Beispiel #1
void LCDChar(char aChar, uint8_t aX, uint8_t aLine)
    uint8_t  y = aLine * G_CharHeight;
		GlyphSetXY (G_lcd, aX, y);
    GlyphChar(G_lcd, aChar);  
Beispiel #2
void lcdPutChar(char_t c)
   if(c == '\r')
      lcdColumn = 0;
   else if(c == '\n')
      lcdColumn = 0;
   else if(lcdLine < 8 && lcdColumn < 12)
      //Display current character
      GlyphSetXY(lcdHandle, lcdColumn * 8, lcdLine * 8);
      GlyphChar(lcdHandle, c);

      //Advance the cursor position
      if(++lcdColumn >= 12)
         lcdColumn = 0;
Beispiel #3
void LCDCharPos(char aChar, uint8_t aPos, uint8_t aLine)
    uint8_t  x;
    uint8_t  y;

    x = aPos  * G_CharWidth;
    y = aLine * G_CharHeight;
		GlyphSetXY (G_lcd, x, y);
    GlyphChar(G_lcd, aChar);  
Beispiel #4
* ID : 12.0
* Outline : GlyphString
* Include : Glyph.h
* Function Name: GlyphString
* Description : Draws the given character string in the currently chosen font at the
* current X and Y top left starting pixel on the LCD Screen.
* Each character of the string is set from the start of the last character
* by the number of aSpacing given.  So if the font is say 8 pixels wide,
* a good number to use here might be 10 pixels which would give you
* two pixels between each character in the string.
* You must count the number of characters you wish to put to the LCD
* screen and enter that number in the aLength variable.
* Argument : aHandle - the Glyph handle setup by the LCD and Communications.
*          : aString - The given character string.
*          : aLength - The count of characters in the string
*                      you wish to display on the LCD.
* Return Value : 0=success, not 0= error
* Calling Functions : main
T_glyphError GlyphString(T_glyphHandle aHandle, uint8_t * aString, uint8_t aLength)
    uint16_t nIndex = 0 ;

    nIndex = 0 ;
    while (nIndex < aLength)
        GlyphChar(aHandle, aString[nIndex]) ;
        nIndex++ ;

    return GLYPH_ERROR_NONE ;