static IPTR coolimage_draw(Class *cl, Object *o, struct impDraw *msg) { struct CoolImageData *data; WORD x, y; data = INST_DATA(cl, o); x = IM(o)->LeftEdge + msg->imp_Offset.X; y = IM(o)->TopEdge + msg->imp_Offset.Y; if (CyberGfxBase && (GetBitMapAttr(msg->imp_RPort->BitMap, BMA_DEPTH) >= 15)) { data->pal[0] = data->bgcol; WriteLUTPixelArray((APTR)data->image->data, 0, 0, data->image->width, msg->imp_RPort, data->pal, x, y, data->image->width, data->image->height, CTABFMT_XRGB8); } return 0; }
mdct_info *faad_mdct_init(uint16_t N) { uint16_t k; #ifdef FIXED_POINT uint16_t N_idx; real_t cangle, sangle, c, s, cold; #endif real_t scale; mdct_info *mdct = (mdct_info*)faad_malloc(sizeof(mdct_info)); assert(N % 8 == 0); mdct->N = N; mdct->sincos = (complex_t*)faad_malloc(N/4*sizeof(complex_t)); #ifdef FIXED_POINT N_idx = map_N_to_idx(N); scale = const_tab[N_idx][0]; cangle = const_tab[N_idx][1]; sangle = const_tab[N_idx][2]; c = const_tab[N_idx][3]; s = const_tab[N_idx][4]; #else scale = (real_t)sqrt(2.0 / (real_t)N); #endif /* (co)sine table build using recurrence relations */ /* this can also be done using static table lookup or */ /* some form of interpolation */ for (k = 0; k < N/4; k++) { #ifdef FIXED_POINT RE(mdct->sincos[k]) = c; //MUL_C_C(c,scale); IM(mdct->sincos[k]) = s; //MUL_C_C(s,scale); cold = c; c = MUL_F(c,cangle) - MUL_F(s,sangle); s = MUL_F(s,cangle) + MUL_F(cold,sangle); #else /* no recurrence, just sines */ RE(mdct->sincos[k]) = scale*(real_t)(cos(2.0*M_PI*(k+1./8.) / (real_t)N)); IM(mdct->sincos[k]) = scale*(real_t)(sin(2.0*M_PI*(k+1./8.) / (real_t)N)); #endif } /* initialise fft */ mdct->cfft = cffti(N/4); #ifdef PROFILE mdct->cycles = 0; mdct->fft_cycles = 0; #endif return mdct; }
/* C = A + B */ static void aadd(COMPLEX *C, COMPLEX *A, COMPLEX *B, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { RE(C[i]) = RE(A[i]) + RE(B[i]); IM(C[i]) = IM(A[i]) + IM(B[i]); } }
/* A = alpha * A (complex, in place) */ static void ascale(COMPLEX *A, COMPLEX alpha, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { COMPLEX a = A[i]; RE(A[i]) = RE(a) * RE(alpha) - IM(a) * IM(alpha); IM(A[i]) = RE(a) * IM(alpha) + IM(a) * RE(alpha); } }
/* complex addition helper */ static void sig_caddsub(uint16 addsub,OPS op) { OP a,b,c,d,p1,p2; a = ReadOp(RE(op[1].word), fp_f); /* read 1st op */ b = ReadOp(IM(op[1].word), fp_f); c = ReadOp(RE(op[2].word), fp_f); /* read 2nd op */ d = ReadOp(IM(op[2].word), fp_f); (void)fp_exec(addsub,&p1, a, c); /* add real */ (void)fp_exec(addsub,&p2, b, d); /* add imag */ WriteOp(RE(op[0].word), p1, fp_f); /* write result */ WriteOp(IM(op[0].word), p2, fp_f); /* write result */ }
static void auto_correlation(sbr_info *sbr, acorr_coef *ac, qmf_t buffer[MAX_NTSRHFG][64], uint8_t bd, uint8_t len) { real_t r01r = 0, r01i = 0, r02r = 0, r02i = 0, r11r = 0; real_t temp1_r, temp1_i, temp2_r, temp2_i, temp3_r, temp3_i; real_t temp4_r, temp4_i, temp5_r, temp5_i; int8_t j; uint8_t offset = sbr->tHFAdj; const real_t rel = FRAC_CONST(0.999999); // 1 / (1 + 1e-6f); temp2_r = ACDET_PRE(QMF_RE(buffer[offset-2][bd])); temp2_i = ACDET_PRE(QMF_IM(buffer[offset-2][bd])); temp3_r = ACDET_PRE(QMF_RE(buffer[offset-1][bd])); temp3_i = ACDET_PRE(QMF_IM(buffer[offset-1][bd])); // Save these because they are needed after loop temp4_r = temp2_r; temp4_i = temp2_i; temp5_r = temp3_r; temp5_i = temp3_i; for (j = offset; j < len + offset; j++) { temp1_r = temp2_r; temp1_i = temp2_i; temp2_r = temp3_r; temp2_i = temp3_i; temp3_r = ACDET_PRE(QMF_RE(buffer[j][bd])); temp3_i = ACDET_PRE(QMF_IM(buffer[j][bd])); r01r += MUL_F(temp3_r, temp2_r) + MUL_F(temp3_i, temp2_i); r01i += MUL_F(temp3_i, temp2_r) - MUL_F(temp3_r, temp2_i); r02r += MUL_F(temp3_r, temp1_r) + MUL_F(temp3_i, temp1_i); r02i += MUL_F(temp3_i, temp1_r) - MUL_F(temp3_r, temp1_i); r11r += MUL_F(temp2_r, temp2_r) + MUL_F(temp2_i, temp2_i); } RE(ac->r12) = r01r - (MUL_F(temp3_r, temp2_r) + MUL_F(temp3_i, temp2_i)) + (MUL_F(temp5_r, temp4_r) + MUL_F(temp5_i, temp4_i)); IM(ac->r12) = r01i - (MUL_F(temp3_i, temp2_r) - MUL_F(temp3_r, temp2_i)) + (MUL_F(temp5_i, temp4_r) - MUL_F(temp5_r, temp4_i)); RE(ac->r22) = r11r - (MUL_F(temp2_r, temp2_r) + MUL_F(temp2_i, temp2_i)) + (MUL_F(temp4_r, temp4_r) + MUL_F(temp4_i, temp4_i)); RE(ac->r01) = r01r; IM(ac->r01) = r01i; RE(ac->r02) = r02r; IM(ac->r02) = r02i; RE(ac->r11) = r11r; ac->det = MUL_F(RE(ac->r11), RE(ac->r22)) - MUL_F((MUL_F(RE(ac->r12), RE(ac->r12)) + MUL_F(IM(ac->r12), IM(ac->r12))), rel); ac->det = ACDET_POST(ac->det); }
unique_ptr<SharedLibrary> CompileCode(const std::vector<string> &codes, const std::vector<string> &link_flags ) { static int counter = 0; static ngstd::Timer tcompile("CompiledCF::Compile"); static ngstd::Timer tlink("CompiledCF::Link"); string object_files; int i = 0; string prefix = "code" + ToString(counter++); for(string code : codes) { string file_prefix = prefix+"_"+ToString(i++); ofstream codefile(file_prefix+".cpp"); codefile << code; codefile.close(); cout << IM(3) << "compiling..." << endl; tcompile.Start(); #ifdef WIN32 string scompile = "cmd /C \"ngscxx.bat " + file_prefix + ".cpp\""; object_files += file_prefix+".obj "; #else string scompile = "ngscxx -c " + file_prefix + ".cpp -o " + file_prefix + ".o"; object_files += file_prefix+".o "; #endif int err = system(scompile.c_str()); if (err) throw Exception ("problem calling compiler"); tcompile.Stop(); } cout << IM(3) << "linking..." << endl; tlink.Start(); #ifdef WIN32 string slink = "cmd /C \"ngsld.bat /OUT:" + prefix+".dll " + object_files + "\""; #else string slink = "ngsld -shared " + object_files + " -o " + prefix + ".so -lngstd -lngbla -lngfem"; for (auto flag : link_flags) slink += " "+flag; #endif int err = system(slink.c_str()); if (err) throw Exception ("problem calling linker"); tlink.Stop(); cout << IM(3) << "done" << endl; auto library = make_unique<SharedLibrary>(); #ifdef WIN32 library->Load(prefix+".dll"); #else library->Load("./"+prefix+".so"); #endif return library; }
virtual void Update () { // delete inverse; if (GetTimeStamp() == bfa->GetTimeStamp()) return; timestamp = bfa->GetTimeStamp(); cout << IM(3) << "Update Direct Solver Preconditioner" << flush; try { auto have_sparse_fact = dynamic_pointer_cast<SparseFactorization> (inverse); if (have_sparse_fact && have_sparse_fact -> SupportsUpdate()) { if (have_sparse_fact->GetAMatrix() == bfa->GetMatrixPtr()) { // cout << "have the same matrix, can update factorization" << endl; have_sparse_fact->Update(); return; } } bfa->GetMatrix().SetInverseType (inversetype); shared_ptr<BitArray> freedofs = bfa->GetFESpace()->GetFreeDofs (bfa->UsesEliminateInternal()); inverse = bfa->GetMatrix().InverseMatrix(freedofs); } catch (exception & e) { throw Exception (string("caught exception in DirectPreconditioner: \n") + e.what() + "\nneeds a sparse matrix (or has memory problems)"); } }
TEST(PeelOuterHullLayers, CubeWithFold) { Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> V; Eigen::MatrixXi F; test_common::load_mesh("cube_with_fold.ply", V, F); typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel K; typedef K::FT Scalar; typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXe; MatrixXe Vs; Eigen::MatrixXi Fs, IF; Eigen::VectorXi J, IM; igl::copyleft::cgal::RemeshSelfIntersectionsParam param; igl::copyleft::cgal::remesh_self_intersections(V, F, param, Vs, Fs, IF, J, IM); std::for_each(,, [&IM](int & a){ a=IM(a); }); MatrixXe Vt; Eigen::MatrixXi Ft; igl::remove_unreferenced(Vs,Fs,Vt,Ft,IM); Eigen::VectorXi I, flipped; size_t num_peels = igl::copyleft::cgal::peel_outer_hull_layers(Vt, Ft, I, flipped); }
VOID AROSCycle__GM_RENDER(Class *cl, Object *o, struct gpRender *msg) { struct CycleData *data = INST_DATA(cl, o); /* Full redraw: clear and draw border */ DrawImageState(msg->gpr_RPort,IM(EG(o)->GadgetRender), EG(o)->LeftEdge, EG(o)->TopEdge, EG(o)->Flags&GFLG_SELECTED?IDS_SELECTED:IDS_NORMAL, msg->gpr_GInfo->gi_DrInfo); if (data->font) SetFont(msg->gpr_RPort, data->font); else SetFont(msg->gpr_RPort, msg->gpr_GInfo->gi_DrInfo->dri_Font); if (data->labels) renderlabel(EG(o), data->labels[data->active], msg->gpr_RPort, msg->gpr_GInfo); /* Draw disabled pattern */ if (G(o)->Flags & GFLG_DISABLED) drawdisabledpattern(msg->gpr_RPort, msg->gpr_GInfo->gi_DrInfo->dri_Pens[SHADOWPEN], G(o)->LeftEdge, G(o)->TopEdge, G(o)->Width, G(o)->Height); }
int EnterTaskManager () { if (task_manager) { // no task manager started return 0; } task_manager = new TaskManager(); cout << IM(3) << "task-based parallelization (C++11 threads) using "<< task_manager->GetNumThreads() << " threads" << endl; #ifdef USE_NUMA numa_run_on_node (0); #endif #ifndef WIN32 // master has maximal priority ! int policy; struct sched_param param; pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, ¶m); param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(policy); pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), policy, ¶m); #endif // WIN32 task_manager->StartWorkers(); ParallelFor (Range(100), [&] (int i) { ; }); // startup return task_manager->GetNumThreads(); }
test_report benchmark_test_with_external_configuration(std::string test_casename, const std::string function_name, int flag){ std::cout << "test case: " << test_casename << " starts with external configuration" << std::endl; general_configuration ext_conf_file("configuration_"+function_name+".txt"); Overall_Optimisation_Configuration_Settings myConf2(test_casename, ext_conf_file, "reference_point_"+function_name+".txt", "penalty_point_"+function_name+".txt", "lower_bound_"+function_name+".txt", "upper_bound_"+function_name+".txt", "starting_point_"+function_name+".txt", "current_step_"+function_name+".txt"); const unsigned int n_of_variables=myConf2.getExternalConfigurationFile().getVar(); const unsigned int n_of_objectives=myConf2.getExternalConfigurationFile().getObj(); objective_function_formulae obj_function(n_of_objectives); ObjectiveFunctionBasic<double> TS_ObjFunc(myConf2, obj_function); Container2 MTM(n_of_variables, n_of_objectives, "MTM","./memories"); Container2 IM(n_of_variables, n_of_objectives, "IM","./memories"); Container2 HISTORY(n_of_variables, n_of_objectives, "HISTORY","./memories"); STM_Container2 STM(myConf2.getExternalConfigurationFile().getStmSize(), n_of_variables, "STM", "./memories"); LTM_Container2Basic2<double> LTM( n_of_variables , myConf2.getExternalConfigurationFile().getRegions(), myConf2.get_lower_bound(), myConf2.get_upper_bound(),"LTM", "./memories"); std::cout << "Memories done!" << std::endl; TabuSearch TS(myConf2, flag, TS_ObjFunc, MTM, IM, HISTORY, STM, LTM); double hyper_volume_indicator=TS.search2(); return test_report(myConf2.getCaseName(), TS.getDatumPnt(), hyper_volume_indicator) ; }
virtual void UpdatePotentialData(typename blitz::Array<cplx, Rank> data, typename Wavefunction<Rank>::Ptr psi, cplx timeStep, double curTime) { typedef CombinedRepresentation<Rank> CmbRepr; typedef SphericalHarmonicBasisRepresentation SphHarmRepr; typename CmbRepr::Ptr repr = boost::static_pointer_cast< CmbRepr >(psi->GetRepresentation()); SphHarmRepr::Ptr angRepr = boost::static_pointer_cast< SphHarmRepr >(repr->GetRepresentation(this->AngularRank)); int rCount = data.extent(this->RadialRank); int angCount = data.extent(this->AngularRank); blitz::Array<double, 1> localr = psi->GetRepresentation()->GetLocalGrid(this->RadialRank); BasisPairList angBasisPairs = GetBasisPairList(this->AngularRank); if (data.extent(this->RadialRank) != rCount) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid r size"); if (data.extent(this->AngularRank) != angBasisPairs.extent(0)) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid ang size"); cplx IM(0,1.0); blitz::TinyVector<int, Rank> index; data = 0; for (int angIndex=0; angIndex<angCount; angIndex++) { index(AngularRank) = angIndex; int leftIndex = angBasisPairs(angIndex, 0); int rightIndex = angBasisPairs(angIndex, 1); LmIndex left = angRepr->Range.GetLmIndex(leftIndex); LmIndex right = angRepr->Range.GetLmIndex(rightIndex); //"Left" quantum numbers int l = left.l; int m = left.m; //"Right" quantum numbers int lp = right.l; int mp = right.m; //Selection rules if (m != mp) continue; if (std::abs(l - lp) != 1) continue; double E = LaserHelper::E(lp, m) * LaserHelper::kronecker(l, lp+1); double F = LaserHelper::F(lp, m) * LaserHelper::kronecker(l, lp-1); double coupling = (E + F); for (int ri=0; ri<rCount; ri++) { index(RadialRank) = ri; data(index) = - IM* coupling; //Charge scaling from config data(index) *= (-1.0) * Charge; } } }
static double verify_impulse(fftd_func *dft, int n, int veclen, COMPLEX *inA, COMPLEX *inB, COMPLEX *inC, COMPLEX *outA, COMPLEX *outB, COMPLEX *outC, COMPLEX *tmp, int rounds) { int N = n * veclen; COMPLEX impulse; int i; double e, maxerr = 0.0; /* test 2: check that the unit impulse is transformed properly */ RE(impulse) = 1.0; IM(impulse) = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) { /* impulse */ RE(inA[i]) = 0.0; IM(inA[i]) = 0.0; /* transform of the impulse */ outA[i] = impulse; } for (i = 0; i < veclen; ++i) inA[i * n] = impulse; /* a simple test first, to help with debugging: */ dft((double *)outB, (double *)inA); e = acmp(outB, outA, N); if(e > maxerr) maxerr = e; for (i = 0; i < rounds; ++i) { fill_random(inB, N); asub(inC, inA, inB, N); dft((double *)outB, (double *)inB); dft((double *)outC, (double *)inC); aadd(tmp, outB, outC, N); e = acmp(tmp, outA, N); if(e > maxerr) maxerr = e; } return maxerr; }
static void fill_random(COMPLEX *a, int n) { int i; /* generate random inputs */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { RE(a[i]) = double_rand(); IM(a[i]) = double_rand(); } }
static void auto_correlation(sbr_info *sbr, acorr_coef *ac, qmf_t buffer[MAX_NTSRHFG][32], uint8_t bd, uint8_t len) { real_t r01r = 0, r01i = 0, r02r = 0, r02i = 0, r11r = 0; const real_t rel = 1 / (1 + 1e-6f); int8_t j; uint8_t offset = sbr->tHFAdj; for (j = offset; j < len + offset; j++) { r01r += QMF_RE(buffer[j][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[j-1][bd]) + QMF_IM(buffer[j][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[j-1][bd]); r01i += QMF_IM(buffer[j][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[j-1][bd]) - QMF_RE(buffer[j][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[j-1][bd]); r02r += QMF_RE(buffer[j][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[j-2][bd]) + QMF_IM(buffer[j][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[j-2][bd]); r02i += QMF_IM(buffer[j][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[j-2][bd]) - QMF_RE(buffer[j][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[j-2][bd]); r11r += QMF_RE(buffer[j-1][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[j-1][bd]) + QMF_IM(buffer[j-1][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[j-1][bd]); } RE(ac->r01) = r01r; IM(ac->r01) = r01i; RE(ac->r02) = r02r; IM(ac->r02) = r02i; RE(ac->r11) = r11r; RE(ac->r12) = r01r - (QMF_RE(buffer[len+offset-1][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[len+offset-2][bd]) + QMF_IM(buffer[len+offset-1][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[len+offset-2][bd])) + (QMF_RE(buffer[offset-1][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[offset-2][bd]) + QMF_IM(buffer[offset-1][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[offset-2][bd])); IM(ac->r12) = r01i - (QMF_IM(buffer[len+offset-1][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[len+offset-2][bd]) - QMF_RE(buffer[len+offset-1][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[len+offset-2][bd])) + (QMF_IM(buffer[offset-1][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[offset-2][bd]) - QMF_RE(buffer[offset-1][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[offset-2][bd])); RE(ac->r22) = r11r - (QMF_RE(buffer[len+offset-2][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[len+offset-2][bd]) + QMF_IM(buffer[len+offset-2][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[len+offset-2][bd])) + (QMF_RE(buffer[offset-2][bd]) * QMF_RE(buffer[offset-2][bd]) + QMF_IM(buffer[offset-2][bd]) * QMF_IM(buffer[offset-2][bd])); ac->det = RE(ac->r11) * RE(ac->r22) - rel * (RE(ac->r12) * RE(ac->r12) + IM(ac->r12) * IM(ac->r12)); }
void Preconditioner :: Timing () const { cout << IM(1) << "Timing Preconditioner ... " << flush; const BaseMatrix & amat = GetAMatrix(); const BaseMatrix & pre = GetMatrix(); clock_t starttime; double time; starttime = clock(); BaseVector & vecf = *pre.CreateVector(); BaseVector & vecu = *pre.CreateVector(); vecf = 1; int steps = 0; do { vecu = pre * vecf; steps++; time = double(clock() - starttime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } while (time < 2.0); cout << IM(1) << " 1 step takes " << time / steps << " seconds" << endl; starttime = clock(); steps = 0; do { vecu = amat * vecf; steps++; time = double(clock() - starttime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } while (time < 2.0); cout << IM(1) << ", 1 matrix takes " << time / steps << " seconds" << endl; }
static double verify_linear(fftd_func *dft, int N, COMPLEX *inA, COMPLEX *inB, COMPLEX *inC, COMPLEX *outA, COMPLEX *outB, COMPLEX *outC, COMPLEX *tmp, int rounds) { int i; double maxerr = 0.0; double e; /* test 1: check linearity */ for (i = 0; i < rounds; ++i) { COMPLEX alpha, beta; RE(alpha) = double_rand(); IM(alpha) = double_rand(); RE(beta) = double_rand(); IM(beta) = double_rand(); fill_random(inA, N); fill_random(inB, N); dft((double *)outA, (double *)inA); dft((double *)outB, (double *)inB); ascale(outA, alpha, N); ascale(outB, beta, N); aadd(tmp, outA, outB, N); ascale(inA, alpha, N); ascale(inB, beta, N); aadd(inC, inA, inB, N); dft((double *)outC, (double *)inC); e = acmp(outC, tmp, N); if(e > maxerr) maxerr = e; } return maxerr; }
static double verify_shift(fftd_func *dft, int N, COMPLEX *inA, COMPLEX *inB, COMPLEX *outA, COMPLEX *outB, COMPLEX *tmp, int rounds) { const double twopin = 2 * M_PI / (double) N; int i, j; double e, maxerr = 0.0; /* test 3: check the time-shift property */ /* the paper performs more tests, but this code should be fine too */ for (i = 0; i < rounds; ++i) { fill_random(inA, N); arol(inB, inA, N, 1); dft((double *)outA, (double *)inA); dft((double *)outB, (double *)inB); for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) { double s = SIGN * sin(j * twopin); double c = cos(j * twopin); int index = j; RE(tmp[index]) = RE(outB[index]) * c - IM(outB[index]) * s; IM(tmp[index]) = RE(outB[index]) * s + IM(outB[index]) * c; } e = acmp(tmp, outA, N); if(e > maxerr) maxerr = e; } return maxerr; }
static double compute_error(COMPLEX *A, COMPLEX *B, int n) { /* compute the relative error */ double error = 0.0; double tol = TOLERANCE; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { double a; double mag; a = hypot(RE(A[i]) - RE(B[i]), IM(A[i]) - IM(B[i])); mag = 0.5 * (hypot(RE(A[i]), IM(A[i])) + hypot(RE(B[i]), IM(B[i]))) + tol; a /= mag; if (a > error) error = a; #ifdef HAVE_ISNAN FFTW_ASSERT(!isnan(a)); #endif } return error; }
void system_init(){ // Estructura de configuración para la UART. uart_cfg_t uart_config; // Configura los aprametros de la UART. uart_config.baudrate = UART_BAUDRATE_9600; // Baudaje a 1200. uart_config.stop_bits = UART_STOP_BITS_1; // 1 bit de parada. uart_config.parity = UART_PARITY_NONE; // Sin paridad uart_config.word_length = UART_WORD_LENGTH_8; // Dato de 8 bits uart_config.interrupt = UART_INTERRUPT_RX; // Interrupción por dato recibido activada. // Inicializa la UART con su configuración. uart_init(&uart_config); IM(1); // Modo de interrupcion 1 en el Z80. EI(); // Habilita la interrupción INT en el Z80 }
static void passf2pos_sse(const uint16_t l1, const complex_t *cc, complex_t *ch, const complex_t *wa) { uint16_t k, ah, ac; for (k = 0; k < l1; k++) { ah = 2*k; ac = 4*k; RE(ch[ah]) = RE(cc[ac]) + RE(cc[ac+1]); IM(ch[ah]) = IM(cc[ac]) + IM(cc[ac+1]); RE(ch[ah+l1]) = RE(cc[ac]) - RE(cc[ac+1]); IM(ch[ah+l1]) = IM(cc[ac]) - IM(cc[ac+1]); } }
TEST(copyleft_cgal_peel_outer_hull_layers, TwoCubes) { Eigen::MatrixXd V; Eigen::MatrixXi F; test_common::load_mesh("two-boxes-bad-self-union.ply", V, F); ASSERT_EQ(486, V.rows()); ASSERT_EQ(708, F.rows()); typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel K; typedef K::FT Scalar; typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXe; MatrixXe Vs; Eigen::MatrixXi Fs, IF; Eigen::VectorXi J, IM; igl::copyleft::cgal::RemeshSelfIntersectionsParam param; igl::copyleft::cgal::remesh_self_intersections(V, F, param, Vs, Fs, IF, J, IM); std::for_each(,, [&IM](int & a){ a=IM(a); }); MatrixXe Vt; Eigen::MatrixXi Ft; igl::remove_unreferenced(Vs,Fs,Vt,Ft,IM); const size_t num_faces = Ft.rows(); Eigen::VectorXi I, flipped; size_t num_peels = igl::copyleft::cgal::peel_outer_hull_layers(Vt, Ft, I, flipped); Eigen::MatrixXd vertices(Vt.rows(), Vt.cols()); std::transform(, + Vt.rows() * Vt.cols(),, [](Scalar v) { return CGAL::to_double(v); }); igl::writeOBJ("debug.obj", vertices, Ft); ASSERT_EQ(num_faces, I.rows()); ASSERT_EQ(0, I.minCoeff()); ASSERT_EQ(1, I.maxCoeff()); }
static void passf3(const uint16_t ido, const uint16_t l1, const complex_t *cc, complex_t *ch, const complex_t *wa1, const complex_t *wa2, const int8_t isign) { static real_t taur = FRAC_CONST(-0.5); static real_t taui = FRAC_CONST(0.866025403784439); uint16_t i, k, ac, ah; complex_t c2, c3, d2, d3, t2; if (ido == 1) { if (isign == 1) { for (k = 0; k < l1; k++) { ac = 3*k+1; ah = k; RE(t2) = RE(cc[ac]) + RE(cc[ac+1]); IM(t2) = IM(cc[ac]) + IM(cc[ac+1]); RE(c2) = RE(cc[ac-1]) + MUL_F(RE(t2),taur); IM(c2) = IM(cc[ac-1]) + MUL_F(IM(t2),taur); RE(ch[ah]) = RE(cc[ac-1]) + RE(t2); IM(ch[ah]) = IM(cc[ac-1]) + IM(t2); RE(c3) = MUL_F((RE(cc[ac]) - RE(cc[ac+1])), taui); IM(c3) = MUL_F((IM(cc[ac]) - IM(cc[ac+1])), taui); RE(ch[ah+l1]) = RE(c2) - IM(c3); IM(ch[ah+l1]) = IM(c2) + RE(c3); RE(ch[ah+2*l1]) = RE(c2) + IM(c3); IM(ch[ah+2*l1]) = IM(c2) - RE(c3); } } else { for (k = 0; k < l1; k++) { ac = 3*k+1; ah = k; RE(t2) = RE(cc[ac]) + RE(cc[ac+1]); IM(t2) = IM(cc[ac]) + IM(cc[ac+1]); RE(c2) = RE(cc[ac-1]) + MUL_F(RE(t2),taur); IM(c2) = IM(cc[ac-1]) + MUL_F(IM(t2),taur); RE(ch[ah]) = RE(cc[ac-1]) + RE(t2); IM(ch[ah]) = IM(cc[ac-1]) + IM(t2); RE(c3) = MUL_F((RE(cc[ac]) - RE(cc[ac+1])), taui); IM(c3) = MUL_F((IM(cc[ac]) - IM(cc[ac+1])), taui); RE(ch[ah+l1]) = RE(c2) + IM(c3); IM(ch[ah+l1]) = IM(c2) - RE(c3); RE(ch[ah+2*l1]) = RE(c2) - IM(c3); IM(ch[ah+2*l1]) = IM(c2) + RE(c3); } } } else { if (isign == 1) { for (k = 0; k < l1; k++) { for (i = 0; i < ido; i++) { ac = i + (3*k+1)*ido; ah = i + k * ido; RE(t2) = RE(cc[ac]) + RE(cc[ac+ido]); RE(c2) = RE(cc[ac-ido]) + MUL_F(RE(t2),taur); IM(t2) = IM(cc[ac]) + IM(cc[ac+ido]); IM(c2) = IM(cc[ac-ido]) + MUL_F(IM(t2),taur); RE(ch[ah]) = RE(cc[ac-ido]) + RE(t2); IM(ch[ah]) = IM(cc[ac-ido]) + IM(t2); RE(c3) = MUL_F((RE(cc[ac]) - RE(cc[ac+ido])), taui); IM(c3) = MUL_F((IM(cc[ac]) - IM(cc[ac+ido])), taui); RE(d2) = RE(c2) - IM(c3); IM(d3) = IM(c2) - RE(c3); RE(d3) = RE(c2) + IM(c3); IM(d2) = IM(c2) + RE(c3); #if 1 ComplexMult(&IM(ch[ah+l1*ido]), &RE(ch[ah+l1*ido]), IM(d2), RE(d2), RE(wa1[i]), IM(wa1[i])); ComplexMult(&IM(ch[ah+2*l1*ido]), &RE(ch[ah+2*l1*ido]), IM(d3), RE(d3), RE(wa2[i]), IM(wa2[i])); #else ComplexMult(&RE(ch[ah+l1*ido]), &IM(ch[ah+l1*ido]), RE(d2), IM(d2), RE(wa1[i]), IM(wa1[i])); ComplexMult(&RE(ch[ah+2*l1*ido]), &IM(ch[ah+2*l1*ido]), RE(d3), IM(d3), RE(wa2[i]), IM(wa2[i])); #endif } } } else { for (k = 0; k < l1; k++) { for (i = 0; i < ido; i++) { ac = i + (3*k+1)*ido; ah = i + k * ido; RE(t2) = RE(cc[ac]) + RE(cc[ac+ido]); RE(c2) = RE(cc[ac-ido]) + MUL_F(RE(t2),taur); IM(t2) = IM(cc[ac]) + IM(cc[ac+ido]); IM(c2) = IM(cc[ac-ido]) + MUL_F(IM(t2),taur); RE(ch[ah]) = RE(cc[ac-ido]) + RE(t2); IM(ch[ah]) = IM(cc[ac-ido]) + IM(t2); RE(c3) = MUL_F((RE(cc[ac]) - RE(cc[ac+ido])), taui); IM(c3) = MUL_F((IM(cc[ac]) - IM(cc[ac+ido])), taui); RE(d2) = RE(c2) + IM(c3); IM(d3) = IM(c2) + RE(c3); RE(d3) = RE(c2) - IM(c3); IM(d2) = IM(c2) - RE(c3); #if 1 ComplexMult(&RE(ch[ah+l1*ido]), &IM(ch[ah+l1*ido]), RE(d2), IM(d2), RE(wa1[i]), IM(wa1[i])); ComplexMult(&RE(ch[ah+2*l1*ido]), &IM(ch[ah+2*l1*ido]), RE(d3), IM(d3), RE(wa2[i]), IM(wa2[i])); #else ComplexMult(&IM(ch[ah+l1*ido]), &RE(ch[ah+l1*ido]), IM(d2), RE(d2), RE(wa1[i]), IM(wa1[i])); ComplexMult(&IM(ch[ah+2*l1*ido]), &RE(ch[ah+2*l1*ido]), IM(d3), RE(d3), RE(wa2[i]), IM(wa2[i])); #endif } } } } }
static void passf2neg(const uint16_t ido, const uint16_t l1, const complex_t *cc, complex_t *ch, const complex_t *wa) { uint16_t i, k, ah, ac; if (ido == 1) { for (k = 0; k < l1; k++) { ah = 2*k; ac = 4*k; RE(ch[ah]) = RE(cc[ac]) + RE(cc[ac+1]); RE(ch[ah+l1]) = RE(cc[ac]) - RE(cc[ac+1]); IM(ch[ah]) = IM(cc[ac]) + IM(cc[ac+1]); IM(ch[ah+l1]) = IM(cc[ac]) - IM(cc[ac+1]); } } else { for (k = 0; k < l1; k++) { ah = k*ido; ac = 2*k*ido; for (i = 0; i < ido; i++) { complex_t t2; RE(ch[ah+i]) = RE(cc[ac+i]) + RE(cc[ac+i+ido]); RE(t2) = RE(cc[ac+i]) - RE(cc[ac+i+ido]); IM(ch[ah+i]) = IM(cc[ac+i]) + IM(cc[ac+i+ido]); IM(t2) = IM(cc[ac+i]) - IM(cc[ac+i+ido]); #if 1 ComplexMult(&RE(ch[ah+i+l1*ido]), &IM(ch[ah+i+l1*ido]), RE(t2), IM(t2), RE(wa[i]), IM(wa[i])); #else ComplexMult(&IM(ch[ah+i+l1*ido]), &RE(ch[ah+i+l1*ido]), IM(t2), RE(t2), RE(wa[i]), IM(wa[i])); #endif } } } }
void faad_mdct(mdct_info *mdct, real_t *X_in, real_t *X_out) { uint16_t k; complex_t x; ALIGN complex_t Z1[512]; complex_t *sincos = mdct->sincos; uint16_t N = mdct->N; uint16_t N2 = N >> 1; uint16_t N4 = N >> 2; uint16_t N8 = N >> 3; #ifndef FIXED_POINT real_t scale = REAL_CONST(N); #else real_t scale = REAL_CONST(4.0/N); #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SMALL_FRAMELENGTH #ifdef FIXED_POINT /* detect non-power of 2 */ if (N & (N-1)) { /* adjust scale for non-power of 2 MDCT */ /* *= sqrt(2048/1920) */ scale = MUL_C(scale, COEF_CONST(1.0327955589886444)); } #endif #endif /* pre-FFT complex multiplication */ for (k = 0; k < N8; k++) { uint16_t n = k << 1; RE(x) = X_in[N - N4 - 1 - n] + X_in[N - N4 + n]; IM(x) = X_in[ N4 + n] - X_in[ N4 - 1 - n]; ComplexMult(&RE(Z1[k]), &IM(Z1[k]), RE(x), IM(x), RE(sincos[k]), IM(sincos[k])); RE(Z1[k]) = MUL_R(RE(Z1[k]), scale); IM(Z1[k]) = MUL_R(IM(Z1[k]), scale); RE(x) = X_in[N2 - 1 - n] - X_in[ n]; IM(x) = X_in[N2 + n] + X_in[N - 1 - n]; ComplexMult(&RE(Z1[k + N8]), &IM(Z1[k + N8]), RE(x), IM(x), RE(sincos[k + N8]), IM(sincos[k + N8])); RE(Z1[k + N8]) = MUL_R(RE(Z1[k + N8]), scale); IM(Z1[k + N8]) = MUL_R(IM(Z1[k + N8]), scale); } /* complex FFT, any non-scaling FFT can be used here */ cfftf(mdct->cfft, Z1); /* post-FFT complex multiplication */ for (k = 0; k < N4; k++) { uint16_t n = k << 1; ComplexMult(&RE(x), &IM(x), RE(Z1[k]), IM(Z1[k]), RE(sincos[k]), IM(sincos[k])); X_out[ n] = -RE(x); X_out[N2 - 1 - n] = IM(x); X_out[N2 + n] = -IM(x); X_out[N - 1 - n] = RE(x); } }
void faad_imdct(mdct_info *mdct, real_t *X_in, real_t *X_out) { uint16_t k; complex_t x; #ifdef ALLOW_SMALL_FRAMELENGTH #ifdef FIXED_POINT real_t scale, b_scale = 0; #endif #endif ALIGN complex_t Z1[512]; complex_t *sincos = mdct->sincos; uint16_t N = mdct->N; uint16_t N2 = N >> 1; uint16_t N4 = N >> 2; uint16_t N8 = N >> 3; #ifdef PROFILE int64_t count1, count2 = faad_get_ts(); #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SMALL_FRAMELENGTH #ifdef FIXED_POINT /* detect non-power of 2 */ if (N & (N-1)) { /* adjust scale for non-power of 2 MDCT */ /* 2048/1920 */ b_scale = 1; scale = COEF_CONST(1.0666666666666667); } #endif #endif /* pre-IFFT complex multiplication */ for (k = 0; k < N4; k++) { ComplexMult(&IM(Z1[k]), &RE(Z1[k]), X_in[2*k], X_in[N2 - 1 - 2*k], RE(sincos[k]), IM(sincos[k])); } #ifdef PROFILE count1 = faad_get_ts(); #endif /* complex IFFT, any non-scaling FFT can be used here */ cfftb(mdct->cfft, Z1); #ifdef PROFILE count1 = faad_get_ts() - count1; #endif /* post-IFFT complex multiplication */ for (k = 0; k < N4; k++) { RE(x) = RE(Z1[k]); IM(x) = IM(Z1[k]); ComplexMult(&IM(Z1[k]), &RE(Z1[k]), IM(x), RE(x), RE(sincos[k]), IM(sincos[k])); #ifdef ALLOW_SMALL_FRAMELENGTH #ifdef FIXED_POINT /* non-power of 2 MDCT scaling */ if (b_scale) { RE(Z1[k]) = MUL_C(RE(Z1[k]), scale); IM(Z1[k]) = MUL_C(IM(Z1[k]), scale); } #endif #endif } /* reordering */ for (k = 0; k < N8; k+=2) { X_out[ 2*k] = IM(Z1[N8 + k]); X_out[ 2 + 2*k] = IM(Z1[N8 + 1 + k]); X_out[ 1 + 2*k] = -RE(Z1[N8 - 1 - k]); X_out[ 3 + 2*k] = -RE(Z1[N8 - 2 - k]); X_out[N4 + 2*k] = RE(Z1[ k]); X_out[N4 + + 2 + 2*k] = RE(Z1[ 1 + k]); X_out[N4 + 1 + 2*k] = -IM(Z1[N4 - 1 - k]); X_out[N4 + 3 + 2*k] = -IM(Z1[N4 - 2 - k]); X_out[N2 + 2*k] = RE(Z1[N8 + k]); X_out[N2 + + 2 + 2*k] = RE(Z1[N8 + 1 + k]); X_out[N2 + 1 + 2*k] = -IM(Z1[N8 - 1 - k]); X_out[N2 + 3 + 2*k] = -IM(Z1[N8 - 2 - k]); X_out[N2 + N4 + 2*k] = -IM(Z1[ k]); X_out[N2 + N4 + 2 + 2*k] = -IM(Z1[ 1 + k]); X_out[N2 + N4 + 1 + 2*k] = RE(Z1[N4 - 1 - k]); X_out[N2 + N4 + 3 + 2*k] = RE(Z1[N4 - 2 - k]); } #ifdef PROFILE count2 = faad_get_ts() - count2; mdct->fft_cycles += count1; mdct->cycles += (count2 - count1); #endif }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Entry() { // Move cursor off-screen _outpw(0x3D4, 0x070E); _outpw(0x3D4, 0xD00F); CKernelHeader* KH = (CKernelHeader*)CMemMap::c_KernelImageBase; dword* BootInfo = (dword*)(*(dword*)(CMemMap::c_KernelImageBase + 0x100)); RawOutString("Checking Kernel...", 0, 0, 0xA); if (IsKernelOK(*KH, BootInfo)) { RawOutString("OK", 18, 0, 0xA); } else { RawOutString("Fail", 18, 0, 0xC); ErrIf(true); } dword BootType = BootInfo[1]; dword DriversCount = BootInfo[2] - 1; CDriverInfo DriverInfos[12]; for (dword i = 0; i < DriversCount; i++) { DriverInfos[i].m_BytesSize = BootInfo[3 + (i + 1) * 3]; DriverInfos[i].m_LoadPage = BootInfo[4 + (i + 1) * 3]; char* Name = PC(BootInfo[5 + (i + 1) * 3]); for (int j = 0;; j++) { DriverInfos[i].m_Name[j] = Name[j]; if (Name[j] == 0) break; } } InitPIT(); CPhysMemManager PMM; PMM.AllocBlockAt(KH->GetKernelCodeBase(), KH->m_KernelCodePageCount, false); PMM.AllocBlockAt(KH->GetKernelRDataBase(), KH->m_KernelRDataPageCount, false); PMM.AllocBlockAt(KH->GetKernelDataBase(), KH->m_KernelDataPageCount, true); PMM.AllocBlockAt((byte*)CMemMap::c_VideoRamTextBase, 8, true); __writecr3(CMemMap::c_PmmPageDirectory); SetupCR0(); for (dword i = 0; i < DriversCount; i++) { PMM.AllocBlockAt( DriverInfos[i].GetImageBase(), DriverInfos[i].GetImagePageCount(), false); } CGDT GDT(PMM); GDT.CreateNewDescriptor(0, 0xFFFFF, 0x92, 1); GDT.CreateNewDescriptor(0, 0xFFFFF, 0x98, 1); GDT.CreateNewDescriptor(0, 0xFFFFF, 0xF2, 1); GDT.CreateNewDescriptor(0, 0xFFFFF, 0xF8, 1); static const dword HeapPageCount = 32; void* HeapBlock = PMM.AllocBlock(HeapPageCount); CHeap SysHeap(PB(HeapBlock), HeapPageCount * 4096); g_SysHeap = &SysHeap; CTask KernelTask(GDT, true, 0, 0, 0, 0, CMemMap::c_PmmPageDirectory); KernelTask._setActive(); CIntManager IM(PMM, KernelTask.GetTSS().GetSelector()); CKernel K(KernelTask, PMM, IM, GDT, IM.GetIDT(), BootType, DriverInfos, DriversCount); }
void hf_generation(sbr_info *sbr, qmf_t Xlow[MAX_NTSRHFG][64], qmf_t Xhigh[MAX_NTSRHFG][64] #ifdef SBR_LOW_POWER ,real_t *deg #endif ,uint8_t ch) { uint8_t l, i, x; ALIGN complex_t alpha_0[64], alpha_1[64]; #ifdef SBR_LOW_POWER ALIGN real_t rxx[64]; #endif uint8_t offset = sbr->tHFAdj; uint8_t first = sbr->t_E[ch][0]; uint8_t last = sbr->t_E[ch][sbr->L_E[ch]]; calc_chirp_factors(sbr, ch); #ifdef SBR_LOW_POWER memset(deg, 0, 64*sizeof(real_t)); #endif if ((ch == 0) && (sbr->Reset)) patch_construction(sbr); /* calculate the prediction coefficients */ #ifdef SBR_LOW_POWER calc_prediction_coef_lp(sbr, Xlow, alpha_0, alpha_1, rxx); calc_aliasing_degree(sbr, rxx, deg); #endif /* actual HF generation */ for (i = 0; i < sbr->noPatches; i++) { for (x = 0; x < sbr->patchNoSubbands[i]; x++) { real_t a0_r, a0_i, a1_r, a1_i; real_t bw, bw2; uint8_t q, p, k, g; /* find the low and high band for patching */ k = sbr->kx + x; for (q = 0; q < i; q++) { k += sbr->patchNoSubbands[q]; } p = sbr->patchStartSubband[i] + x; #ifdef SBR_LOW_POWER if (x != 0 /*x < sbr->patchNoSubbands[i]-1*/) deg[k] = deg[p]; else deg[k] = 0; #endif g = sbr->table_map_k_to_g[k]; bw = sbr->bwArray[ch][g]; bw2 = MUL_C(bw, bw); /* do the patching */ /* with or without filtering */ if (bw2 > 0) { real_t temp1_r, temp2_r, temp3_r; #ifndef SBR_LOW_POWER real_t temp1_i, temp2_i, temp3_i; calc_prediction_coef(sbr, Xlow, alpha_0, alpha_1, p); #endif a0_r = MUL_C(RE(alpha_0[p]), bw); a1_r = MUL_C(RE(alpha_1[p]), bw2); #ifndef SBR_LOW_POWER a0_i = MUL_C(IM(alpha_0[p]), bw); a1_i = MUL_C(IM(alpha_1[p]), bw2); #endif temp2_r = QMF_RE(Xlow[first - 2 + offset][p]); temp3_r = QMF_RE(Xlow[first - 1 + offset][p]); #ifndef SBR_LOW_POWER temp2_i = QMF_IM(Xlow[first - 2 + offset][p]); temp3_i = QMF_IM(Xlow[first - 1 + offset][p]); #endif for (l = first; l < last; l++) { temp1_r = temp2_r; temp2_r = temp3_r; temp3_r = QMF_RE(Xlow[l + offset][p]); #ifndef SBR_LOW_POWER temp1_i = temp2_i; temp2_i = temp3_i; temp3_i = QMF_IM(Xlow[l + offset][p]); #endif #ifdef SBR_LOW_POWER QMF_RE(Xhigh[l + offset][k]) = temp3_r + (MUL_R(a0_r, temp2_r) + MUL_R(a1_r, temp1_r)); #else QMF_RE(Xhigh[l + offset][k]) = temp3_r + (MUL_R(a0_r, temp2_r) - MUL_R(a0_i, temp2_i) + MUL_R(a1_r, temp1_r) - MUL_R(a1_i, temp1_i)); QMF_IM(Xhigh[l + offset][k]) = temp3_i + (MUL_R(a0_i, temp2_r) + MUL_R(a0_r, temp2_i) + MUL_R(a1_i, temp1_r) + MUL_R(a1_r, temp1_i)); #endif } } else { for (l = first; l < last; l++) { QMF_RE(Xhigh[l + offset][k]) = QMF_RE(Xlow[l + offset][p]); #ifndef SBR_LOW_POWER QMF_IM(Xhigh[l + offset][k]) = QMF_IM(Xlow[l + offset][p]); #endif } } } } if (sbr->Reset) { limiter_frequency_table(sbr); } }
static void calc_prediction_coef(sbr_info *sbr, qmf_t Xlow[MAX_NTSRHFG][64], complex_t *alpha_0, complex_t *alpha_1, uint8_t k) { real_t tmp, mul; acorr_coef ac; auto_correlation(sbr, &ac, Xlow, k, sbr->numTimeSlotsRate + 6); if (ac.det == 0) { RE(alpha_1[k]) = 0; IM(alpha_1[k]) = 0; } else { mul = DIV_R(REAL_CONST(1.0), ac.det); tmp = (MUL_R(RE(ac.r01), RE(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(IM(ac.r01), IM(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(RE(ac.r02), RE(ac.r11))); RE(alpha_1[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul); tmp = (MUL_R(IM(ac.r01), RE(ac.r12)) + MUL_R(RE(ac.r01), IM(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(IM(ac.r02), RE(ac.r11))); IM(alpha_1[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul); } if (RE(ac.r11) == 0) { RE(alpha_0[k]) = 0; IM(alpha_0[k]) = 0; } else { mul = DIV_R(REAL_CONST(1.0), RE(ac.r11)); tmp = -(RE(ac.r01) + MUL_R(RE(alpha_1[k]), RE(ac.r12)) + MUL_R(IM(alpha_1[k]), IM(ac.r12))); RE(alpha_0[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul); tmp = -(IM(ac.r01) + MUL_R(IM(alpha_1[k]), RE(ac.r12)) - MUL_R(RE(alpha_1[k]), IM(ac.r12))); IM(alpha_0[k]) = MUL_R(tmp, mul); } if ((MUL_R(RE(alpha_0[k]),RE(alpha_0[k])) + MUL_R(IM(alpha_0[k]),IM(alpha_0[k])) >= REAL_CONST(16)) || (MUL_R(RE(alpha_1[k]),RE(alpha_1[k])) + MUL_R(IM(alpha_1[k]),IM(alpha_1[k])) >= REAL_CONST(16))) { RE(alpha_0[k]) = 0; IM(alpha_0[k]) = 0; RE(alpha_1[k]) = 0; IM(alpha_1[k]) = 0; } }