int wxNotebook::GetPageImage(size_t nPage) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("notebook page out of range") );

    TC_ITEM tcItem;
    tcItem.mask = TCIF_IMAGE;

    return TabCtrl_GetItem(GetHwnd(), nPage, &tcItem) ? tcItem.iImage
                                                      : wxNOT_FOUND;
Beispiel #2
bool wxNotebook::SetPageText(size_t nPage, const wxString& strText)
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), false, wxT("SetPageText: invalid notebook page") );

    wxNotebookPage *page = m_pages[nPage];

    return true;
bool wxNotebook::SetPageImage(size_t nPage, int nImage)
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), false, wxT("notebook page out of range") );

    TC_ITEM tcItem;
    tcItem.mask = TCIF_IMAGE;
    tcItem.iImage = nImage;

    return TabCtrl_SetItem(GetHwnd(), nPage, &tcItem) != 0;
Beispiel #4
bool wxTreebook::DeletePage(size_t pagePos)
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(pagePos), false, wxT("Invalid tree index") );

    wxTreebookPage *oldPage = DoRemovePage(pagePos);
    if ( !oldPage )
        return false;

    delete oldPage;

    return true;
Beispiel #5
int wxNotebook::ChangeSelection(size_t nPage)
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("notebook page out of range") );

    const int selOld = m_selection;

    if ( m_selection == wxNOT_FOUND || nPage != (size_t)m_selection )
        TabCtrl_SetCurSel(GetHwnd(), nPage);


    return selOld;
Beispiel #6
int wxNotebook::ChangeSelection( size_t nPage )
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("notebook page out of range") );

    if (nPage != (size_t)m_nSelection)
        ::WinSendMsg( GetHWND()
    m_nSelection = nPage;
    return nPage;
Beispiel #7
wxString wxNotebook::GetPageText(size_t nPage) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), wxEmptyString, wxT("notebook page out of range") );

    wxChar buf[256];
    TC_ITEM tcItem;
    tcItem.mask = TCIF_TEXT;
    tcItem.pszText = buf;
    tcItem.cchTextMax = WXSIZEOF(buf);

    wxString str;
    if ( TabCtrl_GetItem(GetHwnd(), nPage, &tcItem) )
        str = tcItem.pszText;

    return str;
Beispiel #8
wxString wxNotebook::GetPageText ( size_t nPage ) const
    BOOKTEXT                        vBookText;
    wxChar                          zBuf[256];
    wxString                        sStr;
    ULONG                           ulRc;

    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), wxEmptyString, wxT("notebook page out of range") );

    memset(&vBookText, '\0', sizeof(BOOKTEXT));
    vBookText.textLen = 0; // This will get the length
    ulRc = LONGFROMMR(::WinSendMsg( m_hWnd
    if (ulRc == (ULONG)BOOKERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS || ulRc == 0L)
            wxLogError(wxT("Invalid Page Id for page text querry."));
        return wxEmptyString;
    vBookText.textLen = ulRc + 1; // To get the null terminator
    vBookText.pString = (char*)zBuf;

    // Now get the actual text
    ulRc = LONGFROMMR(::WinSendMsg( m_hWnd
    if (ulRc == (ULONG)BOOKERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS || ulRc == 0L)
        return wxEmptyString;
    if (ulRc > 255L)
        ulRc = 255L;

    vBookText.pString[ulRc] = '\0';
    sStr = (wxChar*)vBookText.pString;
    return sStr;
} // end of wxNotebook::GetPageText
int wxNotebook::SetSelection(size_t nPage)
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("notebook page out of range") );

    if ( m_nSelection == wxNOT_FOUND || nPage != (size_t)m_nSelection )
        if ( SendPageChangingEvent(nPage) )
            // program allows the page change
            SendPageChangedEvent(m_nSelection, nPage);

            TabCtrl_SetCurSel(GetHwnd(), nPage);

    return m_nSelection;
Beispiel #10
wxTreebookPage *wxTreebook::DoRemovePage(size_t pagePos)
    wxTreeItemId pageId = DoInternalGetPage(pagePos);
    wxCHECK_MSG( pageId.IsOk(), NULL, wxT("Invalid tree index") );

    wxTreebookPage * oldPage = GetPage(pagePos);
    wxTreeCtrl *tree = GetTreeCtrl();

    size_t subCount = tree->GetChildrenCount(pageId, true);
    wxASSERT_MSG ( IS_VALID_PAGE(pagePos + subCount),
                        wxT("Internal error in wxTreebook::DoRemovePage") );

    // here we are going to delete ALL the pages in the range
    // [pagePos, pagePos + subCount] -- the page and its children

    // deleting all the pages from the base class
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for ( size_t i = 0; i <= subCount; ++i )
        wxTreebookPage *page = wxBookCtrlBase::DoRemovePage(pagePos);

        // don't delete the page itself though -- it will be deleted in
        // DeletePage() when we return
        if ( i )
            delete page;

    DoInternalRemovePageRange(pagePos, subCount);

    tree->DeleteChildren( pageId );
    tree->Delete( pageId );

    return oldPage;
Beispiel #11
bool wxNotebook::SetPageImage(size_t nPage, int nImage)
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), false,
        wxT("SetPageImage: invalid notebook page") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( HasImageList() && nImage < GetImageList()->GetImageCount(), false,
        wxT("SetPageImage: invalid image index") );

    if ( nImage != m_images[nPage] )
        // if the item didn't have an icon before or, on the contrary, did have
        // it but has lost it now, its size will change - but if the icon just
        // changes, it won't
        m_images[nPage] = nImage;

        MacSetupTabs() ;

    return true;
Beispiel #12
// remove one page from the notebook, without deleting the window
wxNotebookPage* wxNotebook::DoRemovePage(size_t nPage)
        wxT("DoRemovePage: invalid notebook page") );

    wxNotebookPage* page = m_pages[nPage] ;


    if (m_selection >= (int)GetPageCount())
        m_selection = GetPageCount() - 1;

    if (m_selection >= 0)


    return page;
Beispiel #13
int wxNotebook::DoSetSelection(size_t nPage, int flags)
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("DoSetSelection: invalid notebook page") );

    if ( m_selection == wxNOT_FOUND || nPage != (size_t)m_selection )
        if ( flags & SetSelection_SendEvent )
            if ( !SendPageChangingEvent(nPage) )
                // vetoed by program
                return m_selection;
            //else: program allows the page change

            SendPageChangedEvent(m_selection, nPage);

        ChangePage(m_selection, nPage);
    //else: no change

    return m_selection;
Beispiel #14
int wxNotebook::GetPageImage(size_t nPage) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("GetPageImage: invalid notebook page") );

    return m_images[nPage];
Beispiel #15
int wxTreebook::DoSetSelection(size_t pagePos, int flags)
                 wxT("invalid page index in wxListbook::DoSetSelection()") );
    wxASSERT_MSG( GetPageCount() == DoInternalGetPageCount(),
                  wxT("wxTreebook logic error: m_treeIds and m_pages not in sync!"));

    wxBookCtrlEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TREEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, m_windowId);
    const int oldSel = m_selection;
    wxTreeCtrl *tree = GetTreeCtrl();
    bool allowed = false;

    if (flags & SetSelection_SendEvent)

        // don't send the event if the old and new pages are the same; do send it
        // otherwise and be prepared for it to be vetoed
        allowed = (int)pagePos == m_selection ||
                  !GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) ||

    if ( !(flags & SetSelection_SendEvent) || allowed )
        // hide the previously shown page
        wxTreebookPage * const oldPage = DoGetCurrentPage();
        if ( oldPage )

        // then show the new one
        m_selection = pagePos;
        wxTreebookPage *page = wxBookCtrlBase::GetPage(m_selection);
        if ( !page )
            // find the next page suitable to be shown: the first (grand)child
            // of this one with a non-NULL associated page
            wxTreeItemId childId = m_treeIds[pagePos];
            int actualPagePos = pagePos;
            while ( !page && childId.IsOk() )
                wxTreeItemIdValue cookie;
                childId = tree->GetFirstChild( childId, cookie );
                if ( childId.IsOk() )
                    page = wxBookCtrlBase::GetPage(++actualPagePos);

            m_actualSelection = page ? actualPagePos : m_selection;

        if ( page )


        if (flags & SetSelection_SendEvent)
            // notify about the (now completed) page change
    else if ( (flags & SetSelection_SendEvent) && !allowed) // page change vetoed
        // tree selection might have already had changed
        if ( oldSel != wxNOT_FOUND )

    return oldSel;
// same as AddPage() but does it at given position
bool wxNotebook::InsertPage(size_t nPage,
                            wxNotebookPage *pPage,
                            const wxString& strText,
                            bool bSelect,
                            int imageId)
    wxCHECK_MSG( pPage != NULL, false, wxT("NULL page in wxNotebook::InsertPage") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage) || nPage == GetPageCount(), false,
                 wxT("invalid index in wxNotebook::InsertPage") );

    wxASSERT_MSG( pPage->GetParent() == this,
                    wxT("notebook pages must have notebook as parent") );

    // add a new tab to the control
    // ----------------------------

    // init all fields to 0
    TC_ITEM tcItem;

    // set the image, if any
    if ( imageId != -1 )
        tcItem.mask |= TCIF_IMAGE;
        tcItem.iImage  = imageId;

    // and the text
    if ( !strText.empty() )
        tcItem.mask |= TCIF_TEXT;
        tcItem.pszText = (wxChar *)strText.wx_str(); // const_cast

    // hide the page: unless it is selected, it shouldn't be shown (and if it
    // is selected it will be shown later)
    HWND hwnd = GetWinHwnd(pPage);
    SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_VISIBLE);

    // this updates internal flag too -- otherwise it would get out of sync
    // with the real state

    // fit the notebook page to the tab control's display area: this should be
    // done before adding it to the notebook or TabCtrl_InsertItem() will
    // change the notebooks size itself!

    // finally do insert it
    if ( TabCtrl_InsertItem(GetHwnd(), nPage, &tcItem) == -1 )
        wxLogError(wxT("Can't create the notebook page '%s'."), strText.c_str());

        return false;

    // need to update the bg brush when the first page is added
    // so the first panel gets the correct themed background
    if ( m_pages.empty() )
#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME

    // succeeded: save the pointer to the page
    m_pages.Insert(pPage, nPage);

    // also ensure that the notebook background is used for its pages by making
    // them transparent: this ensures that MSWGetBgBrush() queries the notebook
    // for the background brush to be used for erasing them
    if ( wxPanel *panel = wxDynamicCast(pPage, wxPanel) )

    // we may need to adjust the size again if the notebook size changed:
    // normally this only happens for the first page we add (the tabs which
    // hadn't been there before are now shown) but for a multiline notebook it
    // can happen for any page at all as a new row could have been started
    if ( m_pages.GetCount() == 1 || HasFlag(wxNB_MULTILINE) )

    // now deal with the selection
    // ---------------------------

    // if the inserted page is before the selected one, we must update the
    // index of the selected page
    if ( int(nPage) <= m_nSelection )
        // one extra page added

    // some page should be selected: either this one or the first one if there
    // is still no selection
    int selNew = wxNOT_FOUND;
    if ( bSelect )
        selNew = nPage;
    else if ( m_nSelection == wxNOT_FOUND )
        selNew = 0;

    if ( selNew != wxNOT_FOUND )


    return true;
Beispiel #17
// same as AddPage() but does it at given position
bool wxNotebook::InsertPage(size_t nPage,
                            wxNotebookPage *pPage,
                            const wxString& strText,
                            bool bSelect,
                            int imageId)
    wxCHECK_MSG( pPage != NULL, false, wxT("NULL page in wxNotebook::InsertPage") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage) || nPage == GetPageCount(), false,
                 wxT("invalid index in wxNotebook::InsertPage") );

    wxASSERT_MSG( pPage->GetParent() == this,
                    wxT("notebook pages must have notebook as parent") );

    // add a new tab to the control
    // ----------------------------

    // init all fields to 0
    TC_ITEM tcItem;

    // set the image, if any
    if ( imageId != -1 )
        tcItem.mask |= TCIF_IMAGE;
        tcItem.iImage  = imageId;

    // and the text
    if ( !strText.empty() )
        tcItem.mask |= TCIF_TEXT;
        tcItem.pszText = wxMSW_CONV_LPTSTR(strText);

    // hide the page: unless it is selected, it shouldn't be shown (and if it
    // is selected it will be shown later)
    HWND hwnd = GetWinHwnd(pPage);
    SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_VISIBLE);

    // this updates internal flag too -- otherwise it would get out of sync
    // with the real state

    // fit the notebook page to the tab control's display area: this should be
    // done before adding it to the notebook or TabCtrl_InsertItem() will
    // change the notebooks size itself!

    // finally do insert it
    if ( TabCtrl_InsertItem(GetHwnd(), nPage, &tcItem) == -1 )
        wxLogError(wxT("Can't create the notebook page '%s'."), strText.c_str());

        return false;

    // need to update the bg brush when the first page is added
    // so the first panel gets the correct themed background
    if ( m_pages.empty() )
#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME

    // succeeded: save the pointer to the page
    m_pages.Insert(pPage, nPage);

    // we may need to adjust the size again if the notebook size changed:
    // normally this only happens for the first page we add (the tabs which
    // hadn't been there before are now shown) but for a multiline notebook it
    // can happen for any page at all as a new row could have been started
    if ( m_pages.GetCount() == 1 || HasFlag(wxNB_MULTILINE) )

        // Additionally, force the layout of the notebook itself by posting a
        // size event to it. If we don't do it, notebooks with pages on the
        // left or the right side may fail to account for the fact that they
        // are now big enough to fit all all of their pages on one row and
        // still reserve space for the second row of tabs, see #1792.
        const wxSize s = GetSize();
        ::PostMessage(GetHwnd(), WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MAKELPARAM(s.x, s.y));

    // now deal with the selection
    // ---------------------------

    // if the inserted page is before the selected one, we must update the
    // index of the selected page
    if ( int(nPage) <= m_selection )
        // one extra page added

    DoSetSelectionAfterInsertion(nPage, bSelect);


    return true;
Beispiel #18
// Same as AddPage() but does it at given position
bool wxNotebook::InsertPage ( size_t          nPage,
                              wxNotebookPage* pPage,
                              const wxString& rsStrText,
                              bool            bSelect,
                              int             nImageId )
    ULONG                           ulApiPage;

    wxASSERT( pPage != NULL );
    wxCHECK( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage) || nPage == GetPageCount(), false );

    // Under OS/2 we can only insert FIRST, LAST, NEXT or PREV.  Requires
    // two different calls to the API.  Page 1 uses the BKA_FIRST.  Subsequent
    // pages use the previous page ID coupled with a BKA_NEXT call.  Unlike
    // Windows, OS/2 uses an internal Page ID to ID the pages.
    // OS/2 also has a nice auto-size feature that automatically sizes the
    // the attached window so we don't have to worry about the size of the
    // window on the page.
    if (nPage == 0)
        ulApiPage = LONGFROMMR(::WinSendMsg( GetHWND()
                                            ,MPFROM2SHORT(BKA_AUTOPAGESIZE | BKA_MAJOR, BKA_FIRST)
        if (ulApiPage == 0L)
            ERRORID                 vError;
            wxString                sError;

            vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain);
            sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError);
            return false;
        m_alPageId.Insert((long)ulApiPage, nPage);
        ulApiPage = LONGFROMMR(::WinSendMsg( GetHWND()
                                            ,MPFROMLONG((ULONG)m_alPageId[nPage - 1])
                                            ,MPFROM2SHORT(BKA_AUTOPAGESIZE | BKA_MAJOR, BKA_NEXT)
        if (ulApiPage == 0L)
            ERRORID                     vError;
            wxString                    sError;

            vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain);
            sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError);
            return false;
        m_alPageId.Insert((long)ulApiPage, nPage);

    // Associate a window handle with the page
    if (pPage)
        if (!::WinSendMsg( GetHWND()
            return false;
    // If the inserted page is before the selected one, we must update the
    // index of the selected page
    if (nPage <= (size_t)m_nSelection)
        // One extra page added

    if (pPage)
        // Save the pointer to the page
        m_pages.Insert( pPage

    // Now set TAB dimenstions

    wxWindowDC vDC(this);
    wxCoord    nTextX;
    wxCoord    nTextY;

    vDC.GetTextExtent(rsStrText, &nTextX, &nTextY);
    nTextY *= 2;
    nTextX  = (wxCoord)(nTextX * 1.3);
    if (nTextX > m_nTabSize)
        m_nTabSize = nTextX;
        ::WinSendMsg( GetHWND()
                     ,MPFROM2SHORT((USHORT)m_nTabSize, (USHORT)nTextY)
    // Now set any TAB text
    if (!rsStrText.empty())
        if (!SetPageText( nPage
            return false;

    // Now set any TAB bitmap image
    if (nImageId != -1)
        if (!SetPageImage( nPage
            return false;

    if (pPage)
        // Don't show pages by default (we'll need to adjust their size first)
        HWND hWnd = GetWinHwnd(pPage);

        WinSetWindowULong( hWnd
                          ,WinQueryWindowULong( hWnd
                                              ) & ~WS_VISIBLE

        // This updates internal flag too - otherwise it will get out of sync

    // Some page should be selected: either this one or the first one if there is
    // still no selection
    int nSelNew = -1;

    if (bSelect)
        nSelNew = nPage;
    else if ( m_nSelection == -1 )
        nSelNew = 0;

    if (nSelNew != -1)


    return true;
} // end of wxNotebook::InsertPage