bool HealTarget(Unit* target, uint8 hp) { if (!isTimerReady(uiGc_Timer)) return false; if (me->IsNonMeleeSpellCasted(true)) return false; if (!target || target->isDead()) return false; if (hp < 25 && isTimerReady(uiLayOfHands_Timer)) { // 33% to cast loh, else just do a fast heal uint64 m_rand = urand(1, 3); switch(m_rand) { case 1: { std::string loh = "Lay of Hands on "; loh += target->GetName(); loh += "."; me->MonsterSay(loh.c_str(), LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL); doCast(target, SPELL_LAY_OF_HANDS); uiLayOfHands_Timer = 1600; return true; } case 2: case 3: doCast(target, SPELL_FLASH_OF_LIGHT); GiveManaBack(15); return true; } } if (hp < 60) { doCast(target, SPELL_FLASH_OF_LIGHT); GiveManaBack(15); return true; } if (hp < 80) { doCast(target, SPELL_HOLY_LIGHT); GiveManaBack(20); return true; } return true; }
void BuffTarget(Unit* target) { if (!HasAuraName(target, GetSpellName(SPELL_PW_FORTITUDE))) { doCast(target, SPELL_PW_FORTITUDE, false); GiveManaBack(); } if (!HasAuraName(target, GetSpellName(SPELL_PRAYER_OF_SHADOW))) { doCast(target, SPELL_PRAYER_OF_SHADOW, false); GiveManaBack(); } }
void DoNonCombatActions() { //if eating or drinking don't do anything if (me->HasAura(10256) || me->HasAura(1137)) return; Feast(); //buff master if (!HasAuraName(master, SPELL_PRAYER_OF_SHADOW, 0) && isTimerReady(uiGc_Timer)) doCast(master, SPELL_PRAYER_OF_SHADOW, true); if (!HasAuraName(master, SPELL_FEAR_WARD, 0) && isTimerReady(uiGc_Timer)) doCast(master, SPELL_FEAR_WARD, true); if (!HasAuraName(master, SPELL_DIVINE_SPIRIT, 0) && isTimerReady(uiGc_Timer)) { doCast(master, SPELL_DIVINE_SPIRIT, true); GiveManaBack(); } //buff myself if (!me->HasAura(SPELL_INNER_FIRE, 0) && isTimerReady(uiGc_Timer)) doCast(me, SPELL_INNER_FIRE, true); if (!me->HasAura(SPELL_PW_FORTITUDE, 0) && isTimerReady(uiGc_Timer)) doCast(me, SPELL_PW_FORTITUDE, true); //buff and heal master's group if (master->GetGroup()) RezGroup(SPELL_RESURRECTION, master); }
bool HealTarget(Unit* target, uint8 hp) { if (!isTimerReady(uiGc_Timer)) return false; if (me->IsNonMeleeSpellCasted(true)) return false; if (!target || target->isDead()) return false; if ((hp < 50) && isTimerReady(uiPWS_Timer) && !target->isDead()) { doCast(target, SPELL_PW_SHIELD); uiPWS_Timer = 120; } if ((hp < 90) && hp > 75 && isTimerReady(uiRenew_Timer)) { doCast(target, SPELL_RENEW, true); GiveManaBack(); uiRenew_Timer = 90; uiHeal_Timer = uiHeal_Timer + 5; //wait 5 seconds before casting a real heal return true; } if (hp < 75 && hp > 5 && isTimerReady(uiHeal_Timer) && !target->isDead()) { doCast(target, SPELL_HEAL); GiveManaBack(); uiHeal_Timer = 10; return true; } if (hp < 5 && isTimerReady(uiGreater_Heal_Timer) && !target->isDead()) { doCast(target, SPELL_GREATER_HEAL); GiveManaBack(); uiGreater_Heal_Timer = uiGreater_Heal_Timer + 900; return true; } return true; }
void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff) { DoMeleeAttackIfReady(); decrementTimers(); if (IAmDead()) return; if (me->GetPower(POWER_MANA) < 400 && isTimerReady(uiPotion_Timer)) { doCast(me, SPELL_MANA_POTION); uiPotion_Timer = 150; } if (me->GetPower(POWER_MANA)/me->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA) < 10) { if (uiOom_Timer == 0) uiOom_Timer = 1; } BuffAndHealGroup(master); // Heal myself HealTarget (me, me->GetHealth() * 100 / me->GetMaxHealth()); //the rest are combat so return if not fighting opponent = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_TOPAGGRO, 0); if (!opponent && !me->getVictim()) { DoNonCombatActions(); ResetOrGetNextTarget(); return; } //Cast totems. if (me->isInCombat() && isTimerReady(uiEarthTotem_Timer) && !master->HasAura(SPELL_STONE_SKIN_AURA, 0)) { doCast(me, SPELL_STONE_SKIN_TOTEM); GiveManaBack(); uiEarthTotem_Timer = 90; return; } if (me->isInCombat() && isTimerReady(uiFireTotem_Timer)) { doCast(me, SPELL_SEARING_TOTEM); GiveManaBack(); uiFireTotem_Timer = 180; return; } if (me->isInCombat() && isTimerReady(uiWindTotem_Timer)) { doCast(me, SPELL_WINDFURY_TOTEM); GiveManaBack(); uiWindTotem_Timer = 180; return; } if (me->isInCombat()) { switch(master->getClass()) { case CLASS_WARRIOR: case CLASS_DEATH_KNIGHT: case CLASS_ROGUE: if (isTimerReady(uiWaterTotem_Timer) && !master->HasAura(SPELL_HEALING_STREAM_AURA)) { doCast(me, SPELL_HEALING_STREAM_TOTEM); uiWaterTotem_Timer = 90; GiveManaBack(); return; } break; default: //everyone else gets a mana totem if (isTimerReady (uiWaterTotem_Timer) && !master->HasAura(SPELL_MANA_SPRING_AURA, 0)) { doCast(me, SPELL_MANA_SPRING_TOTEM); uiWaterTotem_Timer = 90; GiveManaBack(); return; } } } if (isTimerReady(uiFlameShock_Timer)) { doCast(opponent, SPELL_FLAME_SHOCK); uiFlameShock_Timer = 120; return; } if (isTimerReady(uiLightningBolt_Timer)) { doCast(opponent, SPELL_LIGHTNING_BOLT); uiLightningBolt_Timer = 180; return; } if (isTimerReady(uiEarthShock_Timer)) { doCast(opponent, SPELL_EARTH_SHOCK); uiEarthShock_Timer = 250; return; } //now try to heal bots and pets. DoSelectLowestHpFriendly will get //everyone in group including bots and pets. Unfortunately it can //not be triggered for % of lost HP, so we just set it to -1000. //This means low level players wont be healed because they wont have //enough HP. Unit* target = DoSelectLowestHpFriendly(40, 1000); if (target) { if (CanCast(target, GetSpellStore()->LookupEntry (SPELL_CHAIN_HEAL))) { doCast(target, SPELL_CHAIN_HEAL, false); uiOthersHeal_Timer = 50; } } else { target = DoSelectLowestHpFriendly(40, 500); //now try someone with less HP lost if (target) { if (CanCast(target, GetSpellStore()->LookupEntry (SPELL_CHAIN_HEAL))) { doCast(target, SPELL_CHAIN_HEAL, false); uiOthersHeal_Timer = 100; } } } ScriptedAI::UpdateAI(diff); }
void DoNormalAttack(const uint32 diff) { AttackerSet m_attackers = master->getAttackers(); if(opponent == NULL) return; if(opponent->isDead()) return; // try to get rid of enrage if (TRANQ_SHOT && HasAuraName(opponent, "Enrage")) { m_creature->InterruptNonMeleeSpells(true, AUTO_SHOT); // m_creature->MonsterSay("Tranquility shot!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL); doCast(opponent, TRANQ_SHOT); GiveManaBack(); // doCast(opponent, AUTO_SHOT); // return; } // silence it if(SILENCING_SHOT && opponent->IsNonMeleeSpellCasted(true) && isTimerReady(SilencingShot_Timer)) { doCast(opponent, SILENCING_SHOT); SilencingShot_Timer = 200; GiveManaBack(); // doCast(opponent, AUTO_SHOT); // return; } // mark it if (!HasAuraName(opponent, "Hunter's Mark")) { doCast(opponent, HUNTERS_MARK); GiveManaBack(); // doCast(opponent, AUTO_SHOT); // return; } // sting it if (SCORPID_STING && !opponent->HasAura(SCORPID_STING, m_creature->GetGUID())) { m_creature->InterruptNonMeleeSpells(true, AUTO_SHOT); doCast(opponent, SCORPID_STING); // m_creature->MonsterSay("Scorpid Sting!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL); GiveManaBack(); // doCast(opponent, AUTO_SHOT); // return; } if (CHIMERA_SHOT && isTimerReady(ChimeraShot_Timer)) { m_creature->InterruptNonMeleeSpells(true, AUTO_SHOT); doCast(opponent, CHIMERA_SHOT); ChimeraShot_Timer = 100; // m_creature->MonsterSay("Chimera Sting!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL); GiveManaBack(); // doCast(opponent, AUTO_SHOT); // return; } if(ARCANE_SHOT && isTimerReady(ArcaneShot_cd)) { m_creature->InterruptNonMeleeSpells( true, AUTO_SHOT ); doCast(opponent, ARCANE_SHOT); // m_creature->MonsterSay("Arcane shot!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL); ArcaneShot_cd = 60; GiveManaBack(); // doCast(opponent, AUTO_SHOT); // return; } if(AIMED_SHOT && isTimerReady(AimedShot_Timer)) { m_creature->InterruptNonMeleeSpells( true, AUTO_SHOT ); doCast(opponent, AIMED_SHOT); // m_creature->MonsterSay("Arcane shot!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL); AimedShot_Timer = 100; GiveManaBack(); // doCast(opponent, AUTO_SHOT); // return; } doCast(opponent, AUTO_SHOT); }
void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff) { decrementTimers(); if (IAmDead()) return; if (!me->isInCombat()) DoNonCombatActions(); //buff and heal master's group BuffAndHealGroup(master); //check group members Group::MemberSlotList const &a =((Player*)master)->GetGroup()->GetMemberSlots(); for (Group::member_citerator itr = a.begin(); itr != a.end(); itr++) { Player *tPlayer = ((Player *)master)->GetObjPlayer(itr->guid); if (tPlayer == NULL) continue; } //if low on mana, drink a potion if (me->GetPower(POWER_MANA) < 400 && isTimerReady(uiPotion_Timer)) { doCast(me, SPELL_MANA_POTION, true); uiPotion_Timer = 1500; } //if after drinking a potion still low on mana //let everyone know that you are oom. if (me->GetPower(POWER_MANA)/me->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA) < 10) { if (uiOom_Timer == 0) uiOom_Timer = 1; } // Heal myself if (me->GetHealth() * 100 / me->GetMaxHealth() < 90) { if (uiFade_Timer <= 0 && me->isInCombat() && isTimerReady(uiFade_Timer)) { doCast(me, SPELL_FADE); uiFade_Timer = 30; return; } HealTarget (me, me->GetHealth() * 100 / me->GetMaxHealth()); } //now try to heal bots and pets. DoSelectLowestHpFriendly will get //everyone in group including bots and pets. Unfortunately it can //not be triggered for % of lost HP, so we just set it to -1000. //This means low level players wont be healed because they wont have //enough HP. if (isTimerReady(uiOthersHeal_Timer)) { Unit* target; if (target = DoSelectLowestHpFriendly(40, 1000)) { doCast(target, SPELL_HEAL, false); GiveManaBack(); uiOthersHeal_Timer = 50; } else if (target = DoSelectLowestHpFriendly(40, 500)) { if (!target->HasAura(SPELL_RENEW, 0)) { doCast(target, SPELL_RENEW, false); GiveManaBack(); uiOthersHeal_Timer = 100; } } } }
void DoNormalAttack(const uint32 diff) { AttackerSet m_attackers = master->getAttackers(); if(opponent == NULL) return; if(opponent->isDead()) return; //double check that pet didn't just die if(pet && pet != NULL && pet->isDead()) { master->SetBotsPetDied(); pet = NULL; } //send in the pet if(pet && pet != NULL && pet->isAlive() && !pet->isInCombat()) pet->AI()->AttackStart(opponent); if(!isTimerReady(GC_Timer)) return; if(opponent->HasUnitMovementFlag(UNIT_FLAG_FLEEING)) { //MonsterSay("Mob is fleeing!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL); return; } //if(RAIN_OF_FIRE && m_attackers.size() > 1) //{ //doCast(opponent, RAIN_OF_FIRE); //return; //} if(CURSE_OF_THE_ELEMENTS && !HasAuraName(opponent, CURSE_OF_THE_ELEMENTS)) { doCast(opponent, CURSE_OF_THE_ELEMENTS); GiveManaBack(); //return; } if(CORRUPTION && !HasAuraName (opponent, CORRUPTION, m_creature->GetGUID())) { doCast(opponent, CORRUPTION); GiveManaBack(); //return; } if(HAUNT && !HasAuraName (opponent, HAUNT, m_creature->GetGUID())) { doCast(opponent, HAUNT); GiveManaBack(); return; } if(UNSTABLE_AFFLICTION && !HasAuraName (opponent, UNSTABLE_AFFLICTION, m_creature->GetGUID())) { doCast(opponent, UNSTABLE_AFFLICTION); GiveManaBack(); return; } if(!HasAuraName(opponent, IMMOLATE, m_creature->GetGUID())) { doCast(opponent, IMMOLATE); GiveManaBack(); return; } else if(CONFLAGRATE && isTimerReady(conflagarate_cd)) { doCast(opponent, CONFLAGRATE); conflagarate_cd = CONFLAGRATE_CD; GiveManaBack(); return; } if(CHAOS_BOLT && isTimerReady(chaos_bolt_cd)) { doCast(opponent, CHAOS_BOLT); GiveManaBack(); chaos_bolt_cd = CHAOS_BOLT_CD; return; } else doCast(opponent, SHADOW_BOLT); GiveManaBack(); } //DoNormalAttack