Beispiel #1
 * Given a grid of passable/impassable navcells (based on some passability mask),
 * computes a new grid where a navcell is impassable (per that mask) if
 * it is <=clearance navcells away from an impassable navcell in the original grid.
 * The results are ORed onto the original grid.
 * This is used for adding clearance onto terrain-based navcell passability.
 * TODO PATHFINDER: might be nicer to get rounded corners by measuring clearances as
 * Euclidean distances; currently it effectively does dist=max(dx,dy) instead.
 * This would only really be a problem for big clearances.
static void ExpandImpassableCells(Grid<u16>& grid, u16 clearance, pass_class_t mask)

	u16 w = grid.m_W;
	u16 h = grid.m_H;

	// First expand impassable cells horizontally into a temporary 1-bit grid
	Grid<u8> tempGrid(w, h);
	for (u16 j = 0; j < h; ++j)
		// New cell (i,j) is blocked if (i',j) blocked for any i-clearance <= i' <= i+clearance

		// Count the number of blocked cells around i=0
		u16 numBlocked = 0;
		for (u16 i = 0; i <= clearance && i < w; ++i)
			if (!IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i, j), mask))

		for (u16 i = 0; i < w; ++i)
			// Store a flag if blocked by at least one nearby cell
			if (numBlocked)
				tempGrid.set(i, j, 1);

			// Slide the numBlocked window along:
			// remove the old i-clearance value, add the new (i+1)+clearance
			// (avoiding overflowing the grid)
			if (i >= clearance && !IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i-clearance, j), mask))
			if (i+1+clearance < w && !IS_PASSABLE(grid.get(i+1+clearance, j), mask))

	for (u16 i = 0; i < w; ++i)
		// New cell (i,j) is blocked if (i,j') blocked for any j-clearance <= j' <= j+clearance
		// Count the number of blocked cells around j=0
		u16 numBlocked = 0;
		for (u16 j = 0; j <= clearance && j < h; ++j)
			if (tempGrid.get(i, j))

		for (u16 j = 0; j < h; ++j)
			// Add the mask if blocked by at least one nearby cell
			if (numBlocked)
				grid.set(i, j, grid.get(i, j) | mask);

			// Slide the numBlocked window along:
			// remove the old j-clearance value, add the new (j+1)+clearance
			// (avoiding overflowing the grid)
			if (j >= clearance && tempGrid.get(i, j-clearance))
			if (j+1+clearance < h && tempGrid.get(i, j+1+clearance))
Beispiel #2
	virtual void ProcessTile(ssize_t i, ssize_t j)
		if (m_Pathfinder.m_Grid && !IS_PASSABLE(m_Pathfinder.m_Grid->get(i, j), m_Pathfinder.m_DebugPassClass))
			RenderTile(CColor(1, 0, 0, 0.6f), false);

		if (m_Pathfinder.m_DebugGrid)
			PathfindTile& n = m_Pathfinder.m_DebugGrid->get(i, j);

			float c = clamp(n.GetStep() / (float)m_Pathfinder.m_DebugSteps, 0.f, 1.f);

			if (n.IsOpen())
				RenderTile(CColor(1, 1, c, 0.6f), false);
			else if (n.IsClosed())
				RenderTile(CColor(0, 1, c, 0.6f), false);
Beispiel #3
ICmpObstruction::EFoundationCheck CCmpPathfinder::CheckBuildingPlacement(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter,
	entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t a, entity_pos_t w,
	entity_pos_t h, entity_id_t id, pass_class_t passClass, bool UNUSED(onlyCenterPoint))
	// Check unit obstruction
	CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
	if (!cmpObstructionManager)
		return ICmpObstruction::FOUNDATION_CHECK_FAIL_ERROR;

	if (cmpObstructionManager->TestStaticShape(filter, x, z, a, w, h, NULL))

	// Test against terrain:

	ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare square;
	CmpPtr<ICmpObstruction> cmpObstruction(GetSimContext(), id);
	if (!cmpObstruction || !cmpObstruction->GetObstructionSquare(square))

	entity_pos_t expand;
	const PathfinderPassability* passability = GetPassabilityFromMask(passClass);
	if (passability)
		expand = passability->m_Clearance;

	SimRasterize::Spans spans;
	SimRasterize::RasterizeRectWithClearance(spans, square, expand, Pathfinding::NAVCELL_SIZE);
	for (SimRasterize::Span& span : spans)
		i16 i0 = span.i0;
		i16 i1 = span.i1;
		i16 j = span.j;

		// Fail if any span extends outside the grid
		if (i0 < 0 || i1 > m_TerrainOnlyGrid->m_W || j < 0 || j > m_TerrainOnlyGrid->m_H)

		// Fail if any span includes an impassable tile
		for (i16 i = i0; i < i1; ++i)
			if (!IS_PASSABLE(m_TerrainOnlyGrid->get(i, j), passClass))

	return ICmpObstruction::FOUNDATION_CHECK_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #4
ICmpObstruction::EFoundationCheck CCmpPathfinder::CheckUnitPlacement(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter,
	entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t r,	pass_class_t passClass, bool UNUSED(onlyCenterPoint))
	// Check unit obstruction
	CmpPtr<ICmpObstructionManager> cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
	if (!cmpObstructionManager)
		return ICmpObstruction::FOUNDATION_CHECK_FAIL_ERROR;

	if (cmpObstructionManager->TestUnitShape(filter, x, z, r, NULL))

	// Test against terrain and static obstructions:

	u16 i, j;
	Pathfinding::NearestNavcell(x, z, i, j, m_MapSize*Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE, m_MapSize*Pathfinding::NAVCELLS_PER_TILE);
	if (!IS_PASSABLE(m_Grid->get(i, j), passClass))

	// (Static obstructions will be redundantly tested against in both the
	// obstruction-shape test and navcell-passability test, which is slightly
	// inefficient but shouldn't affect behaviour)

	return ICmpObstruction::FOUNDATION_CHECK_SUCCESS;
void HierarchicalPathfinder::Chunk::InitRegions(int ci, int cj, Grid<NavcellData>* grid, pass_class_t passClass)
	ENSURE(ci < 256 && cj < 256); // avoid overflows
	m_ChunkI = ci;
	m_ChunkJ = cj;

	memset(m_Regions, 0, sizeof(m_Regions));

	int i0 = ci * CHUNK_SIZE;
	int j0 = cj * CHUNK_SIZE;
	int i1 = std::min(i0 + CHUNK_SIZE, (int)grid->m_W);
	int j1 = std::min(j0 + CHUNK_SIZE, (int)grid->m_H);

	// Efficiently flood-fill the m_Regions grid

	int regionID = 0;
	std::vector<u16> connect;

	u16* pCurrentID = NULL;
	u16 LeftID = 0;
	u16 DownID = 0;
	bool Checked = false; // prevent some unneccessary RootID calls

	connect.reserve(32); // TODO: What's a sensible number?
	connect.push_back(0); // connect[0] = 0

	// Start by filling the grid with 0 for blocked,
	// and regionID for unblocked
	for (int j = j0; j < j1; ++j)
		for (int i = i0; i < i1; ++i)
			pCurrentID = &m_Regions[j-j0][i-i0];
			if (!IS_PASSABLE(grid->get(i, j), passClass))
				*pCurrentID = 0;

			if (j > j0)
				DownID = m_Regions[j-1-j0][i-i0];

			if (i == i0)
				LeftID = 0;
				LeftID = m_Regions[j-j0][i-1-i0];

			if (LeftID > 0)
				*pCurrentID = LeftID;
				if (*pCurrentID != DownID && DownID > 0 && !Checked)
					u16 id0 = RootID(DownID, connect);
					u16 id1 = RootID(LeftID, connect);
					Checked = true; // this avoids repeatedly connecting the same IDs

					if (id0 < id1)
						connect[id1] = id0;
					else if (id0 > id1)
						connect[id0] = id1;
				else if (DownID == 0)
					Checked = false;
			else if (DownID > 0)
				*pCurrentID = DownID;
				Checked = false;
				// New ID
				*pCurrentID = ++regionID;
				Checked = false;

	// Directly point the root ID
	m_NumRegions = 0;
	for (u16 i = 1; i < regionID+1; ++i)
		if (connect[i] == i)
			connect[i] = RootID(i, connect);

	// Replace IDs by the root ID
	for (int j = 0; j < CHUNK_SIZE; ++j)
		for (int i = 0; i < CHUNK_SIZE; ++i)
			m_Regions[j][i] = connect[m_Regions[j][i]];
Beispiel #6
void CCmpPathfinder::ComputePath(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, const Goal& goal, pass_class_t passClass, cost_class_t costClass, Path& path)


	PathfinderState state = { 0 };

	// Convert the start/end coordinates to tile indexes
	u16 i0, j0;
	NearestTile(x0, z0, i0, j0);
	NearestTile(goal.x, goal.z, state.iGoal, state.jGoal);

	// If we're already at the goal tile, then move directly to the exact goal coordinates
	if (AtGoal(i0, j0, goal))
		Waypoint w = { goal.x, goal.z };

	// If the target is a circle, we want to aim for the edge of it (so e.g. if we're inside
	// a large circle then the heuristics will aim us directly outwards);
	// otherwise just aim at the center point. (We'll never try moving outwards to a square shape.)
	if (goal.type == Goal::CIRCLE)
		state.rGoal = (goal.hw / (int)CELL_SIZE).ToInt_RoundToZero();
		state.rGoal = 0;

	state.passClass = passClass;
	state.moveCosts =;

	state.steps = 0;

	state.tiles = new PathfindTileGrid(m_MapSize, m_MapSize);
	state.terrain = m_Grid;

	state.iBest = i0;
	state.jBest = j0;
	state.hBest = CalculateHeuristic(i0, j0, state.iGoal, state.jGoal, state.rGoal);

	PriorityQueue::Item start = { std::make_pair(i0, j0), 0 };;
	state.tiles->get(i0, j0).SetStatusOpen();
	state.tiles->get(i0, j0).SetPred(i0, j0, i0, j0);
	state.tiles->get(i0, j0).cost = 0;

	// To prevent units getting very stuck, if they start on an impassable tile
	// surrounded entirely by impassable tiles, we ignore the impassability
	state.ignoreImpassable = !IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i0, j0), state.passClass);

	while (1)

		// Hack to avoid spending ages computing giant paths, particularly when
		// the destination is unreachable
		if (state.steps > 40000)

		// If we ran out of tiles to examine, give up
		if (

		state.sumOpenSize +=;

		// Move best tile from open to closed
		PriorityQueue::Item curr =;
		u16 i =;
		u16 j =;
		state.tiles->get(i, j).SetStatusClosed();

		// If we've reached the destination, stop
		if (AtGoal(i, j, goal))
			state.iBest = i;
			state.jBest = j;
			state.hBest = 0;

		// As soon as we find an escape route from the impassable terrain,
		// take it and forbid any further use of impassable tiles
		if (state.ignoreImpassable)
			if (i > 0 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i-1, j), state.passClass))
				state.ignoreImpassable = false;
			else if (i < m_MapSize-1 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i+1, j), state.passClass))
				state.ignoreImpassable = false;
			else if (j > 0 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i, j-1), state.passClass))
				state.ignoreImpassable = false;
			else if (j < m_MapSize-1 && IS_PASSABLE(state.terrain->get(i, j+1), state.passClass))
				state.ignoreImpassable = false;

		u32 g = state.tiles->get(i, j).cost;
		if (i > 0)
			ProcessNeighbour(i, j, i-1, j, g, state);
		if (i < m_MapSize-1)
			ProcessNeighbour(i, j, i+1, j, g, state);
		if (j > 0)
			ProcessNeighbour(i, j, i, j-1, g, state);
		if (j < m_MapSize-1)
			ProcessNeighbour(i, j, i, j+1, g, state);

	// Reconstruct the path (in reverse)
	u16 ip = state.iBest, jp = state.jBest;
	while (ip != i0 || jp != j0)
		PathfindTile& n = state.tiles->get(ip, jp);
		entity_pos_t x, z;
		TileCenter(ip, jp, x, z);
		Waypoint w = { x, z };

		// Follow the predecessor link
		ip = n.GetPredI(ip);
		jp = n.GetPredJ(jp);

	// Save this grid for debug display
	delete m_DebugGrid;
	m_DebugGrid = state.tiles;
	m_DebugSteps = state.steps;

	printf("PATHFINDER: steps=%d avgo=%d proc=%d impc=%d impo=%d addo=%d\n", state.steps, state.sumOpenSize/state.steps, state.numProcessed, state.numImproveClosed, state.numImproveOpen, state.numAddToOpen);
Beispiel #7
// Do the A* processing for a neighbour tile i,j.
static void ProcessNeighbour(u16 pi, u16 pj, u16 i, u16 j, u32 pg, PathfinderState& state)

	// Reject impassable tiles
	TerrainTile tileTag = state.terrain->get(i, j);
	if (!IS_PASSABLE(tileTag, state.passClass) && !state.ignoreImpassable)

	u32 dg = CalculateCostDelta(pi, pj, i, j, state.tiles,;

	u32 g = pg + dg; // cost to this tile = cost to predecessor + delta from predecessor

	PathfindTile& n = state.tiles->get(i, j);

	// If this is a new tile, compute the heuristic distance
	if (n.IsUnexplored())
		n.h = CalculateHeuristic(i, j, state.iGoal, state.jGoal, state.rGoal);
		// Remember the best tile we've seen so far, in case we never actually reach the target
		if (n.h < state.hBest)
			state.hBest = n.h;
			state.iBest = i;
			state.jBest = j;
		// If we've already seen this tile, and the new path to this tile does not have a
		// better cost, then stop now
		if (g >= n.cost)

		// Otherwise, we have a better path.

		// If we've already added this tile to the open list:
		if (n.IsOpen())
			// This is a better path, so replace the old one with the new cost/parent
			n.cost = g;
			n.SetPred(pi, pj, i, j);
			n.SetStep(state.steps);, j), g + n.h);

		// If we've already found the 'best' path to this tile:
		if (n.IsClosed())
			// This is a better path (possible when we use inadmissible heuristics), so reopen it
			// (fall through)

	// Add it to the open list:
	n.cost = g;
	n.SetPred(pi, pj, i, j);
	PriorityQueue::Item t = { std::make_pair(i, j), g + n.h };;