Beispiel #1
void main(int argc, char *args[])
	IRC_init(&bot,"",8000,"SetBot","none");//work in progress
	bot.Message_Recieved = &Message_Recieved;
	bot.Bot_Messaged = &Bot_Messaged;
	printf("Disconnected from host\n");
Beispiel #2
  This will be called when the dll is first loaded, which
  only happens when a new game is started or a save game
  is loaded.
void InitGame (void)
	IRC_init ();
	gi.dprintf ("==== InitGame ====\n");

	ReadConfigFile ();
	ReadMOTDFile ();

	gun_x = gi.cvar ("gun_x", "0", 0);
	gun_y = gi.cvar ("gun_y", "0", 0);
	gun_z = gi.cvar ("gun_z", "0", 0);

	//FIXME: sv_ prefix is wrong for these
	sv_rollspeed = gi.cvar ("sv_rollspeed", "200", 0);
	sv_rollangle = gi.cvar ("sv_rollangle", "2", 0);
	sv_maxvelocity = gi.cvar ("sv_maxvelocity", "2000", 0);
	sv_gravity = gi.cvar ("sv_gravity", "800", 0);

	// noset vars
	dedicated = gi.cvar ("dedicated", "0", CVAR_NOSET);

	// latched vars
	sv_cheats = gi.cvar ("cheats", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	gi.cvar ("gamedate", __DATE__, CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);

	maxclients = gi.cvar ("maxclients", "8", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	deathmatch = gi.cvar ("deathmatch", "1", CVAR_LATCH);
	coop = gi.cvar ("coop", "0", CVAR_LATCH);
	skill = gi.cvar ("skill", "1", CVAR_LATCH);
	maxentities = gi.cvar ("maxentities", "1024", CVAR_LATCH);

	if (!deathmatch->value)
		gi.dprintf("Turning deathmatch on.\n");
		gi.cvar_forceset("deathmatch", "1");
	if (coop->value)
		gi.dprintf("Turning coop off.\n");
		gi.cvar_forceset("coop", "0");

	// change anytime vars
	dmflags = gi.cvar ("dmflags", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	fraglimit = gi.cvar ("fraglimit", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	timelimit = gi.cvar ("timelimit", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	capturelimit = gi.cvar ("capturelimit", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	password = gi.cvar ("password", "", CVAR_USERINFO);
	filterban = gi.cvar ("filterban", "1", 0);
	needpass = gi.cvar ("needpass", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	radiolog = gi.cvar ("radiolog", "0", 0);
	teamplay = gi.cvar ("teamplay", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	motd_time = gi.cvar ("motd_time", "2", 0);
	hostname = gi.cvar ("hostname", "unnamed", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	strtwpn = gi.cvar ("dmweapon", MK23_NAME, 0);
	actionmaps = gi.cvar ("actionmaps", "1", 0);
	if (actionmaps->value && num_maps < 1)
		gi.dprintf("No maps were read from the config file, \"actionmaps\" won't be used.\n");
		gi.cvar_forceset("actionmaps", "0");
	nohud = gi.cvar ("nohud", "0", CVAR_LATCH);
	roundlimit = gi.cvar ("roundlimit", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	limchasecam = gi.cvar ("limchasecam", "0", CVAR_LATCH);
	skipmotd = gi.cvar ("skipmotd", "0", 0);
	roundtimelimit = gi.cvar ("roundtimelimit", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	maxteamkills = gi.cvar ("maxteamkills", "0", 0);
	twbanrounds = gi.cvar ("twbanrounds", "2", 0);
	tkbanrounds = gi.cvar ("tkbanrounds", "2", 0);
	noscore = gi.cvar ("noscore", "0", CVAR_LATCH);	// Was serverinfo
	actionversion =
	gi.cvar ("actionversion", "none set", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	gi.cvar_set ("actionversion", ACTION_VERSION);
	use_voice = gi.cvar ("use_voice", "1", 0);	//slicer
	ppl_idletime = gi.cvar ("ppl_idletime", "15", 0);
	use_buggy_bandolier = gi.cvar ("use_buggy_bandolier", "0", 0);
	use_tourney = gi.cvar ("use_tourney", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	use_3teams = gi.cvar ("use_3teams", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	use_kickvote = gi.cvar ("use_kickvote", "1", 0);	//slicer
	use_mapvote = gi.cvar ("use_mapvote", "1", 0);	//slicer
	use_scramblevote = gi.cvar ("use_scramblevote", "1", 0);	//slicer
	ctf = gi.cvar ("ctf", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	ctf_forcejoin = gi.cvar ("ctf_forcejoin", "", 0);
	ctf_mode = gi.cvar ("ctf_mode", "0", 0);
	ctf_dropflag = gi.cvar ("ctf_dropflag", "1", 0);
	ctf_respawn = gi.cvar ("ctf_respawn", "4", 0);
	ctf_model = gi.cvar ("ctf_model", "male", CVAR_LATCH);
	use_grapple = gi.cvar ("use_grapple", "0", 0);
	mv_public = gi.cvar ("mv_public", "0", 0);	//slicer 
	vk_public = gi.cvar ("vk_public", "0", 0);	//slicer
	punishkills = gi.cvar ("punishkills", "1", 0);	//slicer
	mapvote_waittime = gi.cvar ("mapvote_waittime", "8", 0);
	ff_afterround = gi.cvar ("ff_afterround", "1", 0);
	uvtime = gi.cvar ("uvtime", "40", 0);
	sv_gib = gi.cvar ("sv_gib", "1", 0);
	sv_crlf = gi.cvar ("sv_crlf", "0", CVAR_LATCH); // 0 == DONT ALLOW IT
	vrot = gi.cvar ("vrot", "0", 0);
	rrot = gi.cvar ("rrot", "0", 0);
	llsound = gi.cvar ("llsound", "1", CVAR_LATCH);
	use_cvote = gi.cvar ("use_cvote", "0", 0);	// Removed it from Serverinfo
	new_irvision = gi.cvar ("new_irvision", "0", 0);
	use_rewards = gi.cvar ("use_rewards", "1", 0);
	use_warnings = gi.cvar ("use_warnings", "1", 0);
	check_time = gi.cvar ("check_time", "3", 0);
	video_check = gi.cvar ("video_check", "0", 0);
	video_max_3dfx = gi.cvar ("video_max_3dfx", "1.5", 0);
	video_max_3dfxam = gi.cvar ("video_max_3dfxam", "1.5", 0);
	video_max_opengl = gi.cvar ("video_max_opengl", "3.0", 0);
	video_force_restart = gi.cvar ("video_force_restart", "0", CVAR_LATCH);
	video_check_lockpvs = gi.cvar ("video_check_lockpvs", "0", 0);
	video_check_glclear = gi.cvar ("video_check_glclear", "0", 0);
	video_checktime = gi.cvar ("video_checktime", "15", 0);
	hc_single = gi.cvar ("hc_single", "1", CVAR_LATCH);	//default ON
	wp_flags = gi.cvar ("wp_flags", "511", 0);	// 511 = WPF_MK23 | WPF_MP5 | WPF_M4 | WPF_M3 | WPF_HC | WPF_SNIPER | WPF_DUAL | WPF_KNIFE | WPF_GRENADE
	itm_flags = gi.cvar ("itm_flags", "63", 0);	// 63 = ITF_SIL | ITF_SLIP | ITF_BAND | ITF_KEV | ITF_LASER | ITF_HELM 
	matchmode = gi.cvar ("matchmode", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	hearall = gi.cvar ("hearall", "0", 0);	// used in matchmode

	teamdm = gi.cvar ("teamdm", "0", CVAR_LATCH);
	teamdm_respawn = gi.cvar ("teamdm_respawn", "2", 0);

	respawn_effect = gi.cvar("respawn_effect", "0", 0);

	item_respawnmode = gi.cvar ("item_respawnmode", "0", CVAR_LATCH);
	item_respawn = gi.cvar ("item_respawn", "59", 0);
	weapon_respawn = gi.cvar ("weapon_respawn", "74", 0);
	ammo_respawn = gi.cvar ("ammo_respawn", "30", 0);

	wave_time = gi.cvar("wave_time", "5", 0);

	mm_forceteamtalk = gi.cvar ("mm_forceteamtalk", "0", 0);
	mm_adminpwd = gi.cvar ("mm_adminpwd", "0", 0);
	mm_allowlock = gi.cvar ("mm_allowlock", "1", CVAR_LATCH);
	mm_pausecount = gi.cvar ("mm_allowcount", "3", CVAR_LATCH);
	mm_pausetime = gi.cvar ("mm_pausetime", "2", CVAR_LATCH);

	teams[TEAM1].teamscore = gi.cvar ("t1", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	teams[TEAM2].teamscore = gi.cvar ("t2", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	teams[TEAM3].teamscore = gi.cvar ("t3", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	stats_endmap = gi.cvar("stats_endmap", "1",0);
	stats_afterround = gi.cvar ("stats_afterround", "0", 0);

	auto_join = gi.cvar ("auto_join", "0", 0);
	auto_equip = gi.cvar ("auto_equip", "0", 0);
	auto_menu = gi.cvar ("auto_menu", "0", 0);
	eventeams = gi.cvar ("eventeams", "0", 0);
	use_balancer = gi.cvar ("use_balancer", "0", 0);
	dm_choose = gi.cvar ("dm_choose", "0", 0);
	dm_shield = gi.cvar ("dm_shield", "0", 0);

	use_punch = gi.cvar ("use_punch", "1", 0);

	//TNG:Freud - new spawning system
	use_oldspawns = gi.cvar ("use_oldspawns", "0", CVAR_LATCH);
	//TNG:Freud - ghosts
	use_ghosts = gi.cvar ("use_ghosts", "0", CVAR_LATCH);

	radio_max = gi.cvar ("radio_max", "3", 0);
	radio_time = gi.cvar ("radio_time", "2", 0);
	radio_ban = gi.cvar ("radio_ban", "15", 0);
	radio_repeat_time = gi.cvar ("radio_repeat_time", "1", 0);
	radio_repeat = gi.cvar ("radio_repeat", "2", 0);
	unique_weapons =
	gi.cvar ("weapons", teamplay->value ? "1" : "1", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);	// zucc changed teamplay to 1
	unique_items = gi.cvar ("items", "1", CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH);
	ir = gi.cvar ("ir", "1", 0);
	knifelimit = gi.cvar ("knifelimit", "40", 0);
	allweapon = gi.cvar ("allweapon", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	allitem = gi.cvar ("allitem", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	tgren = gi.cvar ("tgren", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	/*flashgren = gi.cvar ("flashgren", "1", 0);
	flashradius = gi.cvar ("flashradius", "300", 0);
	flashtime = gi.cvar ("flashtime", "100", 0);*/
	sv_shelloff = gi.cvar ("shelloff", "1", 0);
	bholelimit = gi.cvar ("bholelimit", "0", 0);
	splatlimit = gi.cvar ("splatlimit", "0", 0);
	darkmatch = gi.cvar ("darkmatch", "0", CVAR_LATCH);	// Darkmatch
	day_cycle = gi.cvar ("day_cycle", "10", 0);	// Darkmatch cycle time.
	use_classic = gi.cvar ("use_classic", "0", CVAR_SERVERINFO);	// Reset Spread and Grenade Strength to 1.52

	CGF_SFX_InstallGlassSupport ();	// william for CGF (glass fx)

	g_select_empty = gi.cvar ("g_select_empty", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);

	run_pitch = gi.cvar ("run_pitch", "0.002", 0);
	run_roll = gi.cvar ("run_roll", "0.005", 0);
	bob_up = gi.cvar ("bob_up", "0.005", 0);
	bob_pitch = gi.cvar ("bob_pitch", "0.002", 0);
	bob_roll = gi.cvar ("bob_roll", "0.002", 0);

	// flood control
	flood_msgs = gi.cvar ("flood_msgs", "4", 0);
	flood_persecond = gi.cvar ("flood_persecond", "4", 0);
	flood_waitdelay = gi.cvar ("flood_waitdelay", "10", 0);

	// items
	InitItems ();

	game.helpmessage1[0] = '\0';
	game.helpmessage2[0] = '\0';

	// initialize all entities for this game
	game.maxentities = maxentities->value;
	g_edicts = gi.TagMalloc (game.maxentities * sizeof (g_edicts[0]), TAG_GAME);
	globals.edicts = g_edicts;
	globals.max_edicts = game.maxentities;

	// initialize all clients for this game
	game.maxclients = (int)maxclients->value;
	game.clients = gi.TagMalloc (game.maxclients * sizeof (game.clients[0]), TAG_GAME);
	globals.num_edicts = game.maxclients + 1;

	if (ctf->value)
		CTFInit ();

	//PG BUND - must be at end of gameinit:
	vInitGame ();