Beispiel #1
BOOL CreateTrampolineFunction(PTRAMPOLINE ct)
#ifdef _M_X64
    CALL_ABS call = {
        0xFF, 0x15, 0x00000002, // FF15 00000002: CALL [RIP+8]
        0xEB, 0x08,             // EB 08:         JMP +10
        0x0000000000000000ULL   // Absolute destination address
    JMP_ABS jmp = {
        0xFF, 0x25, 0x00000000, // FF25 00000000: JMP [RIP+6]
        0x0000000000000000ULL   // Absolute destination address
    JCC_ABS jcc = {
        0x70, 0x0E,             // 7* 0E:         J** +16
        0xFF, 0x25, 0x00000000, // FF25 00000000: JMP [RIP+6]
        0x0000000000000000ULL   // Absolute destination address
    CALL_REL call = {
        0xE8,                   // E8 xxxxxxxx: CALL +5+xxxxxxxx
        0x00000000              // Relative destination address
    JMP_REL jmp = {
        0xE9,                   // E9 xxxxxxxx: JMP +5+xxxxxxxx
        0x00000000              // Relative destination address
    JCC_REL jcc = {
        0x0F, 0x80,             // 0F8* xxxxxxxx: J** +6+xxxxxxxx
        0x00000000              // Relative destination address

    UINT8     oldPos   = 0;
    UINT8     newPos   = 0;
    ULONG_PTR jmpDest  = 0;     // Destination address of an internal jump.
    BOOL      finished = FALSE; // Is the function completed?
#ifdef _M_X64
    UINT8     instBuf[16];

    ct->patchAbove = FALSE;
    ct->nIP        = 0;

        HDE       hs;
        UINT      copySize;
        LPVOID    pCopySrc;
        ULONG_PTR pOldInst = (ULONG_PTR)ct->pTarget     + oldPos;
        ULONG_PTR pNewInst = (ULONG_PTR)ct->pTrampoline + newPos;

        copySize = HDE_DISASM((LPVOID)pOldInst, &hs);
        if (hs.flags & F_ERROR)
            return FALSE;

        pCopySrc = (LPVOID)pOldInst;
        if (oldPos >= sizeof(JMP_REL))
            // The trampoline function is long enough.
            // Complete the function with the jump to the target function.
#ifdef _M_X64
            jmp.address = pOldInst;
            jmp.operand = (UINT32)(pOldInst - (pNewInst + sizeof(jmp)));
            pCopySrc = &jmp;
            copySize = sizeof(jmp);

            finished = TRUE;
#ifdef _M_X64
        else if ((hs.modrm & 0xC7) == 0x05)
            // Instructions using RIP relative addressing. (ModR/M = 00???101B)

            // Modify the RIP relative address.
            PUINT32 pRelAddr;

            // Avoid using memcpy to reduce the footprint.
            __movsb(instBuf, (LPBYTE)pOldInst, copySize);
            pCopySrc = instBuf;

            // Relative address is stored at (instruction length - immediate value length - 4).
            pRelAddr = (PUINT32)(instBuf + hs.len - ((hs.flags & 0x3C) >> 2) - 4);
                = (UINT32)((pOldInst + hs.len + (INT32)hs.disp.disp32) - (pNewInst + hs.len));

            // Complete the function if JMP (FF /4).
            if (hs.opcode == 0xFF && hs.modrm_reg == 4)
                finished = TRUE;
        else if (hs.opcode == 0xE8)
            // Direct relative CALL
            ULONG_PTR dest = pOldInst + hs.len + (INT32)hs.imm.imm32;
#ifdef _M_X64
            call.address = dest;
            call.operand = (UINT32)(dest - (pNewInst + sizeof(call)));
            pCopySrc = &call;
            copySize = sizeof(call);
        else if ((hs.opcode & 0xFD) == 0xE9)
            // Direct relative JMP (EB or E9)
            ULONG_PTR dest = pOldInst + hs.len;

            if (hs.opcode == 0xEB) // isShort jmp
                dest += (INT8)hs.imm.imm8;
                dest += (INT32)hs.imm.imm32;

            // Simply copy an internal jump.
            if ((ULONG_PTR)ct->pTarget <= dest
                && dest < ((ULONG_PTR)ct->pTarget + sizeof(JMP_REL)))
                if (jmpDest < dest)
                    jmpDest = dest;
#ifdef _M_X64
                jmp.address = dest;
                jmp.operand = (UINT32)(dest - (pNewInst + sizeof(jmp)));
                pCopySrc = &jmp;
                copySize = sizeof(jmp);

                // Exit the function If it is not in the branch
                finished = (pOldInst >= jmpDest);
        else if ((hs.opcode & 0xF0) == 0x70
            || (hs.opcode & 0xFC) == 0xE0
            || (hs.opcode2 & 0xF0) == 0x80)
            // Direct relative Jcc
            ULONG_PTR dest = pOldInst + hs.len;

            if ((hs.opcode & 0xF0) == 0x70      // Jcc
                || (hs.opcode & 0xFC) == 0xE0)  // LOOPNZ/LOOPZ/LOOP/JECXZ
                dest += (INT8)hs.imm.imm8;
                dest += (INT32)hs.imm.imm32;

            // Simply copy an internal jump.
            if ((ULONG_PTR)ct->pTarget <= dest
                && dest < ((ULONG_PTR)ct->pTarget + sizeof(JMP_REL)))
                if (jmpDest < dest)
                    jmpDest = dest;
            else if ((hs.opcode & 0xFC) == 0xE0)
                // LOOPNZ/LOOPZ/LOOP/JCXZ/JECXZ to the outside are not supported.
                return FALSE;
                UINT8 cond = ((hs.opcode != 0x0F ? hs.opcode : hs.opcode2) & 0x0F);
#ifdef _M_X64
                // Invert the condition.
                jcc.opcode  = 0x71 ^ cond;
                jcc.address = dest;
                jcc.opcode1 = 0x80 | cond;
                jcc.operand = (UINT32)(dest - (pNewInst + sizeof(jcc)));
                pCopySrc = &jcc;
                copySize = sizeof(jcc);
        else if ((hs.opcode & 0xFE) == 0xC2)
            // RET (C2 or C3)

            // Complete the function if not in a branch.
            finished = (pOldInst >= jmpDest);

        // Can't alter the instruction length in a branch.
        if (pOldInst < jmpDest && copySize != hs.len)
            return FALSE;

        if ((newPos + copySize) > TRAMPOLINE_MAX_SIZE)
            return FALSE;

        if (ct->nIP >= ARRAYSIZE(ct->oldIPs))
            return FALSE;

        ct->oldIPs[ct->nIP] = oldPos;
        ct->newIPs[ct->nIP] = newPos;

        // Avoid using memcpy to reduce the footprint.
        __movsb((LPBYTE)ct->pTrampoline + newPos, pCopySrc, copySize);
        newPos += copySize;
        oldPos += hs.len;
Beispiel #2
BOOL CreateTrampolineFunction(TRAMPOLINE *ct)
#if defined _M_X64
    CALL_ABS call = { 0x15FF, 0x00000000 };
    JMP_ABS  jmp  = { 0x25FF, 0x00000000 };
    JCC_ABS  jcc  = { 0x70, 0x06, 0x25FF, 0x00000000 };
#elif defined _M_IX86
    CALL_REL call = { 0xE8, 0x00000000 };
    JMP_REL  jmp  = { 0xE9, 0x00000000 };
    JCC_REL  jcc  = { 0x800F, 0x00000000 };
    size_t    oldPos   = 0;
    size_t    newPos   = 0;
    ULONG_PTR jmpDest  = 0;     // Destination address of an internal jump.
    BOOL      finished = FALSE; // Is the function completed?
#if defined _M_X64
    size_t    tableSize = 0;
    UINT8   instBuf[16];

    while (!finished)
        hde_t     hs;
        UINT      copySize;
        void     *pCopySrc;
        ULONG_PTR pOldInst = (ULONG_PTR)ct->pTarget     + oldPos;
        ULONG_PTR pNewInst = (ULONG_PTR)ct->pTrampoline + newPos;

        copySize = HDE_DISASM((void *)pOldInst, &hs);
        if (hs.flags & F_ERROR)
            return FALSE;

        pCopySrc = (void *)pOldInst;
        if (oldPos >= sizeof(JMP_REL))
            // The trampoline function is long enough.
            // Complete the function with the jump to the target function.
#if defined _M_X64
            if (tableSize >= ct->tableSize)
                return FALSE;

            ct->pTable[tableSize++] = pOldInst;
                = (UINT32)((ULONG_PTR)(ct->pTable + tableSize - 1) - (pNewInst + sizeof(JMP_ABS)));
#elif defined _M_IX86
            jmp.operand = (UINT32)(pOldInst - (pNewInst + sizeof(JMP_REL)));
            pCopySrc = &jmp;
            copySize = sizeof(jmp);

            finished = TRUE;
#if defined _M_X64
        else if ((hs.modrm & 0xC7) == 0x05)
            // Instructions using RIP relative addressing. (ModR/M = 00???101B)

            // Modify the RIP relative address.
            UINT32 *pRelAddr;

            __movsb(instBuf, (PBYTE)pOldInst, copySize);
            pCopySrc = instBuf;

            // Relative address is stored at (instruction length - immediate value length - 4).
            pRelAddr = (PUINT32)(instBuf + hs.len - ((hs.flags & 0x3C) >> 2) - 4);
                = (UINT32)((pOldInst + hs.len + (INT32)hs.disp.disp32) - (pNewInst + hs.len));

            // Complete the function if JMP (FF /4).
            if (hs.opcode == 0xFF && hs.modrm_reg == 4)
                finished = TRUE;
        else if (hs.opcode == 0xE8)