Beispiel #1
void set_of_sets::compute_tdo_decomposition(decomposition &D, INT verbose_level)
    INT f_v = (verbose_level >= 1);
    INT *Inc;
    INT m, n;
    //incidence_structure *I;
    //partitionstack *Stack;
    //INT depth = INT_MAX;

    if (f_v) {
        cout << "set_of_sets::compute_tdo_decomposition" << endl;

    compute_incidence_matrix(Inc, m, n, verbose_level - 2);

    if (f_v) {
        cout << "set_of_sets::compute_tdo_decomposition after compute_incidence_matrix" << endl;
        cout << "underlying_set_size=" << underlying_set_size << endl;
        cout << "nb_sets=" << nb_sets << endl;

    if (f_v) {
        INT_matrix_print(Inc, underlying_set_size, nb_sets);

    if (f_v) {
        cout << "set_of_sets::compute_tdo_decomposition before D.init_incidence_matrix" << endl;
    D.init_incidence_matrix(underlying_set_size, nb_sets, Inc, verbose_level - 1);

    if (f_v) {
        cout << "set_of_sets::compute_tdo_decomposition before D.setup_default_partition" << endl;

    if (f_v) {
        cout << "set_of_sets::compute_tdo_decomposition before D.compute_TDO" << endl;
    D.compute_TDO(INT_MAX, verbose_level);

#if 0
    INT set_size = underlying_set_size;
    INT nb_blocks = nb_sets;

    I = new incidence_structure;
    I->init_by_matrix(set_size, nb_blocks, Inc, 0 /* verbose_level */);
    Stack = new partitionstack;
    Stack->allocate(set_size + nb_blocks, 0 /* verbose_level */);
    Stack->subset_continguous(set_size, nb_blocks);
    Stack->split_cell(0 /* verbose_level */);

    I->compute_TDO_safe(*Stack, depth, verbose_level - 2);

        file, FALSE /* f_enter_math */, *Stack);

    delete I;
    delete Stack;
    if (f_v) {
        cout << "set_of_sets::compute_tdo_scheme done" << endl;
void klein_correspondence::init(finite_field *F, orthogonal *O, INT verbose_level)
	INT f_v = (verbose_level >= 1);
	INT f_vv = (verbose_level >= 2);
	INT d = 6;
	INT i, u, v;

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "klein_correspondence::init" << endl;
	klein_correspondence::F = F;
	klein_correspondence::O = O;
	q = F->q;

	nb_Pts = O->nb_points;
	P3 = new projective_space;
	P3->init(3, F, 
		TRUE /* f_init_incidence_structure */, 
		0 /* verbose_level - 2 */);

	P5 = new projective_space;
	P5->init(5, F, 
		TRUE /* f_init_incidence_structure */, 
		0 /* verbose_level - 2 */);

	Gr63 = new grassmann;
	Gr62 = new grassmann;

	Gr63->init(6, 3, F, 0 /* verbose_level */);
	Gr62->init(6, 2, F, 0 /* verbose_level */);

	Form = NEW_INT(d * d);
	INT_vec_zero(Form, d * d);
	// the matrix with blocks
	// [0 1]
	// [1 0]
	// along the diagonal:
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		u = 2 * i + 0;
		v = 2 * i + 1;
		Form[u * d + v] = 1;
		Form[v * d + u] = 1;
	if (f_v) {
		cout << "klein_correspondence::init Form matrix:" << endl;
		INT_matrix_print(Form, d, d);
	Line_to_point_on_quadric = NEW_INT(P3->N_lines);
	Point_on_quadric_to_line = NEW_INT(P3->N_lines);
	Point_on_quadric_embedded_in_P5 = NEW_INT(P3->N_lines);

	INT basis_line[8]; // [2 * 4]
	INT v6[6];
	INT *x4, *y4, a, b, c, val, j;

	//basis_line = NEW_INT(8);
	for (i = 0; i < P3->N_lines; i++) {
		Point_on_quadric_to_line[i] = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < P3->N_lines; i++) {
		P3->unrank_line(basis_line, i);
		x4 = basis_line;
		y4 = basis_line + 4;
		v6[0] = F->Pluecker_12(x4, y4);
		v6[1] = F->Pluecker_34(x4, y4);
		v6[2] = F->Pluecker_13(x4, y4);
		v6[3] = F->Pluecker_42(x4, y4);
		v6[4] = F->Pluecker_14(x4, y4);
		v6[5] = F->Pluecker_23(x4, y4);
		a = F->mult(v6[0], v6[1]);
		b = F->mult(v6[2], v6[3]);
		c = F->mult(v6[4], v6[5]);
		val = F->add3(a, b, c);
		//cout << "a=" << a << " b=" << b << " c=" << c << endl;
		//cout << "val=" << val << endl;
		if (val) {
			cout << "klein_correspondence::init point does not lie on quadric" << endl;
		//j = P5->rank_point(v6);
		j = O->rank_point(v6, 1, 0 /* verbose_level */);
		if (FALSE) {
			cout << "klein_correspondence::init i=" << i << " / " << P3->N_lines << " v6 : ";
			INT_vec_print(cout, v6, 6);
			cout << " : j=" << j << endl;
		Line_to_point_on_quadric[i] = j;
		Point_on_quadric_to_line[j] = i;
	for (i = 0; i < P3->N_lines; i++) {
		if (Point_on_quadric_to_line[i] == -1) {
			cout << "Something is wrong with Point_on_quadric_to_line" << endl;
	for (i = 0; i < P3->N_lines; i++) {
		O->unrank_point(v6, 1, i, 0);
		Point_on_quadric_embedded_in_P5[i] = P5->rank_point(v6);

	coordinates_of_quadric_points = NEW_INT(P3->N_lines * d);
	Pt_rk = NEW_INT(P3->N_lines);

	for (i = 0; i < P3->N_lines; i++) {
		O->unrank_point(coordinates_of_quadric_points + i * d, 1, i, 0);
		INT_vec_copy(coordinates_of_quadric_points + i * d, v6, 6);
		PG_element_rank_modified(*F, v6, 1, d, a);
		Pt_rk[i] = a;

	if (f_vv) {
		cout << "Points on the Klein quadric:" << endl;
		if (nb_Pts < 50) {
			for (i = 0; i < nb_Pts; i++) {
				cout << i << " : ";
				INT_vec_print(cout, coordinates_of_quadric_points + i * d, d);
				cout << " : " << Pt_rk[i] << endl;
		else {
			cout << "too many points to print" << endl;

	nb_pts_PG = nb_PG_elements(d - 1, q);
	if (f_v) {
		cout << "klein_correspondence::init  nb_pts_PG = " << nb_pts_PG << endl;
	Pt_idx = NEW_INT(nb_pts_PG);
	for (i = 0; i < nb_pts_PG; i++) {
		Pt_idx[i] = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < nb_Pts; i++) {
		a = Pt_rk[i];
		Pt_idx[a] = i;

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "klein_correspondence::init done" << endl;
Beispiel #3
void solve_diophant(INT *Inc, INT nb_rows, INT nb_cols, INT nb_needed, 
	INT f_has_Rhs, INT *Rhs, 
	INT *&Solutions, INT &nb_sol, INT &nb_backtrack, INT &dt, 
	INT f_DLX, 
	INT f_draw_system, const BYTE *fname_system, 
	INT f_write_tree, const BYTE *fname_tree, 
	INT verbose_level)
// allocates Solutions[nb_sol * nb_needed]
	INT f_v = (verbose_level >= 1);
	//INT f_v4 = FALSE; //(verbose_level >= 2);
	//INT i, j;
	diophant *Dio;
	INT t0 = os_ticks();

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "solve_diophant nb_rows=" << nb_rows << " nb_cols=" << nb_cols << " f_has_Rhs=" << f_has_Rhs << " verbose_level=" << verbose_level << endl;
		cout << "f_write_tree=" << f_write_tree << endl;
		cout << "f_DLX=" << f_DLX << endl;
		//INT_matrix_print(Inc, nb_rows, nb_cols);
	Dio = new diophant;

	if (f_has_Rhs) {
			nb_cols, Inc, nb_needed, 
			0 /* verbose_level */);
	else {
			nb_cols, Inc, nb_needed, 
			0 /* verbose_level */);

	if (f_draw_system) {
		INT xmax_in = 1000000;
		INT ymax_in = 1000000;
		INT xmax_out = 1000000;
		INT ymax_out = 1000000;
		if (f_v) {
			cout << "solve_diophant drawing the system" << endl;
		Dio->draw_it(fname_system, xmax_in, ymax_in, xmax_out, ymax_out);
		if (f_v) {
			cout << "solve_diophant drawing the system done" << endl;

	if (FALSE /*f_v4*/) {

	if (f_DLX && !f_has_Rhs) {
		Dio->solve_all_DLX(f_write_tree, fname_tree, 0 /* verbose_level*/);
		nb_backtrack = Dio->nb_steps_betten;
	else {
		diophant_solve_all_mckay(Dio, nb_backtrack, verbose_level - 2);

	nb_sol = Dio->_resultanz;
	if (nb_sol) {
		Dio->get_solutions(Solutions, nb_sol, 1 /* verbose_level */);
		if (FALSE /*f_v4*/) {
			cout << "Solutions:" << endl;
			INT_matrix_print(Solutions, nb_sol, nb_needed);
	else {
		Solutions = NULL;
	delete Dio;
	INT t1 = os_ticks();
	dt = t1 - t0;
	if (f_v) {
		cout << "solve_diophant done nb_sol=" << nb_sol << " nb_backtrack=" << nb_backtrack << " dt=" << dt << endl;
void desarguesian_spread::calculate_spread_elements(INT verbose_level)
	INT f_v = (verbose_level >= 1);
	INT f_vv = (verbose_level >= 2);
	INT *v;
	INT *w;
	INT *z;
	INT h, i, j, a, b, c, J, t;

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "desarguesian_spread::calculate_spread_elements" << endl;
	spread_element_size = s * n;
	Spread_elements = NEW_INT(N * spread_element_size);

	v = NEW_INT(m);
	w = NEW_INT(m);
	z = NEW_INT(s * n);
	for (h = 0; h < N; h++) {
		if (f_vv) {
			cout << "h=" << h << " / " << N << endl;
		PG_element_unrank_modified(*FQ, v, 1, m, h);
		if (f_vv) {
			INT_vec_print(cout, v, m);
			cout << endl;
		for (i = 0; i < s; i++) {

			if (FALSE) {
				cout << "i=" << i << " / " << s << endl;
			// multiply by the i-th basis element, put into the vector w[m]
			a = SubS->Basis[i];
			for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
				b = v[j];
				if (FALSE) {
					cout << "j=" << j << " / " << m << " a=" << a << " b=" << b << endl;
				c = FQ->mult(b, a);
				w[j] = c;

			for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
				J = j * s;
				b = w[j];
				for (t = 0; t < s; t++) {
					c = SubS->components[b * s + t];
					z[i * n + J + t] = c;
		if (f_vv) {
			cout << "basis element " << h << " / " << N << ":" << endl;
			INT_vec_print(cout, v, m);
			cout << endl;
			INT_matrix_print(z, s, n);
		INT_vec_copy(z, Spread_elements + h * spread_element_size, spread_element_size);

	INT *Spread_elt_basis;
	INT rk;

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "desarguesian_spread::calculate_spread_elements computing List_of_points" << endl;
	v = NEW_INT(s);
	w = NEW_INT(n);
	List_of_points = NEW_INT(N * nb_points_per_spread_element);
	for (h = 0; h < N; h++) {
		if (f_vv) {
			cout << "h=" << h << " / " << N << endl;
		Spread_elt_basis = Spread_elements + h * spread_element_size;
		for (i = 0; i < nb_points_per_spread_element; i++) {
			PG_element_unrank_modified(*Fq, v, 1, s, i);
			Fq->mult_vector_from_the_left(v, Spread_elt_basis, w, s, n);
			PG_element_rank_modified(*Fq, w, 1, n, rk);
			List_of_points[h * nb_points_per_spread_element + i] = rk;
		if (f_vv) {
			cout << "basis element " << h << " / " << N << ":" << endl;
			INT_matrix_print(Spread_elt_basis, s, n);
			cout << "Consists of the following points:" << endl;
			INT_vec_print(cout, List_of_points + h * nb_points_per_spread_element, nb_points_per_spread_element);
			cout << endl;

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "desarguesian_spread::calculate_spread_elements done" << endl;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	INT i, j;
	t0 = os_ticks();
	INT verbose_level = 0;
	INT f_file = FALSE;	
	const BYTE *fname = NULL;
	INT f_coordinates = FALSE;
	INT xmax_in = ONE_MILLION;
	INT ymax_in = ONE_MILLION;
	INT xmax_out = ONE_MILLION;
	INT ymax_out = ONE_MILLION;
	INT f_export_magma = FALSE;
	const BYTE *magma_fname = NULL;
	INT f_export_matlab = FALSE;
	const BYTE *matlab_fname = NULL;
	INT f_on_circle = FALSE;
	INT f_bitmatrix = FALSE;
	INT f_labels = FALSE;
	INT f_embedded = FALSE;
	INT f_sideways = FALSE;
	INT f_scale = FALSE;
	double scale = .45;
	INT f_line_width = FALSE;
	double line_width = 1.5;
	INT f_aut = FALSE;
	INT f_is_association_scheme = FALSE;
	INT f_all_cliques = FALSE;
	INT f_all_cocliques = FALSE;
	INT f_characteristic_polynomial = FALSE;
	INT f_export = FALSE;
	const BYTE *export_fname = NULL;
	INT f_expand_power = FALSE;
	INT expand_power = 0;
	INT expand_power_nb_graphs;
	const BYTE *expand_power_graph_fname[1000];
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
			verbose_level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-v " << verbose_level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-file") == 0) {
			f_file = TRUE;
			fname = argv[++i];
			cout << "-file " << fname << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-coordinates") == 0) {
			f_coordinates = TRUE;
			xmax_in = atoi(argv[++i]);
			ymax_in = atoi(argv[++i]);
			xmax_out = atoi(argv[++i]);
			ymax_out = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-coordinates " << xmax_in << " " << ymax_in << " " << xmax_out << " " << ymax_out << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-export_magma") == 0) {
			f_export_magma = TRUE;
			magma_fname = argv[++i];
			cout << "-export_magma " << magma_fname << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-export_matlab") == 0) {
			f_export_matlab = TRUE;
			matlab_fname = argv[++i];
			cout << "-export_matlab " << matlab_fname << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-on_circle") == 0) {
			f_on_circle = TRUE;
			cout << "-on_circle " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-bitmatrix") == 0) {
			f_bitmatrix = TRUE;
			cout << "-bitmatrix " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-labels") == 0) {
			f_labels = TRUE;
			cout << "-labels " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-embedded") == 0) {
			f_embedded = TRUE;
			cout << "-embedded " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sideways") == 0) {
			f_sideways = TRUE;
			cout << "-sideways " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-scale") == 0) {
			f_scale = TRUE;
			sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &scale);
			cout << "-scale " << scale << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-line_width") == 0) {
			f_line_width = TRUE;
			sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &line_width);
			cout << "-line_width " << line_width << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-aut") == 0) {
			f_aut = TRUE;
			cout << "-aut " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-is_association_scheme") == 0) {
			f_is_association_scheme = TRUE;
			cout << "-is_association_scheme " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-all_cliques") == 0) {
			f_all_cliques = TRUE;
			cout << "-all_cliques " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-all_cocliques") == 0) {
			f_all_cocliques = TRUE;
			cout << "-all_cocliques " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-characteristic_polynomial") == 0) {
			f_characteristic_polynomial = TRUE;
			cout << "-characteristic_polynomial " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-export") == 0) {
			f_export = TRUE;
			export_fname = argv[++i];
			cout << "-export " << export_fname << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-expand_power") == 0) {
			f_expand_power = TRUE;
			sscanf(argv[++i], "%ld", &expand_power);
			for (j = 0; ; j++) {
				expand_power_graph_fname[j] = argv[++i];
				cout << "j=" << j << " : " << expand_power_graph_fname[j] << endl;
				if (strcmp(expand_power_graph_fname[j], "-1") == 0) {
					cout << "break j=" << j << endl;
			expand_power_nb_graphs = j;
			cout << "-expand_power " << expand_power << " " << endl;
			for (j = 0; j < expand_power_nb_graphs; j++) {
				cout << expand_power_graph_fname[j] << " " << endl;
			cout << endl;


	if (!f_file) {
		cout << "Please specify the file name using -file <fname>" << endl;
	colored_graph *CG;

	CG = new colored_graph;

	CG->load(fname, verbose_level);

	if (f_export_magma) {
		CG->export_to_magma(magma_fname, 0 /* verbose_level */);

	if (f_export_matlab) {
		CG->export_to_file_matlab(matlab_fname, 0 /* verbose_level */);

	if (f_export) {
		CG->export_to_file(export_fname, 0 /* verbose_level */);

	if (f_on_circle) {
		BYTE fname2[1000];

		strcpy(fname2, fname);
		replace_extension_with(fname2, "_on_circle");
			xmax_in, ymax_in, xmax_out, ymax_out,
			f_labels, f_embedded, f_sideways, 
			scale, line_width);
	else if (f_bitmatrix) {

		BYTE fname2[1000];

		strcpy(fname2, fname);
		replace_extension_with(fname2, "_bitmatrix");

		CG->draw(fname2, xmax_in, ymax_in, xmax_out, ymax_out, verbose_level);
		//CG->draw_partitioned(fname2, xmax_in, ymax_in, xmax_out, ymax_out, verbose_level);

	if (f_aut) {
		INT *Adj;
		action *Aut;
		longinteger_object ago;

		cout << "computing automorphism group of the graph:" << endl;
		//Aut = create_automorphism_group_of_colored_graph_object(CG, verbose_level);

		Adj = NEW_INT(CG->nb_points * CG->nb_points);
		INT_vec_zero(Adj, CG->nb_points * CG->nb_points);
		for (i = 0; i < CG->nb_points; i++) {
			for (j = i + 1; j < CG->nb_points; j++) {
				if (CG->is_adjacent(i, j)) {
					Adj[i * CG->nb_points + j] = 1;
		Aut = create_automorphism_group_of_graph(Adj, CG->nb_points, verbose_level);

		cout << "ago=" << ago << endl;

	if (f_is_association_scheme) {

		INT n = CG->nb_points;
		INT *Adj;
		Adj = NEW_INT(n * n);
		INT_vec_zero(Adj, n * n);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
				if (CG->is_adjacent(i, j)) {
					Adj[i * n + j] = 1;
		for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
			Adj[i] += 1;
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			Adj[i * n + i] = 0;
		INT *Pijk;
		//INT *colors;
		//INT nb_colors;
		if (is_association_scheme(Adj, n, Pijk, 
			CG->point_color, CG->nb_colors, verbose_level)) {
			cout << "Is an association scheme" << endl;
		else {
			cout << "Is NOT an association scheme" << endl;


	if (f_expand_power) {

		INT n = CG->nb_points;
		INT *Adj;
		INT *A, *B;
		INT e, c, k, diag, p;

		if (expand_power <= 1) {
			cout << "expand_power <= 1" << endl;

		Adj = NEW_INT(n * n);
		A = NEW_INT(n * n);
		B = NEW_INT(n * n);
		INT_vec_zero(Adj, n * n);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
				if (CG->is_adjacent(i, j)) {
					Adj[i * n + j] = 1;
					Adj[j * n + i] = 1;
		INT_vec_copy(Adj, A, n * n);
		e = 1;

		while (e < expand_power) {

			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
					c = 0;
					for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
						c += Adj[i * n + k] * A[k * n + j];
					B[i * n + j] = c;
			INT_vec_copy(B, A, n * n);


		cout << "the " << expand_power << " power of the adjacency matrix is:" << endl;
		INT_matrix_print(B, n, n);
		diag = B[0 * n + 0];
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			if (B[i * n + i] != diag) {
				cout << "diagonal is not constant" << endl;

		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			B[i * n + i] = 0;

		cout << "after subtracting " << diag << " times the identity, the matrix is:" << endl;
		INT_matrix_print(B, n, n);

		for (p = 0; p < n * n; p++) {
			if (Adj[p]) {

		c = B[p];
		if (c) {
			for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
				if (Adj[i]) {
					if (B[i] != c) {
						cout << "B is not constant on the original graph" << endl;
			for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
				if (Adj[i]) {
					B[i] = 0;

		cout << "after subtracting " << c << " times the original graph, the matrix is:" << endl;
		INT_matrix_print(B, n, n);

		INT h;
		INT *coeffs;
		colored_graph *CG_basis;

		coeffs = NEW_INT(expand_power_nb_graphs + 2);
		CG_basis = new colored_graph[expand_power_nb_graphs];
		INT_vec_zero(coeffs, expand_power_nb_graphs);
		coeffs[expand_power_nb_graphs] = c;
		coeffs[expand_power_nb_graphs + 1] = diag;

		for (h = 0; h < expand_power_nb_graphs; h++) {
			CG_basis[h].load(expand_power_graph_fname[h], verbose_level);
			if (CG_basis[h].nb_points != n) {
				cout << "the graph " << expand_power_graph_fname[h] << " has the wrong number of vertices" << endl;
			INT *H;

			H = NEW_INT(n * n);
			INT_vec_zero(H, n * n);
			for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
					if (CG_basis[h].is_adjacent(i, j)) {
						H[i * n + j] = 1;
						H[j * n + i] = 1;
			for (p = 0; p < n * n; p++) {
				if (H[p]) {

			coeffs[h] = B[p];
			if (coeffs[h]) {
				for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
					if (H[i]) {
						if (B[i] != coeffs[h]) {
							cout << "B is not constant on the graph " << expand_power_graph_fname[h] << endl;
				for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++) {
					if (H[i]) {
						B[i] = 0;
			cout << "after subtracting " << coeffs[h] << " times the graph " << expand_power_graph_fname[h] << ", the matrix is:" << endl;
			INT_matrix_print(B, n, n);

		cout << "coeffs=";
		INT_vec_print(cout, coeffs, expand_power_nb_graphs + 2);
		cout << endl;

	if (f_all_cliques || f_all_cocliques) {

		INT *Adj;
		action *Aut;
		longinteger_object ago;

		cout << "computing automorphism group of the graph:" << endl;
		//Aut = create_automorphism_group_of_colored_graph_object(CG, verbose_level);

		Adj = NEW_INT(CG->nb_points * CG->nb_points);
		INT_vec_zero(Adj, CG->nb_points * CG->nb_points);
		for (i = 0; i < CG->nb_points; i++) {
			for (j = i + 1; j < CG->nb_points; j++) {
				if (CG->is_adjacent(i, j)) {
					Adj[i * CG->nb_points + j] = 1;
		Aut = create_automorphism_group_of_graph(Adj, CG->nb_points, verbose_level);

		cout << "ago=" << ago << endl;

		action *Aut_on_points;
		INT *points;
		Aut_on_points = new action;
		points = NEW_INT(CG->nb_points);
		for (i = 0; i < CG->nb_points; i++) {
			points[i] = i;

			TRUE /* f_induce_action */, Aut->Sims, 
			CG->nb_points /* nb_points */, points, verbose_level);
		cout << "ago on points = " << ago << endl;

		BYTE prefix[1000];
		generator *gen;
		INT nb_orbits, depth;

		strcpy(prefix, fname);
		replace_extension_with(prefix, "_cliques");

		if (f_all_cliques) {
				CG->nb_points /* target_depth */,
				TRUE /* f_W */, FALSE /* f_w */,
				Aut_on_points, Aut_on_points, 
		else {
				CG->nb_points /* target_depth */,
				TRUE /* f_W */, FALSE /* f_w */,
				Aut_on_points, Aut_on_points, 

		for (depth = 0; depth < CG->nb_points; depth++) {
			nb_orbits = gen->nb_orbits_at_level(depth);
			if (nb_orbits == 0) {

		if (f_all_cliques) {
			cout << "the largest cliques have size " << depth << endl;
			for (i = 0; i <= depth; i++) {
				nb_orbits = gen->nb_orbits_at_level(i);
				cout << setw(3) << i << " : " << setw(3) << nb_orbits << endl;
		else if (f_all_cocliques) {
			cout << "the largest cocliques have size " << depth << endl;
			for (i = 0; i <= depth; i++) {
				nb_orbits = gen->nb_orbits_at_level(i);
				cout << setw(3) << i << " : " << setw(3) << nb_orbits << endl;

		INT *set;
		longinteger_object go, ol;
		longinteger_domain D;

		set = NEW_INT(depth);
		nb_orbits = gen->nb_orbits_at_level(depth);

		cout << "orbit : representative : stabilizer order : orbit length" << endl;
		for (i = 0; i < nb_orbits; i++) {
			gen->get_set_by_level(depth, i, set);

			strong_generators *gens;
				depth, i, verbose_level);
			D.integral_division_exact(ago, go, ol);

			cout << "Orbit " << i << " is the set ";
			INT_vec_print(cout, set, depth);
			cout << " : " << go << " : " << ol << endl;
			cout << endl;


		delete Aut;
		delete Aut_on_points;


	else if (f_characteristic_polynomial) {
		characteristic_polynomial(CG, verbose_level);
	delete CG;

	cout << "draw_colored_graph.out is done" << endl;

void do_Fano_subplanes(translation_plane &T, INT order, INT verbose_level)
	INT f_v = (verbose_level >= 1);
	INT i, j;
	BYTE fname[1000];

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "do_Fano_subplanes" << endl;
	cout << "T.target_size = " << T.target_size << endl;
	T.compute(T.target_size, verbose_level);

	sprintf(fname, "%s_lvl_%ld", T.gen->fname_base, T.target_size);
	//T.gen->A->read_file_and_print_representatives(fname, FALSE);


	INT *Reps;
	BYTE **Aut_ascii;
	INT nb_reps, size;
	cout << "Reading spreads from file " << fname << endl;
	T.gen->A->read_representatives_and_strong_generators(fname, Reps, Aut_ascii, nb_reps, size, 0 /* verbose_level */);
	cout << "Read spreads from file " << fname << endl;

	translation_plane_via_andre_model *TP;
	INT *Nb_subplanes;
	//INT **Subplanes;

	TP = new translation_plane_via_andre_model[nb_reps];

	Nb_subplanes = NEW_INT(nb_reps);
	//Subplanes = NEW_PINT(nb_reps);
	//INT depth = 4;
	INT depth = 7;
	for (i = 0; i < nb_reps; i++) {
		cout << endl;
		cout << endl;
		cout << endl;
		cout << endl;
		cout << endl;
		cout << endl;
		cout << "Making translation plane from representative " << i << ":" << endl;

		vector_ge *gens;
		INT *tl;
		T.gen->A->get_generators_from_ascii_coding(Aut_ascii[i], gens, tl, verbose_level - 2);

		TP[i].init(Reps + i * T.target_size, T.q, T.k, T.F, gens, tl, verbose_level);

		BYTE prefix[1000];

		sprintf(prefix, "TP_%ld_", i);

		//TP[i].classify_arcs(prefix, depth, verbose_level);
		TP[i].classify_subplanes(prefix, verbose_level);

		Nb_subplanes[i] = TP[i].arcs->number_of_orbits_at_depth(depth);


	for (i = 0; i < nb_reps; i++) {
		cout << "Translation plane " << i << ":" << endl;

#if 0
	for (i = 0; i < nb_reps; i++) {
		cout << "Translation plane " << i << ":" << endl;
		BYTE fname[1000];
		INT *Quadrangles;
		INT nb_quadrangles;
		INT size;

		sprintf(fname, "%s_lvl_%ld", TP[i].arcs->fname_base, depth);
		TP[i].An1->read_representatives(fname, Quadrangles, nb_quadrangles, size, verbose_level);
		Nb_subplanes[i] = 0;
		Subplanes[i] = NEW_INT(nb_quadrangles * 7);
		cout << "Found " << nb_quadrangles << " quadrangles, testing for subplanes" << endl;
		for (j = 0; j < nb_quadrangles; j++) {
			if (TP[i].check_if_quadrangle_defines_a_subplane(Quadrangles + j * 4, Subplanes[i] + 7 * Nb_subplanes[i], verbose_level)) {
	for (i = 0; i < nb_reps; i++) {
		cout << "Translation plane " << i << " has " << Nb_subplanes[i] << " quadrangles that span subplanes" << endl;
		cout << "The subplanes are:" << endl;
		INT_matrix_print(Subplanes[i], Nb_subplanes[i], 7);

	for (i = 0; i < nb_reps; i++) {
		cout << "Translation plane " << i << " has " << Nb_subplanes[i] << " quadrangles that span subplanes" << endl;
	for (i = 0; i < nb_reps; i++) {
		cout << "Translation plane " << i << " has " << Nb_subplanes[i] << " orbits of Fano subplanes" << endl;
		TP[i].arcs->compute_and_print_automorphism_group_orders(depth, cout);

		if (i == 4 || i == 5) {
			INT fst, node, size;
			INT *set;

			set = NEW_INT(depth);
			fst = TP[i].arcs->first_oracle_node_at_level[depth];
			for (j = 0; j < Nb_subplanes[i]; j++) {
				longinteger_object stab_order;
				node = fst + j;
				TP[i].arcs->stabilizer_order(node, stab_order);
				if ((stab_order.as_INT() % 14) == 0) {
					cout << "orbit " << j << " has stabilizer of order " << stab_order << " which is divisible by 14" << endl;
					TP[i].arcs->get_set(node, set, size);
					if (size != depth) {
						cout << "size != depth" << endl;
					cout << "The subplane is : ";
					INT_vec_print(cout, set, depth);
					cout << endl;

					vector_ge *stab_gens;
					INT *stab_tl;
					stab_gens = new vector_ge;
					stab_tl = NEW_INT(TP[i].An1->base_len);

					TP[i].arcs->get_stabilizer(stab_gens, stab_tl, depth, j, 0 /*verbose_level */);
					sims *S;
					longinteger_object Sgo;

					S = create_sims_from_generators_with_target_group_order_factorized(TP[i].An1, 
						stab_gens, stab_tl, TP[i].An1->base_len, 0 /* verbose_level */);
					cout << "created group of order " << Sgo << endl;

					delete S;
					delete stab_gens;

		cout << endl;

	delete [] TP;

#if 0
	for (i = 0; i < nb_reps; i++) {

	for (i = 0; i < nb_reps; i++) {
	if (f_v) {
		cout << "do_Fano_subplanes done" << endl;

int main(int argc, const char **argv)
	INT i, j;
	INT verbose_level = 0;
	INT f_poly = FALSE;
	const BYTE *poly = NULL;
	INT f_order = FALSE;
	INT order = 0;
	INT f_dim_over_kernel = FALSE;
	INT dim_over_kernel = 0;
	INT f_clique_level = FALSE;
	INT clique_level = -1;
	INT f_make_spread = FALSE;
	INT type_of_spread = 0;
	INT f_starter = FALSE;
	INT f_depth = FALSE;
	INT depth = 0;
	INT f_identify = FALSE;
	INT identify_data[1000];
	INT identify_data_sz = 0;
	INT f_lift = FALSE;
	INT lift_level = FALSE;
	const BYTE *lift_prefix = "";
	INT f_lex = FALSE;
	INT f_build_db = FALSE;
	INT level = FALSE;
	INT f_read_solution_files = FALSE;
	const BYTE *solution_fname[MAX_FILES];
	INT nb_files = 0;
	INT f_compute_orbits = FALSE;
	INT f_isomorph_testing = FALSE;
	INT f_classification_graph = FALSE;
	INT f_report = FALSE;
	INT f_make_quotients = FALSE;
	INT f_extend_simple = FALSE;
	INT extend_starter[1000];
	INT starter_size;
	INT f_plane_type_klein = FALSE;
	const BYTE *fname_plane_type_klein;
	INT f_print_spread = FALSE;
	const BYTE *fname_print_spread;
	const BYTE *fname_HMO;
	INT f_down_orbits = FALSE;
	INT down_orbits_level = 0;
	INT f_split = FALSE;
	INT split_r = 0;
	INT split_m = 1;
	INT f_solve = FALSE;
	INT f_save = FALSE;
	INT f_event_file = FALSE; // -e <event file> option
	const BYTE *event_file_name;
	INT print_mod = 1000;
	INT f_Fano = FALSE;
	INT f_recoordinatize = FALSE;
	INT f_print_representatives = FALSE;
	INT representatives_size = 0;
	const BYTE *representatives_fname = NULL;
	INT f_test_identify = FALSE;
	INT identify_level = 0;
	INT identify_nb_times = 0;
	INT f_draw_poset = FALSE;
	INT f_embedded = FALSE;
	INT f_print_data_structure = FALSE;
	INT f_draw_system = FALSE;
	const BYTE *fname_system = NULL;
	INT f_write_tree = FALSE;
	const BYTE *fname_tree = NULL;

	t0 = os_ticks();
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
			verbose_level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-v " << verbose_level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-poly") == 0) {
			f_poly = TRUE;
			poly = argv[++i];
			cout << "-poly " << poly << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-order") == 0) {
			f_order = TRUE;
			order = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-order " << order << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dim_over_kernel") == 0) {
			f_dim_over_kernel = TRUE;
			dim_over_kernel = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-dim_over_kernel " << dim_over_kernel << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-clique_level") == 0) {
			f_clique_level = TRUE;
			clique_level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-clique_level " << clique_level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-FTWKB") == 0) {
			f_make_spread = TRUE;
			type_of_spread = SPREAD_OF_TYPE_FTWKB;
			cout << "-FTWKB" << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-Kantor") == 0) {
			f_make_spread = TRUE;
			type_of_spread = SPREAD_OF_TYPE_KANTOR;
			cout << "-Kantor" << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-DicksonKantor") == 0) {
			f_make_spread = TRUE;
			type_of_spread = SPREAD_OF_TYPE_DICKSON_KANTOR;
			cout << "-DicksonKantor" << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-Hudson") == 0) {
			f_make_spread = TRUE;
			type_of_spread = SPREAD_OF_TYPE_HUDSON;
			cout << "-Hudson" << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-Kantor2") == 0) {
			f_make_spread = TRUE;
			type_of_spread = SPREAD_OF_TYPE_KANTOR2;
			cout << "-Kantor2" << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-Ganley") == 0) {
			f_make_spread = TRUE;
			type_of_spread = SPREAD_OF_TYPE_GANLEY;
			cout << "-Ganley" << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-Law_Penttila") == 0) {
			f_make_spread = TRUE;
			type_of_spread = SPREAD_OF_TYPE_LAW_PENTTILA;
			cout << "-Law_Penttila" << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-starter") == 0) {
			f_starter = TRUE;
			cout << "-starter " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-depth") == 0) {
			f_depth = TRUE;
			depth = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-depth " << depth << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-identify") == 0) {
			INT a;
			f_identify = TRUE;
			j = 0;
			while (TRUE) {
				a = atoi(argv[++i]);
				if (a == -1) {
				identify_data[j++] = a;
			identify_data_sz = j;
			cout << "-identify ";
			INT_vec_print(cout, identify_data, identify_data_sz);
			cout << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-test_identify") == 0) {
			f_test_identify = TRUE;
			identify_level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			identify_nb_times = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-test_identify " << identify_level << " " << identify_nb_times << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-lift") == 0) {
			f_lift = TRUE;
			lift_level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			lift_prefix = argv[++i]; 
			cout << "-lift " << lift_level << " " << lift_prefix << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-lex") == 0) {
			f_lex = TRUE;
			cout << "-lex" << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-build_db") == 0) {
			f_build_db = TRUE;
			level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-build_db " << level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-read_solution_files") == 0) {
			f_read_solution_files = TRUE;
			level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			nb_files = 0;
			while (i < argc) {
				solution_fname[nb_files] = argv[i];
				cout << "solution_fname[nb_files]=" << solution_fname[nb_files] << endl;
				if (strcmp(solution_fname[nb_files], "-1") == 0) {
			cout << "-read_solution_files ";
			for (j = 0; j < nb_files; j++) {
				cout << solution_fname[j] << " ";
			cout << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-compute_orbits") == 0) {
			f_compute_orbits = TRUE;
			level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-compute_orbits " << level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-isomorph_testing") == 0) {
			f_isomorph_testing = TRUE;
			level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-isomorph_testing " << level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-classification_graph") == 0) {
			f_classification_graph = TRUE;
			level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-classification_graph " << level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-CO") == 0) {
			f_CO = TRUE;
			level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-CO " << level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-report") == 0) {
			f_report = TRUE;
			cout << "-report " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-make_quotients") == 0) {
			f_make_quotients = TRUE;
			cout << "-make_quotients " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-extend_simple") == 0) {
			f_extend_simple = TRUE;
			starter_size = 0;
			while (i < argc) {
				extend_starter[starter_size] = atoi(argv[i]);
				if (extend_starter[starter_size] == -1) {
			cout << "-extend_simple ";
			for (j = 0; j < starter_size; j++) {
				cout << extend_starter[j] << " ";
			cout << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-plane_type_klein") == 0) {
			f_plane_type_klein = TRUE;
			fname_plane_type_klein = argv[++i];
			cout << "-plane_type_klein " << fname_plane_type_klein << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-print_spread") == 0) {
			f_print_spread = TRUE;
			fname_print_spread = argv[++i];
			cout << "-print_spread " << fname_print_spread << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-HMO") == 0) {
			f_HMO = TRUE;
			fname_HMO = argv[++i];
			cout << "-HMO " << fname_HMO << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-down_orbits") == 0) {
			f_down_orbits = TRUE;
			down_orbits_level = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-down_orbits " << down_orbits_level << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-split") == 0) {
			f_split = TRUE;
			split_r = atoi(argv[++i]);
			split_m = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-split " << split_r << " " << split_m << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-solve") == 0) {
			f_solve = TRUE;
			cout << "-solve " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-save") == 0) {
			f_save = TRUE;
			cout << "-save " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-e") == 0) {
			f_event_file = TRUE;
			event_file_name = argv[i];
			cout << "-e " << event_file_name << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-print_interval") == 0) {
			print_mod = atoi(argv[++i]);
			cout << "-print_interval " << print_mod << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-Fano") == 0) {
			f_Fano = TRUE;
			cout << "-Fano " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-recoordinatize") == 0) {
			f_recoordinatize = TRUE;
			cout << "-recoordinatize " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-print_representatives") == 0) {
			f_print_representatives = TRUE;
			representatives_size = atoi(argv[++i]);
			representatives_fname = argv[++i];
			cout << "-print_representatives" << representatives_size << " " << representatives_fname << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-draw_poset") == 0) {
			f_draw_poset = TRUE;
			cout << "-draw_poset " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-embedded") == 0) {
			f_embedded = TRUE;
			cout << "-embedded " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-print_data_structure") == 0) {
			f_print_data_structure = TRUE;
			cout << "-print_data_structure " << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-draw_system") == 0) {
			f_draw_system = TRUE;
			fname_system = argv[++i];
			cout << "-draw_system " << fname_system << endl;
		else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-write_tree") == 0) {
			f_write_tree = TRUE;
			fname_tree = argv[++i];
			cout << "-write_tree " << fname_tree << endl;

	if (!f_order) {
		cout << "please use option -order <order>" << endl;

	INT p, e, e1, n, k, q;
	factor_prime_power(order, p, e);
	cout << "order = " << order << " = " << p << "^" << e << endl;

	if (f_dim_over_kernel) {
		if (e % dim_over_kernel) {
			cout << "dim_over_kernel does not divide e" << endl;
		e1 = e / dim_over_kernel;
		n = 2 * dim_over_kernel;
		k = dim_over_kernel;
		q = i_power_j(p, e1);
		cout << "order=" << order << " n=" << n << " k=" << k << " q=" << q << endl;
	else {
		n = 2 * e;
		k = e;
		q = p;
		cout << "order=" << order << " n=" << n << " k=" << k << " q=" << q << endl;

	INT f_v = (verbose_level >= 1);
	finite_field *F;
	translation_plane T;

	F = new finite_field;

	F->init_override_polynomial(q, poly, 0 /* verbose_level */);

	T.read_arguments(argc, argv);

	T.init(order, n, k, F, f_recoordinatize, 0 /*MINIMUM(verbose_level - 1, 2)*/);
	T.init2(0 /*verbose_level*/);

	if (clique_level >= 0) {
		translation_plane_init_clique(&T, T.gen, clique_level, verbose_level);
	if (f_make_spread) {
		T.write_spread_to_file(type_of_spread, verbose_level);
	else if (f_starter) {
		if (!f_depth) {
			cout << "Please use option -depth <depth>" << endl;
		T.compute(depth, verbose_level);

#if 0
		BYTE fname[1000];

		sprintf(fname, "%s_lvl_%ld", T.gen->fname_base, depth);
		//T.gen->A->read_file_and_print_representatives(fname, FALSE);
		cout << "depth = " << depth << endl;
		cout << "spread_size = " << T.spread_size << endl;

		if (f_draw_poset) {
			if (f_v) {
				cout << "before gen->draw_poset" << endl;
			T.gen->draw_poset(T.gen->fname_base, depth, 0 /* data1 */, f_embedded, verbose_level);

		if (f_print_data_structure) {
			if (f_v) {
				cout << "before gen->print_data_structure_tex" << endl;
			T.gen->print_data_structure_tex(depth, 0 /*gen->verbose_level*/);

#if 0
		if (f_identify) {
			T.identify(identify_data, identify_data_sz, verbose_level);

	else if (f_identify) {
		if (!f_depth) {
			cout << "Please use option -depth <depth>" << endl;
		cout << "classifying translation planes" << endl;
		T.compute(order + 1, 0 /* verbose_level */);
		cout << "classifying translation planes done" << endl;

		INT *transporter;
		INT orbit_at_level;
		transporter = NEW_INT(T.gen->A->elt_size_in_INT);
		T.gen->identify(identify_data, identify_data_sz, transporter, orbit_at_level, verbose_level);

#if 0
	else if (f_Fano) {
		do_Fano_subplanes(T, order, verbose_level);
	else if (f_test_identify) {
		if (!f_depth) {
			cout << "Please use option -depth <depth>" << endl;
		cout << "classifying translation planes" << endl;
		T.compute(order + 1, 0 /* verbose_level */);
		cout << "classifying translation planes done" << endl;

		T.gen->test_identify(identify_level, identify_nb_times, verbose_level);
	else if (f_lift) {

		compute_lifts(T.A, T.A2, (void *) &T, 
			lift_prefix, lift_prefix, lift_prefix, 
			lift_level, T.spread_size, 
			f_lex, f_split, split_r, split_m, 
			f_solve, f_save, FALSE /*f_read_instead*/, 
			f_draw_system, fname_system, 
			f_write_tree, fname_tree, 
			(void *) &T, 
			// TOP_LEVEL/extra.C

	else if (f_build_db) {
		system("mkdir ISO");
		isomorph_build_db(T.A, T.A2, T.gen, 
			order + 1, T.gen->fname_base, (BYTE *)"ISO/", level, verbose_level);
	else if (f_read_solution_files) {
		isomorph_read_solution_files(T.A, T.A2, T.gen, 
			order + 1 /* target_size */, T.gen->fname_base, (BYTE *)"ISO/", level, 
			solution_fname, nb_files, verbose_level);
	else if (f_compute_orbits) {
		isomorph_compute_orbits(T.A, T.A2, T.gen, 
			order + 1 /* target_size */, T.gen->fname_base, (BYTE *)"ISO/", level, verbose_level);
	else if (f_isomorph_testing) {
		isomorph_testing(T.A, T.A2, T.gen, 
			order + 1 /* target_size */, T.gen->fname_base, (BYTE *)"ISO/", level, 
			f_event_file, event_file_name, print_mod, verbose_level);
	else if (f_classification_graph) {
		isomorph_classification_graph(T.A, T.A2, T.gen, 
			order + 1 /* target_size */, 
			T.gen->fname_base, (BYTE *)"ISO/", 
	else if (f_CO) {
		T.czerwinski_oakden(level, verbose_level);
	else if (f_report) {
		if (!f_depth) {
			cout << "Please use option -depth <depth>" << endl;
		isomorph_worker(T.A, T.A2, T.gen, 
			order + 1 /* target_size */, T.gen->fname_base, (BYTE *)"ISO/", 
			translation_plane_callback_report, &T, 
			depth, verbose_level);

		//T.print_classification(order, level, f_select, select_first, select_len, verbose_level);
	else if (f_make_quotients) {
		if (!f_depth) {
			cout << "Please use option -depth <depth>" << endl;
		isomorph_worker(T.A, T.A2, T.gen, 
			order + 1 /* target_size */, T.gen->fname_base, (BYTE *)"ISO/", 
			translation_plane_callback_make_quotients, &T, 
			depth, verbose_level);

	else if (f_extend_simple) {
		translation_plane_extend_simple(&T, starter_size, extend_starter, FALSE /*f_lex*/, 
			FALSE /* f_write_graph_file */, 
			FALSE /* f_draw_graph */, 
			FALSE /* f_write_tree */, 
			FALSE /* f_decision_nodes_only */, 
	else if (f_plane_type_klein) {
			fname_plane_type_klein, verbose_level);
	else if (f_print_spread) {
		T.read_and_print_spread(fname_print_spread, verbose_level);
	else if (f_HMO) {
		T.HMO(fname_HMO, verbose_level);
	else if (f_down_orbits) {
		isomorph_compute_down_orbits(T.A, T.A2, T.gen, 
			T.gen->fname_base, (BYTE *)"ISO/", 
			down_orbits_level, verbose_level);
	if (f_print_representatives) {
		orbit_rep *R;
		INT *M;
		INT no, nb;
		BYTE fname[1000];
		R = new orbit_rep;
		M = NEW_INT(T.k * T.n);

		sprintf(fname, "%s_lvl_%ld", representatives_fname, representatives_size);

		nb = count_number_of_orbits_in_file(fname, verbose_level);

		cout << "there are " << nb << " orbit representatives in the file " << fname << endl;
		for (no = 0; no < nb; no++) {
			R->init_from_file(T.A /*A_base*/, (BYTE *) representatives_fname, 
				representatives_size, no, representatives_size - 1/*level_of_candidates_file*/, 
				verbose_level - 1
			// R has: INT *candidates; INT nb_candidates;
			for (i = 0; i < representatives_size; i++) {
				cout << R->rep[i] << " ";
			cout << endl;
			for (i = 0; i < representatives_size; i++) {
				cout << R->rep[i] << " = " << endl;
				T.Grass->unrank_INT_here(M, R->rep[i], 0/*verbose_level - 4*/);
				INT_matrix_print(M, T.k, T.n);

Beispiel #8
void do_it(INT verbose_level)
	INT H[16] = {
	INT L[16] = {
	INT C[4][16];

	INT A[16 * 16];
	INT A2[16 * 16];

	INT h, i, j, I, J, l, a, b;

	for (h = 0; h < 4; h++) {
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
				C[h][i * 4 + j] = H[i * 4 + h] * H[j * 4 + h];

	for (h = 0; h < 4; h++) {
		cout << "C_" << h << ":" << endl;
		INT_matrix_print(C[h], 4, 4);
		cout << endl;

	for (I = 0; I < 4; I++) {
		for (J = 0; J < 4; J++) {
			l = L[I * 4 + J];
			for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
				for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
					a = C[l][i * 4 + j];
					A[(I * 4 + i) * 16 + J * 4 + j] = a;
	cout << "A=" << endl;
	INT_matrix_print(A, 16, 16);
	cout << endl;

	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
			a = A[i * 16 + j];
			if (a == 1) {
				b = 0;
			else {
				b = 1;
			A[i * 16 + j] = b;
	cout << "A=" << endl;
	INT_matrix_print(A, 16, 16);
	cout << endl;

	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
			b = 0;
			for (h = 0; h < 16; h++) {
				b += A[i * 16 + h] * A[h * 16 + j];
			A2[i * 16 + j] = b;
	cout << "A2=" << endl;
	INT_matrix_print(A2, 16, 16);
	cout << endl;
Beispiel #9
void young::create_module(INT *h_alpha, 
	INT *&Base, INT *&base_cols, INT &rk, 
	INT verbose_level)
	INT f_v = (verbose_level >= 1);
	INT i, j;

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "young::create_module" << endl;

	INT sz;

	goi = S->group_order_INT();
	sz = group_ring_element_size(A, S);

	INT *M1;

	M1 = NEW_INT(goi * sz);
	Base = NEW_INT(goi * sz * D->size_of_instance_in_INT);
	for (j = 0; j < sz; j++) {
		M1[0 * sz + j] = h_alpha[j];

	INT *elt4, *elt5;

	group_ring_element_create(A, S, elt4);
	group_ring_element_create(A, S, elt5);

	for (i = 1; i < goi; i++) {
		group_ring_element_zero(A, S, elt4);
		elt4[i] = 1;
		group_ring_element_mult(A, S, h_alpha, elt4, elt5);
		for (j = 0; j < sz; j++) {
			M1[i * sz + j] = elt5[j];

	if (FALSE) {
		cout << "M1=" << endl;
		INT_matrix_print(M1, goi, sz);

	for (i = 0; i < goi * sz; i++) {
		D->make_integer(D->offset(Base, i), M1[i], 0 /* verbose_level*/);

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "A basis is:" << endl;
		D->print_matrix(Base, goi, sz);

	INT f_special = FALSE;
	INT f_complete = TRUE;
	base_cols = NEW_INT(sz);

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "Calling Gauss_echelon_form:" << endl;

	rk = D->Gauss_echelon_form(Base, f_special, f_complete, base_cols, 
		f_P, NULL, goi, sz, goi, 0 /*verbose_level*/);

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "rk=" << rk << endl;
		cout << "Basis=" << endl;
		D->print_matrix(Base, rk, sz);

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "base_cols=" << endl;
		INT_vec_print(cout, base_cols, rk);
		cout << endl;

	if (f_v) {
		cout << "young::create_module done" << endl;