static GroupId calculateGroupId(StyleBase* styleBase) { ASSERT(styleBase); StyleBase* current = styleBase; StyleSheet* styleSheet = 0; while (true) { // Special case: CSSStyleDeclarations might be either inline and in this case // we need to group them with their node or regular ones. if (current->isMutableStyleDeclaration()) { CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* cssMutableStyleDeclaration = static_cast<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration*>(current); if (cssMutableStyleDeclaration->isInlineStyleDeclaration()) { ASSERT(cssMutableStyleDeclaration->parent()->isStyleSheet()); return calculateGroupId(cssMutableStyleDeclaration->node()); } // Either we have no parent, or this parent is a CSSRule. ASSERT(cssMutableStyleDeclaration->parent() == cssMutableStyleDeclaration->parentRule()); } if (current->isStyleSheet()) styleSheet = static_cast<StyleSheet*>(current); StyleBase* parent = current->parent(); if (!parent) break; current = parent; } if (styleSheet) { if (Node* ownerNode = styleSheet->ownerNode()) return calculateGroupId(ownerNode); return GroupId(styleSheet); } return GroupId(current); }
void visitDOMWrapper(DOMDataStore* store, void* object, v8::Persistent<v8::Object> wrapper) { WrapperTypeInfo* typeInfo = V8DOMWrapper::domWrapperType(wrapper); if (typeInfo->isSubclass(&V8StyleSheetList::info)) { StyleSheetList* styleSheetList = static_cast<StyleSheetList*>(object); GroupId groupId(styleSheetList); if (Document* document = styleSheetList->document()) groupId = GroupId(document); m_grouper.append(GrouperItem(groupId, wrapper)); } else if (typeInfo->isSubclass(&V8DOMImplementation::info)) { DOMImplementation* domImplementation = static_cast<DOMImplementation*>(object); GroupId groupId(domImplementation); if (Document* document = domImplementation->document()) groupId = GroupId(document); m_grouper.append(GrouperItem(groupId, wrapper)); } else if (typeInfo->isSubclass(&V8StyleSheet::info) || typeInfo->isSubclass(&V8CSSRule::info)) { m_grouper.append(GrouperItem(calculateGroupId(static_cast<StyleBase*>(object)), wrapper)); #if 0 //CMP_ERROR_UNCLEAR CSSMutableStyleDeclaration } else if (typeInfo->isSubclass(&V8CSSStyleDeclaration::info)) { CSSStyleDeclaration* cssStyleDeclaration = static_cast<CSSStyleDeclaration*>(object); GroupId groupId = calculateGroupId(cssStyleDeclaration); m_grouper.append(GrouperItem(groupId, wrapper)); // Keep alive "dirty" primitive values (i.e. the ones that // have user-added properties) by creating implicit // references between the style declaration and the values // in it. if (cssStyleDeclaration->isMutableStyleDeclaration()) { CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* cssMutableStyleDeclaration = static_cast<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration*>(cssStyleDeclaration); Vector<v8::Persistent<v8::Value> > values; values.reserveCapacity(cssMutableStyleDeclaration->length()); CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::const_iterator end = cssMutableStyleDeclaration->end(); for (CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::const_iterator it = cssMutableStyleDeclaration->begin(); it != end; ++it) { v8::Persistent<v8::Object> value = store->domObjectMap().get(it->value()); if (!value.IsEmpty() && value->IsDirty()) values.append(value); } if (!values.isEmpty()) v8::V8::AddImplicitReferences(wrapper,, values.size()); } } else if (typeInfo->isSubclass(&V8CSSRuleList::info)) { CSSRuleList* cssRuleList = static_cast<CSSRuleList*>(object); GroupId groupId(cssRuleList); StyleList* styleList = cssRuleList->styleList(); if (styleList) groupId = calculateGroupId(styleList); m_grouper.append(GrouperItem(groupId, wrapper)); #endif } }
void MetaDataStore::maybe_initialise_() { if (not harakoon_.initialized()) { LOG_INFO("Trying to initialize filesystem metadata store"); try { harakoon_.initialize(DirectoryEntry(DirectoryEntry::Type::Directory, alloc_inode(), default_directory_permissions, UserId(::getuid()), GroupId(::getgid()))); LOG_INFO("Initialized filesystem metadata store"); } catch (ara::error_assertion_failed&) { // Another cluster node could've beaten us to it: if (not harakoon_.initialized()) { throw; } else { LOG_INFO("Filesystem metadata store already initialized by another node"); } } } else { LOG_INFO("Filesystem metadata store already initialized"); } }
bool TCred::IsMemberOf(std::string groupname) const { gid_t gid; if (GroupId(groupname, gid)) return false; return IsMemberOf(gid); }
// If the node is in document, put it in the ownerDocument's object group. // // If an image element was created by JavaScript "new Image", // it is not in a document. However, if the load event has not // been fired (still onloading), it is treated as in the document. // // Otherwise, the node is put in an object group identified by the root // element of the tree to which it belongs. static GroupId calculateGroupId(Node* node) { if (node->inDocument() || (node->hasTagName(HTMLNames::imgTag) && static_cast<HTMLImageElement*>(node)->hasPendingLoadEvent())) return GroupId(node->document()); Node* root = node; if (node->isAttributeNode()) { root = static_cast<Attr*>(node)->ownerElement(); // If the attribute has no element, no need to put it in the group, // because it'll always be a group of 1. if (!root) return GroupId(); } else { while (Node* parent = root->parentOrHostNode()) root = parent; } return GroupId(root); }
GroupId GroupId::fromData(QByteArray const& data) { if (data.size() < ((PROTO_GROUP_GROUPID_LENGTH_BYTES) + (PROTO_IDENTITY_LENGTH_BYTES))) { throw IllegalArgumentException() << "Need at least " << ((PROTO_GROUP_GROUPID_LENGTH_BYTES)+(PROTO_IDENTITY_LENGTH_BYTES)) << " Bytes for creating a Group Id from Data."; } ContactId const owner(data.mid(0, ContactId::getSizeOfContactIdInBytes())); quint64 groupId = ByteArrayConversions::convert8ByteQByteArrayToQuint64(data.mid(ContactId::getSizeOfContactIdInBytes(), PROTO_GROUP_GROUPID_LENGTH_BYTES)); return GroupId(owner, groupId); }
void InitCred() { TError error; error = GroupId(PORTO_GROUP_NAME, PortoGroup); if (error) L_WRN() << "Cannot find group porto: " << error << std::endl; if (TPath("/proc/sys/kernel/cap_last_cap").ReadInt(LastCapability)) { L_WRN() << "Can't read /proc/sys/kernel/cap_last_cap, assuming 36" << std::endl; LastCapability = 36; //FIXME } }
void ContactEditWizardPageDone::initializePage() { // all data in the Info section was given, now create the group // Generate new random ID as group identifier quint64 newGroupId = GroupContact::generateRandomGroupId(); GroupContact* gc = new GroupContact(GroupId(clientConfiguration->getClientIdentity(), newGroupId)); gc->setGroupName(field("edtName").toString()); gc->addMember(clientConfiguration->getClientIdentity()); // Send messages to members QMetaObject::invokeMethod(protocolClient, "sendGroupCreation", Q_ARG(quint64, newGroupId), Q_ARG(bool, true)); QThread::msleep(100); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(protocolClient, "sendGroupTitle", Q_ARG(quint64, newGroupId), Q_ARG(QString const&, field("edtName").toString())); }
GroupId group(GroupId parent) { beginMessage(); const int32_t nodeId = m_engine->nodeIdAllocator().alloc(); oscPacket() .openMessage("/group/new", 3) .int32(nodeId) .int32( .int32(0) // add action .closeMessage(); return GroupId(nodeId); }
GroupLocationMessageContent::GroupLocationMessageContent() : GroupMessageContent(GroupId(0, 0)), latitude(0.0), longitude(0.0), height(0.0), description() { // Only accessible and used by the MessageContentFactory. }
namespace UserUtils { #if !defined( BLOCXX_WIN32 ) const UserId INVALID_USERID = UserId(~0); const GroupId INVALID_GROUPID = GroupId(~0); #endif /** * Get the effective user id. On POSIX platforms this calls geteuid(). * * @return A string representation of the user id. On POSIX * platforms, this can be converted to a UInt64. */ BLOCXX_COMMON_API String getEffectiveUserId(); /** * Get the effective group id. On POSIX platforms this calls getegid(). * * @return A string representation of the group id. On POSIX * platforms, this can be converted to a UInt64. */ BLOCXX_COMMON_API String getEffectiveGroupId(); /** * Return the user name for the current user. */ BLOCXX_COMMON_API String getCurrentUserName(); /** * Return the group name for the current user. */ BLOCXX_COMMON_API String getCurrentGroupName(); /** * If the username is invalid, or if getUserName() fails for any other * reason, 'success' will be set to false. On success, 'success' is * set to true. * @param uid The id to query for user name * @return The user name corresponding to the requested uid, or * an empty string on failure. Check success before relying * on the return result. * * \example utils.cpp */ BLOCXX_COMMON_API String getUserName(UserId uid, bool& success); /** * If the group is invalid, or if getGropuName() fails for any other * reason, 'success' will be set to false. On success, 'success' is * set to true. * @param gid The id to query for group name * @return The group name corresponding to the requested gid, or * an empty string on failure. Check success before relying * on the return result. * * \example utils.cpp */ BLOCXX_COMMON_API String getGroupName(GroupId gid, bool& success); /** * Convert a textual username into a platform native user type. * @param userName The user name to convert. * @param validUserName Out param set to true if the conversion was successful, false otherwise. * @return The user id corresponding to userName. * * \example utils.cpp */ BLOCXX_COMMON_API UserId getUserId(const String& userName, bool& validUserName); /** * Convert a textual group name into a platform native group type. * @param groupName The group name to convert. * @param validGroupName Out param set to true if the conversion was successful, false otherwise. * @return The group id corresponding to groupName. * * \example utils.cpp */ BLOCXX_COMMON_API UserId getGroupId(const String& groupName, bool& validGroupName); } // end namespace UserUtils
void MetaDataStore::add_directories(const FrontendPath& path) { LOG_TRACE(path); FrontendPath p; for (const auto& s : path) { p = FrontendPath(p / s); DirectoryEntryPtr dentry(find(p)); while (true) { if (dentry == nullptr) { DirectoryEntryPtr dentry(boost::make_shared<DirectoryEntry>(DirectoryEntry::Type::Directory, alloc_inode(), default_directory_permissions, UserId(::getuid()), GroupId(::getgid()))); try { struct timespec timebuf; struct timeval tv; TODO("X42: Better use fungi::IOException here? WIP"); int rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &timebuf); if (rc != 0) { throw std::system_error(errno, std::system_category()); } add(p, dentry); tv.tv_sec = timebuf.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = timebuf.tv_nsec / 1000; utimes(FrontendPath(p.parent_path()), tv, tv); break; } catch (FileExistsException&) { LOG_WARN(p << ": someone else created an eponymous entry at the same time"); } } else { if (dentry->type() != DirectoryEntry::Type::Directory) { LOG_ERROR(p << " already exists but is not a directory"); throw fungi::IOException("Entry is not a directory", p.string().c_str(), ENOTDIR); } break; } } } }
GroupLeaveMessageContent::GroupLeaveMessageContent() : GroupMessageContent(GroupId(0, 0)), leavingContactId(0) { // Only accessible and used by the MessageContentFactory. }
GroupId GroupId::createRandomGroupId(ContactId const& owner) { quint64 result = 0; randombytes_buf(&result, sizeof(quint64)); return GroupId(owner, result); }
GroupTextMessageContent::GroupTextMessageContent() : GroupMessageContent(GroupId(0, 0)), text() { // Only accessible and used by the MessageContentFactory. }
/* readonly attribute AString groupId; */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsPerformanceGroupDetails::GetGroupId(nsAString& aGroupId) { aGroupId.Assign(GroupId()); return NS_OK; };
void ContactRegistry::fromFile(QString const& filename, bool dryRun) { if (!QFile::exists(filename)) { throw IllegalArgumentException() << QString("Could not open the specified contacts file as it does not exist: %1").arg(filename).toStdString(); } QFile inputFile(filename); if (! | QFile::Text)) { throw IllegalArgumentException() << QString("Could not open the specified contacts file for reading: %1").arg(filename).toStdString(); } QRegExp commentRegExp("^\\s*#.*$", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QRegExp identityRegExp("^\\s*([A-Z0-9]{8})\\s*:\\s*([a-fA-F0-9]{64})\\s*(?::\\s*(.*)\\s*)?$", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QRegExp groupRegExp("^\\s*([a-fA-F0-9]{16})\\s*:\\s*([A-Z0-9]{8})\\s*:\\s*([A-Z0-9]{8}(?:\\s*,\\s*[A-Z0-9]{8})*)\\s*:\\s*(.*)\\s*$", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::RegExp2); QTextStream in(&inputFile); in.setCodec("UTF-8"); // change the file codec to UTF-8. while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine().trimmed(); if (line.isEmpty() || commentRegExp.exactMatch(line)) { continue; } else if (identityRegExp.exactMatch(line)) { if (!dryRun) { accessMutex.lock(); ContactId const contactId(identityRegExp.cap(1)); IdentityContact* iContact = new IdentityContact(contactId, PublicKey::fromHexString(identityRegExp.cap(2))); if (!identityRegExp.cap(3).trimmed().isEmpty()) { // Nickname given. iContact->setNickname(identityRegExp.cap(3).trimmed()); } connectContact(iContact); identityToIdentityContactHashMap.insert(contactId, iContact); accessMutex.unlock(); } } else if (groupRegExp.exactMatch(line)) { if (!dryRun) { accessMutex.lock(); quint64 groupIdentity = IdentityHelper::groupIdByteArrayToUint64(QByteArray::fromHex(groupRegExp.cap(1).toLatin1())); quint64 groupOwner = IdentityHelper::identityStringToUint64(groupRegExp.cap(2)); GroupContact* gContact = new GroupContact(GroupId(groupOwner, groupIdentity)); if (!groupRegExp.cap(4).trimmed().isEmpty()) { gContact->setGroupName(groupRegExp.cap(4).trimmed()); } QStringList ids = groupRegExp.cap(3).split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (ids.size() == 0) { throw IllegalArgumentException() << QString("Invalid or ill-formated line in contacts file \"%1\".\nProblematic line: %2").arg(filename).arg(line).toStdString(); } QStringList::const_iterator it = ids.constBegin(); QStringList::const_iterator end = ids.constEnd(); for (; it != end; ++it) { QString trimmedId(it->trimmed()); ContactId const memberId(trimmedId); gContact->addMember(memberId); } connectContact(gContact); identityToGroupContactHashMap.insert(GroupId(groupOwner, groupIdentity), gContact); accessMutex.unlock(); } } else { throw IllegalArgumentException() << QString("Invalid or ill-formated line in contacts file \"%1\".\nProblematic line: %2").arg(filename).arg(line).toStdString(); } } inputFile.close(); if (!dryRun) { emit identitiesChanged(); } }
GroupId root() const { return GroupId(0); }