Beispiel #1
xbasename (const_string name)
    const_string base = name;
    const_string p;

        base += 2;

    else if (IS_UNC_NAME(name)) {
        unsigned limit;

        for (limit = 2; name[limit] && !IS_DIR_SEP (name[limit]); limit++)
        if (name[limit++] && name[limit] && !IS_DIR_SEP (name[limit])) {
            for (; name[limit] && !IS_DIR_SEP (name[limit]); limit++)
        } else
            /* malformed UNC name, backup */
            limit = 0;
        base += limit;

    for (p = base; *p; p++) {
        if (IS_DIR_SEP(*p))
            base = p + 1;
#if defined(WIN32) && defined (KPSE_COMPAT_API)
        else if (IS_KANJI(p))

    return base;
Beispiel #2
main (int ac, string *av)
#  ifdef __EMX__
    _wildcard(&ac, &av);
    _response(&ac, &av);
#  endif

#  ifdef WIN32
#    ifdef _MSC_VER
#    endif
    av[0] = kpse_program_basename (av[0]);
    We choose to crash for fatal errors:

    setmode(fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
#  endif

    lua_initialize(ac, av);

#  ifdef WIN32
    if (ac > 1) {
        char *pp;
        if ((strlen(av[ac-1]) > 2) && isalpha(av[ac-1][0]) && (av[ac-1][1] == ':') && (av[ac-1][2] == '\\')) {
            for (pp=av[ac-1]+2; *pp; pp++) {
            if (IS_KANJI(pp)) {
            if (*pp == '\\')
                *pp = '/';
#  endif

        Call the real main program.

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #3
static unsigned
hash (hash_table_type table,  const_string key)
  unsigned n = 0;

  /* Our keys aren't often anagrams of each other, so no point in
     weighting the characters.  */
  while (*key != 0)
#if defined (WIN32) && defined (KPSE_COMPAT_API)
    if (IS_KANJI(key)) {
      n = (n + n + (unsigned)(*key++)) % table.size;
      n = (n + n + (unsigned)(*key++)) % table.size;
    } else
    n = (n + n + TRANSFORM (*key++)) % table.size;

  return n;
Beispiel #4
char * get_home_directory()
  char *p;
  char *home = getenv("HOME");
    home = getenv("USERPROFILE");
  if(home) {
    home = xstrdup(home);
    for(p = home; *p; p++) {
      if(IS_KANJI(p)) {
      if(*p == '\\')
        *p = '/';
  return home;
Beispiel #5
kpathsea_normalize_path (kpathsea kpse, string elt)
  unsigned ret;
  unsigned i;

#if defined(WIN32)
  for (i = 0; elt[i]; i++) {
    if (elt[i] == '\\')
      elt[i] = '/';
    else if (IS_KANJI(elt + i))

    if (*elt >= 'A' && *elt <= 'Z')
      *elt += 'a' - 'A';
    ret = 2;

  } else if (IS_UNC_NAME(elt)) {
    for (ret = 2; elt[ret] && !IS_DIR_SEP_CH(elt[ret]); ret++)

  } else
    ret = 0;

  for (i = ret; IS_DIR_SEP_CH(elt[i]); ++i)
  if (i > ret + 1) {
    DEBUGF2 ("kpse_normalize_path (%s) => %u\n", elt, ret);
#endif /* KPSE_DEBUG */

    memmove (elt + ret + 1, elt + i, strlen (elt + i) + 1);

  return ret;
Beispiel #6
main (int ac, char **av)
  char rbuff[TBUF];
  char buff[TBUF];
  char savebuff[TBUF];
  char cmd[TBUF];
  char mffile[TBUF];
  char *arg[4];
  static char execfile[TBUF];

  char kpsedot[TBUF];
  char currdir[TBUF];
  char *tmp;
  int cdrive, tdrive;

  FILE *fr, *fw, *fnul;

  int i, savo, savi;
  char *p, *fp, *fpp;
  int issetdest;
  char fontname[TBUF];

  char texbindir[TBUF];
  char fullbin[TBUF];

  kpse_set_program_name (av[0], NULL);
  progname = kpse_program_name;

 * get tex binary dir
  p = kpse_var_value("SELFAUTOLOC");
  if(p == 0) {
     fprintf(stderr, "I cannot get SELFAUTOLOC\n");
  strcpy(texbindir, p);
  for(p=texbindir; *p; p++) {
     if(*p == '/') *p = '\\';
  *p = '\\';
  *(p+1) = '\0';

  tmp = getenv ("TEMP");
  if (!tmp)
    tmp = getenv ("TMP");
  if (!tmp)
    tmp = getenv ("TMPDIR");
  if (!tmp) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Please define TEMP | TMP | TMPDIR.\n");
    return (100);

  tmp = xstrdup(tmp);

  for (fpp = tmp; *fpp; fpp++) {
    if (IS_KANJI(fpp))
    else if (*fpp == '\\')
      *fpp = '/';
issetdest = 0 : TDS
issetdest = 1 : user setting
issetdest = 2 : current directory

  issetdest = 0;

  if (ac < 2) {
    usage ();
    return (100);

  if ((!strcmp (av[1], "--version")) || (!strcmp (av[1], "-version"))) {
    version ();
    return (100);

  if ((!strcmp (av[1], "--help")) || (!strcmp (av[1], "-help"))) {
    help ();
    return (100);

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    arg[i] = (char *) malloc (TBUF);

  if ((!strcmp (av[1], "--destdir")) || (!strcmp (av[1], "-destdir"))) {
    if (ac != 4) {
      usage ();
      relmem (arg);
      return (100);
    issetdest = 1;
    if (strlen(av[2]) > TBUF - 1 || strlen(av[3]) > TBUF - 1) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Too long a string.\n");
      return (100);
    strcpy (buff, av[2]);
    strcpy (fontname, av[3]);
    for (p = buff; *p; p++) {
      if (IS_KANJI(p))
      else if (*p == '\\')
        *p = '/';
  } else {
    if (strlen(av[1]) > TBUF - 1) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Too long a string.\n");
      return (100);
    strcpy (fontname, av[1]);

  /* fontname = font name
  if ((p = strrchr (fontname, '.')))
    *p = '\0';

  /* mffile is METAFONT file name
  strcpy (mffile, fontname);
  strcat (mffile, ".mf");

  if (!(fp = kpse_var_value ("MFINPUTS"))) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot get value of MFINPUTS\n");
    relmem (arg);
    return (100);

  free (fp);

  xputenv("MKTEXMF", "1");
  if (!(p = kpse_find_file (mffile, kpse_mf_format, 1))) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot find %s.\n", mffile);
    relmem (arg);
    return (100);

  fpp = _getcwd (currdir, TBUF);
  if (!fpp) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Failed to get current working directory.\n");
    relmem (arg);
    return (100);
  for (fpp = currdir; *fpp; fpp++) {
    if (IS_KANJI(fpp))
    else if (*fpp == '\\')
      *fpp = '/';

  i = (int)strlen (currdir);
  if (currdir[i - 1] == '/')
    currdir[i - 1] = '\0';
  strcpy (kpsedot, "KPSE_DOT=.;");
  strcat (kpsedot, currdir);
  _putenv (kpsedot);

  if ((p[0] == '.') && (p[1] == '/') && (issetdest != 1)) {
    issetdest = 2;
    strcpy (buff, currdir);

  if (issetdest == 0) {
    /* now path of ${name}.mf is in p */
    strcpy (arg[0], "Dummy");
    strcpy (arg[1], "tfm");
    strcpy (arg[2], p);

    if (!(p = getdestdir (3, arg))) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Cannot get destination directory name.\n");
      relmem (arg);
      return (100);
    strcpy (buff, p);

/* Now buff is the destdir */
  p = buff;

  i = (int)strlen (p);

  if (p[i - 1] != '/')
    strcat (p, "/");
  strcat (p, fontname);
  strcat (p, ".tfm");

/* now p (or buff) is the full path name of the tfm font */
/* check if it exists */
  if (_access (p, 0) == 0) {
    fprintf (stderr, "%s exists\n", p);
    printf ("%s\n", p);
    relmem (arg);
    return (0);

  cdrive = _getdrive ();
  if (tmp[1] == ':') {
    tdrive = tolower (*tmp) - 'a' + 1;
    _chdrive (tdrive);
  _chdir (tmp);

/* save stdout and stdin */
  savo = _dup (fileno (stdout));
  savi = _dup (fileno (stdin));

/* connect stdout to stderr */
  _dup2 (fileno (stderr), fileno (stdout));

/* connect stdin to nul device */
  if (!(fnul = fopen ("nul", "r"))) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open nul device to read\n");
    relmem (arg);
    _chdrive (cdrive);
    _chdir (currdir);
    return (100);
  _dup2 (fileno (fnul), fileno (stdin));

/* METAFONT command line */
  strcpy (cmd, "--progname=mf --base=mf ");
  strcat (cmd, "\\mode:=ljfour; \\mag:=1; nonstopmode; input ");
  strcat (cmd, fontname);
  strcat (cmd, ";");

  strcpy (execfile, "mf-nowin.exe");
  fprintf (stderr, "%s %s\n", execfile, cmd);
  strcpy(fullbin, texbindir);
  strcat(fullbin, execfile);
  (void) _spawnlp (_P_WAIT, fullbin, execfile, cmd, NULL);

/* return to original stdout and stdin */
  _dup2 (savo, fileno (stdout));
  close (savo);
  _dup2 (savi, fileno (stdin));
  close (savi);

/* close nul device */
  fclose (fnul);

/* check consistency */
  strcpy (cmd, fontname);
  strcat (cmd, ".600gf");

  if (_access (cmd, 0) == -1) {
    fprintf (stderr, "METAFONT failed to make gf font.\n");
    relmem (arg);
    _chdrive (cdrive);
    _chdir (currdir);
    return (100);

  remove (cmd);

  strcpy (cmd, fontname);
  strcat (cmd, ".tfm");

/* copy the tfm file */
  if (!(fr = fopen (cmd, "rb"))) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open %s to read\n", cmd);
    _chdrive (cdrive);
    _chdir (currdir);
    relmem (arg);
    return (100);
  if (!(fw = fopen (buff, "wb"))) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open %s to write\n", buff);
    _chdrive (cdrive);
    _chdir (currdir);
    relmem (arg);
    return (100);

  while ((i = (int)fread (rbuff, 1, TBUF, fr)))
    fwrite (rbuff, 1, i, fw);
  fclose (fr);
  fclose (fw);

  strcpy(savebuff, buff);

  copy log file into the current directory
  in the case that issetdest == 2,
  because feynmf package requires the
  log file.

  if(issetdest == 2) {
    i = (int)strlen(buff);
    if(i > 3) {
      i -= 4;
      buff[i] = '\0';
      strcat(buff, ".log");
      strcpy(cmd, fontname);
      strcat(cmd, ".log");
      if (!(fr = fopen (cmd, "rb"))) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open %s to read\n", cmd);
        _chdrive (cdrive);
        _chdir (currdir);
        relmem (arg);
        return (100);
      if (!(fw = fopen (buff, "wb"))) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open %s to write\n", buff);
        _chdrive (cdrive);
        _chdir (currdir);
        relmem (arg);
        return (100);
      while ((i = (int)fread (rbuff, 1, TBUF, fr)))
        fwrite (rbuff, 1, i, fw);
      fclose (fr);
      fclose (fw);

  relmem (arg);
  if(issetdest != 2)
    mktexupd (savebuff);

/* erase files */
  strcpy (cmd, fontname);
  strcat (cmd, ".log");
  remove (cmd);

  strcpy (cmd, fontname);
  strcat (cmd, ".tfm");
  remove (cmd);

  _chdrive (cdrive);
  _chdir (currdir);

/* send message to Kpathsea */
  printf ("%s\n", savebuff);

  return (0);
Beispiel #7
int getlongpath(char *buff, char *input, int len)
   HANDLE hnd;
   WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd;
   int  cnt = 0;
   char *p, *q, *r;

   buff[0] = '\0';
temporarily change directory separators into back slashs
   for(p = input; *p; p++) {
      if(*p == '/')
         *p = '\\';

   p = q = input;
   r = buff;

UNC name
   if(q[0] == '\\' && q[1] == '\\') {
      cnt += 2;
      if(cnt > len) return 0;
      buff[0] = '/';
      buff[1] = '/';
      p += 2;
      r += 2;
      while(*p != '\\' && *p) {
         if (IS_KANJI(p)) {
            if(cnt > len) return 0;
            *r++ = *p++;
         if(cnt > len) return 0;
         *r++ = *p++;
      if(cnt > len) return 0;
      *r++ = '/';
      if(*p) p++;
      while(*p != '\\' && *p) {
         if (IS_KANJI(p)) {
            if(cnt > len) return 0;
            *r++ = *p++;
         if(cnt > len) return 0;
         *r++ = *p++;
      if(cnt > len) return 0;
      *r++ = '/';
      *r= '\0';
      if(*p) p++;
drive name
   } else if(isalpha(q[0]) && q[1] == ':' && q[2] == '\\') {
      *r++ = q[0];
      *r++ = ':';
      *r++ = '/';
      *r = '\0';
      p += 3;
      cnt += 3;
      if(cnt > len) return 0;

   for( ; *p; p++) {
      if(IS_KANJI(p)) {
      if(*p == '\\') {
         *p = '\0';
         if((hnd = FindFirstFile(q, &ffd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
            return 0;
         cnt += strlen(ffd.cFileName);
         if(cnt > len) return 0;
         strcat(buff, ffd.cFileName);
         strcat(buff, "/");
         *p = '\\';

file itself
   if((hnd = FindFirstFile(q, &ffd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
      return 0;
   cnt += strlen(ffd.cFileName);
   if(cnt > len) return 0;
   strcat(buff, ffd.cFileName);
   return 1;
Beispiel #8
xdirname (const_string name)
    string ret;
    unsigned limit = 0, loc;
#if defined(WIN32)
    string p;
    unsigned i, j;

    /* Ignore a NULL name. */
    if (!name)
        return NULL;

    if (NAME_BEGINS_WITH_DEVICE(name)) {
        limit = 2;
    } else if (IS_UNC_NAME(name)) {
        for (limit = 2; name[limit] && !IS_DIR_SEP (name[limit]); limit++)
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(KPSE_COMPAT_API)
            if (IS_KANJI(name+limit)) limit++
        if (name[limit++] && name[limit] && !IS_DIR_SEP (name[limit])) {
            for (; name[limit] && !IS_DIR_SEP (name[limit]); limit++)
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(KPSE_COMPAT_API)
                if (IS_KANJI(name+limit)) limit++
        } else
            /* malformed UNC name, backup */
            limit = 0;

#if defined(WIN32)
    j = loc = limit;
    if (j > 2) j++;
    for (i = j; name[i]; i++) {
        if (IS_DIR_SEP (name[i])) {
            j = i;
            for (i++; IS_DIR_SEP (name[i]); i++)
            loc = i + 1;
#if defined (KPSE_COMPAT_API)
        else if (IS_KANJI(name+i)) i++;
    for (loc = strlen (name); loc > limit && !IS_DIR_SEP (name[loc-1]); loc--)

    if (loc == limit) {
        if (limit == 0)
            ret = xstrdup (".");
        else if (limit == 2) {
            ret = (string)xmalloc(4);
            ret[0] = name[0];
            ret[1] = name[1];
            ret[2] = '.';
            ret[3] = '\0';
        } else {
            /* UNC name is "//server/share".  */
            ret = xstrdup (name);
    } else {
        /* If have ///a, must return /, so don't strip off everything.  */
#if defined(WIN32)
        loc = j;
        if (loc == limit && IS_DIR_SEP (name[loc])) loc++;
        while (loc > limit+1 && IS_DIR_SEP (name[loc-1])) {
        ret = (string)xmalloc(loc+1);
        strncpy(ret, name, loc);
        ret[loc] = '\0';

#if defined(WIN32)
    for (p = ret; *p; p++) {
        if (*p == '\\')
            *p = '/';
#if defined (KPSE_COMPAT_API)
        else if (IS_KANJI(p))

    return ret;
Beispiel #9
char *
getdestdir (int ac, char **av)
  static char buff[MPATH];
  char *pb[NUMBUF];
  char *p, *q;
  char spec[32];
  int i, Num = 0, ispk, k;
  char *topdir;

  ispk = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < NUMBUF; i++) {
    if (!(pb[i] = (char *) malloc (LENBUF))) {
      fatal ("Memory allocation error.");
      return (NULL);

  if (ac != 3 && ac != 4) {
    fatal ("Argument error.");
    for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
      free (pb[k]);
    return (NULL);

  strcpy (spec, av[1]);

  for (p = av[2]; *p; p++) {    /* path */
    if (*p == '\\')
      *p = '/';
    else if (IS_KANJI(p))

  p = av[2];
  q = buff;

/* UNC name support */

  if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '/') {
    *q++ = *p++;
    *q++ = *p++;

  while (*p) {
    if (*p == '/') {
      *q = *p;
      while (*p == '/')
    } else {
      *q = *p;
  *q = '\0';                    /* now path name of ${name}.mf is in buff. */
#ifdef TEST
  return xstrdup(buff);
  if (ac == 4)
    ispk = 1;                   /* called from mktexpk */

  if (!(p = strrchr (buff, '/'))) {
    fatal ("Invalid path name.");
    for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
      free (pb[k]);
    return (NULL);

  *p = '\0';                    /* get directory name */

  for (i = 0; i < NUMBUF; i++) {
    if (!(p = strrchr (buff, '/'))) {
      fatal ("Invalid path name.");
      for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
        free (pb[k]);
      return (NULL);
    *p = '\0';
    strcpy (pb[i], p);
    if (!stricmp (pb[i], FTOP)) {
      Num = i;

  Num -= 2;
  if (Num < 0) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Font resources should be under a directory ");
    fprintf (stderr, "with the name \"fonts\".\n");
    fprintf (stderr, "Furthermore, there must be at least two directories ");
    fprintf (stderr, "under the directory \"fonts\".\n");
    fatal ("Invalid path name.");
    for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
      free (pb[k]);
    return (NULL);

  topdir = kpse_var_value ("MAKETEXPK_TOP_DIR");
  if (topdir && *topdir && ispk) {
    for (i = 0; topdir[i]; i++) {
      if (topdir[i] == '\\')
        topdir[i] = '/';
      else if (IS_KANJI(topdir+i))
    i = strlen (topdir);
    while(topdir[i - 1] == '/')
    topdir[i] = '\0';

    if(!is_dir(topdir)) {
      if(make_dir_p(topdir)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to access %s.\n", topdir);
        return NULL;
#ifdef TEST
    printf ("%s\n", topdir);
    if (strnicmp (&topdir[i - 3], "/pk", 3) != 0) {
      strcat (topdir, "/pk");
      if (!is_dir(topdir)) {
        if (make_dir(topdir)) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Faild to access %s.\n", topdir);
          for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
            free (pb[k]);
          return (NULL);
    strcpy (buff, topdir);
  } else {
    if((topdir = kpse_var_value("TEXMFVAR")) != NULL) {
      for (i = 0; topdir[i]; i++) {
	if (topdir[i] == '\\')
	  topdir[i] = '/';
        else if (IS_KANJI(topdir+i))
      i = strlen (topdir);
      while(topdir[i - 1] == '/')
      topdir[i] = '\0';

      if(!is_dir(topdir)) {
        if(make_dir_p(topdir)) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Failed to access %s.\n", topdir);
          return NULL;

      strcpy(buff, topdir);

    strcat (buff, "/fonts");
    if (!is_dir (buff)) {
      if (make_dir (buff)) {
        for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
          free (pb[k]);
        return (NULL);
    strcat (buff, "/");
    strcat (buff, spec);
    if (!is_dir (buff)) {
      if (make_dir (buff)) {
        for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
          free (pb[k]);
        return (NULL);

  if (ispk) {
    strcat (buff, "/");
    strcat (buff, av[3]);
    if (!is_dir (buff)) {
      if (make_dir (buff)) {
        for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
          free (pb[k]);
        return (NULL);

  for (i = Num; i > -1; i--) {
    strcat (buff, "/");
    strcat (buff, pb[i]);
    if (is_dir (buff))
    else {
      if (make_dir (buff)) {
        for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
          free (pb[k]);
        return (NULL);

  for (k = 0; k < NUMBUF; k++)
    free (pb[k]);

  p = xstrdup(buff);
  return p;
Beispiel #10
static void
ipc_snd (int n, int is_eof, char *data)
    struct msg msg;
    char more_data[1024];
  } ourmsg;

  if (!ipc_is_open ()) {

#ifdef IPC_DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%d\t%d\n", ourmsg.msg.namelength, ourmsg.msg.eof);
  fputs ("tex: Sending message to socket ...\n", stderr);
  ourmsg.msg.namelength = n;
  ourmsg.msg.eof = is_eof;
  if (n) {
    strcpy (ourmsg.more_data, data);
  n += sizeof (struct msg);
#ifdef IPC_DEBUG
  fprintf(stderr, "%d\t%d\n", ourmsg.msg.namelength, ourmsg.msg.eof);
  fputs ("tex: Writing to socket...\n", stderr);
#if defined(WIN32)
  if (send (sock, (char *)&ourmsg, n, 0) != n) {
  if (write (sock, &ourmsg, n) != n) {
    ipc_close_out ();
#ifdef IPC_DEBUG
  fputs ("tex: IPC message sent.\n", stderr);

/* This routine notifies the server if there is an eof, or the filename
   if a new DVI file is starting.  This is the routine called by TeX.
   Aleph defines str_start(#) as str_start_ar[# - too_big_char], with
   too_big_char = biggest_char + 1 = 65536 (  */

ipcpage (int is_eof)
  static boolean begun = false;
  unsigned len = 0;
  string p = NULL;

  if (!begun) {
    string name; /* Just the filename.  */
    string cwd = xgetcwd ();

    ipc_open_out ();

    /* Have to pass whole filename to the other end, since it may have
       been started up and running as a daemon, e.g., as with the NeXT
       preview program.  */
    name = static_pdf->file_name;
    p = concat3 (cwd, DIR_SEP_STRING, name);
    free (cwd);
    free (name);

#if defined (WIN32)
    { char *q;
      for (q = p; *q; q++) {
        if (*q == '\\')
          *q = '/';
        else if (IS_KANJI(q))
    len = strlen(p);
    begun = true;
  ipc_snd (len, is_eof, p);

  if (p)
    free (p);
#endif /* TeX && IPC */

/* Normalize quoting of filename -- that is, only quote if there is a space,
   and always use the quote-name-quote style. */
string normalize_quotes(const_string name, const_string mesg)
    boolean quoted = false;
    boolean must_quote = (strchr(name, ' ') != NULL);
    /* Leave room for quotes and NUL. */
    string ret = (string) xmalloc((unsigned) strlen(name) + 3);
    string p;
    const_string q;
    p = ret;
    if (must_quote)
        *p++ = '"';
    for (q = name; *q; q++) {
        if (*q == '"')
            quoted = !quoted;
            *p++ = *q;
    if (must_quote)
        *p++ = '"';
    *p = '\0';
    if (quoted) {
        fprintf(stderr, "! Unbalanced quotes in %s %s\n", mesg, name);
    return ret;
Beispiel #11
static boolean
db_build (kpathsea kpse, hash_table_type *table,  const_string db_filename)
  string line;
  unsigned dir_count = 0, file_count = 0, ignore_dir_count = 0;
  unsigned len = strlen (db_filename) - sizeof (DB_NAME) + 1; /* Keep the /. */
  string top_dir = (string)xmalloc (len + 1);
  string cur_dir = NULL; /* First thing in ls-R might be a filename.  */
  FILE *db_file = fopen (db_filename, FOPEN_R_MODE);
#if defined(WIN32)
  string pp;

  strncpy (top_dir, db_filename, len);
  top_dir[len] = 0;

  if (db_file) {
    while ((line = read_line (db_file)) != NULL) {
      len = strlen (line);

#if defined(WIN32)
      for (pp = line; *pp; pp++) {
        if (IS_KANJI(pp))
          *pp = TRANSFORM(*pp);

      /* A line like `/foo:' = new dir foo.  Allow both absolute (/...)
         and explicitly relative (./...) names here.  It's a kludge to
         pass in the directory name with the trailing : still attached,
         but it doesn't actually hurt.  */
      if (len > 0 && line[len - 1] == ':'
          && kpathsea_absolute_p (kpse, line, true)) {
        /* New directory line.  */
        if (!ignore_dir_p (line)) {
          /* If they gave a relative name, prepend full directory name now.  */
          line[len - 1] = DIR_SEP;
          /* Skip over leading `./', it confuses `match' and is just a
             waste of space, anyway.  This will lose on `../', but `match'
             won't work there, either, so it doesn't matter.  */
          cur_dir = *line == '.' ? concat (top_dir, line + 2) : xstrdup (line);
        } else {
          cur_dir = NULL;

      /* Ignore blank, `.' and `..' lines.  */
      } else if (*line != 0 && cur_dir   /* a file line? */
                 && !(*line == '.'
                      && (line[1] == 0 || (line[1] == '.' && line[2] == 0))))
        /* Make a new hash table entry with a key of `line' and a data
           of `cur_dir'.  An already-existing identical key is ok, since
           a file named `foo' can be in more than one directory.  Share
           `cur_dir' among all its files (and hence never free it).

           Note that we assume that all names in the ls-R file have already
           been case-smashed to lowercase where appropriate.
        hash_insert_normalized (table, xstrdup (line), cur_dir);

      } /* else ignore blank lines or top-level files
           or files in ignored directories*/

      free (line);

    xfclose (db_file, db_filename);

    if (file_count == 0) {
      WARNING1 ("kpathsea: %s: No usable entries in ls-R", db_filename);
      WARNING ("kpathsea: See the manual for how to generate ls-R");
      db_file = NULL;
    } else {
      str_list_add (&(kpse->db_dir_list), xstrdup (top_dir));

      /* Don't make this a debugging bit, since the output is so
         voluminous, and being able to specify -1 is too useful.
         Instead, let people who want it run the program under
         a debugger and change the variable that way.  */
      boolean hash_summary_only = true;

      DEBUGF4 ("%s: %u entries in %d directories (%d hidden).\n",
               db_filename, file_count, dir_count, ignore_dir_count);
      DEBUGF ("ls-R hash table:");
      hash_print (*table, hash_summary_only);
      fflush (stderr);
#endif /* KPSE_DEBUG */

  free (top_dir);

  return db_file != NULL;
Beispiel #12
xgetcwd (void)
    /* If the system provides getcwd, use it.  If not, use getwd if
       available.  But provide a way not to use getcwd: on some systems
       getcwd forks, which is expensive and may in fact be impossible for
       large programs like tex.  If your system needs this define and it
       is not detected by configure, let me know.
                                       -- Olaf Weber <[email protected] */
#if defined (HAVE_GETCWD) && !defined (GETCWD_FORKS)
    char path[PATH_MAX + 1];
#if defined(WIN32)
    string pp;

    if (getcwd (path, PATH_MAX + 1) == NULL) {
        FATAL_PERROR ("getcwd");

#if defined(WIN32)
    for (pp = path; *pp; pp++) {
        if (*pp == '\\')
            *pp = '/';
#if defined (KPSE_COMPAT_API)
        else if (IS_KANJI(pp))

    return xstrdup (path);
#elif defined (HAVE_GETWD)
    char path[PATH_MAX + 1];

    if (getwd (path) == NULL) {
        FATAL_PERROR ("getwd");

    return xstrdup (path);
#else /* (not HAVE_GETCWD || GETCWD_FORKS) && not HAVE_GETWD */
    struct stat root_stat, cwd_stat;
    string cwd_path = (string)xmalloc(2); /* In case we assign "/" below.  */

    *cwd_path = 0;

    /* Find the inodes of the root and current directories.  */
    root_stat = xstat("/");
    cwd_stat  = xstat(".");

    /* Go up the directory hierarchy until we get to root, prepending each
       directory we pass through to `cwd_path'.  */
    while (!SAME_FILE_P(root_stat, cwd_stat)) {
        struct dirent *e;
        DIR *parent_dir;
        boolean found = false;

        parent_dir = xopendir(".");

        /* Look through the parent directory for the entry with the same
           inode, so we can get its name.  */
        while ((e = readdir (parent_dir)) != NULL && !found) {
            struct stat test_stat;
            test_stat = xlstat(e->d_name);

            if (SAME_FILE_P(test_stat, cwd_stat)) {
                /* We've found it.  Prepend the pathname.  */
                string temp = cwd_path;
                cwd_path = concat3("/", e->d_name, cwd_path);

                /* Set up to test the next parent.  */
                cwd_stat = xstat(".");

                /* Stop reading this directory.  */
                found = true;
        if (!found)
            LIB_FATAL2("No inode %d/device %d in parent directory",
                   cwd_stat.st_ino, cwd_stat.st_dev);


    /* If the current directory is the root, cwd_path will be the empty
       string, and we will have not gone through the loop.  */
    if (*cwd_path == 0)
        strcpy(cwd_path, "/");
        /* Go back to where we were.  */

#ifdef DOSISH
    /* Prepend the drive letter to CWD_PATH, since this technique
       never tells us what the drive is.

       Note that on MS-DOS/MS-Windows, the branch that works around
       missing `getwd' will probably only work for DJGPP (which does
       have `getwd'), because only DJGPP reports meaningful
       st_ino numbers.  But someday, somebody might need this...  */
        char drive[3];
        string temp = cwd_path;

        /* Make the drive letter lower-case, unless it is beyond Z: (yes,
           there ARE such drives, in case of Novell Netware on MS-DOS).  */
        drive[0] = root_stat.st_dev + (root_stat.st_dev < 26 ? 'a' : 'A');
        drive[1] = ':';
        drive[2] = '\0';

        cwd_path = concat(drive, cwd_path);

    return cwd_path;
#endif /* (not HAVE_GETCWD || GETCWD_FORKS) && not HAVE_GETWD */