Beispiel #1
PHB_ITEM hb_oleAxControlNew( PHB_ITEM pItem, HWND hWnd )
   IUnknown *  pUnk  = NULL;
   IDispatch * pDisp = NULL;

   if( pItem )
      hb_itemClear( pItem );

   if( ! hb_oleAxInit() || ! s_pAtlAxGetControl )
      hb_oleSetError( S_OK );
      hb_errRT_OLE( EG_UNSUPPORTED, 1010, 0, "ActiveX not initialized", HB_ERR_FUNCNAME );
      HRESULT lOleError = ( *s_pAtlAxGetControl )( hWnd, &pUnk );

      if( lOleError == S_OK )
         lOleError = HB_VTBL( pUnk )->QueryInterface( HB_THIS_( pUnk ) HB_ID_REF( IID_IDispatch ), ( void ** ) ( void * ) &pDisp );

         if( lOleError == S_OK )
            pItem = hb_oleItemPut( pItem, pDisp );

         HB_VTBL( pUnk )->Release( HB_THIS( pUnk ) );

      hb_oleSetError( lOleError );

      if( lOleError != S_OK )
         hb_errRT_OLE( EG_ARG, 1011, ( HB_ERRCODE ) lOleError, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME );

   return pItem;
Beispiel #2
static void hb_sink_destruct( void * cargo )
   ISink * pSink = ( ISink * ) cargo;

   if( pSink->pConnectionPoint )
      IConnectionPoint * pConnectionPoint = pSink->pConnectionPoint;
      DWORD dwCookie = pSink->dwCookie;

      /* Unadvise() may activate pSink destructor so clear these
       * items as protection against recursive Unadvise call.
      pSink->pConnectionPoint = NULL;
      pSink->dwCookie = 0;

      HB_VTBL( pConnectionPoint )->Unadvise( HB_THIS_( pConnectionPoint ) dwCookie );
      HB_VTBL( pConnectionPoint )->Release( HB_THIS( pConnectionPoint ) );
static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface( IDispatch * lpThis,
                                                 REFIID riid, void ** ppRet )
   if( IsEqualIID( riid, HB_ID_REF( IID_IUnknown ) ) ||
       IsEqualIID( riid, HB_ID_REF( IID_IDispatch ) ) )
      *ppRet = ( void * ) lpThis;
      HB_VTBL( lpThis )->AddRef( HB_THIS( lpThis ) );
      return S_OK;
   *ppRet = NULL;
   return E_NOINTERFACE;
Beispiel #4
static ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release( IDispatch * lpThis )
   ISink * pSink = ( ISink * ) lpThis;

   if( --pSink->count == 0 )
      if( pSink->pItemHandler )
         hb_itemRelease( pSink->pItemHandler );
         pSink->pItemHandler = NULL;
      if( pSink->pConnectionPoint )
         HB_VTBL( pSink->pConnectionPoint )->Unadvise( HB_THIS_( pSink->pConnectionPoint ) pSink->dwCookie );
         HB_VTBL( pSink->pConnectionPoint )->Release( HB_THIS( pSink->pConnectionPoint ) );
         pSink->pConnectionPoint = NULL;
         pSink->dwCookie = 0;
      hb_xfree( pSink );      /* TODO: GlobalAlloc/Free GMEM_FIXED ??? */
      return 0;
   return pSink->count;
Beispiel #5
static HRESULT _get_default_sink( IDispatch * iDisp, const char * szEvent, IID * piid )
   ITypeInfo * iTI;
   ITypeInfo * iTISink;
   TYPEATTR *  pTypeAttr;
   HREFTYPE    hRefType;
   HRESULT     hr;
   int         iFlags, i;

   if( ! szEvent )
      IProvideClassInfo2 * iPCI2;
      IProvideClassInfo *  iPCI;

      /* Method 1: using IProvideClassInfo2 */

      hr = HB_VTBL( iDisp )->QueryInterface( HB_THIS_( iDisp ) HB_ID_REF( IID_IProvideClassInfo2 ), ( void ** ) ( void * ) &iPCI2 );
      if( hr == S_OK )
         HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "_get_default_sink IProvideClassInfo2 OK" ) );
         HB_VTBL( iPCI2 )->Release( HB_THIS( iPCI2 ) );

         if( hr == S_OK )
            return S_OK;
         HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "_get_default_sink IProvideClassInfo2 obtain error %08lX", hr ) );

      /* Method 2: using IProvideClassInfo and searching for default source in ITypeInfo */

      hr = HB_VTBL( iDisp )->QueryInterface( HB_THIS_( iDisp ) HB_ID_REF( IID_IProvideClassInfo ), ( void ** ) ( void * ) &iPCI );
      if( hr == S_OK )
         HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "_get_default_sink IProvideClassInfo OK" ) );

         iTI = NULL;

         hr = HB_VTBL( iPCI )->GetClassInfo( HB_THIS_( iPCI ) & iTI );
         if( hr == S_OK )
            pTypeAttr = NULL;

            hr = HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTI ) & pTypeAttr );
            if( hr == S_OK )
               for( i = 0; i < pTypeAttr->cImplTypes; i++ )
                  hr = HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetImplTypeFlags( HB_THIS_( iTI ) i, &iFlags );
                  if( hr == S_OK && ( iFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT ) && ( iFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE ) )
                     if( HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetRefTypeOfImplType( HB_THIS_( iTI ) i, &hRefType ) == S_OK &&
                         HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetRefTypeInfo( HB_THIS_( iTI ) hRefType, &iTISink ) == S_OK )
                        HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "_get_default_sink Method 2: default source is found" ) );

                        hr = HB_VTBL( iTISink )->GetTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTISink ) & pTypeAttr );
                        if( hr == S_OK )
                           *piid = pTypeAttr->guid;
                           HB_VTBL( iTISink )->ReleaseTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTISink ) pTypeAttr );

                           HB_VTBL( iTI )->ReleaseTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTI ) pTypeAttr );
                           HB_VTBL( iPCI )->Release( HB_THIS( iPCI ) );
                           return S_OK;
               HB_VTBL( iTI )->ReleaseTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTI ) pTypeAttr );
         HB_VTBL( iPCI )->Release( HB_THIS( iPCI ) );
         HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "_get_default_sink IProvideClassInfo obtain error %08lX", hr ) );

   /* Method 3: using CoClass */

   hr = HB_VTBL( iDisp )->GetTypeInfo( HB_THIS_( iDisp ) 0, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, &iTI );
   if( hr == S_OK )
      ITypeLib * iTL = NULL;
      TYPEATTR * pTypeAttr2;

      hr = HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetContainingTypeLib( HB_THIS_( iTI ) & iTL, NULL );
      HB_VTBL( iTI )->Release( HB_THIS( iTI ) );

      if( hr == S_OK )
         int iCount = HB_VTBL( iTL )->GetTypeInfoCount( HB_THIS( iTL ) );
         for( i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
            hr = HB_VTBL( iTL )->GetTypeInfo( HB_THIS_( iTL ) i, &iTI );
            if( hr == S_OK )
               hr = HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTI ) & pTypeAttr );
               if( hr == S_OK )
                  if( pTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_COCLASS )
                     int j;

                     for( j = 0; j < pTypeAttr->cImplTypes; j++ )
                        if( szEvent )
                           if( HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetRefTypeOfImplType( HB_THIS_( iTI ) j, &hRefType ) == S_OK &&
                               HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetRefTypeInfo( HB_THIS_( iTI ) hRefType, &iTISink ) == S_OK )
                              BSTR bstr;

                              hr = HB_VTBL( iTISink )->GetDocumentation( HB_THIS_( iTISink ) - 1, &bstr, NULL, NULL, NULL );
                              if( hr == S_OK )
                                 char str[ 256 ];
                                 int  iLen;

                                 iLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, bstr, -1, str, sizeof( str ), NULL, NULL );
                                 if( iLen > 0 )
                                    str[ iLen - 1 ] = '\0';
                                    if( ! strcmp( szEvent, str ) )
                                       hr = HB_VTBL( iTISink )->GetTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTISink ) & pTypeAttr2 );
                                       if( hr == S_OK )
                                          *piid = pTypeAttr2->guid;
                                          HB_VTBL( iTISink )->ReleaseTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTISink ) pTypeAttr2 );

                                          HB_VTBL( iTISink )->Release( HB_THIS( iTISink ) );
                                          HB_VTBL( iTI )->ReleaseTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTI ) pTypeAttr );
                                          HB_VTBL( iTI )->Release( HB_THIS( iTI ) );
                                          HB_VTBL( iTL )->Release( HB_THIS( iTL ) );
                                          return S_OK;
                              HB_VTBL( iTISink )->Release( HB_THIS( iTISink ) );
                        else /* szEvent == NULL */
                           hr = HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetImplTypeFlags( HB_THIS_( iTI ) j, &iFlags );
                           if( hr == S_OK && ( iFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT ) && ( iFlags & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE ) )
                              if( HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetRefTypeOfImplType( HB_THIS_( iTI ) j, &hRefType ) == S_OK &&
                                  HB_VTBL( iTI )->GetRefTypeInfo( HB_THIS_( iTI ) hRefType, &iTISink ) == S_OK )
                                 hr = HB_VTBL( iTISink )->GetTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTISink ) & pTypeAttr2 );
                                 if( hr == S_OK )
#if 0
/* Debug code. You can also comment out iFlags condition, to list more interfaces [Mindaugas] */
                                    BSTR bstr;
                                    char str[ 256 ];
                                    int  iLen;

                                    HB_VTBL( iTISink )->GetDocumentation( HB_THIS_( iTISink ) - 1, &bstr, NULL, NULL, NULL );
                                    iLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, bstr, -1, str, sizeof( str ), NULL, NULL );
                                    str[ iLen - 1 ] = '\0';
                                    HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "_get_default_sink Method 3: iFlags=%d guid=%s class=%s", iFlags, GUID2String( &( pTypeAttr2->guid ) ), str ) );
                                    *piid = pTypeAttr2->guid;
                                    HB_VTBL( iTISink )->ReleaseTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTISink ) pTypeAttr2 );

                                    HB_VTBL( iTI )->ReleaseTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTI ) pTypeAttr );
                                    HB_VTBL( iTI )->Release( HB_THIS( iTI ) );
                                    HB_VTBL( iTL )->Release( HB_THIS( iTL ) );
                                    return S_OK;
                  HB_VTBL( iTI )->ReleaseTypeAttr( HB_THIS_( iTI ) pTypeAttr );
               HB_VTBL( iTI )->Release( HB_THIS( iTI ) );
         HB_VTBL( iTL )->Release( HB_THIS( iTL ) );
   return E_NOINTERFACE;