Beispiel #1
  * @brief  Configures the selected IO Expander functionalities.
  * @param  DeviceAddr: The address of the IOExpander, could be : IOE_1_ADDR
  *         or IOE_2_ADDR.
  * @param  IOE_TEMPSENS_FCT: the functions to be configured. could be any 
  *         combination of the following values:
  *   @arg  IOE_IO_FCT : IO function
  *   @arg  IOE_TS_FCT : Touch Screen function
  *   @arg  IOE_ADC_FCT : ADC function
  *   @arg  IOE_TEMPSENS_FCT : Temperature Sensor function
  * @retval IOE_OK: if all initializations are OK. Other value if error.
uint8_t IOE_FnctCmd(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t Fct, FunctionalState NewState)
  uint8_t tmp = 0;
  /* Get the register value */
  tmp = I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, IOE_REG_SYS_CTRL2);
  if (NewState != DISABLE)
    /* Set the Functionalities to be Enabled */    
    tmp &= ~(uint8_t)Fct;
    /* Set the Functionalities to be Disabled */    
    tmp |= (uint8_t)Fct;  
  /* Set the register value */
  I2C_WriteDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, IOE_REG_SYS_CTRL2, tmp);
  /* If all OK return IOE_OK */
  return IOE_OK;    
Beispiel #2
  * @brief  Enables or disables the Global interrupt.
  * @param  DeviceAddr: The address of the IOExpander, could be :I OE_1_ADDR
  *         or IOE_2_ADDR.
  * @param  NewState: could be ENABLE or DISABLE.        
  * @retval IOE_OK: if all initializations are OK. Other value if error.
uint8_t IOE_GITCmd(uint8_t DeviceAddr, FunctionalState NewState)
  uint8_t tmp = 0;
  /* Read the Interrupt Control register  */
  I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, IOE_REG_INT_CTRL);
  if (NewState != DISABLE)
    /* Set the global interrupts to be Enabled */    
    tmp |= (uint8_t)IOE_GIT_EN;
    /* Set the global interrupts to be Disabled */    
    tmp &= ~(uint8_t)IOE_GIT_EN;
  /* Write Back the Interrupt Control register */
  I2C_WriteDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, IOE_REG_INT_CTRL, tmp);

  /* If all OK return IOE_OK */
  return IOE_OK;     
Beispiel #3
  * @brief  Configures the selected pin to be in Alternate function or not
  * @param  DeviceAddr: The address of the IOExpander, could be : IOE_1_ADDR
  *         or IOE_2_ADDR.
  * @param  IO_Pin: IO_Pin_x, Where x can be from 0 to 7.
  * @param  NewState: State of the AF for the selected pin, could be
  *         ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval IOE_OK: if all initializations are OK. Other value if error.
uint8_t IOE_IOAFConfig(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t IO_Pin, FunctionalState NewState)
  uint8_t tmp = 0;

  /* Get the current state of the GPIO_AF register */
  tmp = I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, IOE_REG_GPIO_AF);

  if (NewState != DISABLE)
    /* Enable the selected pins alternate function */
    tmp |= (uint8_t)IO_Pin;
    /* Disable the selected pins alternate function */
    tmp &= ~(uint8_t)IO_Pin;

  /* Write back the new value in GPIO_AF register */
  I2C_WriteDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, IOE_REG_GPIO_AF, tmp);

  /* If all OK return IOE_OK */
  return IOE_OK;
  * @brief  Returns the status of the selected input IO pin.
  * @param IO_Pin: The input pin to be read. 
  *                IO_Pin_x: Where x can be from 0 to 7.
  *   @arg  JOY_IO_PINS: Joystick IO pins (use IOE_JoyStickGetState for these pins)  
  * @retval None
uint8_t IOE_ReadIOPin(uint32_t IO_Pin)
  uint8_t DeviceAddr = 0;
  uint8_t tmp = 0;  
  if (IO_Pin & IO1_IN_ALL_PINS)
    DeviceAddr = IOE_1_ADDR;
    return PARAM_ERROR;
  /* Get all the Pins status */
  tmp = I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, IOE_REG_GPIO_MP_STA);
  if ((tmp & (uint8_t)IO_Pin) != 0)
    return BitSet;
    return BitReset;
  * @brief  Configures The selected interrupts on the IO Expanders.
  * @param  IOE_ITSRC_Source: the source of the interrupts. Could be one or a 
  *         combination of the following parameters:
  *   @arg  IOE_ITSRC_TSC: Touch Screen interrupts.
  * @retval IOE_OK: if all initializations are OK. Other value if error.
uint8_t IOE_ITConfig(uint32_t IOE_ITSRC_Source)
  /* Configure the Interrupt output pin to generate low level (INT_CTRL) */
  IOE_ITOutConfig(Polarity_Low, Type_Level);    
  /* Manage the Touch Screen Interrupts */  
    /* Enable the Global interrupt */  
    IOE_GITCmd(IOE_1_ADDR, ENABLE);     
    /* Enable the Global GPIO Interrupt */
    /* Read the GPIO_IT_STA to clear all pending bits if any */
    I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(IOE_1_ADDR, IOE_REG_GPIO_INT_STA); 
  /* Configure the Interrupt line as EXTI source */
  /* If all OK return IOE_OK */
  return IOE_OK;
  * @brief  Returns the current Joystick status.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The code of the Joystick key pressed: 
  *   @arg  JOY_NONE
  *   @arg  JOY_IO_CENTER
  *   @arg  JOY_DOWN
  *   @arg  JOY_LEFT
  *   @arg  JOY_RIGHT
  *   @arg  JOY_UP
JOY_State_TypeDef IOE_JoyStickGetState(void)
  uint8_t tmp = 0;
  /* Read the status of all pins */
  tmp = (uint32_t)I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(IOE_2_ADDR, IOE_REG_GPIO_MP_STA);
  /* Check the pressed keys */
  if ((tmp & JOY_IO_NONE) == JOY_IO_NONE)
    return (JOY_State_TypeDef)JOY_NONE;
  else if (!(tmp & JOY_IO_CENTER))
    return (JOY_State_TypeDef)JOY_CENTER;
  else if (!(tmp & JOY_IO_DOWN))
    return (JOY_State_TypeDef)JOY_DOWN;
  else if (!(tmp & JOY_IO_LEFT))
    return (JOY_State_TypeDef)JOY_LEFT;
  else if (!(tmp & JOY_IO_RIGHT))
    return (JOY_State_TypeDef)JOY_RIGHT;
  else if (!(tmp & JOY_IO_UP))
    return (JOY_State_TypeDef)JOY_UP;
    return (JOY_State_TypeDef)JOY_NONE;
Beispiel #7
  * @brief  Writes a value in a register of the device through I2C.
  * @param  DeviceAddr: The address of the IOExpander, could be : IOE_1_ADDR
  *         or IOE_2_ADDR.
  * @param  RegisterAddr: The target register adress
  * @param  RegisterValue: The target register value to be written
  * @retval IOE_OK: if all operations are OK. Other value if error.
uint8_t I2C_WriteDeviceRegister(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t RegisterValue)
  uint32_t read_verif = 0;
  uint8_t IOE_BufferTX = 0;

  /* Get Value to be written */
  IOE_BufferTX = RegisterValue;

  /* Configure DMA Peripheral */
  IOE_DMA_Config(IOE_DMA_TX, (uint8_t*)(&IOE_BufferTX));

  /* Enable the I2C peripheral */

  /* Test on SB Flag */
  while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(IOE_I2C,I2C_FLAG_SB) == RESET)
    if (IOE_TimeOut-- == 0) return(IOE_TimeoutUserCallback());

  /* Transmit the slave address and enable writing operation */
  I2C_Send7bitAddress(IOE_I2C, DeviceAddr, I2C_Direction_Transmitter);

  /* Test on ADDR Flag */
    if (IOE_TimeOut-- == 0) return(IOE_TimeoutUserCallback());

  /* Transmit the first address for r/w operations */
  I2C_SendData(IOE_I2C, RegisterAddr);

  /* Test on TXE FLag (data dent) */
  while ((!I2C_GetFlagStatus(IOE_I2C,I2C_FLAG_TXE)) && (!I2C_GetFlagStatus(IOE_I2C,I2C_FLAG_BTF)))
    if (IOE_TimeOut-- == 0) return(IOE_TimeoutUserCallback());

  /* Enable I2C DMA request */

  /* Enable DMA TX Channel */

  /* Wait until DMA Transfer Complete */
  while (!DMA_GetFlagStatus(IOE_DMA_TX_TCFLAG))
    if (IOE_TimeOut-- == 0) return(IOE_TimeoutUserCallback());

  /* Wait until BTF Flag is set before generating STOP */
  IOE_TimeOut = 2 * TIMEOUT_MAX;
  while ((!I2C_GetFlagStatus(IOE_I2C,I2C_FLAG_BTF)))

  /* Send STOP Condition */
  I2C_GenerateSTOP(IOE_I2C, ENABLE);

  /* Disable DMA TX Channel */

  /* Disable I2C DMA request */

  /* Clear DMA TX Transfer Complete Flag */

  /* Verify (if needed) that the loaded data is correct  */

  /* Read the just written register*/
  read_verif = I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, RegisterAddr);
  /* Load the register and verify its value  */
  if (read_verif != RegisterValue)
    /* Control data wrongly tranfered */
    read_verif = IOE_FAILURE;
    /* Control data correctly transfered */
    read_verif = 0;

  /* Return the verifying value: 0 (Passed) or 1 (Failed) */
  return read_verif;
Beispiel #8
   Register 3 - Configuration register
   This register configures the directions of the I/O pins. If a bit in this register is set, the 
   corresponding port pin is enabled as an input with high-impedance output driver. If a bit in 
   this register is cleared, the corresponding port pin is enabled as an output. At reset, the 
   I/Os are configured as inputs with a weak pull-up to VDD.
uint8_t PCA9536_REG_CX_READ(void)
  /* Get all the Pins direction */
  return I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(PCA9536_ADDRESS, PCA9536_REG_CX);;      
Beispiel #9
  * @brief  Writes a value in a register of the IOE through I2C.
  * @param  DeviceAddr: The address of the IOExpander, could be : IOE_1_ADDR
  *         or IOE_2_ADDR.
  * @param  RegisterAddr: The target register adress
  * @param  RegisterValue: The target register value to be written
  * @retval IOE_OK: if all operations are OK. Other value if error.
uint8_t I2C_WriteDeviceRegister(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t RegisterValue)
    uint32_t read_verif = 0;

    /* Reset all I2C2 registers */
    I2C_SoftwareResetCmd(IOE_I2C, ENABLE);
    I2C_SoftwareResetCmd(IOE_I2C, DISABLE);

    TimeOut = TIMEOUT_MAX;

    /* Enable the IOE_I2C peripheral  */
    I2C_Cmd(IOE_I2C, ENABLE);

    /* Configure the I2C peripheral */

    /* Begin the config sequence */
    I2C_GenerateSTART(IOE_I2C, ENABLE);

    /* Test on EV5 and clear it */
    while (!I2C_CheckEvent(IOE_I2C, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_MODE_SELECT))
        if (TimeOut-- == 0) return IOE_TIEMOUT;

    /* Transmit the slave address and enable writing operation */
    I2C_Send7bitAddress(IOE_I2C, DeviceAddr, I2C_Direction_Transmitter);

    /* Test on EV6 and clear it */
        if (TimeOut-- == 0) return IOE_TIEMOUT;

    /* Transmit the first address for r/w operations */
    I2C_SendData(IOE_I2C, RegisterAddr);

    TimeOut = TIMEOUT_MAX;

    /* Test on EV8 and clear it */
        if (TimeOut-- == 0) return IOE_TIEMOUT;

    /* Prepare the register value to be sent */
    I2C_SendData(IOE_I2C, RegisterValue);

    /* Test on EV8 and clear it */
        if (TimeOut-- == 0) return IOE_TIEMOUT;

    /* End the configuration sequence */
    I2C_GenerateSTOP(IOE_I2C, ENABLE);

    /* Verify (if needed) that the loaded data is correct  */

    /* Read the just written register*/
    read_verif = I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(DeviceAddr, RegisterAddr);
    /* Load the register and verify its value  */
    if (read_verif != RegisterValue)
        /* Control data wrongly tranfered */
        read_verif = IOE_FAILURE;
        /* Control data correctly transfered */
        read_verif = 0;

    /* Return the verifying value: 0 (Passed) or 1 (Failed) */
    return read_verif;
void Sensors_Read(uint8_t SensorType)
	int g_x, g_y, g_z, a_x, a_y, a_z, m_x, m_y, m_z;
	switch (SensorType)
	case GYRO:
		I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(I2C_COM1, ITG3200_ADDRESS, GYRO_XOUT_H_ITG | (1 << 7), MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->ReadLength, (uint32_t) MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue);
		//I2C_ReadDeviceRegister_async(I2C_COM1,L3G3200_ADDRESS, OUT_X_L_G | (1 << 7) ,MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->ReadLength,(uint32_t)MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue);

		g_x = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[1]) | (MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[0] << 8))));
		g_y = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[3]) | (MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[2] << 8))));
		g_z = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[5]) | (MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[4] << 8))));
		sync_printf("GYRO: %d %d %d\r\n", g_x, g_y, g_z);

		/*init ITG3200*/
	case ACC:

		//I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(I2C_COM1,LSM303_ACC_ADDRESS, OUT_X_H_A | (1 << 7) ,MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->ReadLength,(uint32_t)MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue);
		I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(I2C_COM1, ADXL345_ADDRESS, Register_DataX_L | (1 << 7), MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->ReadLength, (uint32_t) MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue); //ADXL345

		a_x = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[0]) | (MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[1] << 8))));
		a_y = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[2]) | (MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[3] << 8))));
		a_z = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[4]) | (MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[5] << 8))));

		sync_printf("ACC: %d %d %d\r\n", a_x, a_y, a_z);
	case MAG:

		//I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(I2C_COM1,LSM303_MAG_ADDRESS, OUT_X_H_M | (1 << 7) ,MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->ReadLength,(uint32_t)MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue);
		I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(I2C_COM1, HMC5883L_ADDRESS, OUT_X_H_M | (1 << 7), MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->ReadLength, (uint32_t) MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue);

		m_x = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[1]) | (MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[0] << 8))));
		m_y = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[3]) | (MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[2] << 8))));
		m_z = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[5]) | (MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[4] << 8))));

		sync_printf("%d %d %d\r\n", m_x, m_y, m_z);
		I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(I2C_COM1, ITG3200_ADDRESS, GYRO_XOUT_H_ITG | (1 << 7), MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->ReadLength, (uint32_t) MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue);
		//I2C_ReadDeviceRegister_async(I2C_COM1,L3G3200_ADDRESS, OUT_X_L_G | (1 << 7) ,MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->ReadLength,(uint32_t)MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue);

		g_x = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[1]) | (MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[0] << 8))));
		g_y = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[3]) | (MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[2] << 8))));
		g_z = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[5]) | (MARG_SENSORS[GYRO]->SensorRawValue[4] << 8))));

		I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(I2C_COM1, ADXL345_ADDRESS, Register_DataX_L | (1 << 7), MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->ReadLength, (uint32_t) MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue); //ADXL345

		a_x = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[0]) | (MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[1] << 8))));
		a_y = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[2]) | (MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[3] << 8))));
		a_z = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[4]) | (MARG_SENSORS[ACC]->SensorRawValue[5] << 8))));

		I2C_ReadDeviceRegister(I2C_COM1, HMC5883L_ADDRESS, OUT_X_H_M | (1 << 7), MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->ReadLength, (uint32_t) MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue);

		m_x = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[1]) | (MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[0] << 8))));
		m_y = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[3]) | (MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[2] << 8))));
		m_z = ((int) ((int16_t) ((MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[5]) | (MARG_SENSORS[MAG]->SensorRawValue[4] << 8))));

		async_printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\r\n", a_x, a_y, a_z, g_x, g_y, g_z, m_x, m_y, m_z);

