Beispiel #1
 * Adds array of item pointers to tuple's posting list or
 * creates posting tree and tuple pointed to tree in a case
 * of not enough space.  Max size of tuple is defined in
 * GinFormTuple().
static IndexTuple
addItemPointersToTuple(Relation index, GinState *ginstate,
					   GinBtreeStack *stack, IndexTuple old,
					   ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitem,
					   GinStatsData *buildStats)
	Datum		key = gin_index_getattr(ginstate, old);
	OffsetNumber attnum = gintuple_get_attrnum(ginstate, old);
	IndexTuple	res = GinFormTuple(index, ginstate, attnum, key,
								   NULL, nitem + GinGetNPosting(old),

	if (res)
		/* good, small enough */
		uint32		newnitem;

		newnitem = ginMergeItemPointers(GinGetPosting(res),
										items, nitem);
		/* merge might have eliminated some duplicate items */
		GinShortenTuple(res, newnitem);
		BlockNumber postingRoot;
		GinPostingTreeScan *gdi;

		/* posting list becomes big, so we need to make posting's tree */
		res = GinFormTuple(index, ginstate, attnum, key, NULL, 0, true);
		postingRoot = createPostingTree(index, GinGetPosting(old), GinGetNPosting(old));
		GinSetPostingTree(res, postingRoot);

		gdi = ginPrepareScanPostingTree(index, postingRoot, FALSE);
		gdi->btree.isBuild = (buildStats != NULL);

		ginInsertItemPointer(gdi, items, nitem, buildStats);


		/* During index build, count the newly-added data page */
		if (buildStats)

	return res;
Beispiel #2
 * Read item pointers from leaf entry tuple.
 * Returns a palloc'd array of ItemPointers. The number of items is returned
 * in *nitems.
ginReadTuple(GinState *ginstate, OffsetNumber attnum, IndexTuple itup,
			 int *nitems)
	Pointer		ptr = GinGetPosting(itup);
	int			nipd = GinGetNPosting(itup);
	ItemPointer ipd;
	int			ndecoded;

	if (GinItupIsCompressed(itup))
		if (nipd > 0)
			ipd = ginPostingListDecode((GinPostingList *) ptr, &ndecoded);
			if (nipd != ndecoded)
				elog(ERROR, "number of items mismatch in GIN entry tuple, %d in tuple header, %d decoded",
					 nipd, ndecoded);
			ipd = palloc(0);
		ipd = (ItemPointer) palloc(sizeof(ItemPointerData) * nipd);
		memcpy(ipd, ptr, sizeof(ItemPointerData) * nipd);
	*nitems = nipd;
	return ipd;
Beispiel #3
 * Adds array of item pointers to tuple's posting list or
 * creates posting tree and tuple pointed to tree in a case
 * of not enough space.  Max size of tuple is defined in
 * GinFormTuple().
static IndexTuple
addItemPointersToTuple(Relation index, GinState *ginstate, GinBtreeStack *stack,
		  IndexTuple old, ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitem, bool isBuild)
	bool		isnull;
	Datum		key = index_getattr(old, FirstOffsetNumber, ginstate->tupdesc, &isnull);
	IndexTuple	res = GinFormTuple(ginstate, key, NULL, nitem + GinGetNPosting(old));

	if (res)
		/* good, small enough */
						  GinGetPosting(old), GinGetNPosting(old),
						  items, nitem

		GinSetNPosting(res, nitem + GinGetNPosting(old));
		BlockNumber postingRoot;
		GinPostingTreeScan *gdi;

		/* posting list becomes big, so we need to make posting's tree */
		res = GinFormTuple(ginstate, key, NULL, 0);
		postingRoot = createPostingTree(index, GinGetPosting(old), GinGetNPosting(old));
		GinSetPostingTree(res, postingRoot);

		gdi = prepareScanPostingTree(index, postingRoot, FALSE);
		gdi->btree.isBuild = isBuild;

		insertItemPointer(gdi, items, nitem);


	return res;
Beispiel #4
 * Sometimes we reduce the number of posting list items in a tuple after
 * having built it with GinFormTuple.  This function adjusts the size
 * fields to match.
GinShortenTuple(IndexTuple itup, uint32 nipd)
	uint32		newsize;

	Assert(nipd <= GinGetNPosting(itup));

	newsize = MAXALIGN(SHORTALIGN(GinGetOrigSizePosting(itup)) + sizeof(ItemPointerData) * nipd);

	Assert(newsize <= (itup->t_info & INDEX_SIZE_MASK));

	itup->t_info &= ~INDEX_SIZE_MASK;
	itup->t_info |= newsize;

	GinSetNPosting(itup, nipd);
Beispiel #5
 * returns modified page or NULL if page isn't modified.
 * Function works with original page until first change is occurred,
 * then page is copied into temporary one.
static Page
ginVacuumEntryPage(GinVacuumState *gvs, Buffer buffer, BlockNumber *roots, uint32 *nroot)
	Page		origpage = BufferGetPage(buffer),
	OffsetNumber i,
				maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(origpage);

	tmppage = origpage;

	*nroot = 0;

	for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i++)
		IndexTuple	itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(tmppage, PageGetItemId(tmppage, i));

		if (GinIsPostingTree(itup))
			 * store posting tree's roots for further processing, we can't
			 * vacuum it just now due to risk of deadlocks with scans/inserts
			roots[*nroot] = GinGetDownlink(itup);
		else if (GinGetNPosting(itup) > 0)
			 * if we already create temporary page, we will make changes in
			 * place
			ItemPointerData *cleaned = (tmppage == origpage) ? NULL : GinGetPosting(itup);
			uint32		newN = ginVacuumPostingList(gvs, GinGetPosting(itup), GinGetNPosting(itup), &cleaned);

			if (GinGetNPosting(itup) != newN)
				OffsetNumber attnum;
				Datum		key;
				GinNullCategory category;

				 * Some ItemPointers was deleted, so we should remake our
				 * tuple

				if (tmppage == origpage)
					 * On first difference we create temporary page in memory
					 * and copies content in to it.
					tmppage = PageGetTempPageCopy(origpage);

					if (newN > 0)
						Size		pos = ((char *) GinGetPosting(itup)) - ((char *) origpage);

						memcpy(tmppage + pos, cleaned, sizeof(ItemPointerData) * newN);


					/* set itup pointer to new page */
					itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(tmppage, PageGetItemId(tmppage, i));

				attnum = gintuple_get_attrnum(&gvs->ginstate, itup);
				key = gintuple_get_key(&gvs->ginstate, itup, &category);
				itup = GinFormTuple(&gvs->ginstate, attnum, key, category,
									GinGetPosting(itup), newN, true);
				PageIndexTupleDelete(tmppage, i);

				if (PageAddItem(tmppage, (Item) itup, IndexTupleSize(itup), i, false, false) != i)
					elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to index page in \"%s\"",


	return (tmppage == origpage) ? NULL : tmppage;
Beispiel #6
 * Adds array of item pointers to tuple's posting list, or
 * creates posting tree and tuple pointing to tree in case
 * of not enough space.  Max size of tuple is defined in
 * GinFormTuple().	Returns a new, modified index tuple.
 * items[] must be in sorted order with no duplicates.
static IndexTuple
addItemPointersToLeafTuple(GinState *ginstate,
						   IndexTuple old,
						   ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitem,
						   GinStatsData *buildStats)
	OffsetNumber attnum;
	Datum		key;
	GinNullCategory category;
	IndexTuple	res;


	attnum = gintuple_get_attrnum(ginstate, old);
	key = gintuple_get_key(ginstate, old, &category);

	/* try to build tuple with room for all the items */
	res = GinFormTuple(ginstate, attnum, key, category,
					   NULL, nitem + GinGetNPosting(old),

	if (res)
		/* good, small enough */
		uint32		newnitem;

		/* fill in the posting list with union of old and new TIDs */
		newnitem = ginMergeItemPointers(GinGetPosting(res),
										items, nitem);
		/* merge might have eliminated some duplicate items */
		GinShortenTuple(res, newnitem);
		/* posting list would be too big, convert to posting tree */
		BlockNumber postingRoot;

		 * Initialize posting tree with the old tuple's posting list.  It's
		 * surely small enough to fit on one posting-tree page, and should
		 * already be in order with no duplicates.
		postingRoot = createPostingTree(ginstate->index,

		/* Now insert the TIDs-to-be-added into the posting tree */
		ginInsertItemPointers(ginstate->index, postingRoot,
							  items, nitem,

		/* And build a new posting-tree-only result tuple */
		res = GinFormTuple(ginstate, attnum, key, category, NULL, 0, true);
		GinSetPostingTree(res, postingRoot);

	return res;
 * returns modified page or NULL if page isn't modified.
 * Function works with original page until first change is occurred,
 * then page is copied into temporary one.
static Page
ginVacuumEntryPage(GinVacuumState *gvs, Buffer buffer, BlockNumber *roots, uint32 *nroot)
	Page		origpage = BufferGetPage(buffer),
	OffsetNumber i,
				maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(origpage);

	tmppage = origpage;

	*nroot = 0;

	for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i++)
		IndexTuple	itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(tmppage, PageGetItemId(tmppage, i));

		if (GinIsPostingTree(itup))
			 * store posting tree's roots for further processing, we can't
			 * vacuum it just now due to risk of deadlocks with scans/inserts
			roots[*nroot] = GinGetDownlink(itup);
		else if (GinGetNPosting(itup) > 0)
			int			nitems;
			ItemPointer items_orig;
			bool		free_items_orig;
			ItemPointer items;

			/* Get list of item pointers from the tuple. */
			if (GinItupIsCompressed(itup))
				items_orig = ginPostingListDecode((GinPostingList *) GinGetPosting(itup), &nitems);
				free_items_orig = true;
				items_orig = (ItemPointer) GinGetPosting(itup);
				nitems = GinGetNPosting(itup);
				free_items_orig = false;

			/* Remove any items from the list that need to be vacuumed. */
			items = ginVacuumItemPointers(gvs, items_orig, nitems, &nitems);

			if (free_items_orig)

			/* If any item pointers were removed, recreate the tuple. */
			if (items)
				OffsetNumber attnum;
				Datum		key;
				GinNullCategory category;
				GinPostingList *plist;
				int			plistsize;

				if (nitems > 0)
					plist = ginCompressPostingList(items, nitems, GinMaxItemSize, NULL);
					plistsize = SizeOfGinPostingList(plist);
					plist = NULL;
					plistsize = 0;

				 * if we already created a temporary page, make changes in
				 * place
				if (tmppage == origpage)
					 * On first difference, create a temporary copy of the
					 * page and copy the tuple's posting list to it.
					tmppage = PageGetTempPageCopy(origpage);

					/* set itup pointer to new page */
					itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(tmppage, PageGetItemId(tmppage, i));

				attnum = gintuple_get_attrnum(&gvs->ginstate, itup);
				key = gintuple_get_key(&gvs->ginstate, itup, &category);
				itup = GinFormTuple(&gvs->ginstate, attnum, key, category,
									(char *) plist, plistsize,
									nitems, true);
				if (plist)
				PageIndexTupleDelete(tmppage, i);

				if (PageAddItem(tmppage, (Item) itup, IndexTupleSize(itup), i, false, false) != i)
					elog(ERROR, "failed to add item to index page in \"%s\"",


	return (tmppage == origpage) ? NULL : tmppage;
 * Start* functions setup state of searches: find correct buffer and locks it,
 * Stop* functions unlock buffer (but don't release!)
static void
startScanEntry(Relation index, GinState *ginstate, GinScanEntry entry)
	GinBtreeData    btreeEntry;
	GinBtreeStack  *stackEntry;
	Page            page;
	bool            needUnlock = TRUE;

	if (entry->master != NULL)
		entry->isFinished = entry->master->isFinished;

	 * We should find entry, and begin scan of posting tree
	 * or just store posting list in memory

	prepareEntryScan(&btreeEntry, index, entry->entry, ginstate);
	btreeEntry.searchMode = TRUE;
	stackEntry = ginFindLeafPage(&btreeEntry, NULL);
	page = BufferGetPage(stackEntry->buffer);

	entry->isFinished = TRUE;
	entry->buffer = InvalidBuffer;
	entry->offset = InvalidOffsetNumber;
	entry->list = NULL;
	entry->nlist = 0;
	entry->reduceResult = FALSE;
	entry->predictNumberResult = 0;

	if (btreeEntry.findItem(&btreeEntry, stackEntry))
		IndexTuple	itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, stackEntry->off));

		if (GinIsPostingTree(itup))
			BlockNumber rootPostingTree = GinGetPostingTree(itup);
			GinPostingTreeScan *gdi;
			Page		page;

			LockBuffer(stackEntry->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
			needUnlock = FALSE;
			gdi = prepareScanPostingTree(index, rootPostingTree, TRUE);

			entry->buffer = scanBeginPostingTree(gdi);
			 * We keep buffer pinned because we need to prevent deletition
			 * page during scan. See GIN's vacuum implementation. RefCount
			 * is increased to keep buffer pinned after freeGinBtreeStack() call.

			page = BufferGetPage(entry->buffer);
			entry->predictNumberResult = gdi->stack->predictNumber * GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff;

			 * Keep page content in memory to prevent durable page locking
			entry->list = (ItemPointerData *) palloc( BLCKSZ );
			entry->nlist = GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff;
			memcpy( entry->list, GinDataPageGetItem(page, FirstOffsetNumber),
						GinPageGetOpaque(page)->maxoff * sizeof(ItemPointerData) );

            LockBuffer(entry->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);
			entry->isFinished = FALSE;
		else if (GinGetNPosting(itup) > 0)
			entry->nlist = GinGetNPosting(itup);
			entry->list = (ItemPointerData *) palloc(sizeof(ItemPointerData) * entry->nlist);
			memcpy(entry->list, GinGetPosting(itup), sizeof(ItemPointerData) * entry->nlist);
			entry->isFinished = FALSE;

	if (needUnlock)
		LockBuffer(stackEntry->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK);