Beispiel #1
unsigned int CtcPixelMap::enclosed_pixels(int xmin,int xmax,int ymin,int ymax) {

    // The raster picture is cast into a 2D PixelMap to access its elements
    PixelMap2D& I_tmp = (PixelMap2D&) I;
    int b1 = I_tmp(xmax,ymax);
    int b2 = I_tmp(xmax,ymin-1);
    int b3 = I_tmp(xmin-1,ymax);
    int b4 = I_tmp(xmin-1,ymin-1);
    return b1 - b2 - b3 + b4;
Beispiel #2
unsigned int CtcPixelMap::enclosed_pixels(int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax, int zmin, int zmax) {

    // The raster picture is cast into a 3D PixelMap to access its elements
    PixelMap3D &I_tmp = (PixelMap3D&) I;
    unsigned int L8 = I_tmp(xmax, ymax,zmax);
    unsigned int L5 = I_tmp(xmin-1, ymin-1, zmax);
    unsigned int L6 = I_tmp(xmin-1, ymax,zmax) ;
    unsigned int L7 = I_tmp(xmax, ymin-1,zmax);
    unsigned int L4 = I_tmp(xmax, ymax,zmin-1);
    unsigned int L1 = I_tmp(xmin-1, ymin-1, zmin-1);
    unsigned int L2 = I_tmp(xmin-1, ymax,zmin-1);
    unsigned int L3 = I_tmp(xmax, ymin-1,zmin-1);
    unsigned int L = (L8 + L5 - L6  - L7) -(L4 + L1 - L2 - L3);
    return L;
Parallel::Parallel(std::vector <MolState>& molStates, std::vector<int>& nm_list, 
		   double fcf_threshold, double temperature, 
		   int max_n_initial, int max_n_target, 
		   bool if_comb_bands, bool if_use_target_nm, bool if_print_fsfs, bool if_web_version, const char* nmoverlapFName,
		   double energy_threshold_initial,  double energy_threshold_target)

  int N = nm_list.size();
  double intens_threshold=fcf_threshold*fcf_threshold;

  //initial state index
  int  iniN=0;

  // full space size
  int n_norm_modes = molStates[iniN].NNormModes();

  std::vector <int> state_ini, state_targ, state_ini_subspace, state_targ_subspace;
  for (int i=0; i<n_norm_modes; i++)

  //"excite subspace" size
  for (int i=0; i<nm_list.size(); i++) 

  // stores set of the inital and target vibrational states (for each electronic state) -- after energy threshold applied
  std::vector < std::vector <int> > selected_states_ini, selected_states_targ;
  // matrix with FC factors (use the same for every target state)
  KMatrix FCFs_tmp(max_n_initial+1,max_n_target+1);
  std::vector <KMatrix> FCFs;

  // matrix with intensities of FC transitions = FCFs*population_of_initial_vibrational_levels(Temperature distrib.)
  KMatrix I_tmp (max_n_initial+1,max_n_target+1);
  std::vector <KMatrix> I;

  // energy position of each transition for a given normal mode; 1D; ofset by IP; when add for N dimensiond, substract IP from each energy;
  KMatrix E_position_tmp (max_n_initial+1,max_n_target+1);
  std::vector <KMatrix> E_position;

  // reduced mass for FCF calcualtions -- mass weighted coordinates
  double reducedMass=1.0;

  // ==========================================================================================
  // Calculate transformation matrix "cartesian->normal mode" coordinates (for each state):
  std::vector <KMatrix> Cart2Normal_Rs;

  for (int state=0; state<molStates.size(); state++)
      KMatrix NormModes( CARTDIM*(molStates[state].NAtoms()), molStates[state].NNormModes() ); // NOT mass weighted normal modes i.e. (L~)=T^(0.5)*L
      //Get L (normal modes in cartesian coordinates mass unweighted (in Angstroms) ):
      for (int j=0; j < molStates[state].NAtoms(); j++) 
	for (int i = 0; i < molStates[state].NNormModes(); i++) 
	  for (int k=0; k < CARTDIM; k++)
	    NormModes.Elem2(j*CARTDIM+k, i) = molStates[state].getNormMode(i).getDisplacement()[j*CARTDIM+k];

      //Make squrt(T)-matrix (diagonal matrix with sqrt(atomic masses) in cartesian coordinates):
      KMatrix SqrtT( CARTDIM*(molStates[state].NAtoms()), CARTDIM*(molStates[state].NAtoms()), true);
      for(int i=0; i<molStates[state].NAtoms(); i++)
	SqrtT.Elem2(i*CARTDIM,i*CARTDIM) = SqrtT.Elem2(i*CARTDIM+1,i*CARTDIM+1)= SqrtT.Elem2(i*CARTDIM+2,i*CARTDIM+2)=sqrt(molStates[state].getAtom(i).Mass());

      // Cart->NormalModes transformation matrix R=L^T*sqrt(T); 
      // q' = q+d = q+R*(x-x') (for the parallel normal mode approximation); 
      // units of d are Angstr*sqrt(amu)


  // Initial geometry in cartesian coordinates:
  KMatrix InitialCartCoord( CARTDIM*(molStates[iniN].NAtoms()), 1);
  for (int i=0; i<molStates[iniN].NAtoms(); i++)
    for (int k=0; k<CARTDIM; k++)

  // initialize spectrlPoint: create vector of VibrQuantNumbers for the initital and target state 
  // (keep only non-zero qunta, i.e. from the "excite subspace")
  // Also add subspace mask (the rest of nmodes do not have excitations, and  would not be printers in the spectrum)
  SpectralPoint tmpPoint;
  for (int nm=0; nm<nm_list.size(); nm++)
      tmpPoint.getVibrState1().addVibrQuanta(0, nm_list[nm]);
      tmpPoint.getVibrState2().addVibrQuanta(0, nm_list[nm]);

  // For each target state, for each normal mode: calculate shoft, FCFs, prints spectrum
  for (int targN=1; targN < molStates.size(); targN++)
      std::cout << "===== Target state #" << targN << " =====\n\n"<< std::flush;

      // clear the FC factors and related data
      // calculate dQ:

      // Target state geometry in cartesian coordinates:
      KMatrix TargetCartCoord( CARTDIM*(molStates[iniN].NAtoms()), 1);
      for(int i=0; i<molStates[targN].NAtoms(); i++)
	for (int k=0; k <CARTDIM; k++)
      //input is in angstroms

      // Shift of the target state relative to the initial (In cart. coord.)
      TargetCartCoord -= InitialCartCoord;

      // Transform Cart_>normal Mode coordinates

      // Geometry differences in normal coordinates
      KMatrix NormModeShift_ini(molStates[iniN].NNormModes(), 1), NormModeShift_targ(molStates[iniN].NNormModes(), 1);
      NormModeShift_ini.Multiply( Cart2Normal_Rs[iniN], TargetCartCoord);
      NormModeShift_targ.Multiply(Cart2Normal_Rs[targN] , TargetCartCoord);
      // Rescale it back & print:

      std::cout<<"Difference (dQ) between the initial and the target state geometries.\n"
      std::cout << "normal mode  dQ in initial  dQ in target   frequency   frequency   comments\n";
      std::cout << "  number      state coord.  state coord.    initial      target\n\n";
      for (int nm=0; nm<n_norm_modes; nm++)
	  std::cout << "     " << std::fixed << std::setw(3) << nm <<"      " 
		    << std::setprecision(6) 
		    << std::setw(9) <<  NormModeShift_ini[nm] << "       " 
		    << std::setw(9) << NormModeShift_targ[nm] << "      " 
		    << std::setprecision(2) 
		    << std::setw(7) << molStates[iniN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq() << "    " 
		    << std::setw(7) << molStates[targN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq() << "\n";

      // save the spectrumnm overlap to file (for normal mode reordering tool in the web interface)
      if (if_web_version)
	  std::vector <int> nondiagonal_list;
	  KMatrix NMoverlap;
	  bool if_overlap_diagonal=molStates[targN].getNormalModeOverlapWithOtherState(molStates[iniN], NMoverlap, nondiagonal_list);
	  std::ofstream nmoverlapF;, std::ios::out);
	  nmoverlapF << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n"
		     << "<nmoverlap\n  nm_initial=\"" <<n_norm_modes <<"\"\n  nm_target =\""<<n_norm_modes << "\">\n\n<nm_order_initial>\n";
	  //inital state's nm order -- 0,1,2... -- always!
	  for (int nm=0; nm<n_norm_modes; nm++)
	    nmoverlapF << "<oi" << nm << ">"<< molStates[iniN].getNormModeIndex(nm) << "</oi" << nm << ">\n";
	  nmoverlapF << "</nm_order_initial>\n\n<frequencies_initial>\n";
	  for (int nm=0; nm<n_norm_modes; nm++)
	    nmoverlapF << "<fi" << nm << ">"<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << molStates[iniN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq()<< "</fi" << nm << ">\n";
	  nmoverlapF << "</frequencies_initial>\n\n<displacements_initial>\n";
	  for (int nm=0; nm<n_norm_modes; nm++)
	    nmoverlapF << "<dqi" << nm << ">"<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << NormModeShift_ini[nm]<< "</dqi" << nm << ">\n";
	  nmoverlapF << "</displacements_initial>\n\n<nm_order_target>\n";
	  for (int nm=0; nm<n_norm_modes; nm++)
	    nmoverlapF << "<ot" << nm << ">"<< molStates[targN].getNormModeIndex(nm) << "</ot" << nm << ">\n";
	  nmoverlapF << "</nm_order_target>\n\n<frequencies_target>\n";
	  for (int nm=0; nm<n_norm_modes; nm++)
	    nmoverlapF << "<ft" << nm << ">"<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << molStates[targN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq()<< "</ft" << nm << ">\n";
	  nmoverlapF << "</frequencies_target>\n\n<displacements_target>\n";
	  for (int nm=0; nm<n_norm_modes; nm++)
	    nmoverlapF << "<dqt" << nm << ">"<< std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << NormModeShift_targ[nm]<< "</dqt" << nm << ">\n";
	  nmoverlapF << "</displacements_target>\n\n<overlap_matrix>\n";
	  for (int nmt=0; nmt<n_norm_modes; nmt++)
	      nmoverlapF << "<row"<<nmt<<">\n";
	      for (int nmi=0; nmi<n_norm_modes; nmi++)
		nmoverlapF << "<c"<<nmi<<">"<< NMoverlap.Elem2(nmt,nmi)<<"</c"<<nmi<<">";
	      nmoverlapF << "\n</row"<<nmt<<">\n";
	  nmoverlapF << "</overlap_matrix>\n\n</nmoverlap>";

      if (if_use_target_nm) 
	std::cout<<"TARGET state normal coordinates (displacements dQ) will be used.\n\n"; 
	std::cout<<"INITIAL state normal coordinates are used.\n\n"; 
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      if (if_print_fsfs)
	std::cout << "Peak positions, Franck-Condon factors, and intensities along each normal mode:\n\n";

      // for each normal mode
      for (int nm=0; nm<n_norm_modes; nm++) //for each normal mode of the initial state
	  // Calculate the energy positions:
	  for (int i=0; i<max_n_initial+1; i++)
	    for (int j=0; j<max_n_target+1; j++)
	      // energy position of each transition for a given normal mode; 1D; ofset by IP; when add for N dimensiond, substract IP from each energy;
		+(molStates[iniN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq() * i
		  -molStates[targN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq() * j) * WAVENUMBERS2EV;
	  // Calculate the Franck-Condon factors
	  if (if_use_target_nm) // which normal modes (displacements) to use: of the initial or the target state?
	    harmonic_FCf(FCFs_tmp,reducedMass, NormModeShift_targ[nm],
	    harmonic_FCf(FCFs_tmp,reducedMass, NormModeShift_ini[nm],
	  //Calculate the line intensities (FCF^2 *  the temperature distribution in the initial state):
	  for (int i=0; i<max_n_initial+1; i++)
	      double IExponent=100*i; //(intensity < 10e-44 for non ground states if temperature=0)
	      if (temperature>0)
		  IExponent= molStates[iniN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq()*WAVENUMBERS2EV * i 
		    / (temperature * KELVINS2EV );
		  if (IExponent > 100) 
		    IExponent=100; // keep the intensity >= 10e-44 == exp(-100)

	      for (int j=0; j<max_n_target+1; j++)
		I_tmp.Elem2(i,j)=FCFs_tmp.Elem2(i,j) * FCFs_tmp.Elem2(i,j) * exp ( -IExponent);

	  if (if_print_fsfs)
	      std::cout << "NORMAL MODE #" << nm+0 
			<<" (" << std::fixed << std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(2)
			<< molStates[iniN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq() << "cm-1 --> " 
			<<molStates[targN].getNormMode(nm).getFreq() << "cm-1, dQ="
			<< std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(4);
	      if (if_use_target_nm)
		std::cout << NormModeShift_targ[nm];
		std::cout << NormModeShift_ini[nm];
	      std::cout << ")\n";
	      E_position[nm].Print("Peak positions, eV");
	      FCFs[nm].PrintScientific("1D Harmonic Franck-Condon factors");  
	      I[nm].Print("Intensities (FCFs^2)*(initial vibrational states termal population)");
	} // end for each normal mode

      // evaluate the overal intensities as all possible products of 1D intensities (including combination bands)
      std::cout << "Maximum number of vibrational excitations: " << max_n_initial << " and "<< max_n_target 
		<< "\n in the initial and each target state, respectively.\n\n";

      unsigned long total_combs_ini=0, total_combs_targ=0;
      for (int curr_max_ini=0; curr_max_ini<=max_n_initial; curr_max_ini++)
	total_combs_ini += Combination(  (curr_max_ini + nm_list.size() - 1), (nm_list.size() - 1)  );
      for (int curr_max_targ=0; curr_max_targ<=max_n_target; curr_max_targ++)
	total_combs_targ += Combination(  (curr_max_targ + nm_list.size() -1), (nm_list.size() - 1)  );
      std::cout << "Maximum number of combination bands = " << total_combs_ini*total_combs_targ  
		<< "\n   = " << total_combs_ini << " (# of vibrational states in the initial electronic state)"
		<< "\n   * " << total_combs_targ  << " (# of vibrational states in the target electronic state)\n\n" << std::flush;
      for (int i=0; i<state_ini_subspace.size(); i++)
      for (int i=0; i<state_targ_subspace.size(); i++)

      // find INITIAL states with up to 'max_n_initial' vibrational quanta and with energy below 'energy_threshold_initial':
      std::cout << "A set of initial vibrational states is being created...\n";
      if (energy_threshold_initial < DBL_MAX)    
	std::cout << "  energy threshold = " << std::fixed << energy_threshold_initial <<" eV ("<< energy_threshold_initial/KELVINS2EV <<" K)\n" << std::flush;
	std::cout << "  energy threshold is not specified in the input\n"<<std::flush;
      //      std::cout << "NOTE: ezSpectrum may crash at this point if memory is insufficient to store\n"
      //        	 <<"      all vibrational states. If so, please reduce the initial state's energy\n"
      //		 <<"      threshold or max_vibr_excitations_in_initial_el_state\n\n" << std::flush;

      for (int curr_max_ini=0; curr_max_ini<=max_n_initial; curr_max_ini++)
	  while (enumerateVibrStates(state_targ_subspace.size(), curr_max_ini, state_ini_subspace, if_comb_bands))
	      // reset the index list state_ini
	      for (int nm=0; nm < state_ini.size(); nm++)

	      //copy indexes from the subspace state_ini_subspace into the full space state_ini (the rest stays=0):
	      int index=0;
	      for (int nm=0; nm<nm_list.size(); nm++)
		state_ini[ nm_list[nm] ] = state_ini_subspace[nm];

	      double energy = 0;

	      for (int nm=0; nm < n_norm_modes; nm++) 
		energy += E_position[nm].Elem2(state_ini[nm],0)+molStates[targN].Energy(); 

	      if (energy < energy_threshold_initial)
		  // check memory available (dirty, but anyway one copying of the state is requared...)
		  //int * buffer = (int*) malloc ( sizeof(int)*n_norm_modes*100 );
		  //if (buffer==NULL)
		  //  {
		  //    std::cout << "\nError: not enough memory available to store all initial vibrational states\n\n";
		  //    exit(2);
		  //  }


	  //reset the initial state's vibration "population"

      std::cout << "  " << selected_states_ini.size() << " vibrational states below the energy threshold\n\n"<<std::flush;

      // find TARGET states with up to 'max_n_target' vibrational quanta and with energy below 'energy_threshold_target':
      std::cout << "A set of target vibrational states is being created...\n";
      if (energy_threshold_target < DBL_MAX)
	std::cout << "  energy threshold = " << std::fixed <<energy_threshold_target <<" eV ("<< energy_threshold_target/WAVENUMBERS2EV <<" cm-1)\n"<<std::flush;
	std::cout << "  energy threshold is not specified in the input\n"<<std::flush;
      //  std::cout << "NOTE: ezSpectrum may crash at this point if memory is insufficient to store\n"
      //   	 <<"      all vibrational states. If so, please reduce the target state's energy\n"
      //		 <<"      threshold or max_vibr_excitations_in_target_el_state\n\n" << std::flush;

      for (int curr_max_targ=0; curr_max_targ<=max_n_target; curr_max_targ++)
	  while (enumerateVibrStates(state_targ_subspace.size(), curr_max_targ, state_targ_subspace, if_comb_bands))
	      // reset the index list state_targ
	      for (int nm=0; nm < state_targ.size(); nm++)
	      //copy indexes from the subspace state_targ_subspace into the full space state_targ (the rest stays=0):
	      int index=0;
	      for (int nm=0; nm<nm_list.size(); nm++)
		state_targ[ nm_list[nm] ] = state_targ_subspace[nm];

	      double energy = 0;

	      for (int nm=0; nm < n_norm_modes; nm++)
		// threshold -- energy above the ground state:
		energy += E_position[nm].Elem2(0,state_targ[nm])+molStates[targN].Energy(); 

	      if ( -energy < energy_threshold_target )
		  // check memory available (dirty, but anyway one copying of the state is requared...)
		  //VibronicState * state_tmp = (VibronicState*) malloc ( sizeof(VibronicState)*2 );
		  //if (state_tmp==NULL)
		  //  {
		  //    std::cout << "\nError: not enough memory available to store all target vibrational states\n\n";
		  //    exit(2);
		  //  }
		  //free (state_tmp);

	  //reset the target state's vibration "population"

      std::cout << "  " << selected_states_targ.size() << " vibrational states below the energy threshold\n\n";

      std::cout << "Total number of combination bands with thresholds applied: " << selected_states_ini.size()*selected_states_targ.size() <<"\n\n"<<std::flush;

      std::cout << "Intensities of combination bands are being calculated...\n" <<std::flush;

      for (int curr_ini=0; curr_ini<selected_states_ini.size(); curr_ini++)
	for (int curr_targ=0; curr_targ<selected_states_targ.size(); curr_targ++)
	    double intens = 1;
	    double FCF = 1;
	    double energy = -molStates[targN].Energy();
	    double E_prime_prime = 0;

	    for (int nm=0; nm < n_norm_modes; nm++)
		intens *= I[nm].Elem2(selected_states_ini[curr_ini][nm],selected_states_targ[curr_targ][nm]);
		FCF *= FCFs[nm].Elem2(selected_states_ini[curr_ini][nm],selected_states_targ[curr_targ][nm]);
		energy += E_position[nm].Elem2(selected_states_ini[curr_ini][nm],selected_states_targ[curr_targ][nm])+molStates[targN].Energy(); 
		E_prime_prime += E_position[nm].Elem2(selected_states_ini[curr_ini][nm],0)+molStates[targN].Energy(); 
		// [ cancell the IE in each energy, which is stupid but inexpensive; probably should be eliminated ]
	    // add the point to the spectrum if its intensity is above the threshold
	    if (intens > intens_threshold)
		tmpPoint.getIntensity() = intens;
		tmpPoint.getEnergy() = energy;
		tmpPoint.getE_prime_prime()= E_prime_prime;
		tmpPoint.getFCF()= FCF;
		for (int nm=0; nm<nm_list.size(); nm++)
		    tmpPoint.getVibrState1().setVibrQuanta(nm, selected_states_ini[curr_ini][  nm_list[nm]  ]);
		    tmpPoint.getVibrState2().setVibrQuanta(nm, selected_states_targ[curr_targ][  nm_list[nm]  ]);
		spectrum.AddSpectralPoint( tmpPoint );
    } // end for each target state