Beispiel #1
FUNC_STATUS WORD invert_openXform (
    IP_XFORM_HANDLE *pXform)   /* out: returned handle */

    INSURE (pXform != NULL);
    IP_MEM_ALLOC (sizeof(INVERT_INST), g);
    *pXform = g;
    memset (g, 0, sizeof(INVERT_INST));
    g->dwValidChk = CHECK_VALUE;
    return IP_DONE;

    return IP_FATAL_ERROR;
Beispiel #2
static WORD table_openXform (
    IP_XFORM_HANDLE *pXform)   /* out: returned handle */
    PTBL_INST g;

    INSURE (pXform != NULL);
    IP_MEM_ALLOC (sizeof(TBL_INST), g);
    *pXform = g;
    memset (g, 0, sizeof(TBL_INST));
    g->dwValidChk = CHECK_VALUE;
    return IP_DONE;

    return IP_FATAL_ERROR;
Beispiel #3
FUNC_STATUS WORD fakeMono_openXform (
    IP_XFORM_HANDLE *pXform)   /* out: returned handle */

    INSURE (pXform != NULL);
    IP_MEM_ALLOC (sizeof(FMON_INST), g);
    *pXform = g;
    memset (g, 0, sizeof(FMON_INST));
    g->dwValidChk = CHECK_VALUE;
    g->iFakeDPI = 8;
    return IP_DONE;

    return IP_FATAL_ERROR;
Beispiel #4
static TBOOL generateTable (
    PTBL_INST g,
    DWORD_OR_PVOID aXformInfo[])
    IP_TABLE_TYPE which;
    DWORD         dwparam;
    PVOID         pvparam;
    float         flparam;
    PBYTE         pTable;
    PWORD         pwTable;
    int           nTable;

    g->nTables = 1;
    g->bBigTable = TFALSE;
    pTable = g->bTables[0];
    dwparam =                aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_OPTION].dword;
    pvparam =                aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_OPTION].pvoid;
    flparam =                aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_OPTION].fl;
    which = (IP_TABLE_TYPE)aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_WHICH].dword;
    g->bWhich = (BYTE)which;

    switch (which)
        case IP_TABLE_USER:
            if (pvparam == 0)
                return TFALSE;
            memcpy (pTable, (PBYTE)pvparam, 256);

        case IP_TABLE_USER_WORD:
            if (pvparam == 0)
                return TFALSE;
            IP_MEM_ALLOC (4097*sizeof(WORD), pwTable);  /* 4097: extra entry at end */
            g->pwTables[0] = pwTable;
            memcpy (pwTable, (PWORD)pvparam, 4096*sizeof(WORD));
            pwTable[4096] = pwTable[4095];  /* extra entry to help interpolation */
            g->bBigTable = TTRUE;

        case IP_TABLE_USER_THREE:
            if (aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_COLOR_1].pvoid==0 ||
                aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_COLOR_2].pvoid==0 ||
                return TFALSE;
            memcpy (g->bTables[0], (PBYTE)aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_COLOR_1].pvoid, 256);
            memcpy (g->bTables[1], (PBYTE)aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_COLOR_2].pvoid, 256);
            memcpy (g->bTables[2], (PBYTE)aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_COLOR_3].pvoid, 256);
            g->nTables = 3;

            if (aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_COLOR_1].pvoid==0 ||
                aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_COLOR_2].pvoid==0 ||
                return TFALSE;

            for (nTable=0; nTable<3; nTable++) {
                IP_MEM_ALLOC (4097*sizeof(WORD), pwTable);  /* 4097: extra entry at end */
                g->pwTables[nTable] = pwTable;
                memcpy (pwTable, (PWORD)aXformInfo[IP_TABLE_COLOR_1+nTable].pvoid, 4096*sizeof(WORD));
                pwTable[4096] = pwTable[4095];  /* extra entry to help interpolation */
            g->nTables = 3;
            g->bBigTable = TTRUE;

        case IP_TABLE_PASS_THRU:
            int i;

            for (i=0; i<=255; i++)
                pTable[i] = i;

        case IP_TABLE_GAMMA:
            int   index;
            float fval;
            float gamma;
            float gamval;

            gamma = (float)flparam / (float)(1L<<16);
            if (gamma<=0.0f || gamma>=10.0f)
                return TFALSE;
            gamma = 1.0f / gamma;

            if (g->traits.iBitsPerPixel==16 || g->traits.iBitsPerPixel==48) {
                WORD *pwTable;
                IP_MEM_ALLOC (4097*sizeof(WORD), pwTable);  /* 4097: extra entry at end */
                g->pwTables[0] = pwTable;

                for (index=0; index<=4095u; index++) {
                    fval = (float)index / 4095.0f;
                    gamval = 65535.0f * (float)pow(fval, gamma);
                    pwTable[index] = (WORD)(gamval + 0.5f);

                pwTable[4096] = pwTable[4095];  /* extra entry to help interpolation */
                g->bBigTable = TTRUE;
            } else {
                for (index=0; index<=255u; index++) {
                    fval = (float)index / 255.0f;
                    gamval = 255.0f * (float)pow(fval, gamma);
                    pTable[index] = (BYTE)(gamval + 0.5f);

        case IP_TABLE_THRESHOLD:
            if (dwparam<1 || dwparam>255)
                return TFALSE;
            memset (pTable, 0, dwparam);
            memset (pTable+dwparam, 255, 256-dwparam);

        case IP_TABLE_MIRROR:
            UINT index, mask;

            for (index=0; index<=255; index++) {
                for (mask=0x01u; mask<=0x80u; mask<<=1) {
                    pTable[index] <<= 1;
                    if (index & mask)
                        pTable[index] += 1;

        case IP_TABLE_BW_CLIP:
            DWORD nBlack, nWhite, nMid, slopeMid, posMid, index;

            nBlack = dwparam >> 16;
            nWhite = dwparam & 0xFFFFu;

            if (nBlack+nWhite > 256)
                return TFALSE;

            for (index=0; index<nBlack; index++)
                pTable[index] = 0;

            for (index=256-nWhite; index<=255; index++)
                pTable[index] = 255;

            nMid = 256 - nBlack - nWhite;
            slopeMid = (255ul<<16) / (nMid + 1);
            posMid = 0x8000u;   /* offset for rounding */

            for (index=nBlack; index<256-nWhite; index++) {
                posMid += slopeMid;
                pTable[index] = (BYTE)(posMid >> 16);

            return TFALSE;

    return TTRUE;

    return TFALSE;
Beispiel #5
EXPORT(WORD) ipConvert (
    IP_HANDLE  hJob,              /* in:  handle to conversion job */
    DWORD      dwInputAvail,      /* in:  # avail bytes in input buf */
    PBYTE      pbInputBuf,        /* in:  ptr to input buffer */
    PDWORD     pdwInputUsed,      /* out: # bytes used from input buf */
    PDWORD     pdwInputNextPos,   /* out: file-pos to read from next */
    DWORD      dwOutputAvail,     /* in:  # avail bytes in output buf */
    PBYTE      pbOutputBuf,       /* in:  ptr to output buffer */
    PDWORD     pdwOutputUsed,     /* out: # bytes written in out buf */
    PDWORD     pdwOutputThisPos)  /* out: file-pos to write this data */
    PINST       g;
    WORD        ipResult;
    int         iXform;
    WORD        result;
    PGENBUF     pgbIn, pgbOut;
    BOOL        atTheHead, atTheTail;
    PXFORM_INFO pXform, pPriorXform, pNextXform;
    BOOL        needInput, selectCnvState;
    DWORD       dwBytes;
    int         i;
    DWORD       n;
    DWORD       dwInUsed, dwOutUsed;
    DWORD       dwInNextPos, dwOutThisPos;
    DWORD       dwTheInLen, dwTheOutLen;
    PBYTE       pbTemp;
    PBYTE       pbTheInBuf, pbTheOutBuf;
    DWORD       dwJunk;

    if (pbOutputBuf == NULL) {
        /* client wants us to discard all data */
        pdwOutputUsed    = &dwJunk;
        pdwOutputThisPos = &dwJunk;
        dwOutputAvail    = 0xfffffffu;

    PRINT0 (_T("ipConvert: hJob=%p, pbInputBuf=%p InputBufSize=%d pbOutputBuf=%p OutputBufSize=%d\n"),
                             (void*)hJob, pbInputBuf, dwInputAvail, pbOutputBuf, dwOutputAvail);
    INSURE (pdwInputUsed !=NULL && pdwInputNextPos !=NULL &&
            pdwOutputUsed!=NULL && pdwOutputThisPos!=NULL);
    HANDLE_TO_PTR (hJob, g);
    INSURE (g->xfCount>=1);

    pgbIn  = &g->gbIn;
    pgbOut = &g->gbOut;

    *pdwInputUsed  = 0;
    *pdwOutputUsed = 0;
    ipResult = 0;

     /* Beginning of Main Loop */

    while (TRUE) {

    /**** Output any data in the output genbuf ****/

    if (*pdwOutputUsed == 0)
        *pdwOutputThisPos = pgbOut->dwFilePos;

    if (pgbOut->dwValidLen != 0) {   /* output genbuf is not empty */
        /* Logic below:
         * 1. If next output file-pos doesn't match output genbuf, exit loop.
         * 2. Copy as much as possible from output genbuf to clients output buf.
         *      2.1 decide number of bytes to copy
         *      2.2 copy them
         *      2.3 update misc variables
         * 3. If output genbuf is not empty, exit loop (client's buf is full),
         *    else set wValidStart to 0 because output genbuf is empty.

        if ((*pdwOutputThisPos+*pdwOutputUsed) != pgbOut->dwFilePos) {
            PRINT0 (_T("ipConvert: output seek to %d\n"), pgbOut->dwFilePos);
            goto exitLoop;

        dwBytes = pgbOut->dwValidLen;
        if (dwOutputAvail < dwBytes)
            dwBytes = dwOutputAvail;

        if (pbOutputBuf != NULL) {
            memcpy (pbOutputBuf + *pdwOutputUsed,
                    pgbOut->pbBuf + pgbOut->dwValidStart,

        *pdwOutputUsed       += dwBytes;
        dwOutputAvail        -= dwBytes;
        pgbOut->dwValidStart += dwBytes;
        pgbOut->dwFilePos    += dwBytes;
        pgbOut->dwValidLen   -= dwBytes;

        if (pgbOut->dwValidLen != 0)
            goto exitLoop;

        pgbOut->dwValidStart = 0;   /* output genbuf is now empty */

    if (g->pendingInsert) {
        g->pendingInsert = FALSE;
        ipResult |= IP_WRITE_INSERT_OK;

    /**** If ipResult has any returnable bits set, exit loop now ****/

    if (ipResult & g->wResultMask)
        goto exitLoop;

    /**** Select an xform to run ****/

    /* select the owner of input midbuf, or negative means 'none selected' */
    iXform = g->iOwner;

    if (iXform < 0) {
        for (i=g->xfCount-1; i>=0; i--) {
            if (g->xfArray[i].eState == XS_CONV_NOT_RFD) {
                /* select last xform that's convnotrfd; this xform
                 * is outputting (or thinking) but not inputting */
                iXform = i;

    if (iXform < 0) {
        for (i=0; i<g->xfCount; i++) {
            if (g->xfArray[i].eState != XS_DONE) {
                /* select first xform that's not done */
                iXform = i;

    if (iXform < 0) {
        /* all xforms are done: discard all input, and report that we're done */
        *pdwInputUsed = dwInputAvail;
        ipResult |= IP_DONE;
        /* patch the last outtraits with actual # of rows output, so that
         * ipGetImageTraits will return actual row-count after we're done */
        g->xfArray[g->xfCount-1].outTraits.lNumRows = g->lOutRows;
        /* patch first intraits for the same reason */
        g->xfArray[0].inTraits.lNumRows = g->lInRows;
        goto exitLoop;

    /**** Miscellaneous preparation ****/

    pXform = &(g->xfArray[iXform]);
    atTheHead = (iXform == 0);
    atTheTail = (iXform == g->xfCount-1);
    pPriorXform = atTheHead ? NULL : &(g->xfArray[iXform-1]);
    pNextXform  = atTheTail ? NULL : &(g->xfArray[iXform+1]);

    /**** Create the Xform if necessary ****/

    if (pXform->eState == XS_NONEXISTENT) {
        PRINT0 (_T("ipConvert: creating xform %d\n"), iXform);
        INSURE (atTheHead || pPriorXform->eState>=XS_CONVERTING);
        if (atTheHead) {
            /* this xform's input traits were set by ipSetDefaultInputTraits */
        } else {
            /* this xform's input traits are prior xform's output traits */
            memcpy (&pXform->inTraits, &pPriorXform->outTraits,

            if (atTheTail) {
                /* apply any DPI overrides */
                if (g->dwForcedHorizDPI != 0)
                    pXform->inTraits.lHorizDPI = (long)g->dwForcedHorizDPI;
                if (g->dwForcedVertDPI != 0)
                    pXform->inTraits.lVertDPI  = (long)g->dwForcedVertDPI;
        result = pXform->pXform->openXform (&pXform->hXform);
        INSURE (result == IP_DONE);
        result = pXform->pXform->setDefaultInputTraits (
                    pXform->hXform, &pXform->inTraits);
        INSURE (result == IP_DONE);
        result = pXform->pXform->setXformSpec (
                    pXform->hXform, pXform->aXformInfo);
        INSURE (result == IP_DONE);
        result = pXform->pXform->getHeaderBufSize (
                    pXform->hXform, &pXform->dwMinInBufLen);
        INSURE (result == IP_DONE);

        if (! atTheHead) {
            /* a header is only allowed on first xform */
            INSURE (pXform->dwMinInBufLen == 0);
        } else {
            /* allocate the input genbuf */
            if (pXform->dwMinInBufLen == 0)
                pXform->dwMinInBufLen = 1;
            PRINT0 (_T("ipConvert: alloc input genbuf, len=%d\n"),
            IP_MEM_ALLOC (pXform->dwMinInBufLen, pgbIn->pbBuf);
            pgbIn->dwBufLen     = pXform->dwMinInBufLen;
            pgbIn->dwValidStart = 0;
            pgbIn->dwValidLen   = 0;
            pgbIn->dwFilePos    = 0;

        pXform->eState = XS_PARSING_HEADER;

    /**** Enter flushing state if appropriate ****/

    if (pXform->eState == XS_CONVERTING &&
        (( atTheHead && pbInputBuf==NULL && pgbIn->dwValidLen==0) ||
         (!atTheHead && pPriorXform->eState==XS_DONE && g->iOwner<0))) {
        /* there will never be any more input to this xform: start flushing */
        PRINT0 (_T("ipConvert: xform %d is now flushing\n"), iXform);
        pXform->eState = XS_FLUSHING;

    /**** Check that input data and output space are available ****/

    needInput = (pXform->eState==XS_PARSING_HEADER ||

    if (needInput) {
        if (! atTheHead) {
            /* the input midbuf must contain data */
            INSURE (g->iOwner>=0 && g->dwMidValidLen>0);
            PRINT1 (_T("not at head, pixels = %08x\n"), *(DWORD*)(g->pbMidInBuf));
        } else if (pbInputBuf != NULL) {
            DWORD dwUnusedStart;

            /* left-justify data in input genbuf if necessary */

            if (pgbIn->dwBufLen-pgbIn->dwValidStart < pXform->dwMinInBufLen) {
                /* too much wasted space on left end, so left justify */
                memmove (pgbIn->pbBuf, pgbIn->pbBuf + pgbIn->dwValidStart,
                pgbIn->dwValidStart = 0;
                PRINT1 (_T("left just, pixels = %08x\n"), *(DWORD*)(pgbIn->pbBuf));

            /* put as much client input as possible into the input genbuf */

            dwUnusedStart = pgbIn->dwValidStart + pgbIn->dwValidLen;
            dwBytes = pgbIn->dwBufLen - dwUnusedStart;
            if (dwBytes > dwInputAvail)
                dwBytes = dwInputAvail;

            memcpy (pgbIn->pbBuf + dwUnusedStart,
                    pbInputBuf + *pdwInputUsed,

            pgbIn->dwValidLen += dwBytes;
            *pdwInputUsed     += dwBytes;
            dwInputAvail      -= dwBytes;
            *pdwInputNextPos  += dwBytes;

            /* if input genbuf has insufficient data, exit loop */
            if (pgbIn->dwValidLen < pXform->dwMinInBufLen)
                goto exitLoop;
            PRINT1 (_T("at head, pixels = %08x\n"), *(DWORD*)(pgbIn->pbBuf));

    if (atTheTail && pXform->eState!=XS_PARSING_HEADER) {
        /* output might be produced; output genbuf must be empty */
        INSURE (pgbOut->dwValidLen == 0);

    /**** Call the Conversion Routine ****/

    pbTheInBuf   = atTheHead ? pgbIn->pbBuf + pgbIn->dwValidStart : g->pbMidInBuf;
    dwTheInLen   = atTheHead ? pgbIn->dwValidLen : g->dwMidValidLen;
    pbTheOutBuf  = atTheTail ? pgbOut->pbBuf : g->pbMidOutBuf;
    dwTheOutLen  = atTheTail ? pgbOut->dwBufLen : g->dwMidLen;

    if (pXform->eState == XS_PARSING_HEADER) {
        result = pXform->pXform->getActualTraits (
                    dwTheInLen, pbTheInBuf, &dwInUsed, &dwInNextPos,
        dwOutUsed = 0;
        dwOutThisPos = 0;
    } else {
        if (pXform->eState == XS_FLUSHING)
            pbTheInBuf = NULL;
        result = pXform->pXform->convert (
                    dwTheInLen,  pbTheInBuf,  &dwInUsed,  &dwInNextPos,
                    dwTheOutLen, pbTheOutBuf, &dwOutUsed, &dwOutThisPos);

    PRINT1 (_T("ipConvert: xform %d returned %04x\n"), iXform, result);
    PRINT1 (_T("ipConvert:         consumed %d and produced %d bytes\n"),
           dwInUsed, dwOutUsed);

    if (pbTheOutBuf != NULL)
        PRINT1 (_T("ipConvert: out data = %08x\n"), *(DWORD*)pbTheOutBuf);

    INSURE ((result & IP_FATAL_ERROR) == 0);

    /**** Update Input and Output Buffers ****/

    if (dwInUsed > 0) {
        if (pXform->pfReadPeek != NULL) {
            #if defined _WIN32
                __try {
            pXform->pfReadPeek (hJob, &(pXform->inTraits),
                                dwInUsed, pbTheInBuf, pgbIn->dwFilePos, 
            #if defined _WIN32
                } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
                    goto fatal_error;

        if (! atTheHead) {
            /* We _assume_ that the xform consumed all the data in the midbuf */
            g->iOwner = -1;   /* input midbuf is consumed and un-owned now */
            g->dwMidValidLen = 0;

    if (needInput && atTheHead) {
        if (dwInUsed >= pgbIn->dwValidLen) {
            /* consumed all input; mark input genbuf as empty */
            pgbIn->dwValidLen   = 0;
            pgbIn->dwValidStart = 0;
            pgbIn->dwFilePos    = dwInNextPos;
        } else {
            /* advance counters in genbuf */
            pgbIn->dwValidLen   -= dwInUsed;
            pgbIn->dwValidStart += dwInUsed;
            pgbIn->dwFilePos    += dwInUsed;

        /* if new genbuf file-pos doesn't match what xform wants,
         * discard remainder of buffer */
        if (pgbIn->dwFilePos != dwInNextPos) {
            PRINT0 (_T("ipConvert: input seek to %d\n"), dwInNextPos);
            pgbIn->dwValidLen   = 0;
            pgbIn->dwValidStart = 0;
            pgbIn->dwFilePos    = dwInNextPos;

    if (dwOutUsed > 0) {
        if (pXform->pfWritePeek != NULL) {
            #if defined _WIN32
                __try {
            pXform->pfWritePeek (hJob, &(pXform->outTraits),
                                 dwOutUsed, pbTheOutBuf, dwOutThisPos,
            #if defined _WIN32
                } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
                    goto fatal_error;

        if (atTheTail) {
            pgbOut->dwFilePos    = dwOutThisPos;
            pgbOut->dwValidStart = 0;
            pgbOut->dwValidLen   = dwOutUsed;
        } else {
            INSURE (g->iOwner < 0);   /* mid inbuf must be unowned here */
            g->iOwner = iXform + 1;   /* next xform hereby owns mid inbuf */
            /* swap input and output midbuf pointers */
            pbTemp = g->pbMidInBuf;
            g->pbMidInBuf    = g->pbMidOutBuf;
            g->pbMidOutBuf   = pbTemp;
            g->dwMidValidLen = dwOutUsed;
Beispiel #6
    int             nXforms,      /* in:  number of xforms in lpXforms below */
    LPIP_XFORM_SPEC lpXforms,     /* in:  the xforms we should perform */
    int             nClientData,  /* in:  # bytes of additional client data */
    PIP_HANDLE      phJob)        /* out: handle for conversion job */
    PINST           g;
    int             i;
    PXFORM_INFO     dest;

    char *ipIn = "/tmp/ipIn.dib";

    PRINT0 (_T("ipOpen: nXforms=%d\n"), nXforms);
    INSURE (nXforms>0 && lpXforms!=NULL && nClientData>=0 && phJob!=NULL);

    for (i=0; i<nXforms; i++)
       switch (lpXforms[i].eXform)
          case X_FAX_DECODE:
            PRINT0("Fax_format=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_FAX_FORMAT].dword);
            ipIn = "/tmp/ipIn.pbm";
          case X_JPG_DECODE:
            PRINT0("JPG_decode=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_JPG_DECODE_FROM_DENALI].dword);
            ipIn = "/tmp/ipIn.jpg";
          case X_CNV_COLOR_SPACE:
            PRINT0("Color_space conversion=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_CNV_COLOR_SPACE_WHICH_CNV].dword);
            PRINT0("Color_space gamma=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_CNV_COLOR_SPACE_GAMMA].dword);
          case X_CROP:
            PRINT0("Crop_left=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_CROP_LEFT].dword);
            PRINT0("Crop_right=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_CROP_RIGHT].dword);
            PRINT0("Crop_top=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_CROP_TOP].dword);
            PRINT0("Crop_maxoutrows=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_CROP_MAXOUTROWS].dword);
          case X_PAD:
            PRINT0("Pad_left=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_PAD_LEFT].dword);
            PRINT0("Pad_right=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_PAD_RIGHT].dword);
            PRINT0("Pad_top=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_PAD_TOP].dword);
            PRINT0("Pad_bottom=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_PAD_BOTTOM].dword);
            PRINT0("Pad_value=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_PAD_VALUE].dword);
            PRINT0("Pad_minheight=%d\n", lpXforms[i].aXformInfo[IP_PAD_MIN_HEIGHT].dword);
            PRINT0("Unknown xform\n");

    infd = creat(ipIn, 0600);
    outfd = creat("/tmp/ipOut.ppm", 0600);

    /**** Create Instance and Init Misc Variables ****/

    IP_MEM_ALLOC (sizeof(INST) + nClientData, g);
    *phJob = g;

    memset (g, 0, sizeof(INST));
    g->dwValidChk = CHECK_VALUE;
    g->iOwner = -1;
    g->wResultMask = PERMANENT_RESULTS;

    /**** Transfer the Xforms to xfArray ****/

    g->xfCount = (WORD)nXforms;

    for (i=0; i<nXforms; i++) {
        src  = &(lpXforms[i]);
        dest = &(g->xfArray[i]);

        dest->eState = XS_NONEXISTENT;
        dest->pXform = (src->pXform != NULL)
                       ? src->pXform
                       : xformJumpTables[src->eXform];
        INSURE (dest->pXform != NULL);
        dest->pfReadPeek  = src->pfReadPeek;
        dest->pfWritePeek = src->pfWritePeek;
        dest->pUserData   = src->pUserData;
        memcpy (dest->aXformInfo, src->aXformInfo, sizeof(dest->aXformInfo));

    return IP_DONE;

    return IP_FATAL_ERROR;
Beispiel #7
static WORD thumb_getActualTraits (
    IP_XFORM_HANDLE  hXform,         /* in:  handle for xform */
    DWORD            dwInputAvail,   /* in:  # avail bytes in input buf */
    PBYTE            pbInputBuf,     /* in:  ptr to input buffer */
    PDWORD           pdwInputUsed,   /* out: # bytes used from input buf */
    PDWORD           pdwInputNextPos,/* out: file-pos to read from next */
    PIP_IMAGE_TRAITS pInTraits,      /* out: input image traits */
    PIP_IMAGE_TRAITS pOutTraits)     /* out: output image traits */
    PTN_INST g;
    int      N;
    long     lMaxSum;
    long     nBytes;

    HANDLE_TO_PTR (hXform, g);

    /* Since there is no header, we'll report no usage of input */
    *pdwInputUsed    = 0;
    *pdwInputNextPos = 0;

    /* Compute N in our scale-factor of 1/N */
    if (g->iFactorSpec <= 0) {
        N = -(g->iFactorSpec);
    } else {
        /* the +iFactorSpec-1 below biases N high (cieling function),
         * so the output width is biased low, so that we'll never go
         * larger than the requested output width.
        N = (g->inTraits.iPixelsPerRow + g->iFactorSpec - 1) / g->iFactorSpec;

    if (N < 1) N = 1;
    g->wScale = N;

    /* Compute max summation of N-by-N input pixels */
    lMaxSum = (long)N*N * (g->inTraits.iBitsPerPixel==1 ? 1 : 255);

    /* Compute pre-shift so that max sum does not exceed 16 bits */
         if (lMaxSum >= (1L<<28)) g->wPreShift = 16;
    else if (lMaxSum >= (1L<<24)) g->wPreShift = 12;
    else if (lMaxSum >= (1L<<20)) g->wPreShift = 8;
    else if (lMaxSum >= (1L<<16)) g->wPreShift = 4;
    else                          g->wPreShift = 0;

    /* Now do the pre-shift on max sum */
    lMaxSum >>= g->wPreShift;
    INSURE (lMaxSum < (1L<<16));  /* make sure it fits in 16 bits */

    /* And compute the factor for converting a sum into a 0..255 pixel */
    g->dwSumFac = (DWORD)((255.0/(float)lMaxSum) * (float)(1L<<16));

    *pInTraits  = g->inTraits;   /* structure copies */
    *pOutTraits = g->inTraits;

    if (pOutTraits->iBitsPerPixel == 1)
        pOutTraits->iBitsPerPixel = 8;
    pOutTraits->iPixelsPerRow = g->dwOutputWidth = pInTraits->iPixelsPerRow / N;
    if (pOutTraits->lNumRows >= 0)
        pOutTraits->lNumRows /= N;

    g->wMoreRows2Sum = N;
    g->dwInRowBytes =
        (pInTraits->iPixelsPerRow * pInTraits->iBitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
    g->dwOutRowBytes = g->dwOutputWidth * pInTraits->iComponentsPerPixel;

    nBytes = g->dwOutRowBytes * sizeof(ULONG);
    IP_MEM_ALLOC (nBytes, g->pulSums);
    memset (g->pulSums, 0, nBytes);


    return IP_FATAL_ERROR;