Beispiel #1
HPCC_Stream(HPCC_Params *params, int doIO, double *copyGBs, double *scaleGBs, double *addGBs,
  double *triadGBs, int *failure) {
    int   quantum;
    int   BytesPerWord;
    register int j, k;
    double  scalar, t, times[4][NTIMES];
    FILE *outFile;
    double GiBs = 1073741824.0, curGBs;

    if (doIO) {
      // outFile = fopen( params->outFname, "w+" );
	  outFile = stdout;
      if (! outFile) {
        outFile = stderr;
        fprintf( outFile, "Cannot open output file.\n" );
        return 1;

    // VectorSize = HPCC_LocalVectorSize( params, 3, sizeof(double), 0 ); /* Need 3 vectors */
	// HARDCODED VectorSize
    // params->StreamVectorSize = VectorSize;

    a = HPCC_XMALLOC( double, VectorSize );
    b = HPCC_XMALLOC( double, VectorSize );
    c = HPCC_XMALLOC( double, VectorSize );

    if (!a || !b || !c) {
      if (c) HPCC_free(c);
      if (b) HPCC_free(b);
      if (a) HPCC_free(a);
      if (doIO) {
        fprintf( outFile, "Failed to allocate memory (%lu).\n", VectorSize );
        fflush( outFile );
        fclose( outFile );
      return 1;

    /* --- SETUP --- determine precision and check timing --- */

    if (doIO) {
    fprintf (outFile, "Generated on %s\n", params->nowASCII);
    fprintf( outFile, HLINE);
    BytesPerWord = sizeof(double);
    fprintf( outFile, "This system uses %d bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word.\n",

    fprintf( outFile, HLINE);
    fprintf( outFile, "Array size = %lu, Offset = %d\n" , VectorSize, OFFSET);
    fprintf( outFile, "Total memory required = %.4f GiB.\n",
             (3.0 * BytesPerWord) * ( (double) VectorSize / GiBs));
    fprintf( outFile, "Each test is run %d times, but only\n", NTIMES);
    fprintf( outFile, "the *best* time for each is used.\n");
	fflush ( outFile);

#ifdef _OPENMP
    if (doIO) fprintf( outFile, HLINE);
#pragma omp parallel private(k)
#pragma omp single nowait
        k = omp_get_num_threads();
        if (doIO) fprintf( outFile, "Number of Threads requested = %i\n",k);
        params->StreamThreads = k;

    /* Get initial value for system clock. */
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (j=0; j<VectorSize; j++) {
      a[j] = 1.0;
      b[j] = 2.0;
      c[j] = 0.0;

    if (doIO) fprintf( outFile, HLINE);

    if  ( (quantum = checktick()) >= 1) {
      if (doIO) fprintf( outFile, "Your clock granularity/precision appears to be "
                         "%d microseconds.\n", quantum);
    } else {
      if (doIO) fprintf( outFile, "Your clock granularity appears to be "
                         "less than one microsecond.\n");

    t = mysecond();
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (j = 0; j < VectorSize; j++)
      a[j] = 2.0E0 * a[j];
    t = 1.0E6 * (mysecond() - t);

    if (doIO) {
    fprintf( outFile, "Each test below will take on the order"
             " of %d microseconds.\n", (int) t  );
    fprintf( outFile, "   (= %d clock ticks)\n", (int) (t/quantum) );
    fprintf( outFile, "Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that\n");
    fprintf( outFile, "you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.\n");

    fprintf( outFile, HLINE);

    fprintf( outFile, "WARNING -- The above is only a rough guideline.\n");
    fprintf( outFile, "For best results, please be sure you know the\n");
    fprintf( outFile, "precision of your system timer.\n");
    fprintf( outFile, HLINE);

    /* --- MAIN LOOP --- repeat test cases NTIMES times --- */

    scalar = 3.0;
    for (k=0; k<NTIMES; k++)
      times[0][k] = mysecond();
#ifdef TUNED
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
        for (j=0; j<VectorSize; j++)
          c[j] = a[j];
        times[0][k] = mysecond() - times[0][k];

        times[1][k] = mysecond();
#ifdef TUNED
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
        for (j=0; j<VectorSize; j++)
          b[j] = scalar*c[j];
        times[1][k] = mysecond() - times[1][k];

        times[2][k] = mysecond();
#ifdef TUNED
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
        for (j=0; j<VectorSize; j++)
          c[j] = a[j]+b[j];
        times[2][k] = mysecond() - times[2][k];

        times[3][k] = mysecond();
#ifdef TUNED
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
        for (j=0; j<VectorSize; j++)
          a[j] = b[j]+scalar*c[j];
        times[3][k] = mysecond() - times[3][k];

    /* --- SUMMARY --- */

    for (k=1; k<NTIMES; k++) /* note -- skip first iteration */
      for (j=0; j<4; j++)
        avgtime[j] = avgtime[j] + times[j][k];
        mintime[j] = Mmin(mintime[j], times[j][k]);
        maxtime[j] = Mmax(maxtime[j], times[j][k]);

    if (doIO)
    fprintf( outFile, "Function      Rate (GB/s)   Avg time     Min time     Max time\n");
    for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
      avgtime[j] /= (double)(NTIMES - 1); /* note -- skip first iteration */

      /* make sure no division by zero */
      curGBs = (mintime[j] > 0.0 ? 1.0 / mintime[j] : -1.0);
      curGBs *= 1e-9 * bytes[j] * VectorSize;
        if (doIO)
          fprintf( outFile, "%s%11.4f  %11.4f  %11.4f  %11.4f\n", label[j],
        switch (j) {
          case 0: *copyGBs = curGBs; break;
          case 1: *scaleGBs = curGBs; break;
          case 2: *addGBs = curGBs; break;
          case 3: *triadGBs = curGBs; break;
    if (doIO) fprintf( outFile, HLINE);

    /* --- Check Results --- */
    checkSTREAMresults( outFile, doIO, failure );
    if (doIO) fprintf( outFile, HLINE);


    if (doIO) {
      fflush( outFile );
      fclose( outFile );

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
HPCC_SHMEMRandomAccess(HPCC_Params *params) {
  s64Int i;
  static s64Int NumErrors, GlbNumErrors;

  int NumProcs, logNumProcs, MyProc;
  u64Int GlobalStartMyProc;
  int Remainder;            /* Number of processors with (LocalTableSize + 1) entries */
  u64Int Top;               /* Number of table entries in top of Table */
  s64Int LocalTableSize;    /* Local table width */
  u64Int MinLocalTableSize; /* Integer ratio TableSize/NumProcs */
  u64Int logTableSize, TableSize;

  double CPUTime;               /* CPU  time to update table */
  double RealTime;              /* Real time to update table */

  double TotalMem;
  static int sAbort, rAbort;
  int PowerofTwo;

  double timeBound = -1;  /* OPTIONAL time bound for execution time */
  u64Int NumUpdates_Default; /* Number of updates to table (suggested: 4x number of table entries) */
  u64Int NumUpdates;  /* actual number of updates to table - may be smaller than
                       * NumUpdates_Default due to execution time bounds */
  s64Int ProcNumUpdates; /* number of updates per processor */

  s64Int GlbNumUpdates;  /* for reduction */

  static long llpSync[_SHMEM_BCAST_SYNC_SIZE];
  static long long int llpWrk[_SHMEM_REDUCE_SYNC_SIZE];

  static long ipSync[_SHMEM_BCAST_SYNC_SIZE];
  static int ipWrk[_SHMEM_REDUCE_SYNC_SIZE];

  FILE *outFile = NULL;
  double *GUPs;
  double *temp_GUPs;

  int numthreads;

  for (i = 0; i < _SHMEM_BCAST_SYNC_SIZE; i += 1){
        ipSync[i] = _SHMEM_SYNC_VALUE;
        llpSync[i] = _SHMEM_SYNC_VALUE;

  params->SHMEMGUPs = -1;
  GUPs = &params->SHMEMGUPs;

  NumProcs = shmem_n_pes();
  MyProc = shmem_my_pe();

  if (0 == MyProc) {
    outFile = stdout;
    setbuf(outFile, NULL);

  params->HPLMaxProcMem = 200000;

  TotalMem = params->HPLMaxProcMem; /* max single node memory */
  TotalMem *= NumProcs;             /* max memory in NumProcs nodes */

  TotalMem /= sizeof(u64Int);

  /* calculate TableSize --- the size of update array (must be a power of 2) */
  for (TotalMem *= 0.5, logTableSize = 0, TableSize = 1;
       TotalMem >= 1.0;
       TotalMem *= 0.5, logTableSize++, TableSize <<= 1)
    ; /* EMPTY */

  /* determine whether the number of processors is a power of 2 */
  if ( (NumProcs & (NumProcs -1)) == 0) {
    PowerofTwo = HPCC_TRUE;
    Remainder = 0;
    Top = 0;
    MinLocalTableSize = (TableSize / NumProcs);
    LocalTableSize = MinLocalTableSize;
    GlobalStartMyProc = (MinLocalTableSize * MyProc);
  else {
    if(MyProc == 0) {
        printf("Number of processes must be power of 2\n");

    return 0;
  sAbort = 0;
  HPCC_Table = HPCC_XMALLOC( s64Int, LocalTableSize );

  if (! HPCC_Table) sAbort = 1;

  shmem_int_sum_to_all(&rAbort, &sAbort, 1, 0, 0, NumProcs, ipWrk, ipSync);

  if (rAbort > 0) {
    if (MyProc == 0) fprintf(outFile, "Failed to allocate memory for the main table.\n");
    /* check all allocations in case there are new added and their order changes */
    if (HPCC_Table) HPCC_free( HPCC_Table );
    goto failed_table;

  params->SHMEMRandomAccess_N = (s64Int)TableSize;

  /* Default number of global updates to table: 4x number of table entries */
  NumUpdates_Default = 4 * TableSize;
  ProcNumUpdates = 4*LocalTableSize;
  NumUpdates = NumUpdates_Default;

  if (MyProc == 0) {
    fprintf( outFile, "Running on %d processors%s\n", NumProcs, PowerofTwo ? " (PowerofTwo)" : "");
    fprintf( outFile, "Total Main table size = 2^" FSTR64 " = " FSTR64 " words\n",
             logTableSize, TableSize );
    if (PowerofTwo)
        fprintf( outFile, "PE Main table size = 2^" FSTR64 " = " FSTR64 " words/PE\n",
                 (logTableSize - logNumProcs), TableSize/NumProcs );
        fprintf( outFile, "PE Main table size = (2^" FSTR64 ")/%d  = " FSTR64 " words/PE MAX\n",
                 logTableSize, NumProcs, LocalTableSize);

    fprintf( outFile, "Default number of updates (RECOMMENDED) = " FSTR64 "\n", NumUpdates_Default);
    params->SHMEMRandomAccess_ExeUpdates = NumUpdates;

  /* Initialize main table */
  for (i=0; i<LocalTableSize; i++)
    HPCC_Table[i] = i + GlobalStartMyProc;


  RealTime = -RTSEC();

  Power2NodesRandomAccessUpdate(logTableSize, TableSize, LocalTableSize,
                                     MinLocalTableSize, GlobalStartMyProc, Top,
                                     logNumProcs, NumProcs, Remainder,
                                     MyProc, ProcNumUpdates);


  /* End timed section */

  RealTime += RTSEC();

  /* Print timing results */
  if (MyProc == 0){
    params->SHMEMRandomAccess_time = RealTime;
    *GUPs = 1e-9*NumUpdates / RealTime;
    fprintf( outFile, "Real time used = %.6f seconds\n", RealTime );
    fprintf( outFile, "%.9f Billion(10^9) Updates    per second [GUP/s]\n",
             *GUPs );
    fprintf( outFile, "%.9f Billion(10^9) Updates/PE per second [GUP/s]\n",
             *GUPs / NumProcs );
    /* No longer reporting per CPU number */
    /* *GUPs /= NumProcs; */
  /* distribute result to all nodes */
  temp_GUPs = GUPs;

  /* Verification phase */

  /* Begin timing here */

  RealTime = -RTSEC();

  HPCC_Power2NodesSHMEMRandomAccessCheck(logTableSize, TableSize, LocalTableSize,
                                    logNumProcs, NumProcs,
                                    MyProc, ProcNumUpdates,

  shmem_longlong_sum_to_all( &GlbNumErrors,  &NumErrors, 1, 0,0, NumProcs,llpWrk, llpSync);

  /* End timed section */

  RealTime += RTSEC();

  if(MyProc == 0){
    params->SHMEMRandomAccess_CheckTime = RealTime;

    fprintf( outFile, "Verification:  Real time used = %.6f seconds\n", RealTime);
    fprintf( outFile, "Found " FSTR64 " errors in " FSTR64 " locations (%s).\n",
             GlbNumErrors, TableSize, (GlbNumErrors <= 0.01*TableSize) ?
             "passed" : "failed");
    if (GlbNumErrors > 0.01*TableSize) params->Failure = 1;
    params->SHMEMRandomAccess_Errors = (s64Int)GlbNumErrors;
    params->SHMEMRandomAccess_ErrorsFraction = (double)GlbNumErrors / (double)TableSize;
    params->SHMEMRandomAccess_Algorithm = 1;
  /* End verification phase */

  /* Deallocate memory (in reverse order of allocation which should
     help fragmentation) */

  HPCC_free( HPCC_Table );

  if (0 == MyProc) if (outFile != stderr) fclose( outFile );


  return 0;