Beispiel #1
void pyne::Material::_load_comp_protocol1(hid_t db, std::string datapath, int row) {
  std::string nucpath;
  hid_t data_set = H5Dopen2(db, datapath.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);

  hsize_t data_offset[1] = {row};
  if (row < 0) {
    // Handle negative row indices
    hid_t data_space = H5Dget_space(data_set);
    hsize_t data_dims[1];
    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(data_space, data_dims, NULL);
    data_offset[0] += data_dims[0];

  // Grab the nucpath
  hid_t nuc_attr = H5Aopen(data_set, "nucpath", H5P_DEFAULT);
  H5A_info_t nuc_info;
  H5Aget_info(nuc_attr, &nuc_info);
  hsize_t nuc_attr_len = nuc_info.data_size;
  hid_t str_attr = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
  H5Tset_size(str_attr, nuc_attr_len);
  char * nucpathbuf = new char [nuc_attr_len];
  H5Aread(nuc_attr, str_attr, nucpathbuf);
  nucpath = std::string(nucpathbuf, nuc_attr_len);
  delete[] nucpathbuf;

  // Grab the nuclides
  std::vector<int> nuclides = h5wrap::h5_array_to_cpp_vector_1d<int>(db, nucpath, H5T_NATIVE_INT);
  int nuc_size = nuclides.size();
  hsize_t nuc_dims[1] = {nuc_size};

  // Get the data hyperslab
  hid_t data_hyperslab = H5Dget_space(data_set);
  hsize_t data_count[1] = {1};
  H5Sselect_hyperslab(data_hyperslab, H5S_SELECT_SET, data_offset, NULL, data_count, NULL);

  // Get memory space for writing
  hid_t mem_space = H5Screate_simple(1, data_count, NULL);

  // Get material type
  size_t material_struct_size = sizeof(pyne::material_struct) + sizeof(double)*nuc_size;
  hid_t desc = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, material_struct_size);
  hid_t comp_values_array_type = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, 1, nuc_dims);

  // make the data table type
  H5Tinsert(desc, "mass", HOFFSET(pyne::material_struct, mass), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
  H5Tinsert(desc, "density", HOFFSET(pyne::material_struct, density), 
  H5Tinsert(desc, "atoms_per_molecule", HOFFSET(pyne::material_struct, atoms_per_mol), 
  H5Tinsert(desc, "comp", HOFFSET(pyne::material_struct, comp), comp_values_array_type);

  // make the data array, have to over-allocate
  material_struct * mat_data = new material_struct [material_struct_size];

  // Finally, get data and put in on this instance
  H5Dread(data_set, desc, mem_space, data_hyperslab, H5P_DEFAULT, mat_data);

  mass = (*mat_data).mass;
  density = (*mat_data).density;
  atoms_per_molecule = (*mat_data).atoms_per_mol;
  for (int i = 0; i < nuc_size; i++)
    comp[nuclides[i]] = (double) (*mat_data).comp[i];

  delete[] mat_data;

  // Get metadata from associated dataset, if available
  std::string attrpath = datapath + "_metadata";
  bool attrpath_exists = h5wrap::path_exists(db, attrpath);
  if (!attrpath_exists)

  hid_t metadatapace, attrtype, metadataet, metadatalab, attrmemspace;
  int attrrank; 
  hvl_t attrdata [1];

  attrtype = H5Tvlen_create(H5T_NATIVE_CHAR);

  // Get the metadata from the file
  metadataet = H5Dopen2(db, attrpath.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
  metadatalab = H5Dget_space(metadataet);
  H5Sselect_hyperslab(metadatalab, H5S_SELECT_SET, data_offset, NULL, data_count, NULL);
  attrmemspace = H5Screate_simple(1, data_count, NULL);
  H5Dread(metadataet, attrtype, attrmemspace, metadatalab, H5P_DEFAULT, attrdata);

  // convert to in-memory JSON
  Json::Reader reader;
  reader.parse((char *) attrdata[0].p, (char *) attrdata[0].p+attrdata[0].len, metadata, false);
  // close attr data objects
  H5Fflush(db, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL);

  // Close out the HDF5 file
Beispiel #2
static estatus_t
    eid_t e5_file_id, hid_t f5_file_id,
    const char* f5_list_name, f5_scalar_list_type f5_list_type)
    size_t s;
    hsize_t dimens_1d;
    hsize_t maxdimens_1d;
    hid_t string_type;

    hsize_t f5_scalar_bytes;
    hid_t f5_dataspace;
    hid_t f5_memspace;
    hid_t f5_dataset;
    hid_t f5_type;
    void* f5_data;

    hid_t e5_em_group_id;
    int hstatus;
    size_t e5_scalar_bytes;

    estatus_t estatus = E5_SUCCESS;

    string_type = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
    H5Tset_size(string_type, F5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH);

    f5_dataset = H5Dopen(f5_file_id, f5_list_name);
    if (f5_dataset < 0)
        estatus = E5_INVALID_DATASET;
        e5_error(f5_file_id, estatus, "Failed to open dataset '%s'\n", f5_list_name);
        return estatus;

    f5_dataspace = H5Dget_space(f5_dataset);
    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(f5_dataspace, &dimens_1d, &maxdimens_1d);

    e5_em_group_id = e5_open_group(e5_file_id, E5_EMISSIVITY_GROUP_NAME_ABS);

        hid_t f5_int_list_type;
        f5_int_list_t *f5_int_list;

        f5_scalar_bytes = dimens_1d * sizeof(f5_int_list_t);
        f5_int_list = (f5_int_list_t *) e5_malloc(f5_scalar_bytes);
            estatus = E5_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
            e5_error(f5_file_id, estatus, "Failed to allocate memory for reading '%s' from F5 data file\n", f5_list_name);

        memset(f5_int_list, 0, f5_scalar_bytes);
        f5_int_list_type = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(f5_int_list_t));
        H5Tinsert(f5_int_list_type, "name",  HOFFSET(f5_int_list_t, name), string_type);
        H5Tinsert(f5_int_list_type, "value", HOFFSET(f5_int_list_t, value), H5T_NATIVE_INT);

        f5_memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, &dimens_1d, NULL);
        hstatus = H5Dread(f5_dataset, f5_int_list_type, f5_memspace, f5_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, f5_int_list);
        if (hstatus < 0)
            estatus = E5_READ_FAILURE;
            e5_error(f5_file_id, estatus, "Failed to read '%s' dataset from data file\n", f5_list_name);
        f5_data = f5_int_list;
        f5_type = f5_int_list_type;

            // Add the scalar list as attributes for the top-level Emissivity group
            e5_scalar_bytes = (dimens_1d + 1) * sizeof(e5_mutable_attr_int);
            e5_mutable_attr_int* e5_int_scalars = (e5_mutable_attr_int*) e5_malloc(e5_scalar_bytes);
            memset(e5_int_scalars, 0, e5_scalar_bytes);
            for(s = 0; s < dimens_1d; s++)
                e5_int_scalars[s].value = f5_int_list[s].value;
                e5_int_scalars[s].name = e5_trim(f5_int_list[s].name, E5_TRUE, E5_TRUE, F5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
            e5_write_attr_list_int(e5_em_group_id, (e5_attr_int*)e5_int_scalars);
        hid_t f5_real_list_type;
        f5_real_list_t *f5_real_list;

        f5_scalar_bytes = dimens_1d * sizeof(f5_real_list_t);
        f5_real_list = (f5_real_list_t *) e5_malloc(f5_scalar_bytes);
            estatus = E5_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
            e5_error(f5_file_id, estatus, "Failed to allocate memory for reading '%s' from F5 data file\n", f5_list_name);

        memset(f5_real_list, 0, f5_scalar_bytes);
        f5_real_list_type = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(f5_real_list_t));
        H5Tinsert(f5_real_list_type, "name",  HOFFSET(f5_real_list_t, name), string_type);
        H5Tinsert(f5_real_list_type, "value", HOFFSET(f5_real_list_t, value), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);

        f5_memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, &dimens_1d, NULL);
        hstatus = H5Dread(f5_dataset, f5_real_list_type, f5_memspace, f5_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, f5_real_list);
        if (hstatus < 0)
            estatus = E5_READ_FAILURE;
            e5_error(f5_file_id, estatus, "Failed to read '%s' from F5 data file\n", f5_list_name);

        f5_data = f5_real_list;
        f5_type = f5_real_list_type;

            // Add the scalar list as attributes for the top-level Emissivity group
            e5_scalar_bytes = (dimens_1d + 1) * sizeof(e5_mutable_attr_double);
            e5_mutable_attr_double* e5_double_scalars = (e5_mutable_attr_double*) e5_malloc(e5_scalar_bytes);
            memset(e5_double_scalars, 0, e5_scalar_bytes);

            for(s = 0; s < dimens_1d; s++)
                e5_double_scalars[s].value = f5_real_list[s].value;
                e5_double_scalars[s].name = f5_real_list[s].name;
                e5_double_scalars[s].name = e5_trim(f5_real_list[s].name, E5_TRUE, E5_TRUE, F5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH);

            e5_write_attr_list_double(e5_em_group_id, (e5_attr_double*)e5_double_scalars);
        hid_t f5_str_list_type;
        f5_str_list_t *f5_str_list;

        f5_scalar_bytes = dimens_1d * sizeof(f5_str_list_t);
        f5_str_list = (f5_str_list_t *) e5_malloc(f5_scalar_bytes);
            estatus = E5_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
            e5_error(f5_file_id, estatus, "Failed to allocate memory for reading '%s' from F5 data file\n", f5_list_name);

        memset(f5_str_list, 0, f5_scalar_bytes);
        f5_str_list_type = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(f5_str_list_t));
        H5Tinsert(f5_str_list_type, "name",  HOFFSET(f5_str_list_t, name), string_type);
        H5Tinsert(f5_str_list_type, "value", HOFFSET(f5_str_list_t, value), string_type);

        f5_memspace = H5Screate_simple(1, &dimens_1d, NULL);
        hstatus = H5Dread(f5_dataset, f5_str_list_type, f5_memspace, f5_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, f5_str_list);
        if (hstatus < 0)
            estatus = E5_READ_FAILURE;
            e5_error(f5_file_id, estatus, "Failed to read '%s' from F5 data file\n", f5_list_name);

        f5_data = f5_str_list;
        f5_type = f5_str_list_type;

            // Add the scalar list as attributes for the top-level Emissivity group
            e5_scalar_bytes = (dimens_1d + 1) * sizeof(e5_mutable_attr_str);
            e5_mutable_attr_str* e5_str_scalars = (e5_mutable_attr_str*) e5_malloc(e5_scalar_bytes);
            memset(e5_str_scalars, 0, e5_scalar_bytes);

            for(s = 0; s < dimens_1d; s++)
                char* trimmed = e5_trim(f5_str_list[s].value, E5_TRUE, E5_TRUE, E5_MAX_ATTR_STRING_LENGTH);
                strncpy( e5_str_scalars[s].value, trimmed, E5_MAX_ATTR_STRING_LENGTH);
                e5_str_scalars[s].name = e5_trim(f5_str_list[s].name, E5_TRUE, E5_TRUE, F5_MAX_STRING_LENGTH);

            e5_write_attr_list_str(e5_em_group_id, (e5_attr_str*)e5_str_scalars);
        estatus = E5_INVALID_DATASET;
        e5_error(f5_file_id, estatus, "Unknown scalar list requested '%s' from F5 data file\n", f5_list_name);



    return estatus;
Beispiel #3
   printf("\n*** Checking HDF5 attribute functions some more.\n");
   printf("*** Creating with HDF only...");
      hid_t fapl_id, fcpl_id;
      size_t chunk_cache_size = MY_CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE;
      size_t chunk_cache_nelems = CHUNK_CACHE_NELEMS;
      float chunk_cache_preemption = CHUNK_CACHE_PREEMPTION;
      hid_t fileid, grpid, attid, spaceid;
      hid_t s1_typeid, vlen_typeid, s3_typeid;
      hid_t file_typeid1[NUM_OBJ], native_typeid1[NUM_OBJ];
      hid_t file_typeid2, native_typeid2;
      hsize_t num_obj;
      H5O_info_t obj_info;
      char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      hsize_t dims[1] = {ATT_LEN}; /* netcdf attributes always 1-D. */
      struct s1
	 float x;
	 double y;
      struct s3
	 hvl_t data[NUM_VL];
      /* cvc stands for "Compound with Vlen of Compound." */
      struct s3 cvc_out[ATT_LEN];
      int i, j, k;

      /* Create some output data: a struct s3 array (length ATT_LEN)
       * which holds an array of vlen (length NUM_VL) of struct s1. */
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < NUM_VL; j++)
	    cvc_out[i].data[j].len = i + 1; 
	    if (!(cvc_out[i].data[j].p = calloc(sizeof(struct s1), cvc_out[i].data[j].len))) ERR;
	    for (k = 0; k < cvc_out[i].data[j].len; k++)
	       ((struct s1 *)cvc_out[i].data[j].p)[k].x = 42.42;
	       ((struct s1 *)cvc_out[i].data[j].p)[k].y = 2.0;

      /* Create the HDF5 file, with cache control, creation order, and
       * all the timmings. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl_id, H5F_CLOSE_STRONG)) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_cache(fapl_id, 0, chunk_cache_nelems, chunk_cache_size, 
		       chunk_cache_preemption) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl_id, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST, 
			       H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED | 
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED | 
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0) ERR;

      /* Open the root group. */
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the compound type for struct s1. */
      if ((s1_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(struct s1))) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tinsert(s1_typeid, X_NAME, offsetof(struct s1, x), 
		    H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tinsert(s1_typeid, Y_NAME, offsetof(struct s1, y), 
		    H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tcommit(grpid, S1_TYPE_NAME, s1_typeid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create a vlen type. Its a vlen of struct s1. */
      if ((vlen_typeid = H5Tvlen_create(s1_typeid)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tcommit(grpid, VLEN_TYPE_NAME, vlen_typeid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create the struct s3 type, which contains the vlen. */
      if ((s3_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(struct s3))) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tinsert(s3_typeid, VL_NAME, offsetof(struct s3, data), 
		    vlen_typeid) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tcommit(grpid, S3_TYPE_NAME, s3_typeid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Create an attribute of this new type. */
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((attid = H5Acreate(grpid, S3_ATT_NAME, s3_typeid, spaceid, 
			     H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Awrite(attid, s3_typeid, cvc_out) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the types. */
      if (H5Tclose(s1_typeid) < 0 ||
	  H5Tclose(vlen_typeid) < 0 ||
	  H5Tclose(s3_typeid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the att. */
      if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR;
      /* Close the space. */
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the group and file. */
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Reopen the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, "/")) < 0) ERR;

      /* How many objects in this group? (There should be 3, the
       * types. Atts don't count as objects to HDF5.) */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      if (num_obj != NUM_OBJ) ERR;

      /* For each object in the group... */
      for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the name, and make sure this is a type. */
	 if (H5Oget_info_by_idx(grpid, ".", H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, H5_ITER_INC,
				i, &obj_info, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Lget_name_by_idx(grpid, ".", H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, i,
				obj_name, STR_LEN + 1, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) ERR;
	 if (obj_info.type != H5O_TYPE_NAMED_DATATYPE) ERR;

	 /* Get the typeid and native typeid. */
	 if ((file_typeid1[i] = H5Topen2(grpid, obj_name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((native_typeid1[i] = H5Tget_native_type(file_typeid1[i], 
						     H5T_DIR_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* There is one att: open it by index. */
      if ((attid = H5Aopen_idx(grpid, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Get file and native typeids of the att. */
      if ((file_typeid2 = H5Aget_type(attid)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((native_typeid2 = H5Tget_native_type(file_typeid2, H5T_DIR_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the attribute. */
      if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the typeids. */
      for (i = 0; i < NUM_OBJ; i++)
	 if (H5Tclose(file_typeid1[i]) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Tclose(native_typeid1[i]) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tclose(file_typeid2) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tclose(native_typeid2) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the group and file. */
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Deallocate our vlens. */
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < NUM_VL; j++)
   printf("*** Checking vlen of compound file...");
#define NUM_OBJ_1 1
#define ATT_NAME "Poseidon"
      hid_t fapl_id, fcpl_id;
      hid_t fileid, grpid, attid, spaceid;
      hid_t vlen_typeid;
      hid_t file_typeid1[NUM_OBJ_1], native_typeid1[NUM_OBJ_1];
      hid_t file_typeid2, native_typeid2;
      hsize_t num_obj;
      H5O_info_t obj_info;
      char obj_name[STR_LEN + 1];
      hsize_t dims[1] = {ATT_LEN}; /* netcdf attributes always 1-D. */

      /* vc stands for "Vlen of Compound." */
      hvl_t vc_out[ATT_LEN];
      int i, k;

      /* Create some output data: an array of vlen (length ATT_LEN) of
       * int. */
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 vc_out[i].len = i + 1; 
	 if (!(vc_out[i].p = calloc(sizeof(int), vc_out[i].len))) ERR;
	 for (k = 0; k < vc_out[i].len; k++)
	    ((int *)vc_out[i].p)[k] = 42;
      /* Create the HDF5 file with creation order. */
      if ((fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fcpl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED | 
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcpl_id, (H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED | 
					       H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcpl_id, fapl_id)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fapl_id) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Pclose(fcpl_id) < 0) ERR;
      /* Open the root group. */
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen2(fileid, "/", H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      /* Create a vlen type. Its a vlen of int. */
      if ((vlen_typeid = H5Tvlen_create(H5T_NATIVE_INT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tcommit(grpid, VLEN_TYPE_NAME, vlen_typeid) < 0) ERR;
      /* Create an attribute of this new type. */
      if ((spaceid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((attid = H5Acreate(grpid, ATT_NAME, vlen_typeid, spaceid, 
			     H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Awrite(attid, vlen_typeid, vc_out) < 0) ERR;
      /* Close the type. */
      if (H5Tclose(vlen_typeid) < 0) ERR;
      /* Close the att. */
      if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR;
      /* Close the space. */
      if (H5Sclose(spaceid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the group and file. */
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Reopen the file. */
      if ((fileid = H5Fopen(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((grpid = H5Gopen(fileid, "/")) < 0) ERR;

      /* How many objects in this group? (There should be 2, the
       * types. Atts don't count as objects to HDF5.) */
      if (H5Gget_num_objs(grpid, &num_obj) < 0) ERR;
      if (num_obj != NUM_OBJ_1) ERR;

      /* For each object in the group... */
      for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
	 /* Get the name, and make sure this is a type. */
	 if (H5Oget_info_by_idx(grpid, ".", H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, H5_ITER_INC,
				i, &obj_info, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Lget_name_by_idx(grpid, ".", H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, i,
				obj_name, STR_LEN + 1, H5P_DEFAULT) < 0) ERR;
	 if (obj_info.type != H5O_TYPE_NAMED_DATATYPE) ERR;

	 /* Get the typeid and native typeid. */
	 if ((file_typeid1[i] = H5Topen2(grpid, obj_name, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
	 if ((native_typeid1[i] = H5Tget_native_type(file_typeid1[i],
						     H5T_DIR_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* There is one att: open it by index. */
      if ((attid = H5Aopen_idx(grpid, 0)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Get file and native typeids of the att. */
      if ((file_typeid2 = H5Aget_type(attid)) < 0) ERR;
      if ((native_typeid2 = H5Tget_native_type(file_typeid2, H5T_DIR_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the attribute. */
      if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the typeids. */
      for (i = 0; i < NUM_OBJ_1; i++)
	 if (H5Tclose(file_typeid1[i]) < 0) ERR;
	 if (H5Tclose(native_typeid1[i]) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tclose(file_typeid2) < 0) ERR;
      if (H5Tclose(native_typeid2) < 0) ERR;

      /* Close the group and file. */
      if (H5Gclose(grpid) < 0 ||
	  H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

      /* Deallocate our vlens. */
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
Beispiel #4
 * test_objnames
 * Tests that UTF-8 can be used for object names in the file.
 * Tests groups, datasets, named datatypes, and soft links.
 * Note that this test doesn't actually mark the names as being
 * in UTF-8.  At the time this test was written, that feature
 * didn't exist in HDF5, and when the character encoding property
 * was added to links it didn't change how they were stored in the file,
 * -JML 2/2/2006
void test_objnames(hid_t fid, const char* string)
  hid_t grp_id, grp1_id, grp2_id, grp3_id;
  hid_t type_id, dset_id, space_id;
  char read_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  char path_buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
  hsize_t dims=1;
  hobj_ref_t obj_ref;
  herr_t ret;

  /* Create a group with a UTF-8 name */
  grp_id = H5Gcreate2(fid, string, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(grp_id, FAIL, "H5Gcreate2");

  /* Set a comment on the group to test that we can access the group
   * Also test that UTF-8 comments can be read.
  ret = H5Oset_comment_by_name(fid, string, string, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Oset_comment_by_name");
  ret = H5Oget_comment_by_name(fid, string, read_buf, (size_t)MAX_STRING_LENGTH, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Oget_comment_by_name");

  ret = H5Gclose(grp_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Gclose");

  VERIFY(HDstrcmp(string, read_buf), 0, "strcmp");

  /* Create a new dataset with a UTF-8 name */
  grp1_id = H5Gcreate2(fid, GROUP1_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(grp1_id, FAIL, "H5Gcreate2");

  space_id = H5Screate_simple(RANK, &dims, NULL);
  CHECK(space_id, FAIL, "H5Screate_simple");
  dset_id = H5Dcreate2(grp1_id, string, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(dset_id, FAIL, "H5Dcreate2");

  /* Make sure that dataset can be opened again */
  ret = H5Dclose(dset_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dclose");
  ret = H5Sclose(space_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Sclose");

  dset_id = H5Dopen2(grp1_id, string, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dopen2");
  ret = H5Dclose(dset_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dclose");
  ret = H5Gclose(grp1_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Gclose");

  /* Do the same for a named datatype */
  grp2_id = H5Gcreate2(fid, GROUP2_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(grp2_id, FAIL, "H5Gcreate2");

  type_id = H5Tcreate(H5T_OPAQUE, (size_t)1);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tcreate");
  ret = H5Tcommit2(grp2_id, string, type_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tcommit2");
  ret = H5Tclose(type_id);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tclose");

  type_id = H5Topen2(grp2_id, string, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Topen2");
  ret = H5Tclose(type_id);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tclose");

  /* Don't close the group -- use it to test that object references
   * can refer to objects named in UTF-8 */

  space_id = H5Screate_simple(RANK, &dims, NULL);
  CHECK(space_id, FAIL, "H5Screate_simple");
  dset_id = H5Dcreate2(grp2_id, DSET3_NAME, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dcreate2");

  /* Create reference to named datatype */
  ret = H5Rcreate(&obj_ref, grp2_id, string, H5R_OBJECT, (hid_t)-1);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Rcreate");
  /* Write selection and read it back*/
  ret = H5Dwrite(dset_id, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &obj_ref);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dwrite");
  ret = H5Dread(dset_id, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &obj_ref);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dread");

  /* Ensure that we can open named datatype using object reference */
  type_id = H5Rdereference2(dset_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5R_OBJECT, &obj_ref);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Rdereference2");
  ret = H5Tcommitted(type_id);
  VERIFY(ret, 1, "H5Tcommitted");

  ret = H5Tclose(type_id);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
  ret = H5Dclose(dset_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dclose");
  ret = H5Sclose(space_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Sclose");

  ret = H5Gclose(grp2_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Gclose");

  /* Create "group3".  Build a hard link from group3 to group2, which has
   * a datatype with the UTF-8 name.  Create a soft link in group3
   * pointing through the hard link to the datatype.  Give the soft
   * link a name in UTF-8.  Ensure that the soft link works. */

  grp3_id = H5Gcreate2(fid, GROUP3_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(grp3_id, FAIL, "H5Gcreate2");

  ret = H5Lcreate_hard(fid, GROUP2_NAME, grp3_id, GROUP2_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Lcreate_hard");
  HDstrcpy(path_buf, GROUP2_NAME);
  HDstrcat(path_buf, "/");
  HDstrcat(path_buf, string);
  ret = H5Lcreate_hard(grp3_id, path_buf, H5L_SAME_LOC, string, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Lcreate_hard");

  /* Open named datatype using soft link */
  type_id = H5Topen2(grp3_id, string, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Topen2");

  ret = H5Tclose(type_id);
  CHECK(type_id, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
  ret = H5Gclose(grp3_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Gclose");
Beispiel #5
    eid_t e5_group_id, const char* list_name, e5_grid_dataset* grid_list)
    int i;
    int d;
    int log_scale;
    int close_group;

    hsize_t h5_max_dim[3];
    hsize_t h5_min_dim[3];

    eid_t e5_list_group_id;
    eid_t e5_type_id;
    eid_t e5_dataset_id;
    eid_t e5_dataspace_id;
    eid_t e5_memspace_id;

    hid_t h5_status;

    estatus_t e5_status = E5_SUCCESS;

    if(list_name && strlen(list_name))
        e5_list_group_id = e5_create_group(e5_group_id, list_name);
        close_group = 1;
        e5_list_group_id = e5_group_id;
        close_group = 0;

    for(i = 0; grid_list && grid_list[i].name != 0; i++)
        e5_grid_dataset* grid = &grid_list[i];
        if(grid->name == 0 || strlen(grid->name) < 1)

        e5_dataset_id = H5Dopen(e5_list_group_id, grid->name);
        if (e5_dataset_id < 0)
            e5_status = E5_INVALID_DATASET;
            e5_error(e5_list_group_id, e5_status, "Failed to open grid dataset '%s'\n",  grid->name);
            return e5_status;

            e5_status = E5_INVALID_POINTER;
            e5_error(e5_dataspace_id, e5_status, "Failed to provide pointer for reading '%s' from E5 data file\n", grid->name);

        e5_dataspace_id = H5Dget_space(e5_dataset_id);
        e5_type_id = H5Dget_type(e5_dataset_id);
        H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(e5_dataspace_id, h5_min_dim, h5_max_dim);

        for(d = 0; d < 3; d++)
            grid->dim[d] = h5_min_dim[d] >= h5_max_dim[d] ? h5_min_dim[d] : h5_max_dim[d];
            grid->dim[d] = grid->dim[d] < 1 ? 1 : grid->dim[d];

        grid->type = e5_convert_hdf_type(e5_type_id);

        case E5_TYPE_FLOAT:
            e5_info(e5_group_id, "Reading grid [type='float', name='%s', dim='%u %u %u']\n",
                    grid->name, grid->dim[0], grid->dim[1], grid->dim[2]);

            e5_memspace_id = H5Screate_simple(3, h5_min_dim, h5_max_dim);
            h5_status = H5Dread(e5_dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, e5_memspace_id, e5_dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, (grid->data));
            if (h5_status < 0)
                e5_status = E5_READ_FAILURE;
                e5_error(e5_dataset_id, e5_status, "Failed to read '%s' from F5 data file\n", grid->name);
        case E5_TYPE_DOUBLE:
            e5_info(e5_group_id, "Reading grid [type='double', name='%s', dim='%u %u %u']\n",
                    grid->name, grid->dim[0], grid->dim[1], grid->dim[2]);

            e5_memspace_id = H5Screate_simple(3, h5_min_dim, h5_max_dim);
            h5_status = H5Dread(e5_dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, e5_memspace_id, e5_dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, (grid->data));
            if (h5_status < 0)
                e5_status = E5_READ_FAILURE;
                e5_error(e5_dataset_id, e5_status, "Failed to read '%s' from F5 data file\n", grid->name);
        case E5_TYPE_INVALID:
            e5_status = E5_INVALID_TYPE;
            e5_error(e5_dataset_id, e5_status, "Invalid type for grid '%s' data\n", grid->name);

        log_scale = 0;
        if(e5_is_valid_attr(e5_dataset_id, "log10"))
            e5_read_attr_int(e5_dataset_id, "log10", &log_scale);
        grid->scale = log_scale ? E5_VALUE_SCALE_LOG10 : E5_VALUE_SCALE_LINEAR;



    return e5_status;
Beispiel #6
void cow_histogram_dumphdf5(cow_histogram *h, char *fn, char *gn)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dumps the histogram to the HDF5 file named `fn`, under the group
// `gn`/h->fullname. The function uses rank 0 to do the write.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if (COW_HDF5)
  if (!(h->committed && h->sealed)) {
  char gname[1024];
  int rank = 0;
  snprintf(gname, 1024, "%s/%s", gn, h->nickname);
#if (COW_MPI)
  if (cow_mpirunning()) {
    MPI_Comm_rank(h->comm, &rank);
  if (rank == 0) {
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // The write functions assume the file is already created. Have master
    // create the file if it's not there already.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    FILE *testf = fopen(fn, "r");
    hid_t fid;
    if (testf == NULL) {
      fid = H5Fcreate(fn, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    else {
      fid = H5Fopen(fn, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
    if (H5Lexists_safe(fid, gname)) {
      printf("[%s] writing histogram as HDF5 to %s/%s (clobber existing)\n",
	     MODULE, fn, gname);
      H5Gunlink(fid, gname);
    else {
      printf("[%s] writing histogram as HDF5 to %s/%s\n", MODULE, fn, gname);
    hid_t gcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE);
    H5Pset_create_intermediate_group(gcpl, 1);
    hid_t memb = H5Gcreate(fid, gname, gcpl, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  else {
  // Create a group to represent this histogram, and an attribute to name it
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  hid_t fid = H5Fopen(fn, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
  hid_t grp = H5Gopen(fid, gname, H5P_DEFAULT);
  if (h->fullname != NULL) {
    hid_t aspc = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);
    hid_t strn = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
    H5Tset_size(strn, strlen(h->fullname));
    hid_t attr = H5Acreate(grp, "fullname", strn, aspc, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5Awrite(attr, strn, h->fullname); // write the full name
  // Create the data sets in the group: binloc (bin centers) and binval (values)
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  double *binlocX = h->binlocx;
  double *binlocY = h->binlocy;
  double *binvalV = h->binvalv;
  hsize_t sizeX[2] = { h->nbinsx };
  hsize_t sizeY[2] = { h->nbinsy };
  hsize_t sizeZ[2] = { h->nbinsx, h->nbinsy };
  hid_t fspcZ = H5Screate_simple(h->n_dims, sizeZ, NULL);
  if (h->n_dims >= 1) {
    hid_t fspcX = H5Screate_simple(1, sizeX, NULL);
    hid_t dsetbinX = H5Dcreate(grp, "binlocX", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, fspcX,
    H5Dwrite(dsetbinX, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, fspcX, fspcX, H5P_DEFAULT, binlocX);
  if (h->n_dims >= 2) {
    hid_t fspcY = H5Screate_simple(1, sizeY, NULL);
    hid_t dsetbinY = H5Dcreate(grp, "binlocY", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, fspcY,
    H5Dwrite(dsetbinY, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, fspcY, fspcY, H5P_DEFAULT, binlocY);
  hid_t dsetvalV = H5Dcreate(grp, "binval", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, fspcZ,
  H5Dwrite(dsetvalV, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, fspcZ, fspcZ, H5P_DEFAULT, binvalV);
Beispiel #7
main(void) {
   hid_t fid;                         /* File, group, datasets, datatypes */
   hid_t gid_a;                       /* and  dataspaces identifiers   */
   hid_t did_b, sid_b, tid_b;
   hid_t did_r, tid_r, sid_r;
   H5O_type_t obj_type;
   herr_t status;

   hobj_ref_t *wbuf; /* buffer to write to disk */
   hobj_ref_t *rbuf; /* buffer to read from disk */

   hsize_t dim_r[1];
   hsize_t dim_b[2];

    *  Create a file using default properties.

    *  Create  group "A" in the file.
   gid_a = H5Gcreate2(fid, "A", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

   *  Create dataset "B" in the file.
   dim_b[0] = 2;
   dim_b[1] = 6;
   sid_b = H5Screate_simple(2, dim_b, NULL);
   did_b = H5Dcreate2(fid, "B", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, sid_b, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

    *  Create dataset "R" to store references to the objects "A" and "B".
   dim_r[0] = 2;
   sid_r = H5Screate_simple(1, dim_r, NULL);
   tid_r = H5Tcopy(H5T_STD_REF_OBJ);
   did_r = H5Dcreate2(fid, "R", tid_r, sid_r, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

    *  Allocate write and read buffers.
   wbuf = (hobj_ref_t *)malloc(sizeof(hobj_ref_t) * 2);
   rbuf = (hobj_ref_t *)malloc(sizeof(hobj_ref_t) * 2);

    *  Create references to the group "A" and dataset "B"
    *  and store them in the wbuf.
   H5Rcreate(&wbuf[0], fid, "A", H5R_OBJECT, (hid_t)-1);
   H5Rcreate(&wbuf[1], fid, "B", H5R_OBJECT, (hid_t)-1);

    *  Write dataset R using default transfer properties.
   status = H5Dwrite(did_r, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, wbuf);

    *  Close all objects.




    * Reopen the file.

    *  Open and read dataset "R".
   did_r  = H5Dopen2(fid, "R", H5P_DEFAULT);
   status = H5Dread(did_r, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, rbuf);

    * Find the type of referenced objects.
    status = H5Rget_obj_type2(did_r, H5R_OBJECT, &rbuf[0], &obj_type);
    if(obj_type == H5O_TYPE_GROUP)
        printf("First dereferenced object is a group. \n");

    status = H5Rget_obj_type2(did_r, H5R_OBJECT, &rbuf[1], &obj_type);
    if(obj_type == H5O_TYPE_DATASET)
        printf("Second dereferenced object is a dataset. \n");

    *  Get datatype of the dataset "B"
   did_b = H5Rdereference2(did_r, H5P_DEFAULT, H5R_OBJECT, &rbuf[1]);
   tid_b = H5Dget_type(did_b);
   if(H5Tequal(tid_b, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT))
     printf("Datatype of the dataset is H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT.\n");

    * Close all objects and free memory buffers.

   return 0;
Beispiel #8
* Function: diff_datasetid
* Purpose: check for comparable datasets and read into a compatible
*  memory type
* Return: Number of differences found
* Programmer: Pedro Vicente, [email protected]
* Date: May 9, 2003
* Modifications:
* October 2006:  Read by hyperslabs for big datasets.
*  A threshold of H5TOOLS_MALLOCSIZE (128 MB) is the limit upon which I/O hyperslab is done
*  i.e., if the memory needed to read a dataset is greater than this limit,
*  then hyperslab I/O is done instead of one operation I/O
*  For each dataset, the memory needed is calculated according to
*  memory needed = number of elements * size of each element
*  if the memory needed is lower than H5TOOLS_MALLOCSIZE, then the following operations
*  are done
*  H5Dread( input_dataset1 )
*  H5Dread( input_dataset2 )
*  with all elements in the datasets selected. If the memory needed is greater than
*  H5TOOLS_MALLOCSIZE, then the following operations are done instead:
*  a strip mine is defined for each dimension k (a strip mine is defined as a
*  hyperslab whose size is memory manageable) according to the formula
*  (1) strip_mine_size[k ] = MIN(dimension[k ], H5TOOLS_BUFSIZE / size of memory type)
*  where H5TOOLS_BUFSIZE is a constant currently defined as 1MB. This formula assures
*  that for small datasets (small relative to the H5TOOLS_BUFSIZE constant), the strip
*  mine size k is simply defined as its dimension k, but for larger datasets the
*  hyperslab size is still memory manageable.
*  a cycle is done until the number of elements in the dataset is reached. In each
*  iteration, two parameters are defined for the function H5Sselect_hyperslab,
*  the start and size of each hyperslab, according to
*  (2) hyperslab_size [k] = MIN(dimension[k] - hyperslab_offset[k], strip_mine_size [k])
*  where hyperslab_offset [k] is initially set to zero, and later incremented in
*  hyperslab_size[k] offsets. The reason for the operation
*  dimension[k] - hyperslab_offset[k]
*  in (2) is that, when using the strip mine size, it assures that the "remaining" part
*  of the dataset that does not fill an entire strip mine is processed.
hsize_t diff_datasetid( hid_t did1,
                        hid_t did2,
                        const char *obj1_name,
                        const char *obj2_name,
                        diff_opt_t *options)
    hid_t      sid1=-1;
    hid_t      sid2=-1;
    hid_t      f_tid1=-1;
    hid_t      f_tid2=-1;
    hid_t      m_tid1=-1;
    hid_t      m_tid2=-1;
    size_t     m_size1;
    size_t     m_size2;
    H5T_sign_t sign1;
    H5T_sign_t sign2;
    int        rank1;
    int        rank2;
    hsize_t    nelmts1;
    hsize_t    nelmts2;
    hsize_t    dims1[H5S_MAX_RANK];
    hsize_t    dims2[H5S_MAX_RANK];
    hsize_t    maxdim1[H5S_MAX_RANK];
    hsize_t    maxdim2[H5S_MAX_RANK];
    const char *name1=NULL;            /* relative names */
    const char *name2=NULL;
    hsize_t    storage_size1;
    hsize_t    storage_size2;
    hsize_t    nfound=0;               /* number of differences found */
    int        can_compare=1;          /* do diff or not */
    void       *buf1=NULL;
    void       *buf2=NULL;
    void       *sm_buf1=NULL;
    void       *sm_buf2=NULL;
    hid_t      sm_space;               /*stripmine data space */
    size_t     need;                   /* bytes needed for malloc */
    int        i;
    unsigned int  vl_data = 0;         /*contains VL datatypes */

    h5difftrace("diff_datasetid start\n");
    /* Get the dataspace handle */
    if ( (sid1 = H5Dget_space(did1)) < 0 )
        goto error;

    /* Get rank */
    if ( (rank1 = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(sid1)) < 0 )
        goto error;

    /* Get the dataspace handle */
    if ( (sid2 = H5Dget_space(did2)) < 0 )
        goto error;

    /* Get rank */
    if ( (rank2 = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(sid2)) < 0 )
        goto error;

    /* Get dimensions */
    if ( H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(sid1,dims1,maxdim1) < 0 )
        goto error;

    /* Get dimensions */
    if ( H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(sid2,dims2,maxdim2) < 0 )
        goto error;

    * get the file data type

    /* Get the data type */
    if ( (f_tid1 = H5Dget_type(did1)) < 0 )
        goto error;

    /* Get the data type */
    if ( (f_tid2 = H5Dget_type(did2)) < 0 )
        goto error;

    * check for empty datasets
    h5difftrace("check for empty datasets\n");


    if (storage_size1==0 || storage_size2==0)
        if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name)
            parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> or <%s> is an empty dataset\n", obj1_name, obj2_name);

    * check for comparable TYPE and SPACE

    if (diff_can_type(f_tid1,

    * memory type and sizes
    h5difftrace("check for memory type and sizes\n");
    if ((m_tid1=h5tools_get_native_type(f_tid1)) < 0)
        goto error;

    if ((m_tid2=h5tools_get_native_type(f_tid2)) < 0)
        goto error;

    m_size1 = H5Tget_size( m_tid1 );
    m_size2 = H5Tget_size( m_tid2 );

    * check for different signed/unsigned types
    if (can_compare)
        h5difftrace("can_compare for sign\n");
        if ( sign1 != sign2 )
            h5difftrace("sign1 != sign2\n");
            if ((options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name)
                parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has sign %s ", obj1_name, get_sign(sign1));
                parallel_print("and <%s> has sign %s\n", obj2_name, get_sign(sign2));

    /* Check if type is either VLEN-data or VLEN-string to reclaim any
     * VLEN memory buffer later */
    if( TRUE == h5tools_detect_vlen(m_tid1) )
        vl_data = TRUE;

    * only attempt to compare if possible
    if(can_compare) /* it is possible to compare */
        h5difftrace("can_compare attempt\n");

        * get number of elements
        nelmts1 = 1;
        for(i = 0; i < rank1; i++)
            nelmts1 *= dims1[i];

        nelmts2 = 1;
        for(i = 0; i < rank2; i++)
            nelmts2 *= dims2[i];

        HDassert(nelmts1 == nelmts2);

        * "upgrade" the smaller memory size
        h5difftrace("upgrade the smaller memory size?\n");

        if (FAIL == match_up_memsize (f_tid1, f_tid2,
                                      &m_tid1, &m_tid2, 
                                      &m_size1, &m_size2))
            goto error;

        /* print names */
            name1 = diff_basename(obj1_name);
            name2 = diff_basename(obj2_name);

        * read/compare
        need = (size_t)(nelmts1 * m_size1);  /* bytes needed */
        if(need < H5TOOLS_MALLOCSIZE) {
            buf1 = HDmalloc(need);
            buf2 = HDmalloc(need);
        } /* end if */

        if(buf1 != NULL && buf2 != NULL) {
            h5difftrace("buf1 != NULL && buf2 != NULL\n");
            if(H5Dread(did1, m_tid1, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf1) < 0)
                goto error;
            if(H5Dread(did2, m_tid2, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf2) < 0)
                goto error;

            /* array diff */
            nfound = diff_array(buf1, buf2, nelmts1, (hsize_t)0, rank1, dims1,
                options, name1, name2, m_tid1, did1, did2);

            /* reclaim any VL memory, if necessary */
            if(vl_data) {
                H5Dvlen_reclaim(m_tid1, sid1, H5P_DEFAULT, buf1);
                H5Dvlen_reclaim(m_tid2, sid2, H5P_DEFAULT, buf2);
            } /* end if */
        } /* end if */
        else /* possibly not enough memory, read/compare by hyperslabs */
            size_t        p_type_nbytes = m_size1; /*size of memory type */
            hsize_t       p_nelmts = nelmts1;      /*total selected elmts */
            hsize_t       elmtno;                  /*counter  */
            int           carry;                   /*counter carry value */

            /* stripmine info */
            hsize_t       sm_size[H5S_MAX_RANK];   /*stripmine size */
            hsize_t       sm_nbytes;               /*bytes per stripmine */
            hsize_t       sm_nelmts;               /*elements per stripmine*/

            /* hyperslab info */
            hsize_t       hs_offset[H5S_MAX_RANK]; /*starting offset */
            hsize_t       hs_size[H5S_MAX_RANK];   /*size this pass */
            hsize_t       hs_nelmts;               /*elements in request */
            hsize_t       zero[8];                 /*vector of zeros */

             * determine the strip mine size and allocate a buffer. The strip mine is
             * a hyperslab whose size is manageable.
            sm_nbytes = p_type_nbytes;

            for(i = rank1; i > 0; --i) {
                hsize_t size = H5TOOLS_BUFSIZE / sm_nbytes;

                if(size == 0) /* datum size > H5TOOLS_BUFSIZE */
                    size = 1;
                sm_size[i - 1] = MIN(dims1[i - 1], size);
                sm_nbytes *= sm_size[i - 1];
                HDassert(sm_nbytes > 0);
            } /* end for */

            /* malloc return code should be verified.
             * If fail, need to handle the error.
             * This else branch should be recoded as a separate function.
             * Note that there are many "goto error" within this branch
             * that fails to address freeing other objects created here.
             * E.g., sm_space.
            sm_buf1 = HDmalloc((size_t)sm_nbytes);
            sm_buf2 = HDmalloc((size_t)sm_nbytes);

            sm_nelmts = sm_nbytes / p_type_nbytes;
            sm_space = H5Screate_simple(1, &sm_nelmts, NULL);

            /* the stripmine loop */
            HDmemset(hs_offset, 0, sizeof hs_offset);
            HDmemset(zero, 0, sizeof zero);

            for(elmtno = 0; elmtno < p_nelmts; elmtno += hs_nelmts) {
                /* calculate the hyperslab size */
                if(rank1 > 0) {
                    for(i = 0, hs_nelmts = 1; i < rank1; i++) {
                        hs_size[i] = MIN(dims1[i] - hs_offset[i], sm_size[i]);
                        hs_nelmts *= hs_size[i];
                    } /* end for */
                    if(H5Sselect_hyperslab(sid1, H5S_SELECT_SET, hs_offset, NULL, hs_size, NULL) < 0)
                        goto error;
                    if(H5Sselect_hyperslab(sid2, H5S_SELECT_SET, hs_offset, NULL, hs_size, NULL) < 0)
                        goto error;
                    if(H5Sselect_hyperslab(sm_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, zero, NULL, &hs_nelmts, NULL) < 0)
                        goto error;
                } /* end if */
                    hs_nelmts = 1;

                if(H5Dread(did1,m_tid1,sm_space,sid1,H5P_DEFAULT,sm_buf1) < 0)
                    goto error;
                if(H5Dread(did2,m_tid2,sm_space,sid2,H5P_DEFAULT,sm_buf2) < 0)
                    goto error;

                /* get array differences. in the case of hyperslab read, increment the number of differences
                found in each hyperslab and pass the position at the beggining for printing */
                nfound += diff_array(sm_buf1, sm_buf2, hs_nelmts, elmtno, rank1,
                    dims1, options, name1, name2, m_tid1, did1, did2);

                /* reclaim any VL memory, if necessary */
                if(vl_data) {
                    H5Dvlen_reclaim(m_tid1, sm_space, H5P_DEFAULT, sm_buf1);
                    H5Dvlen_reclaim(m_tid1, sm_space, H5P_DEFAULT, sm_buf2);
                } /* end if */

                /* calculate the next hyperslab offset */
                for(i = rank1, carry = 1; i > 0 && carry; --i) {
                    hs_offset[i - 1] += hs_size[i - 1];
                    if(hs_offset[i - 1] == dims1[i - 1])
                        hs_offset[i - 1] = 0;
                        carry = 0;
                } /* i */
            } /* elmtno */

        } /* hyperslab read */
    } /*can_compare*/

     * close
    h5difftrace("compare attributes?\n");

    /* free */
    if(buf1 != NULL) {
        buf1 = NULL;
    } /* end if */
    if(buf2 != NULL) {
        buf2 = NULL;
    } /* end if */
    if(sm_buf1 != NULL) {
        sm_buf1 = NULL;
    } /* end if */
    if(sm_buf2 != NULL) {
        sm_buf2 = NULL;
    } /* end if */

    } H5E_END_TRY;
    h5difftrace("diff_datasetid finish\n");

    return nfound;


    /* free */
    if (buf1!=NULL)
        /* reclaim any VL memory, if necessary */
            H5Dvlen_reclaim(m_tid1, sid1, H5P_DEFAULT, buf1);
    if (buf2!=NULL)
        /* reclaim any VL memory, if necessary */
            H5Dvlen_reclaim(m_tid2, sid2, H5P_DEFAULT, buf2);
    if (sm_buf1!=NULL)
        /* reclaim any VL memory, if necessary */
            H5Dvlen_reclaim(m_tid1, sm_space, H5P_DEFAULT, sm_buf1);
    if (sm_buf2!=NULL)
        /* reclaim any VL memory, if necessary */
            H5Dvlen_reclaim(m_tid1, sm_space, H5P_DEFAULT, sm_buf2);

    /* disable error reporting */
        /* enable error reporting */
    } H5E_END_TRY;
    h5difftrace("diff_datasetid errored\n");

    return nfound;
Beispiel #9
int diff_can_type( hid_t       f_tid1, /* file data type */
                   hid_t       f_tid2, /* file data type */
                   int         rank1,
                   int         rank2,
                   hsize_t     *dims1,
                   hsize_t     *dims2,
                   hsize_t     *maxdim1,
                   hsize_t     *maxdim2,
                   const char  *obj1_name,
                   const char  *obj2_name,
                   diff_opt_t  *options,
                   int         is_compound)

    H5T_class_t  tclass1;
    H5T_class_t  tclass2;
    int          maxdim_diff=0;          /* maximum dimensions are different */
    int          dim_diff=0;             /* current dimensions are different */
    int          i;
    int          can_compare = 1;        /* return value */

    * check for the same class

    if ((tclass1=H5Tget_class(f_tid1)) < 0)
        return -1;

    if ((tclass2=H5Tget_class(f_tid2)) < 0)
        return -1;

    if ( tclass1 != tclass2 )

        if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name)

            if ( is_compound )

                parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has a class %s and <%s> has a class %s\n",
                    obj1_name, get_class(tclass1),
                    obj2_name, get_class(tclass2) );




                parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> is of class %s and <%s> is of class %s\n",
                    obj1_name, get_class(tclass1),
                    obj2_name, get_class(tclass2) );



        can_compare = 0;
        options->not_cmp = 1;
        return can_compare;

    * check for non supported classes

    switch (tclass1)
    case H5T_INTEGER:
    case H5T_FLOAT:
    case H5T_COMPOUND:
    case H5T_STRING:
    case H5T_ARRAY:
    case H5T_BITFIELD:
    case H5T_OPAQUE:
    case H5T_ENUM:
    case H5T_VLEN:
    case H5T_REFERENCE:


    default: /*H5T_TIME */

        if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name)
            parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> and <%s> are of class %s\n",
                obj1_name,obj2_name,get_class(tclass2) );
        can_compare = 0;
        options->not_cmp = 1;
        return can_compare;

    * check for equal file datatype; warning only

    if ( (H5Tequal(f_tid1, f_tid2)==0) &&
        (options->m_verbose) && obj1_name && obj2_name)

        H5T_class_t cl = H5Tget_class(f_tid1);

        parallel_print("Warning: different storage datatype\n");
        if ( cl == H5T_INTEGER || cl == H5T_FLOAT )
            parallel_print("<%s> has file datatype ", obj1_name);
            parallel_print("<%s> has file datatype ", obj2_name);


    * check for the same rank

    if ( rank1 != rank2 )

        if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name)
            parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj1_name, rank1);
            parallel_print(", max dimensions ");
            parallel_print("\n" );
            parallel_print("and <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj2_name, rank2);
            parallel_print(", max dimensions ");

        can_compare = 0;
        options->not_cmp = 1;
        return can_compare;

    * check for different dimensions

    for ( i=0; i<rank1; i++)
        if (maxdim1 && maxdim2)
            if ( maxdim1[i] != maxdim2[i] )
        if ( dims1[i] != dims2[i] )

    * current dimensions

    if (dim_diff==1)
        if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name)
            parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj1_name, rank1);
            if (maxdim1 && maxdim2)
                parallel_print(", max dimensions ");
                parallel_print("\n" );
                parallel_print("and <%s> has rank %d, dimensions ", obj2_name, rank2);
                parallel_print(", max dimensions ");

        can_compare = 0;
        options->not_cmp = 1;
        return can_compare;


    * maximum dimensions; just give a warning
    if (maxdim1 && maxdim2 && maxdim_diff==1 && obj1_name )
        if (options->m_verbose) {
            parallel_print( "Warning: different maximum dimensions\n");
            parallel_print("<%s> has max dimensions ", obj1_name);
            parallel_print("<%s> has max dimensions ", obj2_name);

    if ( tclass1 == H5T_COMPOUND )

        int   nmembs1;
        int   nmembs2;
        int   j;
        hid_t memb_type1;
        hid_t memb_type2;

        nmembs1 = H5Tget_nmembers(f_tid1);
        nmembs2 = H5Tget_nmembers(f_tid2);

        if ( nmembs1 != nmembs2 )

            if ( (options->m_verbose||options->m_list_not_cmp) && obj1_name && obj2_name)
                parallel_print("Not comparable: <%s> has %d members ", obj1_name, nmembs1);
                parallel_print("<%s> has %d members ", obj2_name, nmembs2);

            can_compare = 0;
            options->not_cmp = 1;
            return can_compare;

        for (j = 0; j < nmembs1; j++)
            memb_type1 = H5Tget_member_type(f_tid1, (unsigned)j);
            memb_type2 = H5Tget_member_type(f_tid2, (unsigned)j);

            if (diff_can_type(memb_type1,
                can_compare = 0;
                options->not_cmp = 1;
                return can_compare;




    return can_compare;
Beispiel #10
add_attrs(hid_t objid)
    hid_t scalar_spaceid = -1;
    hid_t vlstr_typeid = -1, fixstr_typeid = -1;
    char *vlstr;
    hid_t attid = -1;

    /* Create scalar dataspace */
    if ((scalar_spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    /* Create string datatypes */
    if ((vlstr_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_STRING, (size_t)H5T_VARIABLE)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    if ((fixstr_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_STRING, (size_t)10)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;

    /* Create attribute with VL string datatype on object */
    if ((attid = H5Acreate2(objid, VSTR_ATT1_NAME, vlstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    /* No write, use fill value */
    if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;

    /* Create attribute with VL string datatype on object */
    if ((attid = H5Acreate2(objid, VSTR_ATT2_NAME, vlstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    vlstr = NULL;
    if (H5Awrite(attid, vlstr_typeid, &vlstr) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;

    /* Create attribute with VL string datatype on object */
    if ((attid = H5Acreate2(objid, VSTR_ATT3_NAME, vlstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    vlstr = malloc(10);
    *vlstr = '\0';
    if (H5Awrite(attid, vlstr_typeid, &vlstr) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;

    /* Create attribute with VL string datatype on object */
    if ((attid = H5Acreate2(objid, VSTR_ATT4_NAME, vlstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    strcpy(vlstr, "foo");
    if (H5Awrite(attid, vlstr_typeid, &vlstr) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;

    /* Create attribute with fixed-length string datatype on object */
    if ((attid = H5Acreate2(objid, FSTR_ATT_NAME, fixstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;

    /* Create attribute with native integer datatype on object */
    if ((attid = H5Acreate2(objid, INT_ATT_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    if (H5Aclose(attid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;

    /* Clean up objects created */
    if (H5Sclose(scalar_spaceid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    if (H5Tclose(vlstr_typeid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;
    if (H5Tclose(fixstr_typeid) < 0) ERR_GOTO;


    } H5E_END_TRY;
Beispiel #11
 * Function:  process_cmpd_fields
 * Purpose: To check whether the fields selected in "g_list_of_fields"
 *	    are valid fields associated with the dataset.
 * Return: 0 on success; negative on failure
 * Programmer:  Vailin Choi; August 2010
static herr_t
process_cmpd_fields(hid_t fid, char *dsetname)
    hid_t did=-1;			/* dataset id */
    hid_t dtid=-1, tid=-1;	/* dataset's data type id */
    size_t len;		/* number of comma-separated fields in "g_list_of_fields" */
    herr_t ret_value = SUCCEED;	/* Return value */

    HDassert(g_list_of_fields && *g_list_of_fields);
    /* Open the dataset */
    if((did = H5Dopen2(fid, dsetname, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) {
	error_msg("error in opening dataset \"%s\"\n", dsetname);
	ret_value = FAIL;
	goto done;

    /* Get the dataset's datatype  */
    if(((dtid = H5Dget_type(did)) < 0) || (tid = H5Tget_native_type(dtid, H5T_DIR_DEFAULT)) < 0) {
	error_msg("error in getting dataset's datatype\n");
        ret_value = FAIL;
        goto done;

    /* Check to make sure that the dataset's datatype is compound type */
    if(H5Tget_class(dtid) != H5T_COMPOUND) {
	error_msg("dataset should be compound type for <list_of_fields>\n");
	ret_value = FAIL;
	goto done;		

    /* Make a copy of "g_list_of_fields" */
    if((g_dup_fields = HDstrdup(g_list_of_fields)) == NULL) {
	error_msg("error in duplicating g_list_of_fields\n");
        ret_value = FAIL;
	goto done;		

    /* Estimate the number of comma-separated fields in "g_list of_fields" */
    len = HDstrlen(g_list_of_fields)/2 + 2;

    /* Allocate memory for a list vector of H5LD_memb_t structures to store "g_list_of_fields" info */
    if((g_listv = (H5LD_memb_t **)HDcalloc(len, sizeof(H5LD_memb_t *))) == NULL) {
	error_msg("error in allocating memory for H5LD_memb_t\n");
        ret_value = FAIL;
	goto done;		

    /* Process and store info for "g_listv" */
    if(H5LD_construct_vector(g_dup_fields, g_listv, tid) < 0) {
	error_msg("error in processing <list_of_fields>\n");
	ret_value = FAIL;
        goto done;

    /* Will free memory for g_listv and g_dup_fields when exiting from h5watch */
    /* Closing */
} /* process_cmpd_fields() */
Beispiel #12
    printf("\n*** Creating file with datasets & attributes that have scalar dataspaces...");
	hid_t fileid;
        hid_t fcplid;
	hid_t dsetid;
        hid_t dcplid;
	hid_t scalar_spaceid;
        hid_t vlstr_typeid, fixstr_typeid;
	hid_t attid;

        /* Create scalar dataspace */
	if ((scalar_spaceid = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Set creation ordering for file, so we can revise its contents later */
        if ((fcplid = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
        if (H5Pset_link_creation_order(fcplid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED) < 0) ERR;
        if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(fcplid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED) < 0) ERR;
	/* Create new file, using default properties */
	if ((fileid = H5Fcreate(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, fcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;
        /* Close file creation property list */
        if (H5Pclose(fcplid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create variable-length string datatype */
        if ((vlstr_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_STRING, (size_t)H5T_VARIABLE)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create fixed-length string datatype */
        if ((fixstr_typeid = H5Tcreate(H5T_STRING, (size_t)10)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Set creation ordering for dataset, so we can revise its contents later */
        if ((dcplid = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0) ERR;
        if (H5Pset_attr_creation_order(dcplid, H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create scalar dataset with VL string datatype */
        if ((dsetid = H5Dcreate2(fileid, VSTR_VAR1_NAME, vlstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Add attributes to dataset */
        if (add_attrs(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close VL string dataset */
        if (H5Dclose(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create scalar dataset with fixed-length string datatype */
        if ((dsetid = H5Dcreate2(fileid, FSTR_VAR_NAME, fixstr_typeid, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Add attributes to dataset */
        if (add_attrs(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close fixed-length string dataset */
        if (H5Dclose(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Create scalar dataset with native integer datatype */
        if ((dsetid = H5Dcreate2(fileid, INT_VAR_NAME, H5T_NATIVE_INT, scalar_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, dcplid, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0) ERR;

        /* Add attributes to dataset */
        if (add_attrs(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close native integer dataset */
        if (H5Dclose(dsetid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Add attributes to root group */
        if (add_attrs(fileid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close dataset creation property list */
        if (H5Pclose(dcplid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close string datatypes */
        if (H5Tclose(vlstr_typeid) < 0) ERR;
        if (H5Tclose(fixstr_typeid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Close rest */
	if (H5Sclose(scalar_spaceid) < 0) ERR;
	if (H5Fclose(fileid) < 0) ERR;

    printf("*** Checking accessing file through netCDF-4 API...");
	int ncid, varid;
        size_t len;
        nc_type type;
        int ndims;
        char *vlstr;
        int x;

	if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) ERR;

        /* Check the global attributes are OK */
        if (check_attrs(ncid, NC_GLOBAL) < 0) ERR;

        /* Verify that the VL string dataset is present and OK */
	if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VSTR_VAR1_NAME, &varid)) ERR;
        if (varid != 0) ERR;
	if (nc_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, &type)) ERR;
	if (type != NC_STRING) ERR;
        if (nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims)) ERR;
        if (ndims != 0) ERR;
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;
        if (NULL != vlstr) ERR;

        /* Check the variable's attributes are OK */
        if (check_attrs(ncid, varid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Verify that the fixed-length string dataset is present and OK */
	if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, FSTR_VAR_NAME, &varid)) ERR;
        if (varid != 1) ERR;
	if (nc_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, &type)) ERR;
	if (type != NC_STRING) ERR;
        if (nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims)) ERR;
        if (ndims != 0) ERR;
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;
        if ('\0' != *vlstr) ERR;

        /* Check the variable's attributes are OK */
        if (check_attrs(ncid, varid) < 0) ERR;

        /* Verify that the integer dataset is present and OK */
	if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, INT_VAR_NAME, &varid)) ERR;
        if (varid != 2) ERR;
	if (nc_inq_vartype(ncid, varid, &type)) ERR;
	if (type != NC_INT) ERR;
        if (nc_inq_varndims(ncid, varid, &ndims)) ERR;
        if (ndims != 0) ERR;
        x = -1;
        if (nc_get_var(ncid, varid, &x)) ERR;
        if (0 != x) ERR;

        /* Check the variable's attributes are OK */
        if (check_attrs(ncid, varid) < 0) ERR;

	if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

    printf("*** Checking revising file through netCDF-4 API...");
	int ncid, varid;
        char *vlstr;

	if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
        /* Write to the VL string variable */
	if (nc_inq_varid(ncid, VSTR_VAR1_NAME, &varid)) ERR;
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_put_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;

        vlstr = malloc(10);
        *vlstr = '\0';
        if (nc_put_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;

        strcpy(vlstr, "foo");
        if (nc_put_var(ncid, varid, &vlstr)) ERR;

        /* Write to a VL string attribute */
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, VSTR_ATT1_NAME, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        vlstr = malloc(10);
        *vlstr = '\0';
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, VSTR_ATT1_NAME, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        strcpy(vlstr, "foo");
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, VSTR_ATT1_NAME, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        /* Define a new VL string variable */
        if (nc_def_var(ncid, VSTR_VAR2_NAME , NC_STRING, 0, NULL, &varid)) ERR;

        /* Write to the variable's fill-value */
        vlstr = NULL;
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, _FillValue, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        vlstr = malloc(10);
        *vlstr = '\0';
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, _FillValue, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

        strcpy(vlstr, "foo");
        if (nc_put_att(ncid, varid, _FillValue, NC_STRING, 1, &vlstr)) ERR;

	if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

Beispiel #13
static void* _get_all_samples(hid_t gid_series, char* nam_series, uint32_t type,
			      int nsamples)
	void*   data = NULL;

	hid_t   id_data_set, dtyp_memory, g_sample, sz_dest;
	herr_t  ec;
	int     smpx ,len;
	void    *data_prior = NULL, *data_cur = NULL;
	char 	name_sample[MAX_GROUP_NAME+1];
	hdf5_api_ops_t* ops;

	ops = profile_factory(type);
	if (ops == NULL) {
		error("Failed to create operations for %s",
		return NULL;
	data = (*(ops->init_job_series))(nsamples);
	if (data == NULL) {
		error("Failed to get memory for combined data");
		return NULL;
	dtyp_memory = (*(ops->create_memory_datatype))();
	if (dtyp_memory < 0) {
		error("Failed to create %s memory datatype",
		return NULL;
	for (smpx=0; smpx<nsamples; smpx++) {
		len = H5Lget_name_by_idx(gid_series, ".", H5_INDEX_NAME,
					 H5_ITER_INC, smpx, name_sample,
		if (len<1 || len>MAX_GROUP_NAME) {
			error("Invalid group name %s", name_sample);
		g_sample = H5Gopen(gid_series, name_sample, H5P_DEFAULT);
		if (g_sample < 0) {
			info("Failed to open %s", name_sample);
		id_data_set = H5Dopen(g_sample, get_data_set_name(name_sample),
		if (id_data_set < 0) {
			error("Failed to open %s dataset",
		sz_dest = (*(ops->dataset_size))();
		data_cur = xmalloc(sz_dest);
		if (data_cur == NULL) {
			error("Failed to get memory for prior data");
		ec = H5Dread(id_data_set, dtyp_memory, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
			     H5P_DEFAULT, data_cur);
		if (ec < 0) {
			error("Failed to read %s data",
		(*(ops->merge_step_series))(g_sample, data_prior, data_cur,

		data_prior = data_cur;

	return data;
void H5Attribute::copy(const hid_t src, const hid_t dest, const std::string & name)
    hid_t type, stype;
    hid_t space, sspace;
    char * data = 0;
    hsize_t size;
    hsize_t * dims = 0;
    hsize_t ndims;

    sspace = H5Aget_space(src);
    if (sspace < 0)
        throw H5Exception(__LINE__, __FILE__, _("Cannot copy the attribute"));
    space = H5Scopy(sspace);

    stype = H5Aget_type(src);
    if (stype < 0)
        throw H5Exception(__LINE__, __FILE__, _("Cannot copy the attribute"));
    type = H5Tcopy(stype);

    size = H5Tget_size(type);
    dims = new hsize_t[__SCILAB_HDF5_MAX_DIMS__];
    ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(space, dims, 0);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
        size *= dims[i];

    data = new char[size];
    if (H5Aread(src, type, data) < 0)
        delete[] dims;
        delete[] data;

        throw H5Exception(__LINE__, __FILE__, _("Cannot read attribute data."));

        hid_t attr = create(dest, name, type, type, space, space, data);
        delete[] dims;
        delete[] data;
    catch (const H5Exception & /*e*/)
        delete[] dims;
        delete[] data;
Beispiel #15
PyObject *H5UIget_info( hid_t loc_id,
                        const char *dset_name,
                        char *byteorder)
  hid_t       dataset_id;
  int         rank;
  hsize_t     *dims;
  hid_t       space_id;
  H5T_class_t class_id;
  H5T_order_t order;
  hid_t       type_id;
  PyObject    *t;
  int         i;

  /* Open the dataset. */
  if ( (dataset_id = H5Dopen( loc_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT )) < 0 ) {
    return Py_None;     /* Not chunked, so return None */

  /* Get an identifier for the datatype. */
  type_id = H5Dget_type( dataset_id );

  /* Get the class. */
  class_id = H5Tget_class( type_id );

  /* Get the dataspace handle */
  if ( (space_id = H5Dget_space( dataset_id )) < 0 )
    goto out;

  /* Get rank */
  if ( (rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( space_id )) < 0 )
    goto out;

  /* Book resources for dims */
  dims = (hsize_t *)malloc(rank * sizeof(hsize_t));

  /* Get dimensions */
  if ( H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( space_id, dims, NULL) < 0 )
    goto out;

  /* Assign the dimensions to a tuple */
  t = PyTuple_New(rank);
  for(i=0;i<rank;i++) {
    /* I don't know if I should increase the reference count for dims[i]! */
    PyTuple_SetItem(t, i, PyLong_FromLong((long)dims[i]));

  /* Release resources */

  /* Terminate access to the dataspace */
  if ( H5Sclose( space_id ) < 0 )
    goto out;

  /* Get the byteorder */
  /* Only integer, float, time and enum classes can be byteordered */
  if ((class_id == H5T_INTEGER) || (class_id == H5T_FLOAT)
      || (class_id == H5T_BITFIELD) || (class_id == H5T_TIME)
      ||  (class_id == H5T_ENUM)) {
    order = H5Tget_order( type_id );
    if (order == H5T_ORDER_LE)
      strcpy(byteorder, "little");
    else if (order == H5T_ORDER_BE)
      strcpy(byteorder, "big");
    else {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: unsupported byteorder: %d\n", order);
      goto out;
  else {
    strcpy(byteorder, "irrelevant");

  /* End access to the dataset */
  H5Dclose( dataset_id );

  /* Return the dimensions tuple */
  return t;

 H5Tclose( type_id );
 H5Dclose( dataset_id );
 return Py_None;    /* Not chunked, so return None */

/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Main Program or Function +++++++++++++++*/
void GOME_LV1_WR_H5_PCD( struct param_record param, short nr_pcd, 
			 const short *indx_pcd, const struct pcd_gome *pcd )
     register hsize_t ni, nr, nx, ny;

     unsigned short *usbuff;
     short          *sbuff;
     float          *rbuff;

     hid_t    type_id;
     hid_t    grp_id;
     hbool_t  compress;
     hsize_t  nrpix, dims[2];

     struct   glr1_gome *glr;
     struct   cr1_gome  *cld;
 * check number of PCD records
     if ( nr_pcd == 0 || indx_pcd == NULL || pcd == NULL ) return;
 * set HDF5 boolean variable for compression
     if ( param.flag_deflate == PARAM_SET )
          compress = TRUE;
          compress = FALSE;
 * open or create group Earth
     grp_id = NADC_OPEN_HDF5_Group( param.hdf_file_id, "/EARTH" );
     if ( grp_id < 0 ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_HDF_GRP, "/EARTH" );
     (void) H5Gclose( grp_id );
 * create group /EARTH/PCD
     grp_id = H5Gcreate( param.hdf_file_id, "/EARTH/PCD", 
     if ( grp_id < 0 ) 
 * +++++ create datasets in the /EARTH/PCD group
     dims[0] = (size_t) nr_pcd;
 * Write geolocation information
     type_id = H5Topen( param.hdf_file_id, "glr", H5P_DEFAULT );
     glr = (struct glr1_gome *)
	  malloc( dims[0] * sizeof( struct glr1_gome ));
     if ( glr == NULL ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "glr" );
     for ( nr = 0; nr < dims[0]; nr++ )
	  (void) memcpy( glr+nr, &pcd[nr].glr, sizeof( struct glr1_gome ) );
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "glr", 
			  type_id, 1, dims, glr );
     free( glr );
     (void) H5Tclose( type_id );
     if ( IS_ERR_STAT_FATAL )
 * Write geolocation information
     type_id = H5Topen( param.hdf_file_id, "cld", H5P_DEFAULT );
     cld = (struct cr1_gome *)
	  malloc( dims[0] * sizeof( struct cr1_gome ));
     if ( cld == NULL ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "cld" );
     for ( nr = 0; nr < dims[0]; nr++ )
	  (void) memcpy( cld+nr, &pcd[nr].cld, sizeof( struct cr1_gome ) );
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "cld", 
			   type_id, 1, dims, cld );
     free( cld );
     (void) H5Tclose( type_id );
     if ( IS_ERR_STAT_FATAL )
 * Dark current and Noise Correction Factor
     rbuff = (float *) malloc( dims[0] * sizeof( float ));
     if ( rbuff == NULL ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "rbuff" );
     for ( ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  rbuff[ny] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].dark_current;
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "DarkCurrent", 
			  H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 1, dims, rbuff );
     for ( ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  rbuff[ny] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].noise_factor;
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "NoiseCorrection", 
			  H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 1, dims, rbuff );
 * Plane of the Polarisation
     for ( ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  rbuff[ny] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].polar.chi;
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "PolarisationPlaneAngle",
			  H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 1, dims, rbuff );
     free( rbuff );
 * Indices
     sbuff = (short *) malloc( dims[0] * sizeof( short ));
     if ( sbuff == NULL ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "sbuff" );
     for ( ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  sbuff[ny] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].indx_spec;
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "SpectralCalibrationIndex",
			  H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, 1, dims, sbuff );

     for ( ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  sbuff[ny] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].indx_leak;
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "LeakageCorrectionIndex",
			  H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, 1, dims, sbuff );
     free( sbuff );
 * Polarisation parameters
     dims[0] = nr_pcd; dims[1] = NUM_POLAR_COEFFS;
     nrpix = dims[0] * dims[1];
     rbuff = (float *) malloc( nrpix * sizeof( float ));
     if ( rbuff == NULL ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "rbuff" );
     for ( nr = ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  for ( nx = 0; nx < dims[1]; nx++ )
	       rbuff[nr++] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].polar.wv[nx];
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "PolarisationWavelength",
			  H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 2, dims, rbuff );
     for ( nr = ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  for ( nx = 0; nx < dims[1]; nx++ )
	       rbuff[nr++] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].polar.coeff[nx];
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "PolarisationCoefficient",
			  H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 2, dims, rbuff );

     for ( nr = ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  for ( nx = 0; nx < dims[1]; nx++ )
	       rbuff[nr++] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].polar.error[nx];
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "PolarisationError",
			  H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 2, dims, rbuff );
     free( rbuff );
 * ------------------------- Instrument Header Structure
 * Sub set counter
     usbuff = (unsigned short *) malloc( dims[0] * sizeof( short ));
     if ( usbuff == NULL ) 
     for ( ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  usbuff[ny] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].ihr.subsetcounter;
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "SubSetCounter",
			  H5T_NATIVE_USHORT, 1, dims, usbuff );
 * Average Mode
     for ( ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  usbuff[ny] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].ihr.averagemode;
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "AverageMode",
			  H5T_NATIVE_USHORT, 1, dims, usbuff );
     free( usbuff );
 * Peltier values
     dims[0] = nr_pcd; 
     dims[1] = SCIENCE_CHANNELS; 
     nrpix = dims[0] * dims[1];
     sbuff = (short *) malloc( nrpix * sizeof( short ));
     if ( sbuff == NULL ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "sbuff" );
     for ( nr = ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++)
	  for ( nx = 0; nx < dims[1]; nx++ )
	       sbuff[nr++] = pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].ihr.peltier[nx];
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "Peltier",
			  H5T_NATIVE_SHORT, 2, dims, sbuff );
     free( sbuff );
 * Pre-disperser prism temperature
     rbuff = (float *) malloc( dims[0] * sizeof( float ));
     if ( rbuff == NULL ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "rbuff" );
     for ( ny = 0; ny < dims[0]; ny++ )
	  rbuff[ny] = (float) (-1.721 + 6.104e-3 * 
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "PrismTemperature",
			  H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 1, dims, rbuff );
     free( rbuff );
     (void) H5Gclose( grp_id );
 * create group /EARTH/PCD
     grp_id = H5Gcreate( param.hdf_file_id, "/EARTH/PMD", 
     if ( grp_id < 0 ) 
 * write PMD geolocations (only for Earth observations)
     dims[0] = nr_pcd * PMD_IN_GRID;
     if ( param.write_pmd_geo == PARAM_SET ) {
          type_id = H5Topen( param.hdf_file_id, "glr", H5P_DEFAULT );
          glr = (struct glr1_gome *)
               malloc( dims[0] * sizeof( struct glr1_gome ));
          if ( glr == NULL )
               NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "glr" );
          for ( nr = ny = 0; ny < (hsize_t) nr_pcd; ny++ ) {
	       for ( nx = 0; nx < PMD_IN_GRID; nx++ )
		    (void) memcpy( &glr[nr++], &pcd[indx_pcd[ny]].pmd[nx].glr,
				   sizeof( struct glr1_gome ) );
          NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "glr",
                                type_id, 1, dims, glr );
          free( glr );
          (void) H5Tclose( type_id );
          if ( IS_ERR_STAT_FATAL )
               NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_HDF_WR, "glr" );
 * write PMD values
     dims[1] = PMD_NUMBER;
     nrpix = (size_t) (dims[0] * dims[1]);
     rbuff = (float *) malloc( nrpix * sizeof( float ));
     if ( rbuff == NULL ) NADC_RETURN_ERROR( NADC_ERR_ALLOC, "rbuff" );
     ni = 0; nr = 0;
     do {
	  ny = 0;
	  do {
	       nx = 0;
	       do {
		    rbuff[ni++] = pcd[indx_pcd[nr]].pmd[ny].value[nx];
	       } while ( ++nx < PMD_NUMBER );
	  } while ( ++ny < PMD_IN_GRID );
     } while ( ++nr < (hsize_t) nr_pcd );
     NADC_WR_HDF5_Dataset( compress, grp_id, "value",
                           H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 2, dims, rbuff );
     free( rbuff );
 * close interface
     (void) H5Gclose( grp_id );
Beispiel #17
int main( void )
 typedef struct Particle 
  char   name[16];
  int    lati;
  int    longi;
  float  pressure;
  double temperature; 
 } Particle;

 Particle  dst_buf[ NRECORDS + NRECORDS_INS ];

  /* Define an array of Particles */
 Particle  p_data[NRECORDS] = { 
 {"zero",0,0, 0.0f, 0.0},
 {"one",10,10, 1.0f, 10.0},
 {"two",  20,20, 2.0f, 20.0},
 {"three",30,30, 3.0f, 30.0},
 {"four", 40,40, 4.0f, 40.0},
 {"five", 50,50, 5.0f, 50.0},
 {"six",  60,60, 6.0f, 60.0},
 {"seven",70,70, 7.0f, 70.0}
 /* Calculate the size and the offsets of our struct members in memory */
 size_t dst_size =  sizeof( Particle );
 size_t dst_offset[NFIELDS] = { HOFFSET( Particle, name ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, lati ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, longi ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, pressure ),
                                HOFFSET( Particle, temperature )};
 size_t dst_sizes[NFIELDS] = { sizeof( p_data[0].name),
                               sizeof( p_data[0].lati),
                               sizeof( p_data[0].longi),
                               sizeof( p_data[0].pressure),
                               sizeof( p_data[0].temperature)};
 /* Define an array of Particles to insert */
 Particle  p_data_insert[NRECORDS_INS] = 
 { {"new",30,30, 3.0f, 30.0},
 {"new",40,40, 4.0f, 40.0}
 /* Define field information */
 const char *field_names[NFIELDS]  = 
 { "Name","Latitude", "Longitude", "Pressure", "Temperature" };
 hid_t      field_type[NFIELDS];
 hid_t      string_type;
 hid_t      file_id;
 hsize_t    chunk_size = 10;
 int        compress  = 0;
 int        *fill_data = NULL;
 hsize_t    start;      /* Record to start reading */
 hsize_t    nrecords;   /* Number of records to insert/delete */
 herr_t     status;
 hsize_t    nfields_out;
 hsize_t    nrecords_out;
 int        i;
 /* Initialize the field field_type */
 string_type = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
 H5Tset_size( string_type, 16 );
 field_type[0] = string_type;
 field_type[1] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
 field_type[2] = H5T_NATIVE_INT;
 field_type[3] = H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT;
 field_type[4] = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE;
 /* Create a new file using default properties. */
 file_id = H5Fcreate( "ex_table_08.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT );
 /* Make the table */
 status=H5TBmake_table( "Table Title",file_id,TABLE_NAME,NFIELDS,NRECORDS, 
                         dst_size,field_names, dst_offset, field_type, 
                         chunk_size, fill_data, compress, p_data  );

 /* Insert records */
 start    = 3;      
 nrecords = NRECORDS_INS; 
 status=H5TBinsert_record( file_id, TABLE_NAME, start, nrecords, dst_size, dst_offset, 
  dst_sizes, p_data_insert );

 /* read the table */
 status=H5TBread_table( file_id, TABLE_NAME, dst_size, dst_offset, dst_sizes, dst_buf );

 /* get table info  */
 status=H5TBget_table_info(file_id,TABLE_NAME, &nfields_out, &nrecords_out );

 /* print */
 printf ("Table has %d fields and %d records\n",(int)nfields_out,(int)nrecords_out);
 /* print it by rows */
 for (i=0; i<nrecords_out; i++) {
  printf ("%-5s %-5d %-5d %-5f %-5f", 
  printf ("\n");

 /* close type */
 H5Tclose( string_type );
 /* close the file */
 H5Fclose( file_id );
 return 0;
Beispiel #18
 * Function: dataset_stats
 * Purpose: Gather statistics about the dataset
 * Return:  Success: 0
 *          Failure: -1
 * Programmer:    Quincey Koziol
 *                Tuesday, August 16, 2005
static herr_t
dataset_stats(iter_t *iter, const char *name, const H5O_info_t *oi)
    unsigned     bin;               /* "bin" the number of objects falls in */
    hid_t     did;               /* Dataset ID */
    hid_t     sid;               /* Dataspace ID */
    hid_t     tid;               /* Datatype ID */
    hid_t     dcpl;              /* Dataset creation property list ID */
    hsize_t     dims[H5S_MAX_RANK];/* Dimensions of dataset */
    H5D_layout_t   lout;              /* Layout of dataset */
    unsigned     type_found;        /* Whether the dataset's datatype was */
                                         /* already found */
    int     ndims;             /* Number of dimensions of dataset */
    hsize_t     storage;           /* Size of dataset storage */
    unsigned     u;                 /* Local index variable */
    int     num_ext;           /* Number of external files for a dataset */
    int     nfltr;             /* Number of filters for a dataset */
    H5Z_filter_t  fltr;              /* Filter identifier */
    herr_t     ret;

    /* Gather statistics about this type of object */

    /* Get object header information */
    iter->dset_ohdr_info.total_size += oi->;
    iter->dset_ohdr_info.free_size += oi->;

    did = H5Dopen2(iter->fid, name, H5P_DEFAULT);
    HDassert(did > 0);

    /* Update dataset metadata info */
    iter->datasets_index_storage_size += oi->meta_size.obj.index_size;
    iter->datasets_heap_storage_size += oi->meta_size.obj.heap_size;

    /* Update attribute metadata info */
    ret = attribute_stats(iter, oi);
    HDassert(ret >= 0);

    /* Get storage info */
    storage = H5Dget_storage_size(did);

    /* Gather layout statistics */
    dcpl = H5Dget_create_plist(did);
    HDassert(dcpl > 0);

    lout = H5Pget_layout(dcpl);
    HDassert(lout >= 0);

    /* Object header's total size for H5D_COMPACT layout includes raw data size */
    /* "storage" also includes H5D_COMPACT raw data size */
    if(lout == H5D_COMPACT)
        iter->dset_ohdr_info.total_size -= storage;

    /* Track the layout type for dataset */

    /* Get the number of external files for the dataset */
    num_ext = H5Pget_external_count(dcpl);
    assert (num_ext >= 0);

    /* Accumulate raw data size accordingly */
    if(num_ext) {
        iter->nexternal += (unsigned long)num_ext;
        iter->dset_external_storage_size += (unsigned long)storage;
    } else
        iter->dset_storage_size += storage;

    /* Gather dataspace statistics */
    sid = H5Dget_space(did);
    HDassert(sid > 0);

    ndims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(sid, dims, NULL);
    HDassert(ndims >= 0);

    /* Check for larger rank of dataset */
    if((unsigned)ndims > iter->max_dset_rank)
        iter->max_dset_rank = (unsigned)ndims;

    /* Track the number of datasets with each rank */

    /* Only gather dim size statistics on 1-D datasets */
    if(ndims == 1) {
       iter->max_dset_dims = dims[0];
       if(dims[0] < SIZE_SMALL_DSETS)

       /* Add dim count to proper bin */
       bin = ceil_log10((unsigned long)dims[0]);
       if((bin + 1) > iter->dset_dim_nbins) {
          /* Allocate more storage for info about dataset's datatype */
          iter->dset_dim_bins = (unsigned long *)HDrealloc(iter->dset_dim_bins, (bin + 1) * sizeof(unsigned long));

          /* Initialize counts for intermediate bins */
          while(iter->dset_dim_nbins < bin)
              iter->dset_dim_bins[iter->dset_dim_nbins++] = 0;

          /* Initialize count for this bin */
          iter->dset_dim_bins[bin] = 1;
        } /* end if */
    } /* end if */

    ret = H5Sclose(sid);
    HDassert(ret >= 0);

    /* Gather datatype statistics */
    tid = H5Dget_type(did);
    HDassert(tid > 0);

    type_found = FALSE;
    for(u = 0; u < iter->dset_ntypes; u++)
        if(H5Tequal(iter->dset_type_info[u].tid, tid) > 0) {
            type_found = TRUE;
        } /* end for */
    else {
        unsigned curr_ntype = iter->dset_ntypes;

        /* Increment # of datatypes seen for datasets */

        /* Allocate more storage for info about dataset's datatype */
        iter->dset_type_info = (dtype_info_t *)HDrealloc(iter->dset_type_info, iter->dset_ntypes * sizeof(dtype_info_t));

        /* Initialize information about datatype */
        iter->dset_type_info[curr_ntype].tid = H5Tcopy(tid);
        HDassert(iter->dset_type_info[curr_ntype].tid > 0);
        iter->dset_type_info[curr_ntype].count = 1;
        iter->dset_type_info[curr_ntype].named = 0;

        /* Set index for later */
        u = curr_ntype;
    } /* end else */

    /* Check if the datatype is a named datatype */
    if(H5Tcommitted(tid) > 0)

    ret = H5Tclose(tid);
    HDassert(ret >= 0);

    /* Track different filters */
    if((nfltr = H5Pget_nfilters(dcpl)) >= 0) {
       if(nfltr == 0)
        for(u = 0; u < (unsigned)nfltr; u++) {
            fltr = H5Pget_filter2(dcpl, u, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
            if(fltr >= 0) {
                if(fltr < (H5_NFILTERS_IMPL - 1))
                    iter->dset_comptype[H5_NFILTERS_IMPL - 1]++; /*other filters*/
            } /* end if */
        } /* end for */
    } /* endif nfltr */

     ret = H5Pclose(dcpl);
     HDassert(ret >= 0);

     ret = H5Dclose(did);
     HDassert(ret >= 0);

     return 0;
}  /* end dataset_stats() */
Beispiel #19
.IDENTifer   PYTABLE_append_array
.PURPOSE     append data to HDF5 dataset, extending the dimension ''extdim''
  call as    stat = PYTABLE_append_array( locID, dset_name, 
                                          extdim, count, buffer );

            hid_t locID      :   HDF5 identifier of file or group
	    char  *dset_name :   name of dataset
	    int   extdim     :   dimension to extend
            int   count      :   number of arrays to write
	    void  *buffer    :   data to write
.RETURNS     A negative value is returned on failure. 
.COMMENTS    none
herr_t PYTABLE_append_array( hid_t locID, const char *dset_name, 
			     int extdim, int count, const void *buffer )
     int      rank;

     hid_t    dataID;
     hid_t    spaceID = -1;
     hid_t    mem_spaceID = -1;
     hid_t    typeID = -1;
     hsize_t  *dims = NULL;
     hsize_t  *dims_ext = NULL;
     hsize_t  *offset = NULL;
     herr_t   stat;

/* open the dataset. */
     if ( (dataID = H5Dopen( locID, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT )) < 0 ) return -1;

/* get the dataspace handle */
     if ( (spaceID = H5Dget_space( dataID )) < 0 ) goto done;

/* get rank */
     if ( (rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims( spaceID )) < 0 ) goto done;

/* get dimensions */
     dims = (hsize_t *) malloc( rank * sizeof(hsize_t) );
     dims_ext = (hsize_t *) malloc( rank * sizeof(hsize_t) );
     offset = (hsize_t *) calloc( rank, sizeof(hsize_t) );
     if ( H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( spaceID, dims, NULL ) < 0 )
       goto done;
     offset[extdim] = dims[extdim];
     (void) memcpy( dims_ext, dims, rank * sizeof(hsize_t) );
     dims_ext[extdim] = count;
     dims[extdim] += count;

/* terminate access to the dataspace */
     if ( H5Sclose( spaceID ) < 0 ) goto done;

/* extend the dataset */
     if ( H5Dset_extent( dataID, dims ) < 0 ) goto done;

/* select a hyperslab */
     if ( (spaceID = H5Dget_space( dataID )) < 0 ) goto done;
     stat = H5Sselect_hyperslab( spaceID, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL,
				 dims_ext, NULL );
     free( dims );
     free( offset );
     if ( stat < 0 ) goto done;

/* define memory space */
     if ( (mem_spaceID = H5Screate_simple( rank, dims_ext, NULL )) < 0 )
       goto done;
     free( dims_ext );

/* get an identifier for the datatype. */
     if ( (typeID = H5Dget_type( dataID )) < 0 ) goto done;

/* write the data to the hyperslab */
     stat = H5Dwrite( dataID, typeID, mem_spaceID, spaceID, H5P_DEFAULT, 
		      buffer );
     if ( stat < 0 ) goto done;

/* end access to the dataset */
     if ( H5Dclose( dataID ) ) goto done;

/* terminate access to the datatype */
     if ( H5Tclose( typeID ) < 0 ) goto done;

/* terminate access to the dataspace */
     if ( H5Sclose( mem_spaceID ) < 0 ) goto done;
     if ( H5Sclose( spaceID ) < 0 ) goto done;
     return 0;
     if ( dims     != 0 ) free( dims );
     if ( dims_ext != 0 ) free( dims_ext );
     if ( offset   != 0 ) free( offset );
     if ( typeID > 0 ) (void) H5Tclose( typeID );
     if ( spaceID > 0 ) (void) H5Sclose( spaceID );
     if ( mem_spaceID > 0 ) (void) H5Sclose( mem_spaceID );
     if ( dataID > 0 ) (void) H5Dclose( dataID );
     return -1;
Beispiel #20
void BAGDataset::LoadMetadata()

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the metadata from the file.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hid_t hMDDS = H5Dopen( hHDF5, "/BAG_root/metadata" );
    hid_t datatype     = H5Dget_type( hMDDS );
    hid_t dataspace    = H5Dget_space( hMDDS );
    hid_t native       = H5Tget_native_type( datatype, H5T_DIR_ASCEND );
    hsize_t dims[3], maxdims[3];

    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( dataspace, dims, maxdims );

    pszXMLMetadata = (char *) CPLCalloc((int) (dims[0]+1),1);

    H5Dread( hMDDS, native, H5S_ALL, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, pszXMLMetadata );

    H5Tclose( native );
    H5Sclose( dataspace );
    H5Tclose( datatype );
    H5Dclose( hMDDS );

    if( strlen(pszXMLMetadata) == 0 )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the geotransform.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psRoot = CPLParseXMLString( pszXMLMetadata );

    if( psRoot == NULL )

    CPLStripXMLNamespace( psRoot, NULL, TRUE );

    CPLXMLNode *psGeo = CPLSearchXMLNode( psRoot, "=MD_Georectified" );

    if( psGeo != NULL )
        char **papszCornerTokens = 
                CPLGetXMLValue( psGeo, "cornerPoints.Point.coordinates", "" ),
                " ,", FALSE, FALSE );

        if( CSLCount(papszCornerTokens ) == 4 )
            double dfLLX = atof( papszCornerTokens[0] );
            double dfLLY = atof( papszCornerTokens[1] );
            double dfURX = atof( papszCornerTokens[2] );
            double dfURY = atof( papszCornerTokens[3] );

            adfGeoTransform[0] = dfLLX;
            adfGeoTransform[1] = (dfURX - dfLLX) / (GetRasterXSize()-1);
            adfGeoTransform[3] = dfURY;
            adfGeoTransform[5] = (dfLLY - dfURY) / (GetRasterYSize()-1);

            adfGeoTransform[0] -= adfGeoTransform[1] * 0.5;
            adfGeoTransform[3] -= adfGeoTransform[5] * 0.5;
        CSLDestroy( papszCornerTokens );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the coordinate system.                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRSpatialReference oSRS;

    if( OGR_SRS_ImportFromISO19115( &oSRS, pszXMLMetadata )
        == OGRERR_NONE )
        oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszProjection );
        ParseWKTFromXML( pszXMLMetadata );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fetch acquisition date.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLXMLNode *psDateTime = CPLSearchXMLNode( psRoot, "=dateTime" );
    if( psDateTime != NULL )
        const char *pszDateTimeValue = CPLGetXMLValue( psDateTime, NULL, "" );
        if( pszDateTimeValue )
            SetMetadataItem( "BAG_DATETIME", pszDateTimeValue );

    CPLDestroyXMLNode( psRoot );
Beispiel #21
 * test_strpad
 * Tests string padding for a UTF-8 string.
 * Converts strings to shorter and then longer strings.
 * Borrows heavily from dtypes.c, but is more complicated because
 * the string is randomly generated.
void test_strpad(hid_t H5_ATTR_UNUSED fid, const char *string)
    /* buf is used to hold the data that H5Tconvert operates on. */
    char     buf[LONG_BUF_SIZE];

    /* cmpbuf holds the output that H5Tconvert should produce,
     * to compare against the actual output. */
    char     cmpbuf[LONG_BUF_SIZE];

    /* new_string is a slightly modified version of the UTF-8
     * string to make the tests run more smoothly. */
    char     new_string[MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 2];

    size_t   length;  /* Length of new_string in bytes */
    size_t   small_len;  /* Size of the small datatype */
    size_t   big_len;   /* Size of the larger datatype */
    hid_t    src_type, dst_type;
    herr_t   ret;

    /* The following tests are simpler if the UTF-8 string contains
     * the right number of bytes (even or odd, depending on the test).
     * We create a 'new_string' whose length is convenient by prepending
     * an 'x' to 'string' when necessary. */
    length = HDstrlen(string);
    if(length % 2 != 1)
      HDstrcpy(new_string, "x");
      HDstrcat(new_string, string);
    } else {
      HDstrcpy(new_string, string);

    /* Convert a null-terminated string to a shorter and longer null
     * terminated string. */

    /* Create a src_type that holds the UTF-8 string and its final NULL */
    big_len = length + 1;                     /* +1 byte for final NULL */
    src_type = mkstr(big_len, H5T_STR_NULLTERM);
    CHECK(src_type, FAIL, "mkstr");
    /* Create a dst_type that holds half of the UTF-8 string and a final
     * NULL */
    small_len = (length + 1) / 2;
    dst_type = mkstr(small_len, H5T_STR_NULLTERM);
    CHECK(dst_type, FAIL, "mkstr");

    /* Fill the buffer with two copies of the UTF-8 string, each with a
     * terminating NULL.  It will look like "abcdefg\0abcdefg\0". */
    strncpy(buf, new_string, big_len);
    strncpy(&buf[big_len], new_string, big_len);

    ret = H5Tconvert(src_type, dst_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* After conversion, the buffer should look like
     * "abc\0abc\0abcdefg\0".  Note that this is just what the bytes look
     * like; UTF-8 characters may well have been truncated.
     * To check that the conversion worked properly, we'll build this
     * string manually. */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len - 1);
    cmpbuf[small_len - 1] = '\0';
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[small_len], new_string, small_len -1);
    cmpbuf[2 * small_len - 1] = '\0';
    HDstrcpy(&cmpbuf[2 * small_len], new_string);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    /* Now convert from smaller datatype to bigger datatype.  This should
     * leave our buffer looking like: "abc\0\0\0\0\0abc\0\0\0\0\0" */
    ret = H5Tconvert(dst_type, src_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* First fill the buffer with NULLs */
    HDmemset(cmpbuf, '\0', (size_t)LONG_BUF_SIZE);
    /* Copy in the characters */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len -1);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[big_len], new_string, small_len -1);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    ret = H5Tclose(src_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
    ret = H5Tclose(dst_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");

    /* Now test null padding.  Null-padded strings do *not* need
     * terminating NULLs, so the sizes of the datatypes are slightly
     * different and we want a string with an even number of characters. */
    length = HDstrlen(string);
    if(length % 2 != 0)
      HDstrcpy(new_string, "x");
      HDstrcat(new_string, string);
    } else {
      HDstrcpy(new_string, string);

    /* Create a src_type that holds the UTF-8 string */
    big_len = length;
    src_type = mkstr(big_len, H5T_STR_NULLPAD);
    CHECK(src_type, FAIL, "mkstr");
    /* Create a dst_type that holds half of the UTF-8 string */
    small_len = length / 2;
    dst_type = mkstr(small_len, H5T_STR_NULLPAD);
    CHECK(dst_type, FAIL, "mkstr");

    /* Fill the buffer with two copies of the UTF-8 string.
     * It will look like "abcdefghabcdefgh". */
    strncpy(buf, new_string, big_len);
    strncpy(&buf[big_len], new_string, big_len);

    ret = H5Tconvert(src_type, dst_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* After conversion, the buffer should look like
     * "abcdabcdabcdefgh".  Note that this is just what the bytes look
     * like; UTF-8 characters may well have been truncated.
     * To check that the conversion worked properly, we'll build this
     * string manually. */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[small_len], new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[2 * small_len], new_string, big_len);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    /* Now convert from smaller datatype to bigger datatype.  This should
     * leave our buffer looking like: "abcd\0\0\0\0abcd\0\0\0\0" */
    ret = H5Tconvert(dst_type, src_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* First fill the buffer with NULLs */
    HDmemset(cmpbuf, '\0', (size_t)LONG_BUF_SIZE);
    /* Copy in the characters */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[big_len], new_string, small_len);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    ret = H5Tclose(src_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
    ret = H5Tclose(dst_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");

    /* Test space padding.  This is very similar to null-padding; we can
       use the same values of length, small_len, and big_len. */

    src_type = mkstr(big_len, H5T_STR_SPACEPAD);
    CHECK(src_type, FAIL, "mkstr");
    dst_type = mkstr(small_len, H5T_STR_SPACEPAD);
    CHECK(src_type, FAIL, "mkstr");

    /* Fill the buffer with two copies of the UTF-8 string.
     * It will look like "abcdefghabcdefgh". */
    HDstrcpy(buf, new_string);
    HDstrcpy(&buf[big_len], new_string);

    ret = H5Tconvert(src_type, dst_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* After conversion, the buffer should look like
     * "abcdabcdabcdefgh".  Note that this is just what the bytes look
     * like; UTF-8 characters may have been truncated.
     * To check that the conversion worked properly, we'll build this
     * string manually. */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[small_len], new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[2 * small_len], new_string, big_len);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    /* Now convert from smaller datatype to bigger datatype.  This should
     * leave our buffer looking like: "abcd    abcd    " */
    ret = H5Tconvert(dst_type, src_type, (size_t)2, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tconvert");

    /* First fill the buffer with spaces */
    HDmemset(cmpbuf, ' ', (size_t)LONG_BUF_SIZE);
    /* Copy in the characters */
    HDstrncpy(cmpbuf, new_string, small_len);
    HDstrncpy(&cmpbuf[big_len], new_string, small_len);

    VERIFY(HDmemcmp(buf, cmpbuf, 2*big_len), 0, "HDmemcmp");

    ret = H5Tclose(src_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
    ret = H5Tclose(dst_type);
    CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
Beispiel #22
 * test_big_table
 * Ensures that a FL packet table will not break when many (BIG_TABLE_SIZE)
 * packets are used.
static int    test_big_table(hid_t fid)
    herr_t err;
    hid_t table;
    hid_t part_t;
    size_t c;
    particle_t readPart;
    hsize_t count;

    TESTING("large packet table");

    /* Create a datatype for the particle struct */
    part_t = make_particle_type();

    HDassert(part_t != -1);

    /* Create a new table */
    table = H5PTcreate_fl(fid, "Packet Test Dataset2", part_t, (hsize_t)33, -1);
    if( H5PTis_valid(table) < 0)
        goto out;

    /* Add many particles */
    for(c = 0; c < BIG_TABLE_SIZE ; c+=8)
        /* Append eight particles at once*/
        err = H5PTappend(table, (size_t)8, &(testPart[0]));
        if( err < 0)
            goto out;

    /* Count the number of packets in the table  */
    err = H5PTget_num_packets(table, &count);
    if( err < 0)
        goto out;
    if( count != BIG_TABLE_SIZE )
        goto out;

    /* Read particles to ensure that all of them were written correctly  */
    /* Also, ensure that H5PTcreate_fl set the current packet to */
    /* the first packet in the table                                     */
    for(c = 0; c < BIG_TABLE_SIZE; c++)
        err = H5PTget_next(table, 1, &readPart);
        if(err < 0)
            goto out;

        /* Ensure that particles were read correctly */
        if( cmp_par(c % 8, 0, testPart, &readPart) != 0)
            goto out;

    /* Close the table */
    err = H5PTclose(table);
    if( err < 0)
        goto out;

    return 0;

    if( H5PTis_valid(table) < 0)
    return -1;
Beispiel #23
 * test_compound
 * Test that compound datatypes can have UTF-8 field names.
void test_compound(hid_t fid, const char * string)
  /* Define two compound structures, s1_t and s2_t.
   * s2_t is a subset of s1_t, with two out of three
   * fields.
   * This is stolen from the h5_compound example.
  typedef struct s1_t {
      int    a;
      double c;
      float b;
  } s1_t;
  typedef struct s2_t {
      double c;
      int    a;
  } s2_t;
  /* Actual variable declarations */
  s1_t       s1;
  s2_t       s2;
  hid_t      s1_tid, s2_tid;
  hid_t      space_id, dset_id;
  hsize_t    dim = 1;
  char      *readbuf;
  herr_t     ret;

  /* Initialize compound data */
  HDmemset(&s1, 0, sizeof(s1_t));        /* To make purify happy */
  s1.a = COMP_INT_VAL;
  s1.b = COMP_FLOAT_VAL;

  /* Create compound datatypes using UTF-8 field name */
  s1_tid = H5Tcreate (H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(s1_t));
  CHECK(s1_tid, FAIL, "H5Tcreate");
  ret = H5Tinsert(s1_tid, string, HOFFSET(s1_t, a), H5T_NATIVE_INT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tinsert");

  /* Check that the field name was stored correctly */
  readbuf = H5Tget_member_name(s1_tid, 0);
  ret = HDstrcmp(readbuf, string);
  VERIFY(ret, 0, "strcmp");

  /* Add the other fields to the datatype */
  ret = H5Tinsert(s1_tid, "c_name", HOFFSET(s1_t, c), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tinsert");
  ret = H5Tinsert(s1_tid, "b_name", HOFFSET(s1_t, b), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tinsert");

  /* Create second datatype, with only two fields. */
  s2_tid = H5Tcreate (H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(s2_t));
  CHECK(s2_tid, FAIL, "H5Tcreate");
  ret = H5Tinsert(s2_tid, "c_name", HOFFSET(s2_t, c), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tinsert");
  ret = H5Tinsert(s2_tid, string, HOFFSET(s2_t, a), H5T_NATIVE_INT);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tinsert");

  /* Create the dataspace and dataset. */
  space_id = H5Screate_simple(1, &dim, NULL);
  CHECK(space_id, FAIL, "H5Screate_simple");
  dset_id = H5Dcreate2(fid, DSET4_NAME, s1_tid, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  CHECK(dset_id, FAIL, "H5Dcreate2");

  /* Write data to the dataset. */
  ret = H5Dwrite(dset_id, s1_tid, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &s1);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dwrite");

  /* Ensure that data can be read back by field name into s2 struct */
  ret = H5Dread(dset_id, s2_tid, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &s2);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dread");

  VERIFY(s2.a, COMP_INT_VAL, "H5Dread");
  VERIFY(s2.c, COMP_DOUBLE_VAL, "H5Dread");

  /* Clean up */
  ret = H5Tclose(s1_tid);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
  ret = H5Tclose(s2_tid);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Tclose");
  ret = H5Sclose(space_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Sclose");
  ret = H5Dclose(dset_id);
  CHECK(ret, FAIL, "H5Dclose");
Beispiel #24
 * test_compress
 * Ensures that a FL packet table can be compressed.
 * This test creates a file named TEST_COMPRESS_FILE
static int
    hid_t fid1 = -1;
    herr_t err;
    hid_t table = -1;
    hid_t part_t = -1;
    hid_t dset_id = -1;
    hid_t plist_id = -1;
    size_t c;
    size_t num_elems = 1;
    unsigned filter_vals[1];
    particle_t readPart[1];
    hsize_t count;

    TESTING("packet table compression");

    /* Create a file. */

    /* Create a datatype for the particle struct */
    part_t = make_particle_type();

    HDassert(part_t != -1);

    /* Create a new table with compression level 8 */
    table = H5PTcreate_fl(fid1, "Compressed Test Dataset", part_t, (hsize_t)80, 8);
    if( H5PTis_valid(table) < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* We can now use this table exactly the same way we use a normal uncompressed
     * packet table, and it should pass the same tests. */
    /* Add many particles */
    for(c = 0; c < BIG_TABLE_SIZE ; c+=8)
        /* Append eight particles at once*/
        err = H5PTappend(table, (size_t)8, &(testPart[0]));
        if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Count the number of packets in the table  */
    err = H5PTget_num_packets(table, &count);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    if( count != BIG_TABLE_SIZE ) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Read particles to ensure that all of them were written correctly  */
    HDmemset(readPart, 0, sizeof(readPart));
    for(c = 0; c < BIG_TABLE_SIZE; c++)
        err = H5PTget_next(table, 1, readPart);
        if(err < 0) TEST_ERROR;

        /* Ensure that particles were read correctly */
        if( cmp_par(c % 8, 0, testPart, readPart) != 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Close the table */
    err = H5PTclose(table);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Open the packet table as a regular dataset and make sure that the
     * compression filter is set.
    dset_id = H5Dopen2(fid1, "Compressed Test Dataset", H5P_DEFAULT);
    if( dset_id < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    plist_id = H5Dget_create_plist(dset_id);
    if( plist_id < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    err = H5Pget_filter_by_id2(plist_id, H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE, NULL, &num_elems,
                               filter_vals, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* The compression level should be 8, the value we passed in */
    if(filter_vals[0] != 8) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Clean up */
    err = H5Pclose(plist_id);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    err = H5Dclose(dset_id);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Create a new table without compression. */
    table = H5PTcreate_fl(fid1, "Uncompressed Dataset", part_t, (hsize_t)80, -1);
    if(table < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Close the packet table */
    err = H5PTclose(table);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Open the packet table as a regular dataset and make sure that the
     * compression filter is not set.
    dset_id = H5Dopen2(fid1, "Uncompressed Dataset", H5P_DEFAULT);
    if( dset_id < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    plist_id = H5Dget_create_plist(dset_id);
    if( plist_id < 0) TEST_ERROR;

        err = H5Pget_filter_by_id2(plist_id, H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE, NULL, &num_elems,
        filter_vals, 0, NULL, NULL);
        if( err >= 0) TEST_ERROR;
    } H5E_END_TRY

    /* Clean up */
    err = H5Pclose(plist_id);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    err = H5Dclose(dset_id);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    /* Close the datatype and the file */
    err = H5Tclose(part_t);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;
    err = H5Fclose(fid1);
    if( err < 0) TEST_ERROR;

    return 0;

    } H5E_END_TRY
    return -1;
Beispiel #25
    eid_t e5_group_id, const char* list_name, e5_data_info* info_list)
    int i;
    int d;
    int log_scale;
    int close_group;
    estatus_t status;

    hsize_t h5_min_dim[3];
    hsize_t h5_max_dim[3];

    eid_t e5_list_group_id;
    eid_t e5_type_id;
    eid_t e5_dataset_id;
    eid_t e5_dataspace_id;

    status = E5_SUCCESS;

    if(list_name && strlen(list_name))
        e5_list_group_id = e5_create_group(e5_group_id, list_name);
        close_group = 1;
        e5_list_group_id = e5_group_id;
        close_group = 0;

    for(i = 0; info_list && info_list[i].name != 0; i++)
        e5_data_info* info = &info_list[i];

        e5_dataset_id = H5Dopen(e5_list_group_id, info->name);
        if (e5_dataset_id < 0)
            status = E5_INVALID_DATASET;
            e5_error(e5_list_group_id, status, "Failed to open info for dataset '%s'\n",  info->name);
            return status;

        e5_dataspace_id = H5Dget_space(e5_dataset_id);
        e5_type_id = H5Dget_type(e5_dataset_id);
        H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(e5_dataspace_id, h5_min_dim, h5_max_dim);

        info->type = e5_convert_hdf_type(e5_type_id);

        for(d = 0; d < 3; d++)
            info->dim[d] = h5_min_dim[d] >= h5_max_dim[d] ? h5_min_dim[d] : h5_max_dim[d];
            info->dim[d] = info->dim[d] < 1 ? 1 : info->dim[d];

        log_scale = 0;
        if(e5_is_valid_attr(e5_group_id, "log10"))
            e5_read_attr_int(e5_dataset_id, "log10", &log_scale);
        info->scale = log_scale ? E5_VALUE_SCALE_LOG10 : E5_VALUE_SCALE_LINEAR;

        e5_info(e5_group_id, "Read data info [type='%s', name='%s', dim='%u %u %u']\n",
                e5_typename(info->type), info->name, info->dim[0], info->dim[1], info->dim[2]);



    return E5_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #26
herr_t HDF5AttrIterate( hid_t hH5ObjID, 
			const char *AttrName, 
			void *pDS )
    hid_t           hAttrID;
    hid_t           hAttrTypeID;
    hid_t           hAttrNativeType;
    hid_t           hAttrSpace;

    char           *szData = NULL;
    hsize_t        nSize[64];
    unsigned int            nAttrElmts;
    hsize_t        nAttrSize;
    hsize_t        i;
    void           *buf = NULL;
    unsigned int             nAttrDims;

    HDF5Dataset    *poDS;
    char           *szTemp = (char*) CPLMalloc( 8192 );
    char           *szValue = NULL;

    poDS = (HDF5Dataset *) pDS;
    sprintf( szTemp, "%s:%s", poDS->poH5CurrentObject->pszName, 
	     AttrName );

    hAttrID          = H5Aopen_name( hH5ObjID, AttrName );
    hAttrTypeID      = H5Aget_type( hAttrID );
    hAttrNativeType  = H5Tget_native_type( hAttrTypeID, H5T_DIR_DEFAULT );
    hAttrSpace       = H5Aget_space( hAttrID );
    nAttrDims        = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( hAttrSpace, nSize, NULL );

    if( H5Tget_class( hAttrNativeType ) == H5T_STRING ) {
        nAttrSize = H5Aget_storage_size( hAttrID );
	szData = (char*) CPLMalloc((size_t) (nAttrSize+1));
	szValue = (char*) CPLMalloc((size_t) (nAttrSize+1));
	H5Aread( hAttrID, hAttrNativeType, szData  );
	sprintf( szValue, "%s", szData );

    else {
	nAttrElmts = 1;
	for( i=0; i < nAttrDims; i++ ) {
	    nAttrElmts *= (int) nSize[i];
	if( nAttrElmts > 0 ){
	    buf = (void *) CPLMalloc( nAttrElmts*
				      H5Tget_size( hAttrNativeType ));
	    szData = (char*) CPLMalloc( 8192 );
	    szValue = (char*) CPLMalloc( MAX_METADATA_LEN );
	    szValue[0] ='\0';
	    H5Aread( hAttrID, hAttrNativeType, buf );
	if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, hAttrNativeType ) ){
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%c ", ((char *) buf)[i]);
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR,  hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%c", ((char *) buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_SHORT,  hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%d ", ((short *) buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_USHORT, hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%ud ", ((unsigned short *) buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_INT,    hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%d ", ((int *) buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_UINT,   hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%ud ", ((unsigned int *) buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_LONG,   hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%ld ", ((long *)buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_ULONG,  hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%ld ", ((unsigned long *)buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT,  hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%f ",  ((float *)buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	else if( H5Tequal( H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, hAttrNativeType ) ) {
	    for( i=0; i < nAttrElmts; i++ ) {
		sprintf( szData, "%g ",  ((double *)buf)[i] );
		if( CPLStrlcat(szValue,szData,MAX_METADATA_LEN) >= MAX_METADATA_LEN )
		    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
			      "Header data too long. Truncated\n");
	CPLFree( buf );

    H5Aclose( hAttrID );
    //printf( "%s = %s\n",szTemp, szValue );
    poDS->papszMetadata =
	CSLSetNameValue( poDS->papszMetadata, szTemp,  
			 CPLSPrintf( "%s", szValue ) );
    CPLFree( szTemp );
    CPLFree( szData );
    CPLFree( szValue );

    return 0;
Beispiel #27
int main(void)
    /* handles */
    hid_t   file, dataset;
    hid_t   datatype, dataspace;
    hid_t   memspace;

    herr_t status;

    H5T_class_t t_class;        /* data type class */
    H5T_order_t order;          /* data order */
    size_t size;                /* size of the data element
                                 * stored in the file

    hsize_t dimsm[3];           /* memory space dimensions */
    hsize_t dims_out[2];        /* dataset dimensions */

    int data_out[NX][NY][NZ];   /* output buffer */

    hsize_t count[2];           /* size of the hyperslab in the file */
    hsize_t offset[2];          /* hyperslab offset in the file */
    hsize_t count_out[3];       /* size of the hyperslab in memory */
    hsize_t offset_out[3];      /* hyperslab offset in memory */

    int i,j,k;
    int status_n;
    int rank;

    for (j = 0; j < NX; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < NY; i++)
            for (k = 0; k < NZ; k++)
                data_out[j][i][k] = 0;

     * Open the file and the dataset.
    dataset = H5Dopen(file, DATASET_NAME);

     * Get datatype and dataspace handles and then query
     * dataset class, order, size, rank and dimensions.

    datatype = H5Dget_type(dataset); /* datatype handle */
    t_class = H5Tget_class(datatype);
    if (t_class == H5T_INTEGER)
        printf("Dataset has INTEGER type\n");

    order = H5Tget_order(datatype);
    if (order == H5T_ORDER_LE)
        printf("Little endian order\n");

    size = H5Tget_size(datatype);
    printf("Data size is %d\n", (int)size);

    dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset); /* dataspace handle */
    rank      = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
    status_n  = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, dims_out, NULL);
    printf("rank %d, dimensions %lu x %lu\n", rank,
        (unsigned long)(dims_out[0]),
        (unsigned long)(dims_out[1]));

     * Define hyperslab in the dataset.

    offset[0] = 1;
    offset[1] = 2;

    count[0] = NX_SUB;
    count[1] = NY_SUB;

    status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, count, NULL);

     * Define the memory dataspace.

    dimsm[0] = NX;
    dimsm[1] = NY;
    dimsm[2] = NZ;

    memspace = H5Screate_simple(RANK_OUT, dimsm, NULL);

     * Define memory hyperslab

    offset_out[0] = 3;
    offset_out[1] = 0;
    offset_out[2] = 0;

    count_out[0] = NX_SUB;
    count_out[1] = NY_SUB;
    count_out[2] = 1;

    status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset_out, NULL, count_out, NULL);

     * Read data from hyperslab in the file into the hyperslab
     * in memory and display it.

    status = H5Dread(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, data_out);

    for (j = 0; j < NX; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < NY; i++)
            printf("%d ", data_out[j][i][0]);
    /* Result:
     * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
     * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
     * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
     * 3 4 5 6 0 0 0
     * 4 5 6 7 0 0 0
     * 5 6 7 8 0 0 0
     * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

     * Close/release resources.

    return 0;
Beispiel #28
main (void)
    hid_t       file,  dataset;		/* file and dataset handles */
    hid_t 	dataspace, datatype;	/* handles */
    hid_t       attr; 			/* attribute identifiers */
    herr_t      status;
    int wdata = 45;

     * Create a new file using H5F_ACC_TRUNC access,
     * default file creation properties, and default file
     * access properties.

     * Describe the size of the array and create the data space for fixed
     * size dataset.
    dataspace = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);

     * Define datatype for the data in the file.
    datatype = H5Tcopy(H5T_NATIVE_INT);

     * Create a new dataset within the file using defined dataspace and
     * datatype and default dataset creation properties.
    dataset = H5Dcreate2(file, "scalar", datatype, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);

     * Write the data to the dataset using default transfer properties.
    status = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, &wdata);

     * Create scalar attributes.
    attr = H5Acreate2(dataset, "value", H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    status  = H5Awrite(attr, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &wdata);

     * Close attributes.

     * Close/release resources.


    return 0;
void hdfFileSaver::saveNow(void)
    QDir prnt;
    herr_t status;
    hsize_t maxdims[1];
    hsize_t d_dims[1];

    int rank = 1;

    hsize_t datasetlength;
    size_t      memdims[1];
    hsize_t     count[1];              /* size of subset in the file */
      hsize_t     offset[1];             /* subset offset in the file */
      hsize_t     mcount[1];
      hsize_t     moffset[1];
hid_t prop;

    if (events==0)

        if (access(fname.toStdString().c_str(), F_OK) ==-1)
            hfile = H5Fcreate(
                        H5F_ACC_EXCL ,
                        H5P_DEFAULT ) ;

            topgroup = H5Gcreate(

            hid_t aid3  = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);
            hid_t  atype = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
            H5Tset_size(atype, 4);
            hid_t  attr3 = H5Acreate1(topgroup, "type", atype, aid3, H5P_DEFAULT);
            status = H5Awrite(attr3, atype,"dict");

           //printf("File already exists, will append\n");
            hfile = H5Fopen(
                H5P_DEFAULT );

            topgroup = H5Gopen(hfile, "iqdata_raw", H5P_DEFAULT);

            //fprintf(stderr,"Bad Hdf file already existant, cannot open\n");

        if (hfile <=0 || topgroup <=0)
           fprintf(stderr,"Bad Hdf file, cannot open\n");

        if (true)

            //QHash<int,QHash<QString,QList<float> > > events;
            QList<int> keys1=(*events).keys();
            for (int i=0;i<keys1.length();i++)
                int chan = keys1[i];

                if ((*events)[chan]["bin"].length() > 0)
                    int bin = (int)((*events)[chan]["bin"][0]);
                    QString dirname = QString("keyint_%1").arg(chan);

                    //turn off errors when we query the group, using open
                    hid_t error_stack = H5Eget_current_stack();
                    H5E_auto2_t  oldfunc;
                    void *old_client_data;
                    H5Eget_auto(error_stack, &oldfunc, &old_client_data);
                    H5Eset_auto(error_stack, NULL, NULL);

                    channelgroup = H5Gopen(

                    //turn errors back on.
                    H5Eset_auto(error_stack, oldfunc, old_client_data);

                    if (channelgroup<0)
                        channelgroup = H5Gcreate(

                        hid_t aid3  = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);
                        hid_t  atype = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
                        H5Tset_size(atype, 4);
                        hid_t  attr3 = H5Acreate1(channelgroup, "type", atype, aid3, H5P_DEFAULT);
                        status = H5Awrite(attr3, atype,"dict");

                    if (channelgroup!=0)

                        QList<QString> keys2=(*events)[keys1[i]].keys();
                        for (int i2=0;i2<keys2.length();i2++)
                            QString dname = QString("keystr_%1").arg(keys2[i2]);
                            datasetlength = (*events)[keys1[i]][keys2[i2]].length();

                            if (datasetlength>0)

                                //Try to open dataset if it exists

                                //turn off errors when we query the group, using open
                                hid_t error_stack = H5Eget_current_stack();
                                H5E_auto2_t  oldfunc;
                                void *old_client_data;
                                H5Eget_auto(error_stack, &oldfunc, &old_client_data);
                                H5Eset_auto(error_stack, NULL, NULL);

                                //query or open dataset
                                curdataset = H5Dopen(channelgroup,dname.toStdString().c_str(),H5P_DEFAULT);

                                //turn errors back on.
                                H5Eset_auto(error_stack, oldfunc, old_client_data);

                                //if cannot open dataset, create it, and make it chunked.
                                if (curdataset<=0)

                                    //set up size info, chunks etc...

                                     rank = 1;

                                    curdataspace=  H5Screate_simple(rank, d_dims,maxdims);

                                     prop = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
                                    status = H5Pset_chunk(prop, rank, d_dims);

                                    if (status) trap();

                                    curdataset = H5Dcreate(

                                    hid_t aid3  = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);
                                    hid_t  atype = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
                                    H5Tset_size(atype, 5);
                                    hid_t  attr3 = H5Acreate1(curdataset, "type", atype, aid3, H5P_DEFAULT);
                                    status = H5Awrite(attr3, atype,"array");


                                }//if (curdataset<=0)
                                    //get dataspace from exant dataset
                                    curdataspace = H5Dget_space(curdataset);
                                    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(curdataspace, d_dims, maxdims);
                                    //if dataset already exist, extend its size

                                    d_dims[0] = d_dims[0] + datasetlength;
                                    status = H5Dset_extent(curdataset, d_dims);

                                    if (status) trap();

                                    curdataspace = H5Dget_space(curdataset);
                                    H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(curdataspace, d_dims, maxdims);


                                if (curdataset>0)

                                  // Set up stride, offset, count block in dastasets...

                                 // stride[0]=1;//hop size between floats in dataset...
                                  //block[0]=1;//get 1 slab
                                  count[0]=datasetlength;//size of hyperslab or chunk of data
                                  offset[0]=d_dims[0] - datasetlength;//offset from beginning of file.

                                  status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(

                                  if (status) trap();

                                  rank = 1;


                                 memdataspace=  H5Screate_simple(rank, (const hsize_t*)memdims,NULL);

                                 mcount[0] = datasetlength;
                                 moffset[0] = 0;

                                 status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(

                                  if (status) trap();

                                  for (int mmm=0;mmm<datasetlength;mmm++)

                                  status = H5Dwrite(

                                  if (status) trap();


                                } //if (curdataset>0)


                        }//for (int i2=0;i2<keys2.length();i2++)

                        status = H5Gclose(channelgroup);

                    }//if (channelgroup!=0)
                }//if ((*events)[chan]["bin"].length() > 0)
            }//for (int i=0;i<keys1.length();i++)
        }//if (true)

        status = H5Gclose(topgroup);
        status = H5Fclose(hfile);

Beispiel #30
void pyne::Material::write_hdf5(std::string filename, std::string datapath, 
                                std::string nucpath, float row, int chunksize) {
  int row_num = (int) row;

  // Turn off annoying HDF5 errors
  H5Eset_auto2(H5E_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL);

  //Set file access properties so it closes cleanly
  hid_t fapl;
  fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
  // Create new/open datafile.
  hid_t db;
  if (pyne::file_exists(filename)) {
    bool ish5 = H5Fis_hdf5(filename.c_str());
    if (!ish5)
      throw h5wrap::FileNotHDF5(filename);
    db = H5Fopen(filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDWR, fapl);
    db = H5Fcreate(filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl);

  // Read in nuclist if available, write it out if not
  bool nucpath_exists = h5wrap::path_exists(db, nucpath);
  std::vector<int> nuclides;
  int nuc_size;
  hsize_t nuc_dims[1];

  if (nucpath_exists) {
    nuclides = h5wrap::h5_array_to_cpp_vector_1d<int>(db, nucpath, H5T_NATIVE_INT);
    nuc_size = nuclides.size();
    nuc_dims[0] = nuc_size;
  } else {
    nuclides = std::vector<int>();
    for (pyne::comp_iter i = comp.begin(); i != comp.end(); i++)
    nuc_size = nuclides.size();

    // Create the data if it doesn't exist
    int nuc_data [nuc_size];
    for (int n = 0; n != nuc_size; n++)
      nuc_data[n] = nuclides[n];
    nuc_dims[0] = nuc_size;
    hid_t nuc_space = H5Screate_simple(1, nuc_dims, NULL);
    hid_t nuc_set = H5Dcreate2(db, nucpath.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_INT, nuc_space, 
                               H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5Dwrite(nuc_set, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, nuc_data);
    H5Fflush(db, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL);

  // Write out the data itself to the file
  hid_t data_set, data_space, data_hyperslab;
  int data_rank = 1;
  hsize_t data_dims[1] = {1};
  hsize_t data_max_dims[1] = {H5S_UNLIMITED};
  hsize_t data_offset[1] = {0};

  size_t material_struct_size = sizeof(pyne::material_struct) + sizeof(double)*nuc_size;
  hid_t desc = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, material_struct_size);
  hid_t comp_values_array_type = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, 1, nuc_dims);

  // make the data table type
  H5Tinsert(desc, "mass", HOFFSET(pyne::material_struct, mass), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
  H5Tinsert(desc, "density", HOFFSET(pyne::material_struct, density), 
  H5Tinsert(desc, "atoms_per_molecule", HOFFSET(pyne::material_struct, atoms_per_mol), 
  H5Tinsert(desc, "comp", HOFFSET(pyne::material_struct, comp), 

  material_struct * mat_data  = new material_struct[material_struct_size];
  (*mat_data).mass = mass;
  (*mat_data).density = density;
  (*mat_data).atoms_per_mol = atoms_per_molecule;
  for (int n = 0; n != nuc_size; n++) {
    if (0 < comp.count(nuclides[n]))
      (*mat_data).comp[n] = comp[nuclides[n]];
      (*mat_data).comp[n] = 0.0;

  // get / make the data set
  bool datapath_exists = h5wrap::path_exists(db, datapath);
  if (datapath_exists) {
    data_set = H5Dopen2(db, datapath.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
    data_space = H5Dget_space(data_set);
    data_rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(data_space, data_dims, data_max_dims);

    // Determine the row size.
    if (std::signbit(row))
      row_num = data_dims[0] + row;  // careful, row is negative

    if (data_dims[0] <= row_num) {
      // row == -0, extend to data set so that we can append, or
      // row_num is larger than current dimension, resize to accomodate.
      data_dims[0] = row_num + 1;
      H5Dset_extent(data_set, data_dims);

    data_offset[0] = row_num;
  } else {
    // Get full space
    data_space = H5Screate_simple(1, data_dims, data_max_dims);

    // Make data set properties to enable chunking
    hid_t data_set_params = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
    hsize_t chunk_dims[1] ={chunksize}; 
    H5Pset_chunk(data_set_params, 1, chunk_dims);
    H5Pset_deflate(data_set_params, 1);

    material_struct * data_fill_value  = new material_struct[material_struct_size];
    (*data_fill_value).mass = -1.0;
    (*data_fill_value).density= -1.0;
    (*data_fill_value).atoms_per_mol = -1.0;
    for (int n = 0; n != nuc_size; n++)
      (*data_fill_value).comp[n] = 0.0;
    H5Pset_fill_value(data_set_params, desc, &data_fill_value);

    // Create the data set
    data_set = H5Dcreate2(db, datapath.c_str(), desc, data_space, H5P_DEFAULT, 
                            data_set_params, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5Dset_extent(data_set, data_dims);

    // Add attribute pointing to nuc path
    hid_t nuc_attr_type = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
    H5Tset_size(nuc_attr_type, nucpath.length());
    hid_t nuc_attr_space = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);
    hid_t nuc_attr = H5Acreate2(data_set, "nucpath", nuc_attr_type, nuc_attr_space, 
                                H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5Awrite(nuc_attr, nuc_attr_type, nucpath.c_str());
    H5Fflush(db, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL);

    // Remember to de-allocate
    delete[] data_fill_value;

  // Get the data hyperslab
  data_hyperslab = H5Dget_space(data_set);
  hsize_t data_count[1] = {1};
  H5Sselect_hyperslab(data_hyperslab, H5S_SELECT_SET, data_offset, NULL, data_count, NULL);

  // Get a memory space for writing
  hid_t mem_space = H5Screate_simple(1, data_count, data_max_dims);

  // Write the row...
  H5Dwrite(data_set, desc, mem_space, data_hyperslab, H5P_DEFAULT, mat_data);

  // Close out the Dataset
  H5Fflush(db, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL);

  // Write out the metadata to the file
  std::string attrpath = datapath + "_metadata";
  hid_t metadatapace, attrtype, metadataet, metadatalab, attrmemspace;
  int attrrank; 

  attrtype = H5Tvlen_create(H5T_NATIVE_CHAR);

  // get / make the data set
  bool attrpath_exists = h5wrap::path_exists(db, attrpath);
  if (attrpath_exists) {
    metadataet = H5Dopen2(db, attrpath.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT);
    metadatapace = H5Dget_space(metadataet);
    attrrank = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(metadatapace, data_dims, data_max_dims);

    if (data_dims[0] <= row_num) {
      // row == -0, extend to data set so that we can append, or
      // row_num is larger than current dimension, resize to accomodate.
      data_dims[0] = row_num + 1;
      H5Dset_extent(metadataet, data_dims);

    data_offset[0] = row_num;
  } else {
    hid_t metadataetparams;
    hsize_t attrchunkdims [1];

    // Make data set properties to enable chunking
    metadataetparams = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE);
    attrchunkdims[0] = chunksize; 
    H5Pset_chunk(metadataetparams, 1, attrchunkdims);
    H5Pset_deflate(metadataetparams, 1);

    hvl_t attrfillvalue [1];
    attrfillvalue[0].len = 3;
    attrfillvalue[0].p = (char *) "{}\n";
    H5Pset_fill_value(metadataetparams, attrtype, &attrfillvalue);

    // make dataset
    metadatapace = H5Screate_simple(1, data_dims, data_max_dims);
    metadataet = H5Dcreate2(db, attrpath.c_str(), attrtype, metadatapace, 
                         H5P_DEFAULT, metadataetparams, H5P_DEFAULT);
    H5Dset_extent(metadataet, data_dims);

  // set the attr string
  hvl_t attrdata [1];
  Json::FastWriter writer;
  std::string metadatatr = writer.write(metadata);
  attrdata[0].p = (char *) metadatatr.c_str();
  attrdata[0].len = metadatatr.length();

  // write the attr
  metadatalab = H5Dget_space(metadataet);
  H5Sselect_hyperslab(metadatalab, H5S_SELECT_SET, data_offset, NULL, data_count, NULL);
  attrmemspace = H5Screate_simple(1, data_count, data_max_dims);
  H5Dwrite(metadataet, attrtype, attrmemspace, metadatalab, H5P_DEFAULT, attrdata);

  // close attr data objects
  H5Fflush(db, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL);

  // Close out the HDF5 file
  // Remember the milk!  
  // which I mean to deallocate
  delete[] mat_data;