Beispiel #1
void main(void){
    M8C_EnableIntMask(INT_MSK0, INT_MSK0_GPIO);

    TX8_CPutString("I2C slave addr:0x");

        // I2C
        i2c_status = I2CHW_bReadI2CStatus();
        if(i2c_status & I2CHW_WR_COMPLETE){ // master->slave
            I2CHW_InitWrite(buf_rx, BUF_SIZE);
        if(i2c_status & I2CHW_RD_COMPLETE){ // slave->master
            I2CHW_InitRamRead(buf_tx, BUF_SIZE);

        // ADC
        for(ad_pin = 0; ad_pin < 4; ad_pin++){
            ad = get_adc(ad_pin);
            weights[ad_pin] = ad;
        buf_tx[0] = 'a';
        buf_tx[1] = 'b';
        buf_tx[2] = 'c';
        buf_tx[3] = 'd';
Beispiel #2
void main(void)
	M8C_EnableGInt ; // Uncomment this line to enable Global Interrupts
	// Start the UART(with no parity), and Counter16
	// clock for moving serial
	// Start I2CHW
	// This is the command usage string
	UART_CPutString("########################## I2C External SRAM ########################\r\n\
#	W # XX T [Data]\r\n\
#		W    - Write command\r\n\
#		#    - Group Address (0 - 7)\r\n\
#		XX   - Memory Location in hex (00 - FF)\r\n\
#		T    - Data Type, either A for ASCII or H for Hexadecimal\r\n\
#		Data - Either ASCII string or Hexadecimal separates by spaces\r\n\
#\t\t\tA - Mary had a little lamb\r\n\
#\t\t\tH - 01 FF A0 0F D8 C3\r\n\
#	R # XX T NN\r\n\
#		R    - Read command\r\n\
#		#    - Group Address (0 - 7)\r\n\
#		XX   - Memory Location in hex (00 - FF)\r\n\
#		T    - Data Type, either A for ASCII or H for Hexadecimal\r\n\
#		NN	 - Number of bytes to read in hexadecimal\r\n\
	while (1)
		char *cmd;
		char *params;
		char slaveAddress = 0x50;		// 010100000 R/W shifted to front
		GetLine(buf, 79); // Retrieves a line with a maximum length of 70 characters and put it in buf.
		memset(data, 0x00, 256);	// Initialize all the set {data} to NULL bytes
		cmd = Lowercase(cstrtok(buf, " ")); // Get the first word from the entered string and lowercase it.
		if (strlen(cmd) == 1 && cmd[0] == 'w') // If the command is one letter and it is w, then write command
			int groupAddress; // only 1 and 2 actually go to SRAM
			int memLoc;
			char dataType;
			int len;

			params = cstrtok(0x00, " ");  // 0x00 indicates it will continue from last cstrtok command and get next word. This gets the next parameter
			// csscanf if used to parse the string into values such as hexadecimal or integers
			// It returns the number of parameters it parsed which should be one
			// If the length of the params is not right or it does not parse the right amount, it returns an error
			// %d gets an integer, this is the groupAddress
			if (strlen(params) != 1 || csscanf(params, "%d", &groupAddress) != 1) goto error;
			// %x gets a hexadecimal value, this can read capital or lowercase letters, this is the memory location
			params = cstrtok(0x00, " ");
			if (strlen(params) != 2 || csscanf(params, "%x", &memLoc) != 1) goto error;
			// %c gets a character, the data type character
			params = cstrtok(0x00, " ");
			if (strlen(params) != 1 || csscanf(params, "%c", &dataType) != 1) goto error;
			// This reads the rest of the string and stores it in params. 
			// If the length is zero or if cstrtok returns 0, this means that there was no valid string/hex entered
			params = cstrtok(0x00, "\0");
			if (strlen(params) == 0 || params == 0x00) goto error;	// They did all the params but didn't write anything
			dataType = tolower(dataType); // Lowercase the data type
			if (groupAddress < 0 || groupAddress > 7)
				goto error; // groupAddress was not in range
			data[0] = memLoc;	// First byte needs to be the memory location according to PCF8570 datasheet
			slaveAddress |= groupAddress;	// ORs the group 2 address to the group 1 address to get slaveAddress
			if (dataType == 'a') // If the data type is ASCII
				strcpy((data + 1), params); // Copy the string from params and put it right after the data[0] byte
				len = strlen((data + 1)) + 1; // len is the number of bytes to write, it is the length of the string and then +1 because of the memLoc byte
				// Cant just do strlen(data) because data[0] could be 0x00 and it would return 0 as the string length
			else if (dataType == 'h') // If the data type is hex
				// Take ASCII encoded hex data params and put it after data[0], returns number of bytes converted
				if ((len = HexConversion(params, (data + 1))) == -1)
					goto error;
				len++; // Add one to the length because of the memLoc byte at data[0]
				goto error;
			I2CHW_bWriteBytes(slaveAddress, data, len, I2CHW_CompleteXfer); // Write len bytes from data 
			while (!(I2CHW_bReadI2CStatus() & I2CHW_WR_COMPLETE)); // Wait while it is writing
			I2CHW_ClrWrStatus(); // Clear the write bit

			csprintf(data, "%x bytes were written", len); // csprintf takes the string and substitutes %x for len, puts into data str
			UART_PutString(data); // Print the string to UART
		else if (strlen(cmd) == 1 && cmd[0] == 'r') // If the command is one letter and it is r, then read command
			int groupAddress;
			int memLoc;
			char dataType;
			int numBytes;
			char hexStr[4];
			int i;

			// csscanf if used to parse the string into values such as hexadecimal or integers
			// It returns the number of parameters it parsed which should be one
			// If the length of the params is not right or it does not parse the right amount, it returns an error
			// %d gets an integer, this is the groupAddress
			params = cstrtok(0x00, " ");
			if (strlen(params) != 1 || csscanf(params, "%d", &groupAddress) != 1) goto error;
			// %x gets a hexadecimal value, this can read capital or lowercase letters, this is the memory location
			params = cstrtok(0x00, " ");
			if (strlen(params) != 2 || csscanf(params, "%x", &memLoc) != 1) goto error;
			// %c gets a character, the data type character
			params = cstrtok(0x00, " ");
			if (strlen(params) != 1 || csscanf(params, "%c", &dataType) != 1) goto error;
			// %x gets a hexadecimal value, number of bytes to read
			params = cstrtok(0x00, " ");
			if (strlen(params) != 2 || csscanf(params, "%x", &numBytes) != 1) goto error;
			// If there is any data after the number of bytes, then the format is invalid and it should return an error
			if (cstrtok(0x00, " ") != 0x00) goto error;
			dataType = tolower(dataType); // Lowercase the data type
			if (groupAddress < 0 || groupAddress > 7)
				goto error; // groupAddress was not in range
			data[0] = memLoc;	// First byte needs to be the memory location according to PCF8570 datasheet
			slaveAddress |= groupAddress;	// ORs the group 2 address to the group 1 address to get slaveAddress
			I2CHW_bWriteBytes(slaveAddress, data, 1, I2CHW_NoStop); // Write one byte to the RAM, the slaveAddress so it knows who were talking to
			while (!(I2CHW_bReadI2CStatus() & I2CHW_WR_COMPLETE)); // Wait while it is writing
			I2CHW_ClrWrStatus(); // Clear the write bit
			I2CHW_fReadBytes(slaveAddress, data, numBytes, I2CHW_CompleteXfer); // Read numBytes from the RAM, put it in data
			while(!(I2CHW_bReadI2CStatus() & I2CHW_RD_COMPLETE)); // Wait while it is reading
			I2CHW_ClrRdStatus(); // Clear the read bit
			if (dataType == 'a') // If the data type is ASCII
				for (i = 0; i < numBytes; ++i) // Loop through each byte
					UART_PutChar(data[i]); // Put the character in PuTTy
			else if (dataType == 'h') // If the data type is Hex
				for (i = 0; i < numBytes; ++i) // Loop through each byte
					csprintf(hexStr, "%X ", data[i]); // csprintf prints into hexStr a hexadecimal with a space
					UART_PutString(hexStr); // Print hexStr
				goto error;
			goto error;
		continue; // This is so that the error is skipped when everything goes right
		error: // This outputs an invalid format message and continues on to read another line
			UART_CPutString("Invalid format entered. Valid formats are:\r\n\tW [GroupAddress] [MemoryLocation] [h|a] Hex/ASCII\r\n\tR [GroupAddress] [MemoryLocation] [h|a] [NumBytes]\r\n");
Beispiel #3
void main(void)
	M8C_EnableGInt ; // Uncomment this line to enable Global Interrupts
	M8C_EnableIntMask(INT_MSK1, INT_MSK1_DBB01); // Enable DBB01 Interrupt for TempCounter
	M8C_EnableIntMask(INT_MSK1, INT_MSK1_DBB11); // Enable DBB01 Interrupt for MotorDriver
	M8C_EnableIntMask(INT_MSK0, INT_MSK0_GPIO); // Enable GPIO interrupt for Tout
	// Start the UART(with no parity), LCD, TempCounter and MotorDriver
	TempCounter_EnableInt(); // Enable interrupts for counter
	MotorDriver_EnableInt(); // Enable interrupts for counter
	// Start I2CHW
	WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xAC, 1, 0x02); // Write to access config, sets mode to cooling(POL = 1), also turns 1-SHOT off, continuous conversions
	WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xA1, 2, (setTemp + tolerance), 0x00); // Sets initial high temp to be setTemp + tolerance
	WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xA2, 2, (setTemp - tolerance), 0x00); // Sets initial low temp to be setTemp - tolerance
	WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xEE, 0); // This tells the temperature IC to start converting the temperatures
	// Writes initial string to LCD. When LCD is updated, only the numbers will be changed
	LCD_Position(0,0); LCD_PrCString("CUR: 00 OFF     ");
	LCD_Position(1,0); LCD_PrCString("SET: 00 FAN OFF ");
	// This is the command usage string
	UART_CPutString("#################### Heating/Cooling Stepper Motors ##################\r\n\
#	S ##\r\n\
#		S - Set the desired Temperature\r\n\
#		## - Desired temperature in celsius\r\n\
#	T ##\r\n\
#		T - Set the desired tolerance\r\n\
#		## - Desired tolerance in celsius\r\n\
#	M X\r\n\
#		M - Change the mode of the thermostat\r\n\
#		X - C is for cool, H is for heat, F is for off\r\n\
#	F X S\r\n\
#		F - Change the mode of the fan\r\n\
#		X - A is for automatic fan control, M is for always on\r\n\
#		S - Speed of the fan, H = high, M = medium, L = low\r\n\
	while (1)
		char *cmd;
		char *params;
		if (GetLine(buf, &strPos, 79)) // Only process the data if GetLine returns true
			cmd = Lowercase(cstrtok(buf, " ")); // Lowercase the first word from the inputted string
			if (strlen(cmd) == 1 && cmd[0] == 's') // If the person entered s
				int temp;
				params = cstrtok(0x00, " "); // Read next word 							
				// If next word isnt number or isnt 1 or 2 characters long, then return error
				if (!IsNumber(params) || strlen(params) < 1 || strlen(params) > 2 || csscanf(params, "%d", &temp) != 1) goto error;
				// If there is additional data at end of string or if number is not within 0-99, return error
				if (cstrtok(0x00, " ") != 0x00) goto error;
				if ( temp > 99 || temp < 0) goto error; 
				setTemp = temp;
				WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xA1, 2, (setTemp + tolerance), 0x00); // Sets high temp to be setTemp + tolerance
				WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xA2, 2, (setTemp - tolerance), 0x00); // Sets low temp to be setTemp - tolerance
				updateLCD = TRUE; // Update the LCD
			else if (strlen(cmd) == 1 && cmd[0] == 't') // If the person entered t
				int tol; 
				params = cstrtok(0x00, " "); // Read next word					
				// If next word isnt number or isnt 1 or 2 characters long, then return error
				if (!IsNumber(params) || strlen(params) < 1 || strlen(params) > 2 || csscanf(params, "%d", &tol) != 1) goto error;
				// If there is additional data at end of string or if number is not within 0-10, return error
				if (cstrtok(0x00, " ") != 0x00) goto error;
				if (tol < 0 || tol > 10) goto error;
				tolerance = tol;
				WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xA1, 2, (setTemp + tolerance), 0x00); // Sets high temp to be setTemp + tolerance
				WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xA2, 2, (setTemp - tolerance), 0x00); // Sets low temp to be setTemp - tolerance
				updateLCD = TRUE; // Update the LCD
			else if (strlen(cmd) == 1 && cmd[0] == 'm') // If the person entered m
				char mode;
				params = cstrtok(0x00, " "); // Read next word
				// If next word isnt 1 character long, return error
				if (strlen(params) != 1 || csscanf(params, "%c", &mode) != 1) goto error;
				// If there is additional data at end of string, return error
				if (cstrtok(0x00, " ") != 0x00) goto error;
				mode = tolower(mode); // Lowercase the character
				switch (mode)
					case 'h':
						thermostatMode = 1; // Set mode to heating
						WriteI2C(slaveAddress,0xAC, 1, 0x00); // Change access config on DS1621 to heating(POL = 0)
					case 'c':
						thermostatMode = 2; // Set mode to cooling
						WriteI2C(slaveAddress, 0xAC, 1, 0x02); // Change access config on DS1621 to cooling(POL = 1)
					case 'f': 
						thermostatMode = 0; // Set mode to off
						goto error; // Invalid character entered, goto error
				CheckFan(); // Check the fan to see if it should be on
			else if (strlen(cmd) == 1 && cmd[0] == 'f') // If the person entered f
				char mode;
				char speed;
				params = cstrtok(0x00, " "); // Read next word
				// If next word isnt 1 character long, then return error
				if (strlen(params) != 1 || csscanf(params, "%c", &mode) != 1) goto error;
				params = cstrtok(0x00, " "); // Read next word
				// If next word isnt 1 character long, then return error
				if (strlen(params) != 1 || csscanf(params, "%c", &speed) != 1) goto error;
				// If there is additional data at end of string, return error
				if (cstrtok(0x00, " ") != 0x00) goto error;
				speed = tolower(speed); // Lowercase the speed and mode characters entered
				mode = tolower(mode);
				switch (mode)
					case 'm':
						fanMode = 0; // Set fan mode to manual
					case 'a':
						fanMode = 1; // Set fan mode to automatic
					default: // Otherwise go to error
						goto error;
				MotorDriver_Stop(); // Stop the motor to change the period values
				switch (speed)
					case 'l':
						fanSpeed = 0; // Set fan speed to low
						MotorDriver_WritePeriod(49999); // See report for where these numbers came from
					case 'm':
						fanSpeed = 1; // Set fan speed to medium
						MotorDriver_WritePeriod(9999); // See report for where these numbers came from
					case 'h':
						fanSpeed = 2; // Set fan speed to high
						MotorDriver_WritePeriod(1999); // See report for where these numbers came from
					default: // Otherwise go to error if invalid input entered
						goto error;
				CheckFan(); // Check the fan to see if it should be on
				goto error;
		if (checkTemp) // Check the temperature
			char buf[2];
			ReadI2C(slaveAddress, 0xAA, 2, buf); // Read the temperature from IC, returns 2 bytes
			curTemp = buf[0]; // We just care about the first byte
			checkTemp = FALSE; // Turn flag off so it doesnt keep doing this
		if (updateLCD) // Update the LCD
			char buf[3];
			NumToStr(buf, curTemp, 2); // Convert current temp to str
			LCD_Position(0, 5); LCD_PrString(buf); // Print it
			LCD_Position(0, 8);
			switch(thermostatMode) // Print thermostat mode
				case 0: LCD_PrCString("OFF "); break;
				case 1: LCD_PrCString("HEAT"); break;
				case 2: LCD_PrCString("COOL"); break;
			NumToStr(buf, setTemp, 2); // Convert set temp to str
			LCD_Position(1, 5); LCD_PrString(buf); // Print it
			LCD_Position(1, 12);
			if (fanMode == 1 && thermostatMode == 0) LCD_PrCString("OFF"); // Print current fan state
			else if (fanSpeed == 0) LCD_PrCString("LOW");
			else if (fanSpeed == 1) LCD_PrCString("MED");
			else if (fanSpeed == 2) LCD_PrCString("HI ");
			updateLCD = FALSE;
			UART_CPutString("# Invalid format entered. Valid formats are:\r\n\
#	S ##\r\n\
#		S - Set the desired Temperature\r\n\
#		## - Desired temperature in celsius\r\n\
#	T ##\r\n\
#		T - Set the desired tolerance\r\n\
#		## - Desired tolerance in celsius\r\n\
#	M X\r\n\
#		M - Change the mode of the thermostat\r\n\
#		X - C is for cool, H is for heat, F is for off\r\n\
#	F X S\r\n\
#		F - Change the mode of the fan\r\n\
#		X - A is for automatic fan control, M is for always on\r\n\
#		S - Speed of the fan, H = high, M = medium, L = low\r\n\