Boolean QFMotionPlayer::windowResize(IResizeEvent &event) { IRectangle screenRectangle; if (screen) { screenRectangle = (qf.controller() ? IRectangle(IPoint(0, CONTROL_PANEL_HEIGHT), IPoint(event.newSize())) : IRectangle(event.newSize())); screen->moveSizeTo(screenRectangle); if (movieWindow) { IRectangle movieRectangle = IRectangle(screenRectangle.size()); if (qf.scale() == QF_SCALE_CENTER && moviePlayer && howLongMovieWillPlay) movieRectangle = IRectangle(((IMMDigitalVideo*)moviePlayer)->videoFileWidth(), ((IMMDigitalVideo*)moviePlayer)->videoFileHeight()). centeredAt(; movieWindow->moveSizeTo(movieRectangle); } } if (qf.controller()) { float armPercent = .0; if (filePrepared && !isPlaying && moviePlayer->position()) { armPercent = moviePlayer->position(); armPercent /= howLongMovieWillPlay; } qf.createController(armPercent); } return false; }
void DestroyChipsOrder::Draw(IPoint pos, bool vertical) { if(_timeAppearText > 0) { //Текст Render::BeginAlphaMul(math::clamp(0.f, 1.f, _timeAppearText)); if(_drawShowCount > 0.0f && !Completed()) { IPoint textOffset = vertical ? IPoint(40, 14) : IPoint(54, 24); Render::FreeType::BindFont("OrderOnLock"); Render::PrintString(pos + textOffset, utils::lexical_cast(math::ceil(_drawShowCount)), 1.f, CenterAlign, CenterAlign); } Render::EndAlphaMul(); } if(_timeAppearIcon > 0) { FPoint iconOffset = vertical ? FPoint(40.0f, 53.0f) : FPoint(24.0f, 24.0f); //Иконка Render::BeginAlphaMul(math::clamp(0.f, 1.f, _timeAppearIcon)); FRect rect, frect; GetOrderIconRect(_rect_num, rect, frect); rect.MoveBy(FPoint(0, 30.f)*(1.f - _timeAppearIcon) + pos + iconOffset); Game::ordersTexture->Bind(); Render::DrawRect(rect, frect); Render::EndAlphaMul(); } }
void QFMotionPlayer::setWindow(IWindow& window) { window_p = &window; handler.IResizeHandler::handleEventsFor(window_p); handler.IPaintHandler::handleEventsFor(window_p); handler.ICommandHandler::handleEventsFor(window_p); handler.QFPlayerHandler::handleEventsFor(window_p); menu = new IPopUpMenu(IResourceId(MOTION_POPUP_ID, QuickFlick::resourceLibrary()), window_p); menu->disableItem(MI_MOTION_SAVEAS); IRectangle screenRectangle = (qf.controller() ? IRectangle(IPoint(0, CONTROL_PANEL_HEIGHT), IPoint(window_p->size())) : IRectangle(window_p->size())); screen = new IStaticText(SCREEN_ID, window_p, window_p, screenRectangle, IWindow::noStyle | IWindow::clipChildren); screen->setFillColor(IColor::paleGray); screen->setBackgroundColor(IColor::paleGray); screen->enableFillBackground(); screen->setAlignment(IStaticText::topLeftWrapped); screen->setFont(IFont("Helv", 8)); if (qf.disabled()) setScreenText("This version of QuickFlick has expired.\nTo upgrade:\n - Open Netscape\n - Choose Help->About Plug-ins->Practice"); handler.IMenuHandler::handleEventsFor(screen); screen->show(); }
void ChipSelecter::Draw() { Render::device.SetTexturing(false); Render::BeginColor(Color(100, 100, 100, 180)); Render::DrawRect(IRect(200, 150, 400, 300)); Render::EndColor(); Render::device.SetTexturing(true); //IRect rect = Game::ChipColor::DRAW_RECT; //Тут должно быть 44х44! IRect rect = IRect(0,0,44,44); for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { int x = _chipXLeft + 50*(i%7); int y = _chipYDown + 50*(3 - i/7); FRect uv = Game::GetChipRect(i, false, false, false); _chipsTex->Draw(rect.MovedBy(IPoint(x - rect.width/2, y - rect.height/2)), uv); } for (size_t i = 0; i < _chipColors.size(); i++) { int color = _chipColors[i]; int x = _chipXLeft + 50*(color%7); int y = _chipYDown + 50*(3 - color/7); Render::BeginColor(Color(100, 255, 255, 255)); for (int q = -1; q<=1; q++) { for (int w = -1; w<=1; w++) { DrawRamka(x+q, y+w); } } Render::EndColor(); FRect uv = Game::GetChipRect(color, false, false, false); Render::device.SetAlpha(static_cast<int>(150+80*sinf(_timer*6 + x - y/3))); Render::device.SetBlendMode(Render::ADD); _chipsTex->Draw(rect.MovedBy(IPoint(x - rect.width/2, y - rect.height/2)), uv); Render::device.SetBlendMode(Render::ALPHA); } if (_underMouseChip >= 0) { int color = _underMouseChip; int x = _chipXLeft + 50*(color%7); int y = _chipYDown + 50*(3 - color/7); Render::BeginColor(Color(0, 255, 0, 255)); DrawRamka(x, y); Render::EndColor(); } Render::BindFont("debug"); Render::PrintString(IPoint(370, 170), utils::lexical_cast(static_cast<int>(_chipColors.size())) + " colors", 1.f, CenterAlign); }
IPoint GameObject::isInsideRect(IRect& bounds) const { IPoint normal(0, 0); if (_position.x - _radius < bounds.x) normal += IPoint(1, 0); else if (_position.x + _radius > bounds.width) normal += IPoint(-1, 0); if (_position.y - _radius < bounds.y) normal += IPoint(0, 1); else if (_position.y + _radius > bounds.height) normal += IPoint(0, -1); return normal; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: NewControl::paintWindow // // Description: 'paintWindow' is called in response to a paint event, 'evt'. // It establishes the colors to paint as well as determines // how large and where to draw the text. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boolean NewControl::paintWindow(IPaintEvent& evt) { IColor clrBackground(defclrBackground); IColor clrForeground(defclrForeground); IColor clrHilite(defclrHilite); IPresSpaceHandle hps = evt.presSpaceHandle(); // Should make a separate method which sets the logical // color table for the HPS into RGB mode and sets all our // colors. Also, colors could be cached in private data // and only updated when presparams change. establishColor(clrBackground, background, defclrBackground); establishColor(clrForeground, foreground, defclrForeground); establishColor(clrHilite, hilite, defclrHilite); evt.clearBackground(clrBackground); // Create the text to draw IString theText(dummyText); IString theNumber(clicks); theNumber.rightJustify(4); IString both(theText + theNumber); POINTL aptl[TXTBOX_COUNT]; POINTL ptl = {0,0}; // Find where we're going to draw our text and how big it will be. GpiQueryTextBox(hps, strlen((char*)both), (char*)both, TXTBOX_COUNT, aptl); long textWidth = MAX(aptl[TXTBOX_TOPRIGHT].x, aptl[TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT].x); long textHeight = MAX(aptl[TXTBOX_TOPLEFT].y, aptl[TXTBOX_TOPRIGHT].y); // Center the text before drawing it. long x = (cx - textWidth) / 2; long y = (cy - textHeight) / 2; evt.drawText(theText, IPoint(x, y), clrForeground); GpiQueryTextBox(hps, strlen((char*)theText), (char*)theText, TXTBOX_COUNT, aptl); // Draw the number to the side of the text x += aptl[TXTBOX_CONCAT].x; evt.drawText(theNumber, IPoint(x, y), clrHilite); return true; }
ChangeEnergySpeed::ChangeEnergySpeed() : _sliderTime(IPoint(330, 85), 150, false, 6, 14) { Gamefield = NULL; _snapPoint = IPoint(-1, -1); _energyTimeScale = 1.f; _activated = false; _selected = false; _sliderTime.SetFactor(0.1f); }
void MixedModelLayout::doCall( PlanRep &PG, adjEntry adjExternal, GridLayout &gridLayout, IPoint &boundingBox, bool fixEmbedding) { // handle graphs with less than 3 nodes node v1, v2; switch (PG.numberOfNodes()) { case 0: boundingBox = IPoint(0,0); return; case 1: v1 = PG.firstNode(); gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0; boundingBox = IPoint(0,0); return; case 2: v1 = PG.firstNode(); v2 = v1->succ(); gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0; gridLayout.x(v2) = 1; boundingBox = IPoint(1,0); return; } MixedModelBase mm(PG,gridLayout); if(fixEmbedding) { OGDF_ASSERT(PG.representsCombEmbedding()); PlanarAugmentationFix fixAugmenter; mm.computeOrder(fixAugmenter, 0, adjExternal, m_compOrder.get()); } else mm.computeOrder(m_augmenter.get(),&m_embedder.get(),0,m_compOrder.get()); mm.assignIopCoords(); mm.placeNodes(); mm.postprocessing1(); mm.setBends(); mm.postprocessing2(); m_crossingsBeautifier.get().call(PG,gridLayout); int xmin, ymin; gridLayout.computeBoundingBox(xmin,boundingBox.m_x,ymin,boundingBox.m_y); }
void SchnyderLayout::doCall( const Graph &G, adjEntry adjExternal, GridLayout &gridLayout, IPoint &boundingBox, bool fixEmbedding) { // check for double edges & self loops OGDF_ASSERT(isSimple(G)); // handle special case of graphs with less than 3 nodes if (G.numberOfNodes() < 3) { node v1, v2; switch (G.numberOfNodes()) { case 0: boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0); return; case 1: v1 = G.firstNode(); gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0; boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0); return; case 2: v1 = G.firstNode(); v2 = G.lastNode(); gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0; gridLayout.x(v2) = 1; boundingBox = IPoint(1, 0); return; } } // make a copy for triangulation GraphCopy GC(G); // embed if (!fixEmbedding) { if (planarEmbed(GC) == false) { OGDF_THROW_PARAM(PreconditionViolatedException, pvcPlanar); } } triangulate(GC); schnyderEmbedding(GC, gridLayout, adjExternal); }
bool SnapGadgets::Editor_MouseMove(const IPoint& mouse_pos, Game::Square *sq) { if(EditorUtils::activeEditBtn != EditorUtils::SnapGadgetAdd) { return false; } int x = sq->address.GetCol(); int y = sq->address.GetRow(); if(_drag_gadget) { IPoint to_pos = IPoint(x,y); _currentEditorGadget->Editor_MoveElements(IRect(0,0,200,200), to_pos - _fromPos); _fromPos = to_pos; return true; } if (!_dragGadget) { return true; } if (_dragElementId == -1) { return true; } if (_dragElementId == -2) { IPoint p; p.x = mouse_pos.x + GameSettings::FieldCoordMouse().x; p.y = mouse_pos.y + GameSettings::FieldCoordMouse().y; //Округление к ПОЛОВИНЕ ПОЛОВИНЫ КЛЕТКИ чтобы небыло стартового смещения) _dragGadget -> SetSnapPoint(p + (GameSettings::CELL_HALF*0.5f).Rounded()); } else { if(!Game::isVisible(sq)) { return true; } SnapGadgetBaseElement::SHARED_PTR e = _dragGadget -> GetElement(_dragElementId); e->SetIndex(IPoint(x, y)); } return true; }
void ChangeEnergySpeedItems::LoadLevel(rapidxml::xml_node<> *root) { Clear(); // Удаляем, еcли еcть что-то... rapidxml::xml_node<> *gadgets = root -> first_node("EnergySpeed"); if (!gadgets) return; rapidxml::xml_node<> *gadget = gadgets -> first_node("Item"); while (gadget) { ChangeEnergySpeed *g = new ChangeEnergySpeed(); int x = 0; int y = 0; float speed = 0.f; x = utils::lexical_cast<int> (std::string(gadget ->first_attribute("x")->value())); y = utils::lexical_cast<int> (std::string(gadget ->first_attribute("y")->value())); speed = utils::lexical_cast<float> (std::string(gadget ->first_attribute("speed")->value())); g -> SetPosition(IPoint(x, y)); g -> SetEnergyTimeScale(speed); g -> _sliderTime.SetFactor((speed - 1.f) / 50.f); Gadgets::energySpeedChangers.AddGadget(g); gadget = gadget ->next_sibling("Item"); } }
int ChangeEnergySpeed::Editor_CaptureGadget(const IPoint& mouse_pos, int x, int y) { // Преобразовываем координаты к координатам на поле int mx = mouse_pos.x + GameSettings::FieldCoordMouse().x; int my = mouse_pos.y + GameSettings::FieldCoordMouse().y; IRect r (mx - (GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDE / 2), my - (GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDE / 2), 0, 0); r.Inflate((GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDE / 2)); _sliderRect = IRect(_snapPoint.x * GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDE,_snapPoint.y * GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDE - 30,200,30); if (r.Contains(_snapPoint * GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDE)) { return (-2); } else if (_sliderRect.Contains(IPoint(mx,my))) { return (-3); } else { return (-1); } }
int main(void) { const Mesh m(IPoint(MV::fill,2,2)); Tensor<DataMesh> t(3,"aa",m ,0.0); for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ for(int j=0;j<3;j++){ for(int k=0;k<m.Size();k++){ srand ( time(NULL) ); t(i,j)[k]=rand()/((k+1)*10); } } } Tensor<DataMesh> inv = findInverse(t); Tensor<DataMesh> inv2 = findInverse(inv); checkInverse(inv,inv2); for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ for(int j=0;j<3;j++){ std::cout<<inv(i,j)-inv2(i,j)<<std::endl; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void Application::MouseWheelGL(int button, int dir, int x, int y) { float xx = (x * 1.f) / screen.Width() * screen.GLWidth(); float yy = screen.GLHeight() - (y * 1.f) / screen.Height() * screen.GLHeight(); if (dir != 0) { MouseWheel(dir, IPoint(xx, yy)); } }
/************************************************************************** * Class Star::setPoint - Sets the point where a star is located * **************************************************************************/ Star &Star::setPoint(const IGPoint2D &pt) { setStartPoint(pt); setEndPoint(IPoint(pt.fX+1, pt.fY+1)); return *this; }
strgen::strgen( unsigned long id, IWindow* parent, IWindow* owner, const IRectangle& rect, const IFrameWindow::Style& style, const char* title) : IFrameWindow((partWindowId) ? partWindowId : id, parent, owner, rect, style, title) { partWindowId = (partWindowId) ? partWindowId : id; iCanvas = new ICanvas( IC_FRAME_CLIENT_ID, this, this, IRectangle()); iCollectionViewListBox1 = new ICollectionViewListBox< Customer*, IVSequence< Customer* > >( partWindowId+WNDOFFSET_strgen_CollectionViewListBox1, iCanvas, iCanvas, IRectangle(IPoint(65,107),ISize(383, 183)), IBaseListBox::defaultStyle ( ), IStringGenerator<Customer*>(new strgen::strgenFn())); iStaticText1 = new IStaticText( partWindowId+WNDOFFSET_strgen_StaticText1, iCanvas, iCanvas, IRectangle(IPoint(70,296),ISize(285, 25))); iCustomer1 = new Customer(); iCustomer2 = new Customer(); iVSequence1 = new IVSequence< Customer* >(); conn0 = new strgenConn0(); conn1 = new strgenConn1(); conn2 = new strgenConn2(); this->setFocus(); this->setClient(iCanvas); iStaticText1->setText("Customer - CollectionViewListBox"); iCustomer1->setName("John Smith"); iCustomer1->setStreet("123 42nd Street"); iCustomer1->setPhone("512-235-8212"); iCustomer1->setCity("NewYork"); iCustomer2->setName("Mike Lawrence"); iCustomer2->setStreet("88 Columbus Ave"); iCustomer2->setPhone("416-123-8888"); iCustomer2->setCity("Ajax"); } //end constructor
void FillEnergyOrder::Draw(IPoint pos, bool vertical) { if(!Completed()) { Render::FreeType::BindFont("debug"); Render::PrintString(pos + IPoint(GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDE*3/4, GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDE*3/4), utils::lexical_cast(_area.size()), 1.f, CenterAlign, CenterAlign); } }
void GridLayoutModule::mapGridLayout(const Graph &G, GridLayout &gridLayout, GraphAttributes &AG) { // maximum width of columns and rows double maxWidth = 0; double yMax = 0; for(node v : G.nodes) { Math::updateMax<double>(maxWidth, AG.width(v)); Math::updateMax<double>(maxWidth, AG.height(v)); Math::updateMax<double>(yMax, gridLayout.y(v)); } maxWidth += m_separation; // set position of nodes for(node v : G.nodes) { AG.x(v) = gridLayout.x(v) * maxWidth; AG.y(v) = (yMax - gridLayout.y(v)) * maxWidth; } // transform bend points of edges for(edge e : G.edges) { IPolyline ipl = gridLayout.polyline(e); // Remove superfluous bendpoints node v = e->source(); while(!ipl.empty() && ipl.front() == IPoint(gridLayout.x(v), gridLayout.y(v))) { ipl.popFront(); } v = e->target(); while(!ipl.empty() && ipl.back() == IPoint(gridLayout.x(v), gridLayout.y(v))) { ipl.popBack(); } DPolyline &dpl = AG.bends(e); dpl.clear(); for (const IPoint &ip : ipl) { dpl.pushBack(DPoint(ip.m_x*maxWidth, (yMax-ip.m_y)*maxWidth)); } dpl.normalize(); } }
int main(void) { TensorStructure s(3,"ab"); // Tensor<DataMesh> t1(s); // will fail to compile const Mesh m(IPoint(MV::fill,2,2)); Tensor<DataMesh> t2(s,m); // will be fine Tensor<DataMesh> t3(s,m, 0.0); // this initializes all DataMesh points to zero Tensor<DataMesh> t4(3,"ab",m, 0.0); // this is the same as before }
// Konstruktor f�r geschachtelte MDI-Fenster MDIFrame (const IResourceId &r, IFrameWindow *parent, const char *title = 0, const IRectangle &rec = IRectangle (), const IFrameWindow::Style &s = defaultStyle () &~ windowList | alignNoAdjust) : IFrameWindow (r, parent->client (), parent->client (), rec == IRectangle () ? IRectangle (IPoint (), parent->client ()->size ()) : rec, s, title), Client (0x8008, this, this) { setClient (&Client); }
void ChipSelecter::DrawRamka(int x, int y) { //Тут должно быть 44х44! IRect rect = IRect(0,0,44,44); Render::device.SetTexturing(false); Render::DrawFrame(rect.MovedBy(IPoint(x - rect.width/2, y - rect.height/2))); Render::device.SetTexturing(true); }
ToolButton (unsigned long id, IWindow *parent, const IPointerHandle &pict) : IGraphicPushButton (id, parent, parent, pict, IRectangle (IPoint (), ISize (20, 20)), // verkleinere Grafik falls n�tig defaultStyle () | sizeToGraphic) // ISetCanvas benutzt Minimumgr��e um Controls zu // Positionieren { setMinimumSize (ISize (30, 30)); }
LProdInfoDialog::LProdInfoDialog( IWindow *owner ) :IFrameWindow( ID_PRODINFO, IWindow::desktopWindow(), owner, IRectangle(), IFrameWindow::systemMenu | IFrameWindow::dialogBackground | IFrameWindow::dialogBorder ) ,canvas( ID_PRODINFO_CANVAS, this, this ) ,iconCtl( ID_PRODINFO_ICON, &canvas, &canvas ) ,text1( ID_PRODINFO_TEXT1, &canvas, &canvas ) ,text2( ID_PRODINFO_TEXT2, &canvas, &canvas ) ,text3( ID_PRODINFO_TEXT3, &canvas, &canvas ) ,text4( ID_PRODINFO_TEXT4, &canvas, &canvas ) ,text5( ID_PRODINFO_TEXT5, &canvas, &canvas ) ,button( ID_PRODINFO_OK, &canvas, &canvas ) { // Set self as command event handler handleEventsFor(this); // Set text for the controls iconCtl.setIcon( ID_MAIN ); text1.setText( IResourceId( STR_MAIN_TITLE ) ); text1.setForegroundColor( IColor::kRed ); text2.setText( IResourceId( STR_PRODINFO_TEXT2 ) ); text3.setText( IResourceId( STR_PRODINFO_TEXT3 ) ); text4.setText( IResourceId( STR_PRODINFO_TEXT4 ) ); text5.setText( IResourceId( STR_PRODINFO_TEXT5 ) ); button.setText( IResourceId( STR_OK ) ); // Set the canvas orientation to veritical // Set the canvas alignment to center all the controls canvas.setDeckOrientation( ISetCanvas::vertical ); canvas.setAlignment( ISetCanvas::centerCenter ); // Set the client as the canvas setClient( &canvas ); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Resize the window based on the minimum size of the canvas | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ moveSizeToClient( IRectangle( IPoint( IWindow::desktopWindow()->size().width()/2, IWindow::desktopWindow()->size().height()/2 ), canvas.minimumSize() ) ); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Center the frame window | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ moveSizeTo( rect().centerAt( IWindow::desktopWindow()->rect().center() ) ); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Show the dialog window | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ setFocus(); show(); }
void SpriteCardItem::init(Container* parent, rapidxml::xml_node<>* xml_item) { MapItem::init(parent, xml_item); rapidxml::xml_node<>* xml_info = xml_item->first_node("info"); IPoint offset(xml_info); Render::Texture *texture = Core::resourceManager.Get<Render::Texture>(Xml::GetStringAttribute(xml_info, "id")); rapidxml::xml_node<>* xml_rect = xml_info->first_node("rect"); IRect screenRect(offset + IPoint(xml_rect), Xml::GetIntAttribute(xml_rect, "w"), Xml::GetIntAttribute(xml_rect, "h")); part = PartSheet(texture, screenRect, FRect(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f)); }
void DrawArrows() { //—трелы показывающие продолжение пол¤ IPoint lines[4][3] = { {Game::activeRect.RightBottom() + IPoint(1,-1), Game::activeRect.RightTop() + IPoint(1,1), IPoint(0,1)}, {Game::activeRect.RightTop() + IPoint(1,1), Game::activeRect.LeftTop() + IPoint(-1,1), IPoint(-1,0)}, {Game::activeRect.LeftTop() + IPoint(-1,1), Game::activeRect.LeftBottom() + IPoint(-1,-1), IPoint(0,-1)}, {Game::activeRect.LeftBottom() + IPoint(-1,-1), Game::activeRect.RightBottom() + IPoint(1,-1), IPoint(1,0)} }; float time = arrow_time*6.f; for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for(IPoint p = lines[i][0], dir = lines[i][2]; p != lines[i][1]; p += dir) { Game::Square *sq = GameSettings::gamefield[p]; //time += math::PI/2.f; if(!Game::isVisible(sq) || !(sq->IsFlyType(sq->FLY_NO_DRAW) || sq->IsFlyType(sq->FLY_HIDING))) { continue; } IPoint near_index = p + IPoint(-dir.y, dir.x); Game::Square *sq_near = GameSettings::gamefield[near_index]; if(Game::isVisible(sq_near) && !sq_near->IsFlyType(Game::Square::FLY_NO_DRAW)) { if(Gadgets::squareDist[p] > Gadgets::squareDist[near_index]) { continue; } Render::device.PushMatrix(); Render::device.MatrixTranslate(sq_near->GetCellPos() - FPoint(-dir.y, dir.x)*(GameSettings::SQUARE_SIDEF*0.47f + 2.f*sinf(time)) + GameSettings::CELL_HALF); Game::MatrixSquareScale(); Render::device.MatrixRotate(math::Vector3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f), i*90.f); Render::device.MatrixScale(0.95f + 0.05f*sinf(time)); Render::BeginAlphaMul(sq_near->_flyArrowAlpha*math::clamp(0.f, 1.f, 0.7f + 0.3f*sinf(time))); float offset_x = -27.f; arrow_texture->Draw(offset_x, -40.f); Render::EndAlphaMul(); Render::device.PopMatrix(); } } } }
bool PlanarGridLayoutModule::handleTrivial(const Graph &G, GridLayout &gridLayout, IPoint &boundingBox) { // handle special case of graphs with less than 3 nodes node v1, v2; switch (G.numberOfNodes()) { case 0: boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0); return true; case 1: v1 = G.firstNode(); gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = 0; boundingBox = IPoint(0, 0); return true; case 2: v1 = G.firstNode(); v2 = G.lastNode(); gridLayout.x(v1) = gridLayout.y(v1) = gridLayout.y(v2) = 0; gridLayout.x(v2) = 1; boundingBox = IPoint(1, 0); return true; } return false; }
void EnergyReceiver::LoadLevel(rapidxml::xml_node<>* root) { _can_walk = Xml::GetBoolAttributeOrDef(root, "walk", false); SetIndex(IPoint(root->first_node("Position"))); rapidxml::xml_node<>* orderElem = root->first_node("Order"); if( orderElem ) { _order = Game::Order::Load(orderElem); if(_order) { _order->SetAddress(_index); } } ReleaseEffects(); }
int main(void) { TensorStructure s1(3,"ab"); TensorStructure s2(3,"b"); const Mesh m(IPoint(MV::fill,2,2)); Tensor<DataMesh> t1(s2,m,0.0); // will initialize all elements to zero Tensor<Tensor<DataMesh> > tt1(s1, t1); // will be a tensor of tensors, with all elements being zero Tensor<Tensor<DataMesh> > tt2(s1,s2, m, 0.0); // this gives the same result std::cout << "tt2(1,2)="<<tt2(1,2) <<"\n"; // will print out a Tensor<DataMesh> std::cout << "tt2(1,2)(0)="<<tt2(1,2)(0) <<"\n"; // will print out a single DatMesh // tt2(1,2) = 15; // will fail to compile tt2(1,2) = t1; // this is fine tt2(1,2)(0) = -3; // will be fine. return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { const IPoint extents(MV::Size(3), 10); const Mesh m(extents); DataMesh myDM(m); for(int i=0; i<10; i++){ for(int j=0; j<10; j++){ for(int k=0; k<10; k++){ myDM[myDM.DataOffset(IPoint(MV::fill, i, j, k))] = 1000*i + 100*j + 100000*k; } } } std::cout << "My datamesh:" <<myDM<<"\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void GameView::SpawnCatcher(const IPoint& position) { const GameInfo& gameInfo = Game::instance().GetGameInfo(); CatchersPtr catcher = m_catcherPool.get(); if (catcher) { catcher->Invalidate(); catcher->SetPosition(IPoint(position.x, position.y)); catcher->SetStartScale(.1f); catcher->SetEndScale(1.f); catcher->SetScale(.1f); catcher->SetLifetime(gameInfo.getCatcherBornTime() + gameInfo.getCatcherLifetime()); catcher->SetGrowTime(gameInfo.getCatcherBornTime()); catcher->SetHideTIme(gameInfo.getCatcherHidetime()); m_catchers.push_back(std::move(catcher)); MM::manager.PlaySample("hide_in", false, 1.f); } }