void ScoreKeeperNormal::HandleHoldScore( const TapNote &tn )
	HoldNoteScore holdScore = tn.HoldResult.hns;

	// update dance points totals
	if( !m_pPlayerStageStats->m_bFailed )
		m_pPlayerStageStats->m_iActualDancePoints += HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints( holdScore );
	// increment the current total possible dance score
	m_pPlayerStageStats->m_iCurPossibleDancePoints += HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints( HNS_Held );
	m_pPlayerStageStats->m_iHoldNoteScores[holdScore] ++;

	AddHoldScore( holdScore );

	// TODO: Remove indexing with PlayerNumber
	PlayerNumber pn = m_pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber;
		tn.result.fTapNoteOffset );
	Message msg( "ScoreChanged" );
	msg.SetParam( "PlayerNumber", m_pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber );
	msg.SetParam( "MultiPlayer", m_pPlayerState->m_mp );
	MESSAGEMAN->Broadcast( msg );
void ScoreKeeperMAX2::HandleHoldScore( HoldNoteScore holdScore, TapNoteScore tapScore )
	// update dance points totals
	if( !m_pPlayerStageStats->bFailed )
		m_pPlayerStageStats->iActualDancePoints += HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints( holdScore );
	m_pPlayerStageStats->iCurPossibleDancePoints += HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints( HNS_OK );
	m_pPlayerStageStats->iHoldNoteScores[holdScore] ++;

	// increment the current total possible dance score

	m_pPlayerStageStats->iCurPossibleDancePoints += HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints( HNS_OK );

	if( holdScore == HNS_OK )
		AddScore( TNS_MARVELOUS );
	else if ( holdScore == HNS_NG )
		AddScore( TNS_GOOD ); // required for subtractive score display to work properly

	// TODO: Remove indexing with PlayerNumber
	PlayerNumber pn = m_pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber;
        m_pPlayerStageStats->iCurCombo );
int ScoreKeeperMAX2::GetPossibleDancePoints( const RadarValues& radars )
	/* Note that, if Marvelous timing is disabled or not active (not course mode),
	 * PERFECT will be used instead. */

	int NumTaps = int(radars[RADAR_NUM_TAPS_AND_HOLDS]);
	int NumHolds = int(radars[RADAR_NUM_HOLDS]); 
	int NumRolls = int(radars[RADAR_NUM_ROLLS]); 
		NumTaps*TapNoteScoreToDancePoints(TNS_MARVELOUS, false)+
		NumHolds*HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints(HNS_OK, false) +
		NumRolls*HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints(HNS_OK, false);
int ScoreKeeperNormal::GetPossibleDancePoints( NoteData* nd, const TimingData* td, float fSongSeconds )
	/* Note: If W1 timing is disabled or not active (not course mode),
	 * W2 will be used instead. */
	// XXX: That's not actually implemented!
	RadarValues radars;
	NoteDataUtil::CalculateRadarValues( *nd, fSongSeconds, radars );
	int ret = 0;
	ret += int(radars[RadarCategory_TapsAndHolds]) * TapNoteScoreToDancePoints(TNS_W1, false);
	if( GAMESTATE->GetCurrentGame()->m_bTickHolds ) ret += NoteDataUtil::GetTotalHoldTicks( nd, td ) * g_iPercentScoreWeight.GetValue(SE_CheckpointHit);
	ret += int(radars[RadarCategory_Holds]) * HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints(HNS_Held, false);	
	ret += int(radars[RadarCategory_Rolls]) * HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints(HNS_Held, false);
	return ret;
int ScoreKeeperNormal::HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints( HoldNoteScore hns ) const
	return HoldNoteScoreToDancePoints( hns, m_bIsBeginner );