Beispiel #1
static void PrintOutput(void *mem, realtype t, N_Vector y)
  realtype *yval;
  int retval, kused;
  long int nst;
  realtype hused;

  yval  = NV_DATA_S(y);

  retval = IDAGetLastOrder(mem, &kused);
  check_flag(&retval, "IDAGetLastOrder", 1);
  retval = IDAGetNumSteps(mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&retval, "IDAGetNumSteps", 1);
  retval = IDAGetLastStep(mem, &hused);
  check_flag(&retval, "IDAGetLastStep", 1);
  printf("%10.4Le %12.4Le %12.4Le %12.4Le | %3ld  %1d %12.4Le\n", 
         t, yval[0], yval[1], yval[2], nst, kused, hused);
  printf("%10.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e | %3ld  %1d %12.4e\n", 
         t, yval[0], yval[1], yval[2], nst, kused, hused);
  printf("%10.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e | %3ld  %1d %12.4e\n", 
         t, yval[0], yval[1], yval[2], nst, kused, hused);
static void PrintOutput(void *ida_mem, N_Vector c, realtype t)
  int i, kused, retval;
  long int nst;
  realtype *c_bl, *c_tr, hused;

  retval = IDAGetLastOrder(ida_mem, &kused);
  check_retval(&retval, "IDAGetLastOrder", 1);
  retval = IDAGetNumSteps(ida_mem, &nst);
  check_retval(&retval, "IDAGetNumSteps", 1);
  retval = IDAGetLastStep(ida_mem, &hused);
  check_retval(&retval, "IDAGetLastStep", 1);
  c_bl = IJ_Vptr(c,0,0);
  c_tr = IJ_Vptr(c,MX-1,MY-1);

  printf("%8.2Le %12.4Le %12.4Le   | %3ld  %1d %12.4Le\n", 
         t, c_bl[0], c_tr[0], nst, kused, hused);
  for (i=1;i<NUM_SPECIES;i++)
    printf("         %12.4Le %12.4Le   |\n",c_bl[i],c_tr[i]);
  printf("%8.2e %12.4e %12.4e   | %3ld  %1d %12.4e\n", 
         t, c_bl[0], c_tr[0], nst, kused, hused);
  for (i=1;i<NUM_SPECIES;i++)
    printf("         %12.4e %12.4e   |\n",c_bl[i],c_tr[i]);
  printf("%8.2e %12.4e %12.4e   | %3ld  %1d %12.4e\n", 
         t, c_bl[0], c_tr[0], nst, kused, hused);
  for (i=1;i<NUM_SPECIES;i++)
    printf("         %12.4e %12.4e   |\n",c_bl[i],c_tr[i]);

Beispiel #3
static void PrintOutput(void *mem, realtype t, N_Vector uu)
  int ier;
  realtype umax, hused;
  long int nst, nni, nje, nre;
  int kused;

  umax = N_VMaxNorm(uu);
  ier = IDAGetLastOrder(mem, &kused);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetLastOrder", 1);
  ier = IDAGetNumSteps(mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumSteps", 1);
  ier = IDAGetNumNonlinSolvIters(mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  ier = IDAGetNumResEvals(mem, &nre);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumResEvals", 1);
  ier = IDAGetLastStep(mem, &hused);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetLastStep", 1);
  ier = IDASlsGetNumJacEvals(mem, &nje);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDASlsGetNumJacEvals", 1);

  printf(" %5.2Lf %13.5Le  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld  %9.2Le \n",
         t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nje, nre, hused);
  printf(" %5.2f %13.5e  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld  %9.2e \n",
         t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nje, nre, hused);
  printf(" %5.2f %13.5e  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld  %9.2e \n",
         t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nje, nre, hused);

static void PrintOutput(void *mem, N_Vector cc, realtype tt,
                        UserData webdata, MPI_Comm comm)
  MPI_Status status;
  realtype *cdata, clast[2], hused;
  long int nst;
  int i, kused, flag, thispe, npelast, ilast;;

  thispe = webdata->thispe; 
  npelast = webdata->npes - 1;
  cdata = N_VGetArrayPointer_Parallel(cc);
  /* Send conc. at top right mesh point from PE npes-1 to PE 0. */
  if (thispe == npelast) {
    ilast = NUM_SPECIES*MXSUB*MYSUB - 2;
    if (npelast != 0)
      MPI_Send(&cdata[ilast], 2, PVEC_REAL_MPI_TYPE, 0, 0, comm);
    else { clast[0] = cdata[ilast]; clast[1] = cdata[ilast+1]; }
  /* On PE 0, receive conc. at top right from PE npes - 1.
     Then print performance data and sampled solution values. */
  if (thispe == 0) {
    if (npelast != 0)
      MPI_Recv(&clast[0], 2, PVEC_REAL_MPI_TYPE, npelast, 0, comm, &status);
    flag = IDAGetLastOrder(mem, &kused);
    check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetLastOrder", 1, thispe);
    flag = IDAGetNumSteps(mem, &nst);
    check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetNumSteps", 1, thispe);
    flag = IDAGetLastStep(mem, &hused);
    check_flag(&flag, "IDAGetLastStep", 1, thispe);

    printf("%8.2Le %12.4Le %12.4Le   | %3ld  %1d %12.4Le\n", 
         tt, cdata[0], clast[0], nst, kused, hused);
    for (i=1;i<NUM_SPECIES;i++)
      printf("         %12.4Le %12.4Le   |\n",cdata[i],clast[i]);
    printf("%8.2e %12.4e %12.4e   | %3ld  %1d %12.4e\n", 
         tt, cdata[0], clast[0], nst, kused, hused);
    for (i=1;i<NUM_SPECIES;i++)
      printf("         %12.4e %12.4e   |\n",cdata[i],clast[i]);
    printf("%8.2e %12.4e %12.4e   | %3ld  %1d %12.4e\n", 
         tt, cdata[0], clast[0], nst, kused, hused);
    for (i=1;i<NUM_SPECIES;i++)
      printf("         %12.4e %12.4e   |\n",cdata[i],clast[i]);


Beispiel #5
static void PrintOutput(void *mem, realtype t, N_Vector y)
  realtype *yval;
  int flag, kused;
  long int nst;
  realtype hused;

  yval  = NV_DATA_S(y);

  flag = IDAGetLastOrder(mem, &kused);
  flag = IDAGetNumSteps(mem, &nst);
  flag = IDAGetLastStep(mem, &hused);

  printf("%10.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %3ld  %1d %12.4e\n", 
         t, yval[0], yval[1], yval[2], nst, kused, hused);
int FIDALapackBandJac(long int N, long int mupper, long int mlower,
                      realtype t, realtype c_j, 
                      N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr,
                      DlsMat J, void *user_data,
                      N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3)
  realtype *yy_data, *yp_data, *rr_data, *jacdata, *ewtdata, *v1data, *v2data, *v3data;
  realtype h;
  long int eband;
  int ier;
  FIDAUserData IDA_userdata;

  /* Initialize all pointers to NULL */
  yy_data = yp_data = rr_data = jacdata = ewtdata = NULL;
  v1data = v2data = v3data = NULL;

  /* NOTE: The user-supplied routine should set ier to an
     appropriate value, but we preset the value to zero
     (meaning SUCCESS) so the user need only reset the
     value if an error occurred */
  ier = 0;

  IDAGetErrWeights(IDA_idamem, F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  IDAGetLastStep(IDA_idamem, &h);

  /* Get pointers to vector data */
  yy_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yy);
  yp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  rr_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(rr);
  ewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  v1data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);
  v2data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp2);
  v3data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp3);

  eband = (J->s_mu) + mlower + 1;
  jacdata = BAND_COL(J,0) - mupper;

  IDA_userdata = (FIDAUserData) user_data;

  /* Call user-supplied routine */
  FIDA_BJAC(&N, &mupper, &mlower, &eband, &t, yy_data, yp_data, rr_data,
            &c_j, jacdata, ewtdata, &h, 
            IDA_userdata->ipar, IDA_userdata->rpar,
            v1data, v2data, v3data, &ier);

static void PrintOutput(int id, void *mem, realtype t, N_Vector uu)
  realtype umax, hused;
  int kused, ier;
  long int nst, nni, nre, nli, npe, nps, nreLS, nge;

  umax = N_VMaxNorm(uu);
  if (id == 0) {

    ier = IDAGetLastOrder(mem, &kused);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetLastOrder", 1, id);
    ier = IDAGetNumSteps(mem, &nst);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumSteps", 1, id);
    ier = IDAGetNumNonlinSolvIters(mem, &nni);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1, id);
    ier = IDAGetNumResEvals(mem, &nre);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumResEvals", 1, id);
    ier = IDAGetLastStep(mem, &hused);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetLastStep", 1, id);
    ier = IDASpilsGetNumLinIters(mem, &nli);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDASpilsGetNumLinIters", 1, id);
    ier = IDASpilsGetNumResEvals(mem, &nreLS);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDASpilsGetNumResEvals", 1, id);
    ier = IDABBDPrecGetNumGfnEvals(mem, &nge);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDABBDPrecGetNumGfnEvals", 1, id);
    ier = IDASpilsGetNumPrecEvals(mem, &npe);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDASpilsGetPrecEvals", 1, id);
    ier = IDASpilsGetNumPrecSolves(mem, &nps);
    check_flag(&ier, "IDASpilsGetNumPrecSolves", 1, id);

    printf(" %5.2Lf %13.5Le  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld %4ld %4ld %9.2Le  %3ld %3ld\n",
           t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nli, nre, nreLS, nge, hused, npe, nps);
    printf(" %5.2f %13.5e  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld %4ld %4ld %9.2e  %3ld %3ld\n",
           t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nli, nre, nreLS, nge, hused, npe, nps);
    printf(" %5.2f %13.5e  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld %4ld %4ld %9.2e  %3ld %3ld\n",
           t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nli, nre, nreLS, nge, hused, npe, nps);

Beispiel #8
int FIDAJtimes(realtype t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr,
	       N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv,
	       realtype c_j, void *jac_data,
	       N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2)
  realtype *yy_data, *yp_data, *rr_data, *vdata, *Jvdata, *ewtdata;
  realtype *v1data, *v2data;
  realtype h;
  FIDAUserData IDA_userdata;
  int ier;

  /* Initialize all pointers to NULL */
  yy_data = yp_data = rr_data = vdata = Jvdata = ewtdata = NULL;

  /* NOTE: The user-supplied routine should set ier to an
     appropriate value, but we preset the value to zero
     (meaning SUCCESS) so the user need only reset the
     value if an error occurred */
  ier = 0;

  IDAGetErrWeights(IDA_idamem, F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  IDAGetLastStep(IDA_idamem, &h);

  /* Get pointers to vector data */
  yy_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yy);
  yp_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(yp);
  rr_data = N_VGetArrayPointer(rr);
  ewtdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(F2C_IDA_ewtvec);
  vdata   = N_VGetArrayPointer(v);
  Jvdata  = N_VGetArrayPointer(Jv);
  v1data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp1);
  v2data  = N_VGetArrayPointer(vtemp2);

  IDA_userdata = (FIDAUserData) jac_data;

  /* Call user-supplied routine */
  FIDA_JTIMES(&t, yy_data, yp_data, rr_data, vdata, Jvdata,
	      &c_j, ewtdata, &h, 
              IDA_userdata->ipar, IDA_userdata->rpar,
              v1data, v2data, &ier);

Beispiel #9
static void PrintOutput(void *mem, realtype t, N_Vector uu)
  realtype hused, umax;
  long int nst, nni, nje, nre, nreS, nli, npe, nps;
  int kused, ier;
  umax = N_VMaxNorm(uu);

  ier = IDAGetLastOrder(mem, &kused);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetLastOrder", 1);
  ier = IDAGetNumSteps(mem, &nst);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumSteps", 1);
  ier = IDAGetNumNonlinSolvIters(mem, &nni);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
  ier = IDAGetNumResEvals(mem, &nre);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetNumResEvals", 1);
  ier = IDAGetLastStep(mem, &hused);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDAGetLastStep", 1);
  ier = IDASpgmrGetNumJtimesEvals(mem, &nje);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDASpgmrGetNumJtimesEvals", 1);
  ier = IDASpgmrGetNumLinIters(mem, &nli);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDASpgmrGetNumLinIters", 1);
  ier = IDASpgmrGetNumResEvals(mem, &nreS);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDASpgmrGetNumResEvals", 1);
  ier = IDASpgmrGetNumPrecEvals(mem, &npe);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDASpgmrGetPrecEvals", 1);
  ier = IDASpgmrGetNumPrecSolves(mem, &nps);
  check_flag(&ier, "IDASpgmrGetNumPrecSolves", 1);

  printf(" %5.2Lf %13.5Le  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld  %4ld  %9.2Le  %3ld %3ld\n",
         t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nje, nre, nreS, hused, npe, nps);
  printf(" %5.2f %13.5le  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld  %4ld  %9.2le  %3ld %3ld\n",
         t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nje, nre, nreS, hused, npe, nps);
  printf(" %5.2f %13.5e  %d  %3ld  %3ld  %3ld  %4ld  %4ld  %9.2e  %3ld %3ld\n",
         t, umax, kused, nst, nni, nje, nre, nreS, hused, npe, nps);
Beispiel #10
void Ida::IDACore()
  _idid = IDAReInit(_idaMem, _tCurrent, _CV_y,_CV_yp);
  _idid = IDASetStopTime(_idaMem, _tEnd);
  _idid = IDASetInitStep(_idaMem, 1e-12);
  if (_idid < 0)
    throw std::runtime_error("IDA::ReInit");

  bool writeEventOutput = (_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_ALL);
  bool writeOutput = !(_settings->getGlobalSettings()->getOutputPointType() == OPT_NONE);

  while ((_solverStatus & ISolver::CONTINUE) && !_interrupt )
    _cv_rt = IDASolve(_idaMem, _tEnd, &_tCurrent,  _CV_y, _CV_yp, IDA_ONE_STEP);

    _idid = IDAGetNumSteps(_idaMem, &_locStps);
    if (_idid != IDA_SUCCESS)
      throw std::runtime_error("IDAGetNumSteps failed. The ida mem pointer is NULL");

    _idid =IDAGetLastStep(_idaMem, &_h);
    if (_idid != IDA_SUCCESS)
      throw std::runtime_error("IDAGetLastStep failed. The ida mem pointer is NULL");

    //Check if there was at least one output-point within the last solver interval
    //  -> Write output if true
    if (writeOutput)
        writeIDAOutput(_tCurrent, _h, _locStps);

    MEASURETIME_REGION_DEFINE(idaStepCompletedHandler, "IDAStepCompleted");
    if(MeasureTime::getInstance() != NULL)
        MEASURETIME_START(measuredFunctionStartValues, idaStepCompletedHandler, "IDAStepCompleted");

    //set completed step to system and check if terminate was called
        _solverStatus = DONE;

    if(MeasureTime::getInstance() != NULL)
        MEASURETIME_END(measuredFunctionStartValues, measuredFunctionEndValues, (*measureTimeFunctionsArray)[5], idaStepCompletedHandler);

    // Perform state selection
    bool state_selection = stateSelection();
    if (state_selection)

    _zeroFound = false;

    // Check if step was successful
    if (check_flag(&_cv_rt, "IDA", 1))
      _solverStatus = ISolver::SOLVERERROR;

    // A root was found
    if ((_cv_rt == IDA_ROOT_RETURN) && !isInterrupted())
      // IDA is setting _tCurrent to the time where the first event occurred
      double _abs = fabs(_tLastEvent - _tCurrent);
      _zeroFound = true;

      if ((_abs < 1e-3) && _event_n == 0)
        _tLastEvent = _tCurrent;
      else if ((_abs < 1e-3) && (_event_n >= 1 && _event_n < 500))
      else if ((_abs >= 1e-3))
        //restart event counter
        _tLastEvent = _tCurrent;
        _event_n = 0;
        throw std::runtime_error("Number of events exceeded  in time interval " + to_string(_abs) + " at time " + to_string(_tCurrent));

      // IDA has interpolated the states at time 'tCurrent'

      // To get steep steps in the result file, two value points (P1 and P2) must be added
      // Y |   (P2) X...........
      //   |        :
      //   |        :
      //   |........X (P1)
      //   |---------------------------------->
      //   |        ^                         t
      //        _tCurrent

      // Write the values of (P1)
      if (writeEventOutput)
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);

      _idid = IDAGetRootInfo(_idaMem, _zeroSign);

      for (int i = 0; i < _dimZeroFunc; i++)
        _events[i] = bool(_zeroSign[i]);

      if (_mixed_system->handleSystemEvents(_events))
        // State variables were reinitialized, thus we have to give these values to the ida-solver
        // Take care about the memory regions, _z is the same like _CV_y
		calcFunction(_tCurrent, NV_DATA_S(_CV_y), NV_DATA_S(_CV_yp),_dae_res);


    if ((_zeroFound || state_selection)&& !isInterrupted())
      // Write the values of (P2)
      if (writeEventOutput)
        // If we want to write the event-results, we should evaluate the whole system again
        writeToFile(0, _tCurrent, _h);

      _idid = IDAReInit(_idaMem, _tCurrent, _CV_y,_CV_yp);
      if (_idid < 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("IDA::ReInit()");

      // Der Eventzeitpunkt kann auf der Endzeit liegen (Time-Events). In diesem Fall wird der Solver beendet, da IDA sonst eine interne Warnung schmeißt
      if (_tCurrent == _tEnd)
        _cv_rt = IDA_TSTOP_RETURN;

    // Zähler für die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Schritte erhöhen
    _tLastSuccess = _tCurrent;

    if (_cv_rt == IDA_TSTOP_RETURN)
         writeToFile(0, _tEnd, _h);

      _accStps += _locStps;
      _solverStatus = DONE;
CAMLprim value sundials_ml_ida_get_last_step(value ida_solver, value hlast) {
  CAMLparam2(ida_solver, hlast);
  double* _hlast = (double*)Field(hlast, 0);
  const int ret = IDAGetLastStep(IDA_MEM(ida_solver), _hlast);