globle BOOLEAN DOsEqual( DATA_OBJECT_PTR dobj1, DATA_OBJECT_PTR dobj2) { if (GetpType(dobj1) != GetpType(dobj2)) { return(FALSE); } if (GetpType(dobj1) == MULTIFIELD) { if (MultifieldDOsEqual(dobj1,dobj2) == FALSE) { return(FALSE); } } else if (GetpValue(dobj1) != GetpValue(dobj2)) { return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
/******************************************************* NAME : EvaluateDeffunctionCall DESCRIPTION : Primitive support function for calling a deffunction INPUTS : 1) The deffunction 2) A data object buffer to hold the evaluation result RETURNS : FALSE if the deffunction returns the symbol FALSE, TRUE otherwise SIDE EFFECTS : Data obejct buffer set and any side-effects of calling the deffunction NOTES : None *******************************************************/ static intBool EvaluateDeffunctionCall( void *theEnv, void *value, DATA_OBJECT *result) { CallDeffunction(theEnv,(DEFFUNCTION *) value,GetFirstArgument(),result); if ((GetpType(result) == SYMBOL) && (GetpValue(result) == EnvFalseSymbol(theEnv))) return(FALSE); return(TRUE); }
globle struct expr *ConvertValueToExpression( DATA_OBJECT *theValue) { long i; struct expr *head = NULL, *last = NULL, *newItem; if (GetpType(theValue) != MULTIFIELD) { return(GenConstant(GetpType(theValue),GetpValue(theValue))); } for (i = GetpDOBegin(theValue); i <= GetpDOEnd(theValue); i++) { newItem = GenConstant(GetMFType(GetpValue(theValue),i), GetMFValue(GetpValue(theValue),i)); if (last == NULL) head = newItem; else last->nextArg = newItem; last = newItem; } if (head == NULL) return(GenConstant(FCALL,(void *) FindFunction("create$"))); return(head); }
globle const char *DataObjectToString( void *theEnv, DATA_OBJECT *theDO) { void *thePtr; const char *theString; char *newString; const char *prefix, *postfix; size_t length; struct externalAddressHashNode *theAddress; char buffer[30]; switch (GetpType(theDO)) { case MULTIFIELD: prefix = "("; theString = ValueToString(ImplodeMultifield(theEnv,theDO)); postfix = ")"; break; case STRING: prefix = "\""; theString = DOPToString(theDO); postfix = "\""; break; case INSTANCE_NAME: prefix = "["; theString = DOPToString(theDO); postfix = "]"; break; case SYMBOL: return(DOPToString(theDO)); case FLOAT: return(FloatToString(theEnv,DOPToDouble(theDO))); case INTEGER: return(LongIntegerToString(theEnv,DOPToLong(theDO))); case RVOID: return(""); #if OBJECT_SYSTEM case INSTANCE_ADDRESS: thePtr = DOPToPointer(theDO); if (thePtr == (void *) &InstanceData(theEnv)->DummyInstance) { return("<Dummy Instance>"); } if (((struct instance *) thePtr)->garbage) { prefix = "<Stale Instance-"; theString = ValueToString(((struct instance *) thePtr)->name); postfix = ">"; } else { prefix = "<Instance-"; theString = ValueToString(GetFullInstanceName(theEnv,(INSTANCE_TYPE *) thePtr)); postfix = ">"; } break; #endif case EXTERNAL_ADDRESS: theAddress = (struct externalAddressHashNode *) DOPToPointer(theDO); /* TBD Need specific routine for creating name string. */ gensprintf(buffer,"<Pointer-%d-%p>",(int) theAddress->type,DOPToExternalAddress(theDO)); thePtr = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,buffer); return(ValueToString(thePtr)); #if DEFTEMPLATE_CONSTRUCT case FACT_ADDRESS: if (DOPToPointer(theDO) == (void *) &FactData(theEnv)->DummyFact) { return("<Dummy Fact>"); } thePtr = DOPToPointer(theDO); gensprintf(buffer,"<Fact-%lld>",((struct fact *) thePtr)->factIndex); thePtr = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,buffer); return(ValueToString(thePtr)); #endif default: return("UNK"); } length = strlen(prefix) + strlen(theString) + strlen(postfix) + 1; newString = (char *) genalloc(theEnv,length); newString[0] = '\0'; genstrcat(newString,prefix); genstrcat(newString,theString); genstrcat(newString,postfix); thePtr = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,newString); genfree(theEnv,newString,length); return(ValueToString(thePtr)); }
void *GetFactOrInstanceArgument( void *theEnv, int thePosition, DATA_OBJECT *item, char *functionName) { #if DEFTEMPLATE_CONSTRUCT || OBJECT_SYSTEM void *ptr; #endif /*==============================*/ /* Retrieve the first argument. */ /*==============================*/ EnvRtnUnknown(theEnv,thePosition,item); /*==================================================*/ /* Fact and instance addresses are valid arguments. */ /*==================================================*/ if ((GetpType(item) == FACT_ADDRESS) || (GetpType(item) == INSTANCE_ADDRESS)) { return(GetpValue(item)); } /*==================================================*/ /* An integer is a valid argument if it corresponds */ /* to the fact index of an existing fact. */ /*==================================================*/ #if DEFTEMPLATE_CONSTRUCT else if (GetpType(item) == INTEGER) { if ((ptr = (void *) FindIndexedFact(theEnv,DOPToLong(item))) == NULL) { char tempBuffer[20]; sprintf(tempBuffer,"f-%ld",DOPToLong(item)); CantFindItemErrorMessage(theEnv,"fact",tempBuffer); } return(ptr); } #endif /*================================================*/ /* Instance names and symbols are valid arguments */ /* if they correspond to an existing instance. */ /*================================================*/ #if OBJECT_SYSTEM else if ((GetpType(item) == INSTANCE_NAME) || (GetpType(item) == SYMBOL)) { if ((ptr = (void *) FindInstanceBySymbol(theEnv,(SYMBOL_HN *) GetpValue(item))) == NULL) { CantFindItemErrorMessage(theEnv,"instance",ValueToString(GetpValue(item))); } return(ptr); } #endif /*========================================*/ /* Any other type is an invalid argument. */ /*========================================*/ ExpectedTypeError2(theEnv,functionName,thePosition); return(NULL); }
globle void StoreInMultifield( void *theEnv, DATA_OBJECT *returnValue, EXPRESSION *expptr, int garbageSegment) { DATA_OBJECT val_ptr; DATA_OBJECT *val_arr; struct multifield *theMultifield; struct multifield *orig_ptr; long start, end, i,j, k, argCount; unsigned long seg_size; argCount = CountArguments(expptr); /*=========================================*/ /* If no arguments are given return a NULL */ /* multifield of length zero. */ /*=========================================*/ if (argCount == 0) { SetpType(returnValue,MULTIFIELD); SetpDOBegin(returnValue,1); SetpDOEnd(returnValue,0); if (garbageSegment) theMultifield = (struct multifield *) EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,0L); else theMultifield = (struct multifield *) CreateMultifield2(theEnv,0L); SetpValue(returnValue,(void *) theMultifield); return; } else { /*========================================*/ /* Get a new segment with length equal to */ /* the total length of all the arguments. */ /*========================================*/ val_arr = (DATA_OBJECT *) gm3(theEnv,(long) sizeof(DATA_OBJECT) * argCount); seg_size = 0; for (i = 1; i <= argCount; i++, expptr = expptr->nextArg) { EvaluateExpression(theEnv,expptr,&val_ptr); if (EvaluationData(theEnv)->EvaluationError) { SetpType(returnValue,MULTIFIELD); SetpDOBegin(returnValue,1); SetpDOEnd(returnValue,0); if (garbageSegment) { theMultifield = (struct multifield *) EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,0L); } else theMultifield = (struct multifield *) CreateMultifield2(theEnv,0L); SetpValue(returnValue,(void *) theMultifield); rm3(theEnv,val_arr,(long) sizeof(DATA_OBJECT) * argCount); return; } SetpType(val_arr+i-1,GetType(val_ptr)); if (GetType(val_ptr) == MULTIFIELD) { SetpValue(val_arr+i-1,GetpValue(&val_ptr)); start = GetDOBegin(val_ptr); end = GetDOEnd(val_ptr); } else if (GetType(val_ptr) == RVOID) { SetpValue(val_arr+i-1,GetValue(val_ptr)); start = 1; end = 0; } else { SetpValue(val_arr+i-1,GetValue(val_ptr)); start = end = -1; } seg_size += (unsigned long) (end - start + 1); SetpDOBegin(val_arr+i-1,start); SetpDOEnd(val_arr+i-1,end); } if (garbageSegment) { theMultifield = (struct multifield *) EnvCreateMultifield(theEnv,seg_size); } else theMultifield = (struct multifield *) CreateMultifield2(theEnv,seg_size); /*========================================*/ /* Copy each argument into new segment. */ /*========================================*/ for (k = 0, j = 1; k < argCount; k++) { if (GetpType(val_arr+k) == MULTIFIELD) { start = GetpDOBegin(val_arr+k); end = GetpDOEnd(val_arr+k); orig_ptr = (struct multifield *) GetpValue(val_arr+k); for (i = start; i < end + 1; i++, j++) { SetMFType(theMultifield,j,(GetMFType(orig_ptr,i))); SetMFValue(theMultifield,j,(GetMFValue(orig_ptr,i))); } } else if (GetpType(val_arr+k) != RVOID) { SetMFType(theMultifield,j,(short) (GetpType(val_arr+k))); SetMFValue(theMultifield,j,(GetpValue(val_arr+k))); j++; } } /*=========================*/ /* Return the new segment. */ /*=========================*/ SetpType(returnValue,MULTIFIELD); SetpDOBegin(returnValue,1); SetpDOEnd(returnValue,(long) seg_size); SetpValue(returnValue,(void *) theMultifield); rm3(theEnv,val_arr,(long) sizeof(DATA_OBJECT) * argCount); return; } }
void ClipsRuleMgr::getTemplateFields() { void *templatePtr; DATA_OBJECT theValue; void *theMultifield; DATA_OBJECT theValueOfType; void *theMultifieldOfType; int cnt1 = 0; int i = 1; int fieldType; void *fieldValue; m_templateItor = m_templateNames.begin(); while(m_templateItor!=m_templateNames.end()) { cout<<"Rule Engine IntializeStream::m_templateNames:" <<*m_templateItor<<endl; templatePtr = EnvFindDeftemplate(m_theEnv,(*m_templateItor).c_str()); EnvDeftemplateSlotNames(m_theEnv, templatePtr, &theValue); if (GetpType(&theValue) == MULTIFIELD) { cnt1 = GetpDOLength(&theValue); //theMultifield = theValue.value; theMultifield=GetValue(theValue); vector<Field> fields; for (i=1; i<=cnt1; i++) { fieldType = GetMFType(theMultifield,i); if (fieldType == SYMBOL) { Field tmp; fieldValue = (void*)ValueToString(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i)); = string((char*)fieldValue); tmp.type = 2; EnvDeftemplateSlotTypes(m_theEnv,templatePtr,(char *)fieldValue, &theValueOfType); if (GetpType(&theValueOfType) == MULTIFIELD) { GetpDOLength(&theValueOfType); theMultifieldOfType = theValueOfType.value; ///default contraict to first one fieldType = GetMFType(theMultifieldOfType,1); if (fieldType == SYMBOL) { fieldValue = GetMFValue(theMultifieldOfType,1); if (string(ValueToString(fieldValue)) == string("FLOAT")) { tmp.type = 0; } else if (string(ValueToString(fieldValue)) == string("INTEGER")) { tmp.type = 1; } else { tmp.type = 2; } } else { cout<<"Rule Engine IntializeStream::EnvDeftemplateSlotTypes get unknown field type when get slot type:" <<fieldType<<endl; } } fields.push_back(tmp); } else { cout<<"Rule Engine IntializeStream::get unknown field type when get slot name:" <<fieldType<<endl; } } tableSchema.insert(pair<string, vector<Field> >(*m_templateItor, fields)); } else { cout<<"Rule Engine IntializeStream:::EnvDeftemplateSlotNames return not multifiled" <<endl; } m_templateItor++; } //call streaming interface to set tableSchema here }