void AppWindow::initPrograms ()
   // Init my scene objects:
   _axis.init ();
   _floor.init( "../texture/_image.bmp", textures); _floor.build( 20.0f, -5.0f, 20.0f, textures);
   _side.init(); _side.build(25.0f, 20.0f, 20.0f, 25, textures);
   _building.load("../models/The_City.obj"); //_building.scale(.7f);
   _city.init(); _city.build(_building);

   //initiate models
   _model.init(); _model2.init(); _model3.init(); _model4.init(); _model5.init(); _model6.init();

   // set light:
   _light.set ( GsVec(0,0,10), GsColor(90,90,90,255), GsColor::white, GsColor::white );
   _shadow.set(GsVec(0, 0, 10), GsColor(0, 0, 0, 255), GsColor::black, GsColor::black);

   // Load demo model:
   loadModel ( 1 );
Beispiel #2
void Snake::build(int size, std::vector<float>& x, std::vector<float>& y, float right, float up )
	//int i;
	float r = 0.01f;
	const float d = r / 20.0f;
	const float depth = 0.0;

	ranX = 1.0; //(rand() % 100) / 100;
	ranY = 2.0;//(rand() % 100) / 100;

	P.clear(); C.clear();   // set size to zero, just in case

	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

		if (i == 0) {
			P.push_back(GsVec(right,up, 0.0f));
			P.push_back(GsVec(x[i], y[i], 0.0f));
			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) C.push_back(GsColor::lightgray);
		else {

			P.push_back(GsVec(x[i-1], y[i-1], 0.0f));
			P.push_back(GsVec(x[i], y[i], 0.0f));
			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) C.push_back(GsColor::lightgray);

	// send data to OpenGL buffers:
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[0]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, P.size() * 3 * sizeof(float), &P[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[1]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, C.size() * 4 * sizeof(gsbyte), &C[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	// save size so that we can free our buffers and later just draw the OpenGL arrays:
	_numpoints = P.size();

	// free non-needed memory:
	P.resize(0); C.resize(0);
void AppWindow::initPrograms ()
   // We are not directly initializing glsl programs here, instead, each scene object
   // initializes its own program(s). This makes sharing more difficult but is probably easier
   // to manage.

   // Init my scene objects:
   _axis.init ();
   _texturedCylinder.init ();
   _lines.init ();

   // set light:
   _light.set ( GsVec(0,0,10), GsColor(90,90,90,255), GsColor::white, GsColor::white );

   // Load demo model:
   _texturedCylinder.build(rt, rb, 1.0f, numfaces);

   // Build normals object:
   _lines.build ( _texturedCylinder.NL, GsColor::yellow );
void SoCapsule::build(float len, float rt, float rb, int degree) {
	P.clear(); C.clear();
    P.reserve(18); C.reserve(18); // reserve space to avoid re-allocations from the calls below
	// circle radius rt, vetex at cos, sin, -len/2
	double thetaInc = M_PI /2;

	for (double p = 0; p < 2* M_PI ; p += thetaInc) {
		for (double d = 0; d < 2 * M_PI; d += thetaInc)
			std::vector<GsVec>   Q;
			Q.push_back(GsVec(cos(d)*sin(p), sin(d)*sin(p), cos(p)));
			Q.push_back(GsVec(cos(d+ thetaInc)*sin(p), sin(d+ thetaInc)*sin(p), cos(p)));
			Q.push_back(GsVec(cos(d)*sin(p + thetaInc), sin(d)*sin(p + thetaInc), cos(p + thetaInc)));
			subdiv(Q, degree);
			std::vector<GsVec>   S;
			S.push_back(GsVec(cos(d + thetaInc)*sin(p+thetaInc), sin(d + thetaInc)*sin(p+thetaInc), cos(p+thetaInc)));
			S.push_back(GsVec(cos(d + thetaInc)*sin(p), sin(d + thetaInc)*sin(p), cos(p)));
			S.push_back(GsVec(cos(d)*sin(p + thetaInc), sin(d)*sin(p + thetaInc), cos(p + thetaInc)));
			subdiv(S, degree);

	// circle radius rb, vertex at cos, sin, len/2

	// send data to OpenGL buffers:
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[0]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, P.size() * 3 * sizeof(float), &P[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[1]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, C.size() * 4 * sizeof(gsbyte), &C[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	_numpoints = P.size();
	P.resize(0); C.resize(0);
void SoCapsule::build ( float len, float rt, float rb, int nfaces )
    P.clear(); C.clear(); // set size to zero, just in case
    float hlen = len/2.0f;
    int   levels = std::ceil(static_cast<float>(nfaces) / 2.0f);
    float faceAngularHeight = (static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 2.0) / static_cast<float>(levels);
    float faceAngularLength = (2.0 * static_cast<float>(M_PI)) / static_cast<float>(nfaces);
    int   vertices = 2 + (2*levels + 1)*(nfaces * 6);

    // Reserve space for the capsule vertices

    // Generate the coordinates for the capsule body
    std::vector<GsVec> bodyTopCoordinates;
    std::vector<GsVec> bodyBottomCoordinates;

    // Compute the tube section of the capsule
    for(int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++)
        float p = static_cast<float>(i) * faceAngularLength;
        bodyTopCoordinates.push_back(GsVec(rt * std::cos(p), hlen, rt * std::sin(p)));
        bodyBottomCoordinates.push_back(GsVec(rb * std::cos(p), -hlen, rb * std::sin(p)));
    pushLevel(P, C, bodyTopCoordinates, bodyBottomCoordinates, nfaces);

    // Compute the top of the capsule
    std::vector<GsVec>& previousTopVector = bodyTopCoordinates;
    std::vector<GsVec>  currentTopVector;

    for(int j = 1; j < levels; j++)
        // theta coordinate
        float t = static_cast<float>(j) * faceAngularHeight;
        for(int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++)
            // phi coordinate
            float p = static_cast<float>(i) * faceAngularLength;
            currentTopVector.push_back(GsVec((rt * std::cos(p)) * std::cos(t), 
                                             hlen + (rt * std::sin(t)), 
                                             (rt * std::sin(p)) * std::cos(t)));

        pushLevel(P, C, currentTopVector, previousTopVector, nfaces);

        std::swap(currentTopVector, previousTopVector);

    // Compute the cap of the capsule
    GsVec tv(0.0f, hlen + rt, 0.0f);
    for(int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++)
        GsVec a = previousTopVector[i];
        GsVec b = (i+1 == nfaces) ? previousTopVector[0] : previousTopVector[i+1];

        pushTriangle(P, C, {a, b, tv});

    // Compute the bottom of the capsule
    std::vector<GsVec>& previousBottomVector = bodyBottomCoordinates;
    std::vector<GsVec>  currentBottomVector;
    for(int j = 1; j < levels; j++)
        // theta coordinate
        float t = static_cast<float>(j) * faceAngularHeight;
        for(int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++)
            // phi coordinate
            float p = static_cast<float>(i) * faceAngularLength;
            currentBottomVector.push_back(GsVec((rb * std::cos(p)) * std::cos(t), 
                                                -hlen - (rb * std::sin(t)), 
                                                (rb * std::sin(p)) * std::cos(t)));

        pushLevel(P, C, currentBottomVector, previousBottomVector, nfaces);

        std::swap(currentBottomVector, previousBottomVector);

    // Compute the cap of the capsule
    GsVec bv(0.0f, -hlen - rb, 0.0f);
    for(int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++)
        GsVec a = previousBottomVector[i];
        GsVec b = (i+1 == nfaces) ? previousBottomVector[0] : previousBottomVector[i+1];

        pushTriangle(P, C, {a, bv, b});
    //pushCap(P, C, previousBottomVector, bv, nfaces);

    // send data to OpenGL buffers:
    glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[0] );
    glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, P.size()*3*sizeof(float), &P[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW );
    glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[1] );
    glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, C.size()*4*sizeof(gsbyte), &C[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW );
    // save size so that we can free our buffers and later just draw the OpenGL arrays:
    _numpoints = P.size();
    // free non-needed memory:
    P.resize(0); C.resize(0);
    changed = 0;
// fill your arrays here, may be called each time the object has to change:
void SoTriangles::build ( float x, float y, float z, GLuint *textures)
   // start by filling your data in arrays:
   // P.push().set ( .. );
   // ...

	 P.size(0); N.size(0); T.size(0);

	 P.push(GsVec(-x, y, -z));
	 N.push(GsVec(0, 1, 0));
	 T.push(GsVec2(0.0f, 0.0f));

	 P.push(GsVec(-x, y, z));
	 N.push(GsVec(0, 1, 0));
	 T.push(GsVec2(0.0f, 1.0f));

	 P.push(GsVec(x, y, z));
	 N.push(GsVec(0, 1, 0));
	 T.push(GsVec2(1.0f, 1.0f));

	 P.push(GsVec(x, y, -z));
	 N.push(GsVec(0, 1, 0));
	 T.push(GsVec2(1.0f, 0.0f));

	 P.push(GsVec(-x, y, -z));
	 N.push(GsVec(0, 1, 0));
	 T.push(GsVec2(0.0f, 0.0f));

	 P.push(GsVec(x, y, z));
	 N.push(GsVec(0, 1, 0));
	 T.push(GsVec2(1.0f, 1.0f));

   // then send data to OpenGL buffers:
   glBindVertexArray ( va[0] ); 
   glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[0]);
   glEnableVertexAttribArray ( 0 ); // for each buffer there will be one vertex atribute
   glEnableVertexAttribArray ( 1 );

   glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[0] );
   glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 3*sizeof(float)*P.size(), P.pt(), GL_STATIC_DRAW );
   glVertexAttribPointer ( 0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0 ); // tell what 

   glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[1]);
   glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, N.size() * 3 * sizeof(float), &N[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
   glVertexAttribPointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);

   glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[2]); // texture
   glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, T.size() * 2 * sizeof(float), &T[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
   glVertexAttribPointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0); // false means no normalization

   //glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[1] );
   // etc

   glBindVertexArray(0); // break the existing vertex array object binding.

   // save size so that we can free our buffers and later draw the OpenGL arrays:
   _numelements = P.size();

   // free non-needed memory:
   P.capacity(0); N.capacity(0); T.capacity(0);

// here we will redraw the scene according to the current state of the application.
void AppWindow::glutDisplay ()
   // Clear the rendering window

   // Build a cross with some lines (if not built yet):
   if ( _axis.changed ) // needs update
    { _axis.build(1.0f); // axis has radius 1.0
   if (sunanim) {
	   sunx = 2 * (cos(2 * M_PI*sunxc / 360) + sin(2 * M_PI*sunxc / 360)); suny = 20.0f; sunz = 2 * (-sin(2 * M_PI*sunxz / 360) + cos(2 * M_PI*sunxz / 360));
   else {
	   sunx = 0.0; suny = 1; sunz = -.5;

   // Define our scene transformation:
   GsMat rx, ry, stransf, barrelroll, leftright, transf, updown, rightwing, leftwing, offsety, centerrwing, centerlwing, rl, rr, backR, backL, centerbackl, centerbackr, br, bl;
   GsMat rfrot, lfrot, rbrot, lbrot, rollyawpitch, ShadowT;
   rx.rotx ( _rotx );
   ry.roty ( _roty );
   stransf = rx*ry; // set the scene transformation matrix

   offsety.translation(GsVec(0.0f, -5.7f, 0.0f));

   //Rotate many degrees
   barrelroll.rotz(2 * M_PI * rotate / 360);
   leftright.roty(2 * M_PI * _turnlr / 360);
   updown.rotx(2 * M_PI * _turnud / 360);

   rollyawpitch = leftright*updown*barrelroll;

   //Translate front wings to center
   centerrwing.translation(GsVec(-0.1f,-0.15f,0.0f)); centerlwing.translation(GsVec(0.1f, -0.15f, 0.0f));
   //Translate front wings back to airplane
   rr.translation(GsVec(0.1f, 0.15f, 0.0f)); rl.translation(GsVec(-0.1f, 0.15f, 0.0f));
   //Translate back wings to center
   centerbackl.translation(GsVec(-0.05f, -0.2f, 0.0f)); centerbackr.translation(GsVec(0.05f, -0.2f, 0.0f));
   //Translate back wings to airplane
   bl.translation(GsVec(0.05f, 0.2f, 0.0f)); br.translation(GsVec(-0.05f, 0.2f, 0.0f));
   //Rotate front wings
   rightwing.rotz(2 * M_PI * _wingsflyR / 360); leftwing.rotz(2 * M_PI * -_wingsflyL / 360);
   //Rotate back wings
   backR.rotz(2 * M_PI * _backR / 360); backL.rotz(2 * M_PI * -_backL / 360);
   //Clean up draw function
   rfrot = rr*rightwing*centerrwing;
   lfrot = rl*leftwing*centerlwing;
   rbrot = br*backR*centerbackr;
   lbrot = bl*backL*centerbackl;

	//speed is fast
	GsVec P = GsVec(0.0f, 0.0f, speed);
	GsVec bd = leftright*updown*barrelroll*P;
	R = R + bd;

	GsVec sbd = leftright*P;
	SR = SR + sbd;

   // Define our projection transformation:
   // (see demo program in gltutors-projection.7z, we are replicating the same behavior here)
   GsMat camview, camview2, _birdseye, persp, sproj;

   GsVec eye(0,0,0), center(0,0,0), up(0,1,0);
   GsVec eye2(0, 10, 0), center2(0, 0, 0), up2(0, 0, 1);
   eye += R + leftright*updown*barrelroll*GsVec(0,0,2);
   center += R + GsVec(0, 0, 0);

   _sun.build(1.0f, sunx, suny, sunz);
   float ground[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 4.99 };
   float light[4] = { sunx, suny, sunz, 0 };
   float  dot;
   GsMat shadowMat;

   dot = ground[0] * light[0] +
	   ground[1] * light[1] +
	   ground[2] * light[2] +
	   ground[3] * light[3];
   shadowMat.setl1(dot - light[0] * ground[0], 0.0 - light[0] * ground[1], 0.0 - light[0] * ground[2], 0.0 - light[0] * ground[3]);
   shadowMat.setl2(0.0 - light[1] * ground[0], dot - light[1] * ground[1], 0.0 - light[1] * ground[2], 0.0 - light[1] * ground[3]);
   shadowMat.setl3(0.0 - light[2] * ground[0], 0.0 - light[2] * ground[1], dot - light[2] * ground[2], 0.0 - light[2] * ground[3]);
   shadowMat.setl4(0.0 - light[3] * ground[0], 0.0 - light[3] * ground[1], 0.0 - light[3] * ground[2], dot - light[3] * ground[3]);
   //shadowMat = shadowMat*ry*rx;
   camview.lookat ( eye, center, up ); // set our 4x4 "camera" matrix
   camview2.lookat(eye2, center2, up2);

   float aspect=1.0f, znear=0.1f, zfar=5000.0f;
   persp.perspective ( _fovy, aspect, znear, zfar ); // set our 4x4 perspective matrix

   // Our matrices are in "line-major" format, so vertices should be multiplied on the 
   // right side of a matrix multiplication, therefore in the expression below camview will
   // affect the vertex before persp, because v' = (persp*camview)*v = (persp)*(camview*v).
   if (camera) {
	   sproj = persp * camview; // set final scene projection
   else {
	   sproj = persp * camview2;

   //  Note however that when the shader receives a matrix it will store it in column-major 
   //  format, what will cause our values to be transposed, and we will then have in our 
   //  shaders vectors on the left side of a multiplication to a matrix.
   float col = 1;
   // Draw:
   //if ( _viewaxis ) _axis.draw ( stransf, sproj );
	_model.draw(stransf*transf*rollyawpitch, sproj, _light, 0);
	_model2.draw(stransf*transf*rollyawpitch*rfrot, sproj, _light, 0);
	_model3.draw(stransf*transf*rollyawpitch*lfrot, sproj, _light, 0);
	_model4.draw(stransf*transf*rollyawpitch, sproj, _light, 0);
	_model5.draw(stransf*transf*rollyawpitch*rbrot, sproj, _light, 0);
	_model6.draw(stransf*transf*rollyawpitch*lbrot, sproj, _light, 0);
	_floor.draw(stransf, sproj, _light, textures);
	_city.draw(stransf*offsety, sproj, _light, 0);
	_city.draw(stransf*shadowMat*offsety, sproj, _shadow, 0);
	_model.draw(stransf*ShadowT*shadowMat*rollyawpitch, sproj, _shadow, 1);
	_model2.draw(stransf*ShadowT*shadowMat*rollyawpitch, sproj, _shadow, 1);
	_model3.draw(stransf*ShadowT*shadowMat*rollyawpitch, sproj, _shadow, 1);
	_model4.draw(stransf*ShadowT*shadowMat*rollyawpitch, sproj, _shadow, 1);
	_model5.draw(stransf*ShadowT*shadowMat*rollyawpitch, sproj, _shadow, 1);
	_model6.draw(stransf*ShadowT*shadowMat*rollyawpitch, sproj, _shadow, 1);
	_side.draw(stransf, sproj, _light, col, textures);
	_sun.draw(stransf, sproj);

   // Swap buffers and draw:
   glFlush();         // flush the pipeline (usually not necessary)
   glutSwapBuffers(); // we were drawing to the back buffer, now bring it to the front
void SoCapsule::build(float r, float sunx, float suny, float sunz)

	P.clear(); C.clear(); // set size to zero, just in case
	//P.reserve(18); C.reserve(18); // reserve space to avoid re-allocations from the calls below
	int nfaces = 20;
	double rt = 5;
	double rb = 5;
	double len = 0;
	double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
	for (int i = 0; i < nfaces; i++) //for sphere
		for (int j = 0; j < nfaces; j++)
			P.push_back(GsVec(rt*cos(j * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos(i*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, rt*sin(i*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + len + suny, rt*sin(j * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos(i*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			P.push_back(GsVec(rt*cos((j + 1) * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, rt*sin((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + len + suny, rt*sin((j + 1) * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			P.push_back(GsVec(rt*cos((j)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, rt*sin((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + len + suny, rt*sin((j)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			C.push_back(GsColor::orange); C.push_back(GsColor::orange); C.push_back(GsColor::orange);

			P.push_back(GsVec(rt*cos((j)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, rt*sin((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + len + suny, rt*sin((j)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			P.push_back(GsVec(rt*cos((j + 1) * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, rt*sin((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + len + suny, rt*sin((j + 1) * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			P.push_back(GsVec(rt*cos((j+1)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, rt*sin((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + len + suny, rt*sin((j+1)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			C.push_back(GsColor::orange); C.push_back(GsColor::orange); C.push_back(GsColor::orange);

			P.push_back(GsVec(rb*cos(j * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos(i*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, -1 * rb*sin(i*pi / (2 * nfaces)) - len + suny, rb*sin(j * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos(i*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			P.push_back(GsVec(rb*cos((j + 1) * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, -1 * rb*sin((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) - len + suny, rb*sin((j + 1) * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			P.push_back(GsVec(rb*cos((j)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, -1 * rb*sin((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) - len + suny, rb*sin((j)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			C.push_back(GsColor::orange); C.push_back(GsColor::orange); C.push_back(GsColor::orange);

			P.push_back(GsVec(rb*cos((j)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, -1 * rb*sin((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) - len + suny, rb*sin((j)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			P.push_back(GsVec(rb*cos((j + 1) * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, -1 * rb*sin((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) - len + suny, rb*sin((j + 1) * 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			P.push_back(GsVec(rb*cos((j+1)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunx, -1 * rb*sin((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) - len + suny, rb*sin((j+1)* 2 * pi / nfaces)*cos((i + 1)*pi / (2 * nfaces)) + sunz));
			C.push_back(GsColor::orange); C.push_back(GsColor::orange); C.push_back(GsColor::orange);
	// send data to OpenGL buffers:
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[0]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, P.size() * 3 * sizeof(float), &P[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[1]);
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, C.size() * 4 * sizeof(gsbyte), &C[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);

	// save size so that we can free our buffers and later just draw the OpenGL arrays:
	_numpoints = P.size();

	// free non-needed memory:
	P.resize(0); C.resize(0);
Beispiel #9
void SoAxis::build ( float r )
   int i;
   const float d=r/20.0f;
   P.clear(); C.clear(); // set size to zero, just in case
   P.reserve(18); C.reserve(18); // reserve space to avoid re-allocations from the calls below

   P.push_back( GsVec( -r,  0, 0 ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( r, 0, 0 ) );
   P.push_back( GsVec( r-d,-d, 0 ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( r, 0, 0 ) );
   P.push_back( GsVec( r-d, d, 0 ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( r, 0, 0 ) );
   for ( i=0; i<6; i++ ) C.push_back( GsColor::red ); // recall that GsColor has r,g,b,a values

   P.push_back( GsVec( 0, -r,  0 ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( 0, r, 0 ) );
   P.push_back( GsVec( 0, r-d,-d ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( 0, r, 0 ) );
   P.push_back( GsVec( 0, r-d, d ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( 0, r, 0 ) );
   for ( i=0; i<6; i++ ) C.push_back( GsColor::green );

   glColor3f ( 0, 0, 1 );		
   P.push_back( GsVec( 0, 0,  -r ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( 0, 0, r ) );
   P.push_back( GsVec( 0,-d, r-d ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( 0, 0, r ) );
   P.push_back( GsVec( 0, d, r-d ) ); P.push_back( GsVec( 0, 0, r ) );
   for ( i=0; i<6; i++ ) C.push_back( GsColor::blue );

   // send data to OpenGL buffers:
   glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[0] );
   glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, P.size()*3*sizeof(float), &P[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW );
   glBindBuffer ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf[1] );
   glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, C.size()*4*sizeof(gsbyte), &C[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW );

   // save size so that we can free our buffers and later just draw the OpenGL arrays:
   _numpoints = P.size();

   // free non-needed memory:
   P.resize(0); C.resize(0);