CLIPPER setdrive() { if (! (PCOUNT==1 || ISNUM(1))) _retni(0); else _retni(setdisk(_parni(1))); }
/***************************************************************************** Syntax: CLOSE_DEV( <device_name> ) Parameters: <device_name> - a numeric value that corresponds to the desired POS device. See symbolic constants defined in PFL_CLIP.CH. Description: CLOSE_DEV() terminates or closes the communication channel of the designated device. Return values: Returns a numeric value describing the result of the process. NORMAL - Normal operation DEV_NOT_EXIST - Device not initialized INVP - Invalid parameter or invalid command See header file - PFL_CLIP.CH for details. rnr 4-19-94 *****************************************************************************/ CLIPPER close_dev(void) { int gen_status = NORMAL; /* generic error codes returned to the application */ int dev_no; /* device no */ /* validate parameters */ if (PCOUNT == 1 && ISNUM(DEV_NUM)) { dev_no = _parni(DEV_NUM); /* get device name */ /* verify if the requested device is supported */ if ( dev_no < FALSE || dev_no > NO_OF_DEVICES ) { _retni(INVP); /* device not yet supported */ return; } /* determine termination method */ switch (pos_setup[dev_no].open_method) { case 1: gen_status = close_method1(dev_no); /* file method */ break; case 2: gen_status = close_method2(dev_no); /* file method but check existing device(s) */ break; case 3: gen_status = close_method3(dev_no); /* direct or other method */ break; } _retni(gen_status); } else _retni(INVP); }
CLIPPER portin() { if (! (PCOUNT==1 || ISNUM(1))) _retni(0); else _retni((int)inportb(_parni(1))); }
CLIPPER randomic() { if (! (PCOUNT==1 || ISNUM(1))) _retni(0); else _retni(random(_parni(1))); }
CLIPPER gScrnRest(void) { /** Define C-variables to hold Clipper parameters **/ int iLeft, iTop; /* Upper left corner of screen region to save */ char *cScrFile; /* Screen Swap file */ int image_ops; /* Put image operation */ int iDelFlag; /* Delete Swap file flag */ int iMoveFlag; /* Optional Row & Column movement parameter*/ int status; /* return value */ if (PCOUNT < 3) /* Check parameters */ { _retni(grSCR_BADPARAM); return; } /** Assign Default **/ image_ops = COPY_PUT; iDelFlag = TRUE; iMoveFlag = MSCALE; /** Assign Clipper parameters to C-data types **/ iLeft = _parni(1); iTop = _parni(2); cScrFile = _parc(3); if(ISNUM(4)) image_ops = _parni(4); if(ISNUM(5)) iDelFlag = _parni(5); if(ISNUM(6)) iMoveFlag = _parni(6); status = cScrnRest( iLeft, iTop, cScrFile, image_ops, iDelFlag, iMoveFlag ); _retni(status); }
static void get_token() { char * ptr ; unsigned int n ; while ( isspace( *token_ptr ) ) token_ptr++ ; if ( !*token_ptr ) { token.type = NOTOKEN ; return ; } /* Numbers */ if ( ISNUM( *token_ptr ) ) { int num = 0 ; /* Calculate the number value */ while ( ISNUM( *token_ptr ) ) num = num * 10 + ( *token_ptr++ - '0' ) ; token.type = NUMBER ; token.code = num ; snprintf(, sizeof( ), "%d", token.code ) ; return ; } ptr = ; *ptr++ = TOUPPER( *token_ptr ) ; if ( ISWORDCHAR( *token_ptr++ ) ) while ( ISWORDCHAR( *token_ptr ) ) *ptr++ = TOUPPER( *token_ptr++ ) ; *ptr = 0 ; for ( n = 0; n <; n++ ) { if ( strcmp( (const char *)[n].Name, ) == 0 ) { token.type = IDENTIFIER ; token.code =[n].Code ; strcpy(, (char *)[n].Name ) ; return ; } } token.type = NOTOKEN ; }
/* give current player cards */ static int L_add_card(lua_State *L) { int i; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); i=TONUM(1); if(i<0) error("%s: must draw nonnegative number of cards, not %d.\n",__func__+2,i); while(i--) drawcard(currentplayer); return 0; }
/* get group[i].iskingdom */ static int L_get_group_iskingdom(lua_State *L) { int i; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); i=TONUM(1); if(i<0 || i>=groups) error("get_group_iskingdom: found %d, should be between 0 and %d.\n",i,groups-1); lua_pushnumber(L,group[i].iskingdom); return 1; }
/* set piles */ static int L_set_piles(lua_State *L) { int i; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); i=TONUM(1); if(i<0) error("set_piles: found %d, should be nonnegative.\n",i); piles=i; return 0; }
static int L_get_player_playarean(lua_State *L) { int i; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); i=TONUM(1); if(i<0 || i>=players) error("%s: illegal player number %d.\n",__func__+2,i); lua_pushnumber(L,player[i].playarean); return 1; }
/* get card[i].groupid */ static int L_get_card_groupid(lua_State *L) { int i; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); i=TONUM(1); if(i<0 || i>=cards) error("get_card_groupid: found %d, should be between 0 and %d.\n",i,cards-1); lua_pushnumber(L,card[i].groupid); return 1; }
/* get card[i].fullname */ static int L_get_card_fullname(lua_State *L) { int i; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); i=TONUM(1); if(i<0 || i>=cards) error("%s: found %d, should be between 0 and %d.\n",__func__+2,i,cards-1); lua_pushstring(L,card[i].fullname); return 1; }
/* given index, return cost of card in potions */ static int L_get_card_potion_cost(lua_State *L) { int id; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); id=TONUM(1); if(id<0 || id>=cards) error("%s: illegal index %d.\n",__func__+2,id); lua_pushnumber(L,potion_cost_L(id)); return 1; }
/* given index, return cost of card in money */ static int L_get_card_money_cost(lua_State *L) { int id; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); id=TONUM(1); if(id<0 || id>=cards) error("get_card_money_cost: illegal index %d.\n",id); lua_pushnumber(L,money_cost_L(id)); return 1; }
/* set all fields in pile to zero */ static int L_init_pile(lua_State *L) { int i; CHECKARG(1); ISNUM(1); i=TONUM(1); if(i<0 || i>=piles) error("init_pile: index %d out of bounds.\n",i); initpile(i); return 0; }
int utils_isnum(const char *str, int size) { const char *p = str; int i = size; while(i-- > 0 && *p != '\0') { if (!ISNUM(*p)) return FALSE; p++; } return TRUE; }
static unsigned long _toul(const char *s) { unsigned long res; unsigned long n; const char *p; for (p = s; *p; p++) if (!ISNUM(*p)) break; p--; res = 0; for (n = 1; p >= s; p--, n *= 10) res += (*p - '0') * n; return res; }
CLIPPER AMODPUBLIC( void ){ WORD wModule,i,wPublics; if ((PCOUNT() >= 1) && ISNUM(1) && (wLib != 0xffff) && ((wModule=_parni(1)-1) < wModules)){ wPublics=ScanModPublics(wModule); if (wPublics > 0){ _reta(wPublics); for(i=0;i <= wPublics; i++){ _storc(pcStrings[i],-1,i+1); } FreeStrings(wPublics); return; } _ret(); return; } }
CLIPPER AMODEXTERN( void ){ WORD wModule,i,wExternals; if ((PCOUNT() >= 1) && ISNUM(1) && (wLib != 0xffff) && ((wModule=_parni(1)-1) < wModules)){ wExternals=ScanModExternals(wModule); if (wExternals > 0){ _reta(wExternals); for(i=0;i <= wExternals; i++){ _storc(pcStrings[i],-1,i+1); } FreeStrings(wExternals); return; } _ret(); return; } }
CLIPPER JW_SCRAM(void) { char *temp; char *str; unsigned int len; int i; char c; if ( PCOUNT == 2 && ISCHAR(1) && ISNUM(2)) { /* get pointer to param */ str = _parc(1); /* get strings length */ len = _parclen(1); /* allocate temp buffer */ temp = _xgrab(len+1); /* put null byte */ temp[len] = '\0'; /* get encrypting value */ i = _parni(2); /* convert to char */ c = (char)i; /* copy input string to buffer XORing and 2's complementing as we go */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { temp[i] = ~(str[i] ^ c); } /* post modified value as CLIPPER return */ _retclen(temp, len); /* free buffer */ _xfree(temp); } else { /* bad param */ _ret(); } }
static ULONG_PTR _toulptr(const TCHAR *s) { ULONG_PTR res; ULONG_PTR n; const TCHAR *p; for (p = s; *p; p++) if (!ISNUM(*p)) break; p--; res = 0; for (n = 1; p >= s; p--, n *= 10) res += (*p - '0') * n; return res; }
CLIPPER set_dev(void) { int gen_status = NORMAL; /* generic error codes returned to the application */ int dev_no; /* device no */ /* validate parameters */ if (PCOUNT == 1 && ISNUM(DEV_NUM)) { dev_no = _parni(DEV_NUM); /* get device name */ /* verify if the requested device is supported */ if ( dev_no < 0 || dev_no > NO_OF_DEVICES ) { _retni(INVP); /* device not yet supported */ return; } /* verify initial status */ if ( pos_setup[dev_no].init_flag ) { _retni(DEV_EXIST); /* device already initialized */ return; } /* initialize device */ switch (pos_setup[dev_no].open_method) /* determine initialization method */ { case 1: gen_status = init_method1(dev_no); /* file method */ break; case 2: gen_status = init_method2(dev_no); /* file method but check existing device(s) */ break; case 3: gen_status = init_method3(dev_no); /* direct or other method */ break; } /* perform additional hardware checking or initialization */ if (pos_setup[dev_no].device_check && gen_status == NORMAL) gen_status = pos_device_chk(dev_no); _retni(gen_status); } else _retni(INVP); }
CLIPPER veri_init() { int status; unsigned char baud_rate, parity, stop_bit, data_bit, protocol; if (PCOUNT == 1 && ISNUM(PORT_NUM)) { port_no = _parni(PORT_NUM); baud_rate = BR_9600; parity = P_EVEN; stop_bit = SB_1; data_bit = DB_7; protocol = 0; status = pfl_com_init(port_no, (baud_rate | parity | stop_bit | data_bit), protocol); _retni(status); } else _retni(INVP); }
/* * Simple routine to parse an ascii DECnet address * into a network order address. */ static int parse_addr(__le16 *addr, char *str) { __u16 area, node; while(*str && !ISNUM(*str)) str++; if (*str == 0) return -1; area = (*str++ - '0'); if (ISNUM(*str)) { area *= 10; area += (*str++ - '0'); } if (*str++ != '.') return -1; if (!ISNUM(*str)) return -1; node = *str++ - '0'; if (ISNUM(*str)) { node *= 10; node += (*str++ - '0'); } if (ISNUM(*str)) { node *= 10; node += (*str++ - '0'); } if (ISNUM(*str)) { node *= 10; node += (*str++ - '0'); } if ((node > 1023) || (area > 63)) return -1; if (INVALID_END_CHAR(*str)) return -1; *addr = cpu_to_le16((area << 10) | node); return 0; }
bool bpx_is_float(TERM t) { XDEREF(t); return ISNUM(t); }
/* helper function */ static void do_atnum( int iSwitch ) { if( ( ISCHAR( 1 ) ) && ( ISCHAR( 2 ) ) ) { const char * pcStringToMatch = hb_parc( 1 ); HB_SIZE sStrToMatchLen = hb_parclen( 1 ); const char * pcString = hb_parc( 2 ); HB_SIZE sStrLen = hb_parclen( 2 ); int iMultiPass = ct_getatmupa(); int iAtLike = ct_getatlike(); char cAtLike = ct_getatlikechar(); HB_SIZE sIgnore, sMatchStrLen = 0; ULONG ulCounter; const char * pc = NULL; /* eventually ignore some characters */ if( ISNUM( 4 ) ) sIgnore = ( size_t ) hb_parnl( 4 ); else sIgnore = 0; if( sIgnore >= sStrLen ) { switch( iSwitch ) { case DO_ATNUM_AFTERATNUM: { /* AFTERATNUM */ int iArgErrorMode = ct_getargerrormode(); if( iArgErrorMode != CT_ARGERR_IGNORE ) { ct_error( ( USHORT ) iArgErrorMode, EG_ARG, CT_ERROR_AFTERATNUM, NULL, "AFTERATNUM", 0, EF_CANDEFAULT, 4, hb_paramError( 1 ), hb_paramError( 2 ), hb_paramError( 3 ), hb_paramError( 4 ) ); } ; hb_retc( "" ); }; break; case DO_ATNUM_BEFORATNUM: { /* BEFORATNUM */ int iArgErrorMode = ct_getargerrormode(); if( iArgErrorMode != CT_ARGERR_IGNORE ) { ct_error( ( USHORT ) iArgErrorMode, EG_ARG, CT_ERROR_BEFORATNUM, NULL, "BEFORATNUM", 0, EF_CANDEFAULT, 4, hb_paramError( 1 ), hb_paramError( 2 ), hb_paramError( 3 ), hb_paramError( 4 ) ); } ; hb_retc( "" ); }; break; case DO_ATNUM_ATNUM: { /* ATNUM */ int iArgErrorMode = ct_getargerrormode(); if( iArgErrorMode != CT_ARGERR_IGNORE ) { ct_error( ( USHORT ) iArgErrorMode, EG_ARG, CT_ERROR_ATNUM, NULL, "ATNUM", 0, EF_CANDEFAULT, 4, hb_paramError( 1 ), hb_paramError( 2 ), hb_paramError( 3 ), hb_paramError( 4 ) ); } ; hb_retnl( 0 ); }; break; } return; } else { pcString += sIgnore; sStrLen -= sIgnore; } /* nth match or last match ? */ if( ISNUM( 3 ) && ( ( ulCounter = hb_parnl( 3 ) ) != 0 ) ) { /* find the <ulCounter>th match */ const char * pcSubStr; HB_SIZE sSubStrLen; ULONG ulMatchCounter = 0; pcSubStr = pcString; sSubStrLen = sStrLen; while( ulMatchCounter < ulCounter ) { switch( iAtLike ) { case CT_SETATLIKE_EXACT: { pc = ct_at_exact_forward( pcSubStr, sSubStrLen, pcStringToMatch, sStrToMatchLen, &sMatchStrLen ); }; break; case CT_SETATLIKE_WILDCARD: { pc = ct_at_wildcard_forward( pcSubStr, sSubStrLen, pcStringToMatch, sStrToMatchLen, cAtLike, &sMatchStrLen ); }; break; default: { pc = NULL; }; } if( pc == NULL ) { /* no match found; if this happens at this point, there are no <ulCounter> matches, so return an empty string */ switch( iSwitch ) { case DO_ATNUM_AFTERATNUM: case DO_ATNUM_BEFORATNUM: { /* AFTERATNUM */ /* BEFORATNUM */ hb_retc( "" ); }; break; case DO_ATNUM_ATNUM: { /* ATNUM */ hb_retnl( 0 ); }; break; } return; } ulMatchCounter++; if( iMultiPass ) pcSubStr = pc + 1; else pcSubStr = pc + sMatchStrLen; sSubStrLen = sStrLen - ( pcSubStr - pcString ); } } else /* (ISNUM (3) && ((ulCounter = hb_parnl (3)) != 0) */ { /* we have to find the last match and return the string after that last match */ switch( iAtLike ) { case CT_SETATLIKE_EXACT: { pc = ct_at_exact_backward( pcString, sStrLen, pcStringToMatch, sStrToMatchLen, &sMatchStrLen ); }; break; case CT_SETATLIKE_WILDCARD: { pc = ct_at_wildcard_backward( pcString, sStrLen, pcStringToMatch, sStrToMatchLen, cAtLike, &sMatchStrLen ); }; break; default: { pc = NULL; }; } if( pc == NULL ) { /* no matches found */ switch( iSwitch ) { case DO_ATNUM_AFTERATNUM: case DO_ATNUM_BEFORATNUM: { /* AFTERATNUM */ /* BEFORATNUM */ hb_retc( "" ); }; break; case DO_ATNUM_ATNUM: { /* ATNUM */ hb_retnl( 0 ); }; break; } return; } } switch( iSwitch ) { case DO_ATNUM_AFTERATNUM: { /* AFTERATNUM */ if( pc + sMatchStrLen >= pcString + sStrLen ) hb_retc( "" ); else hb_retclen( pc + sMatchStrLen, sStrLen - ( pc + sMatchStrLen - pcString ) ); }; break; case DO_ATNUM_BEFORATNUM: { /* BEFORATNUM */ hb_retclen( pcString - sIgnore, pc - ( pcString - sIgnore ) ); }; break; case DO_ATNUM_ATNUM: { /* ATNUM */ hb_retns( pc - ( pcString - sIgnore ) + 1 ); }; break; } } else /* ((ISCHAR (1)) && (ISCHAR (2))) */ { switch( iSwitch ) { case DO_ATNUM_AFTERATNUM: case DO_ATNUM_BEFORATNUM: { /* AFTERATNUM */ PHB_ITEM pSubst = NULL; int iArgErrorMode = ct_getargerrormode(); if( iArgErrorMode != CT_ARGERR_IGNORE ) { pSubst = ct_error_subst( ( USHORT ) iArgErrorMode, EG_ARG, ( iSwitch == DO_ATNUM_AFTERATNUM ? CT_ERROR_AFTERATNUM : CT_ERROR_BEFORATNUM ), NULL, ( iSwitch == DO_ATNUM_AFTERATNUM ? "AFTERATNUM" : "BEFORATNUM" ), 0, EF_CANSUBSTITUTE, 4, hb_paramError( 1 ), hb_paramError( 2 ), hb_paramError( 3 ), hb_paramError( 4 ) ); } if( pSubst != NULL ) { hb_itemRelease( hb_itemReturnForward( pSubst ) ); } else { hb_retc( "" ); } }; break; case DO_ATNUM_ATNUM: { /* ATNUM */ PHB_ITEM pSubst = NULL; int iArgErrorMode = ct_getargerrormode(); if( iArgErrorMode != CT_ARGERR_IGNORE ) { pSubst = ct_error_subst( ( USHORT ) iArgErrorMode, EG_ARG, CT_ERROR_ATNUM, NULL, "ATNUM", 0, EF_CANSUBSTITUTE, 4, hb_paramError( 1 ), hb_paramError( 2 ), hb_paramError( 3 ), hb_paramError( 4 ) ); } if( pSubst != NULL ) { hb_itemRelease( hb_itemReturnForward( pSubst ) ); } else { hb_retnl( 0 ); } }; break; } } }
/* helper function for the justxxx() functions */ static void do_justify( int iSwitch ) { int iNoRet; iNoRet = ct_getref() && ISBYREF( 1 ); if( ISCHAR( 1 ) ) { const char * pcString = hb_parc( 1 ); HB_SIZE sStrLen = hb_parclen( 1 ); char cJustChar; const char * pc; char * pcRet, * pcw; HB_SIZE sJustOffset; if( sStrLen == 0 ) { if( iNoRet ) hb_ret(); else hb_retc_null(); return; } if( hb_parclen( 2 ) > 0 ) cJustChar = *( hb_parc( 2 ) ); else if( ISNUM( 2 ) ) cJustChar = ( char ) ( hb_parnl( 2 ) % 256 ); else cJustChar = 0x20; pcRet = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( sStrLen + 1 ); switch( iSwitch ) { case DO_JUSTIFY_JUSTLEFT: pc = pcString; sJustOffset = 0; while( ( *pc == cJustChar ) && ( pc < pcString + sStrLen ) ) { sJustOffset++; pc++; } hb_xmemcpy( pcRet, pcString + sJustOffset, (size_t) ( sStrLen - sJustOffset ) ); for( pcw = pcRet + sStrLen - sJustOffset; pcw < pcRet + sStrLen; pcw++ ) { *pcw = cJustChar; } break; case DO_JUSTIFY_JUSTRIGHT: pc = pcString + sStrLen - 1; sJustOffset = 0; while( ( *pc == cJustChar ) && ( pc >= pcString ) ) { sJustOffset++; pc--; } for( pcw = pcRet; pcw < pcRet + sJustOffset; pcw++ ) { *pcw = cJustChar; } hb_xmemcpy( pcRet + sJustOffset, pcString, (size_t) ( sStrLen - sJustOffset ) ); break; } if( ISBYREF( 1 ) ) hb_storclen( pcRet, sStrLen, 1 ); if( iNoRet ) { hb_ret(); hb_xfree( pcRet ); } else hb_retclen_buffer( pcRet, sStrLen ); } else /* ISCHAR( 1 ) */ { PHB_ITEM pSubst = NULL; int iArgErrorMode = ct_getargerrormode(); if( iArgErrorMode != CT_ARGERR_IGNORE ) { pSubst = ct_error_subst( ( USHORT ) iArgErrorMode, EG_ARG, iSwitch == DO_JUSTIFY_JUSTLEFT ? CT_ERROR_JUSTLEFT : CT_ERROR_JUSTRIGHT, NULL, HB_ERR_FUNCNAME, 0, EF_CANSUBSTITUTE, HB_ERR_ARGS_BASEPARAMS ); } if( pSubst != NULL ) hb_itemReturnRelease( pSubst ); else if( iNoRet ) hb_ret(); else hb_retc_null(); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLIPPER WBRWPANE( void ) // ( hWnd, hDC, Self, bLine, aSizes, nFirstItem, // nClrFore, nClrBack, hFont, aJustify, nStyle // lCellStyle, lFocused ) -> nRowsSkipped // bTextColor, bBkColor, nClrLine, nColorFondo, bFont ) // New's by CesoTech { HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 ); HDC hDC = ( HDC ) _parnl( 2 ); WORD wRows; WORD wLastBottom = 0; WORD wRow = 1; WORD wSkipped = 1; void * Self = _param( 3, -1 ); void * bLine = _param( 4, -1 ); void * pASizes = _param( 5, -1 ); HFONT hFont = ( HFONT ) _parnl( 9 ); HFONT hOldFont; BOOL bDestroyDC = FALSE; WORD wHeight ; RECT rct, box, client; WORD wIndex = _parni( 6 ); void * bClrFore = 0; void * bClrBack = 0; COLORREF clrFore = 0; COLORREF clrBack = 0; HPEN hGrayPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ) ; // RGB( 128, 128, 128 ) ); HPEN hWhitePen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ) ); // GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN ); BOOL bColBlock = ( _itemType( pASizes ) & BLOCK ); void * pAJustify = ISARRAY( 10 ) ? _param( 10, -1 ): 0; WORD nHeightCtrl ; // by CeSoTech WORD nStyle = _parni( 11 ); if( PCOUNT() > 6 ) { if( ISBLOCK( 7 ) ) bClrFore = _param( 7, -1 ); else clrFore = _parnl( 7 ); } if( PCOUNT() > 7 ) { if( ISBLOCK( 8 ) ) { bClrBack = _param( 8, -1 ); _cEval0( bClrBack ); clrBack = _parnl( -1 ); } else clrBack = _parnl( 8 ); } if( ! hDC ) { bDestroyDC = TRUE; hDC = GetDC( hWnd ); } if( ! pSkip ) pSkip = _get_sym( "SKIP" ); if( hFont ) hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, hFont ); ///////////////////////// // Borremos el Area de la derecha no coubierta if ( !bAdjBrowse && !bAdjLastCol ) { GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct ); SetBkColor( hDC, _parnl( 17 ) ) ; for( wIndex=wIndex ; wIndex <= (WORD) _parinfa( 5, NULL); wIndex++ ) { rct.left += _parni( 5, wIndex ) ; } if ( !(nStyle == 0 || nStyle == 7 || nStyle == 8 || nStyle == 3) ) rct.left++; ExtTextOut( hDC, rct.left,, ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED, &rct, "", 0, 0 ); wIndex = _parni( 6 ); GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct ); } ///////////////////////// GetClientRect( hWnd, &client ); nHeightCtrl = ; // by CeSoTech wHeight = wLineHeight + 1 ; wRows = WBrwRowsC( hWnd, hDC, hFont ); if( ! bClrFore ) SetTextColor( hDC, clrFore ); SetBkColor( hDC, clrBack ); while( wRow <= wRows && wSkipped == 1 ) { = + ( bDrawHeaders ? wHeaderHeight+1 : 0 ) + (wHeight * (wRow-1) ) ; rct.bottom = + wHeight; rct.left = 0; rct.right = client.right; _cEval0( bLine ); _xpushm( _eval ); if( bClrFore ) { _cEval0( bClrFore ); SetTextColor( hDC, _parnl( -1 ) ); } if( bClrBack ) { _cEval0( bClrBack ); SetBkColor( hDC, _parnl( -1 ) ); } if( bColBlock ) _cEval0( pASizes ); PaintTheLine( hDC, &rct, wIndex, _tos, ( bColBlock ? _eval : pASizes ), hWhitePen, hGrayPen, bColBlock, pAJustify, 0, FALSE, _parni( 11 ), _parni ( 12 ), _parl( 13 ), ISBLOCK( 14 ) ? _param( 14, -1 ) : 0, // CeSoTech ISBLOCK( 15 ) ? _param( 15, -1 ) : 0, // CeSoTech wRow, nHeightCtrl, // CeSoTech ISNUM( 16 ) ? _parnl( 16 ) : -1, // CeSoTech FALSE, FALSE, // CeSoTech ISBLOCK( 18 ) ? _param( 18, -1 ) : 0, // CeSoTech FALSE ) ; _0POP(); _putsym( pSkip ); _xpushm( Self ); _putq( 1 ); _xsend( 1 ); wLastBottom = rct.bottom ; wSkipped = _parni( -1 ); if( wSkipped == 1 ) wRow++; } //////////////////////// // Borremos el Area de Abajo no cubierta GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct ); SetBkColor( hDC, _parnl( 17 ) ) ; = wLastBottom + 1 ; if ( wLastBottom == 0 ) // No Mostro Registros = ( bDrawHeaders ? wHeaderHeight+1 : 0 ) ; rct.bottom-= 1 + ( bDrawFooters ? wFooterHeight+1 : 0 ) ; if (nStyle == 0 || nStyle == 5 || nStyle == 6 || nStyle == 9 || nStyle == 10 || nStyle == 3 ); if ( !bDrawFooters ) rct.bottom++; if ( < rct.bottom ) { ExtTextOut( hDC, rct.left,, ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED, &rct, "", 0, 0 ); } //////////////////////// DeleteObject( hGrayPen ); DeleteObject( hWhitePen ); if( hFont ) SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont ); if( bDestroyDC ) ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC ); _retni( wRow ); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLIPPER WBRWRECT( void ) // ( hWnd, nRow, aSizes, nFirstItem, nCol, // nLineStyle, nWidthVScroll ) { HWND hWnd = ( HWND ) _parnl( 1 ); HDC hDC = GetDC( hWnd ); WORD wRow = _parni( 2 ); WORD wHeight ; RECT rct; WORD nStyle = ISNUM( 6 ) ? _parni( 6 ) : -1 ; // CeSoTech void * paSizes = _param( 3, S_ARRAY ); WORD wLen = _VARRAYLEN( paSizes ); WORD wIndex = _parni( 4 ); WORD wCol = _parni( 5 ); WORD wMaxRight; LONG l; if( !wCol || wCol > wLen ) return; GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rct ); wMaxRight = rct.right - 2; wHeight = wLineHeight + 1 ; = + ( bDrawHeaders ? wHeaderHeight+1 : 0 ) + (wHeight * (wRow-1) ) ; rct.bottom = + wHeight; rct.right = rct.left; while( wIndex <= wCol ) { rct.left = rct.right; rct.right = ( wIndex == wLen && bAdjLastCol ? wMaxRight : rct.left + GetInt( paSizes, wIndex ) ); if( rct.right >= wMaxRight ) { wIndex = wCol + 1; // ya no pintamos m s rct.right = wMaxRight; } else wIndex++; } ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC ); _reta( 4 ); // Si es un estilo sin separadores horizontales, pintar uno mas arriba //CeSoTech para que que bien completa el area !!! if (nStyle == 0 || nStyle == 5 || nStyle == 6 || nStyle == 9 || nStyle == 10) ; // Las edicion deberan ser mas arriba tambien !!! _storni(, -1, 1 ); _storni( rct.left, -1, 2 ); _storni( rct.bottom, -1, 3 ); _storni( ( wMaxRight <= rct.right ) ? wMaxRight - _parni( 7 ) : rct.right, -1, 4 ); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLIPPER WBRWLINE( void ) // ( hWnd, hDC, nRow, aText, aSizes, nFirstItem, ; // nClrFore, nClrBack, hFont, lTree, aJustify, nPressed, // nStyle, nColAct, lFocused ) // bTextColor, bBkColor, nClrLine, lFooter, lSelect, // bFont, lDrawFocusRect ) // New's by CesoTech { HWND hWnd = (HWND) _parnl( 1 ); HDC hDC = (HDC) _parnl( 2 ); WORD wRow = _parni( 3 ); BOOL bDestroyDC = FALSE; WORD wHeight; RECT rct, box; void * bClrFore; void * bClrBack; COLORREF clrFore = 0; COLORREF clrBack = 0; HPEN hGrayPen ; HPEN hWhitePen ; HFONT hFont = (HFONT) _parnl( 9 ); HFONT hOldFont; BOOL bTree = _parl( 10 ); BOOL bFooter = ISLOGICAL( 19 ) ? _parl( 19 ) : FALSE ; // CeSoTech WORD nHeightCtrl ; // by CeSoTech hGrayPen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) ) ; // RGB( 128, 128, 128 ) ); hWhitePen = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ) ); // GetStockObject( WHITE_PEN ); if( PCOUNT() > 6 ) { if( ISBLOCK( 7 ) ) { bClrFore = _param( 7, -1 ); _cEval0( bClrFore ); clrFore = _parnl( -1 ); } else { clrFore = _parnl( 7 ); } } if( PCOUNT() > 7 ) { if( ISBLOCK( 8 ) ) { bClrBack = _param( 8, -1 ); _cEval0( bClrBack ); clrBack = _parnl( -1 ); } else { clrBack = _parnl( 8 ); } } if( ! hDC ) { bDestroyDC = TRUE; hDC = GetDC( hWnd ); } if( hFont ) hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, hFont ); GetClientRect( hWnd, &rct ); nHeightCtrl = ; // by CeSoTech SetTextColor( hDC, clrFore ); SetBkColor( hDC, clrBack ); wHeight = wLineHeight + 1 ; if ( ( wRow == 0 ) && bDrawHeaders ) // Es una Cabecera wHeight = wHeaderHeight + 1 ; if ( ! bFooter ) { if ( ( wRow == 0 ) && bDrawHeaders ) // Es una Cabecera { = 0 ; rct.bottom = wHeaderHeight + 1 ; } else { = ( bDrawHeaders ? wHeaderHeight+1 : 0 ) + (wHeight * (wRow-1) ) ; rct.bottom = ( bDrawHeaders ? wHeaderHeight+1 : 0 ) + (wHeight * wRow) ; } } else { = rct.bottom - (wFooterHeight+1) ; } rct.left = 0; PaintTheLine( hDC, &rct, _parni( 6 ), _param( 4, -1 ), _param( 5, -1 ), hWhitePen, hGrayPen, bTree, ISARRAY(11) ? _param( 11, -1 ) : 0, _parni( 12 ), (wRow == 0), _parni( 13 ), _parni( 14 ), _parl( 15 ), ISBLOCK( 16 ) ? _param( 16, -1 ) : 0, // CeSoTech ISBLOCK( 17 ) ? _param( 17, -1 ) : 0, // CeSoTech wRow, nHeightCtrl, // CeSoTech ISNUM( 18 ) ? _parnl( 18 ) : -1, // CeSoTech bFooter, // CeSoTech ISLOGICAL( 20 ) ? _parl( 20 ) : FALSE, // CeSoTech ISBLOCK( 21 ) ? _param( 21, -1 ) : 0, // CeSoTech ISLOGICAL( 22 ) ? _parl( 22 ) : FALSE );// CeSoTech DeleteObject( hGrayPen ); DeleteObject( hWhitePen ); if( hFont ) SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont ); if( bDestroyDC ) ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC ); _reta( 2 ); _storni(, -1, 1 ); _storni( rct.bottom, -1, 2 ); }