Beispiel #1
   printf("\n*** Checking HDF5 dimscales detach.\n");
   printf("*** Creating a file with two vars with one dimension scale...");
      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid, var1_id, var2_id, dimscaleid, cparmsid;
      hid_t fcpl_id, fapl_id, create_propid, access_propid;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS] = {DIM_LEN};
      char dimscale_wo_var[STR_LEN];
      float data = 42;

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl_id, H5F_CLOSE_STRONG)) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_cache(fapl_id, 0, CHUNK_CACHE_NELEMS, CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE,
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_18, H5F_LIBVER_18) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create dimension scale. */
      if ((create_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(create_propid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(grpid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_IEEE_F32BE,
				   spaceid, create_propid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(create_propid) < 0) ERR;
      sprintf(dimscale_wo_var, "%s%10d", DIM_WITHOUT_VARIABLE, DIM_LEN);
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, dimscale_wo_var) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable that uses this dimension scale. */
      if ((access_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk_cache(access_propid, CHUNK_CACHE_NELEMS,
      if ((create_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fill_value(create_propid, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &data) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_layout(create_propid, H5D_CONTIGUOUS) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(create_propid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((var1_id = H5Dcreate2(grpid, VAR1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, spaceid, 
				H5P_DEFAULT, create_propid, access_propid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(create_propid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(access_propid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(var1_id, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create another variable that uses this dimension scale. */
      if ((access_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk_cache(access_propid, CHUNK_CACHE_NELEMS,
      if ((create_propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fill_value(create_propid, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &data) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_layout(create_propid, H5D_CONTIGUOUS) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(create_propid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((var2_id = H5Dcreate2(grpid, VAR2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, spaceid, 
				H5P_DEFAULT, create_propid, access_propid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(create_propid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(access_propid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(var2_id, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;

      /* Now detach the scales and remove the dimscale. This doesn't
       * work if I reverse the order of the statements. */
      if (H5DSdetach_scale(var2_id, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;     
      if (H5DSdetach_scale(var1_id, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;      

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(var1_id) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* /\* Now read the file and check it. *\/ */
      /* { */
      /* 	 hid_t fileid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0; */
      /* 	 hsize_t num_obj, i; */
      /* 	 int obj_class; */
      /* 	 char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1]; */
      /* 	 char dimscale_name[STR_LEN+1]; */
      /* 	 htri_t is_scale; */
      /* 	 char label[STR_LEN+1]; */
      /* 	 int num_scales; */
      /* 	 hsize_t dims[1], maxdims[1]; */
      /* 	 H5G_stat_t statbuf; */
      /* 	 HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj, vars_dimscale_obj; */
      /* 	 struct nc_hdf5_link_info link_info; */
      /* 	 hsize_t idx = 0; */

      /* 	 /\* Open the file. *\/ */
      /* 	 if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 	 if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 	 /\* Loop through objects in the root group. *\/ */
      /* 	 if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 	 for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++) */
      /* 	 { */

      /* 	    if (H5Literate(grpid, H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, H5_ITER_INC,  */
      /* 			   &idx, visit_link, (void *)&link_info) < 0) ERR; */

      /* 	    printf("Encountered: HDF5 object %s\n",; */

      /* 	    /\* Deal with object based on its obj_class. *\/ */
      /* 	    switch(link_info.obj_type) */
      /* 	    { */
      /* 	       case H5I_GROUP: */
      /* 		  break; */
      /* 	       case H5I_DATASET: */
      /* 		  /\* Open the dataset. *\/ */
      /* 		  if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, < 0) ERR; */

      /* 		  if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (maxdims[0] != DIM_LEN) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR; */

      /* 		  /\* Is this a dimscale? *\/ */
      /* 		  if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (is_scale && strcmp(, DIMSCALE_NAME)) ERR; */
      /* 		  if (is_scale) */
      /* 		  { */
      /* 		     /\* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in */
      /* 		      * addition to its real name. *\/ */
      /* 		     if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, dimscale_name, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		     if (strcmp(dimscale_name, dimscale_wo_var)) ERR; */

      /* 		     /\* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a */
      /* 		      * HDF5 file. *\/ */
      /* 		     if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;  */
      /* 		     dimscale_obj.fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0]; */
      /* 		     dimscale_obj.objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0]; */
      /* 		     dimscale_obj.fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1]; */
      /* 		     dimscale_obj.objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1]; */
      /* 		     /\*printf("scale statbuf.fileno = %d statbuf.objno = %d\n", */
      /* 		       statbuf.fileno, statbuf.objno);*\/ */

      /* 		  } */
      /* 		  else */
      /* 		  { */
      /* 		     /\* Here's how to get the number of scales attached */
      /* 		      * to the dataset's dimension 0. *\/ */
      /* 		     if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		     if (num_scales != 1) ERR; */

      /* 		     /\* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. *\/ */
      /* 		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, 0, NULL, alien_visitor, */
      /* 					    &vars_dimscale_obj) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		     /\*printf("vars_dimscale_obj.fileno = %d vars_dimscale_obj.objno = %d\n", */
      /* 		       vars_dimscale_obj.fileno, vars_dimscale_obj.objno);*\/ */
      /* 		     /\* if (vars_dimscale_obj.fileno[0] != dimscale_obj.fileno[0] || *\/ */
      /* 		     /\* 	 vars_dimscale_obj.objno[0] != dimscale_obj.objno[0] || *\/ */
      /* 		     /\* 	 vars_dimscale_obj.fileno[1] != dimscale_obj.fileno[1] || *\/ */
      /* 		     /\* 	 vars_dimscale_obj.objno[1] != dimscale_obj.objno[1]) ERR; *\/ */
      /* 		     /\* There's also a label for dimension 0. *\/ */
      /* 		     if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR; */

      /* 		     /\*printf("found non-scale dataset %s, label %s\n",, label);*\/ */
      /* 		  } */
      /* 		  if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR; */
      /* 		  break; */
      /* 	       case H5I_DATATYPE: */
      /* 		  break; */
      /* 	       default: */
      /* 		  printf("Unknown object!"); */
      /* 		  ERR; */
      /* 	    } */
      /* 	 } */

      /* 	 /\* Close up the shop. *\/ */
      /* 	 if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR; */
      /*   }*/
Beispiel #2
/* initializes hdf5 struct and writes some of the initially known
   problem properties such as state variable names into hdf5 file*/
hdf5block_t* /*freshly allocated struct with ids and size parameters*/
h5block_init(char *output_file, /*will create this file for writing*/
	     ode_model_parameters *omp, /*contains MCMC problem description*/
	     size_t Samples, /* MCMC sample size*/
	     const char **x_name, /*ODE model State Variable names, array of strings*/
	     const char **p_name, /*ODE model parameter names, array of strings*/
	     const char **f_name)/*ODE model output function names, array of strings*/
  hsize_t *size=malloc(sizeof(hsize_t)*2);
  hsize_t *chunk_size=malloc(sizeof(hsize_t)*2);
  hid_t file_id = H5Fcreate(output_file, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  int D=get_number_of_MCMC_variables(omp);
  int N=get_number_of_state_variables(omp);
  int P=get_number_of_model_parameters(omp);
  int F=get_number_of_model_outputs(omp);
  char *x_names=flatten(x_name, (size_t) N, "; ");
  char *p_names=flatten(p_name, (size_t) P, "; ");
  char *f_names=flatten(f_name, (size_t) F, "; ");

  herr_t NameWriteError=0;
  if (NameWriteError){
    fprintf(stderr,"[h5block_init] writing (x,p,f)-names into hdf5 file failed.");
  }/* else {
    printf("# [main] all names have been written to file «%s».\n",output_file);
  hid_t para_property_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
  hid_t post_property_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
  /* here we set a «chunk size», which will coincide with the hyperslabs we select to write output*/
  // parameter sample chunk size:
  H5Pset_chunk(para_property_id, 2, chunk_size);
  hid_t para_chunk_id=H5Screate_simple(2, chunk_size, NULL); // a dataspace to write chunks/hyperslabs
  // posterior probability distribution chunk size:
  H5Pset_chunk(post_property_id, 2, chunk_size);
  hid_t post_chunk_id=H5Screate_simple(2, chunk_size, NULL);
  // hyperslab selection
  hsize_t *offset, *stride, *count, *block;
  // hsize_t offset[2]={0,0}, stride[2]={1,1}, count[2]={1,1}, block[2];
  int i;
  for (i=0;i<2;i++) offset[i]=0;
  for (i=0;i<2;i++) stride[i]=1;
  for (i=0;i<2;i++)  count[i]=1;  

  // hdf5 file setup
  hid_t para_dataspace_id=H5Screate_simple(2, size, NULL);
  hid_t post_dataspace_id=H5Screate_simple(2, size, NULL);
    assert(post_dataspace_id>0 && para_dataspace_id>0);
  hid_t parameter_set_id = H5Dcreate2(file_id, "LogParameters", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, para_dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, para_property_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
  hid_t posterior_set_id = H5Dcreate2(file_id, "LogPosterior", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, post_dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, post_property_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
  assert(parameter_set_id>0 && posterior_set_id>0);
  //copy ids to struct
  hdf5block_t *h5block;
  h5block = malloc(sizeof(hdf5block_t));
  h5block->file_id = file_id;
  h5block->para_property_id = para_property_id;
  h5block->post_property_id = post_property_id;
  h5block->para_chunk_id = para_chunk_id;
  h5block->post_chunk_id = post_chunk_id;
  h5block->para_dataspace_id = para_dataspace_id;
  h5block->post_dataspace_id = post_dataspace_id;
  h5block->parameter_set_id = parameter_set_id;
  h5block->posterior_set_id = posterior_set_id;
  h5block->size = size;
  h5block->chunk_size = chunk_size;
  h5block->offset = offset;
  h5block->stride = stride;
  h5block->count = count;
  h5block->block = block;
  return h5block;
Beispiel #3
int main( void )
  Particle dst_buf[NRECORDS];
  /* Calculate the size and the offsets of our struct members in memory */
  size_t dst_size =  sizeof( Particle );
  size_t dst_offset[NFIELDS] = { HOFFSET( Particle, name ),
				 HOFFSET( Particle, lati ),
				 HOFFSET( Particle, longi ),
				 HOFFSET( Particle, pressure ),
				 HOFFSET( Particle, temperature )};
  size_t dst_sizes[NFIELDS] = { sizeof( dst_buf[0].name),
				sizeof( dst_buf[0].lati),
				sizeof( dst_buf[0].longi),
				sizeof( dst_buf[0].pressure),
				sizeof( dst_buf[0].temperature)};
  size_t field_offset_pos[2] = { HOFFSET( Position, lati ),
				 HOFFSET( Position, longi )};
  hid_t      field_type[NFIELDS];
  hid_t      string_type;
  hid_t      fileID;
  hsize_t    chunk_size = 10;
  Particle   fill_data[1] =
    { {"no data",-1,-1, -99.0f, -99.0} };  /* Fill value particle */
  hsize_t    start;                        /* Record to start reading/writing */
  hsize_t    nrecords;                     /* Number of records to read/write */
  int        compress  = 0;
  int        n;
  herr_t     status;
  Particle  *p_data = NULL;               /* Initially no data */
  float      pressure_in [NRECORDS_ADD] = /* Define new values for the field "Pressure"  */
    { 0.0f,1.0f,2.0f};
  Position   position_in[NRECORDS_ADD] = {/* Define new values for "Latitude,Longitude"  */
  NamePressure   namepre_in[NRECORDS_ADD] =/* Define new values for "Name,Pressure"  */
    { {"zero",0.0f},
      {"one",   1.0f},
      {"two",   2.0f},
  size_t field_sizes_pos[2]=
  size_t field_sizes_pre[1]=
  /* Initialize the field field_type */
  string_type = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
  H5Tset_size( string_type, 16 );
  field_type[0] = string_type;
  field_type[1] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
  field_type[2] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
  field_type[3] = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT;
  field_type[4] = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;
    Create a new file using default properties.

  fileID = H5Fcreate ("h5_table_04.h5",
    Make the table

  status = H5TBmake_table ("Table Title",

    Write the pressure field starting at record 2.

  start    = 2;
  nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD;
  status   = H5TBwrite_fields_name (fileID,
				    sizeof( float ),
    Write the new longitude and latitude information starting at
    record 2.
  start    = 2;
  nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD;
  status = H5TBwrite_fields_name (fileID,
				  sizeof( Position ),
    Read the table

  status = H5TBread_table (fileID,
  /* print it by rows */
  for (n=0; n<NRECORDS; n++) {
    printf ("%-5s %-5d %-5d %-5f %-5f",
    printf ("\n");
   * end
  /* close type */
  H5Tclose( string_type );
  /* close the file */
  H5Fclose (fileID);
  return 0;
Beispiel #4
 * Function:    test_core
 * Purpose:     Tests the file handle interface for CORE driver
 * Return:      Success:        0
 *              Failure:        -1
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu
 *              Tuesday, Sept 24, 2002
static herr_t
    hid_t       file=(-1), fapl, access_fapl = -1;
    char        filename[1024];
    void        *fhandle=NULL;
    hsize_t     file_size;
    int    *points = NULL, *check = NULL, *p1, *p2;
    hid_t  dset1=-1, space1=-1;
    hsize_t  dims1[2];
    int    i, j, n;

    TESTING("CORE file driver");

    /* Set property list and file name for CORE driver */
    fapl = h5_fileaccess();
    if(H5Pset_fapl_core(fapl, (size_t)CORE_INCREMENT, TRUE) < 0)
    h5_fixname(FILENAME[1], fapl, filename, sizeof filename);

    if((file=H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0)

    /* Retrieve the access property list... */
    if ((access_fapl = H5Fget_access_plist(file)) < 0)

    /* Check that the driver is correct */
    if(H5FD_CORE != H5Pget_driver(access_fapl))

    /* ...and close the property list */
    if (H5Pclose(access_fapl) < 0)

    if(H5Fget_vfd_handle(file, H5P_DEFAULT, &fhandle) < 0)

    /* Check file size API */
    if(H5Fget_filesize(file, &file_size) < 0)

    /* There is no garantee the size of metadata in file is constant.
     * Just try to check if it's reasonable.  Why is this 4KB?
    if(file_size<2*KB || file_size>6*KB)

    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    /* Open the file with backing store off for read and write.
     * Changes won't be saved in file. */
    if(H5Pset_fapl_core(fapl, (size_t)CORE_INCREMENT, FALSE) < 0)

    if((file=H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl)) < 0)

    /* Allocate memory for data set. */
    if(NULL == (points = (int *)HDmalloc(DSET1_DIM1 * DSET1_DIM2 * sizeof(int))))
    if(NULL == (check = (int *)HDmalloc(DSET1_DIM1 * DSET1_DIM2 * sizeof(int))))

    /* Initialize the dset1 */
    p1 = points;
    for(i = n = 0; i < DSET1_DIM1; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < DSET1_DIM2; j++)
            *p1++ = n++;

    /* Create the data space1 */
    dims1[0] = DSET1_DIM1;
    dims1[1] = DSET1_DIM2;
    if((space1 = H5Screate_simple(2, dims1, NULL)) < 0)

    /* Create the dset1 */
    if((dset1 = H5Dcreate2(file, DSET1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space1, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Write the data to the dset1 */
    if(H5Dwrite(dset1, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, points) < 0)

    if(H5Dclose(dset1) < 0)

    if((dset1 = H5Dopen2(file, DSET1_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Read the data back from dset1 */
    if(H5Dread(dset1, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, check) < 0)

    /* Check that the values read are the same as the values written */
    p1 = points;
    p2 = check;
    for(i = 0; i < DSET1_DIM1; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < DSET1_DIM2; j++)
            if(*p1++ != *p2++) {
                printf("    Read different values than written in data set 1.\n");
                printf("    At index %d,%d\n", i, j);
            } /* end if */

    if(H5Dclose(dset1) < 0)

    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    /* Open the file with backing store on for read and write.
     * Changes will be saved in file. */
    if(H5Pset_fapl_core(fapl, (size_t)CORE_INCREMENT, TRUE) < 0)

    if((file = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl)) < 0)

    /* Create the dset1 */
    if((dset1 = H5Dcreate2(file, DSET1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space1, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Write the data to the dset1 */
    if(H5Dwrite(dset1, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, points) < 0)

    if(H5Dclose(dset1) < 0)

    if((dset1 = H5Dopen2(file, DSET1_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Reallocate memory for reading buffer. */
    if(NULL == (check = (int *)HDmalloc(DSET1_DIM1 * DSET1_DIM2 * sizeof(int))))

    /* Read the data back from dset1 */
    if(H5Dread(dset1, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, check) < 0)

    /* Check that the values read are the same as the values written */
    p1 = points;
    p2 = check;
    for(i = 0; i < DSET1_DIM1; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < DSET1_DIM2; j++)
            if(*p1++ != *p2++) {
                printf("    Read different values than written in data set 1.\n");
                printf("    At index %d,%d\n", i, j);
            } /* end if */

    /* Check file size API */
    if(H5Fget_filesize(file, &file_size) < 0)

    /* There is no garantee the size of metadata in file is constant.
     * Just try to check if it's reasonable. */
    if(file_size<64*KB || file_size>256*KB)

    if(H5Sclose(space1) < 0)
    if(H5Dclose(dset1) < 0)
    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    h5_cleanup(FILENAME, fapl);

    return 0;

    } H5E_END_TRY;


    return -1;
Beispiel #5
 * Function:    test_sec2
 * Purpose:     Tests the file handle interface for SEC2 driver
 * Return:      Success:        0
 *              Failure:        -1
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu
 *              Tuesday, Sept 24, 2002
static herr_t
  hid_t        file            = -1;
  hid_t        fapl            = -1;
  hid_t        access_fapl     = -1;
    char         filename[1024];
    int          *fhandle        = NULL;
    hsize_t      file_size       = 0;

    TESTING("SEC2 file driver");

    /* Set property list and file name for SEC2 driver. */
    fapl = h5_fileaccess();
    if(H5Pset_fapl_sec2(fapl) < 0)
    h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], fapl, filename, sizeof filename);

    if((file = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0)

    /* Retrieve the access property list... */
    if((access_fapl = H5Fget_access_plist(file)) < 0)

    /* Check that the driver is correct */
    if(H5FD_SEC2 != H5Pget_driver(access_fapl))

    /* ...and close the property list */
    if(H5Pclose(access_fapl) < 0)

    /* Check file handle API */
    if(H5Fget_vfd_handle(file, H5P_DEFAULT, (void **)&fhandle) < 0)
    if(*fhandle < 0)

    /* Check file size API */
    if(H5Fget_filesize(file, &file_size) < 0)

    /* There is no guarantee the size of metadata in file is constant.
     * Just try to check if it's reasonable.  It's 2KB right now.
    if(file_size < 1 * KB || file_size > 4 * KB)

    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    h5_cleanup(FILENAME, fapl);
    return 0;

    } H5E_END_TRY;
    return -1;
Beispiel #6
main (void)
    hid_t       file,  dataset2;        /* file and dataset handles */
    hid_t       datatype16;             /* handles */
    hid_t 	dataspace2;     /* handles */
    hsize_t     dimsf2[2];       /* dataset dimensions */
    hid_t       aid;           /* dataspace identifiers */
    hid_t       attr2;         /* attribute identifiers */
    herr_t      status;
    int16_t     data2[SIZE][SIZE]; /* data to write*/
    int         i, j, n;

    n = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
	for(j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
	    data2[i][j] = n++;
     * Assigns minimal and maximal values of int16 to data2 and 
     * they will be used to check boudary values.
    data2[0][0] = -32768;
    data2[1][1] =  32767; 

     * Create a new file using H5F_ACC_TRUNC access,
     * default file creation properties, and default file
     * access properties.

     * Set each dimension size to 0.
    dimsf2[0] = 0;
    dimsf2[1] = 0;

    dataspace2 = H5Screate_simple(2, dimsf2, NULL);

     * Define datatype for the data in the file.

    datatype16  = H5Tcopy(H5T_NATIVE_SHORT);
     * Create a new dataset within the file using defined dataspace and
     * datatype and default dataset creation properties.
    dataset2 = H5Dcreate2(file, "dataset_2d", datatype16, dataspace2, 
                          H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Write the data although it has no effect because each dim size is 0.
    status = H5Dwrite(dataset2, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, 
       H5P_DEFAULT, data2); 

     * Create 2D attributes.
    attr2   = H5Acreate2(dataset2, "attribute_2d", datatype16, dataspace2, 
                         H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Write the data although it has no effect because each dim size is 0.
    status  = H5Awrite(attr2, datatype16, data2);

     * Close/release resources.

    return 0;
Beispiel #7
 hid_t arma_H5Fcreate(const char* name, unsigned flags, hid_t fcpl_id, hid_t fapl_id)
   return H5Fcreate(name, flags, fcpl_id, fapl_id);
Beispiel #8
int main(void)
    hid_t       file=(-1), fapl, space=(-1), dset=(-1);
    char        dname[]="dataset";
    int         i, j;
    int         buf[FAMILY_NUMBER][FAMILY_SIZE];
    hsize_t     dims[2]={FAMILY_NUMBER, FAMILY_SIZE};

    /* Set property list and file name for FAMILY driver */
    if ((fapl=H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) {
        perror ("H5Pcreate");
        exit (1);

    if(H5Pset_fapl_family(fapl, (hsize_t)FAMILY_SIZE, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) {
        perror ("H5Pset_fapl_family");
        exit (1);

    if((file = H5Fcreate(FILENAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0) {

    /* Create and write dataset */
    if((space = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL)) < 0) {

    if((dset = H5Dcreate2(file, dname, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) {

    for(i = 0; i<FAMILY_NUMBER; i++)
        for(j = 0; j<FAMILY_SIZE; j++)
            buf[i][j] = i * 10000 + j;

    if(H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf) < 0) {

    if(H5Sclose(space) < 0) {
        perror ("H5Sclose");
        exit (1);

    if(H5Dclose(dset) < 0) {
        perror ("H5Dclose");
        exit (1);

    if(H5Pclose(fapl) < 0) {
        perror ("H5Pclose");
        exit (1);

    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0) {
        perror ("H5Fclose");
        exit (1);

    puts(" PASSED"); fflush(stdout);

    return 0;
Beispiel #9
main (void)
    hid_t        file, src_space, vspace,
                 dset;                       /* Handles */
    hid_t        dcpl;
    herr_t       status;
    hsize_t      vdsdims[3] = {VDSDIM0, VDSDIM1, VDSDIM2},
                 vdsdims_max[3] = {H5S_UNLIMITED, VDSDIM1, VDSDIM1},
                 dims[3] = {DIM0, DIM1, DIM2},
                 start[3],                   /* Hyperslab parameters */
    hsize_t      start_out[3],               /* Hyperslab parameter out */
    int          i;
    H5D_layout_t layout;                     /* Storage layout */
    size_t       num_map;                    /* Number of mappings */
    ssize_t      len;                        /* Length of the string; also a return value */
    char         *filename;
    char         *dsetname;

    file = H5Fcreate (FILE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

    /* Create VDS dataspace.  */
    vspace = H5Screate_simple (RANK, vdsdims, vdsdims_max);

    /* Create dataspaces for the source dataset. */
    src_space = H5Screate_simple (RANK, dims, NULL);

    /* Create VDS creation property */
    dcpl = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
    /* Initialize hyperslab values */

    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 0;
    start[2] = 0;
    stride[0] = DIM0;
    stride[1] = 1;
    stride[2] = 1;
    count[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
    count[1] = 1;
    count[2] = 1;
    block[0] = DIM0;
    block[1] = DIM1;
    block[2] = DIM2;

    * Build the mappings 
      status = H5Sselect_hyperslab (vspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, stride, count, block);
      status = H5Pset_virtual (dcpl, vspace, "f-%b.h5", "/A", src_space);

   /* Create a virtual dataset */
      dset = H5Dcreate2 (file, DATASET, H5T_NATIVE_INT, vspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                  dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT);
      status = H5Sclose (vspace);
      status = H5Sclose (src_space);
      status = H5Dclose (dset);
      status = H5Fclose (file);    

     * Now we begin the read section of this example.

     * Open file and dataset using the default properties.
    file = H5Fopen (FILE, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
    dset = H5Dopen2 (file, DATASET, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Get creation property list and mapping properties.
    dcpl = H5Dget_create_plist (dset);

     * Get storage layout.
    layout = H5Pget_layout (dcpl);

    if (H5D_VIRTUAL == layout) 
        printf(" Dataset has a virtual layout \n");
        printf(" Wrong layout found \n");

      * Find number of mappings.
     status = H5Pget_virtual_count (dcpl, &num_map);
     printf(" Number of mappings is %d\n", (int)num_map);

      * Get mapping parameters for each mapping.
      for (i = 0; i < (int)num_map; i++) {   
      printf(" Mapping %d \n", i);
      printf("         Selection in the virtual dataset \n");
      /* Get selection in the virttual  dataset */
          vspace = H5Pget_virtual_vspace (dcpl, (size_t)i);
          if (H5Sget_select_type(vspace) == H5S_SEL_HYPERSLABS) { 
              if (H5Sis_regular_hyperslab(vspace)) {
                   status = H5Sget_regular_hyperslab (vspace, start_out, stride_out, count_out, block_out);
                   printf("         start  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)start_out[0], (unsigned long long)start_out[1], (unsigned long long)start_out[2]);
                   printf("         stride = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)stride_out[0], (unsigned long long)stride_out[1], (unsigned long long)stride_out[2]);
                   printf("         count  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)count_out[0], (unsigned long long)count_out[1], (unsigned long long)count_out[2]);
                   printf("         block  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)block_out[0], (unsigned long long)block_out[1], (unsigned long long)block_out[2]);
      /* Get source file name */
          len = H5Pget_virtual_filename (dcpl, (size_t)i, NULL, 0);
          filename = (char *)malloc((size_t)len*sizeof(char)+1);
          H5Pget_virtual_filename (dcpl, (size_t)i, filename, len+1);
          printf("         Source filename %s\n", filename);

      /* Get source dataset name */
          len = H5Pget_virtual_dsetname (dcpl, (size_t)i, NULL, 0);
          dsetname = (char *)malloc((size_t)len*sizeof(char)+1);
          H5Pget_virtual_dsetname (dcpl, (size_t)i, dsetname, len+1);
          printf("         Source dataset name %s\n", dsetname);

      /* Get selection in the source dataset */
          printf("         Selection in the source dataset ");
          src_space = H5Pget_virtual_srcspace (dcpl, (size_t)i);
          if(H5Sget_select_type(src_space) == H5S_SEL_ALL) {
                  printf("H5S_ALL \n");
/* EIP read data back */

     * Close and release resources.
    status = H5Pclose (dcpl);
    status = H5Dclose (dset);
    status = H5Fclose (file);

    return 0;
   printf("\n*** Checking HDF5 dimscales some more.\n");
   printf("*** Creating a file with one var with one dimension scale...");
      hid_t fileid, spaceid, datasetid, dimscaleid, cparmsid;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS] = {DIM1_LEN}, maxdims[NDIMS] = {H5S_UNLIMITED};

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space that will be used both for the dimscale and
       * the 1D dataset that will attach it. */
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking. */
      dims[0] = 1;
      if ((cparmsid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, NDIMS, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scale, as an unlimited dataset. */
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(fileid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				  spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, NAME_ATTRIBUTE) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses it. */
      if ((datasetid = H5Dcreate(fileid, VAR1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(datasetid, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(datasetid, 0, DIMSCALE_LABEL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking that one var, one dimscale file can be read...");

      hid_t fileid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      char dimscale_name[NC_MAX_NAME+1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      char label[NC_MAX_NAME+1];
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t dims[1], maxdims[1];
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj, vars_dimscale_obj;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(fileid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(fileid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

	 /*printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n",
	   obj_class, obj_name);*/

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* This should be an unlimited dataset. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if (maxdims[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale && strcmp(obj_name, DIMSCALE_NAME)) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in
		   * addition to its real name. */
		  if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, dimscale_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(dimscale_name, NAME_ATTRIBUTE)) ERR;

		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj.fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj.objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj.fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj.objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
		  /*printf("statbuf.fileno = %d statbuf.objno = %d\n",
		    statbuf.fileno, statbuf.objno);*/

		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, 0, NULL, alien_visitor,
					 &vars_dimscale_obj) < 0) ERR;
		  /*printf("vars_dimscale_obj.fileno = %d vars_dimscale_obj.objno = %d\n",
		    vars_dimscale_obj.fileno, vars_dimscale_obj.objno);*/
		  if (vars_dimscale_obj.fileno[0] != dimscale_obj.fileno[0] ||
		      vars_dimscale_obj.objno[0] != dimscale_obj.objno[0] ||
		      vars_dimscale_obj.fileno[1] != dimscale_obj.fileno[1] ||
		      vars_dimscale_obj.objno[1] != dimscale_obj.objno[1]) ERR;
		  /* There's also a label for dimension 0. */
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

		  /*printf("found non-scale dataset %s, label %s\n", obj_name, label);*/
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating a file with one var with two dimension scales...");
#define LAT_LEN 3
#define LON_LEN 2
#define DIMS_2 2
#define LAT_NAME "lat"
#define LON_NAME "lon"
#define PRES_NAME "pres"
      hid_t fileid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, pres_spaceid;
      hid_t pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, lon_dimscaleid;
      hsize_t dims[DIMS_2];

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the spaces that will be used for the dimscales. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space for the dataset. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      dims[1] = LON_LEN;
      if ((pres_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS_2, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((lat_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(fileid, LAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lat_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(fileid, LON_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lon_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses these two dimscales. */
      if ((pres_datasetid = H5Dcreate(fileid, PRES_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				      pres_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lon_dimscaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(lat_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(pres_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lat_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lon_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(pres_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking that one var, two dimscales file can be read...");

#define NDIMS2 2
      hid_t fileid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS2], maxdims[NDIMS2];
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj[2], vars_dimscale_obj[2];
      int dimscale_cnt = 0;
      int d, ndims;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(fileid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(fileid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

/* 	 printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n", */
/* 		obj_class, obj_name); */

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Get space info. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(spaceid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (ndims > NDIMS2) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
/* 		  printf("dimscale_obj[%d].fileno = %d dimscale_obj[%d].objno = %d\n", */
/* 			 dimscale_cnt, dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno, dimscale_cnt,  */
/* 			 dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno); */
		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0 and 1. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 1)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor2,
		     &(vars_dimscale_obj[d])) < 0) ERR;

		     /* Verify that the object ids passed from the
		      * alien_visitor2 function match the ones we found
		      * for the lat and lon datasets. */
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[0]) ERR;
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[1]) ERR;
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;
   printf("*** Creating a file with one var with two unlimited dimension scales...");
#define U1_LEN 3
#define U2_LEN 2
#define DIMS2 2
#define U1_NAME "u1"
#define U2_NAME "u2"
#define VNAME "v1"
      hid_t fapl_id, fcpl_id, grpid, plistid, plistid2;
      hid_t fileid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, pres_spaceid;
      hid_t pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, lon_dimscaleid;
      hsize_t dims[DIMS2], maxdims[DIMS2], chunksize[DIMS2] = {10, 10};
      hid_t spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj[2], vars_dimscale_obj[2];
      int dimscale_cnt = 0;
      int d, ndims;

      /* Create file access and create property lists. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Set latest_format in access propertly list. This ensures that
       * the latest, greatest, HDF5 versions are used in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED in the creation property list. This
       * turns on HDF5 creation ordering in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the root group. */
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the spaces that will be used for the dimscales. */
      dims[0] = 0;
      maxdims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space for the dataset. */
      dims[0] = 0;
      dims[1] = 0;
      maxdims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      maxdims[1] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((pres_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS2, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set up the dataset creation property list for the two dimensions. */
      if ((plistid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(plistid, 1, chunksize) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(plistid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((lat_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, U1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lat_spaceid, plistid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, U2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lon_spaceid, plistid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set up the dataset creation property list for the variable. */
      if ((plistid2 = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(plistid2, DIMS2, chunksize) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(plistid2, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED|
				     H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses these two dimscales. */
      if ((pres_datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VNAME, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, pres_spaceid,
				      plistid2)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lon_dimscaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close down the show. */
      if (H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lat_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(pres_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lat_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lon_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(pres_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(plistid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(plistid2) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;

      for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
	 /*Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	   the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(grpid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(grpid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Get space info. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(spaceid)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0 and 1. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 1)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor2,
					    &(vars_dimscale_obj[d])) < 0) ERR;

		     /* Verify that the object ids passed from the
		      * alien_visitor2 function match the ones we found
		      * for the lat and lon datasets. */
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] ||
			 vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[0]) ERR;
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] ||
			 vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[1]) ERR;


	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Check the dimension lengths. */
	 hid_t spaceid1;
	 hsize_t h5dimlen[DIMS2], h5dimlenmax[DIMS2];
	 int dataset_ndims;

	 /* Check U1. */
	 if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, U1_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((spaceid1 = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid1, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 1 || h5dimlen[0] != 0 || h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;
	 if (H5Dclose(datasetid) ||
	     H5Sclose(spaceid1)) ERR;

	 /* Check U2. */
	 if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, U2_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((spaceid1 = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid1, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 1 || h5dimlen[0] != 0 || h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;
	 if (H5Dclose(datasetid) ||
	     H5Sclose(spaceid1)) ERR;
	 /* Check V1. */
	 if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, VNAME)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((spaceid1 = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid1, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 0 || h5dimlen[1] != 0 ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* All done. */
	 if (H5Dclose(datasetid) ||
	     H5Sclose(spaceid1)) ERR;

      /* Write two hyperslabs. */
#define NUM_VALS 3
	 hid_t file_spaceid, mem_spaceid;
	 hsize_t h5dimlen[DIMS2], h5dimlenmax[DIMS2], xtend_size[DIMS2] = {1, NUM_VALS};
	 hsize_t start[DIMS2] = {0, 0};
	 hsize_t count[DIMS2] = {1, NUM_VALS};
	 double value[NUM_VALS];
	 int dataset_ndims;
	 int i;

	 /* Set up phony data. */
	 for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; i++)
	    value[i] = (float)i;

	 /* Open the dataset, check its dimlens. */
	 if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(grpid, VNAME)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_spaceid, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 0 || h5dimlen[1] != 0 ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* Extend the size of the dataset. */
	 if (H5Dextend(datasetid, xtend_size) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Check the size. */
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_spaceid, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 1 || h5dimlen[1] != NUM_VALS ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* Set up the file and memory spaces. */
	 if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_spaceid, H5S_SELECT_SET,
				 start, NULL, count, NULL) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((mem_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS2, count, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Write a slice of data. */
	 if (H5Dwrite(datasetid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, mem_spaceid, file_spaceid,
		      H5P_DEFAULT, value) < 0)

	 /* Check the size. */
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_spaceid, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 1 || h5dimlen[1] != NUM_VALS ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* Extend the size of the dataset for the second slice. */
	 if (H5Dextend(datasetid, xtend_size) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Set up the file and memory spaces for a second slice. */
	 if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_spaceid, H5S_SELECT_SET,
				 start, NULL, count, NULL) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((mem_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS2, count, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

	 /* Write a second slice of data. */
	 if (H5Dwrite(datasetid, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, mem_spaceid, file_spaceid,
		      H5P_DEFAULT, value) < 0)

	 /* Check the size again. */
	 if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((dataset_ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(file_spaceid, h5dimlen,
							h5dimlenmax)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (dataset_ndims != 2 || h5dimlen[0] != 2 || h5dimlen[1] != NUM_VALS ||
	     h5dimlenmax[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED || h5dimlenmax[1] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	 /* All done. */
	 if (H5Dclose(datasetid) ||
	     H5Sclose(mem_spaceid) ||
	     H5Sclose(file_spaceid)) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid)) ERR;
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
      H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;
   printf("*** Checking dimension scales with attached dimension scales...");
#define LAT_LEN 3
#define LON_LEN 2
#define TIME_LEN 5
#define LEN_LEN 10
#define DIMS_3 3
#define NUM_DIMSCALES1 4
#define LAT_NAME "lat"
#define LON_NAME "lon"
#define PRES_NAME1 "z_pres"
#define TIME_NAME "time"
#define LEN_NAME "u_len"
      hid_t fileid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, time_spaceid, pres_spaceid, len_spaceid;
      hid_t pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, lon_dimscaleid, time_dimscaleid, len_dimscaleid;
      hid_t fapl_id, fcpl_id;
      hsize_t dims[DIMS_3];
      hid_t spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t maxdims[DIMS_3];
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj[NUM_DIMSCALES1], vars_dimscale_obj[NUM_DIMSCALES1];
      int dimscale_cnt = 0;
      int d, ndims;

      /* Create file access and create property lists. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Set latest_format in access propertly list. This ensures that
       * the latest, greatest, HDF5 versions are used in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED in the creation property list. This
       * turns on HDF5 creation ordering in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the spaces that will be used for the dimscales. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = TIME_LEN;
      if ((time_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LEN_LEN;
      if ((len_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space for the dataset. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      dims[1] = LON_LEN;
      dims[2] = TIME_LEN;
      if ((pres_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS_3, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((lat_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lat_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LON_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lon_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((time_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, TIME_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      time_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(time_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((len_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LEN_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      len_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(len_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses these three dimscales. */
      if ((pres_datasetid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, PRES_NAME1, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				      pres_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lon_dimscaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, time_dimscaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;

      /* Attach a dimscale to a dimscale. Unfortunately, HDF5 does not
       * allow this. Woe is me. */
      /*if (H5DSattach_scale(time_dimscaleid, len_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;*/

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(lat_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(time_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(len_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(pres_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lat_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lon_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(time_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(pres_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(len_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(fileid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(fileid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

 	 /* printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n",  */
/*  		obj_class, obj_name);  */

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Get space info. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(spaceid)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
		  /* printf("dimscale_obj[%d].fileno = %d dimscale_obj[%d].objno = %d\n", */
/* 			 dimscale_cnt, dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno, dimscale_cnt, */
/* 			 dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno); */
		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0 and 1. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 1)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor2,
		     &(vars_dimscale_obj[d])) < 0) ERR;

		     /* Verify that the object ids passed from the
		      * alien_visitor2 function match the ones we found
		      * for the lat and lon datasets. */
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[0]) ERR;
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[1]) ERR;
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking cration ordering of datasets which are also dimension scales...");
#define LAT_LEN 3
#define LON_LEN 2
#define TIME_LEN 5
#define LEN_LEN 10
#define DIMS_3 3
#define NUM_DIMSCALES2 4
#define LAT_NAME "lat"
#define LON_NAME "lon"
#define PRES_NAME1 "z_pres"
#define TIME_NAME "time"
#define LEN_NAME "u_len"
      hid_t fileid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, time_spaceid, pres_spaceid, len_spaceid;
      hid_t pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, lon_dimscaleid, time_dimscaleid, len_dimscaleid;
      hid_t fapl_id, fcpl_id;
      hsize_t dims[DIMS_3];
      hid_t spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t maxdims[DIMS_3];
      H5G_stat_t statbuf;
      HDF5_OBJID_T dimscale_obj[NUM_DIMSCALES2], vars_dimscale_obj[NUM_DIMSCALES2];
      int dimscale_cnt = 0;
      int d, ndims;

      /* Create file access and create property lists. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Set latest_format in access propertly list. This ensures that
       * the latest, greatest, HDF5 versions are used in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED in the creation property list. This
       * turns on HDF5 creation ordering in the file. */
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED |
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the spaces that will be used for the dimscales. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = TIME_LEN;
      if ((time_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LEN_LEN;
      if ((len_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the space for the dataset. */
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      dims[1] = LON_LEN;
      dims[2] = TIME_LEN;
      if ((pres_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(DIMS_3, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((lat_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lat_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LON_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      lon_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((time_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, TIME_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      time_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(time_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;
      if ((len_dimscaleid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, LEN_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				      len_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(len_dimscaleid, NULL) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses these three dimscales. */
      if ((pres_datasetid = H5Dcreate1(fileid, PRES_NAME1, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				      pres_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lat_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, lon_dimscaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_datasetid, time_dimscaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;

      /* Attach a dimscale to a dimscale. Unfortunately, HDF5 does not
       * allow this. Woe is me. */
      /*if (H5DSattach_scale(time_dimscaleid, len_dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;*/

      /* Fold up our tents. */
      if (H5Dclose(lat_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(time_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(len_dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(pres_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lat_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(lon_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(time_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(pres_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(len_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through objects in the root group. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(fileid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(fileid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(fileid, i, obj_name, NC_MAX_NAME) < 0) ERR;

 	 /* printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n",  */
/*  		obj_class, obj_name);  */

	 /* Deal with object based on its obj_class. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen1(fileid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Get space info. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(spaceid)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  /* fileno and objno uniquely identify an object and a
		   * HDF5 file. */
		  if (H5Gget_objinfo(datasetid, ".", 1, &statbuf) < 0) ERR;
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[0] = statbuf.fileno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[0] = statbuf.objno[0];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno[1] = statbuf.fileno[1];
		  dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno[1] = statbuf.objno[1];
		  /* printf("dimscale_obj[%d].fileno = %d dimscale_obj[%d].objno = %d\n", */
/* 			 dimscale_cnt, dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].fileno, dimscale_cnt, */
/* 			 dimscale_obj[dimscale_cnt].objno); */
		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0 and 1. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 1)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  for (d = 0; d < ndims; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor2,
		     &(vars_dimscale_obj[d])) < 0) ERR;

		     /* Verify that the object ids passed from the
		      * alien_visitor2 function match the ones we found
		      * for the lat and lon datasets. */
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[0] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[0] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[0]) ERR;
		     if (vars_dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].fileno[1] ||
		     vars_dimscale_obj[d].objno[1] != dimscale_obj[d].objno[1]) ERR;
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

Beispiel #11
int create_file(char * name){
    hid_t file_id;
    file_id = H5Fcreate(name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    return 0;
Beispiel #12
int main( void )
 typedef struct Particle 
  char   name[16];
  int    lati;
  int    longi;
  float  pressure;
  double temperature; 
 } Particle;

 /* Define a subset of Particle, with latitude and longitude fields */
 typedef struct Position 
  int    lati;
  int    longi;
 } Position;

 /* Define a subset of Particle, with name and pressure fields */
 typedef struct NamePressure 
  char   name[16];
  float  pressure;
 } NamePressure;
 /* Calculate the type_size and the offsets of our struct members */
 Particle  dst_buf[NRECORDS];
 size_t dst_size =  sizeof( Particle );
 size_t dst_offset[NFIELDS] = { HOFFSET( Particle, name ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, lati ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, longi ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, pressure ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, temperature )};
 size_t dst_sizes[NFIELDS] = { sizeof( dst_buf[0].name),
                               sizeof( dst_buf[0].lati),
                               sizeof( dst_buf[0].longi),
                               sizeof( dst_buf[0].pressure),
                               sizeof( dst_buf[0].temperature)};

 size_t field_offset_pos[2] = { HOFFSET( Position, lati ),
                                HOFFSET( Position, longi )};
 /* Initially no data */
 Particle  *p_data = NULL;

 /* Define field information */
 const char *field_names[NFIELDS]  = 
 { "Name","Latitude", "Longitude", "Pressure", "Temperature" };
 hid_t      field_type[NFIELDS];
 hid_t      string_type;
 hid_t      file_id;
 hsize_t    chunk_size = 10;
  Particle   fill_data[1] = 
 { {"no data",-1,-1, -99.0f, -99.0} };   /* Fill value particle */ 
 int        compress  = 0;
 hsize_t    nfields;
 hsize_t    start;                       /* Record to start reading/writing */
 hsize_t    nrecords;                    /* Number of records to read/write */
 herr_t     status; 
 int        i;

 /* Define new values for the field "Pressure"  */
 float      pressure_in  [NRECORDS_ADD] =
 { 0.0f,1.0f,2.0f};
 int        field_index_pre[1]     = { 3 };
 int        field_index_pos[2]     = { 1,2 };

 /* Define new values for the fields "Latitude,Longitude"  */
 Position   position_in[NRECORDS_ADD] = { {0,0},
 {20,20} };

 size_t field_sizes_pos[2]=
 size_t field_sizes_pre[1]=

 /* Initialize the field field_type */
 string_type = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
 H5Tset_size( string_type, 16 );
 field_type[0] = string_type;
 field_type[1] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
 field_type[2] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
 field_type[3] = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT;
 field_type[4] = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;
 /* Create a new file using default properties. */
 file_id = H5Fcreate( "ex_table_05.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT );

 /* Make the table */
 status=H5TBmake_table( "Table Title", file_id, TABLE_NAME,NFIELDS,NRECORDS, 
                         dst_size,field_names, dst_offset, field_type, 
                         chunk_size, fill_data, compress, p_data  );

 /* Write the pressure field starting at record 2 */
 nfields  = 1;
 start    = 2;      
 nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD; 
 status=H5TBwrite_fields_index( file_id, TABLE_NAME, nfields, field_index_pre, start, nrecords, 
   sizeof( float ), 0, field_sizes_pre, pressure_in  );

 /* Write the new longitude and latitude information starting at record 2  */
 nfields  = 2;
 start    = 2;      
 nrecords = NRECORDS_ADD; 
 status=H5TBwrite_fields_index( file_id, TABLE_NAME, nfields, field_index_pos, start, nrecords, 
   sizeof( Position ), field_offset_pos, field_sizes_pos, position_in  );

 /* read the table */
 status=H5TBread_table( file_id, TABLE_NAME, dst_size, dst_offset, dst_sizes, dst_buf );

 /* print it by rows */
 for (i=0; i<NRECORDS; i++) {
  printf ("%-5s %-5d %-5d %-5f %-5f", 
  printf ("\n");
 /* close type */
 H5Tclose( string_type );
 /* close the file */
 H5Fclose( file_id );

 return 0;

Beispiel #13
    hid_t src_sid       = -1;   /* source dataset's dataspace ID            */
    hid_t src_dcplid    = -1;   /* source dataset property list ID          */

    hid_t vds_sid       = -1;   /* VDS dataspace ID                         */
    hid_t vds_dcplid    = -1;   /* VDS dataset property list ID             */

    hid_t fid           = -1;   /* HDF5 file ID                             */
    hid_t did           = -1;   /* dataset ID                               */
    hid_t msid          = -1;   /* memory dataspace ID                      */
    hid_t fsid          = -1;   /* file dataspace ID                        */

    hsize_t extent[RANK];       /* source dataset extents                   */
    hsize_t start[RANK];        /* starting point for hyperslab             */
    hsize_t stride[RANK];       /* hypserslab stride                        */
    hsize_t count[RANK];        /* hypserslab count                         */
    int map_start       = -1;   /* starting point in the VDS map            */

    int *buffer         = NULL; /* data buffer                              */
    int value           = -1;   /* value written to datasets                */

    hsize_t n           = 0;    /* number of elements in a plane            */

    int i;                      /* iterator                                 */
    int j;                      /* iterator                                 */
    int k;                      /* iterator                                 */

    /* Start by creating the virtual dataset (VDS) dataspace and creation
     * property list. The individual source datasets are then created
     * and the VDS map (stored in the VDS property list) is updated.

    /* Create VDS dcpl */
    if((vds_dcplid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0)
    if(H5Pset_fill_value(vds_dcplid, UC_5_VDS_DATATYPE,
                &UC_5_VDS_FILL_VALUE) < 0)

    /* Create VDS dataspace */
    if((vds_sid = H5Screate_simple(RANK, UC_5_VDS_DIMS,
                    UC_5_VDS_MAX_DIMS)) < 0)

     * Map source files and datasets *

    /* Hyperslab array setup */
    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 0;
    start[2] = 0;
    map_start = 0;

    stride[0] = UC_5_N_SOURCES;
    stride[1] = 1;
    stride[2] = 1;

    count[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
    count[1] = 1;
    count[2] = 1;

    extent[0] = UC_5_SRC_PLANES;
    extent[1] = UC_5_HEIGHT;
    extent[2] = UC_5_WIDTH;

    for(i = 0; i < UC_5_N_SOURCES; i++) {

        /* source dataset dcpl */
        if((src_dcplid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0)
        if(H5Pset_chunk(src_dcplid, RANK, UC_5_PLANE) < 0)
        if(H5Pset_fill_value(src_dcplid, UC_5_SOURCE_DATATYPE,
                    &UC_5_FILL_VALUES[i]) < 0)
        if(H5Pset_deflate(src_dcplid, COMPRESSION_LEVEL) < 0)

        /* Create source file, dataspace, and dataset */
        if((fid = H5Fcreate(UC_5_FILE_NAMES[i], H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
                        H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
        if((src_sid = H5Screate_simple(RANK, UC_5_SOURCE_DIMS,
                        UC_5_SOURCE_MAX_DIMS)) < 0)
        if((did = H5Dcreate2(fid, UC_5_SOURCE_DSET_NAME,
                        UC_5_SOURCE_DATATYPE, src_sid,
                        H5P_DEFAULT, src_dcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

        /* Set the dataset's extent */
        if(H5Dset_extent(did, extent) < 0)

        /* Create a data buffer that represents a plane */
        n = UC_5_PLANE[1] * UC_5_PLANE[2];
        if(NULL == (buffer = (int *)malloc(n * sizeof(int))))

        /* Create the memory dataspace */
        if((msid = H5Screate_simple(RANK, UC_5_PLANE, NULL)) < 0)

        /* Get the file dataspace */
        if((fsid = H5Dget_space(did)) < 0)

        /* Write planes to the dataset */
        for(j = 0; j < UC_5_SRC_PLANES; j++) {

            value = ((i + 1) * 10) + j;
            for(k = 0; k < n; k++)
               buffer[k] = value;

            start[0] = j;
            start[1] = 0;
            start[2] = 0;
            if(H5Sselect_hyperslab(fsid, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, UC_5_PLANE, NULL) < 0)
            if(H5Dwrite(did, H5T_NATIVE_INT, msid, fsid, H5P_DEFAULT, buffer) < 0)

        } /* end for */

        /* set up hyperslabs for source and destination datasets */
        start[0] = 0;
        start[1] = 0;
        start[2] = 0;
        if(H5Sselect_hyperslab(src_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL,
                    UC_5_SOURCE_MAX_DIMS, NULL) < 0)
        start[0] = map_start;
        if(H5Sselect_hyperslab(vds_sid, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, stride,
                    count, UC_5_PLANE) < 0)
        map_start += 1;

        /* Add VDS mapping */
        if(H5Pset_virtual(vds_dcplid, vds_sid, UC_5_FILE_NAMES[i],
                    UC_5_SOURCE_DSET_PATH, src_sid) < 0)

        /* close */
        if(H5Sclose(msid) < 0)
        if(H5Sclose(fsid) < 0)
        if(H5Sclose(src_sid) < 0)
        if(H5Pclose(src_dcplid) < 0)
        if(H5Dclose(did) < 0)
        if(H5Fclose(fid) < 0)

    } /* end for */

     * Create VDS file *

    /* file */
    if((fid = H5Fcreate(UC_5_VDS_FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
                    H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* dataset */
    if((did = H5Dcreate2(fid, UC_5_VDS_DSET_NAME, UC_5_VDS_DATATYPE, vds_sid,
                    H5P_DEFAULT, vds_dcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* close */
    if(H5Pclose(vds_dcplid) < 0)
    if(H5Sclose(vds_sid) < 0)
    if(H5Dclose(did) < 0)
    if(H5Fclose(fid) < 0)

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


        if(src_sid >= 0)
        if(src_dcplid >= 0)
        if(vds_sid >= 0)
        if(vds_dcplid >= 0)
        if(fid >= 0)
        if(did >= 0)
        if(msid >= 0)
        if(fsid >= 0)
        if(buffer != NULL)
    } H5E_END_TRY

    return EXIT_FAILURE;

} /* end main() */
int main( void )
 typedef struct Particle
  char   name[16];
  int    lati;
  int    longi;
  float  pressure;
  double temperature;
 } Particle;

 /* Calculate the size and the offsets of our struct members in memory */
 size_t dst_size =  sizeof( Particle );
 size_t dst_offset[NFIELDS] = { HOFFSET( Particle, name ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, lati ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, longi ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, pressure ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, temperature )};

  /* Define field information */
  const char *field_names[NFIELDS]  =
  { "Name","Latitude", "Longitude", "Pressure", "Temperature" };
  hid_t      field_type[NFIELDS];
  hid_t      string_type;
  hid_t      file_id;
  hsize_t    chunk_size = 10;
  Particle   fill_data[1] =
  { {"no data",-1,-1, -99.0f, -99.0} };   /* Fill value particle */
  int        compress  = 0;
  hsize_t    nfields_out;
  hsize_t    nrecords_out;

  /* Initialize field_type */
  string_type = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
  H5Tset_size( string_type, 16 );
  field_type[0] = string_type;
  field_type[1] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
  field_type[2] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
  field_type[3] = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT;
  field_type[4] = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;

 /* Create a new file using default properties. */
 file_id = H5Fcreate( "ex_table_06.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT );

 /* Make a table */
 H5TBmake_table( "Table Title",file_id,TABLE_NAME,NFIELDS,NRECORDS,dst_size,
                       field_names, dst_offset, field_type,
                       chunk_size, fill_data, compress, NULL);

 /* Get table info  */
 H5TBget_table_info (file_id,TABLE_NAME, &nfields_out, &nrecords_out );

 /* print */
 printf ("Table has %d fields and %d records\n",(int)nfields_out,(int)nrecords_out);

  /* close type */
 H5Tclose( string_type );

 /* close the file */
 H5Fclose( file_id );

 return 0;

Beispiel #15
output (Array3D < zone > grid, Array3D < zone > fx, Array3D < zone > fy,
	int time, char *filename)

#ifdef USE_HDF5
  hid_t file, dataset;		/* file and dataset handles */
  hid_t datatype, dataspace;	/* handles */
  hsize_t dimsf[2];		/* dataset dimensions */
  herr_t status;
  double data[nx][ny];
  char *names[] =
    { "Density", "Velx", "Vely", "Velz", "Energy", "Bx", "By", "Bz" };
  int ll = 0;
  stringstream hdf5_stream_filename;
  string hdf5_filename;

  ofstream fout;
  ofstream gout;
  double gammam1 = gammag - 1;
  double rl, ri;
  double px;
  double py;
  double pz;
  double pressure;
  double bx;
  double by;
  double bz;
  double bsquared;
  double et, ul, vl, wl, ke, al;
  int ii = 0;
  int jj = 0;
  int kk = 0;
  char outputdir[50] = "output/";
//      char            filename[50] = "out_2d_";
  stringstream s;
  stringstream stream_filename;
  stringstream stream_temp_b;
  string str_file_tag;
  string str_output_filename;
  string str_input_filename;

  double ki = 24296.3696;
  double mp = 1.67262158;
  double mpi = 1.0 / mp;
  double nt = 0;
  double nt2 = 0;
  double temperature = 0;

  s.clear ();
  s.width (5);
  s.fill ('0');
  s << time;
  s >> str_file_tag;
  stream_filename.clear ();
  stream_filename << outputdir << filename << str_file_tag;
  stream_filename >> str_input_filename;

#ifdef USE_HDF5
  hdf5_stream_filename << outputdir << "hdf5_" << filename << str_file_tag <<
  hdf5_stream_filename >> hdf5_filename;
  file =
    H5Fcreate (hdf5_filename.c_str (), H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,

  for (ll = 0; ll < ne; ll++)
      dimsf[0] = nx;
      dimsf[1] = ny;
      dataspace = H5Screate_simple (RANK, dimsf, NULL);
       * Define datatype for the data in the file.
       * We will store little endian DOUBLE numbers.
      datatype = H5Tcopy (H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
      status = H5Tset_order (datatype, H5T_ORDER_LE);
       * Create a new dataset within the file using defined dataspace and
       * datatype and default dataset creation properties.
      dataset = H5Dcreate (file, names[ll], datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);

      for (jj = 0; jj < ny; jj++)
	  for (ii = 0; ii < nx; ii++)
	    data[ii][jj] = grid[ii][jj][kk].array[ll];
       * Write the data to the dataset using default transfer properties.
      status = H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
			 H5P_DEFAULT, data);

       * Close/release resources.
      H5Sclose (dataspace);
      H5Tclose (datatype);
      H5Dclose (dataset);

  dimsf[0] = nx;
  dimsf[1] = ny;
  dataspace = H5Screate_simple (RANK, dimsf, NULL);
   * Define datatype for the data in the file.
   * We will store little endian DOUBLE numbers.
  datatype = H5Tcopy (H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
  status = H5Tset_order (datatype, H5T_ORDER_LE);
   * Create a new dataset within the file using defined dataspace and
   * datatype and default dataset creation properties.
  dataset = H5Dcreate (file, "Pressure", datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);

  for (jj = 0; jj < ny; jj++)
      for (ii = 0; ii < nx; ii++)

	  rl = grid[ii][jj][kk] _MASS;
	  px = grid[ii][jj][kk] _MOMX;
	  py = grid[ii][jj][kk] _MOMY;
	  pz = grid[ii][jj][kk] _MOMZ;
	  et = grid[ii][jj][kk] _ENER;
	  bx = grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_X;
	  by = grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_Y;
	  bz = grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_Z;
	  ri = 1.0 / rl;
	  ul = px * ri;
	  vl = py * ri;
	  wl = pz * ri;
	  ke = 0.5 * rl * (ul * ul + vl * vl + wl * wl);
	  bsquared = bx * bx + by * by + bz * bz;
	  pressure = et - ke - 0.5 * bsquared;
	  pressure = pressure * gammam1;
	  al = sqrt (gammag * pressure * ri);
	  nt = 2 * mpi * rl;
	  nt2 = nt * nt;
	  temperature = ki * pressure / nt;
	  temperature = log10 (temperature);

	  data[ii][jj] = pressure;
   * Write the data to the dataset using default transfer properties.
  status = H5Dwrite (dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
		     H5P_DEFAULT, data);

   * Close/release resources.
  H5Sclose (dataspace);
  H5Tclose (datatype);
  H5Dclose (dataset);

  H5Fclose (file);
#endif /* HDF5 or not  */ (str_input_filename.c_str ());
  if (!fout)
      cerr << "unable to open file " << endl;

  jj = 0;
  // Determine Div B
  Array2D < double >divb (nx, ny);
  double bx1, bx2, by1, by2, bz1, bz2;
  for (ii = 1; ii < nx - 2; ii++)
      for (jj = 1; jj < ny - 2; jj++)

	  bx1 = (grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_X + grid[ii - 1][jj][kk] _B_X);
	  bx2 = (grid[ii + 1][jj][kk] _B_X + grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_X);
	  by1 = (grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_Y + grid[ii][jj - 1][kk] _B_Y);
	  by2 = (grid[ii][jj + 1][kk] _B_Y + grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_Y);
	  //     bz1 = ( grid[ii  ][jj  ][kk  ]_B_Z + grid[ii  ][jj  ][kk-1]_B_Z );
	  //    bz2 = ( grid[ii  ][jj  ][kk+1]_B_Z + grid[ii  ][jj  ][kk  ]_B_Z );
	  //divb = (1/delta_x)*(bx2- bx1 + by2 -by1 +bz2 -bz1);
	  divb[ii][jj] = (0.5 / delta_x) * (bx2 - bx1 + by2 - by1);

  for (ii = 0; ii < nx; ii++)
      for (jj = 0; jj < ny; jj++)
	  rl = grid[ii][jj][kk] _MASS;
	  px = grid[ii][jj][kk] _MOMX;
	  py = grid[ii][jj][kk] _MOMY;
	  pz = grid[ii][jj][kk] _MOMZ;
	  et = grid[ii][jj][kk] _ENER;
	  bx = grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_X;
	  by = grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_Y;
	  bz = grid[ii][jj][kk] _B_Z;
	  ri = 1.0 / rl;
	  ul = px * ri;
	  vl = py * ri;
	  wl = pz * ri;
	  ke = 0.5 * rl * (ul * ul + vl * vl + wl * wl);
	  bsquared = bx * bx + by * by + bz * bz;
	  pressure = et - ke - 0.5 * bsquared;
	  pressure = pressure * gammam1;
	  al = sqrt (gammag * pressure * ri);

#ifdef DEBUG_BC
	  if (ii == 2 && jj == 2 && px != 0)
	      cout << px << endl;
	      cout << ul << endl;
	      cout << "wtf?" << endl;
#endif /* DEBUG_BC */

		  << setiosflags (ios::scientific)
	    << " " << (rl)
	    << " " << ul
	    << " " << vl
	    << " " << wl
	    << " " << et
	    << " " << bx
	    << " " << by
	    << " " << bz
	    << " " << (pressure)
	    << " " << (al)
		 << " " << divb[ii][jj]
		 << endl;

#ifdef TWODIM
      fout << endl;
#endif /* TWODIM */
  fout.close (); ("gm.general");
  gout << "file = /home/gmurphy/mhdvanleer-0.0.1/" << str_input_filename <<
  gout << "grid = " << nx << " x " << ny << endl;
  gout << "format = ascii" << endl;
  gout << "interleaving = field" << endl;
  gout << "majority = row" << endl;
  gout << "field = V_sound, E_tot, Rho, Vel_X, Vel_Y, Pressure" << endl;
  gout << "structure = scalar, scalar, scalar, scalar, scalar, scalar" <<
  gout << "type = double, double, double, double, double, double" << endl;
  gout <<
    "dependency = positions, positions, positions, positions, positions, positions"
    << endl;
  gout << "positions = regular, regular, 0, 1, 0, 1" << endl;
  gout << "" << endl;
  gout << "end" << endl;
  gout.close ();

  return 0;
Beispiel #16
 * Function:  test
 * Purpose:  The guts of the test
 * Return:  Success:  0
 *    Failure:  number of errors
 * Programmer:  Robb Matzke
 *              Wednesday, September 30, 1998
 * Modifications:
static int
test(fill_t fill_style, const double splits[],
     hbool_t verbose, hbool_t use_rdcc)
    hid_t  file = (-1), fapl = (-1), dcpl = (-1), xfer = (-1), mspace = (-1), fspace = (-1), dset = (-1);
    hsize_t  ch_size[1] = {1};    /*chunk size    */
    hsize_t  cur_size[1] = {1000};    /*current dataset size  */
    hsize_t  max_size[1] = {H5S_UNLIMITED};  /*maximum dataset size  */
    hsize_t  hs_start[1];      /*hyperslab start offset*/
    hsize_t  hs_count[1] = {1};    /*hyperslab nelmts  */
    int    fd = (-1);      /*h5 file direct  */
    int  *had = NULL;      /*for random filling  */
    const char  *sname=NULL;      /*fill style nam  */
    int    mdc_nelmts;      /*num meta objs to cache*/
    hsize_t  i;
    int    j;
    h5_stat_t  sb;

    if((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) goto error;
    if(!use_rdcc) {
        if(H5Pget_cache(fapl, &mdc_nelmts, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) goto error;
        if(H5Pset_cache(fapl, mdc_nelmts, 0, 0, 0.0F) < 0) goto error;
    if((file = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME_1, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0) goto error;
    if((dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) goto error;
    if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl, 1, ch_size) < 0) goto error;
    if((xfer = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER)) < 0) goto error;
    if(H5Pset_btree_ratios(xfer, splits[0], splits[1], splits[2]) < 0) goto error;
    if((fspace = H5Screate_simple(1, cur_size, max_size)) < 0) goto error;
    if((mspace = H5Screate_simple(1, ch_size, ch_size)) < 0) goto error;
    if((dset = H5Dcreate2(file, "chunked", H5T_NATIVE_INT,
        fspace, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) goto error;
    if ((fd=HDopen(FILE_NAME_1, O_RDONLY, 0666)) < 0) goto error;

        had = calloc((size_t)cur_size[0], sizeof(int));
    for (i=1; i<=cur_size[0]; i++) {

        /* Decide which chunk to write to */
        switch (fill_style) {
        case FILL_FORWARD:
            hs_start[0] = i-1;
        case FILL_REVERSE:
            hs_start[0] = cur_size[0]-i;
        case FILL_INWARD:
            hs_start[0] = i%2 ? i/2 : cur_size[0]-i/2;
        case FILL_OUTWARD:
            j = (int)(cur_size[0]-i)+1;
            hs_start[0] = j%2 ? j/2 : (hssize_t)cur_size[0]-j/2;
        case FILL_RANDOM:
            for (j=HDrand()%(int)cur_size[0]; had[j]; j=(j+1)%(int)cur_size[0])
            hs_start[0] = j;
            had[j] = 1;
        case FILL_ALL:
            /* unknown request */
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Unknown fill style\n");
            goto error;

        /* Write the chunk */
        if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(fspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, hs_start, NULL,
                hs_count, NULL) < 0) goto error;
        if (H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mspace, fspace, xfer, &i) < 0) {
            goto error;

        /* Determine overhead */
        if (verbose) {
            if (H5Fflush(file, H5F_SCOPE_LOCAL) < 0) goto error;
            if (HDfstat(fd, &sb) < 0) goto error;
             * The extra cast in the following statement is a bug workaround
             * for the Win32 version 5.0 compiler.
             * 1998-11-06 ptl
            printf("%4lu %8.3f ***\n",
                    (unsigned long)i,

    if(had) {
        had = NULL;
    } /* end if */


    if (!verbose) {
        switch (fill_style) {
        case FILL_FORWARD:
            sname = "forward";
        case FILL_REVERSE:
            sname = "reverse";
        case FILL_INWARD:
            sname = "inward";
        case FILL_OUTWARD:
            sname = "outward";
        case FILL_RANDOM:
            sname = "random";
        case FILL_ALL:
            /* unknown request */
            HDfprintf(stderr, "Unknown fill style\n");
            goto error;

        if (HDfstat(fd, &sb) < 0) goto error;
        printf("%-7s %8.3f\n", sname,

    return 0;

    return 1;
Beispiel #17
    hid_t	fid;
    hid_t	fapl;
    hid_t       did;
    hid_t 	space;
    hsize_t     dim[1] = {DIM};
    unsigned    data[DIM];
    unsigned    u;
    herr_t      ret;         /* Generic return value */

    /* Initialize the data */
    for(u = 0; u < DIM; u++)
	data[u] = u;

    /* Create a FAPL with the metadata and small data aggregators turned off */
    fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
    assert(fapl > 0);
    ret = H5Pset_meta_block_size(fapl, (hsize_t)0);
    assert(ret >= 0);
    ret = H5Pset_small_data_block_size(fapl, (hsize_t)0);
    assert(ret >= 0);

    /* Create file */
    fid = H5Fcreate(FILENAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl);
    assert(fid > 0);

    /* Close FAPL */
    ret = H5Pclose(fapl);
    assert(ret >= 0);

    /* Create dataspace */
    space = H5Screate_simple(1, dim, NULL);
    assert(space > 0);

    /* Create dataset #1 */
    did = H5Dcreate2(fid, "dset1", H5T_NATIVE_UINT, space, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    assert(did > 0);
    ret = H5Dwrite(did, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data);
    assert(ret >= 0);
    ret = H5Dclose(did);
    assert(ret >= 0);

    /* Create dataset #2 */
    did = H5Dcreate2(fid, "dset2", H5T_NATIVE_UINT, space, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    assert(did > 0);
    ret = H5Dwrite(did, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data);
    assert(ret >= 0);
    ret = H5Dclose(did);
    assert(ret >= 0);

    /* Close dataspace */
    ret = H5Sclose(space);
    assert(ret >= 0);

    /* Close file */
    ret = H5Fclose(fid);
    assert(ret >= 0);

    return 0;
Beispiel #18
main(int argc, char **argv)
   printf("\n*** Testing HDF5/NetCDF-4 interoperability...\n");
   printf("*** testing HDF5 compatibility...");
#define GRPA_NAME "grpa"
#define VAR_NAME "vara"
#define NDIMS 2
      int nrowCur = 7;               /* current size */
      int ncolCur = 3;
      int nrowMax = nrowCur + 0;     /* maximum size */
      int ncolMax = ncolCur + 0;

      hid_t xdimId;
      hid_t ydimId;
      hsize_t xscaleDims[1];
      hsize_t yscaleDims[1];
      hid_t xdimSpaceId, spaceId;
      hid_t fileId;
      hid_t fapl;
      hsize_t curDims[2];
      hsize_t maxDims[2];
      hid_t dataTypeId, dsPropertyId, grpaId, grpaPropId, dsId;
      hid_t ydimSpaceId;
      const char * dimNameBase
	 = "This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable.";
      char dimNameBuf[1000];
      char *varaName = "/grpa/vara";
      short amat[nrowCur][ncolCur];
      int ii, jj;

      xscaleDims[0] = nrowCur;
      yscaleDims[0] = ncolCur;
      if ((xdimSpaceId = H5Screate_simple(1, xscaleDims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

      /* With the SEMI close degree, the HDF5 file close will fail if
       * anything is left open. */
      if ((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl, H5F_CLOSE_SEMI)) ERR;

      /* Create file */
      if((fileId = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
			     H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE), fapl)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fapl) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create data space */
      curDims[0] = nrowCur;
      curDims[1] = ncolCur;
      maxDims[0] = nrowMax;
      maxDims[1] = ncolMax;
      if ((spaceId = H5Screate_simple(2, curDims, maxDims)) < 0) ERR;

      if ((dataTypeId = H5Tcopy(H5T_NATIVE_SHORT)) < 0) ERR;

      if ((dsPropertyId = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;

      if ((grpaPropId = H5Pcreate(H5P_GROUP_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpaId = H5Gcreate2(fileId, GRPA_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT,
			       grpaPropId, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(grpaPropId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create vara dataset */
      if ((dsId = H5Dcreate2(fileId, varaName, dataTypeId, spaceId,
			     H5P_DEFAULT, dsPropertyId,
			     H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5Pclose(dsPropertyId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tclose(dataTypeId) < 0) ERR;
      if ((ydimSpaceId = H5Screate_simple(1, yscaleDims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create xdim dimension dataset */
      if ((xdimId = H5Dcreate2(fileId, "/xdim", H5T_IEEE_F32BE,
			       xdimSpaceId, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
			       H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5Sclose(xdimSpaceId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create ydim dimension dataset */
      if ((ydimId = H5Dcreate2(fileId, "/ydim", H5T_IEEE_F32BE,
			       ydimSpaceId, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
			       H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(ydimSpaceId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create xdim scale */
      sprintf(dimNameBuf, "%s%10d", dimNameBase, nrowCur);
      if (H5DSset_scale(xdimId, dimNameBuf) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create ydim scale */
      sprintf(dimNameBuf, "%s%10d", dimNameBase, ncolCur);
      if (H5DSset_scale(ydimId, dimNameBuf) < 0) ERR;

      /* Attach dimension scales to the dataset */
      if (H5DSattach_scale(dsId, xdimId, 0) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5DSattach_scale(dsId, ydimId, 1) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close stuff. */
      if (H5Dclose(xdimId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(ydimId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(dsId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Gclose(grpaId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Sclose(spaceId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Fclose(fileId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create some data */
      for (ii = 0; ii < nrowCur; ii++)
	 for (jj = 0; jj < ncolCur; jj++)
	    amat[ii][jj] = 100 * ii + jj;

      /* Re-open file */
      if ((fileId = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpaId = H5Gopen2(fileId, GRPA_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((dsId = H5Dopen2(grpaId, varaName,  H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Write dataset */
      if (H5Dwrite(dsId, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
		   amat) < 0) ERR;

      /* Write dimension values for both xdim, ydim */
      short xydimMat[ nrowCur >= ncolCur ? nrowCur : ncolCur];
      for (ii = 0; ii < nrowCur; ii++)
	 xydimMat[ii] = 0;    /*#### 100 * ii; */

      /* Write xdim */
      if ((xdimId = H5Dopen2(fileId, "/xdim", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dwrite(xdimId, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
		   H5P_DEFAULT, xydimMat) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(xdimId) < 0) ERR;

      /* Write ydim */
      if ((ydimId = H5Dopen2(fileId, "/ydim", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dwrite(ydimId, H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
		   H5P_DEFAULT, xydimMat) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(ydimId) < 0) ERR;

      if (H5Dclose(dsId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Gclose(grpaId) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Fclose(fileId) < 0) ERR;

	 int ncid, grpid, nvars, ngatts, ndims, unlimdimid, ngrps;
	 char name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
	 nc_type xtype_in;
	 int ndims_in, natts_in, dimid_in[NDIMS];

/*	 nc_set_log_level(5);*/
	 if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
	 if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
	 if (ndims != 2 || nvars != 0 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;
	 if (nc_inq_grps(ncid, &ngrps, &grpid)) ERR;
	 if (ngrps != 1) ERR;
	 if (nc_inq(grpid, &ndims, &nvars, &ngatts, &unlimdimid)) ERR;
	 if (ndims != 0 || nvars != 1 || ngatts != 0 || unlimdimid != -1) ERR;

	 if (nc_inq_var(grpid, 0, name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims_in, dimid_in,
			&natts_in)) ERR;
	 if (strcmp(name_in, VAR_NAME) || xtype_in != NC_SHORT || ndims_in != NDIMS ||
	     dimid_in[0] != 0 || dimid_in[1] != 1 || natts_in != 0) ERR;

	 if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
#ifdef USE_SZIP
   printf("*** testing HDF5 compatibility with szip...");

#define MAX_NAME 100
#define NUM_CD_ELEM 10
/* HDF5 defines this... */
#define DEFLATE_NAME "deflate"
#define DIM1_LEN 3000
#define GRP_NAME "George_Washington"
#define BATTLE_RECORD "Battle_Record"

      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid, datasetid;
      int data_out[DIM1_LEN], data_in[DIM1_LEN];
      hsize_t dims[1] = {DIM1_LEN};
      H5Z_filter_t filter;
      int num_filters;
      hid_t propid;
      unsigned int flags, cd_values[NUM_CD_ELEM], filter_config;
      size_t cd_nelems = NUM_CD_ELEM;
      size_t namelen = MAX_NAME;
      char name[MAX_NAME + 1], name_in[MAX_NAME + 1];
      int ncid, ndims_in, nvars_in, ngatts_in, unlimdimid_in, ngrps_in;
      int dimid_in[1], natts_in;

      nc_type xtype_in;
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i < DIM1_LEN; i++)
	 data_out[i] = i;

      /* Open file and create group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Write an array of bools, with szip compression. */
      if ((propid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_layout(propid, H5D_CHUNKED)) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(propid, 1, dims)) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_szip(propid, H5_SZIP_EC_OPTION_MASK, 32)) ERR;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, BATTLE_RECORD, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				 spaceid, propid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dwrite(datasetid, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
		   data_out) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Pclose(propid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0)

      /* Open the file with netCDF and check it. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq(ncid, &ndims_in, &nvars_in, &ngatts_in, &unlimdimid_in)) ERR;
      if (ndims_in != 0 || nvars_in != 0 || ngatts_in != 0 || unlimdimid_in != -1) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_grps(ncid, &ngrps_in, &grpid)) ERR;
      if (ngrps_in != 1) ERR;
      if (nc_inq(grpid, &ndims_in, &nvars_in, &ngatts_in, &unlimdimid_in)) ERR;
      if (ndims_in != 1 || nvars_in != 1 || ngatts_in != 0 || unlimdimid_in != -1) ERR;

      /* Check the variable. */
      if (nc_inq_var(grpid, 0, name_in, &xtype_in, &ndims_in, dimid_in,
      		     &natts_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(name_in, BATTLE_RECORD) || xtype_in != NC_INT || ndims_in != 1 ||
      	  dimid_in[0] != 0 || natts_in != 0) ERR;

      /* Check the data. */
      if (nc_get_var(grpid, 0, data_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < DIM1_LEN; i++)
	 if (data_in[i] != data_out[i]) ERR;

      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

#endif /* USE_SZIP */
Beispiel #19
 *	Write 2D data to HDF5 file
void cData2d::writeHDF5(char* filename){
	// Figure out the HDF5 data type
	hid_t out_type_id = 0;
	if(sizeof(tData2d) == sizeof(float))
		out_type_id = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT;
	else if(sizeof(tData2d) == sizeof(double))
		out_type_id = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;
	else {
		printf("2dData::writeHDF5: unsuppoted data type\n");	
	// Create the file and data group
	hid_t file_id;
	file_id = H5Fcreate(filename,  H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
	// Data space dimensions
	int	ndims = 2;
	hsize_t dims[ndims];
	dims[0] = ny;
	dims[1] = nx;
	//  Write the data
	hid_t dataspace_id;
	hid_t  dataset_id;
	dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(ndims, dims, NULL);
	dataset_id = H5Dcreate1(file_id, "/data/data", out_type_id, dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
	if(H5Dwrite(dataset_id,out_type_id , H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,H5P_DEFAULT, data)< 0){
		printf("2dData::writeHDF5: Error writing data to file\n");	
	// Close and exit

	// Cleanup stale IDs
	hid_t ids[256];
	int n_ids = H5Fget_obj_ids(file_id, H5F_OBJ_ALL, 256, ids);
	for (long i=0; i<n_ids; i++ ) {
		hid_t id;
		H5I_type_t type;
		id = ids[i];
		type = H5Iget_type(id);
		if ( type == H5I_GROUP ) 
		if ( type == H5I_DATASET ) 
		if ( type == H5I_DATASPACE ) 
		//if ( type == H5I_DATATYPE ) 
		//	H5Dclose(id);
   printf("\n*** Checking HDF5 dimension scales.\n");
#define GRP_NAME "simple_scales"
#define DIMSCALE_NAME "dimscale"
#define NAME_ATTRIBUTE "Billy-Bob"
#define VAR1_NAME "var1"
#define VAR2_NAME "var2"
#define VAR3_NAME "var3"
#define DIM1_LEN 3
#define DIM2_LEN 2
#define FIFTIES_SONG "Mamma said they'll be days like this. They'll be days like this, my mamma said."

   printf("*** Creating simple dimension scales file...");
      hid_t fileid, grpid, dimscaleid;
      hid_t dimscale_spaceid, var1_spaceid, var3_spaceid;
      hid_t var1_datasetid, var2_datasetid, var3_datasetid;
      hsize_t dims[2] = {DIM1_LEN, DIM2_LEN};
      hsize_t dimscale_dims[1] = {DIM1_LEN};

      /* Open file and create group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, 
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Create our dimension scale. Use the built-in NAME attribute
       * on the dimscale. */
      if ((dimscale_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dimscale_dims, 
					       dimscale_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				  dimscale_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, NAME_ATTRIBUTE) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a 1D variable which uses the dimscale. Attach a label
       * to this scale. */
      if ((var1_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((var1_datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VAR1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				      var1_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(var1_datasetid, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(var1_datasetid, 0, FIFTIES_SONG) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a 1D variabls that doesn't use the dimension scale. */
      if ((var2_datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VAR2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				      var1_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a 2D dataset which uses the scale for one of its
       * dimensions. */
      if ((var3_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((var3_datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VAR3_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				      var3_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(var3_datasetid, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(var1_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(var2_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(var3_datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(var1_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(var3_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(dimscale_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* HELP! If you are reading this in the future, and time
       * machines have been invented, please come back to July 10,
       * 2005, the Java Java coffee shop in Lafayette, 8:00 am MST +-
       * 20 minutes. Bring back some advanced weapons systems to
       * destroy the sound system here, which is playing 50's rock and
       * roll. Do-op, do-op, la-ma la-ma, ding dong. Save me!!! (Mind
       * you, James Brown is a different story!) */
   printf("*** Checking that simple dimscale file can be read...");
      hid_t fileid, grpid, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;

      /* Reopen the file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, GRP_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through datasets to find variables. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of the
	  * object. Confusingly, this is a different type than the type
	  * of a variable. This type might be better called "class" or
	  * "type of type"  */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(grpid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(grpid, i, obj_name, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
	 /*printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n", obj_class, obj_name);*/

	 /* Deal with groups and datasets. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:

	       /*Close the last datasetid, if one is open. */
	       if (datasetid > 0)
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen(grpid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale && strcmp(obj_name, DIMSCALE_NAME)) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  char nom_de_quincey[STR_LEN+1];

		  /* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in
		   * addition to its real name. */
		  if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, nom_de_quincey, 
					 STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(nom_de_quincey, NAME_ATTRIBUTE)) ERR;

		  /*printf("found scale %s, NAME %s\n", obj_name, nom_de_quincey);*/

		  char label[STR_LEN+1];

		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset. I would think that this would
		   * return 0 scales for a dataset that doesn't have
		   * scales, but instead it errors. So take an error
		   * to be the same as no dimension scales. */
		  num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0);
		  if (strcmp(obj_name, VAR1_NAME) == 0 && num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(obj_name, VAR2_NAME) == 0 && num_scales > 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(obj_name, VAR3_NAME) == 0 && num_scales != 1) ERR;
		  /* There's also a label for dimension 0 of var1. */
		  if (strcmp(obj_name, VAR1_NAME) == 0)
		     if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		     if (strcmp(label, FIFTIES_SONG)) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating simple dimension scales file with lots of datasets...");

#define NUM_DATASETS 500
      hid_t fileid, grpid, dimscaleid;
      hid_t dimscale_spaceid, var1_spaceid;
      hid_t var1_datasetid[NUM_DATASETS];
      hsize_t dims[2] = {DIM1_LEN, DIM2_LEN};
      hsize_t dimscale_dims[1] = {DIM1_LEN};
      char var_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      int v;

      /* Open file and create group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, 
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Create our dimension scale. Use the built-in NAME attribute
       * on the dimscale. */
      if ((dimscale_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dimscale_dims, 
					       dimscale_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				  dimscale_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, NAME_ATTRIBUTE) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create many 1D datasets which use the dimscale. */
      if ((var1_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, dims)) < 0) ERR;
      for (v = 0; v < NUM_DATASETS; v++)
	 sprintf(var_name, "var_%d", v);
	 if ((var1_datasetid[v] = H5Dcreate(grpid, var_name, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
					    var1_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5DSattach_scale(var1_datasetid[v], dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      for (v = 0; v < NUM_DATASETS; v++)
	 if (H5Dclose(var1_datasetid[v]) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(var1_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(dimscale_spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating a file with an unlimited dimension scale...");

      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid, datasetid, dimscaleid, cparmsid;
      hsize_t dims[1] = {1}, maxdims[1] = {H5S_UNLIMITED};

      /* Create file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, 
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, maxdims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking  */
      if ((cparmsid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, 1, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scale, as an unlimited dataset. */
      if ((dimscaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, DIMSCALE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				  spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(dimscaleid, NAME_ATTRIBUTE) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a variable which uses it. */
      if ((datasetid = H5Dcreate(grpid, VAR1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(datasetid, dimscaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(datasetid, 0, "dimension label") < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(dimscaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking that unlimited dimscale file can be read...");

      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t dims[1], maxdims[1];

      /* Reopen the file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, GRP_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through datasets to find variables. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(grpid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(grpid, i, obj_name, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
	 /*printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n", obj_class, obj_name);*/

	 /* Deal with groups and datasets. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:

	       /*Close the last datasetid, if one is open. */
	       if (datasetid > 0)
		  datasetid = 0;
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen(grpid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;

	       /* This should be an unlimited dataset. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, maxdims) < 0) ERR;
	       if (maxdims[0] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale && strcmp(obj_name, DIMSCALE_NAME)) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  char nom_de_quincey[STR_LEN+1];

		  /* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in
		   * addition to its real name. */
		  if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, nom_de_quincey, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  /*printf("found scale %s, NAME %s\n", obj_name, nom_de_quincey);*/

		  char label[STR_LEN+1];
		  int visitor_data = 0;

		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn about them. */
		  if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, 0, NULL, alien_visitor, 
					 &visitor_data) < 0) ERR;
		  /* There's also a label for dimension 0. */
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;

		  /*printf("found non-scale dataset %s, label %s\n", obj_name, label);*/
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating some 3D datasets using shared dimscales...");

#define NDIMS 3
#define TIME_DIM 0      
#define LAT_DIM 1
#define LON_DIM 2
#define LAT_LEN 2
#define LON_LEN 3
#define LAT_NAME "Lat"
#define LON_NAME "Lon"
#define TIME_NAME "Time"
#define PRES_NAME "Pressure"
#define TEMP_NAME "Temperature"

      hid_t fileid, grpid, lat_spaceid, lon_spaceid, time_spaceid, spaceid;
      hid_t lat_scaleid, lon_scaleid, time_scaleid;
      hid_t pres_dsid, temp_dsid, cparmsid;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS], max_dims[NDIMS];

      /* Create file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, GRP_NAME, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create 3 1D spaces for the 3 dimension scale datasets. Time
       * starts out as size 0. It's an unlimited dimension scale. */
      dims[0] = 0;
      max_dims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((time_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      max_dims[0] = LAT_LEN;
      if ((lat_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      max_dims[0] = LON_LEN;
      if ((lon_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Enable chunking for unlimited time scale.  */
      if ((cparmsid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 1;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, 1, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((time_scaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, TIME_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				    time_spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(time_scaleid, TIME_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lat_scaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, LAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				   lat_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lat_scaleid, LAT_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((lon_scaleid = H5Dcreate(grpid, LON_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				   lon_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(lon_scaleid, LON_NAME) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a space coresponding to these three dimensions. */
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 0;
      dims[LAT_DIM] = LAT_LEN;
      dims[LON_DIM] = LON_LEN;
      max_dims[TIME_DIM] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      max_dims[LAT_DIM] = LAT_LEN;
      max_dims[LON_DIM] = LON_LEN;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create two variables which use them, and attach the dimension scales. */
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 1;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, NDIMS, dims) < 0) ERR;
      if ((pres_dsid = H5Dcreate(grpid, PRES_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_dsid, time_scaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_dsid, lat_scaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(pres_dsid, lon_scaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(pres_dsid, TIME_DIM, TIME_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(pres_dsid, LAT_DIM, LAT_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(pres_dsid, LON_DIM, LON_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((temp_dsid = H5Dcreate(grpid, TEMP_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(temp_dsid, time_scaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(temp_dsid, lat_scaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(temp_dsid, lon_scaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(temp_dsid, TIME_DIM, TIME_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(temp_dsid, LAT_DIM, LAT_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_label(temp_dsid, LON_DIM, LON_NAME) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(pres_dsid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(temp_dsid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lat_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(lon_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(time_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking 3D datasets created with shared dimscales...");

      hid_t fileid, grpid, spaceid = 0, datasetid = 0;
      hsize_t num_obj, i;
      int obj_class;
      char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      htri_t is_scale;
      int num_scales;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS], max_dims[NDIMS];
      int d;

      /* Reopen the file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, GRP_NAME)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Loop through datasets to find variables. */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      for (i=0; i<num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the type (i.e. group, dataset, etc.), and the name of
	  * the object. */
	 if ((obj_class = H5Gget_objtype_by_idx(grpid, i)) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Gget_objname_by_idx(grpid, i, obj_name, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
	 /*printf("\nEncountered: HDF5 object obj_class %d obj_name %s\n", obj_class, obj_name);*/

	 /* Deal with groups and datasets. */
	    case H5G_GROUP:
	    case H5G_DATASET:
	       /* Open the dataset. */
	       if ((datasetid = H5Dopen(grpid, obj_name)) < 0) ERR;
	       /*printf("\nobj_name %s\n", obj_name);*/

	       /* Get the dimensions of this dataset. */
	       if ((spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(spaceid, dims, max_dims) < 0) ERR;

	       /* Is this a dimscale? */
	       if ((is_scale = H5DSis_scale(datasetid)) < 0) ERR;
	       if (is_scale)
		  char nom_de_quincey[STR_LEN+1];

		  /* A dimscale comes with a NAME attribute, in
		   * addition to its real name. */
		  if (H5DSget_scale_name(datasetid, nom_de_quincey, 
					 STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  /*printf("found scale %s, NAME %s id 0x%x\n", obj_name, 
		    nom_de_quincey, datasetid);*/

		  /* Check size depending on name. */
		  if ((!strcmp(obj_name, LAT_NAME) && dims[TIME_DIM] != LAT_LEN) ||
		      (!strcmp(obj_name, LON_NAME) && dims[TIME_DIM] != LON_LEN) ||
		      (!strcmp(obj_name, TIME_NAME) && 
		       max_dims[TIME_DIM] != H5S_UNLIMITED)) ERR;

		  char label[STR_LEN+1];
		  int visitor_data = 0;
		  /* SHould have these dimensions... */
		  if (dims[TIME_DIM] != 0 || dims[LAT_DIM] != LAT_LEN || 
		      dims[LON_DIM] != LON_LEN) ERR;
		  if (max_dims[TIME_DIM] != H5S_UNLIMITED) ERR;

		  /* Here's how to get the number of scales attached
		   * to the dataset's dimension 0. */
		  if ((num_scales = H5DSget_num_scales(datasetid, 0)) < 0) ERR;
		  if (num_scales != 1) ERR;

		  /* Go through all dimscales for this var and learn
		   * about them. What I want is the dataset id of each
		   * dimscale. Then... */
		  for (d = 0; d < NDIMS; d++)
		     if (H5DSiterate_scales(datasetid, d, NULL, alien_visitor,
					    &visitor_data) < 0) ERR;
		  /*printf("visitor_data: 0x%x\n", visitor_data);*/
		  /* There's also a label for each dimension. */
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 0, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(label, TIME_NAME)) ERR;
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 1, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(label, LAT_NAME)) ERR;
		  if (H5DSget_label(datasetid, 2, label, STR_LEN) < 0) ERR;
		  if (strcmp(label, LON_NAME)) ERR;
	       if (H5Dclose(datasetid) < 0) ERR;
	    case H5G_TYPE:
	    case H5G_LINK:
	       printf("Unknown object class %d!", obj_class);

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Creating 3D datasets using shared dimscales in groups...");

#define FATHER "Adam"
#define GOOD_CHILD "Able"
#define BAD_CHILD "Cain"
#define DISTANCE_LEN 3
#define SMELLINESS_NAME "Smelliness"
#define DISTANCE_NAME "Distance"
#define TIME_NAME "Time"
#define TIME_DIM 0      
#define DISTANCE_DIM 2
#define GOAT_NAME "Billy_goat_gruff"
#define CAMEL_NAME "Grumpy_the_camel"

      hid_t fileid, smelliness_spaceid, distance_spaceid, time_spaceid, spaceid;
      hid_t adam_grpid, able_grpid, cain_grpid;
      hid_t time_scaleid, smelliness_scaleid, distance_scaleid;
      hid_t goat_dsid, camel_dsid, cparmsid;
      hsize_t dims[NDIMS], max_dims[NDIMS];

      /* Create file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT,
			      H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((adam_grpid = H5Gcreate(fileid, FATHER, 0)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((able_grpid = H5Gcreate(adam_grpid, GOOD_CHILD, 0)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((cain_grpid = H5Gcreate(adam_grpid, BAD_CHILD, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create 3 1D spaces for the 3 dimension scale datasets. Time
       * and smelliness starts out as 0. They are unlimited dimension
       * scales. */
      dims[0] = 0;
      max_dims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((time_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = 0;
      max_dims[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      if ((smelliness_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = DISTANCE_LEN;
      max_dims[0] = DISTANCE_LEN;
      if ((distance_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Enable chunking for unlimited time and smelliness scale. */
      if ((cparmsid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      dims[0] = 1;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, 1, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create our dimension scales. */
      if ((time_scaleid = H5Dcreate(adam_grpid, TIME_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT,
				    time_spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(time_scaleid, TIME_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((smelliness_scaleid = H5Dcreate(adam_grpid, SMELLINESS_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
					  smelliness_spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(smelliness_scaleid, SMELLINESS_NAME) < 0) ERR;
      if ((distance_scaleid = H5Dcreate(adam_grpid, DISTANCE_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
					distance_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSset_scale(distance_scaleid, DISTANCE_NAME) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a space coresponding to these three dimensions. */
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 0;
      dims[SMELLINESS_DIM] = 0;
      max_dims[TIME_DIM] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
      max_dims[DISTANCE_DIM] = DISTANCE_LEN;
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, dims, max_dims)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Set up chunking for our 3D vars. */
      dims[TIME_DIM] = 1;
      dims[SMELLINESS_DIM] = 1;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(cparmsid, NDIMS, dims) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create two variables which use them, and attach the dimension scales. */
      if ((goat_dsid = H5Dcreate(able_grpid, GOAT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				 spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(goat_dsid, time_scaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(goat_dsid, smelliness_scaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(goat_dsid, distance_scaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;
      if ((camel_dsid = H5Dcreate(cain_grpid, CAMEL_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,
				  spaceid, cparmsid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(camel_dsid, time_scaleid, 0) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(camel_dsid, smelliness_scaleid, 1) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5DSattach_scale(camel_dsid, distance_scaleid, 2) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Dclose(goat_dsid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(camel_dsid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(smelliness_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(distance_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Dclose(time_scaleid) < 0 ||
	  H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(cain_grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(able_grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Gclose(adam_grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

   printf("*** Checking 3D datasets in groups created with shared dimscales...");

      hid_t fileid, grpid;

      /* Reopen the file and group. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, FATHER)) < 0) ERR;

      /* If we can't scan the group, crash into a flaming heap of
       * smoking, smoldering rubbish. */
      if (rec_scan_group(grpid)) ERR;
      /* Close up the shop. */
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

Beispiel #21
 * Function:    test_direct
 * Purpose:     Tests the file handle interface for DIRECT I/O driver
 * Return:      Success:        0
 *              Failure:        -1
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu
 *              Wednesday, 20 September 2006
static herr_t
    hid_t       file=(-1), fapl, access_fapl = -1;
    hid_t  dset1=-1, dset2=-1, space1=-1, space2=-1;
    char        filename[1024];
    int         *fhandle=NULL;
    hsize_t     file_size;
    hsize_t  dims1[2], dims2[1];
    size_t  mbound;
    size_t  fbsize;
    size_t  cbsize;
    int    *points = NULL, *check = NULL, *p1, *p2;
    int    wdata2[DSET2_DIM] = {11,12,13,14};
    int    rdata2[DSET2_DIM];
    int    i, j, n;
#endif /*H5_HAVE_DIRECT*/

    TESTING("DIRECT I/O file driver");

#ifndef H5_HAVE_DIRECT
    return 0;
#else /*H5_HAVE_DIRECT*/

    /* Set property list and file name for Direct driver.  Set memory alignment boundary
     * and file block size to 512 which is the minimum for Linux 2.6. */
    fapl = h5_fileaccess();
    if(H5Pset_fapl_direct(fapl, MBOUNDARY, FBSIZE, CBSIZE) < 0)
    h5_fixname(FILENAME[5], fapl, filename, sizeof filename);

    /* Verify the file access properties */
    if(H5Pget_fapl_direct(fapl, &mbound, &fbsize, &cbsize) < 0)
    if(mbound != MBOUNDARY || fbsize != FBSIZE || cbsize != CBSIZE)

    if(H5Pset_alignment(fapl, (hsize_t)THRESHOLD, (hsize_t)FBSIZE) < 0)

        file=H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl);
    } H5E_END_TRY;
    if(file<0) {
        H5Pclose (fapl);
        printf("  Probably the file system doesn't support Direct I/O\n");
        return 0;

    /* Retrieve the access property list... */
    if ((access_fapl = H5Fget_access_plist(file)) < 0)

    /* Check that the driver is correct */
    if(H5FD_DIRECT != H5Pget_driver(access_fapl))

    /* ...and close the property list */
    if (H5Pclose(access_fapl) < 0)

    /* Check file handle API */
    if(H5Fget_vfd_handle(file, H5P_DEFAULT, (void **)&fhandle) < 0)

    /* Check file size API */
    if(H5Fget_filesize(file, &file_size) < 0)

    /* There is no guarantee of the number of metadata allocations, but it's
     * 4 currently and the size of the file should be between 3 & 4 file buffer
     * sizes..
    if(file_size < (FBSIZE * 3) || file_size >= (FBSIZE * 4))

    /* Allocate aligned memory for data set 1. For data set 1, everything is aligned including
     * memory address, size of data, and file address. */
    if(0 != HDposix_memalign(&points, (size_t)FBSIZE, (size_t)(DSET1_DIM1 * DSET1_DIM2 * sizeof(int))))
    if(0 != HDposix_memalign(&check, (size_t)FBSIZE, (size_t)(DSET1_DIM1 * DSET1_DIM2 * sizeof(int))))

    /* Initialize the dset1 */
    p1 = points;
    for(i = n = 0; i < DSET1_DIM1; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < DSET1_DIM2; j++)
            *p1++ = n++;

    /* Create the data space1 */
    dims1[0] = DSET1_DIM1;
    dims1[1] = DSET1_DIM2;
    if((space1 = H5Screate_simple(2, dims1, NULL)) < 0)

    /* Create the dset1 */
    if((dset1 = H5Dcreate2(file, DSET1_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space1, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Write the data to the dset1 */
    if(H5Dwrite(dset1, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, points) < 0)

    if(H5Dclose(dset1) < 0)

    if((dset1 = H5Dopen2(file, DSET1_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Read the data back from dset1 */
    if(H5Dread(dset1, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, check) < 0)

    /* Check that the values read are the same as the values written */
    p1 = points;
    p2 = check;
    for(i = 0; i < DSET1_DIM1; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < DSET1_DIM2; j++)
            if(*p1++ != *p2++) {
                printf("    Read different values than written in data set 1.\n");
                printf("    At index %d,%d\n", i, j);
              } /* end if */

    /* Create the data space2. For data set 2, memory address and data size are not aligned. */
    dims2[0] = DSET2_DIM;
    if((space2 = H5Screate_simple(1, dims2, NULL)) < 0)

    /* Create the dset2 */
    if((dset2 = H5Dcreate2(file, DSET2_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space2, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Write the data to the dset1 */
    if(H5Dwrite(dset2, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, wdata2) < 0)

    if(H5Dclose(dset2) < 0)

    if((dset2 = H5Dopen2(file, DSET2_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Read the data back from dset1 */
    if(H5Dread(dset2, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, rdata2) < 0)

    /* Check that the values read are the same as the values written */
    for(i = 0; i < DSET2_DIM; i++)
        if(wdata2[i] != rdata2[i]) {
            printf("    Read different values than written in data set 2.\n");
            printf("    At index %d\n", i);
        } /* end if */

    if(H5Sclose(space1) < 0)
    if(H5Dclose(dset1) < 0)
    if(H5Sclose(space2) < 0)
    if(H5Dclose(dset2) < 0)
    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    h5_cleanup(FILENAME, fapl);
    return 0;

    } H5E_END_TRY;


    return -1;
#endif /*H5_HAVE_DIRECT*/
Beispiel #22
 * Create the skeleton use case file for testing.
 * It has one 3d dataset using chunked storage.
 * The dataset is (unlimited, chunksize, chunksize).
 * Dataset type is 2 bytes integer.
 * It starts out "empty", i.e., first dimension is 0.
 * Return: 0 succeed; -1 fail.
static int 
    hsize_t dims[3];		/* Dataset starting dimensions */
    hid_t fid;          /* File ID for new HDF5 file */
    hid_t dcpl;         /* Dataset creation property list */
    hid_t sid;          /* Dataspace ID */
    hid_t dsid;         /* Dataset ID */
    hid_t fapl;         /* File access property list */
    H5D_chunk_index_t idx_type; /* Chunk index type */

    /* Create the file */
    if((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0)
        return -1;
    if(H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0)
        return -1;
    if((fid = H5Fcreate(filename_g, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Set up dimension sizes */
    dims[0] = 0;
    dims[1] = dims[2] = max_dims_g[1];

    /* Create dataspace for creating datasets */
    if((sid = H5Screate_simple(3, dims, max_dims_g)) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Create dataset creation property list */
    if((dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0)
        return -1;
    if(H5Pset_chunk(dcpl, 3, chunkdims_g) < 0)
        return -1;

    /* create dataset of progname */
    if((dsid = H5Dcreate2(fid, progname_g, UC_DATATYPE, sid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
	return -1;

    /* Check that the chunk index type is not version 1 B-tree.
     * Version 1 B-trees are not supported under SWMR.
    if(H5D__layout_idx_type_test(dsid, &idx_type) < 0)
        return -1;
    if(idx_type == H5D_CHUNK_IDX_BTREE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Chunk index is version 1 B-tree: aborting.\n");
        return -1;

    /* Close everything */
    if(H5Dclose(dsid) < 0)
	return -1;
    if(H5Pclose(fapl) < 0)
        return -1;
    if(H5Pclose(dcpl) < 0)
        return -1;
    if(H5Sclose(sid) < 0)
        return -1;
    if(H5Fclose(fid) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;
} /* create_file() */
Beispiel #23
 * Function:    test_family
 * Purpose:     Tests the file handle interface for FAMILY driver
 * Return:      Success:        0
 *              Failure:        -1
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu
 *              Tuesday, Sept 24, 2002
static herr_t
    hid_t       file=(-1), fapl, fapl2=(-1), space=(-1), dset=(-1);
    hid_t       access_fapl = -1;
    char        filename[1024];
    char        dname[]="dataset";
    unsigned int i, j;
    int         *fhandle=NULL, *fhandle2=NULL;
    int         buf[FAMILY_NUMBER][FAMILY_SIZE];
    hsize_t     dims[2]={FAMILY_NUMBER, FAMILY_SIZE};
    hsize_t     file_size;

    TESTING("FAMILY file driver");

    /* Set property list and file name for FAMILY driver */
    fapl = h5_fileaccess();

    if(H5Pset_fapl_family(fapl, (hsize_t)FAMILY_SIZE, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0)
    h5_fixname(FILENAME[2], fapl, filename, sizeof filename);

    if((file=H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0)

    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    /* Test different wrong ways to reopen family files where there's only
     * one member file existing. */
    if(test_family_opens(filename, fapl) < 0)

    /* Reopen the file with default member file size */
    if(H5Pset_fapl_family(fapl, (hsize_t)H5F_FAMILY_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0)

    if((file=H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl)) < 0)

    /* Check file size API */
    if(H5Fget_filesize(file, &file_size) < 0)

    /* The file size is supposed to be about 800 bytes right now. */
    if(file_size < (KB / 2) || file_size > KB)

    /* Create and write dataset */
    if((space=H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL)) < 0)

    /* Retrieve the access property list... */
    if ((access_fapl = H5Fget_access_plist(file)) < 0)

    /* Check that the driver is correct */
    if(H5FD_FAMILY != H5Pget_driver(access_fapl))

    /* ...and close the property list */
    if (H5Pclose(access_fapl) < 0)

    if((dset=H5Dcreate2(file, dname, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    for(i = 0; i < FAMILY_NUMBER; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < FAMILY_SIZE; j++)
            buf[i][j] = (int)((i * 10000) + j);

    if(H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf) < 0)

    /* check file handle API */
    if((fapl2 = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0)
    if(H5Pset_family_offset(fapl2, (hsize_t)0) < 0)

    if(H5Fget_vfd_handle(file, fapl2, (void **)&fhandle) < 0)
    if(*fhandle < 0)

    if(H5Pset_family_offset(fapl2, (hsize_t)(FAMILY_SIZE*2)) < 0)
    if(H5Fget_vfd_handle(file, fapl2, (void **)&fhandle2) < 0)
    if(*fhandle2 < 0)

    /* Check file size API */
    if(H5Fget_filesize(file, &file_size) < 0)

    /* Some data has been written.  The file size should be bigger (18KB+976)
     * bytes if int size is 4 bytes) now. */
#if H5_SIZEOF_INT <= 4
    if(file_size < (18 * KB) || file_size > (20 * KB))
#elif H5_SIZEOF_INT >= 8
    if(file_size < (32 * KB) || file_size > (40 * KB))

    if(H5Sclose(space) < 0)
    if(H5Dclose(dset) < 0)
    if(H5Pclose(fapl2) < 0)
    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    /* Test different wrong ways to reopen family files when there're multiple
     * member files existing. */
    if(test_family_opens(filename, fapl) < 0)

    /* Reopen the file with correct member file size. */
    if(H5Pset_fapl_family(fapl, (hsize_t)FAMILY_SIZE, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0)

    if((file = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl)) < 0)

    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    h5_cleanup(FILENAME, fapl);
    return 0;

        H5Pclose (fapl2);
    } H5E_END_TRY;
    return -1;
Beispiel #24
        OPENPSTD_SHARED_EXPORT void HDF5::ExportData(std::string format, std::shared_ptr <PSTDFile> file, std::string output,
                              std::vector<int> domains, int startFrame, int endFrame)
            hid_t file_id;
            Kernel::MockKernel k;

            file_id = H5Fcreate(output.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

            hid_t frame_dir_id = H5Gcreate2(file_id, "/frame", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
            hid_t receiver_dir_id = H5Gcreate2(file_id, "/receiver", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

            k.initialize_kernel(file->GetSceneConf(), std::make_shared<OpenPSTD::Kernel::KernelCallbackLog>());
            auto metadata = k.get_metadata();

            if (domains.size() == 0)
                int domainCount = file->GetResultsDomainCount();

                for (int d = 0; d < domainCount; ++d)

            for(int d : domains)
                std::string domainLoc = "/frame/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(d);
                hid_t frame_index_id = H5Gcreate2(file_id, domainLoc.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

                if (startFrame == -1) startFrame = 0;
                if (endFrame == -1) endFrame = file->GetResultsFrameCount(d) - 1;
                for (int f = startFrame; f <= endFrame; ++f)
                    std::string location = domainLoc + "/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(f);

                    std::vector<hsize_t> size;

                    //get data and write to file
                    auto data = file->GetResultsFrame(f, d);
                    H5LTmake_dataset(file_id, location.c_str(), 2,, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, data->data());


            int receiverCount = file->GetResultsReceiverCount();
            for(int r = 0; r < receiverCount; r++)
                std::string receiverLoc = "/receiver/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(r);
                auto data = file->GetReceiverData(r);

                std::vector<hsize_t> size;

                H5LTmake_dataset(file_id, receiverLoc.c_str(), 1,, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, data->data());

            /* close file */
            H5Fclose (file_id);
Beispiel #25
 * Function:    test_multi
 * Purpose:     Tests the file handle interface for MUTLI driver
 * Return:      Success:        0
 *              Failure:        -1
 * Programmer:  Raymond Lu
 *              Tuesday, Sept 24, 2002
static herr_t
    hid_t       file=(-1), fapl, fapl2=(-1), dset=(-1), space=(-1);
    hid_t       root, attr, aspace, atype;
    hid_t       access_fapl = -1;
    char        filename[1024];
    int         *fhandle2=NULL, *fhandle=NULL;
    hsize_t     file_size;
    H5FD_mem_t  mt, memb_map[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
    hid_t       memb_fapl[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
    haddr_t     memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
    const char  *memb_name[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES];
    char        sv[H5FD_MEM_NTYPES][32];
    hsize_t     dims[2]={MULTI_SIZE, MULTI_SIZE};
    hsize_t     adims[1]={1};
    char        dname[]="dataset";
    char        meta[] = "this is some metadata on this file";
    int         i, j;
    int         buf[MULTI_SIZE][MULTI_SIZE];

    TESTING("MULTI file driver");
    /* Set file access property list for MULTI driver */
    fapl = h5_fileaccess();

    HDmemset(memb_map, 0,  sizeof memb_map);
    HDmemset(memb_fapl, 0, sizeof memb_fapl);
    HDmemset(memb_name, 0, sizeof memb_name);
    HDmemset(memb_addr, 0, sizeof memb_addr);
    HDmemset(sv, 0, sizeof sv);

    for(mt=H5FD_MEM_DEFAULT; mt<H5FD_MEM_NTYPES; H5_INC_ENUM(H5FD_mem_t,mt)) {
        memb_fapl[mt] = H5P_DEFAULT;
        memb_map[mt] = H5FD_MEM_SUPER;
    memb_map[H5FD_MEM_DRAW] = H5FD_MEM_DRAW;
    memb_map[H5FD_MEM_BTREE] = H5FD_MEM_BTREE;
    memb_map[H5FD_MEM_GHEAP] = H5FD_MEM_GHEAP;

    sprintf(sv[H5FD_MEM_SUPER], "%%s-%c.h5", 's');
    memb_name[H5FD_MEM_SUPER] = sv[H5FD_MEM_SUPER];
    memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_SUPER] = 0;

    sprintf(sv[H5FD_MEM_BTREE],  "%%s-%c.h5", 'b');
    memb_name[H5FD_MEM_BTREE] = sv[H5FD_MEM_BTREE];
    memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_BTREE] = HADDR_MAX/4;

    sprintf(sv[H5FD_MEM_DRAW], "%%s-%c.h5", 'r');
    memb_name[H5FD_MEM_DRAW] = sv[H5FD_MEM_DRAW];
    memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_DRAW] = HADDR_MAX/2;

    sprintf(sv[H5FD_MEM_GHEAP], "%%s-%c.h5", 'g');
    memb_name[H5FD_MEM_GHEAP] = sv[H5FD_MEM_GHEAP];
    memb_addr[H5FD_MEM_GHEAP] = (HADDR_MAX/4)*3;

    if(H5Pset_fapl_multi(fapl, memb_map, memb_fapl, memb_name, memb_addr, TRUE) < 0)
    h5_fixname(FILENAME[4], fapl, filename, sizeof filename);

    if((file=H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0)

    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    /* Test wrong ways to reopen multi files */
    if(test_multi_opens(filename) < 0)

    /* Reopen the file */
    if((file = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl)) < 0)

    /* Create and write data set */
    if((space = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL)) < 0)

    /* Retrieve the access property list... */
    if ((access_fapl = H5Fget_access_plist(file)) < 0)

    /* Check that the driver is correct */
    if(H5FD_MULTI != H5Pget_driver(access_fapl))

    /* ...and close the property list */
    if (H5Pclose(access_fapl) < 0)

    /* Check file size API */
    if(H5Fget_filesize(file, &file_size) < 0)

    /* Before any data is written, the raw data file is empty.  So
     * the file size is only the size of b-tree + HADDR_MAX/4.
    if(file_size < HADDR_MAX/4 || file_size > HADDR_MAX/2)

    if((dset=H5Dcreate2(file, dname, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    for(i=0; i<MULTI_SIZE; i++)
        for(j=0; j<MULTI_SIZE; j++)
            buf[i][j] = i*10000+j;
    if(H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf) < 0)

    if((fapl2=H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0)
    if(H5Pset_multi_type(fapl2, H5FD_MEM_SUPER) < 0)
    if(H5Fget_vfd_handle(file, fapl2, (void **)&fhandle) < 0)

    if(H5Pset_multi_type(fapl2, H5FD_MEM_DRAW) < 0)
    if(H5Fget_vfd_handle(file, fapl2, (void **)&fhandle2) < 0)

    /* Check file size API */
    if(H5Fget_filesize(file, &file_size) < 0)

    /* After the data is written, the file size is huge because the
     * beginning of raw data file is set at HADDR_MAX/2.  It's supposed
     * to be (HADDR_MAX/2 + 128*128*4)
    if(file_size < HADDR_MAX/2 || file_size > HADDR_MAX)

    if(H5Sclose(space) < 0)
    if(H5Dclose(dset) < 0)
    if(H5Pclose(fapl2) < 0)

    /* Create and write attribute for the root group. */
    if((root = H5Gopen2(file, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    /* Attribute string. */
    if((atype = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1)) < 0)

    if(H5Tset_size(atype, strlen(meta) + 1) < 0)

    if(H5Tset_strpad(atype, H5T_STR_NULLTERM) < 0)

    /* Create and write attribute */
    if((aspace = H5Screate_simple(1, adims, NULL)) < 0)

    if((attr = H5Acreate2(root, "Metadata", atype, aspace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)

    if(H5Awrite(attr, atype, meta) < 0)

    /* Close IDs */
    if(H5Tclose(atype) < 0)
    if(H5Sclose(aspace) < 0)
    if(H5Aclose(attr) < 0)

    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0)

    h5_cleanup(FILENAME, fapl);

    return 0;

    } H5E_END_TRY;
    return -1;
Beispiel #26
 * Open a file through the HDF5 interface.
static void *HDF5_Open(char *testFileName, IOR_param_t * param)
        hid_t accessPropList, createPropList;
        hsize_t memStart[NUM_DIMS],
            memCount[NUM_DIMS], memBlock[NUM_DIMS], memDataSpaceDims[NUM_DIMS];
        int tasksPerDataSet;
        unsigned fd_mode = (unsigned)0;
        hid_t *fd;
        MPI_Comm comm;
        MPI_Info mpiHints = MPI_INFO_NULL;

        fd = (hid_t *) malloc(sizeof(hid_t));
        if (fd == NULL)
                ERR("malloc() failed");
         * HDF5 uses different flags than those for POSIX/MPIIO
        if (param->open == WRITE) {     /* WRITE flags */
                param->openFlags = IOR_TRUNC;
        } else {                /* READ or check WRITE/READ flags */
                param->openFlags = IOR_RDONLY;

        /* set IOR file flags to HDF5 flags */
        /* -- file open flags -- */
        if (param->openFlags & IOR_RDONLY) {
                fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_RDONLY;
        if (param->openFlags & IOR_WRONLY) {
                fprintf(stdout, "File write only not implemented in HDF5\n");
        if (param->openFlags & IOR_RDWR) {
                fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_RDWR;
        if (param->openFlags & IOR_APPEND) {
                fprintf(stdout, "File append not implemented in HDF5\n");
        if (param->openFlags & IOR_CREAT) {
                fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_CREAT;
        if (param->openFlags & IOR_EXCL) {
                fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_EXCL;
        if (param->openFlags & IOR_TRUNC) {
                fd_mode |= H5F_ACC_TRUNC;
        if (param->openFlags & IOR_DIRECT) {
                fprintf(stdout, "O_DIRECT not implemented in HDF5\n");

        /* set up file creation property list */
        createPropList = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE);
        HDF5_CHECK(createPropList, "cannot create file creation property list");
        /* set size of offset and length used to address HDF5 objects */
                   (createPropList, sizeof(hsize_t), sizeof(hsize_t)),
                   "cannot set property list properly");

        /* set up file access property list */
        accessPropList = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
        HDF5_CHECK(accessPropList, "cannot create file access property list");

         * someday HDF5 implementation will allow subsets of MPI_COMM_WORLD
        /* store MPI communicator info for the file access property list */
        if (param->filePerProc) {
                comm = MPI_COMM_SELF;
        } else {
                comm = testComm;

        SetHints(&mpiHints, param->hintsFileName);
         * note that with MP_HINTS_FILTERED=no, all key/value pairs will
         * be in the info object.  The info object that is attached to
         * the file during MPI_File_open() will only contain those pairs
         * deemed valid by the implementation.
        /* show hints passed to file */
        if (rank == 0 && param->showHints) {
                fprintf(stdout, "\nhints passed to access property list {\n");
                fprintf(stdout, "}\n");
        HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_fapl_mpio(accessPropList, comm, mpiHints),
                   "cannot set file access property list");

        /* set alignment */
        HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_alignment(accessPropList, param->setAlignment,
                   "cannot set alignment");

        /* open file */
        if (param->open == WRITE) {     /* WRITE */
                *fd = H5Fcreate(testFileName, fd_mode,
                                createPropList, accessPropList);
                HDF5_CHECK(*fd, "cannot create file");
        } else {                /* READ or CHECK */
                *fd = H5Fopen(testFileName, fd_mode, accessPropList);
                HDF5_CHECK(*fd, "cannot open file");

        /* show hints actually attached to file handle */
        if (param->showHints || (1) /* WEL - this needs fixing */ ) {
                if (rank == 0
                    && (param->showHints) /* WEL - this needs fixing */ ) {
                        WARN("showHints not working for HDF5");
        } else {
                MPI_Info mpiHintsCheck = MPI_INFO_NULL;
                hid_t apl;
                apl = H5Fget_access_plist(*fd);
                HDF5_CHECK(H5Pget_fapl_mpio(apl, &comm, &mpiHintsCheck),
                           "cannot get info object through HDF5");
                if (rank == 0) {
                                "\nhints returned from opened file (HDF5) {\n");
                        fprintf(stdout, "}\n");
                        if (1 == 1) {   /* request the MPIIO file handle and its hints */
                                MPI_File *fd_mpiio;
                                           (*fd, apl, (void **)&fd_mpiio),
                                           "cannot get MPIIO file handle");
                                          (*fd_mpiio, &mpiHintsCheck),
                                          "cannot get info object through MPIIO");
                                        "\nhints returned from opened file (MPIIO) {\n");
                                fprintf(stdout, "}\n");
                MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(testComm), "barrier error");

        /* this is necessary for resetting various parameters
           needed for reopening and checking the file */
        newlyOpenedFile = TRUE;

                   "cannot close creation property list");
                   "cannot close access property list");

        /* create property list for serial/parallel access */
        xferPropList = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
        HDF5_CHECK(xferPropList, "cannot create transfer property list");

        /* set data transfer mode */
        if (param->collective) {
                HDF5_CHECK(H5Pset_dxpl_mpio(xferPropList, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE),
                           "cannot set collective data transfer mode");
        } else {
                           (xferPropList, H5FD_MPIO_INDEPENDENT),
                           "cannot set independent data transfer mode");

        /* set up memory data space for transfer */
        memStart[0] = (hsize_t) 0;
        memCount[0] = (hsize_t) 1;
        memStride[0] = (hsize_t) (param->transferSize / sizeof(IOR_size_t));
        memBlock[0] = (hsize_t) (param->transferSize / sizeof(IOR_size_t));
        memDataSpaceDims[0] = (hsize_t) param->transferSize;
        memDataSpace = H5Screate_simple(NUM_DIMS, memDataSpaceDims, NULL);
        HDF5_CHECK(memDataSpace, "cannot create simple memory data space");

        /* define hyperslab for memory data space */
        HDF5_CHECK(H5Sselect_hyperslab(memDataSpace, H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                       memStart, memStride, memCount,
                                       memBlock), "cannot create hyperslab");

        /* set up parameters for fpp or different dataset count */
        if (param->filePerProc) {
                tasksPerDataSet = 1;
        } else {
                if (param->individualDataSets) {
                        /* each task in segment has single data set */
                        tasksPerDataSet = 1;
                } else {
                        /* share single data set across all tasks in segment */
                        tasksPerDataSet = param->numTasks;
        dataSetDims[0] = (hsize_t) ((param->blockSize / sizeof(IOR_size_t))
                                    * tasksPerDataSet);

        /* create a simple data space containing information on size
           and shape of data set, and open it for access */
        dataSpace = H5Screate_simple(NUM_DIMS, dataSetDims, NULL);
        HDF5_CHECK(dataSpace, "cannot create simple data space");

        return (fd);
Beispiel #27
main (void)
    hid_t        vfile, file, src_space, mem_space, vspace,
                 vdset, dset;                       /* Handles */
    hid_t        dcpl;
    herr_t       status;
    hsize_t      vdsdims[3] = {4*DIM0_1, VDSDIM1, VDSDIM2},
                 vdsdims_max[3] = {VDSDIM0, VDSDIM1, VDSDIM2}, 
                 dims[3] = {DIM0_1, DIM1, DIM2},
                 extdims[3] = {2*DIM0_1, DIM1, DIM2},
                 chunk_dims[3] = {DIM0_1, DIM1, DIM2},
                 dims_max[3] = {DIM0, DIM1, DIM2},
                 start[3],                   /* Hyperslab parameters */
    hsize_t      start_out[3],               /* Hyperslab parameter out */
    int          i, j, k;
    H5D_layout_t layout;                     /* Storage layout */
    size_t       num_map;                    /* Number of mappings */
    ssize_t      len;                        /* Length of the string; also a return value */
    char         *filename;
    char         *dsetname;
    int          wdata[DIM0_1*DIM1*DIM2];
    int          rdata[80][10][10];
    int          a_rdata[20][10][10];

     * Create source files and datasets. This step is optional.
    for (i=0; i < PLANE_STRIDE; i++) {
         * Initialize data for i-th source dataset.
        for (j = 0; j < DIM0_1*DIM1*DIM2; j++) wdata[j] = i+1;

         * Create the source files and  datasets. Write data to each dataset and 
         * close all resources.

        file = H5Fcreate (SRC_FILE[i], H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
        src_space = H5Screate_simple (RANK, dims, dims_max);
        dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
        status = H5Pset_chunk (dcpl, RANK, chunk_dims);
        dset = H5Dcreate2 (file, SRC_DATASET[i], H5T_NATIVE_INT, src_space, H5P_DEFAULT,
                    dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT);
        status = H5Dwrite (dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,
        status = H5Sclose (src_space);
        status = H5Pclose (dcpl);
        status = H5Dclose (dset);
        status = H5Fclose (file);

    vfile = H5Fcreate (VFILE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

    /* Create VDS dataspace.  */
    vspace = H5Screate_simple (RANK, vdsdims, vdsdims_max);

    /* Create dataspaces for the source dataset. */
    src_space = H5Screate_simple (RANK, dims, dims_max);

    /* Create VDS creation property */
    dcpl = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
    /* Initialize hyperslab values */

    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 0;
    start[2] = 0;
    stride[0] = PLANE_STRIDE; /* we will select every fifth plane in VDS */
    stride[1] = 1;
    stride[2] = 1;
    count[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
    count[1] = 1;
    count[2] = 1;
    src_count[0] = H5S_UNLIMITED;
    src_count[1] = 1;
    src_count[2] = 1;
    block[0] = 1;
    block[1] = DIM1;
    block[2] = DIM2;

     * Build the mappings 
    status = H5Sselect_hyperslab (src_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, src_count, block);
    for (i=0; i < PLANE_STRIDE; i++) {
        status = H5Sselect_hyperslab (vspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, stride, count, block);
        status = H5Pset_virtual (dcpl, vspace, SRC_FILE[i], SRC_DATASET[i], src_space);


    /* Create a virtual dataset */
    vdset = H5Dcreate2 (vfile, DATASET, H5T_NATIVE_INT, vspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT);
    status = H5Sclose (vspace);
    status = H5Sclose (src_space);
    status = H5Pclose (dcpl);
    /* Let's get space of the VDS and its dimension; we should get 40x10x10 */
    vspace = H5Dget_space (vdset);
    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims (vspace, vdsdims_out, vdsdims_max_out);
    printf ("VDS dimensions first time \n");
    printf (" Current: ");
    for (i=0; i<RANK; i++)
        printf (" %d ", (int)vdsdims_out[i]);
    printf ("\n");

    /* Let's add data to the source datasets and check new dimensions for VDS */

    for (i=0; i < PLANE_STRIDE; i++) {
         * Initialize data for i-th source dataset.
        for (j = 0; j < DIM0_1*DIM1*DIM2; j++) wdata[j] = 10*(i+1);

         * Create the source files and  datasets. Write data to each dataset and 
         * close all resources.

        file = H5Fopen (SRC_FILE[i], H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
        dset = H5Dopen2 (file, SRC_DATASET[i], H5P_DEFAULT);
        status = H5Dset_extent (dset, extdims);       
        src_space = H5Dget_space (dset);
        start[0] = DIM0_1;
        start[1] = 0;
        start[2] = 0;
        count[0] = 1;
        count[1] = 1;
        count[2] = 1;
        block[0] = DIM0_1;
        block[1] = DIM1;
        block[2] = DIM2;

        mem_space = H5Screate_simple(RANK, dims, NULL); 
        status = H5Sselect_hyperslab (src_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, count, block);
        status = H5Dwrite (dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mem_space, src_space, H5P_DEFAULT,
        status = H5Sclose (src_space);
        status = H5Dclose (dset);
        status = H5Fclose (file);

    status = H5Dclose (vdset);
    status = H5Fclose (vfile);    
     * Now we begin the read section of this example.

     * Open file and dataset using the default properties.
    vfile = H5Fopen (VFILE, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
    vdset = H5Dopen2 (vfile, DATASET, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Get creation property list and mapping properties.
    dcpl = H5Dget_create_plist (vdset);

     * Get storage layout.
    layout = H5Pget_layout (dcpl);

    if (H5D_VIRTUAL == layout) 
        printf(" Dataset has a virtual layout \n");
        printf(" Wrong layout found \n");

      * Find number of mappings.
     status = H5Pget_virtual_count (dcpl, &num_map);
     printf(" Number of mappings is %lu\n", (unsigned long)num_map);

      * Get mapping parameters for each mapping.
      for (i = 0; i < (int)num_map; i++) {   
      printf(" Mapping %d \n", i);
      printf("         Selection in the virtual dataset \n");
      /* Get selection in the virttual  dataset */
          vspace = H5Pget_virtual_vspace (dcpl, (size_t)i);
          if (H5Sget_select_type(vspace) == H5S_SEL_HYPERSLABS) { 
              if (H5Sis_regular_hyperslab(vspace)) {
                   status = H5Sget_regular_hyperslab (vspace, start_out, stride_out, count_out, block_out);
                   printf("         start  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)start_out[0], (unsigned long long)start_out[1], (unsigned long long)start_out[2]);
                   printf("         stride = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)stride_out[0], (unsigned long long)stride_out[1], (unsigned long long)stride_out[2]);
                   printf("         count  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)count_out[0], (unsigned long long)count_out[1], (unsigned long long)count_out[2]);
                   printf("         block  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)block_out[0], (unsigned long long)block_out[1], (unsigned long long)block_out[2]);
      /* Get source file name */
          len = H5Pget_virtual_filename (dcpl, (size_t)i, NULL, 0);
          filename = (char *)malloc((size_t)len*sizeof(char)+1);
          H5Pget_virtual_filename (dcpl, (size_t)i, filename, len+1);
          printf("         Source filename %s\n", filename);

      /* Get source dataset name */
          len = H5Pget_virtual_dsetname (dcpl, (size_t)i, NULL, 0);
          dsetname = (char *)malloc((size_t)len*sizeof(char)+1);
          H5Pget_virtual_dsetname (dcpl, (size_t)i, dsetname, len+1);
          printf("         Source dataset name %s\n", dsetname);

      /* Get selection in the source dataset */
          printf("         Selection in the source dataset \n");
          src_space = H5Pget_virtual_srcspace (dcpl, (size_t)i);
          if (H5Sget_select_type(src_space) == H5S_SEL_HYPERSLABS) {
              if (H5Sis_regular_hyperslab(src_space)) {
                   status = H5Sget_regular_hyperslab (src_space, start_out, stride_out, count_out, block_out);
                   printf("         start  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)start_out[0], (unsigned long long)start_out[1], (unsigned long long)start_out[2]);
                   printf("         stride = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)stride_out[0], (unsigned long long)stride_out[1], (unsigned long long)stride_out[2]);
                   printf("         count  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)count_out[0], (unsigned long long)count_out[1], (unsigned long long)count_out[2]);
                   printf("         block  = [%llu, %llu, %llu] \n", (unsigned long long)block_out[0], (unsigned long long)block_out[1], (unsigned long long)block_out[2]);
     * Read data from VDS.
    vspace = H5Dget_space (vdset);
    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims (vspace, vdsdims_out, vdsdims_max_out);
    printf ("VDS dimensions second time \n");
    printf (" Current: ");
    for (i=0; i<RANK; i++)
        printf (" %d ", (int)vdsdims_out[i]);
    printf ("\n");

    /* Read all VDS data */

    /* EIP We should be able to do it by using H5S_ALL instead of making selection
     * or using H5Sselect_all from vspace. 
    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 0;
    start[2] = 0;
    count[0] = 1;
    count[1] = 1;
    count[2] = 1;
    block[0] = vdsdims_out[0];
    block[1] = vdsdims_out[1];
    block[2] = vdsdims_out[2];

    status = H5Sselect_hyperslab (vspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, count, block);
    mem_space = H5Screate_simple(RANK, vdsdims_out, NULL);
    status = H5Dread (vdset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mem_space, vspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
    printf (" All data: \n");
    for (i=0; i < (int)vdsdims_out[0]; i++) {
        for (j=0; j < (int)vdsdims_out[1]; j++) {
             printf ("(%d, %d, 0)", i, j);
             for (k=0; k < (int)vdsdims_out[2]; k++) 
                 printf (" %d ", rdata[i][j][k]);
             printf ("\n");
    /* Read VDS, but only data mapeed to dataset a.h5 */
    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 0;
    start[2] = 0;
    stride[0] = PLANE_STRIDE;
    stride[1] = 1;
    stride[2] = 1;
    count[0] = 2*DIM0_1;
    count[1] = 1;
    count[2] = 1;
    block[0] = 1;
    block[1] = vdsdims_out[1];
    block[2] = vdsdims_out[2];
    dims[0] = 2*DIM0_1; 
    status = H5Sselect_hyperslab (vspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, stride, count, block);
    mem_space = H5Screate_simple(RANK, dims,  NULL);
    status = H5Dread (vdset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mem_space, vspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
    printf (" All data: \n");
    for (i=0; i < 2*DIM0_1; i++) {
        for (j=0; j < (int)vdsdims_out[1]; j++) {
             printf ("(%d, %d, 0)", i, j);
             for (k=0; k < (int)vdsdims_out[2]; k++) 
                 printf (" %d ", a_rdata[i][j][k]);
             printf ("\n");
     * Close and release resources.
    status = H5Sclose(mem_space);
    status = H5Pclose (dcpl);
    status = H5Dclose (vdset);
    status = H5Fclose (vfile);
    return 0;
Beispiel #28
 * Function:	main
 * Purpose:	H5O_mtime_decode() test.
 * Return:	Success:
 *		Failure:
 * Programmer:	Robb Matzke
 *              Thursday, July 30, 1998
 * Modifications:
 *              Added checks for old and new modification time messages
 *              in pre-created datafiles (generated with gen_old_mtime.c and
 *              gen_new_mtime.c).
 *              Quincey Koziol
 *              Friday, January  3, 2003
    hid_t	fapl, file, space, dset;
    hsize_t	size[1] = {2};
    time_t	now;
    struct tm	*tm;
    H5O_info_t	oi1, oi2;
    signed char	buf1[32], buf2[32];
    char	filename[1024];

    fapl = h5_fileaccess();

    TESTING("modification time messages");

    /* Create the file, create a dataset, then close the file */
    h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], fapl, filename, sizeof filename);
    if((file = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0)
    if((space = H5Screate_simple(1, size, NULL)) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if((dset = H5Dcreate2(file, "dset", H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR, space, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
    now = HDtime(NULL);
    if(H5Dclose(dset) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if(H5Sclose(space) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0) TEST_ERROR;

     * Open the file and get the modification time. We'll test the
     * H5Oget_info() arguments too: being able to stat something without
     * knowing its name.
    h5_fixname(FILENAME[0], fapl, filename, sizeof filename);
    if((file = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl)) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if(H5Oget_info_by_name(file, "dset", &oi1, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if((dset = H5Dopen2(file, "dset", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if(H5Oget_info(dset, &oi2) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if(H5Dclose(dset) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if(H5Fclose(file) < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Compare addresses & times from the two ways of calling H5Oget_info() */
    if(oi1.addr != oi2.addr || oi1.ctime != oi2.ctime) {
        puts("    Calling H5Oget_info() with the dataset ID returned");
        puts("    different values than calling it with a file and dataset");
        puts("    name.");
        goto error;

    /* Compare times -- they must be within 60 seconds of one another */
    if(0 == oi1.ctime) {
        puts("    The modification time could not be decoded on this OS.");
        puts("    Modification times will be mantained in the file but");
        puts("    cannot be queried on this system.  See H5O_mtime_decode().");
        return 0;
    } else if(HDfabs(HDdifftime(now, oi1.ctime)) > 60.0F) {
        tm = HDlocaltime(&(oi1.ctime));
        HDstrftime((char*)buf1, sizeof buf1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm);
        tm = HDlocaltime(&now);
        HDstrftime((char*)buf2, sizeof buf2, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm);
        printf("    got: %s\n    ans: %s\n", buf1, buf2);
        goto error;

    /* Check opening existing file with old-style modification time information
     * and make certain that the time is correct
    TESTING("accessing old modification time messages");

        const char *testfile = H5_get_srcdir_filename(TESTFILE1); /* Corrected test file name */

        file = H5Fopen(testfile, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
        if(file >= 0){
            if(H5Oget_info_by_name(file, "/Dataset1", &oi1, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0)
            if(oi1.ctime != MTIME1) {
                   /* If this fails, examine H5Omtime.c.  Modification time is very
                    * system dependant (e.g., on Windows DST must be hardcoded). */
                puts("    Old modification time incorrect");
                goto error;
            if(H5Fclose(file) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
        else {
            printf("***cannot open the pre-created old modification test file (%s)\n",
            goto error;
        } /* end else */

    /* Check opening existing file with new-style modification time information
     * and make certain that the time is correct
    TESTING("accessing new modification time messages");

        const char *testfile = H5_get_srcdir_filename(TESTFILE2); /* Corrected test file name */

        file = H5Fopen(testfile, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
        if(file >= 0){
            if(H5Oget_info_by_name(file, "/Dataset1", &oi2, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0)
            if(oi2.ctime != MTIME2) {
               puts("    Modification time incorrect.");
               goto error;
            if(H5Fclose(file) < 0) TEST_ERROR;
        else {
            printf("***cannot open the pre-created old modification test file (%s)\n",
            goto error;
        } /* end else */

    /* Verify symbol table messages are cached */
    if(h5_verify_cached_stabs(FILENAME, fapl) < 0) TEST_ERROR

    /* All looks good */
    puts("All modification time tests passed.");
    h5_cleanup(FILENAME, fapl);
    return 0;

    /* Something broke */
    return 1;
Beispiel #29
int write_data2(int n)
    hid_t file_id1, dataset_a, dataset_b;       /* file identifier */
    hid_t fid1, dataset_ia, dataset_ib;
    hid_t fid2, dataset_Nx, dataset_Ny, dataset_Nz, dataset_dt, dataset_Re,
    hid_t complex_id;
    hsize_t fdim[] = { dimR, Nz, Nx / 2 };
    hsize_t fdim2[] = { 1 };
    herr_t ret;
    char filename[50];

    extern mcomplex ****C, ****IC;
    extern int qpts, Nx, Nz, dimR, dimQ;
    extern double dt, re, mpg;
    int x, y, z;
    int Ny = qpts * 2 / 3;
    /* define compound datatype for the complex number */
    typedef struct {
        double re;              /*real part */
        double im;              /*imaginary part */
    } complex_t;

    complex_id = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(complex_t));
    H5Tinsert(complex_id, "real", HOFFSET(complex_t, re),
    H5Tinsert(complex_id, "imaginary", HOFFSET(complex_t, im),

    /* define some temporal matrix to store the data to the hdf file */
    complex_t Matrix1[dimR][Nz][Nx / 2];
    complex_t Matrix2[dimR][Nz][Nx / 2];

    complex_t IMatrix1[dimR][Nz][Nx / 2];
    complex_t IMatrix2[dimR][Nz][Nx / 2];

    for (y = 0; y < dimR; y++) {
        for (z = 0; z < Nz; ++z) {
            for (x = 0; x < Nx / 2; ++x) {
                Matrix1[y][z][x].re = Re(C[z][ALPHA][y][x]);    /* storing solved solutions to Matrix */
                Matrix1[y][z][x].im = Im(C[z][ALPHA][y][x]);
                Matrix2[y][z][x].re = Re(C[z][BETA][y][x]);
                Matrix2[y][z][x].im = Im(C[z][BETA][y][x]);

                IMatrix1[y][z][x].re = Re(IC[z][ALPHA][y][x]);  /* storing solved solutions to Matrix */
                IMatrix1[y][z][x].im = Im(IC[z][ALPHA][y][x]);
                IMatrix2[y][z][x].re = Re(IC[z][BETA][y][x]);
                IMatrix2[y][z][x].im = Im(IC[z][BETA][y][x]);

    sprintf(filename, "data_t=%d.h5", n);

    /* create File data.h5 for three data sets */
    file_id1 =
        H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

    /* create the dataspace */
    fid1 = H5Screate_simple(3, fdim, NULL);
    fid2 = H5Screate_simple(1, fdim2, NULL);

    /* create datasets with name u v w */
    dataset_a =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "/data_alpha", complex_id, fid1, H5P_DEFAULT);
    dataset_b =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "/data_beta", complex_id, fid1, H5P_DEFAULT);

    dataset_ia =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "/data_ialpha", complex_id, fid1,
    dataset_ib =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "/data_ibeta", complex_id, fid1, H5P_DEFAULT);

    dataset_Nx =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "data_Nx", H5T_STD_I32LE, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT);
    dataset_Ny =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "data_Ny", H5T_STD_I32LE, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT);
    dataset_Nz =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "data_Nz", H5T_STD_I32LE, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT);

    dataset_dt =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "data_dt", H5T_IEEE_F64LE, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT);
    dataset_Re =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "data_Re", H5T_IEEE_F64LE, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT);
    dataset_mpg =
        H5Dcreate1(file_id1, "data_mpg", H5T_IEEE_F64LE, fid2,

    /* write data to corresponding datasets */
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_a, complex_id, H5S_ALL, fid1, H5P_DEFAULT,
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_b, complex_id, H5S_ALL, fid1, H5P_DEFAULT,
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_ia, complex_id, H5S_ALL, fid1, H5P_DEFAULT,
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_ib, complex_id, H5S_ALL, fid1, H5P_DEFAULT,

    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_Nx, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT,
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_Ny, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT,
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_Nz, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT,
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_dt, H5T_IEEE_F64LE, H5S_ALL, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT,
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_Re, H5T_IEEE_F64LE, H5S_ALL, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT,
    ret =
        H5Dwrite(dataset_mpg, H5T_IEEE_F64LE, H5S_ALL, fid2, H5P_DEFAULT,

    /* close datasets and file */
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_a);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_b);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_ia);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_ib);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_Nx);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_Ny);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_Nz);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_dt);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_Re);
    ret = H5Dclose(dataset_mpg);

    ret = H5Sclose(fid1);
    ret = H5Sclose(fid2);
    ret = H5Fclose(file_id1);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #30
int main(void)
    hid_t file_id;        /* file identifier */
    hid_t space_id;       /* dataspace identifiers */
    hid_t spacer_id;
    hid_t dsetv_id;       /*dataset identifiers*/
    hid_t dsetr_id;
    hsize_t dims[2] =  {2,9};
    hsize_t dimsr[1] =  {2};
    int rank = 2;
    int rankr =1;
    herr_t status;
    hdset_reg_ref_t ref[2];
    hdset_reg_ref_t ref_out[2];
    int data[2][9] = {{1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6},{1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,6}};
    int data_out[2][9] = {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}};
    hsize_t start[2];
    hsize_t count[2];
    hsize_t coord[2][3] = {{0, 0, 1}, {6, 0, 8}};
    unsigned num_points = 3;
    int i, j;
    size_t name_size1, name_size2;
    char buf1[10], buf2[10];

     * Create file with default file access and file creation properties.
    file_id = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Create dataspace for datasets.
    space_id = H5Screate_simple(rank, dims, NULL);
    spacer_id = H5Screate_simple(rankr, dimsr, NULL);

     * Create integer dataset.
    dsetv_id = H5Dcreate2(file_id, dsetnamev, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Write data to the dataset.
    status = H5Dwrite(dsetv_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL , H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,data);
    status = H5Dclose(dsetv_id);

     * Dataset with references.
    dsetr_id = H5Dcreate2(file_id, dsetnamer, H5T_STD_REF_DSETREG, spacer_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Create a reference to the hyperslab.
    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 3;
    count[0] = 2;
    count[1] = 3;
    status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(space_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, count, NULL);
    status = H5Rcreate(&ref[0], file_id, dsetnamev, H5R_DATASET_REGION, space_id);

     * Create a reference to elements selection.
    status = H5Sselect_none(space_id);
    status = H5Sselect_elements(space_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, num_points, (const hsize_t *)coord);
    status = H5Rcreate(&ref[1], file_id, dsetnamev, H5R_DATASET_REGION, space_id);

     * Write dataset with the references.
    status = H5Dwrite(dsetr_id, H5T_STD_REF_DSETREG, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT,ref);

     * Close all objects.
    status = H5Sclose(space_id);
    status = H5Sclose(spacer_id);
    status = H5Dclose(dsetr_id);
    status = H5Fclose(file_id);

     * Reopen the file to read selections back.
    file_id = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR,  H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Reopen the dataset with object references and read references
     * to the buffer.
    dsetr_id = H5Dopen2(file_id, dsetnamer, H5P_DEFAULT);

    status = H5Dread(dsetr_id, H5T_STD_REF_DSETREG, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
                   H5P_DEFAULT, ref_out);

     * Dereference the first reference.
    dsetv_id = H5Rdereference2(dsetr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5R_DATASET_REGION, &ref_out[0]);
     * Get name of the dataset the first region reference points to
     * using H5Rget_name
    name_size1 = H5Rget_name(dsetr_id, H5R_DATASET_REGION, &ref_out[0], (char*)buf1, 10);
    printf(" Dataset's name (returned by H5Rget_name) the reference points to is %s, name length is %d\n", buf1, (int)name_size1);
     * Get name of the dataset the first region reference points to
     * using H5Iget_name
    name_size2 = H5Iget_name(dsetv_id, (char*)buf2, 10);
    printf(" Dataset's name (returned by H5Iget_name) the reference points to is %s, name length is %d\n", buf2, (int)name_size2);

    space_id = H5Rget_region(dsetr_id, H5R_DATASET_REGION,&ref_out[0]);

     * Read and display hyperslab selection from the dataset.

    status = H5Dread(dsetv_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, space_id,
                   H5P_DEFAULT, data_out);
    printf("Selected hyperslab: ");
    for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j <= 8; j++)
            printf("%d ", data_out[i][j]);

     * Close dataspace and the dataset.
    status = H5Sclose(space_id);
    status = H5Dclose(dsetv_id);

     * Initialize data_out array again to get point selection.
    for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j <= 8; j++)
            data_out[i][j] = 0;

     * Dereference the second reference.
    dsetv_id = H5Rdereference2(dsetr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5R_DATASET_REGION, &ref_out[1]);
    space_id = H5Rget_region(dsetv_id, H5R_DATASET_REGION,&ref_out[1]);

     * Read selected data from the dataset.

    status = H5Dread(dsetv_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, space_id,
                   H5P_DEFAULT, data_out);
    printf("Selected points: ");
    for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j <= 8; j++)
            printf("%d ", data_out[i][j]);

     * Close dataspace and the dataset.
    status = H5Sclose(space_id);
    status = H5Dclose(dsetv_id);
    status = H5Dclose(dsetr_id);
    status = H5Fclose(file_id);

    return 0;