Beispiel #1
gcn_rem_auth( char *mech, char *host, i4  len, PTR token, i4  *size, PTR buff )
    GCS_REM_PARM	parm;
    STATUS		status;
    GCS_MECH		mech_id;

    if ( (mech_id = gcs_mech_id( mech )) == GCS_NO_MECH )
	*size = 0;
	return( E_GC1004_SEC_MECH_UNKNOWN );
    } = host;
    parm.length = len;
    parm.token = token;
    parm.size = *size;
    parm.buffer = buff;

    if ( (status = IIgcs_call( GCS_OP_REM_AUTH, mech_id, (PTR)&parm)) != OK )
	*size = 0;
	*size = parm.size;

    return( status );
Beispiel #2
gcn_user_auth( i4  length, PTR buffer )
    GCS_USR_PARM	parm;
    STATUS		status;

    parm.buffer = (PTR)buffer;
    parm.length = length;
    length = 0;

    status = IIgcs_call( GCS_OP_USR_AUTH, GCS_NO_MECH, (PTR)&parm );

    if ( status == OK )  
	length = parm.length;
    else  if ( IIGCn_static.trace >= 1 )
	TRdisplay( "gcn_user_auth: GCS user auth failure: 0x%x\n", status );

    return( length );
Beispiel #3
gcn_server_auth(char *server, char *user, char *alias, i4  length, PTR buffer)
    GCS_SRV_PARM	parm;
    STATUS		status;

    ** A server auth is not absolutely required.  Without a 
    ** server auth, GCA will just produce a user auth for the 
    ** connection instead.  Failure to obtain a server key
    ** is therefore a 'soft' error.
    if ( ! (parm.key = gcn_get_server( server )) )  return( 0 );

    parm.user = user;
    parm.alias = alias;
    parm.server = server;
    parm.length = length;
    parm.buffer = (PTR)buffer;

    if ((status = IIgcs_call(GCS_OP_SRV_AUTH, GCS_NO_MECH, (PTR)&parm)) != OK)
	** While not a critical error (see note above),
	** we should have been able to produce a server
	** auth since we have a server key.
	if ( IIGCn_static.trace >= 1 )
	    TRdisplay( "gcn_server_auth: GCS server (%s) auth failure: 0x%x\n", 
		       server, status );

        return( 0 );

    return( parm.length );
Beispiel #4
gca_terminate( GCA_SVC_PARMS *svc_parms )
    GCA_CB	*gca_cb = (GCA_CB *)svc_parms->gca_cb;
    char	id_buff[16];

    ** Increment the term counter and perform global 
    ** shutdown if all initializers have terminated.
    ** The current request must be completed during
    ** global shutdown so that ACB resources can be
    ** freed.  If global shutdown is not being done,
    ** the request must still be completed to ensure
    ** a consistent state.
    if ( IIGCa_global.gca_initiate > ++IIGCa_global.gca_terminate )
	gca_complete( svc_parms );
	i4 assoc_id;

	** Shutdown any remaining associations.
	     assoc_id = gca_next_acb( -1 ); 
	     assoc_id >= 0;
	     assoc_id = gca_next_acb( assoc_id ) 
	    ** Skip ACB flagged for deletion since it has
	    ** already been shutdown.
	    GCA_ACB *acb = gca_find_acb( assoc_id );

	    if ( acb  &&  ! acb->flags.delete_acb )
		GCA_DA_PARMS	da_parms;
		STATUS		status;

		** TODO: Fix GC CL interface for register/llsten.
		** If this association is an active listen, this
		** call will fail.  With the current interface
		** there is nothing we can do.  A GC control
		** block is needed for registration, created 
		** by GCregister() and used in GClisten(), which 
		** can then be passed to a deregister routine 
		** capable of aborting a listen and cleaning up
		** the register resources.  
		** Currently, the CL must do register/listen
		** cleanup during GCterminate(), which can't be 
		** called prior to these calls here.
		da_parms.gca_association_id = assoc_id;
		IIGCa_cb_call( (PTR *)&gca_cb, GCA_DISASSOC, 
			       (GCA_PARMLIST *)&da_parms, 
			       GCA_SYNC_FLAG, NULL, -1L, &status );

	** Call GCterminate to perform system-dependent cleanup 
	GCterminate( &svc_parms->gc_parms );

	** Cleanup ACB global resources.
	** There may be an ACB associated with the current
	** request.  If so, it is the registration ACB and
	** should be shutdown and flagged for deletion.  We 
	** need to perform request completion at this point
	** so that the ACB resources can be freed.
	gca_complete( svc_parms );

	** Release any remaining ACB.  Normally, there should
	** only be an active listen ACB at this point.
	     assoc_id = gca_next_acb( -1 ); 
	     assoc_id >= 0;
	     assoc_id = gca_next_acb( assoc_id ) 
	    GCA_ACB *acb = gca_find_acb( assoc_id );
	    if ( acb )  gca_del_acb( acb->assoc_id );

	** Now, release the remaining ACB resources.
	MUr_semaphore( &IIGCa_global.gca_acb_semaphore );


	** Shutdown the embedded Name Server interface 
	if ( IIGCa_global.gca_embedded_gcn )  gca_ns_term();

#endif /* GCF_EMBEDDED_GCN */

	** Shutdown security.

	IIGCa_global.gca_initialized = FALSE;

    ** Tell MO that the control block is no longer active.
    STprintf( id_buff, "%d", gca_cb->gca_cb_id );
    MOdetach( GCA_MIB_CLIENT, id_buff );

    ** Free resources.
    MUr_semaphore( &gca_cb->gca_reg_semaphore );

    ** Clear the initialization flag so the 
    ** control block will be freed in gca_call().
    gca_cb->gca_initialized = FALSE;

Beispiel #5
gcn_use_auth( GCN_RESOLVE_CB *grcb, i4 prot )
    STATUS		status;
    u_i1		ticket[ GCN_L_TICKET ];
    GCS_REM_PARM        rem;
    i4			ticket_len = 0;

    ** Try to get a usable ticket. 
    status = gcn_use_rticket( grcb->username, grcb->vnode, grcb->pwd, 
			      ticket, &ticket_len );
    if ( status != OK )  return( status );

    ** Generate a remote authentication if supported
    ** by client and remote Name Server.  Otherwise,
    ** the ticket is encapsulated in password. Client
    ** support is determined by the protocol level,
    ** while the ticket indicates Name Server support.
    if ( prot >= GCA_PROTOCOL_LEVEL_63  &&  
	 ticket[ 0 ] == GCN_TICK_MAG  &&  ticket[ 1 ] >= GCN_V1_TICK_MAG )
	** Allocate 256 bytes buffer to hold RA.
	grcb->auth = MEreqmem( 0, GCN_AUTH_MAX_LEN, FALSE, &status );

	if (  grcb->auth )
	    rem.token    = (PTR)ticket;
	    rem.length   = ticket_len;
	    rem.size     = GCN_AUTH_MAX_LEN;
	    rem.buffer   = grcb->auth;

	    ** Call GCS to build RA for Server Name Server.
	    status = IIgcs_call( GCS_OP_IP_AUTH, GCS_MECH_INGRES, (PTR)&rem );

	    if ( status == OK )  
		grcb->usr = grcb->username;
		grcb->pwd = "";
		grcb->flags &= ~GCN_RSLV_PWD_ENC;
		grcb->auth_len = rem.size;
		return( OK );

	    ** Restore state and fall-through to password encapsulation.
	    MEfree( grcb->auth );
	    grcb->auth = NULL;
	    grcb->auth_len = 0;

    ** Convert ticket into a password which can be detected as
    ** a ticket by the remote NS.  The installation password
    ** (which may have been in grcb->pwdbuf) has been saved,
    ** so use the password buffer to hold the formatted ticket.
    if ( grcb->pwdptr  &&  grcb->pwdptr != grcb->pwdbuf )  
    	MEfree( (PTR)grcb->pwdptr );
    grcb->pwdptr = grcb->pwdbuf;

    MEcopy( GCN_AUTH_TICKET_MAG, GCN_L_AUTH_TICKET_MAG, grcb->pwdptr );
    CItotext( ticket, ticket_len, grcb->pwdptr + GCN_L_AUTH_TICKET_MAG );

    ** Send the ticket as the connection password.
    grcb->usr = grcb->username;
    grcb->pwd = grcb->pwdptr;
    grcb->flags &= ~GCN_RSLV_PWD_ENC;
    return( OK );