Beispiel #1
IRStmt* pyvex_deepCopyIRStmt ( IRStmt* s )
   switch (s->tag) {
      case Ist_NoOp:
         return IRStmt_NoOp();
      case Ist_AbiHint:
         return IRStmt_AbiHint(pyvex_deepCopyIRExpr(s->Ist.AbiHint.base),
      case Ist_IMark:
         return IRStmt_IMark(s->Ist.IMark.addr,
      case Ist_Put: 
         return IRStmt_Put(s->Ist.Put.offset, 
      case Ist_PutI: 
         return IRStmt_PutI(pyvex_deepCopyIRPutI(s->Ist.PutI.details));
      case Ist_WrTmp:
         return IRStmt_WrTmp(s->Ist.WrTmp.tmp,
      case Ist_Store: 
         return IRStmt_Store(s->Ist.Store.end,
      case Ist_CAS:
         return IRStmt_CAS(pyvex_deepCopyIRCAS(s->Ist.CAS.details));
      case Ist_LLSC:
         return IRStmt_LLSC(s->Ist.LLSC.end,
                               ? pyvex_deepCopyIRExpr(s->Ist.LLSC.storedata)
                               : NULL);
      case Ist_Dirty: 
         return IRStmt_Dirty(pyvex_deepCopyIRDirty(s->Ist.Dirty.details));
      case Ist_MBE:
         return IRStmt_MBE(s->Ist.MBE.event);
      case Ist_Exit: 
         return IRStmt_Exit(pyvex_deepCopyIRExpr(s->Ist.Exit.guard),
Beispiel #2
/* If a tool wants to allow gdbserver to do something at Addr, then
   VG_(add_stmt_call_gdbserver) will add in IRSB a call to a helper
   function.  This helper function will check if the process must be
   stopped at the instruction Addr: either there is a break at Addr or
   the process is being single-stepped.  Typical usage of the below is to
   instrument an Ist_IMark to allow the debugger to interact at any
   instruction being executed.  As soon as there is one break in a block,
   then to allow single stepping in this block (and possible insertions
   of other breaks in the same sb_in while the process is stopped), a
   debugger statement will be inserted for all instructions of a block. */
static void VG_(add_stmt_call_gdbserver) 
     (IRSB* sb_in,                /* block being translated */
      VexGuestLayout* layout, 
      VexGuestExtents* vge,
      IRType gWordTy, IRType hWordTy,
      Addr  iaddr,                /* Addr of instruction being instrumented */
      UChar delta,                /* delta to add to iaddr to obtain IP */
      IRSB* irsb)                 /* irsb block to which call is added */
   void*    fn;
   const HChar*   nm;
   IRExpr** args;
   Int      nargs;
   IRDirty* di;

   /* first store the address in the program counter so that the check
      done by VG_(helperc_CallDebugger) will be based on the correct
      program counter.  We might make this more efficient by rather
      searching for assignement to program counter and instrumenting
      that but the below is easier and I guess that the optimiser will
      remove the redundant store. And in any case, when debugging a
      piece of code, the efficiency requirement is not critical: very
      few blocks will be instrumented for debugging. */

   /* For platforms on which the IP can differ from the addr of the instruction
      being executed, we need to add the delta to obtain the IP.
      This IP will be given to gdb (e.g. if a breakpoint is put at iaddr).

      For ARM, this delta will ensure that the thumb bit is set in the
      IP when executing thumb code. gdb uses this thumb bit a.o.
      to properly guess the next IP for the 'step' and 'stepi' commands. */
   vg_assert(delta <= 1);
   addStmtToIRSB(irsb, IRStmt_Put(layout->offset_IP ,
                                  mkIRExpr_HWord(iaddr + (Addr)delta)));

   fn    = &VG_(helperc_CallDebugger);
   nm    = "VG_(helperc_CallDebugger)";
   args  = mkIRExprVec_1(mkIRExpr_HWord (iaddr));
   nargs = 1;
   di = unsafeIRDirty_0_N( nargs/*regparms*/, nm, 
                           VG_(fnptr_to_fnentry)( fn ), args );

   /* Note: in fact, a debugger call can read whatever register
      or memory. It can also write whatever register or memory.
      So, in theory, we have to indicate the whole universe
      can be read and modified. It is however not critical
      to indicate precisely what is being read/written
      as such indications are needed for tool error detection
      and we do not want to have errors being detected for
      gdb interactions. */
   di->nFxState = 2;
   di->fxState[0].fx        = Ifx_Read;
   di->fxState[0].offset    = layout->offset_SP;
   di->fxState[0].size      = layout->sizeof_SP;
   di->fxState[0].nRepeats  = 0;
   di->fxState[0].repeatLen = 0;
   di->fxState[1].fx        = Ifx_Modify;
   di->fxState[1].offset    = layout->offset_IP;
   di->fxState[1].size      = layout->sizeof_IP;
   di->fxState[1].nRepeats  = 0;
   di->fxState[1].repeatLen = 0;

   addStmtToIRSB(irsb, IRStmt_Dirty(di));

Beispiel #3
IRBB* bb_to_IR ( /*OUT*/VexGuestExtents* vge,
                 /*IN*/ void*            callback_opaque,
                 /*IN*/ DisOneInstrFn    dis_instr_fn,
                 /*IN*/ UChar*           guest_code,
                 /*IN*/ Addr64           guest_IP_bbstart,
                 /*IN*/ Bool             (*chase_into_ok)(void*,Addr64),
                 /*IN*/ Bool             host_bigendian,
                 /*IN*/ VexArch          arch_guest,
                 /*IN*/ VexArchInfo*     archinfo_guest,
                 /*IN*/ IRType           guest_word_type,
                 /*IN*/ Bool             do_self_check,
                 /*IN*/ Bool             (*preamble_function)(void*,IRBB*),
                 /*IN*/ Int              offB_TISTART,
                 /*IN*/ Int              offB_TILEN )
   Long       delta;
   Int        i, n_instrs, first_stmt_idx;
   Bool       resteerOK, need_to_put_IP, debug_print;
   DisResult  dres;
   IRStmt*    imark;
   static Int n_resteers = 0;
   Int        d_resteers = 0;
   Int        selfcheck_idx = 0;
   IRBB*      irbb;
   Addr64     guest_IP_curr_instr;
   IRConst*   guest_IP_bbstart_IRConst = NULL;

   Bool (*resteerOKfn)(void*,Addr64) = NULL;

   debug_print = toBool(vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE);

   /* Note: for adler32 to work without % operation for the self
      check, need to limit length of stuff it scans to 5552 bytes.
      Therefore limiting the max bb len to 100 insns seems generously
      conservative. */

   /* check sanity .. */
   vassert(sizeof(HWord) == sizeof(void*));
   vassert(vex_control.guest_max_insns >= 1);
   vassert(vex_control.guest_max_insns < 100);
   vassert(vex_control.guest_chase_thresh >= 0);
   vassert(vex_control.guest_chase_thresh < vex_control.guest_max_insns);
   vassert(guest_word_type == Ity_I32 || guest_word_type == Ity_I64);

   /* Start a new, empty extent. */
   vge->n_used  = 1;
   vge->base[0] = guest_IP_bbstart;
   vge->len[0]  = 0;

   /* And a new IR BB to dump the result into. */
   irbb = emptyIRBB();

   /* Delta keeps track of how far along the guest_code array we have
      so far gone. */
   delta    = 0;
   n_instrs = 0;

   /* Guest addresses as IRConsts.  Used in the two self-checks
      generated. */
   if (do_self_check) {
         = guest_word_type==Ity_I32 
              ? IRConst_U32(toUInt(guest_IP_bbstart))
              : IRConst_U64(guest_IP_bbstart);

   /* If asked to make a self-checking translation, leave 5 spaces
      in which to put the check statements.  We'll fill them in later
      when we know the length and adler32 of the area to check. */
   if (do_self_check) {
      selfcheck_idx = irbb->stmts_used;
      addStmtToIRBB( irbb, IRStmt_NoOp() );
      addStmtToIRBB( irbb, IRStmt_NoOp() );
      addStmtToIRBB( irbb, IRStmt_NoOp() );
      addStmtToIRBB( irbb, IRStmt_NoOp() );
      addStmtToIRBB( irbb, IRStmt_NoOp() );

   /* If the caller supplied a function to add its own preamble, use
      it now. */
   if (preamble_function) {
      Bool stopNow = preamble_function( callback_opaque, irbb );
      if (stopNow) {
         /* The callback has completed the IR block without any guest
            insns being disassembled into it, so just return it at
            this point, even if a self-check was requested - as there
            is nothing to self-check.  The five self-check no-ops will
            still be in place, but they are harmless. */
         return irbb;

   /* Process instructions. */
   while (True) {
      vassert(n_instrs < vex_control.guest_max_insns);

      /* Regardless of what chase_into_ok says, is chasing permissible
         at all right now?  Set resteerOKfn accordingly. */
         = toBool(
              n_instrs < vex_control.guest_chase_thresh
              /* If making self-checking translations, don't chase
                 .. it makes the checks too complicated.  We only want
                 to scan just one sequence of bytes in the check, not
                 a whole bunch. */
              && !do_self_check
              /* we can't afford to have a resteer once we're on the
                 last extent slot. */
              && vge->n_used < 3

         = resteerOK ? chase_into_ok : const_False;

      /* This is the IP of the instruction we're just about to deal
         with. */
      guest_IP_curr_instr = guest_IP_bbstart + delta;

      /* This is the irbb statement array index of the first stmt in
         this insn.  That will always be the instruction-mark
         descriptor. */
      first_stmt_idx = irbb->stmts_used;

      /* Add an instruction-mark statement.  We won't know until after
         disassembling the instruction how long it instruction is, so
         just put in a zero length and we'll fix it up later. */
      addStmtToIRBB( irbb, IRStmt_IMark( guest_IP_curr_instr, 0 ));

      /* for the first insn, the dispatch loop will have set
         %IP, but for all the others we have to do it ourselves. */
      need_to_put_IP = toBool(n_instrs > 0);

      /* Finally, actually disassemble an instruction. */
      dres = dis_instr_fn ( irbb,
                            host_bigendian );

      /* stay sane ... */
      vassert(dres.whatNext == Dis_StopHere
              || dres.whatNext == Dis_Continue
              || dres.whatNext == Dis_Resteer);
      vassert(dres.len >= 0 && dres.len <= 20);
      if (dres.whatNext != Dis_Resteer)
         vassert(dres.continueAt == 0);

      /* Fill in the insn-mark length field. */
      vassert(first_stmt_idx >= 0 && first_stmt_idx < irbb->stmts_used);
      imark = irbb->stmts[first_stmt_idx];
      vassert(imark->tag == Ist_IMark);
      vassert(imark->Ist.IMark.len == 0);
      imark->Ist.IMark.len = toUInt(dres.len);

      /* Print the resulting IR, if needed. */
      if (vex_traceflags & VEX_TRACE_FE) {
         for (i = first_stmt_idx; i < irbb->stmts_used; i++) {
            vex_printf("              ");

      /* If dis_instr_fn terminated the BB at this point, check it
	 also filled in the irbb->next field. */
      if (dres.whatNext == Dis_StopHere) {
         vassert(irbb->next != NULL);
         if (debug_print) {
            vex_printf("              ");
            vex_printf( "goto {");
            vex_printf( "} ");
            ppIRExpr( irbb->next );
            vex_printf( "\n");

      /* Update the VexGuestExtents we are constructing. */
      /* If vex_control.guest_max_insns is required to be < 100 and
	 each insn is at max 20 bytes long, this limit of 5000 then
	 seems reasonable since the max possible extent length will be
	 100 * 20 == 2000. */
      vassert(vge->len[vge->n_used-1] < 5000);
         = toUShort(toUInt( vge->len[vge->n_used-1] + dres.len ));
      if (debug_print) 

      /* Advance delta (inconspicuous but very important :-) */
      delta += (Long)dres.len;

      switch (dres.whatNext) {
         case Dis_Continue:
            vassert(irbb->next == NULL);
            if (n_instrs < vex_control.guest_max_insns) {
               /* keep going */
            } else {
               /* We have to stop. */
                  = IRExpr_Const(
                       guest_word_type == Ity_I32
                          ? IRConst_U32(toUInt(guest_IP_bbstart+delta))
                          : IRConst_U64(guest_IP_bbstart+delta)
               goto done;
         case Dis_StopHere:
            vassert(irbb->next != NULL);
            goto done;
         case Dis_Resteer:
            /* Check that we actually allowed a resteer .. */
            vassert(irbb->next == NULL);
            /* figure out a new delta to continue at. */
            delta = dres.continueAt - guest_IP_bbstart;
            /* we now have to start a new extent slot. */
            vassert(vge->n_used <= 3);
            vge->base[vge->n_used-1] = dres.continueAt;
            vge->len[vge->n_used-1] = 0;
            if (0 && (n_resteers & 0xFF) == 0)
            vex_printf("resteer[%d,%d] to 0x%llx (delta = %lld)\n",
                       n_resteers, d_resteers,
                       dres.continueAt, delta);

   /* We're done.  The only thing that might need attending to is that
      a self-checking preamble may need to be created. */
   if (do_self_check) {

      UInt     len2check, adler32;
      IRTemp   tistart_tmp, tilen_tmp;

      vassert(vge->n_used == 1);
      len2check = vge->len[0];
      if (len2check == 0) 
         len2check = 1;

     adler32 = genericg_compute_adler32( (HWord)guest_code, len2check );

     /* Set TISTART and TILEN.  These will describe to the despatcher
        the area of guest code to invalidate should we exit with a
        self-check failure. */

     tistart_tmp = newIRTemp(irbb->tyenv, guest_word_type);
     tilen_tmp   = newIRTemp(irbb->tyenv, guest_word_type);

        = IRStmt_Tmp(tistart_tmp, IRExpr_Const(guest_IP_bbstart_IRConst) );

        = IRStmt_Tmp(tilen_tmp,
                        ? IRExpr_Const(IRConst_U32(len2check)) 
                        : IRExpr_Const(IRConst_U64(len2check))

        = IRStmt_Put( offB_TISTART, IRExpr_Tmp(tistart_tmp) );

        = IRStmt_Put( offB_TILEN, IRExpr_Tmp(tilen_tmp) );

        = IRStmt_Exit( 
#if defined(__powerpc__) && defined(__powerpc64__)
                      mkIRExpr_HWord( (HWord)guest_code ), 
                      mkIRExpr_HWord( (HWord)len2check )

   return irbb;