Beispiel #1
//Initializes an asset buffer
//	buffer: pointer to the buffer to initialize
static void AssetManager_InitializeBuffer(AssetBuffer* buffer)
	buffer->meshMap = HashMap_Allocate();
	buffer->textureMap = HashMap_Allocate();
Beispiel #2
//Initializes an oct tree and creates a root node with the given dimensions
//	tree: A pointer to the oct tree to initialize
//	leftBound: The left bound of the octtree
//	rightBound: The right bound of the octtree
//	bottomBound: The bottom bound of the octtree
//	topBound: The top bound of the octtree
//	backBound: The back bound of the octtree
//	frontBound: The front bound of the octtree
void OctTree_Initialize(OctTree* tree, float leftBound, float rightBound, float bottomBound, float topBound, float backBound, float frontBound)
	//Allocate root
	tree->root = OctTree_Node_Allocate();
	//Initialize root
	OctTree_Node_Initialize(tree->root, tree, NULL, 0, leftBound, rightBound, bottomBound, topBound, backBound, frontBound);

	//Allocate hashmap
	tree->map = HashMap_Allocate();
	//Initialize map