Beispiel #1
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Fire Laser:  Registers a laser fire, and performs special stuff for the fusion
//				    cannon.
void ChargeFusion (void)
if (( < I2X (2)) && (gameData.fusion.xAutoFireTime == 0)) {
	gameData.laser.nGlobalFiringCount = 0;
else {
	gameData.fusion.xFrameTime += gameData.time.xFrame;
	if (!gameData.FusionCharge ()) -= I2X (2);
	fix h = (gameData.fusion.xFrameTime <= ? gameData.fusion.xFrameTime :;
	gameData.SetFusionCharge (gameData.FusionCharge () + h); -= h;
	if ( > 0) 
		gameData.fusion.xAutoFireTime = gameData.time.xGame + gameData.fusion.xFrameTime / 2 + 1;
	else { = 0;
		gameData.fusion.xAutoFireTime = gameData.time.xGame - 1;	//	Fire now!
	if (gameStates.limitFPS.bFusion && !

	float fScale = float (gameData.FusionCharge () >> 11) / 64.0f;
	tRgbaColorf* colorP = gameData.weapons.color + FUSION_ID;

	if (gameData.FusionCharge () < I2X (2)) 
		paletteManager.BumpEffect (colorP->red * fScale, colorP->green * fScale, colorP->blue * fScale);
		paletteManager.BumpEffect (colorP->blue * fScale, colorP->red * fScale, colorP->green * fScale);
	if (gameData.time.xGame < gameData.fusion.xLastSoundTime)		//gametime has wrapped
		gameData.fusion.xNextSoundTime = gameData.fusion.xLastSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame;
	if (gameData.fusion.xNextSoundTime < gameData.time.xGame) {
		if (gameData.FusionCharge () > I2X (2)) {
			audio.PlaySound (11);
			gameData.objs.consoleP->ApplyDamageToPlayer (gameData.objs.consoleP, d_rand () * 4);
		else {
			CreateAwarenessEvent (gameData.objs.consoleP, WEAPON_ROBOT_COLLISION);
			audio.PlaySound (SOUND_FUSION_WARMUP);
			if (IsMultiGame)
				MultiSendPlaySound (SOUND_FUSION_WARMUP, I2X (1));
		gameData.fusion.xLastSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame;
		gameData.fusion.xNextSoundTime = gameData.time.xGame + I2X (1) / 8 + d_rand () / 4;
	gameData.fusion.xFrameTime = 0;
Beispiel #2
void CHUD::DrawCloak (void)
if (cockpit->Hide ())

	static int nIdCloak = 0;

	 ((LOCALPLAYER.cloakTime + CLOAK_TIME_MAX - gameData.time.xGame > I2X (3)) || (gameData.time.xGame & 0x8000))) {
	int	y = CCanvas::Current ()->Height ();

	if (IsMultiGame)
		y -= 7 * m_info.nLineSpacing;
		y -= 4 * m_info.nLineSpacing;
	if ((LOCALPLAYER.flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_AFTERBURNER) && !gameOpts->render.cockpit.bTextGauges)
		y -= m_info.nLineSpacing + gameStates.render.fonts.bHires + 1;
	fontManager.SetColorRGBi (GREEN_RGBA, 1, 0, 0);
	nIdCloak = GrPrintF (&nIdCloak, 2, y, "%s", TXT_CLOAKED);
Beispiel #3
void CStatusBar::DrawAfterburnerBar (void)
if (

	int nEraseHeight;

CCanvas::Push ();
fontManager.SetScale (floor (float (CCanvas::Current ()->Width ()) / 640.0f));
CCanvas::SetCurrent (CurrentGameScreen ());
nEraseHeight = FixMul ((I2X (1) - gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge), SB_AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_H);

if (nEraseHeight > 0) {
	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
fontManager.SetScale (1.0f);
CCanvas::Pop ();
Beispiel #4
// Volume 0-I2X (1)
int CAudio::StartSound (short nSound, int nSoundClass, fix nVolume, int nPan, int bLooping, 
								int nLoopStart, int nLoopEnd, int nSoundObj, int nSpeed, 
								const char *pszWAV, CFixVector* vPos)
	CAudioChannel*	channelP;

if (!
	return -1;
if (!m_info.bAvailable) 
	return -1;
if (((nSoundObj > -1) || bLooping || (nVolume > I2X (1))) && !nSoundClass)
	nSoundClass = -1;
if (!(channelP = FindFreeChannel (nSoundClass)))
	return -1;
if (0 > channelP->Start (nSound, nSoundClass, nVolume, nPan, bLooping, nLoopStart, nLoopEnd, nSoundObj, nSpeed, pszWAV, vPos)) {
	return -1;
int i = m_info.nFreeChannel;
if (++m_info.nFreeChannel >= MAX_SOUND_CHANNELS)
	m_info.nFreeChannel = 0;
return i;
Beispiel #5
int CParticleSystem::Update (void)
if (!m_bValid)
	return 0;

	CParticleEmitter	*emitterP;
	int					i = 0;

if ((m_nObject == 0x7fffffff) && (m_nType == SMOKE_PARTICLES) &&
	 ( - m_nBirth > (MAX_SHRAPNEL_LIFE / I2X (1)) * 1000))
	SetLife (0);
#if DBG
if ((m_nObject >= 0) && (m_nObject < 0x70000000) && (OBJECTS [m_nObject].info.nType == 255))
	i = i;
if ((emitterP = m_emitters.Buffer ())) {
	bool bKill = (m_nObject < 0) || ((m_nObject < 0x70000000) &&
					 ((OBJECTS [m_nObject].info.nSignature != m_nSignature) || (OBJECTS [m_nObject].info.nType == OBJ_NONE)));
	for (i = 0; i < m_nEmitters; ) {
		if (!m_emitters)
			return 0;
		if (emitterP->IsDead ( {
			if (!RemoveEmitter (i)) {
				//particleManager.Destroy (m_nId);
				m_bDestroy = true;
		else {
			if (bKill)
				emitterP->SetLife (0);
			emitterP->Update (, -1);
			emitterP++, i++;
return i;
Beispiel #6
//draw an CObject that is a texture-mapped rod
void DrawObjectRodTexPoly (CObject *objP, tBitmapIndex bmi, int bLit, int iFrame)
	CBitmap *bmP = gameData.pig.tex.bitmaps [0] + bmi.index;
	fix light;
	CFixVector delta, top_v, bot_v;
	g3sPoint top_p, bot_p;

LoadBitmap (bmi.index, 0);
if ((bmP->Type () == BM_TYPE_STD) && bmP->Override ()) {
	bmP->SetupTexture (1, gameOpts->render.bDepthSort <= 0);
	bmP = bmP->Override (iFrame);
delta = objP->info.position.mOrient.UVec () * objP->info.xSize;
top_v = objP->info.position.vPos + delta;
bot_v = objP->info.position.vPos - delta;
G3TransformAndEncodePoint (&top_p, top_v);
G3TransformAndEncodePoint (&bot_p, bot_v);
if (bLit)
	light = ComputeObjectLight (objP, &top_p.p3_vec);
	light = I2X (1);
G3DrawRodTexPoly (bmP, &bot_p, objP->info.xSize, &top_p, objP->info.xSize, light, NULL);
void RenderPowerupCorona (CObject *objP, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
if ((IsEnergyPowerup (objP->info.nId) ? gameOpts->render.coronas.bPowerups : gameOpts->render.coronas.bWeapons) && LoadGlare ()) {
	static tRgbaColorf keyColors [3] = {
	 {0.2f, 0.2f, 0.9f, 0.2f},
	 {0.9f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f},
	 {0.9f, 0.8f, 0.2f, 0.2f}

	tRgbaColorf color;
	fix			xSize;
	float			fScale;

	if ((objP->info.nId >= POW_KEY_BLUE) && (objP->info.nId <= POW_KEY_GOLD)) {
		int i = objP->info.nId - POW_KEY_BLUE;

		color = keyColors [(((i < 0) || (i > 2)) ? 3 : i)];
		xSize = I2X (12);
	else {
		float b = (float) sqrt ((red * 3 + green * 5 + blue * 2) / 10); = red / b; = green / b; = blue / b;
		xSize = 2 * objP->info.xSize; //I2X (8);
	color.alpha = alpha;
	fScale = coronaIntensities [gameOpts->render.coronas.nObjIntensity] / 2; *= fScale; *= fScale; *= fScale;
	bmpGlare->SetColor (&color);
	ogl.RenderSprite (bmpGlare, objP->info.position.vPos, xSize, xSize, alpha, LIGHTTRAIL_BLENDMODE, 5);
	bmpGlare->SetColor (NULL);
Beispiel #8
void CCockpit::DrawAfterburnerBar (void)
#if 1
	return;		//don't draw if don't have
if (!gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge)
//CCanvas::Current ()->SetColorRGB (255, 255, 255, 255);
int yMax = FixMul (I2X (1) - gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge, AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_H);
if (yMax) {
	int		x [4], y [4];
	ubyte*	tableP = ? afterburnerBarTableHires : afterburnerBarTable;

	y [0] = y [1] = ScaleY (AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_Y);
	y [3] = ScaleY (AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_Y + yMax) - 1;
	x [1] = ScaleX (AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_X + tableP [0]);
	x [0] = ScaleX (AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_X + tableP [1] + 1);
	x [2] = x [1];
	y [2] = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < yMax - 1; i++)
		if (x [2] >= tableP [2 * i]) {
			x [2] = tableP [2 * i];
			y [2] = i;
	x [2] = ScaleX (AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_X + x [2] + 1);
	y [2] = ScaleY (AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_Y + y [2]);
	x [3] = ScaleX (AFTERBURNER_GAUGE_X + tableP [2 * yMax - 1] + 1);
	gameStates.render.grAlpha = 1.0f;
	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
	OglDrawFilledPoly (x, y, 4, gaugeFadeColors [0], 1);
	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
Beispiel #9
int CObject::PowerupToDevice (void)
	CAngleVector	a;
	short				nModel, nId;
	int				bHasModel = 0;

	return 0;
if (!gameOpts->render.powerups.b3D)
	return 0;
if (info.controlType == CT_WEAPON)
	return 1;
if ((info.nType != OBJ_POWERUP) && (info.nType != OBJ_WEAPON))
	return 0;
nModel = PowerupToModel (info.nId);
if (nModel)
	nId = info.nId;
else {
	nId = PowerupToObject (info.nId);
	if (nId >= 0) {
		nModel = [nId].nModel;
		bHasModel = 1;
if (!bHasModel && ((info.nType != OBJ_WEAPON) || !gameData.objs.bIsMissile [info.nId]) &&
	 !(nModel && HaveReplacementModel (nModel)))
		return 0;

if (gameData.demo.nState != ND_STATE_PLAYBACK) {
	a[PA] = (rand () % I2X (1)) - I2X (1) / 2;
	a[BA] = (rand () % I2X (1)) - I2X (1) / 2;
	a[HA] = (rand () % I2X (1)) - I2X (1) / 2;
	info.position.mOrient = CFixMatrix::Create(a);
mType.physInfo.mass = I2X (1);
mType.physInfo.drag = 512;
mType.physInfo.brakes = 0;
#if 0
if ((info.nType == OBJ_WEAPON) && gameData.objs.bIsMissile [info.nId])
	mType.physInfo.rotVel[X] = 0;
	mType.physInfo.rotVel[Y] =
	mType.physInfo.rotVel[Z] = gameOpts->render.powerups.nSpin ? I2X (1) / (5 - gameOpts->render.powerups.nSpin) : 0;
#if 0
else {
	mType.physInfo.rotVel[X] =
	mType.physInfo.rotVel[Z] = 0;
	mType.physInfo.rotVel[Y] = gameOpts->render.powerups.nSpin ? I2X (1) / (5 - gameOpts->render.powerups.nSpin) : 0;
info.controlType = CT_WEAPON;
info.renderType = RT_POLYOBJ;
info.movementType = MT_PHYSICS;
mType.physInfo.flags = PF_BOUNCE | PF_FREE_SPINNING;
rType.polyObjInfo.nModel = nModel;
#if 1
if (bHasModel)
	info.xSize = gameData.models.polyModels [0][rType.polyObjInfo.nModel].Rad ();
rType.polyObjInfo.nTexOverride = -1;
info.xLifeLeft = IMMORTAL_TIME;
return 1;
Beispiel #10
void DoPlayerSmoke (tObject *objP, int i)
	int				h, j, d, nParts, nType;
	float				nScale;
	tCloud			*pCloud;
	vmsVector		fn, mn, vDir, *vDirP;
	tThrusterInfo	ti;

	static int	bForward = 1;

if (i < 0)
	i = objP->info.nId;
if ((gameData.multiplayer.players [i].flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_CLOAKED) ||
	 (gameStates.render.automap.bDisplay && IsMultiGame && !AM_SHOW_PLAYERS)) {
	KillObjectSmoke (i);
j = OBJ_IDX (objP);
if (gameOpts->render.smoke.bDecreaseLag && (i == gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer)) {
	fn = objP->info.position.mOrient[FVEC];
	mn = objP->info.position.vPos - objP->info.vLastPos;
	d = vmsVector::Dot(fn, mn);
	if (d >= -F1_0 / 2)
		bForward = 1;
	else {
		if (bForward) {
			if ((h = gameData.smoke.objects [j]) >= 0) {
				KillObjectSmoke (j);
				DestroySmoke (h);
			bForward = 0;
			nScale = 0;
#if 0
if (EGI_FLAG (bThrusterFlames, 1, 1, 0)) {
	if ((a <= F1_0 / 4) && (a || !gameStates.input.bControlsSkipFrame))	//no thruster flames if moving backward
		DropAfterburnerBlobs (objP, 2, I2X (1), -1, gameData.objs.consoleP, 1); //F1_0 / 4);
if (( & GM_NETWORK) && !gameData.multiplayer.players [i].connected)
	nParts = 0;
else if (objP->info.nFlags & (OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD | OF_DESTROYED))
	nParts = 0;
else if ((i == gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer) && ( || (gameData.multiplayer.players [i].shields < 0)))
	nParts = 0;
else {
	h = X2IR (gameData.multiplayer.players [i].shields);
	nParts = 10 - h / 5;
	nScale = X2F (objP->info.xSize);
	if (h <= 25)
		nScale /= 1.5;
	else if (h <= 50)
		nScale /= 2;
		nScale /= 3;
	if (nParts <= 0) {
		nType = 2;
		//nParts = (gameStates.entropy.nTimeLastMoved < 0) ? 250 : 125;
	else {
		CreateDamageExplosion (nParts, j);
		nType = (h > 25);
		nParts *= 25;
		nParts += 75;
	nParts = objP->mType.physInfo.thrust.IsZero() ? SHIP_MAX_PARTS : SHIP_MAX_PARTS / 2;
	if (SHOW_SMOKE && nParts && gameOpts->render.smoke.bPlayers) {
		if (gameOpts->render.smoke.bSyncSizes) {
			nParts = -MAX_PARTICLES (nParts, gameOpts->render.smoke.nDens [0]);
			nScale = PARTICLE_SIZE (gameOpts->render.smoke.nSize [0], nScale);
		else {
			nParts = -MAX_PARTICLES (nParts, gameOpts->render.smoke.nDens [1]);
			nScale = PARTICLE_SIZE (gameOpts->render.smoke.nSize [1], nScale);
		if (!objP->mType.physInfo.thrust.IsZero ())
			vDirP = NULL;
		else {	// if the ship is standing still, let the thruster smoke move away from it
			nParts /= 2;
			nScale /= 2;
			vDir = OBJPOS (objP)->mOrient [FVEC] * (F1_0 / 8);
			vDir = -vDir;
			vDirP = &vDir;
		if (0 > (h = gameData.smoke.objects [j])) {
			//PrintLog ("creating tPlayer smoke\n");
			h = SetSmokeObject (j,
					CreateSmoke (&objP->info.position.vPos, vDirP, NULL, objP->info.nSegment, 2, nParts, nScale,
									 gameOpts->render.smoke.nSize [1],
									 2, PLR_PART_LIFE / (nType + 1) * (vDirP ? 2 : 1), PLR_PART_SPEED, SMOKE_PARTICLES, j, smokeColors + nType, 1, -1));
		else {
			if (vDirP)
				SetSmokeDir (h, vDirP);
			SetSmokeLife (h, PLR_PART_LIFE / (nType + 1) * (vDirP ? 2 : 1));
			SetSmokeType (h, SMOKE_PARTICLES);
			SetSmokePartScale (h, -nScale);
			SetSmokeDensity (h, nParts, gameOpts->render.smoke.bSyncSizes ? -1 : gameOpts->render.smoke.nSize [1]);
			SetSmokeSpeed (gameData.smoke.objects [i],
								objP->mType.physInfo.thrust.IsZero () ? PLR_PART_SPEED * 2 : PLR_PART_SPEED);
		CalcThrusterPos (objP, &ti, 0);
		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
			if ((pCloud = GetCloud (h, j)))
				SetCloudPos (pCloud, ti.vPos + j, NULL, objP->info.nSegment);
		DoGatlingSmoke (objP);
KillObjectSmoke (i);
KillGatlingSmoke (objP);
Beispiel #11
void ReadFlyingControls (CObject *objP)
	fix		forwardThrustTime;
	CObject*	gmObjP;
	int		bMulti;

if (gameData.time.xFrame <= 0)

if ( || {
	StopPlayerMovement ();
	FlushInput ();

if ((objP->info.nType != OBJ_PLAYER) || (objP->info.nId != gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer))
	return;	//references to CPlayerShip require that this obj be the CPlayerData

tGuidedMissileInfo *gmiP = gameData.objs.guidedMissile + gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer;
gmObjP = gmiP->objP;
if (gmObjP && (gmObjP->info.nSignature == gmiP->nSignature)) {
	CAngleVector	vRotAngs;
	CFixMatrix		mRot, mOrient;
	fix				speed;

	//this is a horrible hack.  guided missile stuff should not be
	//handled in the middle of a routine that is dealing with the CPlayerData
	objP->mType.physInfo.rotThrust.SetZero ();
	vRotAngs [PA] = Controls [0].pitchTime / 2 + gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude / 64;
	vRotAngs [BA] = Controls [0].bankTime / 2 + gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude / 16;
	vRotAngs [HA] = Controls [0].headingTime / 2 + gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude / 64;
	mRot = CFixMatrix::Create (vRotAngs);
	mOrient = gmObjP->info.position.mOrient * mRot;
	gmObjP->info.position.mOrient = mOrient;
	speed = WI_speed (gmObjP->info.nId,;
	gmObjP->mType.physInfo.velocity = gmObjP->info.position.mOrient.FVec () * speed;
		MultiSendGuidedInfo (gmObjP, 0);
else {
#if DBG
	if (Controls [0].headingTime)
		Controls [0].headingTime = Controls [0].headingTime;
	objP->mType.physInfo.rotThrust = CFixVector::Create (Controls [0].pitchTime,
	                                                     Controls [0].headingTime, //Controls [0].headingTime ? I2X (1) / 4 : 0; //Controls [0].headingTime;
	                                                     Controls [0].bankTime);
forwardThrustTime = Controls [0].forwardThrustTime;
if ((LOCALPLAYER.flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_AFTERBURNER) && (d_rand () < OBJECTS [gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer].DriveDamage ())) {
	if (Controls [0].afterburnerState) {			//CPlayerData has key down
		fix afterburner_scale;
		int oldCount,newCount;

		//add in value from 0..1
		afterburner_scale = I2X (1) + min (I2X (1) / 2, gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge) * 2;
		forwardThrustTime = FixMul (gameData.time.xFrame, afterburner_scale);	//based on full thrust
		oldCount = (gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge / (DROP_DELTA_TIME / AFTERBURNER_USE_SECS));
		if (!gameStates.gameplay.bAfterburnerCheat)
			gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge -= gameData.time.xFrame / AFTERBURNER_USE_SECS;
		if (gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge < 0)
			gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge = 0;
		newCount = (gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge / (DROP_DELTA_TIME / AFTERBURNER_USE_SECS));
		if ( && (oldCount != newCount))
			gameStates.render.bDropAfterburnerBlob = 1;	//drop blob (after physics called)
	else {
		fix xChargeUp = min (gameData.time.xFrame / 8, I2X (1) - gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge);	//recharge over 8 seconds
		if (xChargeUp > 0) {
			fix xCurEnergy = - I2X (10);
			xCurEnergy = max (xCurEnergy, 0) / 10;	//don't drop below 10
			if (xCurEnergy > 0) {	//maybe limit charge up by energy
				xChargeUp = min (xChargeUp, xCurEnergy / 10);
				if (xChargeUp > 0) {
					gameData.physics.xAfterburnerCharge += xChargeUp; -= xChargeUp * 100 / 10;	//full charge uses 10% of energy
// Set CObject's thrust vector for forward/backward
objP->mType.physInfo.thrust = objP->info.position.mOrient.FVec () * forwardThrustTime;
// slide left/right
objP->mType.physInfo.thrust += objP->info.position.mOrient.RVec () * Controls [0].sidewaysThrustTime;
// slide up/down
objP->mType.physInfo.thrust += objP->info.position.mOrient.UVec () * Controls [0].verticalThrustTime;
objP->mType.physInfo.thrust *= 2 * objP->DriveDamage ();
if (!gameStates.input.bSkipControls)
	memcpy (&gameData.physics.playerThrust, &objP->mType.physInfo.thrust, sizeof (gameData.physics.playerThrust));
bMulti = IsMultiGame;
if ((objP->mType.physInfo.flags & PF_WIGGLE) && !gameData.objs.speedBoost [objP->Index ()].bBoosted) {
#if 1//!DBG
	WiggleObject (objP);
	// As of now, objP->mType.physInfo.thrust & objP->mType.physInfo.rotThrust are
	// in units of time... In other words, if thrust==gameData.time.xFrame, that
	// means that the user was holding down the MaxThrust key for the
	// whole frame.  So we just scale them up by the max, and divide by
	// gameData.time.xFrame to make them independant of framerate

	//	Prevent divide overflows on high frame rates.
	//	In a signed divide, you get an overflow if num >= div<<15
fix	ft = gameData.time.xFrame;

//	Note, you must check for ft < I2X (1)/2, else you can get an overflow  on the << 15.
if ((ft < I2X (1)/2) && ((ft << 15) <= gameData.pig.ship.player->maxThrust))
	ft = (gameData.pig.ship.player->maxThrust >> 15) + 1;
objP->mType.physInfo.thrust *= FixDiv (gameData.pig.ship.player->maxThrust, ft);
if ((ft < I2X (1)/2) && ((ft << 15) <= gameData.pig.ship.player->maxRotThrust))
	ft = (gameData.pig.ship.player->maxThrust >> 15) + 1;
objP->mType.physInfo.rotThrust *= FixDiv (gameData.pig.ship.player->maxRotThrust, ft);
Beispiel #12
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//if an effect is hit, and it can blow up, then blow it up
//returns true if it blew up
int CSegment::CheckEffectBlowup (int nSide, CFixVector& vHit, CObject* blowerP, int bForceBlowup)
	int				tm, tmf, ec, nBitmap = 0;
	int				bOkToBlow = 0, nSwitchType = -1;
	short				nSound, bPermaTrigger;
	ubyte				vc;
	fix				u, v;
	fix				xDestSize;
	tEffectClip*	ecP = NULL;
	CBitmap*			bmP;
	CWall*			wallP;
	CTrigger*		trigP;
	CObject*			parentP = (!blowerP || (blowerP->cType.laserInfo.parent.nObject < 0)) ? NULL : OBJECTS + blowerP->cType.laserInfo.parent.nObject;
	//	If this CWall has a CTrigger and the blowerP-upper is not the CPlayerData or the buddy, abort!

if (parentP) {
	if ((parentP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT) && ROBOTINFO (parentP->info.nId).companion)
		bOkToBlow = 1;
	if (!(bOkToBlow || (parentP->info.nType == OBJ_PLAYER)) &&
		 ((wallP = Wall (nSide)) && (wallP->nTrigger < gameData.trigs.m_nTriggers)))
		return 0;

if (!(tm = m_sides [nSide].m_nOvlTex))
	return 0;

tmf = m_sides [nSide].m_nOvlOrient;		//tm flags
ec = gameData.pig.tex.tMapInfoP [tm].nEffectClip;
if (ec < 0) {
	if (gameData.pig.tex.tMapInfoP [tm].destroyed == -1)
		return 0;
	nBitmap = -1;
	nSwitchType = 0;
else {
	ecP = gameData.eff.effectP + ec;
	if (ecP->flags & EF_ONE_SHOT)
		return 0;
	nBitmap = ecP->nDestBm;
	if (nBitmap < 0)
		return 0;
	nSwitchType = 1;
//check if it's an animation (monitor) or casts light
bmP = gameData.pig.tex.bitmapP + gameData.pig.tex.bmIndexP [tm].index;
LoadBitmap (gameData.pig.tex.bmIndexP [tm].index,;
//this can be blown up...did we hit it?
if (!bForceBlowup) {
	HitPointUV (nSide, &u, &v, NULL, vHit, 0);	//evil: always say face zero
	bForceBlowup = !PixelTranspType (tm, tmf,  m_sides [nSide].m_nFrame, u, v);
if (!bForceBlowup)
	return 0;

if (IsMultiGame && netGame.bIndestructibleLights && !nSwitchType)
	return 0;
//note: this must get called before the texture changes,
//because we use the light value of the texture to change
//the static light in the CSegment
wallP = Wall (nSide);
bPermaTrigger = (trigP = Trigger (nSide)) && (trigP->flags & TF_PERMANENT);
if (!bPermaTrigger)
	SubtractLight (Index (), nSide);
if (gameData.demo.nState == ND_STATE_RECORDING)
	NDRecordEffectBlowup (Index (), nSide, vHit);
if (nSwitchType) {
	xDestSize = ecP->xDestSize;
	vc = ecP->nDestVClip;
else {
	xDestSize = I2X (20);
	vc = 3;
/*Object*/CreateExplosion (short (Index ()), vHit, xDestSize, vc);
if (nSwitchType) {
	if ((nSound = gameData.eff.vClipP [vc].nSound) != -1)
		audio.CreateSegmentSound (nSound, Index (), 0, vHit);
	if ((nSound = ecP->nSound) != -1)		//kill sound
		audio.DestroySegmentSound (Index (), nSide, nSound);
	if (!bPermaTrigger && (ecP->nDestEClip != -1) && (gameData.eff.effectP [ecP->nDestEClip].nSegment == -1)) {
		tEffectClip	*newEcP = gameData.eff.effectP + ecP->nDestEClip;
		int nNewBm = newEcP->changingWallTexture;
		if (ChangeTextures (-1, nNewBm)) {
			newEcP->xTimeLeft = EffectFrameTime (newEcP);
			newEcP->nCurFrame = 0;
			newEcP->nSegment = Index ();
			newEcP->nSide = nSide;
			newEcP->flags |= EF_ONE_SHOT | ecP->flags;
			newEcP->flags &= ~EF_INITIALIZED;
			newEcP->nDestBm = ecP->nDestBm;

			Assert ((nNewBm != 0) && (m_sides [nSide].m_nOvlTex != 0));
			m_sides [nSide].m_nOvlTex = nNewBm;		//replace with destoyed
	else {
		Assert ((nBitmap != 0) && (m_sides [nSide].m_nOvlTex != 0));
		if (!bPermaTrigger)
			m_sides [nSide].m_nOvlTex = nBitmap;		//replace with destoyed
else {
	if (!bPermaTrigger)
		m_sides [nSide].m_nOvlTex = gameData.pig.tex.tMapInfoP [tm].destroyed;
	//assume this is a light, and play light sound
	audio.CreateSegmentSound (SOUND_LIGHT_BLOWNUP, Index (), 0, vHit);
return 1;		//blew up!
Beispiel #13
void NetworkHandlePingReturn (ubyte nPlayer)
if ((nPlayer >= gameData.multiplayer.nPlayers) || !pingStats [nPlayer].launchTime) {
#if 1			
	 console.printf (CON_DBG, "Got invalid PING RETURN from %s!\n", gameData.multiplayer.players [nPlayer].callsign);
xPingReturnTime = TimerGetFixedSeconds ();
pingStats [nPlayer].ping = X2I (FixMul (xPingReturnTime - pingStats [nPlayer].launchTime, I2X (1000)));
if (!gameStates.render.cockpit.bShowPingStats)
	HUDInitMessage ("Ping time for %s is %d ms!", gameData.multiplayer.players [nPlayer].callsign, pingStats [nPlayer].ping);
pingStats [nPlayer].launchTime = 0;
pingStats [nPlayer].received++;
Beispiel #14
void NetworkDoFrame (int bForce, int bListen)
	tFrameInfoShort shortSyncPack;
	static fix xLastEndlevel = 0;
	int i;

if (!( & GM_NETWORK)) 
if ((networkData.nStatus == NETSTAT_PLAYING) && ! { // Don't send postion during escape sequence...
	if (nakedData.nLength) {
		Assert (nakedData.nDestPlayer >- 1);
		if (gameStates.multi.nGameType >= IPX_GAME) 
			IPXSendPacketData (reinterpret_cast<ubyte*> (nakedData.buf), nakedData.nLength, 
									netPlayers.players [nakedData.nDestPlayer].network.ipx.server, 
									netPlayers.players [nakedData.nDestPlayer].network.ipx.node, 
									gameData.multiplayer.players [nakedData.nDestPlayer].netAddress);
		nakedData.nLength = 0;
		nakedData.nDestPlayer = -1;
	if (networkData.refuse.bWaitForAnswer && TimerGetApproxSeconds ()> (networkData.refuse.xTimeLimit+ (I2X (12))))
	networkData.xLastSendTime += gameData.time.xFrame;
	networkData.xLastTimeoutCheck += gameData.time.xFrame;

	// Send out packet PacksPerSec times per second maximum... unless they fire, then send more often...
	if ((networkData.xLastSendTime > I2X (1) / PacketsPerSec ()) || 
		(gameData.multigame.laser.bFired) || bForce || networkData.bPacketUrgent) {        
		if (LOCALPLAYER.connected) {
			int nObject = LOCALPLAYER.nObject;
			networkData.bPacketUrgent = 0;
			if (bListen) {
				MultiSendRobotFrame (0);
				MultiSendFire ();              // Do firing if needed..
			networkData.xLastSendTime = 0;
			if (netGame.bShortPackets) {
#if defined (WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined (__BIG_ENDIAN__)
				ubyte send_data [MAX_PACKETSIZE];
				memset (&shortSyncPack, 0, sizeof (shortSyncPack));
				CreateShortPos (&shortSyncPack.objPos, OBJECTS+nObject, 0);
				shortSyncPack.nType = PID_PDATA;
				shortSyncPack.nPlayer = gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer;
				shortSyncPack.objRenderType = OBJECTS [nObject].info.renderType;
				shortSyncPack.nLevel = gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel;
				shortSyncPack.dataSize = networkData.syncPack.dataSize;
				memcpy (,, networkData.syncPack.dataSize);
				networkData.syncPack.nPackets = INTEL_INT (gameData.multiplayer.players [0].nPacketsSent++);
				shortSyncPack.nPackets = networkData.syncPack.nPackets;
#if !(defined (WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined (__BIG_ENDIAN__))
				IpxSendGamePacket (
					reinterpret_cast<ubyte*> (&shortSyncPack), 
					sizeof (tFrameInfoShort) - networkData.nMaxXDataSize + networkData.syncPack.dataSize);
				SquishShortFrameInfo (shortSyncPack, send_data);
				IpxSendGamePacket (
					reinterpret_cast<ubyte*> (send_data), 
			else {// If long packets
					int send_dataSize;

				networkData.syncPack.nType = PID_PDATA;
				networkData.syncPack.nPlayer = gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer;
				networkData.syncPack.objRenderType = OBJECTS [nObject].info.renderType;
				networkData.syncPack.nLevel = gameData.missions.nCurrentLevel;
				networkData.syncPack.nObjSeg = OBJECTS [nObject].info.nSegment;
				networkData.syncPack.objPos = OBJECTS [nObject].info.position.vPos;
				networkData.syncPack.objOrient = OBJECTS [nObject].info.position.mOrient;
				networkData.syncPack.physVelocity = OBJECTS [nObject].mType.physInfo.velocity;
				networkData.syncPack.physRotVel = OBJECTS [nObject].mType.physInfo.rotVel;
				send_dataSize = networkData.syncPack.dataSize;                  // do this so correct size data is sent
#if defined (WORDS_BIGENDIAN) || defined (__BIG_ENDIAN__)                        // do the swap stuff
				if (gameStates.multi.nGameType >= IPX_GAME) {
					networkData.syncPack.nObjSeg = INTEL_SHORT (networkData.syncPack.nObjSeg);
					INTEL_VECTOR (networkData.syncPack.objPos);
					INTEL_MATRIX (networkData.syncPack.objOrient);
					INTEL_VECTOR (networkData.syncPack.physVelocity);
					INTEL_VECTOR (networkData.syncPack.physRotVel);
					networkData.syncPack.dataSize = INTEL_SHORT (networkData.syncPack.dataSize);
				networkData.syncPack.nPackets = INTEL_INT (gameData.multiplayer.players [0].nPacketsSent++);
				IpxSendGamePacket (
					reinterpret_cast<ubyte*> (&networkData.syncPack), 
					sizeof (tFrameInfo) - networkData.nMaxXDataSize + send_dataSize);
			networkData.syncPack.dataSize = 0;               // Start data over at 0 length.
			networkData.bD2XData = 0;
			if (gameData.reactor.bDestroyed) {
				if (
				if (TimerGetApproxSeconds () > (xLastEndlevel+ (I2X (1)/2))) {
					NetworkSendEndLevelPacket ();
					xLastEndlevel = TimerGetApproxSeconds ();

	if (!bListen)

	if ((networkData.xLastTimeoutCheck > I2X (1)) && !gameData.reactor.bDestroyed) {
		fix t = (fix) SDL_GetTicks ();
	// Check for CPlayerData timeouts
		for (i = 0; i < gameData.multiplayer.nPlayers; i++) {
			if ((i != gameData.multiplayer.nLocalPlayer) && 
				((gameData.multiplayer.players [i].connected == 1) || downloadManager.Downloading (i))) {
				if ((networkData.nLastPacketTime [i] == 0) || (networkData.nLastPacketTime [i] + downloadManager.GetTimeoutSecs () * 1000 > t)) {
					ResetPlayerTimeout (i, t);
#if 1//!DBG
				if (gameOpts->multi.bTimeoutPlayers && (t - networkData.nLastPacketTime [i] > 15000))
					NetworkTimeoutPlayer (i);
		networkData.xLastTimeoutCheck = 0;

if (!bListen) {
	networkData.syncPack.dataSize = 0;
NetworkListen ();
#if 0
if ((networkData.sync.nPlayer != -1) && !( & 63))
	ResendSyncDueToPacketLoss (); // This will resend to network_player_rejoining
NetworkDoSyncFrame ();
if (NetworkIAmMaster ())
	tracker.AddServer ();
Beispiel #15
float WallAlpha (short nSegment, short nSide, short nWall, ubyte widFlags, int bIsMonitor, ubyte bAdditive,
					  tRgbaColorf *colorP, int *nColor, ubyte *bTextured, ubyte *bCloaked, ubyte* bTransparent)
	static tRgbaColorf cloakColor = {1, 1, 1, 0};

	CWall	*wallP;
	float fAlpha, fMaxColor;
	short	c;

if (!IS_WALL (nWall))
	return 1;
#if DBG
if ((nSegment == nDbgSeg) && ((nDbgSide < 0) || (nSide == nDbgSide)))
	nDbgSeg = nDbgSeg;
if (!(wallP = WALLS + nWall))
	return 1;
	*bTransparent = (wallP->state == WALL_DOOR_CLOAKING) || (wallP->state == WALL_DOOR_DECLOAKING);
	*bCloaked = !*bTransparent && ((widFlags & WID_CLOAKED_FLAG) != 0);
else {
	*bTransparent = 0;
	*bCloaked = (wallP->state == WALL_DOOR_CLOAKING) || (wallP->state == WALL_DOOR_DECLOAKING) || ((widFlags & WID_CLOAKED_FLAG) != 0);
if (*bCloaked || *bTransparent || (widFlags & WID_TRANSPARENT_FLAG)) {
	if (bIsMonitor)
		return 1;
	c = wallP->cloakValue;
	if (*bCloaked || *bTransparent) {
		*colorP = cloakColor;
		*nColor = 1;
		*bTextured = !*bCloaked;
		colorP->alpha = (c >= FADE_LEVELS) ? 0 : 1.0f - float (c) / float (FADE_LEVELS);
		if (*bTransparent)
			colorP->red =
			colorP->green =
			colorP->blue = colorP->alpha;
#if DBG
		if (colorP->alpha < 1)
			return colorP->alpha;
		return colorP->alpha;
	if (!gameOpts->render.color.bWalls)
		c = 0;
	if (WALLS [nWall].hps)
		fAlpha = (float) fabs ((1.0f - (float) WALLS [nWall].hps / ((float) I2X (100))));
	else if (IsMultiGame && [1])
		fAlpha = COMPETITION ? 0.5f : (float) (FADE_LEVELS - extraGameInfo [1].grWallTransparency) / (float) FADE_LEVELS;
		fAlpha = 1.0f - extraGameInfo [0].grWallTransparency / (float) FADE_LEVELS;
	if (fAlpha < 1) {
		//fAlpha = (float) sqrt (fAlpha);
		paletteManager.Game ()->ToRgbaf ((ubyte) c, *colorP);
		if (bAdditive) {
			colorP->red /= fAlpha;
			colorP->green /= fAlpha;
			colorP->blue /= fAlpha;
		fMaxColor = colorP->red;
		if (fMaxColor < colorP->green)
			fMaxColor = colorP->green;
		if (fMaxColor < colorP->blue)
			fMaxColor = colorP->blue;
		if (fMaxColor > 1) {
			colorP->red /= fMaxColor;
			colorP->green /= fMaxColor;
			colorP->blue /= fMaxColor;
		*bTextured = 0;
		*nColor = 1;
	return colorP->alpha = fAlpha;
if ( {
	c = wallP->cloakValue;
	return colorP->alpha = (c && (c < FADE_LEVELS)) ? (float) (FADE_LEVELS - c) / (float) FADE_LEVELS : 1;
if (gameOpts->render.effects.bAutoTransparency && IsTransparentTexture (SEGMENTS [nSegment].m_sides [nSide].m_nBaseTex))
	return colorP->alpha = 0.8f;
return colorP->alpha = 1;
Beispiel #16
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Note: Parameter is only passed now because guns which aren't on the forward vector from the
//	center of the robot will not fire right at the player.  We need to aim the guns at the player.  Barring that, we cheat.
//	When this routine is complete, the parameter should not be necessary.
void AIFireLaserAtPlayer (CObject *objP, CFixVector *vFirePoint, int nGun, CFixVector *vBelievedPlayerPos)
	short				nShot, nObject = objP->Index ();
	tAILocalInfo	*ailP = + nObject;
	tRobotInfo		*botInfoP = &ROBOTINFO (objP->info.nId);
	CFixVector		vFire;
	CFixVector		bpp_diff;
	short				nWeaponType;
	fix				aim, dot;
	int				count, i;

Assert (nObject >= 0);
//	If this robot is only awake because a camera woke it up, don't fire.
if (!
if (objP->info.controlType == CT_MORPH)
//	If player is exploded, stop firing.
if (
if (objP->cType.aiInfo.xDyingStartTime)
	return;		//	No firing while in death roll.
//	Don't let the boss fire while in death roll.  Sorry, this is the easiest way to do this.
//	If you try to key the boss off objP->cType.aiInfo.xDyingStartTime, it will hose the endlevel stuff.
if (ROBOTINFO (objP->info.nId).bossFlag) {
	i = gameData.bosses.Find (nObject);
	if ((i < 0) || (gameData.bosses [i].m_nDyingStartTime))
//	If CPlayerData is cloaked, maybe don't fire based on how long cloaked and randomness.
	fix	xCloakTime = [nObject % MAX_AI_CLOAK_INFO].lastTime;
	if ((gameData.time.xGame - xCloakTime > CLOAK_TIME_MAX/4) &&
		 (d_rand () > FixDiv (gameData.time.xGame - xCloakTime, CLOAK_TIME_MAX)/2)) {
		SetNextFireTime (objP, ailP, botInfoP, nGun);
//	Handle problem of a robot firing through a CWall because its gun tip is on the other
//	CSide of the CWall than the robot's center.  For speed reasons, we normally only compute
//	the vector from the gun point to the player.  But we need to know whether the gun point
//	is separated from the robot's center by a CWall.  If so, don't fire!
if (objP->cType.aiInfo.SUB_FLAGS & SUB_FLAGS_GUNSEG) {
	//	Well, the gun point is in a different CSegment than the robot's center.
	//	This is almost always ok, but it is not ok if something solid is in between.
	int	nGunSeg = FindSegByPos (*vFirePoint, objP->info.nSegment, 1, 0);
	//	See if these segments are connected, which should almost always be the case.
	short nConnSide = SEGMENTS [nGunSeg].ConnectedSide (&SEGMENTS [objP->info.nSegment]);
	if (nConnSide != -1) {
		//	They are connected via nConnSide in CSegment objP->info.nSegment.
		//	See if they are unobstructed.
		if (!(SEGMENTS [objP->info.nSegment].IsDoorWay (nConnSide, NULL) & WID_FLY_FLAG)) {
			//	Can't fly through, so don't let this bot fire through!
	else {
		//	Well, they are not directly connected, so use FindVectorIntersection to see if they are unobstructed.
		tFVIQuery	fq;
		tFVIData		hit_data;
		int			fate;

		fq.startSeg			= objP->info.nSegment;
		fq.p0					= &objP->info.position.vPos;
		fq.p1					= vFirePoint;
		fq.radP0				=
		fq.radP1				= 0;
		fq.thisObjNum		= objP->Index ();
		fq.ignoreObjList	= NULL;
		fq.flags				= FQ_TRANSWALL;

		fate = FindVectorIntersection (&fq, &hit_data);
		if (fate != HIT_NONE) {
			Int3 ();		//	This bot's gun is poking through a CWall, so don't fire.
			MoveTowardsSegmentCenter (objP);		//	And decrease chances it will happen again.
//	Set position to fire at based on difficulty level and robot's aiming ability
aim = I2X (FIRE_K) - (FIRE_K-1)* (botInfoP->aim << 8);	//	I2X (1) in bitmaps.tbl = same as used to be.  Worst is 50% more error.
//	Robots aim more poorly during seismic disturbance.
if (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude) {
	fix temp = I2X (1) - abs (gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude);
	if (temp < I2X (1)/2)
		temp = I2X (1)/2;
	aim = FixMul (aim, temp);
//	Lead the CPlayerData half the time.
//	Note that when leading the CPlayerData, aim is perfect.  This is probably acceptable since leading is so hacked in.
//	Problem is all robots will lead equally badly.
if (d_rand () < 16384) {
	if (LeadPlayer (objP, vFirePoint, vBelievedPlayerPos, nGun, &vFire))		//	Stuff direction to fire at in vFirePoint.
		goto player_led;

dot = 0;
count = 0;			//	Don't want to sit in this loop foreverd:\temp\dm_test.
i = (NDL - - 1) * 4;
while ((count < 4) && (dot < I2X (1)/4)) {
	bpp_diff[X] = (*vBelievedPlayerPos)[X] + FixMul ((d_rand ()-16384) * i, aim);
	bpp_diff[Y] = (*vBelievedPlayerPos)[Y] + FixMul ((d_rand ()-16384) * i, aim);
	bpp_diff[Z] = (*vBelievedPlayerPos)[Z] + FixMul ((d_rand ()-16384) * i, aim);
	CFixVector::NormalizedDir(vFire, bpp_diff, *vFirePoint);
	dot = CFixVector::Dot (objP->info.position.mOrient.FVec (), vFire);


nWeaponType = botInfoP->nWeaponType;
if ((botInfoP->nSecWeaponType != -1) && ((nWeaponType < 0) || !nGun))
	nWeaponType = botInfoP->nSecWeaponType;
if (nWeaponType < 0)
if (0 > (nShot = CreateNewLaserEasy (&vFire, vFirePoint, objP->Index (), (ubyte) nWeaponType, 1)))

lightClusterManager.AddForAI (objP, nObject, nShot);
objP->Shots ().nObject = nShot;
objP->Shots ().nSignature = OBJECTS [nShot].info.nSignature;

if (IsMultiGame) {
	AIMultiSendRobotPos (nObject, -1);
	MultiSendRobotFire (nObject, objP->cType.aiInfo.CURRENT_GUN, &vFire);
#if 1
if (++(objP->cType.aiInfo.CURRENT_GUN) >= botInfoP->nGuns) {
	if ((botInfoP->nGuns == 1) || (botInfoP->nSecWeaponType == -1))
		objP->cType.aiInfo.CURRENT_GUN = 0;
		objP->cType.aiInfo.CURRENT_GUN = 1;
CreateAwarenessEvent (objP, PA_NEARBY_ROBOT_FIRED);
SetNextFireTime (objP, ailP, botInfoP, nGun);
void RenderLaserCorona (CObject *objP, tRgbaColorf *colorP, float alpha, float fScale)
if (SHOW_SHADOWS && (gameStates.render.nShadowPass != 1))
if (gameOpts->render.coronas.bShots && LoadGlare ()) {
	tHitbox*			phb = &gameData.models.hitboxes [objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nModel].hitboxes [0];
	float				fLength = X2F (phb->vMax [Z] - phb->vMin [Z]) / 2;
	tRgbaColorf		color;

	static CFloatVector	vEye = CFloatVector::ZERO;

	colorP->alpha = alpha;
	float fScale = coronaIntensities [gameOpts->render.coronas.nObjIntensity] / 2;
	color = *colorP;
	colorP = &color; *= fScale; *= fScale; *= fScale;
	bmpGlare->SetColor (colorP);
	ogl.RenderSprite (bmpGlare, objP->info.position.vPos + objP->info.position.mOrient.FVec () * (F2X (fLength - 0.5f)), I2X (1), I2X (1), alpha, LIGHTTRAIL_BLENDMODE, 1);
	bmpGlare->SetColor (NULL);
Beispiel #18
int GetCloakInfo (CObject *objP, fix xCloakStartTime, fix xCloakEndTime, tCloakInfo *ciP)
	tCloakInfo	ci = {0, CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL, I2X (1), I2X (1), I2X (1), 0, 0};
	int			i;

if (!(xCloakStartTime || xCloakEndTime)) {
	if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_PLAYER) {
		xCloakStartTime = gameData.multiplayer.players [objP->info.nId].cloakTime;
		xCloakEndTime = gameData.multiplayer.players [objP->info.nId].cloakTime + CLOAK_TIME_MAX;
	else if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT) {
		if (!ROBOTINFO (objP->info.nId).bossFlag) {
			xCloakStartTime = gameData.time.xGame - I2X (10);
			xCloakEndTime = gameData.time.xGame + I2X (10);
		else if (0 <= (i = gameData.bosses.Find (objP->Index ()))) {
			xCloakStartTime = gameData.bosses [i].m_nCloakStartTime;
			xCloakEndTime = gameData.bosses [i].m_nCloakEndTime;
if (xCloakStartTime != 0x7fffffff)
	ci.xTotalTime = xCloakEndTime - xCloakStartTime;
	ci.xTotalTime = gameData.time.xGame;
if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_PLAYER) {
else if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT) {
	return 0;

ci.xDeltaTime = gameData.time.xGame - ((xCloakStartTime == 0x7fffffff) ? 0 : xCloakStartTime);
#if 0
if (ci.xDeltaTime < ci.xFadeinDuration) {	// make object transparent during second half
	ci.nFadeValue = X2I (FixDiv (ci.xFadeinDuration - ci.xDeltaTime, ci.xFadeinDuration) * CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL);
	ci.bFading = 1;
// only decrease light during first half of cloak initiation time
if (ci.xDeltaTime < ci.xFadeinDuration / 2) {
	ci.xLightScale = FixDiv (ci.xFadeinDuration / 2 - ci.xDeltaTime, ci.xFadeinDuration / 2);
	ci.bFading = -1;
else if (ci.xDeltaTime < ci.xFadeinDuration) {	// make object transparent during second half
	ci.nFadeValue = X2I (FixDiv (ci.xDeltaTime - ci.xFadeinDuration / 2, ci.xFadeinDuration / 2) * CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL);
	ci.bFading = 1;
else if ((xCloakStartTime == 0x7fffffff) || (gameData.time.xGame < xCloakEndTime - ci.xFadeoutDuration)) {
	static int nCloakDelta = 0, nCloakDir = 1;
	static fix xCloakTimer = 0;

	//note, if more than one cloaked CObject is visible at once, the
	//pulse rate will change!
	xCloakTimer -= gameData.time.xFrame;
	while (xCloakTimer < 0) {
		xCloakTimer += ci.xFadeoutDuration / 12;
		nCloakDelta += nCloakDir;
		if (nCloakDelta == 0 || nCloakDelta == 4)
			nCloakDir = -nCloakDir;
	ci.nFadeValue = CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL - nCloakDelta;
else if (gameData.time.xGame < xCloakEndTime - ci.xFadeoutDuration / 2) {
	ci.nFadeValue = X2I (FixDiv (ci.xTotalTime - ci.xFadeoutDuration / 2 - ci.xDeltaTime, ci.xFadeoutDuration / 2) * CLOAKED_FADE_LEVEL);
	ci.bFading = -1;
else {
	ci.xLightScale = (fix) ((float) (ci.xFadeoutDuration / 2 - (ci.xTotalTime - ci.xDeltaTime) / (float) (ci.xFadeoutDuration / 2)));
	ci.bFading = 1;
if (ciP)
	*ciP = ci;
return ci.bFading;
Beispiel #19
int CParticle::Update (int nCurTime)
	int			j, nRad;
	short			nSegment;
	fix			t, dot;
	CFixVector	vPos, drift;
	fix			drag = (m_nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES) ? I2X (1) : F2X ((float) m_nLife / (float) m_nTTL);

if ((m_nLife <= 0) /*|| (m_color [0].alpha < 0.01f)*/)
	return 0;
t = nCurTime - m_nMoved;
if (m_nDelay > 0)
	m_nDelay -= t;
else {
	vPos = m_vPos;
	drift = m_vDrift;
	if ((m_nType == SMOKE_PARTICLES) /*|| (m_nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES)*/) {
		drift [X] = ChangeDir (drift [X]);
		drift [Y] = ChangeDir (drift [Y]);
		drift [Z] = ChangeDir (drift [Z]);
	for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
		if (t < 0)
			t = -t;
		m_vPos = vPos + drift * t; //(I2X (t) / 1000);
		if (m_bHaveDir) {
			CFixVector vi = drift, vj = m_vDir;
			CFixVector::Normalize (vi);
			CFixVector::Normalize (vj);
//				if (CFixVector::Dot (drift, m_vDir) < 0)
			if (CFixVector::Dot (vi, vj) < 0)
				drag = -drag;
//				VmVecScaleInc (&drift, &m_vDir, drag);
			m_vPos += m_vDir * drag;
		if ((m_nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES) || (m_nTTL - m_nLife > I2X (1) / 16)) {
			nSegment = FindSegByPos (m_vPos, m_nSegment, 0, 0, 1);
			if (nSegment < 0) {
#if DBG
				if (m_nSegment == nDbgSeg)
					nSegment = FindSegByPos (m_vPos, m_nSegment, 1, 0, 1);
				nSegment = FindSegByPos (m_vPos, m_nSegment, 0, 1, 1);
				if (nSegment < 0)
					return 0;
			if ((m_nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES) && (SEGMENTS [nSegment].m_nType != SEGMENT_IS_WATER))
				return 0;
			m_nSegment = nSegment;
		if (gameOpts->render.particles.bCollisions && CollideWithWall ()) {	//Reflect the particle
			if (m_nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES)
				return 0;
			if (j)
				return 0;
			else if (!(dot = CFixVector::Dot (drift, *wallNorm)))
				return 0;
			else {
				drift = m_vDrift + *wallNorm * (-2 * dot);
				//VmVecScaleAdd (&m_vPos, &vPos, &drift, 2 * t);
				m_nBounce = 3;
		else if (m_nBounce)
		else {
	m_vDrift = drift;
	if (m_nTTL >= 0) {
		m_nLife -= (int) (t / gameStates.gameplay.slowmo [0].fSpeed);
		m_nLife -= t;
		if ((m_nType == SMOKE_PARTICLES) && (nRad = m_nRad)) {
			if (m_bBlowUp) {
				if (m_nWidth >= nRad)
					m_nRad = 0;
				else {
					m_nWidth += nRad / 10 / m_bBlowUp;
					m_nHeight += nRad / 10 / m_bBlowUp;
					if (m_nWidth > nRad)
						m_nWidth = nRad;
					if (m_nHeight > nRad)
						m_nHeight = nRad;
					m_color [0].alpha *= (1.0f + 0.0725f / m_bBlowUp);
					if (m_color [0].alpha > 1)
						m_color [0].alpha = 1;
			else {
				if (m_nWidth <= nRad)
					m_nRad = 0;
				else {
					m_nRad += nRad / 5;
					m_color [0].alpha *= 1.0725f;
					if (m_color [0].alpha > 1)
						m_color [0].alpha = 1;
m_nMoved = nCurTime;
return 1;
Beispiel #20
int CParticle::Create (CFixVector *vPos, CFixVector *vDir, CFixMatrix *mOrient,
							  short nSegment, int nLife, int nSpeed, char nParticleSystemType, char nClass,
						     float nScale, tRgbaColorf *colorP, int nCurTime, int bBlowUp,
							  float fBrightness, CFixVector *vEmittingFace)

	static tRgbaColorf	defaultColor = {1,1,1,1};

	tRgbaColorf	color;
	CFixVector	vDrift;
	int			nRad, nFrames, nType = particleImageManager.GetType (nParticleSystemType);

if (nScale < 0)
	nRad = (int) -nScale;
else if (gameOpts->render.particles.bSyncSizes)
	nRad = (int) PARTICLE_SIZE (gameOpts->render.particles.nSize [0], nScale);
	nRad = (int) nScale;
if (!nRad)
	nRad = I2X (1);
m_nType = nType;
m_bEmissive = (nParticleSystemType == LIGHT_PARTICLES);
m_nClass = nClass;
m_nSegment = nSegment;
m_nBounce = 0;
color = colorP ? *colorP : defaultColor;
m_color [0] =
m_color [1] = color;
if ((nType == BULLET_PARTICLES) || (nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES)) {
	m_bBright = 0;
	m_nFade = -1;
else {
	m_bBright = (nType == SMOKE_PARTICLES) ? (rand () % 50) == 0 : 0;
	if (colorP) {
		if (nType != LIGHT_PARTICLES) {
			m_color [0].red *= RANDOM_FADE;
			m_color [0].green *= RANDOM_FADE;
			m_color [0].blue *= RANDOM_FADE;
		m_nFade = 0;
	else {
		m_color [0].red = 1.0f;
		m_color [0].green = 0.5f;
		m_color [0].blue = 0.0f;
		m_nFade = 2;
	if (m_bEmissive)
		m_color [0].alpha = (float) (SMOKE_START_ALPHA + 64) / 255.0f;
	else if (nParticleSystemType != GATLING_PARTICLES) {
		if (!colorP)
			m_color [0].alpha = (float) (SMOKE_START_ALPHA + randN (64)) / 255.0f;
		else {
			if (colorP->alpha < 0)
				m_color [0].alpha = -colorP->alpha;
			else {
				if (2 == (m_nFade = (char) colorP->alpha)) {
					m_color [0].red = 1.0f;
					m_color [0].green = 0.5f;
					m_color [0].blue = 0.0f;
				m_color [0].alpha = (float) (SMOKE_START_ALPHA + randN (64)) / 255.0f;
#if 1
	if (gameOpts->render.particles.bDisperse && !m_bBright) {
		fBrightness = 1.0f - fBrightness;
		m_color [0].alpha += fBrightness * fBrightness / 8.0f;
//nSpeed = (int) (sqrt (nSpeed) * (float) I2X (1));
nSpeed *= I2X (1);
if (vDir) {
	CAngleVector	a;
	CFixMatrix		m;
	float				d;
	a [PA] = randN (I2X (1) / 4) - I2X (1) / 8;
	a [BA] = randN (I2X (1) / 4) - I2X (1) / 8;
	a [HA] = randN (I2X (1) / 4) - I2X (1) / 8;
	m = CFixMatrix::Create (a);
	vDrift = m * (*vDir);
	CFixVector::Normalize (vDrift);
	d = (float) CFixVector::DeltaAngle (vDrift, *vDir, NULL);
	if (d) {
		d = (float) exp ((I2X (1) / 8) / d);
		nSpeed = (fix) ((float) nSpeed / d);
#if 0
	if (!colorP)	// hack for static particleSystem w/o user defined color
		m_color [0].green =
		m_color [0].blue = 1.0f;
	vDrift *= nSpeed;
	if ((nType == SMOKE_PARTICLES) || (nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES))
		m_vDir = *vDir * (I2X (3) / 4 + I2X (randN (16)) / 64);
		m_vDir = *vDir;
	m_bHaveDir = 1;
else {
	CFixVector	vOffs;
	vDrift [X] = nSpeed - randN (2 * nSpeed);
	vDrift [Y] = nSpeed - randN (2 * nSpeed);
	vDrift [Z] = nSpeed - randN (2 * nSpeed);
	vOffs = vDrift;
	m_vDir.SetZero ();
	m_bHaveDir = 1;
m_vDrift = vDrift;
if (vEmittingFace)
	m_vPos = *RandomPointOnQuad (vEmittingFace, vPos);
else if (nType != BUBBLE_PARTICLES)
	m_vPos = *vPos + vDrift * (I2X (1) / 64);
else {
	//m_vPos = *vPos + vDrift * (I2X (1) / 32);
	nSpeed = vDrift.Mag () / 16;
	vDrift = CFixVector::Avg ((*mOrient).RVec () * (nSpeed - randN (2 * nSpeed)), (*mOrient).UVec () * (nSpeed - randN (2 * nSpeed)));
	m_vPos = *vPos + vDrift + (*mOrient).FVec () * (I2X (1) / 2 - randN (I2X (1)));
#if 1
	m_vDrift.SetZero ();
	CFixVector::Normalize (m_vDrift);
	m_vDrift *= I2X (32);
if ((nType != BUBBLE_PARTICLES) && mOrient) {
		CAngleVector	vRot;
		CFixMatrix		mRot;

	vRot [BA] = 0;
	vRot [PA] = 2048 - ((d_rand () % 9) * 512);
	vRot [HA] = 2048 - ((d_rand () % 9) * 512);
	mRot = CFixMatrix::Create (vRot);
	m_mOrient = *mOrient * mRot;
if (nLife < 0)
	nLife = -nLife;
if (nType == SMOKE_PARTICLES) {
	if (gameOpts->render.particles.bDisperse)
		nLife = (nLife * 2) / 3;
	nLife = nLife / 2 + randN (nLife / 2);
m_nLife =
m_nTTL = nLife;
m_nMoved = nCurTime;
m_nDelay = 0; //bStart ? randN (nLife) : 0;
	nRad += randN (nRad);
else if (nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES)
	nRad = nRad / 10 + randN (9 * nRad / 10);
	nRad *= 2;
if ((m_bBlowUp = bBlowUp)) {
	m_nRad = nRad / 2;
	m_nWidth =
	m_nHeight = m_nRad;
	m_nRad += m_nRad / bBlowUp;
else {
	m_nWidth =
	m_nHeight = nRad;
	m_nRad = nRad / 2;
nFrames = nParticleFrames [0][nType];
if (nType == BULLET_PARTICLES) {
	m_nFrame = 0;
	m_nRotFrame = 0;
	m_nOrient = 3;
else if (nType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES) {
	m_nFrame = rand () % (nFrames * nFrames);
	m_nRotFrame = 0;
	m_nOrient = 0;
else if (nType == LIGHT_PARTICLES) {
	m_nFrame = 0;
	m_nRotFrame = 0;
	m_nOrient = 0;
else {
	m_nFrame = rand () % (nFrames * nFrames);
	m_nRotFrame = m_nFrame / 2;
	m_nOrient = rand () % 4;
#if 1
if (m_bEmissive)
	m_color [0].alpha *= ParticleBrightness (colorP);
else if (nParticleSystemType == SMOKE_PARTICLES)
	m_color [0].alpha /= colorP ? + + + 2 : 2;
else if (nParticleSystemType == BUBBLE_PARTICLES)
	m_color [0].alpha /= 2;
else if (nParticleSystemType == LIGHT_PARTICLES)
	m_color [0].alpha /= 5;
#	if 0
else if (nParticleSystemType == GATLING_PARTICLES)
	;//m_color [0].alpha /= 6;
#	endif
return 1;
Beispiel #21
// Volume 0-I2X (1)
int CAudioChannel::Start (short nSound, int nSoundClass, fix nVolume, int nPan, int bLooping, 
								  int nLoopStart, int nLoopEnd, int nSoundObj, int nSpeed, 
								  const char *pszWAV, CFixVector* vPos)
	CSoundSample*	soundP = NULL;
	int			bPersistent = (nSoundObj > -1) || bLooping || (nVolume > I2X (1));

if (!(pszWAV && *pszWAV && gameOpts->sound.bUseSDLMixer)) {
	if (nSound < 0)
		return -1;
	if (!gameData.pig.sound.nSoundFiles [gameStates.sound.bD1Sound])
		return -1;
	soundP = gameData.pig.sound.sounds [gameStates.sound.bD1Sound] + nSound % gameData.pig.sound.nSoundFiles [gameStates.sound.bD1Sound];
	if (!(soundP->data [soundP->bCustom].Buffer () && soundP->nLength [soundP->bCustom]))
		return -1;
if (m_info.bPlaying) {
	m_info.bPlaying = 0;
	if (m_info.nSoundObj > -1)
		audio.EndSoundObject (m_info.nSoundObj);
	if (soundQueue.Channel () == audio.FreeChannel ())
		soundQueue.End ();
if (m_info.source == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
	CFloatVector	fPos;

	DigiALError ();
	alGenSources (1, &m_info.source);
	if (DigiALError ())
		return -1;
	alSourcei (m_info.source, AL_BUFFER, soundP->buffer);
	if (DigiALError ())
		return -1;
	alSourcef (m_info.source, AL_GAIN, ((nVolume < I2X (1)) ? X2F (nVolume) : 1) * 2 * X2F (m_info.nVolume));
	alSourcei (m_info.source, AL_LOOPING, (ALuint) ((nSoundObj > -1) || bLooping || (nVolume > I2X (1))));
	fPos.Assign (vPos ? *vPos : OBJECTS [LOCALPLAYER.nObject].nPosition.vPos);
	alSourcefv (m_info.source, AL_POSITION, reinterpret_cast<ALfloat*> (fPos));
	alSource3f (m_info.source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0);
	alSource3f (m_info.source, AL_DIRECTION, 0, 0, 0);
	if (DigiALError ())
		return -1;
	alSourcePlay (m_info.source);
	if (DigiALError ())
		return -1;
if (gameOpts->sound.bUseSDLMixer) {
	if (m_info.mixChunkP) {
		Mix_HaltChannel (m_info.nChannel);
		if (m_info.bBuiltIn)
			m_info.bBuiltIn = 0;
			Mix_FreeChunk (m_info.mixChunkP);
		m_info.mixChunkP = NULL;
if (m_info.bResampled) {
	m_info.sample.Destroy ();
	m_info.bResampled = 0;
if (gameOpts->sound.bUseSDLMixer) {
	//resample to two channels
	m_info.nChannel = audio.FreeChannel ();
	if (pszWAV && *pszWAV) {
		if (!(m_info.mixChunkP = LoadAddonSound (pszWAV, &m_info.bBuiltIn)))
			return -1;
	else {
		int l;
		if (soundP->bHires) {
			l = soundP->nLength [soundP->bCustom];
			m_info.sample.SetBuffer (soundP->data [soundP->bCustom].Buffer (), 1, l);
			m_info.mixChunkP = Mix_QuickLoad_WAV (reinterpret_cast<Uint8*> (m_info.sample.Buffer ()));
		else {
			if (gameOpts->sound.bHires [0])
				return -1;	//cannot mix hires and standard sounds
			l = Resample (soundP, gameStates.sound.bD1Sound && (gameOpts->sound.digiSampleRate != SAMPLE_RATE_11K), songManager.MP3 ());
			if (l <= 0)
				return -1;
			if (nSpeed < I2X (1))
				l = Speedup (soundP, nSpeed);
			m_info.mixChunkP = Mix_QuickLoad_WAV (reinterpret_cast<Uint8*> (m_info.sample.Buffer ()));
			m_info.mixChunkP = Mix_QuickLoad_RAW (reinterpret_cast<Uint8*> (m_info.sample.Buffer ()), l);
	Mix_VolPan (m_info.nChannel, nVolume, nPan);
	Mix_PlayChannel (m_info.nChannel, m_info.mixChunkP, bLooping ? -1 : nLoopEnd - nLoopStart);
if (pszWAV && *pszWAV)
	return -1;
	if (gameStates.sound.bD1Sound && (gameOpts->sound.digiSampleRate != SAMPLE_RATE_11K)) {
		int l = Resample (soundP, 0, 0);
		if (l <= 0)
			return -1;
		m_info.nLength = l;
	else {
		m_info.sample.SetBuffer (soundP->data [soundP->bCustom].Buffer (), 1, m_info.nLength = soundP->nLength [soundP->bCustom]);
	if (nSpeed < I2X (1))
		Speedup (soundP, nSpeed);
m_info.nVolume = FixMul (audio.Volume (), nVolume);
m_info.nPan = nPan;
m_info.nPosition = 0;
m_info.nSoundObj = nSoundObj;
m_info.nSoundClass = nSoundClass;
m_info.bLooped = bLooping;
m_info.loops = bLooping ? -1 : nLoopEnd - nLoopStart + 1;
m_info.nSound = nSound;
m_info.bPersistent = 0;
m_info.bPlaying = 1;
m_info.bPersistent = bPersistent;
return audio.FreeChannel ();
Beispiel #22
void DrawObjectBlob (CObject *objP, int bmi0, int bmi, int iFrame, tRgbaColorf *colorP, float fAlpha)
	CBitmap*		bmP;
	tRgbaColorf	color;
	int			nType = objP->info.nType;
	int			nId = objP->info.nId;
#if 0
	int			bMuzzleFlash = 0;
	int			bAdditive = 0, bEnergy = 0, nTransp = (nType == OBJ_POWERUP) ? 3 : 2;
	fix			xSize;
	float			fScale;

if ((nType == OBJ_WEAPON) && (objP->info.nId == OMEGA_ID) && omegaLightnings.Exist ())
#if DBG
if ((nType == nDbgObjType) && ((nDbgObjId < 0) || (objP->info.nId == nDbgObjId)))
	nDbgObjType = nDbgObjType;
if (gameOpts->render.textures.bUseHires [0] || gameOpts->render.effects.bTransparent) {
	if (fAlpha) {
		bAdditive = (nType == OBJ_FIREBALL) || (nType == OBJ_EXPLOSION) || ((nType == OBJ_WEAPON) && (objP->info.nId == OMEGA_ID));
#if 0
		bMuzzleFlash = (nType == OBJ_FIREBALL) && ((nId == 11) || (nId == 12) || (nId == 15) || (nId == 22) || (nId == 86));
	else {
		if (nType == OBJ_POWERUP) {
			if (IsEnergyPowerup (nId)) {
				fAlpha = 2.0f / 3.0f;
				bEnergy = 1;
				fAlpha = 1.0f;
		else if ((nType != OBJ_FIREBALL) && (nType != OBJ_EXPLOSION))
			fAlpha = 1.0f;
		else {
			fAlpha = 2.0f / 3.0f;
			bAdditive = 1;
else {
	nTransp = 3;
	fAlpha = 1.0f;

#if 0
if (bmi < 0) {
	PageInAddonBitmap (bmi);
	bmP = gameData.pig.tex.addonBitmaps - bmi - 1;
#if DBG
	if ((objP->rType.vClipInfo.nCurFrame < 0) || (objP->rType.vClipInfo.nCurFrame >= bmP->FrameCount ())) {
		objP->rType.vClipInfo.nCurFrame = 0;
else {
	LoadBitmap (bmi, 0);
	bmP = gameData.pig.tex.bitmaps [0] + bmi;
if (bmi < 0) {
	bmP = gameData.pig.tex.addonBitmaps - bmi - 1;
	bmP = bmP->SetCurFrame (iFrame);
else {
	CBitmap* bmoP;

	bmP = gameData.pig.tex.bitmaps [0] + bmi;
	if ((bmP->Type () == BM_TYPE_STD) && (bmoP = bmP->Override ()))
		bmP = bmoP->SetCurFrame (iFrame);

//bmP->SetupTexture (1, 1);
if (!bmP)
#if 0
if (!bmP->Prepared () && bmP->PrepareTexture (1, 0))
fScale = ObjectBlobColor (objP, bmP, &color);
if (colorP /*&& (bmi >= 0)*/)
	*colorP = color;
	//memcpy (colorP, gameData.pig.tex.bitmapColors + bmi, sizeof (tRgbaColorf));

xSize = objP->info.xSize;

if (nType == OBJ_POWERUP) {
	if ((bEnergy && gameOpts->render.coronas.bPowerups) || (!bEnergy && gameOpts->render.coronas.bWeapons))
		RenderPowerupCorona (objP,,,,
									coronaIntensities [gameOpts->render.coronas.nObjIntensity]);
if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_POWERUP) && (objP->info.nId == POW_SHIELD_BOOST) &&
	 ! && gameOpts->render.powerups.b3D && gameOpts->render.powerups.b3DShields) {
	if ((objP->mType.physInfo.velocity.IsZero ()) && (objP->info.movementType != MT_SPINNING)) {
		objP->info.movementType = MT_SPINNING;
		objP->mType.spinRate = objP->info.position.mOrient.UVec () * (I2X (1) / 8);
	//the actual shield in the sprite texture has 3/4 of the textures size
	DrawShieldSphere (objP, 3 * / 2, 3 * / 2, 3 * / 2, 1.0f, 3 * objP->info.xSize / 4);
else if ((gameOpts->render.bDepthSort > 0) && (fAlpha < 1)) {
	if (bAdditive) {
#if 1 = = = 0.5f;
		if ((nType == OBJ_FIREBALL) && (fScale > 0)) {
			fScale = 1.0f - fScale / 6.0f; *= fScale; *= fScale; *= fScale;
	else = = = 1;
	color.alpha = fAlpha;
	if (bmP->Width () > bmP->Height ())
		transparencyRenderer.AddSprite (bmP, objP->info.position.vPos, &color, xSize, FixMulDiv (xSize, bmP->Height (), bmP->Width ()),
												  iFrame, bAdditive, (nType == OBJ_FIREBALL) ? 10.0f : 0.0f);
		transparencyRenderer.AddSprite (bmP, objP->info.position.vPos, &color, FixMulDiv (xSize, bmP->Width (), bmP->Height ()), xSize,
												  iFrame, bAdditive, (nType == OBJ_FIREBALL) ? 10.0f : 0.0f);
else {
	if (bmP->Width () > bmP->Height ())
		G3DrawBitmap (objP->info.position.vPos, xSize, FixMulDiv (xSize, bmP->Height (), bmP->Width ()), bmP, NULL, fAlpha, nTransp);
		G3DrawBitmap (objP->info.position.vPos, FixMulDiv (xSize, bmP->Width (), bmP->Height ()), xSize, bmP, NULL, fAlpha, nTransp);
Beispiel #23
static int RenderWeaponModel (CObject* objP, int bDepthSort, int bSpectate)
if (automap.m_bDisplay && !AM_SHOW_POWERUPS (1))
	return 0;
if (!( || gameOpts->render.powerups.b3D) && WeaponIsMine (objP->info.nId) && (objP->info.nId != SMALLMINE_ID))
	ConvertWeaponToVClip (objP);
else {
	if (gameStates.render.nType != 1)
		return 0;
	if (gameData.objs.bIsMissile [objP->info.nId]) {	//make missiles smaller during launch
		if ((objP->cType.laserInfo.parent.nType == OBJ_PLAYER) &&
			 (gameData.models.renderModels [1][108].m_bValid > 0)) {	//hires player ship
			float dt = X2F (gameData.time.xGame - objP->CreationTime ());

			if (dt < 1) {
				fix xScale = (fix) (I2X (1) + I2X (1) * dt * dt) / 2;
				gameData.models.vScale.Set (xScale, xScale, xScale);
		//DoObjectSmoke (objP);
		DrawPolygonObject (objP, bDepthSort, 0);
#	if 0
		DrawShieldSphere (objP, 0.66f, 0.2f, 0.0f, 0.4f);
#	else
		RenderHitbox (objP, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.6f, 0.4f);
#	endif
		RenderThrusterFlames (objP);
		gameData.models.vScale.SetZero ();
	else {
#	if 0
		DrawShieldSphere (objP, 0.66f, 0.2f, 0.0f, 0.4f);
#	else
		RenderHitbox (objP, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.6f, 0.4f);
#	endif
		if (objP->info.nType != OBJ_WEAPON) {
			DrawPolygonObject (objP, bDepthSort, 0);
			if ((objP->info.nId != SMALLMINE_ID) && !gameStates.render.bQueryCoronas)
				RenderLightTrail (objP);
		else {
			if ((objP->info.nId == VULCAN_ID) || (objP->info.nId == GAUSS_ID)) {
				if (SHOW_OBJ_FX && extraGameInfo [0].bTracers) {
					if (!gameStates.render.bQueryCoronas)
						RenderLightTrail (objP);
					gameData.models.vScale.Set (I2X (1) / 4, I2X (1) / 4, I2X (2));
					CFixVector vSavedPos = objP->info.position.vPos;
					objP->info.position.vPos += objP->info.position.mOrient.FVec ();
					DrawPolygonObject (objP, bDepthSort, 0);
					objP->info.position.vPos = vSavedPos;
			else {
				if ((objP->info.nId != SMALLMINE_ID) && !gameStates.render.bQueryCoronas)
					RenderLightTrail (objP);
				DrawPolygonObject (objP, bDepthSort, 0);
			gameData.models.vScale.SetZero ();
return 1;
Beispiel #24
fix SetVertexLight (int nSegment, int nSide, int nVertex, tFaceColor *colorP, fix light)
	tRgbColorf	*pdc;
	fix			dynLight;
	float			fl, dl, hl;

//the tUVL struct has static light already in it
//scale static light for destruction effect
if (EGI_FLAG (bDarkness, 0, 0, 0))
	light = 0;
else {
		else {
			light = I2X (1) / 2 + gameData.render.lights.segDeltas [nSegment * 6 + nSide];
			if (light < 0)
				light = 0;
	if (gameData.reactor.bDestroyed || gameStates.gameplay.seismic.nMagnitude)	//make lights flash
		light = FixMul (gameStates.render.nFlashScale, light);
//add in dynamic light (from explosions, etc.)
dynLight = gameData.render.lights.dynamicLight [nVertex];
fl = X2F (light);
dl = X2F (dynLight);
light += dynLight;
#if DBG
if (nVertex == nDbgVertex)
	nVertex = nVertex;
if ( [IsMultiGame]) {
	if (gameData.render.lights.bGotDynColor [nVertex]) {
		pdc = gameData.render.lights.dynamicColor + nVertex;
		if (gameOpts->render.color.bMix) {
			if (gameOpts->render.color.bGunLight) {
				if (gameStates.render.bAmbientColor) {
					if ((fl != 0) && gameData.render.color.vertBright [nVertex]) {
						hl = fl / gameData.render.color.vertBright [nVertex];
						colorP-> = colorP-> * hl + pdc->red * dl;
						colorP-> = colorP-> * hl + pdc->green * dl;
						colorP-> = colorP-> * hl + pdc->blue * dl;
						ScaleColor (colorP, fl + dl);
					else {
						colorP-> = pdc->red * dl;
						colorP-> = pdc->green * dl;
						colorP-> = pdc->blue * dl;
						ScaleColor (colorP, dl);
				else {
					colorP-> = fl + pdc->red * dl;
					colorP-> = fl + pdc->green * dl;
					colorP-> = fl + pdc->blue * dl;
					ScaleColor (colorP, fl + dl);
			else {
				colorP-> =
				colorP-> =
				colorP-> = fl + dl;
			if (gameOpts->render.color.bCap) {
				if (colorP-> > 1.0)
					colorP-> = 1.0;
				if (colorP-> > 1.0)
					colorP-> = 1.0;
				if (colorP-> > 1.0)
					colorP-> = 1.0;
		else {
			float dl = X2F (light);
			dl = (float) pow (dl, 1.0f / 3.0f);
			colorP-> = pdc->red * dl;
			colorP-> = pdc->green * dl;
			colorP-> = pdc->blue * dl;
	else {
		ScaleColor (colorP, fl + dl);
else {
	ScaleColor (colorP, fl + dl);
//saturate at max value
if (light > MAX_LIGHT)
	light = MAX_LIGHT;
return light;
Beispiel #25
int DrawPolygonObject (CObject *objP, int bDepthSort, int bForce)
	fix	xLight;
	int	imSave = 0;
	fix	xEngineGlow [2];		//element 0 is for engine glow, 1 for headlight
	int	bBlendPolys = 0;
	int	bBrightPolys = 0;
	int	bGatling = 0;
	int	bCloaked = ObjectIsCloaked (objP);
	int	bEnergyWeapon;
	int	i, id, bOk = 0;

if (objP->info.nType == 255)
	return 0;
id = (int) objP->info.nId;
if ((id < 0) || (id == 255))
	bEnergyWeapon = id = 0;
else {
#if 0
	bGatling = ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_WEAPON) && ((id == VULCAN_ID) || (id == GAUSS_ID)));
	bEnergyWeapon = (objP->info.nType == OBJ_WEAPON) && gameData.objs.bIsWeapon [id] && !gameData.objs.bIsMissile [id];
if (!bForce && FAST_SHADOWS && !gameOpts->render.shadows.bSoft && (gameStates.render.nShadowPass == 3))
	return 1;
if (gameStates.render.bBuildModels)
	xLight = I2X (1);
else {
	xLight = CalcObjectLight (objP, xEngineGlow);
	if ((bCloaked || bEnergyWeapon) && bDepthSort && (gameStates.render.nShadowPass != 2)) {
		transparencyRenderer.AddObject (objP);
		return 1;
	if (DrawHiresObject (objP, xLight, xEngineGlow))
		return 1;
	gameStates.render.bBrightObject = bEnergyWeapon;
	gameOpts->render.bDepthSort = -gameOpts->render.bDepthSort;
	imSave = gameStates.render.nInterpolationMethod;
	if (bLinearTMapPolyObjs)
		gameStates.render.nInterpolationMethod = 1;
if (objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nTexOverride != -1) {
#if DBG
	CPolyModel* pm = gameData.models.polyModels [0] + objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nModel;
	tBitmapIndex	bm = gameData.pig.tex.bmIndex [0][objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nTexOverride],

#if DBG
	Assert (pm->TextureCount () <= 12);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_MODEL_TEXTURES; i++)		//fill whole array, in case simple model needs more
		bmiP [i] = bm;
	bOk = DrawPolyModel (objP, &objP->info.position.vPos,
								reinterpret_cast<CAngleVector*> ( &objP->rType.polyObjInfo.animAngles),
else {
	if (bCloaked) {
		if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_PLAYER)
			bOk = DrawCloakedObject (objP, xLight, xEngineGlow, gameData.multiplayer.players [id].cloakTime,
											 gameData.multiplayer.players [id].cloakTime + CLOAK_TIME_MAX);
		else if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT) {
			if (!ROBOTINFO (id).bossFlag)
				bOk = DrawCloakedObject (objP, xLight, xEngineGlow, gameData.time.xGame - I2X (10), gameData.time.xGame + I2X (10));
			else if (0 <= (i = gameData.bosses.Find (objP->Index ())))
				bOk = DrawCloakedObject (objP, xLight, xEngineGlow, gameData.bosses [i].m_nCloakStartTime, gameData.bosses [i].m_nCloakEndTime);
	else {
		tBitmapIndex *bmiAltTex = (objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nAltTextures > 0) ? mpTextureIndex [objP->rType.polyObjInfo.nAltTextures - 1] : NULL;

		//	Snipers get bright when they fire.
		if (!gameStates.render.bBuildModels) {
			if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_ROBOT) &&
				 ( [objP->Index ()].nextPrimaryFire < I2X (1) / 8) &&
				 (objP->cType.aiInfo.behavior == AIB_SNIPE))
				xLight = 2 * xLight + I2X (1);
			bBlendPolys = bEnergyWeapon && ( [id].nInnerModel > -1);
			bBrightPolys = bGatling || (bBlendPolys && WI_energy_usage (id));
			if (bEnergyWeapon) {
				if (gameOpts->legacy.bRender)
					gameStates.render.grAlpha = GrAlpha (FADE_LEVELS - 2);
					ogl.BlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
			if (bBlendPolys) {
#if 0
				fix xDistToEye = CFixVector::Dist(gameData.objs.viewerP->info.position.vPos, objP->info.position.vPos);
				if (xDistToEye < gameData.models.nSimpleModelThresholdScale * I2X (2))
					bOk = DrawPolyModel (objP, &objP->info.position.vPos, &objP->info.position.mOrient,
												bBrightPolys ? I2X (1) : xLight,
			if (bEnergyWeapon)
				gameStates.render.grAlpha = GrAlpha (4 * FADE_LEVELS / 5);
			else if (!bBlendPolys)
				gameStates.render.grAlpha = 1.0f;
		bOk = DrawPolyModel (objP, &objP->info.position.vPos, &objP->info.position.mOrient,
									(bGatling || bBrightPolys) ? I2X (1) : xLight,
									(bGatling || bEnergyWeapon) ? gameData.weapons.color + id : NULL);
		if (!gameStates.render.bBuildModels) {
			if (!gameOpts->legacy.bRender)
			gameStates.render.grAlpha = 1.0f;
if (!gameStates.render.bBuildModels) {
	gameStates.render.nInterpolationMethod = imSave;
	gameStates.render.bBrightObject = 0;
	gameOpts->render.bDepthSort = -gameOpts->render.bDepthSort;
return bOk;
Beispiel #26
int CFont::DrawString (int left, int top, const char *s)
	const char*		textP, * nextRowP, * text_ptr1;
	int				width, spacing, letter;
	int				x, y;
	int				origColor = CCanvas::Current ()->FontColor (0).index; //to allow easy reseting to default string color with colored strings -MPM
	float				fScale = fontManager.Scale ();
	ubyte				c;
	CBitmap*			bmf;
	tCanvasColor*	colorP = (m_info.flags & FT_COLOR) ? NULL : &CCanvas::Current ()->FontColor (0);
if (CCanvas::Current ()->Mode () != BM_OGL)
	return -1;

nextRowP = s;
y = top;
if (screen.Canvas ()->Mode () != BM_OGL)
	Error ("carp.\n");
while (nextRowP != NULL) {
	text_ptr1 = nextRowP;
	nextRowP = NULL;
	textP = text_ptr1;
	x = (left == 0x8000) ? fontManager.Current ()->GetCenteredX (textP) : left;
	while ((c = *textP)) {
		if (c == '\n') {
			nextRowP = textP + 1;
			y += m_info.height + 2;
		letter = c - m_info.minChar;
		fontManager.Current ()->GetCharWidth (c, textP [1], width, spacing);
		if (c <= 0x06) {	//not in font, draw as space
			textP = ScanEmbeddedColors (c, textP, origColor, 128, 2);
		if (fontManager.Current ()->InFont (letter)) {
			bmf = m_info.bitmaps + letter;
			bmf->AddFlags (BM_FLAG_TRANSPARENT);
			bmf->RenderScaled (x, y, int (bmf->Width () * fScale), int (bmf->Height () * fScale), I2X (1), 0, colorP);
		x += spacing;
return 0;
Beispiel #27
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static const initializations

const CFloatVector  CFloatVector::ZERO  = CFloatVector::Create (0,0,0,1);
const CFloatVector  CFloatVector::ZERO4 = CFloatVector::Create (0,0,0,0);
const CFloatVector  CFloatVector::XVEC  = CFloatVector::Create (1,0,0,1);
const CFloatVector  CFloatVector::YVEC  = CFloatVector::Create (0,1,0,1);
const CFloatVector  CFloatVector::ZVEC  = CFloatVector::Create (0,0,1,1);

const CFloatVector3 CFloatVector3::ZERO = CFloatVector3::Create (0,0,0);
const CFloatVector3 CFloatVector3::XVEC = CFloatVector3::Create (1,0,0);
const CFloatVector3 CFloatVector3::YVEC = CFloatVector3::Create (0,1,0);
const CFloatVector3 CFloatVector3::ZVEC = CFloatVector3::Create (0,0,1);

const CFixVector CFixVector::ZERO = CFixVector::Create (0,0,0);
const CFixVector CFixVector::XVEC = CFixVector::Create (I2X (1),0,0);
const CFixVector CFixVector::YVEC = CFixVector::Create (0,I2X (1),0);
const CFixVector CFixVector::ZVEC = CFixVector::Create (0,0,I2X (1));

const CAngleVector CAngleVector::ZERO = CAngleVector::Create (0,0,0);

const CFixMatrix CFixMatrix::IDENTITY = CFixMatrix::Create (CFixVector::XVEC,

const CFloatMatrix CFloatMatrix::IDENTITY = CFloatMatrix::Create (CFloatVector::Create (1.0f, 0, 0, 0),
																						CFloatVector::Create (0, 1.0f, 0, 0),
																						CFloatVector::Create (0, 0, 1.0f, 0),
																						CFloatVector::Create (0, 0, 0, 1.0f));

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beispiel #28
int GrString (int x, int y, const char *s, int *idP)
if (gameOpts->render.coronas.nStyle < 2) {
		grsString	*ps;

	if ((MODE == BM_OGL) && (ps = GetPoolString (s, idP))) {
		CBitmap* bmP = ps->bmP;
		float		fScale = fontManager.Scale ();

		ps->bmP->RenderScaled (x, y, int (bmP->Width () * fScale), int (bmP->Height () * fScale), I2X (1), 0, &CCanvas::Current ()->FontColor (0));
		return (int) (ps - stringPool) + 1;
#if 0

return fontManager.Current ()->DrawString (x, y, s);


	int			w, h, aw, clipped = 0;

Assert (fontManager.Current () != NULL);
if (x == 0x8000) {
	if (y < 0)
		clipped |= 1;
	fontManager.Current ()->StringSize (s, w, h, aw);
	// for x, since this will be centered, only look at
	// width.
	if (w > CCanvas::Current ()->Width ())
		clipped |= 1;
	if (y > CCanvas::Current ()->Height ())
		clipped |= 3;
	else if ((y + h) > CCanvas::Current ()->Height ())
		clipped |= 1;
	else if ((y + h) < 0)
		clipped |= 2;
else {
	if ((x < 0) || (y < 0))
		clipped |= 1;
	fontManager.Current ()->StringSize (s, w, h, aw);
	if (x > CCanvas::Current ()->Width ())
		clipped |= 3;
	else if ((x + w) > CCanvas::Current ()->Width ())
		clipped |= 1;
	else if ((x + w) < 0)
		clipped |= 2;
	if (y > CCanvas::Current ()->Height ())
		clipped |= 3;
	else if ((y + h) > CCanvas::Current ()->Height ())
		clipped |= 1;
	else if ((y + h) < 0)
		clipped |= 2;
if (!clipped)
	return fontManager.Current ()->DrawString (x, y, s);
if (clipped & 2) {
	// Completely clipped...
	return 0;
if (clipped & 1) {
	// Partially clipped...
// Partially clipped...
if (MODE == BM_OGL)
	return fontManager.Current ()->DrawString (x, y, s);
if (fontManager.Current ()->Flags () & FT_COLOR)
	return fontManager.Current ()->DrawString (x, y, s);
if (CCanvas::Current ()->FontColor (1).index == -1)
	return GrInternalStringClippedM (x, y, s);
return GrInternalStringClipped (x, y, s);


Beispiel #29
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	If fire_anyway, fire even if CPlayerData is not visible.  We're firing near where we believe him to be.  Perhaps he's
//	lurking behind a corner.
void AIDoActualFiringStuff (CObject *objP, tAIStaticInfo *aiP, tAILocalInfo *ailP, tRobotInfo *botInfoP, int nGun)
	fix	dot;

if (( == 2) ||
	CFixVector vFirePos =;

	//	Hack: If visibility not == 2, we're here because we're firing at a nearby player.
	//	So, fire at instead of the CPlayerData position.
	if (!botInfoP->attackType && ( != 2))
		vFirePos =;

	//	Changed by mk, 01/04/95, onearm would take about 9 seconds until he can fire at you.
	//	Above comment corrected.  Date changed from 1994, to 1995.  Should fix some very subtle bugs, as well as not cause me to wonder, in the future, why I was writing AI code for onearm ten months before he existed.
	if (! || ReadyToFire (botInfoP, ailP)) {
		dot = CFixVector::Dot (objP->info.position.mOrient.FVec (),;
		if ((dot >= I2X (7) / 8) || ((dot > I2X (1) / 4) && botInfoP->bossFlag)) {
			if (nGun < botInfoP->nGuns) {
				if (botInfoP->attackType == 1) {
					if ( || ( >= objP->info.xSize + gameData.objs.consoleP->info.xSize + I2X (2)))	// botInfoP->circleDistance [] + gameData.objs.consoleP->info.xSize)
					if (!AIMultiplayerAwareness (objP, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION - 2))
					DoAIRobotHitAttack (objP, gameData.objs.consoleP, &objP->info.position.vPos);
				else {
#if 1
					if (AICanFireAtPlayer (objP, &, &vFirePos)) {
					if ( || || {
						if (!AIMultiplayerAwareness (objP, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION))
						//	New, multi-weapon-nType system, 06/05/95 (life is slipping awayd:\temp\dm_test.)
						if (nGun != 0) {
							if (ailP->nextPrimaryFire <= 0) {
								AIFireLaserAtPlayer (objP, &, nGun, &vFirePos); = vFirePos;
							if ((ailP->nextSecondaryFire <= 0) && (botInfoP->nSecWeaponType != -1)) {
								CalcGunPoint (&, objP, 0);
								AIFireLaserAtPlayer (objP, &, 0, &vFirePos); = vFirePos;
						else if (ailP->nextPrimaryFire <= 0) {
							AIFireLaserAtPlayer (objP, &, nGun, &vFirePos); = vFirePos;

			//	Wants to fire, so should go into chase mode, probably.
			if ((aiP->behavior != AIB_RUN_FROM) &&
				 (aiP->behavior != AIB_STILL) &&
				 (aiP->behavior != AIB_SNIPE) &&
				 (aiP->behavior != AIB_FOLLOW) &&
				 !botInfoP->attackType &&
				 ((ailP->mode == AIM_FOLLOW_PATH) || (ailP->mode == AIM_IDLING)))
				ailP->mode = AIM_CHASE_OBJECT;
				ailP->goalState [aiP->CURRENT_GUN] = AIS_RECOVER;
				// Switch to next gun for next fire.
#if 0
				if (++(aiP->CURRENT_GUN) >= botInfoP->nGuns) {
					if ((botInfoP->nGuns == 1) || (botInfoP->nSecWeaponType == -1))
						aiP->CURRENT_GUN = 0;
						aiP->CURRENT_GUN = 1;
else if ((!botInfoP->attackType && [botInfoP->nWeaponType].homingFlag) ||
			(((botInfoP->nSecWeaponType != -1) && [botInfoP->nSecWeaponType].homingFlag))) {
	fix dist;
	//	Robots which fire homing weapons might fire even if they don't have a bead on the player.
	if ((! || (ailP->achievedState [aiP->CURRENT_GUN] == AIS_FIRE))
			&& (((ailP->nextPrimaryFire <= 0) && (aiP->CURRENT_GUN != 0)) ||
				((ailP->nextSecondaryFire <= 0) && (aiP->CURRENT_GUN == 0)))
			&& ((dist = CFixVector::Dist(, objP->info.position.vPos)) > I2X (40))) {
		if (!AIMultiplayerAwareness (objP, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION))
		AIFireLaserAtPlayer (objP, &, nGun, &;
		ailP->goalState [aiP->CURRENT_GUN] = AIS_RECOVER;
		// Switch to next gun for next fire.
		if (++(aiP->CURRENT_GUN) >= botInfoP->nGuns)
			aiP->CURRENT_GUN = 0;
	else {
		// Switch to next gun for next fire.
		if (++(aiP->CURRENT_GUN) >= botInfoP->nGuns)
			aiP->CURRENT_GUN = 0;
else {	//	---------------------------------------------------------------
	CFixVector	vLastPos;

	if (d_rand ()/2 < FixMul (gameData.time.xFrame, ( << 12) + 0x4000)) {
		if ((! || ReadyToFire (botInfoP, ailP)) &&
			CFixVector::NormalizedDir(vLastPos,, objP->info.position.vPos);
			dot = CFixVector::Dot (objP->info.position.mOrient.FVec (), vLastPos);
			if (dot >= I2X (7) / 8) {
				if (aiP->CURRENT_GUN < botInfoP->nGuns) {
					if (botInfoP->attackType == 1) {
						if (! && ( < objP->info.xSize + gameData.objs.consoleP->info.xSize + I2X (2))) {		// botInfoP->circleDistance [] + gameData.objs.consoleP->info.xSize) {
							if (!AIMultiplayerAwareness (objP, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION-2))
							DoAIRobotHitAttack (objP, gameData.objs.consoleP, &objP->info.position.vPos);
					else {
						if (
						else {
							if (!AIMultiplayerAwareness (objP, ROBOT_FIRE_AGITATION))
							//	New, multi-weapon-nType system, 06/05/95 (life is slipping awayd:\temp\dm_test.)
							if (nGun != 0) {
								if (ailP->nextPrimaryFire <= 0)
									AIFireLaserAtPlayer (objP, &, nGun, &;

								if ((ailP->nextSecondaryFire <= 0) && (botInfoP->nSecWeaponType != -1)) {
									CalcGunPoint (&, objP, 0);
									AIFireLaserAtPlayer (objP, &, 0, &;
							else if (ailP->nextPrimaryFire <= 0)
								AIFireLaserAtPlayer (objP, &, nGun, &;
					//	Wants to fire, so should go into chase mode, probably.
					if ((aiP->behavior != AIB_RUN_FROM) && (aiP->behavior != AIB_STILL) && (aiP->behavior != AIB_SNIPE) &&
						 (aiP->behavior != AIB_FOLLOW) && ((ailP->mode == AIM_FOLLOW_PATH) || (ailP->mode == AIM_IDLING)))
						ailP->mode = AIM_CHASE_OBJECT;
				ailP->goalState [aiP->CURRENT_GUN] = AIS_RECOVER;
				// Switch to next gun for next fire.
				if (++(aiP->CURRENT_GUN) >= botInfoP->nGuns) {
					if (botInfoP->nGuns == 1)
						aiP->CURRENT_GUN = 0;
						aiP->CURRENT_GUN = 1;
Beispiel #30
int CLightManager::Add (CSegFace* faceP, tRgbaColorf *colorP, fix xBrightness, short nSegment,
							   short nSide, short nObject, short nTexture, CFixVector *vPos, ubyte bAmbient)
	CDynLight*	pl;
	short			h, i;
	float			fBrightness = X2F (xBrightness);
	GLint			nMaxLights;

#if 0
if (xBrightness > I2X (1))
	xBrightness = I2X (1);
if (fBrightness <= 0)
	return -1;

#if DBG
if ((nDbgSeg >= 0) && (nSegment == nDbgSeg))
	nSegment = nSegment;
if ((nDbgObj >= 0) && (nObject == nDbgObj))
	nDbgObj = nDbgObj;
if (colorP && ((colorP->red > 1) || (colorP->green > 1) || (colorP->blue > 1)))
	colorP = colorP;

if (gameStates.render.nLightingMethod && (nSegment >= 0) && (nSide >= 0)) {
#if 1
	fBrightness /= Intensity (colorP->red, colorP->green, colorP->blue);
	if (fBrightness < 1)
		fBrightness = (float) sqrt (fBrightness);
		fBrightness *= fBrightness;
if (colorP)
	colorP->alpha = 1.0f;
if (0 <= (h = Update (colorP, fBrightness, nSegment, nSide, nObject)))
	return h;
if (!colorP)
	return -1;
if ((colorP->red == 0.0f) && (colorP->green == 0.0f) && (colorP->blue == 0.0f)) {
	if ( && gameStates.render.bColored)
		return -1;
	colorP->red = colorP->green = colorP->blue = 1.0f;
if (m_data.nLights [0] >= MAX_OGL_LIGHTS) {
	gameStates.render.bHaveDynLights = 0;
	return -1;	//too many lights
i = m_data.nLights [0]; //LastEnabledDynLight () + 1;
pl = m_data.lights + i;
pl->info.faceP = faceP;
pl->info.nSegment = nSegment;
pl->info.nSide = nSide;
pl->info.nObject = nObject;
pl->info.nPlayer = -1;
pl->info.bState = 1;
pl->info.bSpot = 0;
pl->info.fBoost = 0;
pl->info.bPowerup = 0;
pl->info.bAmbient = bAmbient;
//0: static light
//2: object/lightning
//3: headlight
if (nObject >= 0) {
	CObject *objP = OBJECTS + nObject;
	//HUDMessage (0, "Adding object light %d, type %d", m_data.nLights [0], objP->info.nType);
	pl->info.nType = 2;
	if (objP->info.nType == OBJ_POWERUP) {
		int id = objP->info.nId;
		if ((id == POW_EXTRA_LIFE) || (id == POW_ENERGY) || (id == POW_SHIELD_BOOST) ||
			 (id == POW_HOARD_ORB) || (id == POW_MONSTERBALL) || (id == POW_INVUL))
			pl->info.bPowerup = 1;
			pl->info.bPowerup = 2;
	pl->info.vPos = objP->info.position.vPos;
	pl->info.fRad = 0; //X2F (OBJECTS [nObject].size) / 2;
	if (fBrightness > 1) {
		if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_FIREBALL) || (objP->info.nType == OBJ_EXPLOSION)) {
			pl->info.fBoost = 1;
			pl->info.fRad = fBrightness;
		else if ((objP->info.nType == OBJ_WEAPON) && (objP->info.nId == FLARE_ID)) {
			pl->info.fBoost = 1;
			pl->info.fRad = 2 * fBrightness;
	m_data.owners [nObject] = m_data.nLights [0];
else if (nSegment >= 0) {
#if 0
	CFixVector	vOffs;
	CSide			*sideP = SEGMENTS [nSegment].m_sides + nSide;
	if (nSide < 0) {
		pl->info.nType = 2;
		pl->info.bVariable = 0;
		pl->info.fRad = 0;
		if (vPos)
			pl->info.vPos = *vPos;
			pl->info.vPos = SEGMENTS [nSegment].Center ();
	else {
#if DBG
		if ((nSegment == nDbgSeg) && ((nDbgSide < 0) || (nSide == nDbgSide)))
			nDbgSeg = nDbgSeg;
		pl->info.nType = 0;
		pl->info.fRad = faceP ? faceP->fRads [1] / 2.0f : 0;
		//RegisterLight (NULL, nSegment, nSide);
		pl->info.bVariable = IsDestructible (nTexture) || IsFlickering (nSegment, nSide) || IsTriggered (nSegment, nSide) || 
									SEGMENTS [nSegment].Side (nSide)->IsVolatile ();
		m_data.nVariable += pl->info.bVariable;
		CSide* sideP = SEGMENTS [nSegment].m_sides + nSide;
		pl->info.vPos = sideP->Center ();
		CFixVector vOffs = CFixVector::Avg (sideP->m_normals [0], sideP->m_normals [1]);
		pl->info.vDirf.Assign (vOffs);
		CFloatVector::Normalize (pl->info.vDirf);
#if 0
		if (gameStates.render.bPerPixelLighting) {
			vOffs *= I2X (1) / 64;
			pl->info.vPos += vOffs;
else {
	pl->info.nType = 3;
	pl->info.bVariable = 0;
#if 0
PrintLog ("adding light %d,%d\n", m_data.nLights [0], pl - m_data.lights [0]);
pl->info.bOn = 1;
pl->bTransform = 1;
SetColor (m_data.nLights [0], colorP->red, colorP->green, colorP->blue, fBrightness);
return m_data.nLights [0]++;