compatibility:
        // has_datadata() does a volume_for_path() != NULL check
        if (strcmp(Partitions_List[i], "/datadata") == 0 && !has_datadata())

        vol = volume_for_path(Partitions_List[i]);
        if (vol == NULL) continue;

        if (Is_Image(Partitions_List[i]) == 0) {
            if (Find_Partition_Size(Partitions_List[i]) == 0) {
                Backup_Size += Total_Size;
                LOGI("%s backup size (/proc)=%lluMb\n", Partitions_List[i], Total_Size / 1048576LLU); // debug
            } else {
                strcat(skipped_parts, " - ");
                strcat(skipped_parts, Partitions_List[i]);
        } else if (Is_File_System(Partitions_List[i]) == 0) {
            // Get_Size_Via_statfs() will ensure vol->mount_point != NULL
            if (0 == ensure_path_mounted(vol->mount_point) && 0 == Get_Size_Via_statfs(vol->mount_point)) {
                Backup_Size += Used_Size;
                LOGI("%s backup size (stat)=%lluMb\n", Partitions_List[i], Used_Size / 1048576LLU); // debug
            } else {
                strcat(skipped_parts, " - ");
                strcat(skipped_parts, Partitions_List[i]);
        } else {
            strcat(skipped_parts, " - Unknown file system: ");
            strcat(skipped_parts, Partitions_List[i]);

    // handle special partitions and folders:
    // handle /data and /data/media partitions size for /data/media devices
    unsigned long long data_backup_size = 0;
    unsigned long long data_used_bytes = 0;
    unsigned long long data_media_size = 0;
    if (is_data_media() && (backup_data || backup_data_media)) {
        if (0 == ensure_path_mounted("/data") && 0 == Get_Size_Via_statfs("/data")) {
            data_media_size = Get_Folder_Size("/data/media");
            data_used_bytes = Get_Folder_Size("/data");
            data_backup_size = data_used_bytes - data_media_size;
            LOGI("/data: tot size=%lluMb, free=%lluMb, backup size=%lluMb, used=%lluMb, media=%lluMb\n",
                    Total_Size/1048576LLU, Free_Size/1048576LLU, data_backup_size/1048576LLU,
                    data_used_bytes/1048576LLU, data_media_size/1048576LLU);
        } else {
            if (backup_data) {
                strcat(skipped_parts, " - /data");
            if (backup_data_media) {
                strcat(skipped_parts, " - /data/media");

    if (backup_data)
        Backup_Size += data_backup_size;

    // check if we are also backing up /data/media
    // if backup_path is same as /data/media, ignore this as it will not be processed by nandroid_backup_datamedia()
    if (backup_data_media && !is_data_media_volume_path(backup_path)) {
        Backup_Size += data_media_size;
        LOGI("included /data/media size\n"); // debug

    // .android_secure size calculation
    // set_android_secure_path() will mount tmp so no need to remount before calling Get_Folder_Size(tmp)
    char tmp[PATH_MAX];
    if (backup_data && android_secure_ext) {
        unsigned long long andsec_size;
        andsec_size = Get_Folder_Size(tmp);
        Backup_Size += andsec_size;
        LOGI("%s backup size=%lluMb\n", tmp, andsec_size / 1048576LLU); // debug

    // check if we have the needed space
    int backup_size_mb = (int)(Backup_Size / 1048576LLU);
    ui_print("\n>> Free space: %dMb (%d%%)\n", free_mb, free_percent);
    ui_print(">> Needed space: %dMb\n", backup_size_mb);
    if (ret)
        ui_print(">> Unknown partitions size (%d):%s\n", ret, skipped_parts);

    // dedupe wrapper needs less space than actual backup size (incremental backups)
    // only check free space in Mb if we use tar or tar.gz as a default format
    // also, add extra 50 Mb for security measures
    if (free_percent < 3 || (default_backup_handler != dedupe_compress_wrapper && free_mb < backup_size_mb + 50)) {
        LOGW("Low space for backup!\n");
        if (!ui_is_initialized()) {
            // do not prompt when it is an "adb shell nandroid backup" command
            LOGW("\n>>> Backup could fail with I/O error!! <<<\n\n");
        } else if (nand_prompt_on_low_space.value && !confirm_selection("Low free space! Continue anyway?", "Yes - Continue Nandroid Job"))
            return -1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int Generate_File_Lists(const char* Path) {
    DIR* d;
    struct dirent* de;
    struct stat st;
    char FileName[PATH_MAX];

    // Skip /data/media
    if (is_data_media() && strlen(Path) >= 11 && strncmp(Path, "/data/media", 11) == 0)
        return 0;

    // Skip google cached music
    if (strstr(Path, "data/data/com.google.android.music/files") != NULL)
        return 0;

    d = opendir(Path);
    if (d == NULL)
        LOGE("error opening '%s'\n", Path);
        return -1;

    while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL)
        sprintf(FileName, "%s/", Path);
        strcat(FileName, de->d_name);
        if (is_data_media() && strlen(FileName) >= 11 && strncmp(FileName, "/data/media", 11) == 0)
            continue; // Skip /data/media
        if (de->d_type == DT_DIR && strcmp(de->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(de->d_name, "..") != 0)
            unsigned long long folder_size = Get_Folder_Size(FileName);
            if (Makelist_Current_Size + folder_size > MAX_ARCHIVE_SIZE) {
                if (Generate_File_Lists(FileName) < 0)
                    return -1;
            } else {
                strcat(FileName, "/");
                if (Add_Item(FileName) < 0)
                    return -1;
                Makelist_Current_Size += folder_size;
        else if (de->d_type == DT_REG || de->d_type == DT_LNK)
            stat(FileName, &st);

            if (Makelist_Current_Size != 0 && Makelist_Current_Size + st.st_size > MAX_ARCHIVE_SIZE) {
                Makelist_Current_Size = 0;
            if (Add_Item(FileName) < 0)
                return -1;
            Makelist_Current_Size += st.st_size;
            if (st.st_size > 2147483648LL)
                LOGE("There is a file that is larger than 2GB in the file system\n'%s'\nThis file may not restore properly\n", FileName);
    return 0;