Beispiel #1
// Plots a 2d graph from a list of doubles: x y
Gnuplot& Gnuplot::plot_xy(const std::vector<double> &x,
                          const std::vector<double> &y,
                          const std::string &title)
    if (x.size() == 0 || y.size() == 0)
        throw GnuplotException("std::vectors too small");
        return *this;

    if (x.size() != y.size())
        throw GnuplotException("Length of the std::vectors differs");
        return *this;

    std::ofstream tmp;
    std::string name = create_tmpfile(tmp);
    if (name == "")
        return *this;

    // write the data to file
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
        tmp << x[i] << " " << y[i] << std::endl;


    this->plotfile_xy(name, 1, 2, title);

    return *this;
Beispiel #2
   Gnuplot& plot_xy_err(const X &x, const Y &y, const E &dy,
                         const std::string &title = "")
      if(x.size() == 0 || y.size() == 0 || dy.size() == 0)
	 throw GnuplotException("std::vectors too small");
	 return *this;

      if(x.size() != y.size() || y.size() != dy.size())
	 throw GnuplotException("Length of the std::vectors differs");
	 return *this;
      std::ofstream tmp;
      std::string name = create_tmpfile(tmp);
      if(name == "")
	 return *this;
      // write the data to file
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
	 tmp << x[i] << " " << y[i] << " " << dy[i] << std::endl;
      // Do the actual plot
      plotfile_xy_err(name, 1, 2, 3, title);
      return *this;
Beispiel #3
// Opens up a gnuplot session, ready to receive commands
void Gnuplot::init()
    // char * getenv ( const char * name );  get value of environment variable
    // Retrieves a C string containing the value of the environment variable
    // whose name is specified as argument.  If the requested variable is not
    // part of the environment list, the function returns a NULL pointer.
#if ( defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) ) && !defined(__APPLE__)
    if (getenv("DISPLAY") == NULL)
        valid = false;
        throw GnuplotException("Can't find DISPLAY variable");

    // if gnuplot not available
    if (!Gnuplot::get_program_path())
        valid = false;
        throw GnuplotException("Can't find gnuplot");

    // open pipe
    std::string tmp = Gnuplot::m_sGNUPlotPath + "/" +

    // FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *mode);
    // The popen() function shall execute the command specified by the string
    // command, create a pipe between the calling program and the executed
    // command, and return a pointer to a stream that can be used to either read
    // from or write to the pipe.
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__)
    gnucmd = _popen(tmp.c_str(),"w");
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
    gnucmd = popen(tmp.c_str(),"w");

    // popen() shall return a pointer to an open stream that can be used to read
    // or write to the pipe.  Otherwise, it shall return a null pointer and may
    // set errno to indicate the error.
    if (!gnucmd)
        valid = false;
        throw GnuplotException("Couldn't open connection to gnuplot");

    nplots = 0;
    valid = true;
    smooth = "";

    //set terminal type

Beispiel #4
// Opens a temporary file
std::string Gnuplot::create_tmpfile(std::ofstream &tmp)
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__)
    char name[] = "gnuplotiXXXXXX"; //tmp file in working directory
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
    char name[] = "/tmp/gnuplotiXXXXXX"; // tmp file in /tmp

    // check if maximum number of temporary files reached
    if (Gnuplot::tmpfile_num == GP_MAX_TMP_FILES - 1)
        std::ostringstream except;
        except << "Maximum number of temporary files reached (" << GP_MAX_TMP_FILES
               << "): cannot open more files" << std::endl;

        throw GnuplotException( except.str() );
        return "";

    // int mkstemp(char *name);
    // shall replace the contents of the string pointed to by "name" by a unique filename,
    // and return a file descriptor for the file open for reading and writing.
    // Otherwise, -1 shall be returned if no suitable file could be created.
    // The string in template should look like a filename with six trailing 'X' s;
    // mkstemp() replaces each 'X' with a character from the portable filename character set.
    // The characters are chosen such that the resulting name does not duplicate the name of an existing file at the time of a call to mkstemp()

    // open temporary files for output
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__)
		if (_mktemp(name) == nullptr)
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
    if (mkstemp(name) == -1)
        std::ostringstream except;
        except << "Cannot create temporary file \"" << name << "\"";
        throw GnuplotException(except.str());
        return "";
    if (tmp.bad())
        std::ostringstream except;
        except << "Cannot create temporary file \"" << name << "\"";
        throw GnuplotException(except.str());
        return "";

    // Save the temporary filename

    return name;
Beispiel #5
// Find out if a command lives in m_sGNUPlotPath or in PATH
bool Gnuplot::get_program_path()
    // first look in m_sGNUPlotPath for Gnuplot
    std::string tmp = Gnuplot::m_sGNUPlotPath + "/" + Gnuplot::m_sGNUPlotNomeArquivo;

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__)
    if ( Gnuplot::file_exists(tmp,0) ) // check existence
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
    if ( Gnuplot::file_exists(tmp,1) ) // check existence and execution permission
        return true;

    // second look in PATH for Gnuplot
    char *path;
    // Retrieves a C string containing the value of the environment variable PATH
    path = getenv("PATH");

		if (path == nullptr)
        throw GnuplotException("Path is not set");
        return false;
        std::list<std::string> ls;
        //split path (one long string) into list ls of strings
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__)
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
        // scan list for Gnuplot program files
        for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = ls.begin(); i != ls.end(); ++i)
            tmp = (*i) + "/" + Gnuplot::m_sGNUPlotNomeArquivo;
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__)
            if ( Gnuplot::file_exists(tmp,0) ) // check existence
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
            if ( Gnuplot::file_exists(tmp,1) ) // check existence and execution permission
                Gnuplot::m_sGNUPlotPath = *i; // set m_sGNUPlotPath
                return true;

        tmp = "Can't find gnuplot neither in PATH nor in \"" + Gnuplot::m_sGNUPlotPath + "\"";
        throw GnuplotException(tmp);

        Gnuplot::m_sGNUPlotPath = "";
        return false;
Beispiel #6
// Destructor: needed to delete temporary files
//  remove_tmpfiles();

    // A stream opened by popen() should be closed by pclose()
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__)
    if (_pclose(gnucmd) == -1)
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
    if (pclose(gnucmd) == -1)
        throw GnuplotException("Problem closing communication to gnuplot");
Beispiel #7
// define static member function: set standart terminal, used by showonscreen
//  defaults: Windows - win, Linux - x11, Mac - aqua
void Gnuplot::set_terminal_std(const std::string &type)
#if defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
    if (type.find("x11") != std::string::npos && getenv("DISPLAY") == NULL)
        throw GnuplotException("Can't find DISPLAY variable");

    Gnuplot::terminal_std = type;
Beispiel #8
// Destructor: needed to delete temporary files
    if ((this->tmpfile_list).size() > 0)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->tmpfile_list.size(); i++)
            remove( this->tmpfile_list[i].c_str() );

        Gnuplot::tmpfile_num -= this->tmpfile_list.size();

    // A stream opened by popen() should be closed by pclose()
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__TOS_WIN__)
    if (_pclose(this->gnucmd) == -1)
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
    if (pclose(this->gnucmd) == -1)
        throw GnuplotException("Problem closing communication to gnuplot");
Beispiel #9
// Plots a 2d graph from a list of doubles (x y) saved in a file
Gnuplot& Gnuplot::plotfile_xy(const std::string &filename,
                              const int column_x,
                              const int column_y,
                              const std::string &title)
    // check if file exists
    if( !(Gnuplot::file_exists(filename,4)) ) // check existence and read permission
        std::ostringstream except;
        if( !(Gnuplot::file_exists(filename,0)) ) // check existence
            except << "File \"" << filename << "\" does not exist";
            except << "No read permission for File \"" << filename << "\"";
        throw GnuplotException( except.str() );
        return *this;

    std::ostringstream cmdstr;

    // command to be sent to gnuplot
    if (this->nplots > 0  &&  this->two_dim == true)
        cmdstr << "replot ";
        cmdstr << "plot ";

    cmdstr << "\"" << filename << "\" using " << column_x << ":" << column_y;

    if (title == "")
        cmdstr << " notitle ";
        cmdstr << " title \"" << title << "\" ";

    if(smooth == "")
        cmdstr << "with " << this->pstyle;
        cmdstr << "smooth " << this->smooth;

    // Do the actual plot

    return *this;