 * Function:	H5HG_load
 * Purpose:	Loads a global heap collection from disk.
 * Return:	Success:	Ptr to a global heap collection.
 *		Failure:	NULL
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Friday, March 27, 1998
static H5HG_heap_t *
H5HG_load(H5F_t *f, hid_t dxpl_id, haddr_t addr, const void UNUSED * udata1,
	   void UNUSED * udata2)
    H5HG_heap_t	*heap = NULL;
    uint8_t	*p = NULL;
    size_t	nalloc, need;
    size_t      max_idx = 0;            /* The maximum index seen */
    H5HG_heap_t	*ret_value = NULL;      /* Return value */


    /* check arguments */

    /* Read the initial 4k page */
    if(NULL == (heap = H5FL_CALLOC(H5HG_heap_t)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")
    heap->addr = addr;
    if(NULL == (heap->chunk = H5FL_BLK_MALLOC(gheap_chunk, (size_t)H5HG_MINSIZE)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")
    if(H5F_block_read(f, H5FD_MEM_GHEAP, addr, (size_t)H5HG_MINSIZE, dxpl_id, heap->chunk) < 0)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_READERROR, NULL, "unable to read global heap collection")

    /* Magic number */
    if(HDmemcmp(heap->chunk, H5HG_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "bad global heap collection signature")
    p = heap->chunk + H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC;

    /* Version */
    if(H5HG_VERSION != *p++)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "wrong version number in global heap")

    /* Reserved */
    p += 3;

    /* Size */
    H5F_DECODE_LENGTH(f, p, heap->size);
    HDassert(heap->size >= H5HG_MINSIZE);

     * If we didn't read enough in the first try, then read the rest of the
     * collection now.
    if(heap->size > H5HG_MINSIZE) {
	haddr_t next_addr = addr + (hsize_t)H5HG_MINSIZE;

	if(NULL == (heap->chunk = H5FL_BLK_REALLOC(gheap_chunk, heap->chunk, heap->size)))
	    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")
	if(H5F_block_read(f, H5FD_MEM_GHEAP, next_addr, (heap->size - H5HG_MINSIZE), dxpl_id, heap->chunk + H5HG_MINSIZE) < 0)
	    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_HEAP, H5E_READERROR, NULL, "unable to read global heap collection")
    } /* end if */
Beispiel #2
 * Function:    H5O_layout_decode
 * Purpose:     Decode an data layout message and return a pointer to a
 *              new one created with malloc().
 * Return:      Success:        Ptr to new message in native order.
 *              Failure:        NULL
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              Wednesday, October  8, 1997
static void *
H5O_layout_decode(H5F_t *f, hid_t UNUSED dxpl_id, H5O_t UNUSED *open_oh,
    unsigned UNUSED mesg_flags, unsigned UNUSED *ioflags, const uint8_t *p)
    H5O_layout_t           *mesg = NULL;
    unsigned               u;
    void                   *ret_value;          /* Return value */


    /* check args */

    /* decode */
    if(NULL == (mesg = H5FL_CALLOC(H5O_layout_t)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    mesg->version = *p++;
    if(mesg->version < H5O_LAYOUT_VERSION_1 || mesg->version > H5O_LAYOUT_VERSION_3)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "bad version number for layout message")

    if(mesg->version < H5O_LAYOUT_VERSION_3) {
        unsigned	ndims;			/* Num dimensions in chunk           */

        /* Dimensionality */
        ndims = *p++;
        if(ndims > H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "dimensionality is too large")

        /* Layout class */
        mesg->type = (H5D_layout_t)*p++;
        assert(H5D_CONTIGUOUS == mesg->type || H5D_CHUNKED == mesg->type || H5D_COMPACT == mesg->type);

        /* Reserved bytes */
        p += 5;

        /* Address */
        if(mesg->type == H5D_CONTIGUOUS) {
            H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->storage.u.contig.addr));

            /* Set the layout operations */
            mesg->ops = H5D_LOPS_CONTIG;
        } /* end if */
        else if(mesg->type == H5D_CHUNKED) {
            H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->storage.u.chunk.idx_addr));

            /* Set the layout operations */
            mesg->ops = H5D_LOPS_CHUNK;

            /* Set the chunk operations */
            /* (Only "btree" indexing type currently supported in this version) */
            mesg->storage.u.chunk.idx_type = H5D_CHUNK_BTREE;
            mesg->storage.u.chunk.ops = H5D_COPS_BTREE;
        } /* end if */
        else {
            /* Sanity check */
            HDassert(mesg->type == H5D_COMPACT);

            /* Set the layout operations */
            mesg->ops = H5D_LOPS_COMPACT;
        } /* end else */

        /* Read the size */
        if(mesg->type != H5D_CHUNKED) {
            /* Don't compute size of contiguous storage here, due to possible
             * truncation of the dimension sizes when they were stored in this
             * version of the layout message.  Compute the contiguous storage
             * size in the dataset code, where we've got the dataspace
             * information available also.  - QAK 5/26/04
            p += ndims * 4;     /* Skip over dimension sizes (32-bit quantities) */
        } /* end if */
        else {
            for(u = 0; u < ndims; u++)
                UINT32DECODE(p, mesg->u.chunk.dim[u]);

            /* Compute chunk size */
            for(u = 1, mesg->u.chunk.size = mesg->u.chunk.dim[0]; u < ndims; u++)
                mesg->u.chunk.size *= mesg->u.chunk.dim[u];
        } /* end if */

        if(mesg->type == H5D_COMPACT) {
            UINT32DECODE(p, mesg->storage.u.compact.size);
            if(mesg->storage.u.compact.size > 0) {
                if(NULL == (mesg->storage.u.compact.buf = H5MM_malloc(mesg->storage.u.compact.size)))
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed for compact data buffer")
                HDmemcpy(mesg->storage.u.compact.buf, p, mesg->storage.u.compact.size);
                p += mesg->storage.u.compact.size;
            } /* end if */
        } /* end if */
    } /* end if */
    else {
        /* Layout class */
        mesg->type = (H5D_layout_t)*p++;

        /* Interpret the rest of the message according to the layout class */
        switch(mesg->type) {
            case H5D_COMPACT:
                UINT16DECODE(p, mesg->storage.u.compact.size);
                if(mesg->storage.u.compact.size > 0) {
                    if(NULL == (mesg->storage.u.compact.buf = H5MM_malloc(mesg->storage.u.compact.size)))
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed for compact data buffer")
                    HDmemcpy(mesg->storage.u.compact.buf, p, mesg->storage.u.compact.size);
                    p += mesg->storage.u.compact.size;
                } /* end if */

                /* Set the layout operations */
                mesg->ops = H5D_LOPS_COMPACT;

            case H5D_CONTIGUOUS:
                H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->storage.u.contig.addr));
                H5F_DECODE_LENGTH(f, p, mesg->storage.u.contig.size);

                /* Set the layout operations */
                mesg->ops = H5D_LOPS_CONTIG;

            case H5D_CHUNKED:
                /* Dimensionality */
                mesg->u.chunk.ndims = *p++;
                if(mesg->u.chunk.ndims > H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "dimensionality is too large")

                /* B-tree address */
                H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->storage.u.chunk.idx_addr));

                /* Chunk dimensions */
                for(u = 0; u < mesg->u.chunk.ndims; u++)
                    UINT32DECODE(p, mesg->u.chunk.dim[u]);

                /* Compute chunk size */
                for(u = 1, mesg->u.chunk.size = mesg->u.chunk.dim[0]; u < mesg->u.chunk.ndims; u++)
                    mesg->u.chunk.size *= mesg->u.chunk.dim[u];

                /* Set the chunk operations */
                /* (Only "btree" indexing type supported with v3 of message format) */
                mesg->storage.u.chunk.idx_type = H5D_CHUNK_BTREE;
                mesg->storage.u.chunk.ops = H5D_COPS_BTREE;

                /* Set the layout operations */
                mesg->ops = H5D_LOPS_CHUNK;

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "Invalid layout class")
        } /* end switch */
    } /* end else */

    /* Set return value */
    ret_value = mesg;

    if(ret_value == NULL)
            mesg = H5FL_FREE(H5O_layout_t, mesg);

} /* end H5O_layout_decode() */
Beispiel #3
 * Function:	H5O_efl_decode
 * Purpose:	Decode an external file list message and return a pointer to
 *		the message (and some other data).
 * Return:	Success:	Ptr to a new message struct.
 *		Failure:	NULL
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *		Tuesday, November 25, 1997
static void *
H5O_efl_decode(H5F_t *f, hid_t dxpl_id, H5O_t UNUSED *open_oh,
    unsigned UNUSED mesg_flags, unsigned UNUSED *ioflags, const uint8_t *p)
    H5O_efl_t		*mesg = NULL;
    int			version;
    const char		*s = NULL;
    H5HL_t              *heap;
    size_t		u;      /* Local index variable */
    void *ret_value;            /* Return value */


    /* Check args */

    if(NULL == (mesg = (H5O_efl_t *)H5MM_calloc(sizeof(H5O_efl_t))))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    /* Version */
    version = *p++;
    if(version != H5O_EFL_VERSION)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "bad version number for external file list message")

    /* Reserved */
    p += 3;

    /* Number of slots */
    UINT16DECODE(p, mesg->nalloc);
    UINT16DECODE(p, mesg->nused);
    assert(mesg->nused <= mesg->nalloc);

    /* Heap address */
    H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->heap_addr));

#ifndef NDEBUG

    if(NULL == (heap = H5HL_protect(f, dxpl_id, mesg->heap_addr, H5AC_READ)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, NULL, "unable to read protect link value")

    s = (const char *)H5HL_offset_into(f, heap, 0);

    HDassert(s && !*s);

    if(H5HL_unprotect(f, dxpl_id, heap, mesg->heap_addr) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, NULL, "unable to read unprotect link value")
    heap = NULL;

    /* Decode the file list */
    mesg->slot = (H5O_efl_entry_t *)H5MM_calloc(mesg->nalloc * sizeof(H5O_efl_entry_t));
    if(NULL == mesg->slot)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

    if(NULL == (heap = H5HL_protect(f, dxpl_id, mesg->heap_addr, H5AC_READ)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, NULL, "unable to read protect link value")
    for(u = 0; u < mesg->nused; u++) {
	/* Name */
	H5F_DECODE_LENGTH (f, p, mesg->slot[u].name_offset);

        s = (const char *)H5HL_offset_into(f, heap, mesg->slot[u].name_offset);
	HDassert(s && *s);
	mesg->slot[u].name = H5MM_xstrdup (s);

	/* File offset */
	H5F_DECODE_LENGTH (f, p, mesg->slot[u].offset);

	/* Size */
	H5F_DECODE_LENGTH (f, p, mesg->slot[u].size);
	HDassert(mesg->slot[u].size > 0);
    } /* end for */

    if(H5HL_unprotect(f, dxpl_id, heap, mesg->heap_addr) < 0)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_SYM, H5E_NOTFOUND, NULL, "unable to read unprotect link value")
    heap = NULL;

    /* Set return value */
    ret_value = mesg;

    if(ret_value == NULL)
        if(mesg != NULL)

} /* end H5O_efl_decode() */
    Decode a simple dimensionality message and return a pointer to a memory
	struct with the decoded information
    void *H5O_sdspace_decode(f, dxpl_id, mesg_flags, p)
	H5F_t *f;	        IN: pointer to the HDF5 file struct
        hid_t dxpl_id;          IN: DXPL for any I/O
        unsigned mesg_flags;    IN: Message flags to influence decoding
	const uint8 *p;		IN: the raw information buffer
    Pointer to the new message in native order on success, NULL on failure
	This function decodes the "raw" disk form of a simple dimensionality
    message into a struct in memory native format.  The struct is allocated
    within this function using malloc() and is returned to the caller.
static void *
H5O_sdspace_decode(H5F_t *f, hid_t UNUSED dxpl_id, H5O_t UNUSED *open_oh,
    unsigned UNUSED mesg_flags, unsigned UNUSED *ioflags, const uint8_t *p)
    H5S_extent_t	*sdim = NULL;/* New extent dimensionality structure */
    void		*ret_value;
    unsigned		i;		/* local counting variable */
    unsigned		flags, version;


    /* check args */

    /* decode */
    if(NULL == (sdim = H5FL_CALLOC(H5S_extent_t)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "dataspace structure allocation failed")

    /* Check version */
    version = *p++;
    if(version < H5O_SDSPACE_VERSION_1 || version > H5O_SDSPACE_VERSION_2)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTINIT, NULL, "wrong version number in dataspace message")
    sdim->version = version;

    /* Get rank */
    sdim->rank = *p++;
    if(sdim->rank > H5S_MAX_RANK)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTINIT, NULL, "simple dataspace dimensionality is too large")

    /* Get dataspace flags for later */
    flags = *p++;

    /* Get or determine the type of the extent */
    if(version >= H5O_SDSPACE_VERSION_2)
        sdim->type = (H5S_class_t)*p++;
    else {
        /* Set the dataspace type to be simple or scalar as appropriate */
        if(sdim->rank > 0)
            sdim->type = H5S_SIMPLE;
            sdim->type = H5S_SCALAR;

        /* Increment past reserved byte */
    } /* end else */
    HDassert(sdim->type != H5S_NULL || sdim->version >= H5O_SDSPACE_VERSION_2);

    /* Only Version 1 has these reserved bytes */
    if(version == H5O_SDSPACE_VERSION_1)
        p += 4; /*reserved*/

    /* Decode dimension sizes */
    if(sdim->rank > 0) {
        if(NULL == (sdim->size = (hsize_t *)H5FL_ARR_MALLOC(hsize_t, (size_t)sdim->rank)))
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")

        for(i = 0; i < sdim->rank; i++)
            H5F_DECODE_LENGTH(f, p, sdim->size[i]);

        if(flags & H5S_VALID_MAX) {
            if(NULL == (sdim->max = (hsize_t *)H5FL_ARR_MALLOC(hsize_t, (size_t)sdim->rank)))
                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")
            for(i = 0; i < sdim->rank; i++)
                H5F_DECODE_LENGTH (f, p, sdim->max[i]);
        } /* end if */
    } /* end if */

    /* Compute the number of elements in the extent */
    if(sdim->type == H5S_NULL)
        sdim->nelem = 0;
    else {
        for(i = 0, sdim->nelem = 1; i < sdim->rank; i++)
            sdim->nelem *= sdim->size[i];
    } /* end else */

    /* Set return value */
    ret_value = (void*)sdim;	/*success*/

    if(!ret_value && sdim) {
        sdim = H5FL_FREE(H5S_extent_t, sdim);
    } /* end if */

} /* end H5O_sdspace_decode() */
Beispiel #5
 * Function:    H5O_layout_decode
 * Purpose:     Decode an data layout message and return a pointer to a
 *              new one created with malloc().
 * Return:      Success:        Ptr to new message in native order.
 *              Failure:        NULL
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              Wednesday, October  8, 1997
 * Modifications:
 * 	Robb Matzke, 1998-07-20
 *	Rearranged the message to add a version number at the beginning.
 *      Raymond Lu, 2002-2-26
 *      Added version number 2 case depends on if space has been allocated
 *      at the moment when layout header message is updated.
static void *
H5O_layout_decode(H5F_t *f, hid_t UNUSED dxpl_id, const uint8_t *p)
    H5O_layout_t           *mesg = NULL;
    unsigned               u;
    void                   *ret_value;          /* Return value */


    /* check args */

    /* decode */
    if (NULL==(mesg = H5FL_CALLOC(H5O_layout_t)))
        HGOTO_ERROR (H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed");

    /* Version. 1 when space allocated; 2 when space allocation is delayed */
    mesg->version = *p++;
    if (mesg->version<H5O_LAYOUT_VERSION_1 || mesg->version>H5O_LAYOUT_VERSION_3)
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "bad version number for layout message");

    if(mesg->version < H5O_LAYOUT_VERSION_3) {
        unsigned	ndims;			/* Num dimensions in chunk           */

        /* Dimensionality */
        ndims = *p++;
        if (ndims>H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS)
            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "dimensionality is too large");

        /* Layout class */
        mesg->type = (H5D_layout_t)*p++;
        assert(H5D_CONTIGUOUS == mesg->type || H5D_CHUNKED == mesg->type || H5D_COMPACT == mesg->type);

        /* Reserved bytes */
        p += 5;

        /* Address */
            H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->u.contig.addr));
        else if(mesg->type==H5D_CHUNKED)
            H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->u.chunk.addr));

        /* Read the size */
        if(mesg->type!=H5D_CHUNKED) {

            for (u = 0; u < ndims; u++)
                UINT32DECODE(p, mesg->unused.dim[u]);

            /* Don't compute size of contiguous storage here, due to possible
             * truncation of the dimension sizes when they were stored in this
             * version of the layout message.  Compute the contiguous storage
             * size in the dataset code, where we've got the dataspace
             * information available also.  - QAK 5/26/04
        } /* end if */
        else {
            for (u = 0; u < ndims; u++)
                UINT32DECODE(p, mesg->u.chunk.dim[u]);

            /* Compute chunk size */
            for (u=1, mesg->u.chunk.size=mesg->u.chunk.dim[0]; u<ndims; u++)
                mesg->u.chunk.size *= mesg->u.chunk.dim[u];
        } /* end if */

        if(mesg->type == H5D_COMPACT) {
            UINT32DECODE(p, mesg->u.compact.size);
            if(mesg->u.compact.size > 0) {
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed for compact data buffer");
                HDmemcpy(mesg->u.compact.buf, p, mesg->u.compact.size);
                p += mesg->u.compact.size;
    } /* end if */
    else {
        /* Layout class */
        mesg->type = (H5D_layout_t)*p++;

        /* Interpret the rest of the message according to the layout class */
        switch(mesg->type) {
            case H5D_CONTIGUOUS:
                H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->u.contig.addr));
                H5F_DECODE_LENGTH(f, p, mesg->u.contig.size);

            case H5D_CHUNKED:
                /* Dimensionality */
                mesg->u.chunk.ndims = *p++;
                if (mesg->u.chunk.ndims>H5O_LAYOUT_NDIMS)
                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "dimensionality is too large");

                /* B-tree address */
                H5F_addr_decode(f, &p, &(mesg->u.chunk.addr));

                /* Chunk dimensions */
                for (u = 0; u < mesg->u.chunk.ndims; u++)
                    UINT32DECODE(p, mesg->u.chunk.dim[u]);

                /* Compute chunk size */
                for (u=1, mesg->u.chunk.size=mesg->u.chunk.dim[0]; u<mesg->u.chunk.ndims; u++)
                    mesg->u.chunk.size *= mesg->u.chunk.dim[u];

            case H5D_COMPACT:
                UINT16DECODE(p, mesg->u.compact.size);
                if(mesg->u.compact.size > 0) {
                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed for compact data buffer");
                    HDmemcpy(mesg->u.compact.buf, p, mesg->u.compact.size);
                    p += mesg->u.compact.size;
                } /* end if */

                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_OHDR, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "Invalid layout class");
        } /* end switch */
    } /* end else */

    /* Set return value */

    if(ret_value==NULL) {
    } /* end if */
Beispiel #6
 * Function:	H5B2_cache_hdr_load
 * Purpose:	Loads a B-tree header from the disk.
 * Return:	Success:	Pointer to a new B-tree.
 *		Failure:	NULL
 * Programmer:	Quincey Koziol
 *		[email protected]
 *		Feb 1 2005
static H5B2_t *
H5B2_cache_hdr_load(H5F_t *f, hid_t dxpl_id, haddr_t addr, const void *_type, void UNUSED *udata)
    const H5B2_class_t	*type = (const H5B2_class_t *) _type;   /* Type of B-tree */
    unsigned depth;                     /* Depth of B-tree */
    size_t node_size, rrec_size;        /* Size info for B-tree */
    uint8_t split_percent, merge_percent;      /* Split & merge %s for B-tree */
    H5B2_t		*bt2 = NULL;    /* B-tree info */
    size_t		size;           /* Header size */
    uint32_t            stored_chksum;  /* Stored metadata checksum value */
    uint32_t            computed_chksum; /* Computed metadata checksum value */
    H5WB_t              *wb = NULL;     /* Wrapped buffer for header data */
    uint8_t             hdr_buf[H5B2_HDR_BUF_SIZE]; /* Buffer for header */
    uint8_t		*hdr;           /* Pointer to header buffer */
    uint8_t		*p;             /* Pointer into raw data buffer */
    H5B2_t		*ret_value;     /* Return value */

    FUNC_ENTER_NOAPI(H5B2_cache_hdr_load, NULL)

    /* Check arguments */

    /* Allocate space for the B-tree data structure */
    if(NULL == (bt2 = H5FL_MALLOC(H5B2_t)))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "memory allocation failed")
    HDmemset(&bt2->cache_info, 0, sizeof(H5AC_info_t));

    /* Wrap the local buffer for serialized header info */
    if(NULL == (wb = H5WB_wrap(hdr_buf, sizeof(hdr_buf))))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_BTREE, H5E_CANTINIT, NULL, "can't wrap buffer")

    /* Compute the size of the serialized B-tree header on disk */
    size = H5B2_HEADER_SIZE(f);

    /* Get a pointer to a buffer that's large enough for header */
    if(NULL == (hdr = (uint8_t *)H5WB_actual(wb, size)))
        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "can't get actual buffer")

    /* Read header from disk */
    if(H5F_block_read(f, H5FD_MEM_BTREE, addr, size, dxpl_id, hdr) < 0)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_BTREE, H5E_READERROR, NULL, "can't read B-tree header")

    /* Get temporary pointer to serialized header */
    p = hdr;

    /* Magic number */
    if(HDmemcmp(p, H5B2_HDR_MAGIC, (size_t)H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC))
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_BTREE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "wrong B-tree header signature")
    p += H5_SIZEOF_MAGIC;

    /* Version */
    if(*p++ != H5B2_HDR_VERSION)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_BTREE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "wrong B-tree header version")

    /* B-tree type */
    if(*p++ != (uint8_t)type->id)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_BTREE, H5E_CANTLOAD, NULL, "incorrect B-tree type")

    /* Node size (in bytes) */
    UINT32DECODE(p, node_size);

    /* Raw key size (in bytes) */
    UINT16DECODE(p, rrec_size);

    /* Depth of tree */
    UINT16DECODE(p, depth);

    /* Split & merge %s */
    split_percent = *p++;
    merge_percent = *p++;

    /* Root node pointer */
    H5F_addr_decode(f, (const uint8_t **)&p, &(bt2->root.addr));
    UINT16DECODE(p, bt2->root.node_nrec);
    H5F_DECODE_LENGTH(f, p, bt2->root.all_nrec);

    /* Metadata checksum */
    UINT32DECODE(p, stored_chksum);

    /* Sanity check */
    HDassert((size_t)(p - hdr) == size);

    /* Compute checksum on entire header */
    computed_chksum = H5_checksum_metadata(hdr, (size - H5B2_SIZEOF_CHKSUM), 0);

    /* Verify checksum */
    if(stored_chksum != computed_chksum)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_BTREE, H5E_BADVALUE, NULL, "incorrect metadata checksum for v2 B-tree header")

    /* Initialize shared B-tree info */
    if(H5B2_shared_init(f, bt2, type, depth, node_size, rrec_size, split_percent, merge_percent) < 0)
	HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, NULL, "can't create shared B-tree info")

    /* Set return value */
    ret_value = bt2;

    /* Release resources */
    if(wb && H5WB_unwrap(wb) < 0)
        HDONE_ERROR(H5E_BTREE, H5E_CLOSEERROR, NULL, "can't close wrapped buffer")
    if(!ret_value && bt2)
        (void)H5B2_cache_hdr_dest(f, bt2);

} /* end H5B2_cache_hdr_load() */ /*lint !e818 Can't make udata a pointer to const */