Beispiel #1
static int IDAfnorm(IDAMem IDA_mem, realtype *fnorm)

  int retval;

  /* Get residual vector F, return if failed, and save F in savres. */
  retval = res(t0, ynew, ypnew, delnew, user_data);
  if(retval < 0) return(IDA_RES_FAIL);
  if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);

  N_VScale(ONE, delnew, savres);

  /* Call the linear solve function to get J-inverse F; return if failed. */
  retval = lsolve(IDA_mem, delnew, ewt, ynew, ypnew, savres);
  if(retval < 0) return(IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL);
  if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);

  /* Compute the WRMS-norm; rescale if index = 0. */
  *fnorm = IDAWrmsNorm(IDA_mem, delnew, ewt, FALSE);
  if(sysindex == 0) (*fnorm) *= tscale*SUNRabs(cj);


Beispiel #2
static int IDAfnorm(IDAMem IDA_mem, realtype *fnorm)
  int retval, is;

  /* Get residual vector F, return if failed, and save F in savres. */
  retval = res(t0, ynew, ypnew, delnew, user_data);
  if(retval < 0) return(IDA_RES_FAIL);
  if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);

  N_VScale(ONE, delnew, savres);

  /* Call the linear solve function to get J-inverse F; return if failed. */
  retval = lsolve(IDA_mem, delnew, ewt, ynew, ypnew, savres);
  if(retval < 0) return(IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL);
  if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);

  /* Compute the WRMS-norm. */
  *fnorm = IDAWrmsNorm(IDA_mem, delnew, ewt, FALSE);

  /* Are we computing SENSITIVITIES with the IDA_SIMULTANEOUS approach? */

  if(sensi && (ism==IDA_SIMULTANEOUS)) {

    /* Evaluate the residual for sensitivities. */
    retval = resS(Ns, t0, 
                  ynew, ypnew, savres,
                  yyS0new, ypS0new, delnewS,
                  user_dataS, tmpS1, tmpS2, tmpS3);
    if(retval < 0) return(IDA_RES_FAIL);
    if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);

    /* Save delnewS in savresS. */
    for(is=0; is<Ns; is++)
      N_VScale(ONE, delnewS[is], savresS[is]);

    /* Call the linear solve function to get J-inverse deltaS. */
    for(is=0; is<Ns; is++) {

      retval = lsolve(IDA_mem, delnewS[is], ewtS[is], ynew, ypnew, savres);
      if(retval < 0) return(IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL);
      if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);
    /* Include sensitivities in norm. */
    *fnorm = IDASensWrmsNormUpdate(IDA_mem, *fnorm, delnewS, ewtS, FALSE);

  /* Rescale norm if index = 0. */
  if(sysindex == 0) (*fnorm) *= tscale*SUNRabs(cj);


Beispiel #3
static int IDANewtonIC(IDAMem IDA_mem)
  int retval, mnewt;
  realtype delnorm, fnorm, fnorm0, oldfnrm, rate;

  /* Set pointer for vector delnew */
  IDA_mem->ida_delnew = IDA_mem->ida_phi[2];

  /* Call the linear solve function to get the Newton step, delta. */
  retval = IDA_mem->ida_lsolve(IDA_mem, IDA_mem->ida_delta,
                               IDA_mem->ida_ewt, IDA_mem->ida_yy0,
                               IDA_mem->ida_yp0, IDA_mem->ida_savres);
  if(retval < 0) return(IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL);
  if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);

  /* Compute the norm of the step; return now if this is small. */
  fnorm = IDAWrmsNorm(IDA_mem, IDA_mem->ida_delta, IDA_mem->ida_ewt, SUNFALSE);
  if(IDA_mem->ida_sysindex == 0)
    fnorm *= IDA_mem->ida_tscale * SUNRabs(IDA_mem->ida_cj);
  if(fnorm <= IDA_mem->ida_epsNewt)
  fnorm0 = fnorm;

  /* Initialize rate to avoid compiler warning message */
  rate = ZERO;

  /* Newton iteration loop */

  for(mnewt = 0; mnewt < IDA_mem->ida_maxnit; mnewt++) {

    delnorm = fnorm;
    oldfnrm = fnorm;

    /* Call the Linesearch function and return if it failed. */
    retval = IDALineSrch(IDA_mem, &delnorm, &fnorm);
    if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) return(retval);

    /* Set the observed convergence rate and test for convergence. */
    rate = fnorm/oldfnrm;
    if(fnorm <= IDA_mem->ida_epsNewt) return(IDA_SUCCESS);

    /* If not converged, copy new step vector, and loop. */
    N_VScale(ONE, IDA_mem->ida_delnew, IDA_mem->ida_delta);

  }   /* End of Newton iteration loop */

  /* Return either IC_SLOW_CONVRG or recoverable fail flag. */
  if(rate <= ICRATEMAX || fnorm < PT1*fnorm0) return(IC_SLOW_CONVRG);

Beispiel #4
int IDACalcIC(void *ida_mem, int icopt, realtype tout1)
  int ewtsetOK;
  int ier, nwt, nh, mxnh, icret, retval=0;
  realtype tdist, troundoff, minid, hic, ypnorm;
  IDAMem IDA_mem;

  /* Check if IDA memory exists */

  if(ida_mem == NULL) {
    IDAProcessError(NULL, IDA_MEM_NULL, "IDA", "IDACalcIC", MSG_NO_MEM);
  IDA_mem = (IDAMem) ida_mem;

  /* Check if problem was malloc'ed */
  if(IDA_mem->ida_MallocDone == FALSE) {
    IDAProcessError(IDA_mem, IDA_NO_MALLOC, "IDA", "IDACalcIC", MSG_NO_MALLOC);

  /* Check inputs to IDA for correctness and consistency */

  ier = IDAInitialSetup(IDA_mem);
  if(ier != IDA_SUCCESS) return(IDA_ILL_INPUT);
  IDA_mem->ida_SetupDone = TRUE;

  /* Check legality of input arguments, and set IDA memory copies. */

  if(icopt != IDA_YA_YDP_INIT && icopt != IDA_Y_INIT) {
    IDAProcessError(IDA_mem, IDA_ILL_INPUT, "IDA", "IDACalcIC", MSG_IC_BAD_ICOPT);
  IDA_mem->ida_icopt = icopt;

  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT && (id == NULL)) {

  tdist = SUNRabs(tout1 - tn);
  troundoff = TWO*uround*(SUNRabs(tn) + SUNRabs(tout1));
  if(tdist < troundoff) {
    IDAProcessError(IDA_mem, IDA_ILL_INPUT, "IDA", "IDACalcIC", MSG_IC_TOO_CLOSE);

  /* Allocate space and initialize temporary vectors */

  yy0 = N_VClone(ee);
  yp0 = N_VClone(ee);
  t0  = tn;
  N_VScale(ONE, phi[0], yy0);
  N_VScale(ONE, phi[1], yp0);

  /* For use in the IDA_YA_YP_INIT case, set sysindex and tscale. */

  IDA_mem->ida_sysindex = 1;
  IDA_mem->ida_tscale   = tdist;
  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT) {
    minid = N_VMin(id);
    if(minid < ZERO) {
      IDAProcessError(IDA_mem, IDA_ILL_INPUT, "IDA", "IDACalcIC", MSG_IC_BAD_ID);
    if(minid > HALF) IDA_mem->ida_sysindex = 0;

  /* Set the test constant in the Newton convergence test */

  IDA_mem->ida_epsNewt = epiccon;

  /* Initializations: 
     cjratio = 1 (for use in direct linear solvers); 
     set nbacktr = 0; */

  cjratio = ONE;
  nbacktr = 0;

  /* Set hic, hh, cj, and mxnh. */

  hic = PT001*tdist;
  ypnorm = IDAWrmsNorm(IDA_mem, yp0, ewt, suppressalg);
  if(ypnorm > HALF/hic) hic = HALF/ypnorm;
  if(tout1 < tn) hic = -hic;
  hh = hic;
  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT) {
    cj = ONE/hic;
    mxnh = maxnh;
  else {
    cj = ZERO;
    mxnh = 1;

  /* Loop over nwt = number of evaluations of ewt vector. */

  for(nwt = 1; nwt <= 2; nwt++) {
    /* Loop over nh = number of h values. */
    for(nh = 1; nh <= mxnh; nh++) {

      /* Call the IC nonlinear solver function. */
      retval = IDAnlsIC(IDA_mem);

      /* Cut h and loop on recoverable IDA_YA_YDP_INIT failure; else break. */
      if(retval == IDA_SUCCESS) break;
      if(retval < 0) break;
      if(nh == mxnh) break;
      /* If looping to try again, reset yy0 and yp0 if not converging. */
      if(retval != IC_SLOW_CONVRG) {
        N_VScale(ONE, phi[0], yy0);
        N_VScale(ONE, phi[1], yp0);
      hic *= PT1;
      cj = ONE/hic;
      hh = hic;
    }   /* End of nh loop */

    /* Break on failure; else reset ewt, save yy0, yp0 in phi, and loop. */
    if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) break;
    ewtsetOK = efun(yy0, ewt, edata);
    if(ewtsetOK != 0) { 
      retval = IDA_BAD_EWT; 
    N_VScale(ONE, yy0, phi[0]);
    N_VScale(ONE, yp0, phi[1]);

  }   /* End of nwt loop */

  /* Free temporary space */


  /* Load the optional outputs. */

  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT)   hused = hic;

  /* On any failure, print message and return proper flag. */

  if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) {
    icret = IDAICFailFlag(IDA_mem, retval);

  /* Otherwise return success flag. */


Beispiel #5
static int IDANewtonIC(IDAMem IDA_mem)
  int retval, mnewt;
  realtype delnorm, fnorm, fnorm0, oldfnrm, rate;
  unsigned char *uc;

  /* Set pointer for vector delnew */
  delnew = phi[2];

  /* Call the linear solve function to get the Newton step, delta. */
  retval = lsolve(IDA_mem, delta, ewt, yy0, yp0, savres);
  if(retval < 0) return(IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL);
  if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);

  /* Compute the norm of the step; return now if this is small. */
  fnorm = IDAWrmsNorm(IDA_mem, delta, ewt, FALSE);
  if(sysindex == 0) fnorm *= tscale*ABS(cj);
  if(fnorm <= epsNewt) return(IDA_SUCCESS);
// Note #1: when trying to retrieve consistent initial conditions, the user may
//          have provided some (very) bad initial conditions, in which case
//          fnorm won't have a finite value. This means that we won't be able to
//          retrieve consistent initial conditions. So, IDA really ought to
//          check that fnorm has a finite value and, if not, then return with
//          some error code...
// Note #2: the code to test whether a value is finite comes from Qt. It's just
//          that using it directly would require a C++ compiler while we would
//          rather stick to a C compiler whenever possible since this will avoid
//          potential warnings because of differences between C and C++...

  uc = (unsigned char *) &fnorm;

  if (((uc[0] & 0x7F) == 0x7F) && ((uc[1] & 0xF0) == 0xF0))
    return IC_CONV_FAIL;
  if (((uc[7] & 0x7F) == 0x7F) && ((uc[6] & 0xF0) == 0xF0))
    return IC_CONV_FAIL;
  fnorm0 = fnorm;

  /* Initialize rate to avoid compiler warning message */
  rate = ZERO;

  /* Newton iteration loop */

  for(mnewt = 0; mnewt < maxnit; mnewt++) {

    delnorm = fnorm;
    oldfnrm = fnorm;

    /* Call the Linesearch function and return if it failed. */
    retval = IDALineSrch(IDA_mem, &delnorm, &fnorm);
    if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) return(retval);

    /* Set the observed convergence rate and test for convergence. */
    rate = fnorm/oldfnrm;
    if(fnorm <= epsNewt) return(IDA_SUCCESS);

    /* If not converged, copy new step vector, and loop. */
    N_VScale(ONE, delnew, delta);

  }   /* End of Newton iteration loop */

  /* Return either IC_SLOW_CONVRG or recoverable fail flag. */
  if(rate <= ICRATEMAX || fnorm < PT1*fnorm0) return(IC_SLOW_CONVRG);

Beispiel #6
static int IDANewtonIC(IDAMem IDA_mem)
  int retval, mnewt, is;
  realtype delnorm, fnorm, fnorm0, oldfnrm, rate;
  booleantype sensi_sim;

  /* Are we computing sensitivities with the IDA_SIMULTANEOUS approach? */
  sensi_sim = (sensi && (ism==IDA_SIMULTANEOUS));

  /* Set pointer for vector delnew */
  delnew = phi[2];

  /* Call the linear solve function to get the Newton step, delta. */
  retval = lsolve(IDA_mem, delta, ewt, yy0, yp0, savres);
  if(retval < 0) return(IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL);
  if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);

  /* Compute the norm of the step. */
  fnorm = IDAWrmsNorm(IDA_mem, delta, ewt, FALSE);

  /* Call the lsolve function to get correction vectors deltaS. */
  if (sensi_sim) {
    for(is=0;is<Ns;is++) {
      retval = lsolve(IDA_mem, deltaS[is], ewtS[is], yy0, yp0, savres);
      if(retval < 0) return(IDA_LSOLVE_FAIL);
      if(retval > 0) return(IC_FAIL_RECOV);
    /* Update the norm of delta. */
    fnorm = IDASensWrmsNormUpdate(IDA_mem, fnorm, deltaS, ewtS, FALSE);

  /* Test for convergence. Return now if the norm is small. */
  if(sysindex == 0) fnorm *= tscale*SUNRabs(cj);
  if(fnorm <= epsNewt) return(IDA_SUCCESS);
  fnorm0 = fnorm;

  /* Initialize rate to avoid compiler warning message */
  rate = ZERO;

  /* Newton iteration loop */

  for(mnewt = 0; mnewt < maxnit; mnewt++) {

    delnorm = fnorm;
    oldfnrm = fnorm;

    /* Call the Linesearch function and return if it failed. */
    retval = IDALineSrch(IDA_mem, &delnorm, &fnorm);
    if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) return(retval);

    /* Set the observed convergence rate and test for convergence. */
    rate = fnorm/oldfnrm;
    if(fnorm <= epsNewt) return(IDA_SUCCESS);

    /* If not converged, copy new step vector, and loop. */
    N_VScale(ONE, delnew, delta);

    if(sensi_sim) {
      /* Update the iteration's step for sensitivities. */
      for(is=0; is<Ns; is++)
        N_VScale(ONE, delnewS[is], deltaS[is]);

  }   /* End of Newton iteration loop */

  /* Return either IC_SLOW_CONVRG or recoverable fail flag. */
  if(rate <= ICRATEMAX || fnorm < PT1*fnorm0) return(IC_SLOW_CONVRG);
Beispiel #7
int IDACalcIC(void *ida_mem, int icopt, realtype tout1)
  int ewtsetOK;
  int ier, nwt, nh, mxnh, icret, retval=0;
  int is;
  realtype tdist, troundoff, minid, hic, ypnorm;
  IDAMem IDA_mem;
  booleantype sensi_stg, sensi_sim;

  /* Check if IDA memory exists */

  if(ida_mem == NULL) {
  IDA_mem = (IDAMem) ida_mem;

  /* Check if problem was malloc'ed */
  if(IDA_mem->ida_MallocDone == FALSE) {
    IDAProcessError(IDA_mem, IDA_NO_MALLOC, "IDAS", "IDACalcIC", MSG_NO_MALLOC);

  /* Check inputs to IDA for correctness and consistency */

  ier = IDAInitialSetup(IDA_mem);
  if(ier != IDA_SUCCESS) return(IDA_ILL_INPUT);
  IDA_mem->ida_SetupDone = TRUE;

  /* Check legality of input arguments, and set IDA memory copies. */

  if(icopt != IDA_YA_YDP_INIT && icopt != IDA_Y_INIT) {
  IDA_mem->ida_icopt = icopt;

  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT && (id == NULL)) {

  tdist = SUNRabs(tout1 - tn);
  troundoff = TWO*uround*(SUNRabs(tn) + SUNRabs(tout1));
  if(tdist < troundoff) {

  /* Are we computing sensitivities? */
  sensi_stg  = (sensi && (ism==IDA_STAGGERED));
  sensi_sim  = (sensi && (ism==IDA_SIMULTANEOUS));

  /* Allocate space and initialize temporary vectors */

  yy0 = N_VClone(ee);
  yp0 = N_VClone(ee);
  t0  = tn;
  N_VScale(ONE, phi[0], yy0);
  N_VScale(ONE, phi[1], yp0);

  if (sensi) {

    /* Allocate temporary space required for sensitivity IC: yyS0 and ypS0. */      
    yyS0 = N_VCloneVectorArray(Ns, ee);
    ypS0 = N_VCloneVectorArray(Ns, ee);
    /* Initialize sensitivity vector. */
    for (is=0; is<Ns; is++) {
      N_VScale(ONE, phiS[0][is], yyS0[is]);  
      N_VScale(ONE, phiS[1][is], ypS0[is]);  
    /* Initialize work space vectors needed for sensitivities. */
    savresS = phiS[2];
    delnewS = phiS[3];
    yyS0new = phiS[4];
    ypS0new = eeS;

  /* For use in the IDA_YA_YP_INIT case, set sysindex and tscale. */

  IDA_mem->ida_sysindex = 1;
  IDA_mem->ida_tscale   = tdist;
  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT) {
    minid = N_VMin(id);
    if(minid < ZERO) {
      IDAProcessError(IDA_mem, IDA_ILL_INPUT, "IDAS", "IDACalcIC", MSG_IC_BAD_ID);
    if(minid > HALF) IDA_mem->ida_sysindex = 0;

  /* Set the test constant in the Newton convergence test */

  IDA_mem->ida_epsNewt = epiccon;

  /* Initializations: 
     cjratio = 1 (for use in direct linear solvers); 
     set nbacktr = 0; */

  cjratio = ONE;
  nbacktr = 0;

  /* Set hic, hh, cj, and mxnh. */

  hic = PT001*tdist;
  ypnorm = IDAWrmsNorm(IDA_mem, yp0, ewt, suppressalg);

  if (sensi_sim) 
    ypnorm = IDASensWrmsNormUpdate(IDA_mem, ypnorm, ypS0, ewtS, FALSE);

  if(ypnorm > HALF/hic) hic = HALF/ypnorm;
  if(tout1 < tn) hic = -hic;
  hh = hic;
  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT) {
    cj = ONE/hic;
    mxnh = maxnh;
  else {
    cj = ZERO;
    mxnh = 1;

  /* Loop over nwt = number of evaluations of ewt vector. */

  for(nwt = 1; nwt <= 2; nwt++) {
    /* Loop over nh = number of h values. */
    for(nh = 1; nh <= mxnh; nh++) {

      /* Call the IC nonlinear solver function. */
      retval = IDANlsIC(IDA_mem);

      /* Cut h and loop on recoverable IDA_YA_YDP_INIT failure; else break. */
      if(retval == IDA_SUCCESS) break;
      if(retval < 0) break;
      if(nh == mxnh) break;

      /* If looping to try again, reset yy0 and yp0 if not converging. */
      if(retval != IC_SLOW_CONVRG) {
        N_VScale(ONE, phi[0], yy0);
        N_VScale(ONE, phi[1], yp0);
        if (sensi_sim) {

          /* Reset yyS0 and ypS0. */
          /* Copy phiS[0] and phiS[1] into yyS0 and ypS0. */
          for (is=0; is<Ns; is++) {
            N_VScale(ONE, phiS[0][is], yyS0[is]);         
            N_VScale(ONE, phiS[1][is], ypS0[is]);         
      hic *= PT1;
      cj = ONE/hic;
      hh = hic;
    }   /* End of nh loop */

    /* Break on failure */
    if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) break;
    /* Reset ewt, save yy0, yp0 in phi, and loop. */
    ewtsetOK = efun(yy0, ewt, edata);
    if(ewtsetOK != 0) { 
      retval = IDA_BAD_EWT; 
    N_VScale(ONE, yy0, phi[0]);
    N_VScale(ONE, yp0, phi[1]);
    if (sensi_sim) {
      /* Reevaluate ewtS. */
      ewtsetOK = IDASensEwtSet(IDA_mem, yyS0, ewtS);
      if(ewtsetOK != 0) { 
        retval = IDA_BAD_EWT; 
      /* Save yyS0 and ypS0. */
      for (is=0; is<Ns; is++) {
            N_VScale(ONE, yyS0[is], phiS[0][is]);         
            N_VScale(ONE, ypS0[is], phiS[1][is]);        

  }   /* End of nwt loop */

  /* Load the optional outputs. */

  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT)   hused = hic;

  /* On any failure, free memory, print error message and return */

  if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) {

    if(sensi) {
      N_VDestroyVectorArray(yyS0, Ns);
      N_VDestroyVectorArray(ypS0, Ns);

    icret = IDAICFailFlag(IDA_mem, retval);

  /* Unless using the STAGGERED approach for sensitivities, return now */

  if (!sensi_stg) {


    if(sensi) {
      N_VDestroyVectorArray(yyS0, Ns);
      N_VDestroyVectorArray(ypS0, Ns);


  /* Find consistent I.C. for sensitivities using a staggered approach */
  /* Evaluate res at converged y, needed for future evaluations of sens. RHS 
     If res() fails recoverably, treat it as a convergence failure and 
     attempt the step again */
  retval = res(t0, yy0, yp0, delta, user_data);
  if(retval < 0) 
    /* res function failed unrecoverably. */

  if(retval > 0) 
    /* res function failed recoverably but no recovery possible. */
  /* Loop over nwt = number of evaluations of ewt vector. */
  for(nwt = 1; nwt <= 2; nwt++) {
    /* Loop over nh = number of h values. */
    for(nh = 1; nh <= mxnh; nh++) {

      retval = IDASensNlsIC(IDA_mem);
      if(retval == IDA_SUCCESS) break;

      /* Increment the number of the sensitivity related corrector convergence failures. */

      if(retval < 0) break;
      if(nh == mxnh) break;

      /* If looping to try again, reset yyS0 and ypS0 if not converging. */
      if(retval != IC_SLOW_CONVRG) {
        for (is=0; is<Ns; is++) {
          N_VScale(ONE, phiS[0][is], yyS0[is]);  
          N_VScale(ONE, phiS[1][is], ypS0[is]);  
      hic *= PT1;
      cj = ONE/hic;
      hh = hic;
    }   /* End of nh loop */

    /* Break on failure */
    if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) break;

    /* Since it was successful, reevaluate ewtS with the new values of yyS0, save 
       yyS0 and ypS0 in phiS[0] and phiS[1] and loop one more time to check and 
       maybe correct the  new sensitivities IC with respect to the new weights. */
    /* Reevaluate ewtS. */
    ewtsetOK = IDASensEwtSet(IDA_mem, yyS0, ewtS);
    if(ewtsetOK != 0) { 
      retval = IDA_BAD_EWT; 

    /* Save yyS0 and ypS0. */
    for (is=0; is<Ns; is++) {
      N_VScale(ONE, yyS0[is], phiS[0][is]);         
      N_VScale(ONE, ypS0[is], phiS[1][is]);        

  }   /* End of nwt loop */

  /* Load the optional outputs. */
  if(icopt == IDA_YA_YDP_INIT)   hused = hic;

  /* Free temporary space */

  /* Here sensi is TRUE, so deallocate sensitivity temporary vectors. */
  N_VDestroyVectorArray(yyS0, Ns);
  N_VDestroyVectorArray(ypS0, Ns);

  /* On any failure, print message and return proper flag. */
  if(retval != IDA_SUCCESS) {
    icret = IDAICFailFlag(IDA_mem, retval);

  /* Otherwise return success flag. */

