Beispiel #1
// load the SkillData struct with the proper values based on the skill level.
void CGameRules::RefreshSkillData ( bool forceUpdate )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	if ( !forceUpdate )
		if ( GlobalEntity_IsInTable( "skill.cfg" ) )
	GlobalEntity_Add( "skill.cfg", STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), GLOBAL_ON );
	char	szExec[256];

	ConVarRef skill( "skill" );

	SetSkillLevel( skill.IsValid() ? skill.GetInt() : 1 );

#ifdef HL2_DLL
	// HL2 current only uses one skill config file that represents MEDIUM skill level and
	// synthesizes EASY and HARD. (sjb)
	Q_snprintf( szExec,sizeof(szExec), "exec skill_manifest.cfg\n" );

	engine->ServerCommand( szExec );
	Q_snprintf( szExec,sizeof(szExec), "exec skill%d.cfg\n", GetSkillLevel() );

	engine->ServerCommand( szExec );
#endif // HL2_DLL
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
	// This allows us to test regenerative health systems on the fly
	void RegenerationForceOnChangeCallback( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
		ConVarRef var( pConVar );

		if ( !GlobalEntity_IsInTable( "player_regenerates_health" ) )
			GlobalEntity_Add( MAKE_STRING("player_regenerates_health"), gpGlobals->mapname, ( var.GetBool() ) ? ( GLOBAL_ON ) : ( GLOBAL_OFF ) );
			GlobalEntity_SetState( MAKE_STRING("player_regenerates_health"), ( var.GetBool() ) ? ( GLOBAL_ON ) : ( GLOBAL_OFF ) );